
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
jolyrogerhello all04:05
jolyrogerthis is probably a dumb question, but why does it appear like no one is talking in a rather full chat channel?04:27
braiamjolyroger: read the topic04:57
jolyrogerYes braiam, I had done that.  I don't feel any of that explains why the room appears so quiet...05:06
braiamjolyroger: is a class room...05:06
braiamthere is a schedule05:06
braiamand everybody is sleeping...05:07
jolyrogeryou mean everyone that is logged into the room, other than you and I, are just place-holding for later?05:08
braiamor they have marked it as fav and doesn't care05:09
jolyrogermy mistake, I was thinking there would be some sort of discussion even when class is not in session05:10
braiamjoin to ##club-ubuntu jolyroger05:10
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== ehw_ is now known as ehw
=== med_out is now known as medberry
=== dreamcode is now known as Guest67045
=== deuxpi_ is now known as deuxpi
=== medberry is now known as med_eatz
=== med_eatz is now known as medberry
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== braiam is now known as braiam_
=== braiam_ is now known as braiam2
=== braiam2 is now known as braiam__
=== braiam__ is now known as Braiam
=== medberry is now known as med_out

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