
=== Heartsbane_ is now known as Heartsbane
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koolhead11hi all07:37
kim0Morning everyone09:11
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LinSkyratei have set up all the cloud modules. node are installed on different machine, but where to go from here regarding private cloud outside Amazon?11:42
kim0LinSkyrate: Hi .. You can check installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall12:45
kim0and more details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/12:46
kim0if UEC is already running for you .. try ElasticFox https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/ElasticFox12:46
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koolhead11hey kim014:49
kim0koolhead11: hey man14:49
koolhead11time has come!! :)14:49
kim0koolhead11: woot ?14:52
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kim0smoser: Hi o/ Any idea why a lucid instance wouldn't be executing this cloud-config http://paste.ubuntu.com/615506/  i.e. the log files are not there21:53
smoserthe 'output' section came in natty21:54
kim0smoser: ah .. so in lucid logs only go to console ?21:54
smosercorrect. unless you redirect the output yourself.21:55
smoserwhich is trivial in just about any language.21:55
kim0smoser: got it .. thanks :)21:55
kim0smoser: sorry another quickie, any idea how to make an instance "wait" for an ebs volume to be attached /dev/sdf21:56
kim0I had removed the nowait param from fstab .. but that doesn't stop it it seems21:56
kim0ah nvm .. I think I need to add bootwait manually .. thanks21:59
smoserkim0, if you do not specify 'nobootwait' it will bootwait22:03
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HeartsbaneSo my boss decided to updated the OS on a blade that running some VM's that were running UEC23:44
Heartsbaneand now I can't even communicate to the VM's, but I see them still running23:44
Heartsbaneanyone got any ideas on how to re-establish contact23:45

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