
mhall119doctormo: are they?  I'll have to fix whichever is wrong00:11
doctormomhall119: Does it say CC-BY-SA?00:12
mhall119doctormo: do you think a CC license would be better for these than AGPL?00:12
doctormoAh wait, colours, yes00:12
doctormoMy colours I believe are ubuntu logo colours, but yours are ubuntu pallet colours.00:12
mhall119man, you've got a good eye, they look the same to me00:12
doctormoI think the pallet one looks better to be honest.00:12
* doctormo is putting his colour corrected screen to good use.00:13
doctormoI like the new logos, except for the milestone one, it looks gravely.00:14
mhall119doctormo: I'm thinking we should make them available in the community-website-themes project for other sites, what do you think?00:14
mhall119I know, I was trying to find something that said "milestone" without also saying "tombstone"00:14
doctormoI agree, they should also be on spread ubuntu so they can make their way to posters and such.00:14
mhall119loco-directory is AGPLv300:16
mhall119would you be okay re-licensing them as CC-BY-SA?00:16
mhall119or some other CC license00:17
doctormomhall119: My suggestion http://divajutta.com/doctormo/img/milestone_icon.svg00:21
doctormomhall119: I here by consent to relicensing as CC-BY-SA for the svg files committed to the loco directory project.00:21
mhall119doctormo: I like your version better00:22
mhall119doctormo: thanks00:22
doctormoYou're welcome, I do request.... also birthday parties ;-)00:23
mhall119oh, a party icon, that I'd like to see00:27
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dpmgood morning all06:41
dholbachgood morning07:44
doctormodholbach: Seen paultag around lately?07:52
dholbachdoctormo, no, not much - I thought it was mostly due to timezone difference07:53
dholbachand he had some exams AFAIR07:53
doctormoPossible, I'm just worried about him since he was a no show at a LoCo event, no answer on his phone and I haven't seen him online or heard from him since.07:54
doctormoHe was to be in Boston by last Thursday, so I'm guessing exams had finished.07:54
dholbachoh ok07:54
dholbachI'm not sure how to interpret his facebook page - it doesn't say much about where he is and what he did07:58
czajkowskidholbach: doctormo he replied to mail on the 30th08:39
doctormoczajkowski: Great, thanks!08:40
czajkowskihah applying for jobs on Mozilla fails if you use chrome08:54
kim0morning everyone09:06
nigelbMorning folks09:14
dholbachhey kim0, nigelb09:15
nigelbczajkowski: heh, that's a nice indicator ;)09:15
nigelbdoctormo: I'm guessing he's too drunk :P09:15
nigelbhello dholbach, kim009:15
kim0hello nigelb dholbach09:15
nigelbbah, I couldn't work on getting an activity around ftbfs09:15
nigelbmust try today :)09:15
dholbachdpm, jcastro, did we agree on dates for the irc weeks?10:13
dpmdholbach, no, we didn't, I was actually thinking about it yesterday. We should bring it up on the team call10:13
dholbachyes, agreed10:15
dholbachI noticed that we have to organise UDW in the alpha2 timeframe :)10:16
dpmtime flies!10:18
czajkowskidholbach: is there a UGJ in this cycle ?10:18
dholbachjcastro, dpm, kim0: ^ ALARM! We didn't talk about UGJ! :)10:19
czajkowskiI only raise it as teams were asking what global events are happenign this cycle10:20
czajkowskiand all I can think  of is the release10:20
czajkowskiwhy do we only have 1 UGJ a year?10:20
dholbachwe did it every cycle, no?10:20
czajkowskiI was trying to remember10:20
czajkowskiand for the life of me I can't remember10:20
nigelbI thought we did10:20
czajkowskihaving a wee brain fart10:21
nigelbI remember organizing it twice10:21
czajkowskidholbach: when you have the weekend picked let  me knwo and I'll create the event on the LD10:21
dholbachczajkowski, totally10:22
nigelbdholbach: does harvest update the ftbfs every release?10:28
dholbachnigelb, harvest doesn't do anything - it's harvest's data sources that do the actual work of digging out the data10:28
dholbachharvest is a bit like a primitive rss reader :)10:28
nigelbdholbach: but reading csv's instead ;)10:28
dholbachno, not any more10:29
dholbachor rather not only csv10:29
nigelboh, nice10:29
nigelbso, the reason I ask is, on harvest, I see the ftbfs csv for karmic10:29
nigelbdo we upgrade that up?10:29
dholbachlp:harvest-data contains the data sources10:29
dholbachif something is out of date, we should probably remove it10:30
nigelbI was planning on getting a data of all the failures caused by the --as-need ed failures, I wondered if I could do an activity coordination using harvest10:30
nigelbsince we already have an awesome tool that's built, I'd rather use it :)10:30
nigelbdholbach: can I give you an MP for harvest data to change the karmic to oneiric then?10:30
dholbachif the oneiric list exists, sure10:31
nigelbit does, geser linked me to it yesterday, so I'll update it10:31
nigelbA bunch of folks in -motu showed active interest in being around and guiding people through the ftbfs fixes, so we just need to grab the attention :)10:32
* nigelb did his first oneiric upload last week.10:32
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nigelbdholbach: okay, I checked the source of harvest and harvest data :)11:22
nigelbso, we're getting all the bugs tagged as ftbfs in LP11:23
nigelband the karmic data is from ubuntuwire's ftbgs11:23
nigelberm ftbfs11:23
* nigelb updates11:23
dholbachnigelb, great12:11
nigelbdholbach: \m/12:23
dholbachnigelb, there's a couple more changes I'll make12:24
nigelbdholbach: is there something you'd want help with? :)12:24
nigelblike something that's blocking because you're busy or something?12:25
dholbachno no, that's fine12:25
nhandlerdholbach, nigelb: I'm working on DEX for the GSoC with mdz. Right now, I'm working on a portal for tracking our work. Do you think making the Ubuntu-related projects available in harvest would be useful to anyone?14:03
dholbachnhandler, what kind of stuff are you talking about?14:03
nhandlerdholbach: For instance, the last project involved reviewing ancient Ubuntu patches, triaging, and getting them uploaded to Debian where needed. It is looking like the next project will involve dealing with packages that we currently merge from debian to try and reduce the delta as much as possible. A lot of this work will involve uploading to Debian rather than Ubuntu14:05
dholbachnhandler, that sounds like good targets of opportunity to me - it's just that it needs a bit of good documentation so people know what to do about those patches14:06
nigelb+1 :)14:07
nhandlerdholbach: Agreed. I actually brought that up in my last phone call with Matt. We want to make it easy for new contributors to help out with a large number of items on the list (by making the tasks very repetitive and clearly documented) and then acknowledge folks for the work they do14:08
dholbachsounds like a great idea to me14:08
nhandlerDo you by any chance have a link to the page that talked about what info I would need to make available for harvest to use it?14:09
dholbachnhandler, ^14:23
nhandlerdholbach: Thanks a lot. What happens to harvest if a source package is in Debian but not Ubuntu?14:27
dholbachnhandler, Harvest doesn't know anything about these kinds of things14:28
dholbachit just adds a source package as it seems to exist somewhere14:28
nhandlerdholbach: Alright. Just making sure it won't die an ugly death ;)14:30
dholbachnhandler, if it does, I'll involve you in the resurrection attempts :)14:31
dholbachhey jono14:54
nhandlerjono: What tool did you use for the LoCo Team Portal design you made?14:56
jonohey dholbach14:56
jononhandler, Balsamiq14:56
kim0jono: morning14:57
kim0up early huh :)14:58
nhandlerjono: Cool. It even has a web interface :)14:58
jonohey kim015:00
jonokim0, yah, had a call, but it was canceled :-/15:01
kim0jono: oh enjoy your coffee then15:01
jcastromhall119: thanks for your help with that drupal theme stuff. <316:01
mhall119jcastro: np16:01
cjohnstonjcastro: you back home?16:04
cjohnstonfind somethin?16:04
cjohnstonsomewhere.. to live.. whatever16:05
jcastrofound an apartment in boca16:05
jcastroman, that place is like a stereotype come to life16:05
cjohnstonthe northern older crowd?16:05
jcastrostill, it's nice, I don't know why I ever lived in michigan, really16:06
cjohnstoni watched a commedian last night who said that once you go past gainsville, your back in michigan16:06
mhall119anything north of gainesville is Georgia16:07
cjohnstonhe said its northern florida.. which talks a little different than ga16:07
mhall119saw a funny online video where the said "Florida: where the further north you go, the more southern you get"16:08
cjohnstonworks the opposite.. further south you go, the more northern you get... until you get to that point that's not the US.. drive through there and your back to the us for a long trip down one road16:09
mhall119yeah, at some point on I-95 you get to Cuba16:11
jcastrooh hey wow, the burndown isn't a disaster16:13
jcastrowe're off to a good start16:13
mhall119cjohnston: did you see that I made you some icons?16:13
mhall119cjohnston: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/icons/icons_preview.html16:15
mhall119doctormo make a nicer milestone one for me16:15
mhall119my original looked like a grave marker16:16
mhall119cjohnston: there's also a branch on ubuntu-communtiy-webthemes for all these icons16:16
cjohnstoni think i can use one of em16:16
mhall119just one?16:16
mhall119I made you 416:16
cjohnstonill have to look16:17
cjohnstontoo dang busy16:17
czajkowskicjohnston: diddums :p16:18
cjohnstonyou wanna do my homework for me czajkowski ?16:19
mhall119all the answers will be in Irish16:24
doctormomhall119: Technically 5 of those icons are mine ;-)16:32
mhall119doctormo: when did I say otherwise?16:32
doctormomhall119: I think I corkscrew read what you said.16:32
mhall119and I think 6 of them are yours16:33
mhall119all 5 on the bottom + the new milesotne16:33
doctormomhall119: You should add the copyright attribution information to the license page, otherwise it'd be CC-BY without saying who to attribute to.16:34
mhall119doctormo: yeah, I just quickly threw that up there16:37
doctormoI should have actually put in meta data into the svg files, my bad.16:37
mhall119there's a debian standard for defining license per-file16:37
Technovikingmorning all, everyone have a fine weekend16:40
doctormomhall119: There is also an svg standard meta data tag for license.16:43
doctormoHey Technoviking :-) Fine but too hot here.16:44
cjohnstonto hot.. ha16:44
mhall119doctormo: you're in Mass aren't you?16:45
dpmcjohnston, mhall119, I added some info on the developer.ubuntu.com blueprint about where the developer.ubuntu.com wordpress theme lives in case you want to have a look if it can be merged with the community WP themes. IIRC you were asking at the UDS session16:48
cjohnstonI did see that16:49
cjohnstonthats on my todo list.. Thanks for the heads up dpm16:49
dpmok, cool16:49
mhall119thanks dpm16:51
nigelbjcastro: lol, edit on the classroom BP :)17:07
nigelbcjohnston: ^^ did you see that?17:13
nigelb- [jorge] Ubuntu open week to ubuntu Camp: TODO17:14
nigelb+ [jorge] Ubuntu open week to ubuntu Camp (Jono executive decision to just leave it, new name sucks too): DEFERRED17:14
nigelbafter all the discussion :P17:14
cjohnstonboo hiss.. whatever17:15
czajkowskidholbach: did you find a date for UGJ17:15
dholbachczajkowski, no - there was no discussion about it yet17:15
JFonhandler, who is Bacta?17:55
dholbachalright my friends18:02
dholbachI call it a day - see you all tomorrow18:03
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nigelbJFo: \o/18:21
nigelbJFo: Birthday Boi!18:21
JFonigelb, :)18:26
nigelbJFo: :D18:28
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jcastrojono: quick call today?20:11
jcastroI have an issue20:11
jonojcastro, can we chat when I am done with lunch?20:17
jcastrosure, anytime today is fine20:18
jcastroI'm around for about another 2 hours20:18
* scott-work wonders what jono, jcastro, et al will do when microsoft kills skype for linux :P20:24
jcastroheh, I have gtalk20:24
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jonojcastro, all set?20:54
jcastrojono:  one sec!20:54
jcastrojono: ok all set!20:54
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czajkowskievening folks23:20
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