
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
* TheMuso eyes his 4GB RAM disk, and suspects that QT is not going to have enough room to build...01:49
TheMuso86% full atm.01:50
=== asac_ is now known as asac
RAOFYou've got some swap, right? :)02:37
TheMusoYup, but it failed anyway due to no tmpfs disk space left. So rebuilding on actual HD now,.02:50
TheMusoDoesn't help that I am also running a VM.02:51
TheMusoBut its times like this when having lots of RAM and a powerful system is totally justified.02:52
TheMusoOk so that compiler error I got earlier was not due to no disk space left...03:06
TheMusoDamn, there goes that plan for today...03:06
* TheMuso discovered that 1) QT 4.7.3 doesn't seem to die with a compile error like it did earlier, and I only needed to drop one patch from our package to build a 4.7.3 package for testing.04:44
TheMusos/like it did earlier/like QT 4.7.2 did earlier./04:44
=== Tm_K is now known as Tm_T
cdbscyphermox: Hi, it seems there are many issues with the new nm04:53
cdbscyphermox: It doesn't connect to Ad hoc WiFi networks, what do I need to provide to help debug this?04:53
pittiGood morning05:33
TheMusoGood morning pitti.05:41
TheMusoIs it me, or is the metacity/compiz keybinding to move windows around with alt + left mouse click broken?06:00
pittiworks here with compiz06:00
* TheMuso is running oneiric in a vm with GNOEM classic, running metacity atm.06:00
pittibut we got a new metacity yesterday06:00
TheMusoTried the same with unity/compiz earlier with no luck.06:00
* TheMuso will try with compiz again.06:00
pittiI noticed that since yesterday or so my windows don't have close/min/max buttons any more, though06:00
TheMusoWell compiz is not rendering properly in virtualbox, actually thigns aren't being cleared once rendered... Probably due to the version of virtualbox being used.06:02
TheMusono big deal, only using the VM to get a11y sorted before I switch on bare metal.06:02
TheMusoWell it seems that unity 2D now has some keyboard navigation, at least for the launcher.06:05
cdbsrobert_ancell: LightDM in oneiric is okay enough to install, I hope? :)06:20
micahgcdbs: it's been working for me06:23
robert_ancellcdbs, should be06:41
RAOFWorks here.06:41
cdbssudo aptitude install lightdm06:56
cdbswrong window :(06:56
* TheMuso crosses fingers that these a11y patches don't bring the QT compilation to a screaming halt.07:03
* Tm_T fights against the sudden urge to ask "QuickTime?"07:04
TheMusoNo, QT as in the toolkit.07:05
Tm_Tah, Qt (:07:06
TheMusoAs in the mother beheamouth qt4-x11.07:06
Tm_TI actually knew what you meant, I just like to tease with that bit wrong capitalization07:06
TheMusoScrew capitalization.07:07
TheMusoWhen such a package takes 2 hours to build on a quad core desktop CPU at 3.0Ghz, with 8GB RAM, I don't give a crap as to how its supposed to be written.07:07
* Tm_T huggles TheMuso07:07
* RAOF wonders whether the two openjdk builds he fired off thsi morning will finish today.07:07
TheMusoRAOF: Ok you win. :)07:07
TheMusoTm_T: :)07:08
Tm_TI'm used to build Qt and/or KDE (and apps) so I have some experience on watching compilation a day or two07:08
TheMusoI just hope didrocks knows what he is getting himself into.07:08
TheMusoHowever, the good side is that the a11y patches apply cleanly to the latest Qt in natty/oneiric so...07:09
didrocksgood morning07:15
TheMusoGood morning didrocks.07:15
didrockshey TheMuso, how are you?07:16
TheMusodidrocks: Not too bad thanks, yourself?07:17
didrocksTheMuso: I'm good thanks :)07:17
* TheMuso has QT a11y patches, and is currently building QT to test them out with the at-spi bridge...07:17
didrocksbryce: RAOF: in oneiric, there is a delay between typing and being able to use the trackpad. Not sure if it's done at the X level or not. The delay is a little bit long and quite annoying to use :/07:18
RAOFdidrocks: Oh, that feature of gnome-settings-daemon is back? :)07:18
didrocksTheMuso: oh? nice! do you want me to backport that to Qt just after alpha1? I need to remerge Qt with debian07:18
didrocksRAOF: ok, it's really GNOME then :)07:18
didrockslet me check in g-c-c07:18
didrocksyeah, I disabled it now07:19
TheMusodidrocks: Would like to give them a hammering first. I am also still waiting on one more commit that isn't yet in the public Qt repo. One upside though is that they all apply cleanly against
RAOFsyndaemon also provides that behaviour, but I think it got rolled into g-c-c07:19
didrockswell, I like that the trackpad is disabled when typing, just that the timing is a little bit too long at the end :/07:19
didrocksRAOF: probably the gsettings migration changed the default07:20
cdbsgood morning didrocks and friends07:20
didrocksTheMuso: that's an excellent news! Are you in touch with the Qt guys about those?07:20
didrockshey cdbs!07:20
didrocksTheMuso: and consequently, the a11y state in Qt will be ok then?07:21
pittihey didrocks07:22
TheMusodidrocks: I am in contact with the folks at Nokia doing Qt a11y. They are hoping to have Qt a11y almost if not completely done by September, so I guess all we can do is get the patches in, watch for any updates, and keep testing and filing bug reports.07:22
didrocksguten morgen pitti07:23
didrocksTheMuso: agreed, keep me in touch please when you are happy with those (even if it's just partial right now), so that I can post alpha1 merge with debian and integrate them in oneiric07:23
TheMusodidrocks: Will do.07:24
TheMusodidrocks: Oh and I hope you have some CPU cycles, QT on my desktop takes a couple of hours to build.07:25
cdbsGnome-power-manager seems to be building with GTK2 symbols07:25
didrocksTheMuso: same here, it was quite a surprise the first time :-)07:25
didrocksTheMuso: your pyatspi change looks good, I'm promoting to main then! Thanks for your patience :)07:27
TheMusodidrocks: np thanks. Will adjust seeds/deps after alpha 1.07:28
didrocksno auto rebuild of the CD? (I wanted to see with gnome-panel out the result)07:30
ubot2Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:31
didrocksoupss :)07:31
pittididrocks: we do have daily cron jobs07:32
didrocksso it failed,07:34
didrockspitti: your change in debian/watch in debian, not sure debian wants to track with uscan unstable version (last time we discussed that with them, they were quite opposed to it)07:35
pittididrocks: I didn't change that07:36
pittibut there was a syntax error, causing it to not scan properly at all07:36
didrockspitti: ok, I was just puzzled by the commit message then: "Fix syntax to actually catch latest version" :)07:36
didrockswas just in case, sorry for the noise :-)07:36
pittie. g. 2.28 is current, but it only saw 2.20 because the ) was misplaced07:37
pittididrocks: no worries -- always good to have reviews :)07:37
didrockshey rodrigo_07:47
rodrigo_hi didrocks07:50
didrocksunity really got a higher score that I would expect for such a big change: http://blog.nizarus.org/2011/05/unity-or-not-unity07:56
didrocksthe number of voter is high enough to be representative I think (in addition that people voting are those visiting planet.ubuntu.com for most)07:57
didrocksso most technical users, those who can be relunctant to the change07:57
didrocksfunny enough, if you only read the comments, you would believe that everyone is against it :-)07:58
cdbsdidrocks: Most of the people who voted 'unity' voted and left07:59
cdbsdidrocks: Those who use gnome-shell or gnome-classic have a habit of commenting everywhere08:00
didrockscdbs: yeah, clearly show that people comments only if they are not happy08:00
cdbsdidrocks: I have some really good experience with handling those commenters on OMG! Ubuntu! (where I'm one of the writers)08:00
didrockswell, it's more general than that, you rarely tell when you are happy with someone, you just express your opinion when you disagree :)08:00
didrockscdbs: I'm used to that in the French ubuntu forum since 2004 ;)08:01
didrocksbut following the evolution with people commenting in the unstable version (and keeping testing) was really instructive08:01
didrocksand I saw that people against unity at start was getting to like after after approx. 2 days of real test and usage08:02
didrocksand then, they couldn't switch back08:02
didrocksso again, everything is a question of habits08:02
pittiyesterday I saw an article on heise open08:02
pittithey said that unity's goal was to address new Linux users, but in her eyes it fails to do that; while for an experienced (keyboard, etc.) user it's quite nice08:03
pittifails because the workflow is too different from windows, and without keyboard navigation it's too clumsy to find/open apps, etc.08:03
pittiit takes a long time to find chat in the dash (if you don't know about the messaging indicator, etc.)08:04
pittiso, matter of education indeed08:04
didrockshowever, I got at the ubuntu party a lot of remarks that it was "hard" to switch between applications08:04
RAOFCertainly the dash is a horrible interface for *browsing* applications at the moment.08:04
didrocksI think not hiding the launcher by default when you screen is big enough would just help to solve that issue08:04
pittibut IMHO you can only get so far trying to make it easy for people who don't want to learn anything about how a komputah works08:04
didrocksRAOF: yeah, we need to add some metadata08:05
didrockspitti: agreed08:05
pittimy wife loves unity, but she's been a heavy keyboard user for years08:05
didrocksyeah, so switching application/getting into the dash is not complicated for her08:06
pittishe got used to unity in no time, but then again she also does LaTeX etc., so she's a bad test case08:06
didrocksheh :-)08:06
pittiand well, I did explain the windows key to her08:06
pittiwithout that I think it'd be pretty hard08:06
pittiwe really need something to point out this wonderful key08:07
didrockswe can use 3D glasses for that :-)08:07
didrockswith an arrow pointing to your keyboard :p08:07
didrocksok, we need to know what kind of keyboard you have ;)08:07
didrocksbut more seriously super key == showing the launcher, I really think we should get it always visible08:08
didrocks(even if I did most of the intellihide code and it will hurt my personal feeling, I think it makes no sense on big screen to hide it)08:09
pittithat still doesn't point out where the dash is, and how to get the typahead, etc.08:15
pittithat's where the efficiency comes from (or from win+number), not from seeing the launcher08:15
pittithe launcher is already visible at the start, so people know that there is one08:15
geserso unity should have a tutorial displaying all features when started for the first time?08:18
didrockspitti: opening the dash at the first login. You can maybe notice the bfb being "pressed" and then unpressed once closed08:21
RAOFThat's a last-ditch workaround for not being discoverable, though.08:21
RAOFdidrocks: Starting with the dash open seems like a pretty good idea; the first thing you'll want to do when you log in is to *start* something, after all.08:21
didrocksand we can display whatever wew want in the dash, so it can even add "welcome to ubuntu 11.10" for instance08:22
rodrigo_need to go the dentist :-( , so bbl08:35
pittirodrigo_: ugh, good luck08:36
didrockssee you rodrigo_08:39
mvohm, is it just me or is compiz leaking memory on natty (with intel). it was up to 3gb virtual this morning, compiz --replace resulted in a modest 600mb (virt)08:42
didrocksmvo: yeah, there is a known issue. The current SRU in -proposed should fix the biggest one08:43
mvosweet, I give it a go08:43
didrocksmvo: it's in nux08:43
* mvo install that now08:44
pittifunny, the other Michael (mh21) also brought that up and debugged it a while ago08:46
pittimvo: are you using the multiload indicator by any chance?08:47
pittibecause that triggers the bug very nicely08:47
didrocksyeah, the multiload indicator was triggering it a lot08:47
pittias it updates its icon a dozen times a second08:48
mvopitti: yeah08:48
mvopitti: I use it and love it (and sponsored it into oneiric)08:48
pittiyeah, I newed it yesterday, I like it, too :)08:49
didrocksmvo: if it fixes it, can you confirm it here: bug #75824808:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 758248 in nux "memory leaking in compiz" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75824808:49
didrocksjay is pretty confident it fixes it08:50
didrocks(I kept the bug seperated as the fix that was done seemed unrelated to me)08:50
pittididrocks: is that mh21's patch?08:50
pittias he got the leak with the multiload indicator, so that ought to fix it08:50
mvopitti: aha, it was you, thanks \o/08:51
didrockspitti: mh21's patch is in unity, let me check we included it. I think we did08:51
didrockspitti: in that case, I have to readd the bug # then to the list08:51
didrocksyeah, it is :)08:53
didrocksmvo: so install the new unity as well08:53
didrocksthen, I'll add the bug to the target (wasn't done), add the test case08:53
* didrocks told the dx team 10 times to set the bugs as fix committed when merging contributor's branch08:53
RAOFHm.  Indicator-multiload is pretty cool, but only exists because the launcher doesn't have the icon API that it deserves :)08:56
didrocksmvo: updated to bug #779717. can you give some feedback if fixed please?08:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 779717 in indicator-multiload "indicator-multiload causes a memory leak in compiz when run under unity" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77971708:56
mvoI like it because its a easy way to see if something goes rouge (e.g. my devel code)08:56
mvodidrocks: yes, will do08:56
didrocksthanks :)08:57
didrocks"goes rouge"? turning to French? :)08:57
pittior when your package build in the background finishes, and it's time to stop wasting time with email :)08:58
pittimvo, didrocks: FWIW, I set the icons to 200 px and 100 ms update interval, and virt/res stay constant; so this one seems fixed to me09:12
didrockspitti: excellent news :-)09:12
* didrocks needs to install it as well09:12
pittiwell, this is oneiric, not natty-proposed09:13
pittisame code, but different toolchain/environment, so I won't v-done the bug09:13
didrocksyeah, let's wait on mvo :)09:14
seb128hey desktopers09:16
seb128\o/ pitti \o/ (debian updates)09:16
pittihey seb12809:16
seb128hey pitti09:16
pittiseb128: cheers ;)09:16
seb128so the new gnome-keyring is supposed to fix the "several application prompt for password on autologin"09:17
didrockssalut seb128!09:17
pittiseb128: I didn't get that bug, but 3.0.3 works fine here09:17
seb128which is nice because that was a frequent complain and something I said we would work on this cycle :p09:17
seb128pitti, do you use autologin?09:17
pittino, I can't09:17
seb128ok, so it's normal you don't get the bug09:17
seb128the keyring is pam unlocked for you09:17
pittiah, unlocking the whole keyring09:18
didrocksoh, there is a solution for that issue now?09:18
pittiso, try it out :)09:18
seb128didrocks, it's fixed in 3.0.309:18
didrocksnice :-)09:18
seb128didrocks, the unlocking was meant to be serialized there was just a bug09:18
didrocksoh, I was thinking it was a deeper issue than this one09:19
seb128so each application trying to access the keyring was triggering a prompt rather than having just one and the others serialized and unlocked with it09:19
seb128rodrigo_, hi09:20
seb128rodrigo_, you need a mir for clutter-gtk, gnome-games is depwait on it09:20
didrocksclutter-gtk was in main before (with netbook-launcher), isn't it?09:23
seb128didrocks, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gtk suggests not09:24
seb128did it change source name or something?09:24
didrocksseb128: possibly, let me check09:24
didrocksseb128: I'm pretty sure clutk was dep on it09:24
didrocksclutter changed a lot with soname in source name or not09:25
seb128indeed, I'm wondering why it's not on the summary screen09:25
fta2gasp, i've lost all my window buttons. where is the pref now? (what used to be /apps/metacity/general/button_layout)09:25
seb128that lucid version was in main09:25
didrocksseb128: I usually rely on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gtk/+publishinghistory09:26
seb128well usually https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gtk is handy09:26
seb128it has the distro serie, version and component09:26
seb128not sure why it lacks hardy < < natty09:26
didrocksweird that lucid/maverick isn't there09:26
didrocksrenamed to clutter-gtk-0.1009:27
seb128"renamed to clutter-gtk-0.10"09:27
seb128oh ok09:27
seb128bah, I tried clutter-gtk-1.009:27
seb128loose :p09:27
seb128tried -0.8 as well09:27
didrocksclutter versionning :-)09:27
seb128I though it had been renamed but I tried the wrong ones before asking09:27
seb128didrocks, thanks09:27
didrocksseb128: yw09:28
seb128so let's repromote it09:28
seb128didrocks, can you sponsor the e-d-s and evo update? those are minor version updates so should be easy09:29
didrocksseb128: sure09:29
didrocksI have some spare time while my bug script is launched in debugging mode (got some relevant only one hour after testing)09:30
seb128didrocks, thanks09:34
didrocksseb128: fixed the versionning and uploaded09:34
seb128we might be down to less than one screen of updates to do today ;-)09:34
pittimvo: hm, I'd really like to drop aptdaemon's lintian recommends; it pulls in dpkg-dev, which pulls in build-essential, pulling in g++, binutils, tons of perl stuff, and what not :/09:37
pittiintltool-debian, gettext, etc09:37
pittimvo: I suppose it only does very few checks which are fatal? perhaps we can do them manually instead through lintian?09:38
pittimvo: want me to look into this?09:38
pittihm, it's actually quite a long list, but spending 10 MB for this is a bit heavy; perhaps we can install lintian when the user actually adds a third party repo09:42
mvopitti: yeah, its not actually using that many, its fine to reimplement them manually its just going to be a bit tedious to maintain that in parallel with lintian09:43
pitti/usr/share/aptdaemon/lintian-fatal.tags.Ubuntu has 34 tags09:43
pittimvo: so I guess it might be easier to install lintian on demand09:43
mvoyes, that is probably better09:43
pittican I give that as a WI to Gary or you?09:45
mvodidrocks: stable memory usage for me as well now09:45
mvodidrocks: 621m  53m  22m S    3  1.4   0:40.44 compiz  (according to top)09:46
pittiI have roughly the same numbers09:46
didrocksmvo: excellent! think about updating the bug status :)09:46
seb128pitti, btw not sure if you read the backlog from yesterday but I started cleaning gdm09:48
pittiseb128: I saw, thanks! just didn't get to working on it yet09:48
seb128the vcs is half done cleaning patches, merging with debian09:48
seb128pitti, no hurry09:49
jasoncwarnermorning morning morning...how is everyone?09:52
seb128hey jasoncwarner, I'm fine, how are you?09:52
pittihey jasoncwarner09:53
seb128what's new on your side of the world? ;-)09:53
jasoncwarnerpretty good seb128 and pitti. Just enjoying having the family from the states here...09:53
jasoncwarnerseb128: it's cold. people didn't tell me it got this cold!09:53
seb128oh right, so they liked .au? ;-)09:53
jasoncwarnerseb128: yeah, they kept laughing at the size of the town and stuff. though, they did enjoy themselves09:54
jasoncwarnerhow is everything going in the world of oneiric? :) should I update my main machine yet? ;)09:54
pittilooking funny, but working09:54
jasoncwarnermvo: always the pot stirrer ;)09:55
pittiif you enjoy gnome-screensaver looking like gnome-shell, gdm looking like the IT crowd intro, and general GNOME looking themeless :)09:55
mvoheh :) its working pretty well for me so far, but its indeed looking funny so maybe better to wait until the theme lands09:55
jasoncwarnerpitti: well, perhaps I'll just update my test machine then !09:55
pittiit's totally broken in kvm, though09:56
pittiunity-2d, too09:56
seb128jasoncwarner, if you install gnome-theme-standard and turn the gsettings to show-desktop-icons it's ok09:57
didrockshey jasoncwarner09:58
jasoncwarnermorning didrocks09:58
chrisccoulsonhey jasoncwarner, how are you?10:02
RAOFYou crazy people with stuff that can be usefully tested in kvm!10:02
pittiRAOF: there's lots of X parts which can :)10:03
jasoncwarnerhey chrisccoulson....10:03
pittithese just don't tend to be the ones which break, of course10:03
RAOFpitti: Yeah.  The protocol's not exactly the fastest-moving of targets :)10:03
RAOFchrisccoulson: Why must seamonkey packaging be hatefully arcane? :)10:04
chrisccoulsonRAOF, because nobody maintains it ;)10:04
chrisccoulsonit's not that different to the firefox packaging though is it?10:04
chrisccoulsonRAOF, are you volunteering to maintain it? ;)10:05
pittihey chrisccoulson10:05
RAOFNo, it's just the final bit of today's patch-piloting.10:05
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?10:05
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks!10:05
chrisccoulsonRAOF, i bet i know which one ;)10:05
pittichrisccoulson: played a bit with distribution.ini stuff, and learned some bits10:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool :)10:05
RAOFApparently seamonkey is a pile of crash on natty and oneiric, and is relatively easily fixable.10:05
RAOFOr would be if seamonkey built on oneiric :)10:06
pittichrisccoulson: seems I need to take up some of your time at some point, though; I have a few options which I'd like to discuss10:06
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yes. i would really just switch the current seamonkey to gcc-4.5 in oneiric10:06
pittichrisccoulson: I need to run out for some errnads, and finally send the meeting reminder, but perhaps this afternoon?10:06
chrisccoulsoni wouldn't bother investing any time in fixing seamonkey to build on the new toolchain ;)10:06
pittiseb128: you forgot to remind me :)10:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - sure, no problem :)10:07
chrisccoulsonRAOF, there is a community guy providing PPA builds of seamonkey atm. i think i'm going to approach him this week and ask him if he wants to look after seamonkey in the distro10:07
chrisccoulsoni don't really have time to look after it, and i never use it anyway10:08
seb128pitti, oh, right, it's meeting reminder day!10:08
RAOFIt's clear that *somebody* uses it, as the crash bug has a bunch of duplicates.  Having someone actually maintain it would be pretty rad, though.10:08
seb128pitti, I got used to you having the email sent before I woke up for a few weeks ;-)10:08
pittiseb128: I thought about it this morning, and then forgot :/10:08
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, i reckon the number if users is probably in to double figures ;)10:09
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:09
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?10:10
seb128I'm fine thanks10:10
seb128how are you?10:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - very, very tired. my daughter kept me awake nearly the whole night10:10
chrisccoulsondosing up on caffeine now though ;)10:10
seb128is she sick?10:10
seb128or she just didn't want to sleep?10:11
chrisccoulsoni think her last few teeth are coming through. she kept waking up crying every 40 minutes or so overnight10:11
chrisccoulsonand by the time my eyes started to close each time, she would wake up again ;)10:11
chrisccoulsonthe annoying thing is that she is full of beans this morning. it's like she had a full nights sleep ;)10:12
sorenchrisccoulson: How old is she?10:14
chrisccoulsonsoren - she's about 2 weeks older than 18 months now10:14
seb128chrisccoulson, so coffee time for you? ;-)10:15
chrisccoulsonyeah :)10:15
* mvo hugs chrisccoulson in sympathy10:20
* chrisccoulson hugs mvo10:20
sorenchrisccoulson: Ok. I was just wondering since it was around that time my daughter starting waking up at very regular (short!) intervals like that. We'd go pick her up and she'd calm down pretty quickly, but then wake up again ~30 minutes later. Turned out to be her ears. We had a grommet put in and two days later she'd sleep through the night.10:21
sorenchrisccoulson: Teething sounds very plausible too, I just couldn't live with myself not having told you this if it actually turned out to be your daughter's ears too. :) Sleep deprivation is dreadful.10:22
chrisccoulsonsoren, oh, interesting. thanks! i'm pretty sure it's my daughters teeth at the moment though, as she's dribbling quite excessively during the daytime10:22
sorenchrisccoulson: The key indicator that put us on to the ears was the fact that she'd calm down very quickly when she sat up. Apparently pressure builds up when they lie down, but is quickly relieved.10:24
chrisccoulsonsoren - oh, i probably wouldn't have realised that. are her ears ok now?10:27
sorenchrisccoulson: Totally.10:27
sorenchrisccoulson: A quick visit to the ear-node-throat doctor, a couple of days of waiting and that's been it. Never had problems since.10:28
rodrigo_hey seb12811:31
rodrigo_seb128, so, the clutter-gtk thing you mentioned, do we still need a MIR=11:31
seb128rodrigo_, no, thanks11:32
rodrigo_seb128, ok11:32
seb128rodrigo_, good morning btw ;-)11:32
seb128how are you?11:32
rodrigo_seb128, good afternoon already :)11:32
seb128is your teeth issue getting better?11:32
rodrigo_seb128, now better, after seeing the dentist, just with one tooth less :)11:32
rodrigo_and can't speak very well right now, but at least there's no more pain so far :)11:33
seb128rodrigo_, well, if you can write on IRC that should be enough ;-)11:34
rodrigo_yeah :)11:35
rodrigo_seb128, oh, btw, was looking last night about the gnome-menus patch you told me to disable, but I'm not sure which one you mean11:36
rodrigo_seb128, in lp:~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/oneiric/gnome-menus/3_0_0_release11:36
seb128rodrigo_, sorry that's a call in the postinst that do it11:38
seb128the list is in the debian directory, it's not a patch11:38
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok11:38
rodrigo_ok, disabling that then before uploading11:39
seb128rodrigo_, don't worry about the gnome-games build failure on armel, that's because pygtk didn't build yet, I will retry the build in a bit11:39
seb128it built on amd64 and i386 at least ;-)11:39
rodrigo_seb128, ok, cool11:40
seb128rodrigo_, we are almost down at the bottom of the GNOME3 updates stack ;-)11:40
rodrigo_yeah, not many big packages remaining, right?11:40
seb128not really11:40
seb128gdm sort of11:40
seb128it's being worked on the vcs, it's half done11:41
rodrigo_and empathy11:41
rodrigo_ah, cool11:41
seb128that's blocked on kenvandine's telepathy-approver work11:41
seb128otherwise non default install things11:41
seb128epiphany-browser, cheese11:41
seb128that an a bunch of 3.0.2 updates11:42
rodrigo_yeah, I did a couple last night11:42
rodrigo_well, just one, file-roller, the other I didn't finish it11:42
seb128gucharmap, yelp, g-p-m are to do11:42
seb128gdl anjuta gnome-bluetooth11:43
rodrigo_yeah, I'll do some of those as soon as I upload gnome-menus11:43
rodrigo_seb128, ok, so for gnome-menus, we want to remove the gnome-menus.postinst file?11:44
rodrigo_that's the diff from my branch with current trunk11:45
seb128rodrigo_, no, just l8 in your diff11:46
seb128that's the wrapper call which is building the list of things to ignore11:46
rodrigo_ah, ok, so just disabling gnome-menus-blacklist11:46
rodrigo_ok then, building and uploading11:48
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pittiseb128: I'll try a full git head update of RB; it also converts to the newer libnotify, q12:01
pittiseb128: ... and to gsettings12:02
pittiseb128: question: for a gsettings schema which we didn't install before, what causes the gconf->gsettings migration to happeN?12:06
pittiif "nothing", is the answer "we only really support upgrades from natty to oneiric final, not incremental"?12:06
pittididrocks: ^ perhaps you know as well12:06
didrockspitti: ~/.local/share/gsettings-data-convert as a list of already converted schemas12:08
didrocks(by .convert file name it seems)12:08
pittididrocks: ah, and we run the converter at each session start?12:08
ricotzseb128, hi, is colord on your list yet?12:09
didrockspitti: /etc/xdg/autostart/gsettings-data-convert.desktop12:09
pittididrocks: cheers12:09
didrocksso yeah :)12:09
rodrigo_hmm, changing tar.gz to tar.bz2 in debian/wacth fails with: bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the needed upstream tarball: gnome-bluetooth_3.0.1.orig.tar.gz12:10
rodrigo_is there any other place that needs changing?12:10
rodrigo_fails = it downloads the correct tar.bz2, but then tries to look for the tar.gz, it seems12:10
didrocksrodrigo_: did you try uscan --verbose12:10
pittirodrigo_: hm, not a 3.0 source?12:10
rodrigo_didrocks, no, trying12:10
rodrigo_pitti, maybe, let me check12:10
didrockspossibly it's the previous bzr bd copying an invalid symlink in build-area/, ensure about that as well12:11
rodrigo_pitti, it's a 3.0 source12:11
didrocks(got trapped a lot)12:11
pittirm -r ../build-area/ might help indeed12:11
rodrigo_-- In debian/watch, processing watchfile line:12:11
rodrigo_   http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gnome-bluetooth/([\d\.]+)[]/ gnome-bluetooth-(.*)\.tar\.bz212:11
rodrigo_Unmatched [ in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^(?:(?:http://ftp.gnome.org)?\/pub\/gnome\/sources\/gnome\-bluetooth\/)?([\d\.]+)[ <-- HERE ]/?$/ at /usr/bin/uscan line 1556, <WATCH> line 3.12:11
rodrigo_same with build-area removed12:12
geserrodrigo_: [] isn't a valid regex ( you start a character class, add ']' to it but never closes the character class)12:18
rodrigo_http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gnome-bluetooth/([\d\.]+)[]/ \12:18
rodrigo_        gnome-bluetooth-(.*)\.tar\.bz212:18
fta2May 31 11:21:08 cube udevd[25783]: error: runtime directory '/run/udev' not writable, for now falling back to '/dev/.udev'12:19
rodrigo_I guess the [] is wrong?12:19
rodrigo_yes, using [0-9] there seems to work12:20
geserrodrigo_: yes, simply remove it12:20
seb128rodrigo_, gz -> bz2 there?12:23
seb128rodrigo_, gnome stopped doing gz12:23
seb128oh, seems you were on that already ;-)12:23
seb128(sorry I was at lunch)12:23
rodrigo_seb128, yes, already fixed, thanks :)12:24
seb128ricotz, no and it's not going to be, check with tkamppeter he's the one who cares about those12:24
seb128pitti, check /usr/share/GConf/gsettings12:24
seb128pitti, the .convert in that directory are what describe what keys to map and how12:24
seb128pitti, the conversion is run once as pointed by didrocks12:25
seb128pitti, "we only really support upgrades from natty to oneiric final, not incremental"? <- yes12:25
seb128we can't really force them to happen again without overwriting user tweaks12:25
didrocksseb128: it doesn't erase the gconf settings isn't it?12:26
ricotzseb128, alright12:26
didrocksso we can remove the file I pointed and restart the session to test it (for ourself)12:26
didrocksam I right?12:26
seb128didrocks, well, it would overwrite values you wrote in the gsettings config with the old gconf value?12:27
didrocksseb128: yeah, it's just for testing the migration locally (like the background one which is a fail)12:28
seb128didrocks, the background one can't be migrating with those scripts12:28
didrocksnot sure what we should do for that one, if we can't specify an uri, we should just provide a new default12:28
seb128they changed the semantic from a path to an uri12:28
didrocksyeah, but there is an invalid try right now, isn't it?12:28
seb128didrocks, no, that was fixed in oneiric, it doesn't try to migrate12:28
didrocksoh ok, didn't see that upload12:29
seb128it's just that the default is a gnome background and not one we have12:29
seb128didrocks, it was in gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.0.212:29
didrocksbtw, I added this morning a note to the pad that we should have a look at our default and reset them in gsettings world12:29
didrockslike not unactivating mouse trackpad on typing12:29
didrocksseb128: thanks, looking12:30
didrocksseb128: are you sure? we are still on 3.0.1-112:32
seb128didrocks, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gsettings-desktop-schemas/commit/?id=81e581e67962ecf290f886afd2fbf5767f1970ad12:32
seb128it's in 3.0.1 sorry about that12:32
seb128g-d-s is one version behind GNOME ;-)12:32
didrocksgnome-terminal as well :-)12:33
didrocksit's a pity to not be able to keep user's desktop background :/12:33
seb128we should do it12:33
rodrigo_didrocks, we could do a filename to uri conversion12:34
didrocksI agree, that's detail that I guess our user are very attached to12:34
seb128didrocks, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-gtk3-gnome312:34
seb128[rodrigo-moya] Get custom background images to stay on upgrade (key migration or gsd patching to get the old path and transform it to an uri):12:34
seb128rodrigo_, you signed for it when we discussed it recently ;-)12:34
rodrigo_right my "we could do" meant "I'm going to do it" :-)12:35
seb128didrocks, it will just be some code rather than a .convert12:35
didrocksnice :-)12:35
seb128that's a small gnome-settings-daemon patch I guess12:35
didrocksseb128: not patching /usr/bin/gsettings-data-convert rather?12:36
seb128could be, I've no strong opinion on it, I will let rodrigo_ figure what's best ;-)12:36
didrockswe should migrate back as well show_desktop12:37
seb128not sure about this one12:37
rodrigo_haven't thought much about it yet, but I guess we could just g-d-s-convert do the key conversion and then do the conversion to an uri in g-s-d12:37
seb128btw do you have any idea how to make it on by default in unity but not gnome?12:37
didrocksif we are going to show it by default in unity/unity-2d but not on other, maybe it would be nice to keep what the user eventually tweaked?12:37
seb128rodrigo_, that seems a clever way to deal with it, check if that's a path and transform it to an uri if needed12:38
didrocksseb128: gsettings supported multi layer last time I talk to desrt12:38
didrocksnot sure it's documented12:38
seb128didrocks, well it was on by default I doubt many users turned it off ;-)12:38
didrocksby we can redo the "on session" stuff12:38
didrocksright, visible in no ui12:38
seb128that and also most users are fine with nautilus managing their desktop12:39
didrockssome did, as we have a bamf bug on this, but yeah :-)12:39
seb128they just put nothing there if they want to keep it clean12:39
didrocks(the previous menu application, even after quitting is kept if nautilus doesn't get the focus)12:39
seb128didrocks, either dconf or using ShowOnlyIn=Unity in the autostart and teach gnome-session about Unity sessions12:39
didrocksseb128: I still think it would be nice to not enforce that? I need to give it a deeper thought and discuss with desrt12:40
didrockswe still have the same issue with metacity (for unity-2d)12:40
seb128enforce what?12:41
seb128nautilus is a not desktop in the xdg dir not a required component12:41
didrocksthey are using some keys to decide to remove the decoration for example (they should use the dbus interface=12:41
seb128unity-2d and unity would be "Unity" sessions12:41
seb128but again a topic where I've no strong opinion12:41
seb128whatever is easier and give us what we need ;-)12:41
didrocksyeah, I'll definitively try to think about it in the coming days12:42
seb128if you have items that need thinking or work just write those on the blueprint12:43
seb128we will figure how to deal with them over time12:43
TommehAnnnnd back to Gnome3.12:43
* didrocks updates12:43
TommehI wish I could find out why Unity keeps freezing on me.12:43
TommehClearly something weird going on - I can't interact with Unity at all, but the mouse cursor is still working. I can switch to a VT and the dist-upgrade I had running in my terminal window completed despite the window not updating.12:44
TommehAbsolutely *random*. Sometimes I could just be switching applications/workspaces.12:45
Tommeh$ uname -r13:05
TommehSee if we have the same problems with 3.0-rc1 then.13:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - you can delete sources without deleting binaries can't you?13:21
chrisccoulsoni'm going to upload a new thunderbird version this week with it's own language packs (like firefox), but these are currently provided by a separate source package (thunderbird-locales, which should be killed afterwards)13:22
pittichrisccoulson: technically it should be possible, yes, but we don't usually do this13:22
pittiwe need to kill NBS packages anyway13:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - in my case, the binaries are being provided from a new source package13:23
* rodrigo_ lunch13:23
pittichrisccoulson: that's fine; they'll supersede the older binaries13:23
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks13:23
pittichrisccoulson: they need to have a higher version number, of course13:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, they'll have a higher version number13:24
pittichrisccoulson: and then the old source needs to be changed to not build the binaries any more, to avoid future version conflicts13:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'd like to just remove the old source entirely afterwards (i'm going to replace all of its binaries)13:24
pittithat's fine13:24
alex3fmvo: why is there a .candidate property for a package?13:27
mvoalex3f: thanks for mering back!  in the apt cache, for each package there is a "installed" and "candidate" apt.Version  object. both may be None. e.g. if a package is not installed and no longer downloadable it has no candidate13:29
alex3fwhat use has a package without a candidate in the cache?13:30
mvoalex3f: I added the test to ensure its not crashing if that is the case13:30
mvoalex3f: not a log of use really, but there are case when that might happen so we need to protect against it13:30
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alex3fisn't posible to have more than one candidate?13:32
alex3for the newest version is considered the candidate for installation?13:32
mvoalex3f: its possible to have many versions, but only one version is the candidate13:32
mvoalex3f: yeah, normally the newest but apt pinning can be used to alter that13:32
alex3fI have added __contains__ and __getitem__ to PackageInfo class, I should add a get_candidate method or a candidate property for the package?13:36
alex3fI'm thinking about wrapping around the candidate to access directly section, summary and description; I'm not sure if this is right13:37
mvoalex3f: hm, I think its better to have a version_list instead, that can intially be just one entry (the candidate) and then a version that has summary/description/section13:38
mvoalex3f: does that make sense?13:39
cdbsrodrigo_: The latest upload of gnome-power-manager to oneiric, does it fix the loading of g-p-m in Unity?13:39
alex3fmvo: it makes sense, but we should also keep care of the version; maybe a dictionary, having the version as key is better than a list?13:41
mvodict is fine with me, as long as there is a clear candidate or default13:42
alex3fmvo: each package in PackageInfo should have two lists: installed and available (candidates); at least this is something I'm sure PackageKit can offer, for every repo backend13:42
alex3fyes, a candidate property, currently pointing to the apt.Cache candidate is doable13:42
mvoalex3f: can there be multiple installed versions for the same name?13:42
alex3fmvo: yes, 1 sec13:42
mvoalex3f: oh, woah. ok.13:43
alex3ffor example: multiple kernels installed13:43
alex3fmvo: or the version is considered part of the name?13:44
mvoalex3f: in debian they have a different name in this case, do other systems handle this differently?13:44
alex3fI'm not sure, I'm looking at this right now: http://www.packagekit.org/gtk-doc/introduction-ideas-filters.html13:44
mvoalex3f: I just want to make sure we don't overdo it :) could you ask in #PackageKit please?13:45
mvoalex3f: if its not needed we can have "property installed, property candidate, list-of available"13:45
andreasnanyone have screenshots of Nautilus 3.0 using the ubuntu theme?14:00
cdbsthere's no Ubuntu theme for GTK3 yet14:07
cdbsthough its being worked upon14:07
cdbsandreasn: ^^^^^14:07
andreasncdbs, ah14:07
cdbskenvandine: Any status on the Ambiance GTK3 theme with Unico?14:08
lucazadecdbs andreasn http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1338581/varie/Schermata.png14:09
cyphermoxgood morning!14:09
pittihey cyphermox, how are you?14:10
lucazadestill requires a lot of work code.launchpad.net/~lucazade/+junk/ambiance-gtk314:10
cyphermoxhey pitti, doing ok14:11
cyphermoxwould be better had evo not ftbfs14:11
pittilucazade: wohoo14:11
cdbsoh hai lucazade! awesome work!14:11
cyphermoxah, i know where I screwed up14:11
lucazadetnx :D14:11
cdbscyphermox: I withdraw my message on 'nm not working' . NM 0.8.9997 is working perfectly14:12
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=== KenEdwards-afk is now known as KenEdwards
cyphermoxoh sweet, because I hadn't seen your "not working" message14:12
cyphermoxyou do need to restart NM or reboot for the applet to properly speak to NM, at least for VPNs14:12
didrockscyphermox: I fixed it14:12
cyphermoxdidrocks: ok, thanks14:13
didrocksthe evo update14:13
cdbscyphermox: yeah, a proper reboot was needed14:13
didrocksyw :)14:13
cdbscyphermox: moreover14:13
pittiat which point will the version number go to 9 - 1e-N ?14:13
cyphermoxjust the e-d-s build-depends?14:13
cdbscyphermox: it seems there's something wrong with the dependencies on nm packages14:13
didrockscyphermox: also the versionning was bad, isn't it? (look at the merge req)14:13
cdbscyphermox: they allow you to install network-manager 0.8.9997 with 0.8.4 versions of libnm-*14:13
didrockscyphermox: right, now, with the new configure.ac, we have to update evo to latest e-d-s everytime14:13
cyphermoxcdbs: no14:13
* cdbs cross checks14:14
cyphermoxcdbs: it allows libnm-glib2/libnm-util1 to not be removed because other apps still use it14:14
cdbscyphermox: okie, that's what confused me14:14
cyphermoxunless you enjoy being told you're not online by evo, empathy, etc ;)14:14
cyphermoxdidrocks: right14:17
cyphermoxdidrocks: I was almost tempted to do (e-d-s) (>= ${binary:Version}) even if that's still somewhat incorrect, but at least then the e-d-s parts would follow the evo version14:18
alex3fmvo: can you please have a look at: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~alexeftimie/software-center/backend-refactor/revision/1814?remember=1814&compare_revid=181214:36
mvoalex3f: that looks good, would be even better to have some more tests :)14:39
alex3fmvo: please don't merge it yet14:40
mvoalex3f: ok :)14:42
seb128hey mterry14:43
seb128mterry, did you try to build indicator-applet with gtk3? (just asking before starting on it)14:43
mterryseb128, hello!14:43
pittihey mterry14:43
mterryhi, pitti!14:43
kenvandinemterry, did seb128 talk to you about ido for gtk3?14:43
mterryseb128, indicator-applet...  no I don't think so14:43
mterrykenvandine, he mentioned it wasn't done yet?  But not besides that14:44
fta2mterry, "DEBUG: DuplicityInstance.vala:575: duplicity (22856) exited with value 31"  what's error 31?14:44
kenvandinemterry, if not... do you think you can pick it up and finish it?14:44
jibelcyphermox, hi, about 790604 my point is that eth0 is configured in /etc/network/interfaces on a default install and that was not the case before.14:44
jibelbug 79060414:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 790604 in network-manager "after installation, nm reports eth0 as a not managed network device" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79060414:44
mterryfta2, gpg failed14:44
cyphermoxjibel: ah, thanks for clarifying14:44
mterrykenvandine, sure!  I'm doing libbamf now, can do ido after14:44
kenvandinemterry, lp:~ken-vandine/ido/gtk3-port-wip/14:44
jibelcyphermox, and only with alternate images not desktop14:45
cyphermoxjibel: you aren't using preseeding are you?14:45
seb128mterry, ok, I will have a look to indicator-applet since we got the new gnome-panel on gtk3 in14:45
mterryfta2, you can see list in /usr/share/pyshared/duplicity/log.py14:45
kenvandinemterry, i was making it gtk3 only, but you should do the magic to make it dual buildable14:45
mterryseb128, I saw that go by14:45
mterrykenvandine, yeah14:45
kenvandinemterry, thx!14:45
jibelcyphermox, no preseeding, boot the latest alternate and answer to the questions.14:45
seb128mterry, I will push you next to land your dual build of indicators with gtk2 and gtk3 in oneiric :p14:46
seb128though I'm trying to get dx guys to do review to start on that14:46
kenvandineseb128, but after ido right?14:46
cyphermoxjibel: ok. well, this isn't done by NM so the bug probably belong more in debian-installer, but I'll take a look, I think I know where this might be14:46
kenvandinesome of them will depend on ido14:46
seb128kenvandine, right, though those are done, they have merge requests14:46
jibelcyphermox, I agree nm is the symptom not the cause.14:46
seb128kenvandine, mterry did session and messages and applications iirc14:46
kenvandinegreat progress :)14:47
* kenvandine needs to prepare for a meeting, bbiab14:47
fta2mterry, well, i guess deja-dup is not what i'm looking for after all. it's too desktop oriented.14:47
jibelcyphermox, but you know I'm just a user, I'll leave the diagnosis to your expertise :-)14:48
mterryseb128, yeah, working on appmenu, but yak-shaving libbamf first14:48
mterryfta2, it is rather desktop oriented.  What were you trying to do?14:49
cyphermoxjibel: sure, no problem. if you still have that system in the same state though, could you attach the logs from /var/log/installer ?14:49
jibelcyphermox, sure, I'll update the report14:49
fta2mterry, backup various stuff between a few machines toward my servfarm, but i don't want to depend on having a display (those auth prompts stopping the backups), nor do i need all those hidden excludes you're passing to duplicity.14:52
mterryfta2, yeah, sounds like a bad match then.  Maybe you want to use duplicity directly?14:53
fta2mterry, yep, probably. i've installed deja-dup on 2 boxes, none of which were able to backup a single file, even locally. on the 1st, it's just sitting there doing nothing (and you said in the bug i filed it's too early in the cycle for you to care) and the 2nd seems to start but after a few hundreds files, it re-asks for a password, and restart, in loop (the logs show the cryptic err31)14:56
mterryfta2, not that I don't care, but that I'm not entirely surprised, as 19.1 was a bit of a UI rewrite.  that second one is interesting.  That's without a DISPLAY?14:58
fta2mterry, nope, all local, on the desktop i'm currently sitting in front of14:59
mterryfta2, fascinating...  those aren't "too desktop oriented" issues but rather "doesn't work" bugs.  ;)15:00
fta2i didn't say those desktop were always there, nor that i wanted to backup stuff in $HOME15:02
fta2i need to run, i'll revisit this another time15:03
faganhey who is the maintainer of nm in ubuntu I cant remember, I just have a little question15:09
kenvandinefagan, cyphermox15:09
alex3fmvo: commited some tests, works fine here, ready for review.15:09
cyphermoxfagan: yup15:09
fagancyphermox: what changed in 11.10 for internet detection15:10
cyphermoxfagan: in theory, not much. are you seeing issues?15:10
fagancyphermox: well u1 isnt detecting that its connected any more15:10
cyphermox(although on the backend it's different "states" now15:10
fagancyphermox: so that might be it could you walk me through it15:10
cyphermoxfagan: are you just rebuilding it?15:10
fagancyphermox: what do you mean?15:11
cyphermoxI mean, that's for a new version right, not the one currently in oneiric?15:11
fagancyphermox: its the one in 11.1015:11
fagancyphermox: it was undated last night from what I remember15:11
cyphermoxah, then that would be it :)15:12
fagancyphermox: so could you explain what the whole states change was15:12
cyphermoxsure hold on15:13
rodrigo_cdbs, I don't know, what's the problem with g-p-m loading in unity?15:13
cyphermoxit's essentially related to ipv6 support, so instead of just CONNECTED, now you have *_SITE, *_GLOBAL, etc.15:13
cyphermoxfagan: everything is in the documentation here: http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/developers/migrating-to-09/ref-migrating.html#id59850815:13
fagancyphermox: cool thanks15:14
cyphermoxfagan: my bad, since you're looking for the global NM state it would more likely be this: http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/developers/migrating-to-09/spec.html#org.freedesktop.NetworkManager ; scroll down to state(); you'll see there are a few new states, so you can tell more easily whether you really have internet access15:18
fagancyphermox: oh ok ill link it in our bug15:19
seb128does anybody here has a current oneiric desktop iso?15:31
seb128pitti, ?15:32
pittiseb128: well, "current" as of three days ago15:32
pittiapt broke the last two15:32
seb128pitti, ok15:32
seb128can you "sudo apt-get remove libgnomeui-0" on it when you have a chance to kvm boot it?15:32
pittiwe could actually start a new run now, though15:32
seb128I just want to check if I overlooked something15:32
seb128or if it's only tomboy keeping libgnomeui in15:32
pittion my system it's a few libs and tsclient15:33
pittibut tsclient was ditched anyway, right?15:33
pittiseb128: will do15:33
pittinice, python-gnome2 goes along with it15:33
pittiseb128: booting15:33
seb128pitti, right, we said we would get ride of tsclient if favor of reminna pending discuss between robert, you and the security team15:34
seb128not sure if that happened15:34
pittiwe talked about it at UDS dinner15:34
seb128rodrigo_, we really need to kick the tomboy libgnomeui depends out15:34
pittitsclient is gone from the archive, anyway15:34
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, yeah15:34
pittiseb128: s/the//; s/libgnomeui depends/ :-P15:35
seb128pitti, tomboy's15:35
seb128or that ;-)15:35
rodrigo_seb128, it uses it for the PropertyEditor things, right?15:35
seb128rodrigo_, correct15:35
* bcurtiswx waves to room15:36
seb128rodrigo_, you know upstream? can you check with them what's going on in that regard?15:36
seb128hey bcurtiswx15:36
rodrigo_yes, I'm on #tomboy all day, so yes checking15:36
bcurtiswxhi seb12815:36
pittiseb128: gbrainy gnome-orca python-pyatspi tomboy15:36
pittiseems gbrainy needs libgnome2.24-cil15:36
pittiunless gnome-games was updated to 3.0 by now?15:37
seb128we can kick a game out of needed15:37
seb128pitti, it's not part of gnome-games15:37
pittiatspi will move to atspi2, but I don't know about orca15:37
seb128the atspi to at-spi2 thing should be sorted, didrocks acked the mirs yesterday15:37
rodrigo_pitti, yes, gnome-games is 3.0 now, but as seb128 says, gbrainy is not there15:37
didrocksjust waiting on TheMuso to change the dep so that it's brought by default15:39
bcurtiswxdebian uses geoclue in empathy (for maps and location awareness), IIRC this was decided to be left out in Natty.  Is there anything that should keep that functionality out of Ubuntu?15:39
bcurtiswxfor Oneiric15:39
seb128pitti, gnome-orca depends on python-pyatspi (>= 1.22.0) | python-pyatspi215:39
mterryGuh, can't install libwnck-dev and libwnck-3-dev at the same time.  :(  No linking against both in the same source package15:39
pittiseb128: ah, good15:39
seb128bcurtiswx, still the same reason, we don't want libchamplain on the CD15:40
bcurtiswxseb128, OK i'll make sure to keep that out in my rebase15:40
bcurtiswxI will most likely make a empathy build that enables this for anyone who wants to be bleeding edge with empathy15:42
bcurtiswxfor my PPA15:42
pittijust finished installing today's alternate in kvm15:48
pittinice to see the new look of gnome classic!15:48
pittididrocks: ^ FTR, good to have it on that CD still -- unity-2d is a no-go in kvm, keeps crashing :/15:48
didrockspitti: hum, weird that it happens only on kvm, still working fine there :/15:49
pittikvm has a really crappy graphics card, I suppose it's due to that15:49
didrockspitti: yeah, I'm pinging the unity-2d guys still, but I have very few hope15:50
didrockspitti: do you have a backtrace or should I let unity-2d guys look?15:50
pittididrocks: I can get one; I need to go on fixing udev first, though15:50
pittiunity-2d in kvm is not a dealbreaker for a115:50
didrockspitti: I asked agateau and kaleo to come here15:51
didrockscan be https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/75980315:51
pittiand I don't have time to debug it myself right now, sorry15:51
pittibut should be easy to reproduce; kvm -m 1024 -cdrom oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso15:51
didrocksok, not sure when you join agateau, but you can grab daily image and try kvm -m 1024 -cdrom oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso15:52
agateaudidrocks: my adsl router is laughing at you15:53
* agateau starts downloading nevertheless15:53
pittiI'll be able to send an apport bug with backtrace tomorrow or so15:54
didrocksagateau: that's what happens living in small village :)15:54
agateaudidrocks: I painfully know that :)15:54
Kaleohi pitti15:55
Kaleopitti: are you hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/759803 ?15:55
pittiKaleo: yes, that's exactly my environment15:56
seb128Kaleo, agateau: there is a stacktrace on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/72618869/launcher3.dbg15:57
seb128it's from one of the duplicates15:57
didrockshum, I think I just improved the speed of the unify script by 20x :-)16:01
seb128didrocks, you rewrote it in C? ;-)16:03
didrocksseb128: heh, even without that! :-) just avoiding pooling launchpad too much by small optimizations16:03
ftamterry, back. on my 1st box, it seems the auth popup was invisible (hidden by unity/compiz?)16:04
didrocksI was tired to wait for too long to get some test result :-)16:04
ftamterry, and now that i know that the auth it's requesting is about my user gpg key, i know why it looped on the 2nd box, and it seems to work (minus the unexpected desktop exclusions)16:06
mterryfta, hrm.  That's likely a 19.x-only bug.  I believe that's fixed in trunk (thought I fixed that in time for 19.1)16:06
mterry(the auth-hidden-dialog)16:06
mterryfta, thanks for testing again16:07
cyphermoxjibel: your bug should be fixed in the next iso, I'd say. as long as things are built and ready by then, but I'm not worried16:07
agateaupitti: what is the depth of the kvm video card?16:07
jibelcyphermox, nice, many thanks!16:07
ftamterry, it seems it's no longer a really invisible window, but it's still behind all others windows, so it's not directly visible by the user. yet, there's now that blue thing appearing on the unity badge16:09
mterryfta, ah, that's normal then.  It's a dialog that requests your attention, but intentionally doesn't pop on top of what you're doing16:10
rodrigo_anyone running tomboy and unity?16:10
didrocksrodrigo_: not everytime, but sometimes yeah16:12
seb128rodrigo_, o/16:12
seb128well I don't autostart tomboy with the session but I use it sometimes16:13
ftamterry, intentionally? well, it's blocking the action, and it appears behind the deja-dup settings dialog where i just pressed "back up now". at least in that case, i expect to see the password dialog in front of everything16:13
mterryfta, ah, that's a 19.1-ism.  I tend to agree.  I can change that for non-automatic backups (like you did)16:14
rodrigo_didrocks, seb128: does tomboy icon show up on the unity panel when it's running?16:15
seb128rodrigo_, only when there is an ui open16:16
seb128(known design weak point in unity for "services")16:16
rodrigo_seb128, when there is a tomboy window open you mean?16:16
seb128either a note on the main dialog16:16
seb128rodrigo_, why?16:17
rodrigo_seb128, tomboy devs were asking, and can't run unity here16:17
didrocksit's mainly working until you close the main window or if you quit from the launcher (as it doesn't quit the service)16:18
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting reminder in 3 minutes16:27
* kenvandine waves16:30
pittimeeting time16:31
pittiwhat a hectic day..16:31
tremoluxhowdy everyone16:31
pittiso, let's start with the regular stuff16:32
pittikenvandine: anything noteworthy wrt. partners/indicators/etc?16:32
pittihow's the GTK 3 port coming along?16:32
kenvandinenothing for partner report, we need to work on getting our meetings rescheduled and getting back to a normal rhythm16:33
* rodrigo_ waves16:33
kenvandinemterry has been rocking the gtk3 ports of the indicators16:33
kenvandinei am about to upload appmenu-gtk with gtk3 support16:33
* pitti yays to mterry16:33
mterry(I'm stuck on an issue with that -- pitti I'll ping you after this meeting maybe)16:33
pittioh, btw16:33
pittiplease avoid new transitions until Thursday16:34
kenvandinei'll also have an upload of telepathy-indicator today16:34
pittii. e. breaking the desktop/CDs16:34
pittiAlpha-1 is on Thursday16:34
pittiwe'll pretty much pick any daily that works, but as we haven't had one in three days, we need to get one again first16:34
kenvandineshould i hold off appmenu-gtk3 then?16:34
pittiand the indicator transition will be fairly large, right?16:34
kenvandineactually it'll land in NEW anyway16:34
kenvandinepitti, yeah... but that won't happen before thursday16:35
pittikenvandine: maybe stash it in bzr for now, and perhaps in the ubuntu-desktop PPA for people to try?16:35
pittikenvandine: if it just adds a new binary, it's no problem16:35
kenvandinenew binary, that won't hurt16:35
kenvandineall the indicators are still waiting for DX to review16:35
kenvandinethat is all i have right now16:36
pittikenvandine: would you mind adding a summary to the wiki, for posterity?16:37
pitti(and people interested in the weekly progress)16:37
pittididrocks: thanks for the unity report on the wiki; anything we need to discuss?16:37
didrockswell, just to hilight if people on natty can confirm the bugs for unity in -proposed16:38
didrocksif you are on oneiric, you should already have the latest fixes goodness :)16:38
didrocksand unity-2d is there by default but seems to have issue on kvm as you discussed previously16:38
didrocksthat's it for the unity side :)16:39
Kaleopitti: I'm blocked by meetings but did you try other Qt apps?16:39
pittiKaleo: no16:39
pittitremolux: anythign to discuss for software-center?16:41
tremoluxI think the wiki has it, oh, I should add that we released the 4.0.2 SRU for Natty also16:41
tremoluxand, we have gotten word that there will be some additional UI changes coming in from UX16:42
pittiok, thanks16:42
tremoluxwe only know general scope currently, details to come  ;)16:42
pittino Kubuntu representative, so let's skip that part16:42
pittiI'd like to go over http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-1.html quickly to see what's left16:43
ftamterry, gasp, even encrypted, all the filenames are visible on the destination without entering the key, so it's possible to guess the content :P16:44
pittidesktop-o-default-email-client obviously wins here16:44
mterryfta, hold up, meeting going on16:44
pittichrisccoulson: nothing there seems to be a real blocker right now, so sohuld we move it to a2 wholesale, or did some of the things already happen? (like "meet with"...)16:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - not yet. i'm a bit concerned that i'm currently spending a lot of my time on non-WI stuff, which is eating a lot of my time atm16:46
chrisccoulson(eg, firefox 5 for lucid, maverick and natty)16:46
pittiok, let's just move them over for now16:47
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-dx-o-bugs-triage-and-workflow is rather undrafted and unapproved, and not strictly our team, so let's ignore that one16:47
pittikenvandine: gwibber changes can easily move, I think? I guess alpha-1 was more or less for your personal planning, not a strict deadline?16:48
didrockswell, just to keep you in touch, I'll finish my wi on it16:48
didrocks(this evening)16:48
kenvandinepitti, yeah16:48
kenvandinepitti, but i will likely have them finished by thursday16:48
pittikenvandine: ah, great16:49
pittikenvandine: so, want to keep them?16:49
pittithe remaining ones seem to be a lot of "determine...", "figure out...", "talk to..." stuff, so not really bound by a1 image building etc.16:50
pittiso let's see how much more we can squeeze out, and I'll move the rest wholesale on Thursday16:50
pittianything we shoudl discuss here? blockers? transitions? testing?16:50
kenvandinepitti, i'll keep them and move what i don't get16:50
cyphermoxo/     ~ubuntu-desktop membership ;)16:52
pittioh, still waiting for +1es?16:53
cyphermoxnot sure, there are two16:53
cyphermoxah, yes, missing one16:53
SweetsharkI could use some more too ...16:53
pittianyone else sponsored stuff for cyphermox?16:53
seb128some but not a lot16:56
pittiSweetshark: for PPU?16:56
cyphermoxok, let's just wait then16:56
pittiSweetshark: isn't one +1 enough there?16:56
seb128cyphermox, some of the recent errors you did on versioning on not updating build-depends make me unsure about the +1 to behonest16:57
cyphermoxseb128: understandable16:57
seb128but I'm happy if other who did enough sponsoring give their +116:57
Sweetsharkpitti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BjoernMichaelsen/DeveloperApplication AFAIK I need 3 sponsors. But IIRC only you sponsored my stuff anyway.16:57
pittiSweetshark: maybe you should apply anyway, and point that out16:57
pittiSweetshark: doko didn't sponsor stuff for you?16:58
Sweetsharkpitti: nope16:58
pittiok, I think we should adjourn the meeting17:00
pittithanks everyone!17:00
pitti(sorry for me being slow today, ping overflow)17:00
pittiseb128: I'd say try to apply anyway17:01
seb128(same here)17:01
pittisorry, Sweetshark ^17:01
seb128cyphermox, keep doing a few updates and try to be careful not doing trivial overlooking errors and I will give you a +1 ;-)17:01
seb128pitti, thanks17:02
rodrigo_seb128, about the 'discuss creation of u1 addressbook' item you have assigned, any news from the tb guys? I haven't got any mail from them about that17:02
seb128chrisccoulson, ^17:02
seb128they were supposed to come discuss it there17:02
rodrigo_right, I should have asked chrisccoulson :)17:02
seb128dunno what happened17:02
chrisccoulsoni think mike figured out how to create addressbooks already17:02
rodrigo_yes, right, it's very easy17:03
Kaleopitti: when you have time, if you could run any qt apps in kvm that'd be awesome17:03
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, oh, that's good then :)17:03
seb128rodrigo_, the concern was on where it was tb's job to create the u1 adressbook17:03
seb128rodrigo_, if if some u1 service should do that17:03
rodrigo_if he hasn't, tell him to look at http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-couchdb/tree/plugins/couchdb-contacts-source.c#n42 and the patch we have in evolution-couchdb17:04
rodrigo_seb128, it is evo-couchdb's job, so also tb's17:04
rodrigo_although I guess the u1-control-panel could do it indeed17:04
seb128right, I think they were arguing that tb has nothing to do with u1 and doesn't know what would be the condition to create that adressbook or not17:05
seb128so it would make sense if some u1 service was creating it when u1 is active17:05
seb128rather than relying on each email client to do the same thing on their side17:05
rodrigo_yes, it made sense to have it in evo-couchdb before, but now the u1-control-panel knows when the stuff is installed/activated17:05
rodrigo_nessita, ^^17:06
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pittikenvandine: can you please ping me when you released your lock on the meeting page?17:25
rodrigo_ok, giving up for now, the anesthesics are starting to low down, so pain is coming back, hopefully bbl17:25
rodrigo_later all17:25
seb128rodrigo_, take care17:25
seb128pedro_, hi, do you know any of the brasero guys? could you point them to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64606917:26
kenvandinepitti, done17:26
pittikenvandine: thanks17:26
* kenvandine goes to eat, bbl17:26
seb128pitti, ^ that bug is why the gir is not installed in debian17:26
seb128kenvandine, hey17:26
seb128kenvandine, hum ok, enjoy17:26
pedro_seb128, hey, yeah i'll ping them about it17:27
seb128kenvandine, I wanted to chat about getting the new empathy with the indicator patch dropped in oneiric maybe but no hurry17:27
seb128pedro_, thanks17:27
pittiseb128: ah, thanks17:27
seb128pitti, seems you forgot to push the tagged commit of your empathy upload, do you still have it or should I just fix the vcs?17:45
pittiseb128: sorry; pushed17:52
seb128pitti, no worry, thanks17:52
seb128pitti, it's depwait on the natty libnotify name17:52
seb128but it's not trivial to fix, I will talk to kenvandine about the GNOME3 update when he's back17:52
seb128well the build-depends is trivial to fix17:53
seb128but then it fails to build because it doesn't work with nautilus-sendto317:53
seb128it's also still pulling libgnome-keyring2 libs in which are NBS17:53
pittiso, good night everyone!17:54
didrockspitti: see you tomorrow!17:57
seb128'night pitti17:57
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz
didrocksseb128: in case you didn't see Julie's new ubuntu-fr mugs (5th edition?): http://latolo.didrocks.fr/post/2011/05/31/Ubuntu-party-mai-2011-%3A-nouveau-mug18:33
seb128didrocks, nice ;-)18:34
didrocksit's just in front of me, but without coffee :/18:35
didrocksthat's the missing part ;)18:35
seb128didrocks, is that julie's blog?18:35
didrocksseb128: right18:35
seb128didrocks, so Julie is doing the drawing but not providing the coffee? ;-)18:35
seb128lazy girls!18:35
didrocksseb128: no, it's a shame, isn't it? :-)18:35
didrocksI'll tell her you agree :p18:35
seb128you can ;-)18:36
seb128I live far enough from you to not be scared :p18:36
didrocksthat can motivate her to come to RMLL!18:38
didrocksof course, without you being warned so that the day you come :-)18:38
kenvandineseb128, yeah, i want to get the new empathy in as well18:41
seb128kenvandine, but...? ;-)18:41
kenvandinei was going to try to land it right after tp-indicator is uploaded18:41
kenvandinei know bcurtiswx was working on rebasing it too18:42
seb128check with bcurtiswx maybe, I think he's working on the merge18:42
* bcurtiswx peeks head in18:42
seb128right, I was just suggesting to maybe move ahead and drop the indicator patch before getting tp-indicator in18:42
kenvandinebut i guess with introducing a new package, we should aim for after A1 isos?18:42
* kenvandine would hate to introduce that big of a regression... no status icon and no messaging menu18:42
seb128well if that was my call I would drop the indicator patch and get it in tomorrow18:43
seb128well right now it18:43
seb128- doesn't build18:43
seb128- conflict with nautilus3 (or the sendto binary at least)18:43
seb128- bring gnome-keyring2 in and libs which are nbs18:43
kenvandineso lots of hurdles :/18:43
bcurtiswxkenvandine, seb128: yes, when i am home (was on holiday this past weekend) I will work more on the  rebase/merge .  I can include/drop any patch for now.  I was waiting on Ken's help to get indicators working18:44
seb128kenvandine, it's not like oneiric was working great18:44
seb128we have no theme, no background, etc18:44
kenvandinebcurtiswx,can you push your branch somewhere so i can take a quick look?18:44
kenvandinei guess when you get home18:44
kenvandineseb128, yeah :/18:44
seb128kenvandine, well no hurry to get it today18:45
seb128but I don't want it to take another 2 weeks18:45
seb128so we should aim for next week at least18:45
kenvandinewell i want to test tp-indicator with empathy318:45
kenvandineit works with 2.3418:45
bcurtiswxkenvandine, i can try to finish the rebase this afternoon, and i'll let you know.18:45
seb128so let's say you are on it but I'm just doing a gentle reminder that it needs to get in ;-)18:45
kenvandineseb128, understand :)18:46
kenvandinebcurtiswx, thx...18:46
seb128kenvandine, so maybe let bcurtiswx do his rebase today, review what he did tomorrow and see how to move on18:46
micahgis software center being ported to GTK3 this cycle?18:49
* micahg saw a maybe on the blueprint18:49
* didrocks waves goodnight (still having my script running in background, we'll check the result later)18:51
bcurtiswxnite didrocks :)18:51
didrocksgood evening bcurtiswx!18:51
bcurtiswxempathy without any indicator patches makes it virtually impossible to see when you get a new message if you don't have the contact list open, FYI18:54
bcurtiswxwould be my reasoning as why to wait until indicator stuff can get in before releasing18:54
kenvandinebcurtiswx, yeah18:55
kenvandinei am about to get started packaging tp-indicator18:55
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seb128cyphermox, could you merge evolution-exchange on debian?20:52
seb128it seems like the delta should be small or almost null out of the version update20:52
cyphermoxseb128: yeah, I could do it manually; but using bzr it doesn't seem to work (ubuntu branch is not in sync)20:53
seb128could you open an udd bug about the out of sync issue?20:53
seb128doing it manually work, that's how I do the merges on debian, I never used bzr for those ;-)20:54
cyphermoxah ;)20:55
cyphermoxI always use bzr20:55
cyphermoxhmm.. maybe it's not quite out of date either20:56
cyphermoxok, it is20:56
cyphermoxseb128: bug 790876.20:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 790876 in udd "lp:ubuntu/evolution-exchange is out of date" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79087620:59
seb128cyphermox, thanks20:59
seb128it should be easy enough to merge by hand, I diffed the debian dirs the other day20:59
seb128the packaging from debian should just work20:59
seb128the only question was the patches to build on oneiric21:00
cyphermoxyeah, starting now21:01
cyphermox(i went to fix temp on the oven ;)21:01
seb128time to call it a day, if you have an updated merge request just submit it and we will review tomorrow ;-)21:02
seb128was there anything blocking evolution-mapi btw?21:02
seb128you mentioned some samba bug the other day?21:02
seb128was that sorted?21:02
cyphermoxno, just about to upload it now, I was waiting for pbuilder21:02
cyphermoxit's sorted21:02
seb128great work21:03
seb128ok, time to go now21:03
seb128bye everybody21:03
=== braiam__ is now known as Braiam
bcurtiswxkenvandine, empathy depends on "libdconf0 | gsettings-backend" previously they had gotten rid of libdconf0 since it was done at a higher level.  since this has the "or" gsettings-backend, do we still need to change this?23:09
bcurtiswxpreviously "we" had dropped libdconf0....23:10
bcurtiswxanyone know for the options in totem for example, where if you try to play a video and you need other decoders it will give you the option to install23:26
bcurtiswxif that was hacked by us or upstream?23:26
TheMusoI thought that was done by us...23:28
TheMusoTwas a few cycles ago though, so things may have changed in terms of where its maintained.23:28
bcurtiswxI'd be interested in the code maybe, just to see if i can do something similar with empathy.  I'm just playing around with ideas.23:33
bcurtiswxTheMuso, thx :)23:33
Amaranthbcurtiswx, TheMuso: We got gstreamer to implement the needed hooks and each distro connects it to their package manager23:44
TheMusoah ok23:45
bcurtiswxAmaranth, ah cool. thx.23:45
jasoncwarnerbryce robert_ancell TheMuso and RAOF, you guys almost ready for meeting?23:52
* bcurtiswx sits in23:53
RAOFGot a tea in my hand and a freshly minted, only slightly broken mesa package.  Ye haw!23:53
TheMusoHrm a cup of tea sounds nice.23:54
* TheMuso goes to put on kettle.23:54
bcurtiswxin apt-cache show the size is in KB or B ?23:56
RAOFKB I think.23:58
RAOFNo, I lie.  Bytes.23:59
bcurtiswx:( <trump> you're fired </trump>23:59

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