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smbcjwatson, I took the quote from irc. So we already start to get really confused. :) Ok, 3.0 < 3.0.0 sounds more matching my string compare mindset.07:57
* apw yawns08:03
jk-hey smb & apw08:09
apwjk- morning :)08:09
* jk- gives smb a handful of spare zeros08:09
smbjk-, Heya08:09
apwsmb, hows the mainline builds08:09
smbjk-, apw may need them too08:09
apwsmb, yeah if leann hasn't fixed everything :)08:10
smbapw, I think for the  moment the kernel side of scripts does not like 3.008:10
apwthat i can believe ... bah08:10
smbsmb, I think I got the build-one script in a usable state08:10
smbthough still exiting early for debug08:10
smbbut we could enable everything this morning and see08:11
smbapw, If you got your toast and more important cup of tea or coffee08:11
apwsmb, i'll get the kettle on08:11
apwsmb, do you know if leann was looking at the kernel side or am i clear to poke that nest?08:11
smbapw, I don't know for sure but I cannot believe she had not. Wanted to discuss with you later today (or sooner depending on little one :))08:12
ogasawaraapw: I sent you email, but basically I've rebased Oneiric to v3.0-rc1 and pushed to my personal repo08:13
ogasawaraapw: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ogasawara/ubuntu-oneiric.git master-next08:13
smbthere she is... :)08:13
ogasawaraapw: it obviously fails to build if I use a version of 3.0-0.108:13
smbogasawara, yeah, seems the config script messes up08:14
ogasawaraapw: so I've temporarily used 3.0.0-0.1, ironed out the build failures08:14
smband leaves KERNEL_VERSION emtpy in the .h08:14
ogasawaraapw: and wanted to chat with you later about how we want to version08:14
smbogasawara, He went for the kettle I guess08:15
apwogasawara, as i understood things he is going to call tings 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 etc and stable will be 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1,1, 3.1,2 etc right ?08:15
ogasawaraapw: that's what I'd heard also08:15
smbMe too08:15
apwso presmably the logical naming is to use 3.0 before the -, and never change it for the kernel similar to how we never change the 2.6.38 08:16
smbSounds like the only issue is that when you have to go with 3.0.0 atm due to scripts, it gets a bit messy package version wise08:16
apwyeah so it sounds like we want to fix that for the 3.0 branch, i can have a look at that today08:16
* apw had really hoped he would release just one more 2.6.x ... sigh ... so we could avoid this till PP08:17
ogasawaraapw: would we wanted to consider adopting 3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.2.0...?? to make things easier?08:17
apwogasawara, i guess the right answer is 3.0, so i am thiniking i want to know how bad coping with that would be08:19
smbIt could be a simple work-around to the problem08:19
apwyeah i assume that just works (tm) as its the right shape, well once all the references to -2.6 are fixed 08:19
ogasawaraapw: if you want to take a stab at making 3.0 working that would be cool with me too08:20
apwogasawara, well (assuming sleep is in your future) i will poke the snakes and see if 3.0 can be made to work08:20
ogasawaraapw: cool.  indeed I'm only temporarily awake right now :)08:20
smbapw, It was actually not looking that bad at least for the mainline scripts I looked so far08:20
apwand if not then we can compromise on 3.0.0 for now and perhaps firx it for PP08:20
apwok deal, i get snake duty 08:20
ogasawaraapw: sounds good.  I'll wonder back off to bed :)08:21
smbogasawara, night. :)08:21
smbor rest of it08:21
apwnight :)08:22
smbapw, So up to now I only changed build-one in the kteam-tools subdir08:22
smbTo make always a 3 digit version08:22
ogasawaraapw: but as a reminder, if we did use 3.0.0, we really couldn't go back and used 3.0 later as 3.0 < 3.0.0 08:22
apwogasawara, yeah, we'd be commited for oneiric if we use 3.0.0 ...08:24
* smb thinks a ghost .0 for 3.0 is a lesser evil given the rush big L had with getting the numbers jumping08:24
* ogasawara really goes to bed now08:24
apwyeah, i think its worth spending a little time seeing if it can be fixed, we're on hold for A1 anyhow so we arn't in a rush, and likely we'd not upload an -rc1 in the middle anyhow, so we have another week maybe and a half before we need something to work08:25
smbAnd depending on how things move along maybe we finally release with a 3.0.x level anyway...08:26
apwsmb, yeah buts that is still a 3.0 version under our scheme08:26
apwas our 38.13 version is still 2.6.38-9.4208:27
smbyeah right...08:27
apwsmb now i think about it, i'd almost be more inclinded to use 2.6.41 for a bit till we fix it, in case linus changes his mind08:29
smbon the other hand, maybe people would not be too disappointed by seeing the stable release the package is based on in the version number...08:29
apwsmb, indeed perhaps not, well i'll see how bad things are, and then we can decide more formally08:32
smbapw, True, if "he" had heard his voices sooner we could have had a bit of a more interesting uds session on it... :)08:33
apwsmb, poop he hasn't decided how to represent the version in the tree yet, thats not helpfil08:34
smbThought to have heard rumours about renaming or opening a new one... but as you say, probably nothing really decided yet08:35
apwsmb, oh i meant in the Makefile, so this kernel reallly calls itself 3.0.0-rc1 but because otherwise the tree won't work08:47
smbAh. Yeah08:48
alkisgPackage linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty is missing in Lucid, should I file a bug report for it, or is it being taken care of, or it's not even in the plans to provide such a package?08:51
apwalkisg, its in progress, via the kernel stable team08:57
alkisgThank you08:57
* smb needs more coffee...09:11
* abogani needs too09:15
* ppisati goes out to do some grocery (and get some food)11:36
apwarggg, depmod assumes a command line arg is a kernel version number if it is x.y.z form ... ARRG12:23
smbthat is a far dependency indeed...12:26
apwogasawara, so i think i have the kernel bits fixed for 3.0, but am just workign on depmod which is a little brain dammaged ... getting there13:23
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vmlinuzTommeh: today, I was running GNOME without 3D effects and it froze again13:31
vmlinuzTommeh: the only option that worked (till now) is 'Failsafe GNOME' in GDM13:32
TommehIt has reduced the frequency of freezing though?13:32
vmlinuzTommeh: yes, disabling 3D effects yes13:33
TommehAre you sure it's not just coincidence and your GPU is broken?13:34
TommehOr overheating.13:34
aboganivmlinuz: What video driver are you using?13:35
vmlinuzabogani: 'intel'13:36
aboganivmlinuz: i915?13:36
vmlinuzabogani: (II) LoadModule: "intel"13:37
vmlinuzabogani: from my /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:37
vmlinuzabogani: (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810,13:37
vmlinuzabogani: this 'i810' is the correct answer?13:38
aboganivmlinuz: yes13:38
vmlinuzTommeh abogani I've found this doc yesterday: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Freeze13:38
vmlinuzI'll try to follow that and see if I find anything else13:39
* apw steps out13:49
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smoser`smb around ?14:04
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smbsmoser, Yes, whats up?14:04
smoserit looks like linux in lucid went proposed -> updates yesterday, but linux-ec2 is languishing14:04
smbsmoser, hm... usually not that much under my control but we can ask ...14:06
ogasawaraapw: ack14:11
JFosmb, what do you think of bug 790609 ?14:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 790609 in linux "EC2: 2.6.39 oneiric kernel only sees 525MB total memory on t1.micro" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79060914:21
smbJFo, They should be glad it works ... Not much yet. The config limit should have been lifted since natty now...14:23
JFook cool14:23
smbOh, wait14:23
smbThat might be something to do with the way they change initial mapping14:24
smbBut I would need to look into that 14:24
smoser"they should be glad it works" :) nice.14:24
smbsmoser, I guess you opened it then. :)14:24
JFook, no problem, just wasn't sure if there was anything I could do to it. I am assuming not14:24
smoseri did not. and its makes me really happy that someone else is using development release prior to alpha.14:25
smbsmoser, That is probably true... "[ 0.000000] Memory: 521872k/4202496k available" that would look a bit scary if that is true...14:28
* ogasawara back in 2015:00
apwogasawara, ok i think this can be done, with a fix to module-init-tools, though i am not sure the kernel is 'good' on intel graphics15:36
apwogasawara, have you boot tested this thing anywhere?15:36
ogasawaraapw: not yet, am hammering out build failures on arm and i38615:39
apwogasawara, ok cool15:41
cjwatsonapw: depmod> http://fedorapeople.org/~kyle/fix-depmod-for-linux-3.0.diff16:31
mjg59Upstream should be fixed16:31
mjg59(Assuming you trust jcm)16:31
apwcjwatson, right, i want that fix, which does indeed match what i've applied locally to fix things16:31
apwmjg59, right i was thinking about pulling in upsteam latest16:32
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:39
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting16:39
JFois Karmic EOL today? :)16:55
JFoor was it a bit ago?16:55
JFoand I missed it16:55
smbJFo, Just by a month iirc16:56
JFohmmm, ok16:56
smbJust to avoid my usual ambiguity: I think it was EOL end of this April16:57
ppisatinot kernel related but: doesn't ubuntu package match 1:1 what we have in bzr?16:59
ppisati[flag@newluxor canonical]$ dpkg -l | grep lxc16:59
ppisatiii  lxc                                   0.7.4-0ubuntu7.1                           Linux containers userspace tools16:59
ppisati[flag@newluxor canonical]$ cd lxc16:59
ppisati[flag@newluxor lxc]$ bzr tags | grep 0.7.4-0ubuntu716:59
ppisati0.7.4-0ubuntu7       1516:59
ppisatiwhere the .1 comes from? and what does it contain?16:59
sconklinJFo: Dapper server officially dies June 116:59
JFosweet! ;)17:00
JFosmb, I knew what you meant :-P17:00
JFooh yeah17:00
mfilipesforshee, thanks again for your effort to fix the problem with two monitors in intel graphic card :)17:00
smbbjf, sconklin Do our current SRU policies allow for a slightly stretched use of the term bug (iow something that may not be considered a bug upstream and so won't make it stable there)?17:01
sforsheemfilipe, np17:01
smbsconklin, We will have to make a celebration in Dublin... :)17:02
sconklinsmb: best way to find out is to write an SRU request.17:02
mfilipesforshee, do you know if there is a solution in 2.6.39-rc*? 17:02
smbJFo, Good, I am just happen to think so often whether I wrote something that could mean something completely different in English17:03
JFothe clarification was appreciated. :-)17:03
sforsheemfilipe, 2.6.39 final is out and I don't think there's any fix in there, but you could always test it to be sure17:03
sforsheeI don't have affected hardware to test with17:03
JFobut it confirmed my suspicion :)17:03
smbsconklin, Doing a SRU request means to spend time on it... :-P Oh, well ok. :)17:04
mfilipesforshee, ok, I always will update the launchpad and freedesktop with news17:05
bjfsmb, rule #1: The kernel team uses common sense to determine if a patch should be accepted or not for SRU.17:05
sconklinsmb: yes, but I can't say whether it will meet the two-ack requirement by myself ;-) There's no "dictator" in my title17:05
smbbjf, of rule #5 17:05
bjfsmb, i can't get to that page right now but i think i know the rule your are talking about and I don't believe in invisible boogey men, so i don't hold to rule #517:07
smbbjf, There certainly was one ir two cases of it in the past, but I think this one may be ok. Its just a bit closer to feature than bug from upstream point of view. But I'll prepare patche(s) 17:09
JFoyou guys are crackin' me up.17:11
* smb is not very successfully splitting himself up between two channels17:13
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brendandhi sconklin17:28
sconklinbrendand: hi17:29
brendandsconklin - are the new proposed kernels on track?17:29
sconklinyes, but we have not completed the previous cycle yet, so we will not begin a new cycle today as planned.17:29
sconklinI expect that we will slip a week17:30
sconklinand have kernels in -proposed by next Monday17:30
brendandsconklin - all of lucid, maverick and natty?17:33
sconklinNext Monday, yes.17:34
sconklinWe will revert all the USB3.0 patches (3) that were in the last Natty -proposed, and not publish that kernel. Problems have been discovered, but we have not had the cooperation we need from the reporters to isolate it. So I;m going to pull all 3 patches17:35
sconklinwe will see whether we can isolate the problem separately and resolve that.17:35
brendandsconklin - i don't recall hearing about that on the mailing list?17:35
sconklinThat one is in the tracking bugs.17:36
sconklinOne of the big problems we have is that information is getting split between the mailing list and the tracking bugs, and they don't always track. Starting with this cycle we are using the new workflow tools. Expect email about that on the list.17:38
brendandsconklin -  wasn't there an email after that saying it was okay to test that kernel?17:42
sconklinwhich kernel? There was an email saying "Do not publish Lucid" which was ignored.17:43
sconklinWe weren't certain until last week that there was a real issue with USB3 on Natty, and then decided that it was probably a real problem17:43
brendandsconklin - okay. i think there has been some miscommunication here. as you said, hopefully the new workflow can address these things.17:45
brendandsconklin - i think i wasn't looking in all the right places for updates17:45
sconklinbrendand: I agree. The last cycle was a complete wreck17:45
sconklinan ongoing train wreck17:45
brendandsconklin - my feeling is that if something comes up that would stop a kernel from being published then an email needs to be sent to kernel-SRU17:48
sconklinbrendand: well, I agree. And I did send email, and the kernel was published anyway17:48
sconklinI thought that "Do not publish Lucid or Maverick kernels until further notice." was pretty unambiguous, but I guess not17:49
brendandsconklin - yes. and we stopped testing it at that very moment (although we'd already tested lucid the week before)17:49
brendandsconklin - and it was very unambigious17:50
brendandsconklin - can i ask, when was it confirmed that Natty was a no go as well?17:50
sconklinNatty was set to verification-failed on May 4th17:51
sconklinand was never set back to anything else. 17:51
sconklinThere was some debate on the team about overriding that, but it remained so, and will . . .17:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 772096 in linux "linux: 2.6.38-9.43 -proposed tracker" [Medium,Fix committed]17:52
bjf## Kernel team meeting in 7 minutes17:52
smbthe race is about to begin17:52
* JFo tightens his laces17:53
sconklinand although for Lucid the "don't publish" email was sent on May 25th, on May 27th the QA team marked the tracking bug as "verification-done" and it was subsequently published17:54
sconklinbrendand: ^^17:54
sconklinbrendand: I accept responsibility for not updating the tracking bug in addition to sending the email17:56
ogasawaraapw: I've boot tested on 2 amd64 machines and 1 i386, all intel hw, all booted fine and appear operable17:59
apwogasawara, thanks, could you (1) push me a test binary somewhere (feel free to /msg me where they are) and (2) push your current tip to the same place :)18:00
ogasawaraapw: yep, will do after the meeting18:00
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=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Natty Kernel Version: 2.6.38 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - June-7 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
bjfogasawara, heads-up, looks like someone else will need to run the meeting on June 14. I'll be traveling to Millbank19:07
ogasawarabjf: ack, I'll put it on my todo list19:12
scott-workhello everyone, which kernel version is planned for oneric?19:50
vanhoofogasawara: off hand do you know if there has ever been any storage related l-b-m work?19:51
vanhoofogasawara: all I've ever came across has been network, or audio19:51
ogasawaravanhoof: I can't recall any off the top of my head19:51
vanhoofif not, is it even feasible?19:51
ogasawaravanhoof: possibly, which driver?19:52
vanhoofogasawara: this beast :) https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/5/13/38019:54
ogasawaravanhoof: whoa, 46 files changed, 27172 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)19:55
ogasawaravanhoof: would this be wanted for Natty?19:56
apwogasawara, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/master-next-oneiric/ has the kernels, you need the module-init-tools change installed _before_ you install them too else it breaks ... if you could let me know if they boot on either of your boxed be nice to know :)19:57
ogasawaraapw: ack, I'll install now and test19:57
vanhoofogasawara: yeah that's what I'm looking at now; couple folks have been doing builds on natty and it works19:58
vanhoofideally I'd like to see this on oneiric, but trying to figure out what options could be put together if any19:58
vanhoofshort of something frankenstein like :D19:59
vanhoofI've only seen one request so far for this controller, so I'm not sure how many others would benefit19:59
ogasawaravanhoof: I haven't read through the thread, any mention when this might officially land in mainline?20:01
ogasawaravanhoof: Oneiric is going to be v3.020:01
vanhoofogasawara: last I read .40, I guess 3.0 now :)20:04
vanhooflet me double check20:04
vanhoofogasawara: not much beyond just that thread, so not entirely sure if it'll make its way in20:09
vanhoofogasawara: I'll just monitor to see if and when it does land20:10
vanhoofreally just wanted to see if something like l-b-m would even be do-able for a driver like this20:10
ogasawaravanhoof: there indeed has been precedence for something like this via LBM but with other subsystems (eg audio, compat-wireless, etc)20:11
ogasawaravanhoof: and as LBM is an elective install and we could give it it's own lbm-scsi package or something so it might be do-able20:12
vanhoofyeah I thought about this as we did something similar for e1000e in 10.10 20:12
ogasawaravanhoof: but obviously best case scenario is that it'll land and we won't have to do anything20:13
vanhoofogasawara: yeah im guessing by the time oneiric roles around this would be a non-issue provided this driver does merge, just wondering how much of this controller we'll see before oneiric releases20:14
vanhoofogasawara: ill keep tabs on it for it to merge, and then see if we have more demand for this controller20:14
ogasawaravanhoof: sounds good20:14
vanhoofogasawara: thank you :)20:14
ogasawaraapw: your test kernels boot on my test machines here20:20
ogasawaraapw: I've got a couple more patches for powerpc build failures, but I can wait to push to master-next after you do20:22
hallyn_uh, CONFIG_NET_NS got unset in lucid kernel update?20:26
hallyn_i thought someone had asked whether that would cause problems and the answer was yes20:28
hallyn_smb: ^20:29
apwogasawara, just push your stuff, my changes rebase easy20:29
ogasawaraapw: cool, pushed to my repo20:31
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Phoenix][hi there, is there an experimental ppa for natty / 2.6.39 (release version, no rcs) available?22:52

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