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xjjkanyone alive/lucid? is the first article on http://wiki.samat.org/DraftBlogs mostly accurate20:41
chrisccoulsonxjjk, yes. although, the firefox-stable PPA will go away at some point20:47
xjjkchrisccoulson: what will it be replaced with?20:47
micahgxjjk: Minefield is now nightly20:47
chrisccoulsonxjjk, nothing20:47
xjjkthere still has to be a testing area for stuff before backports, no?20:47
chrisccoulsonthat will go straight in to the distro instead20:48
xjjker, without a testing? not that it really needs any…20:48
xjjkKubuntu has a testing PPA before things hit backports20:48
xjjkI don't think anyone really reports bugs against it20:48
micahgxjjk: we have the mozilla security PPA for prerelease testing20:48
chrisccoulsonxjjk, no, it will be via the security PPA, like we do with all firefox updates20:48
micahgxjjk: and the beta builds should be identical to the final ones as well20:49
xjjkchrisccoulson: which security PPA? the one I found hadn't been updated in a long while20:49
chrisccoulsonxjjk, ubuntu-mozilla-security20:49
xjjkhrm, nothing Firefox-related there20:50
xjjkyet, I suppose20:50
chrisccoulsonxjjk, that's because packages are deleted once they are copied to the archive20:50
chrisccoulsoni can assure you that this PPA is actively used for every firefox update ;)20:50
xjjkchrisccoulson: okay, great20:51
chrisccoulsonhmmm, too bad tbird 5.0 missed out on alpha 120:52
xjjkchrisccoulson: not happen to remember where Ubuntu/whomever announced they'd speed up their Firefox release schedule20:56
xjjkI remember reading about it, but don't remember where or when20:56
chrisccoulsonxjjk, i'm not sure where that would be documented20:56
xjjkthere was an announcement… somewhere… eh20:56
BUGabundofta: say hi to my new Asus Transformer22:01
BUGabundoSee my last post on statusnet or twitter :)22:03
chrisccoulsonb'ah, the epoch in the version number for thunderbird-locales is a pain22:28
micahgchrisccoulson: just do a breaks/replaces22:29
micahgand use a different binary name22:29
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i don't really want to use a different binary name22:29
chrisccoulsonwell, i didn't want to anyway ;)22:30
micahgchrisccoulson: well, I like that more than I like an epoch :)22:30
micahgthere's a way to give the binaries a different version # than the source, but idk how to do it offhand22:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, you can just pass a parameter to dpkg-gencontrol22:32
xjjkfeel free to spread via your favorite social media…22:32
micahgxjjk: can you get rid of "edge" in the launchpad URLs, it will die soon22:34
xjjkmicahg: oh, thought I had… thank22:34
micahgxjjk: missed one :) (security PPA)22:35
xjjkyep, fixed22:36
* micahg thought he did a full refresh22:36
xjjker, probably cached…22:37
xjjkand cache flushed22:37
micahgyep, shows right now22:37
xjjkthe only thing slower than Drupal is the server I have it running on, meh22:37
xjjkhave aggressive caching setup22:37

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