
dpmgood morning all06:40
andrejzgood morning08:12
RawChidGood morning :)08:26
dpmmorning andrejz and RawChid :)08:57
andrejzmorning dpm08:57
andrejzhello dpm i have a quesion about templates13:39
dpmandrejz, sure, ask away :)13:50
andrejzwhere can i find out which version of the software is currently in oneiric13:51
dpmandrejz, on the package overview page, let me show you how to get there...13:52
andrejzi would like to quicky determine if status "needs review" is only due to version change13:52
andrejzjust to confirm, if the same package is uploaded by two different people i need to confirm both, correct?13:54
dpmandrejz, no, there is no need to approve both. Just approve the older entry13:55
dpmit's only blocking that you have to do for each uploader13:55
dpmapprovals work regardless of the uploader13:55
dpmanyway, back to finding out the version of a package, there are several ways:13:56
dpm* if you are at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/evolution/, you can just go to the "Overview" tab and it will tell you the versions13:56
dpm* You can use the publishing history url: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+publishinghistory, which gives a nice overview too13:57
dpm* You can install the ubuntu-dev-tools package and use the 'rmadison' command line tool: 'rmadison evolution'13:58
andrejzcool thanks, will write it down13:58
dpmJust pick the method that you like best :)13:58
dpmandrejz, which package are you looking at now?13:58
andrejzi am looking at libgweather13:58
andrejzthere is a libgwather-3.0 pot in the import queue13:59
andrejzif libgweather-3.0 replaces previous version and it's not going to be used anymore then the same name can be used, correct?14:00
dpmyeah, we can name libgweather-3.0 to libgweather and approve I guess. Let me double-check...14:01
dpm$ rmadison libgweather14:02
dpmlibgweather | |         hardy | source14:02
dpmlibgweather | 2.22.3-0ubuntu2 | hardy-updates | source14:02
dpmlibgweather | 2.28.0-1ubuntu2 |        karmic | source14:02
dpmlibgweather | 2.30.0-0ubuntu1 |         lucid | source14:02
dpmlibgweather | 2.30.3-0ubuntu1 |      maverick | source14:02
dpmlibgweather | 2.30.3-1ubuntu1 |         natty | source14:02
dpmlibgweather | 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 |       oneiric | source14:02
dpmso it looks we switched to 3.0 in oneiric and 2.x will not be used, so it should be safe to just rename the entry to 'libgweather' and approve it.14:03
andrejzthat's what why thought but wasn't certain, thanks14:04
andrejzsince evolution 2.x is also going to be replaced by 3.x in 11.10 (and will be the only version) I am wondering why we renamed alredy imported template to evolution 2.32 and disabled it instead of just verwriting it like was the case with lobgweather14:07
serfusdpm, never got a chance to say thanks yesterday, so many thanks :-)14:07
dpmserfus, you're welcome, I saw you submitted your first fix, awesome! :)14:08
andrejzdpm, can you answer my dilemma from above?14:11
dpmandrejz, that's a good point. Both approaches would have worked, but renaming as libgweather is perhaps better. I can't remember why we needed to rename it: it might have been a mistake on my part, or it might be that both templates had already been imported and we had to rename one of them, as a source package can't have two equally named templates14:17
andrejzyes it was the second thing, now i remember, thanks14:17
kelemengaborif we are at the templates, could someone explain why got gsettings-desktop-schemase such a high priority? AFAIK its strings are not even visible.14:23
dpmhi kelemengabor, let me have a look...14:56
kelemengabordpm: its on the second page: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+lang/hu/+index?start=75&batch=7514:57
dpmkelemengabor, so do you think it should be rather treated as if it were a CLI package and be given a priority in the 18th category in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TemplatesPriority ?14:59
dpmkelemengabor, actually, rather than telling me and me changing it, you can probably change it yourself on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+templates and it'll be quicker :)15:00
kelemengaborwell, about so... like GUI, non-default15:00
kelemengaborsure, just wanted to be sure that I'm not mistaken15:00
kelemengaborand you don't know something that I should too :)15:01
kelemengaborchanged both in natty and oneiric15:08
dpmgreat, thanks kelemengabor15:09
kelemengaboralso, now that we have https://translations.launchpad.net/serverguide, the serverguide template is safe to remove from oneiric, right?15:11
dpmyes, good catch15:13
kelemengabordone, I think I'll send a mail about this, because stats were a little bit nicer in oneiric than in upstream15:16
kelemengabor8 languages at 100% vs 215:17
dpmkelemengabor, hm, then something went wrong, I asked the docs team about this, and they said they had exported all translations from the source package to the upstream project15:19
dpmbefore doing the move to an upstream project15:20
kelemengaboroh no... I couldn't change the priority of gsettings-desktop-schemas :(15:20
kelemengaborit says "Constraint not satisfied" under the Owner field15:20
kelemengaborwhat the...15:20
dpmah, wait, I think I had this problem before, perhaps is the owner no longer in launchpad?15:21
dpmtry to set the owner to the last uploader, or just to rosetta-admins, I think that should work15:21
kelemengaborokay, got it :)15:22
kelemengaboranyways, I exported the serverguide po files, I'll put it up to my p.u.c folder, perhaps this can save the folks a few clicks15:26
dpmkelemengabor, ah, cool, thanks, yeah, just make sure you let the ubuntu-docs team folks about it15:26
dpmI'm just typing too quick, it's not that I can't talk... sorry for the poor sentence :)15:27
kelemengaborI don't know what the docs people imported. all templates there were last updated on 05-22, while the last change in oneiric was on 05-07 yet the numbers don't match, and the import queue is empty.15:34
kelemengaborokay, mail sent15:49
RawChiddpm, I guess set_pot_priority has the highest priority to work on right now?16:13
dpmthanks kelemengabor16:13
dpmhey RawChid, yeah, if you feel you want to do any of the TODO's in the file, just go for it, although the tool is fine as it's working now. One thing that would be interesting to do would be to have a similar tool to change the name of templates, and I'm still thinking of the best way to do this without duplicating code. Perhaps a TemplateManagerApp class that can be instanced in all of the tools that work with templates, where the tool itself wou16:16
dpmld only pass the parameter of the property that needs changing (i.e. priority, or name, etc) to the TemplateManagerApp...16:16
RawChidOh, didn't know it was already working.16:17
dpmRawChid, yeah, I used it to mass-change the priorities in oneiric already. If you use the staging LP server (the default option, as you implemented it) you should be able to change priorities for testing too. I gave you permissions on staging so that you could test it16:20
RawChidI'm also interesting in building a (PPA) package.16:20
RawChidOkay, I'll look into it later this day.16:21
dpmRawChid, yeah, we should definitely have a PPA, but I think I'd wait until the tools are more stable16:25
RawChidOke, but I'm just interesing in how to do that kind of stuff :P.16:27
RawChidBBL, good day16:27
dpmRawChid, sure :)16:27
dpmI mean, if you're interested in learning that, by all means try, it's all about finding something interesting to work on to scratch an itch16:28
andrejzdpm i have a question17:57
andrejzubuntu documentation is supposed to translated in the upstream project from now on17:58
andrejzdoes it then make sense to also have it as a part of ubuntu translations17:58
AJenboandrejz, ubuntu serverdocs are being moved out of ubuntu translations18:00
dpmandrejz, that was only for the server guide, the ubuntu docs are translatable both in the upstream project and in Ubuntu. Thanks to message sharing you can translate in both locations18:01
andrejzok, thanks for clarification18:01
andrejzdpm, i am glad to announce have finished the work on the import queue18:36
andrejzunity-doc is currently the only package in import queue with status "needs review" older than 2 days18:39
dpmandrejz, excellent, yeah, I'll talk tomorrow with the desktop guys to see what we should do with it18:41
dpmgood work!18:41
andrejzthanks :)18:42
andrejzis qapt going to be default in kubuntu 11.10?18:42
andrejznow i only need to set priority for newly imported packages18:45
andrejzso everything is ready to open 11.10 for tranlsations right after alpha 118:45
kelemengabordpm: so, opening up translations will happen this Friday?18:54
dpmkelemengabor, yeah, I think if all goes well we could go for it on Friday18:55
kelemengaborokay, I'll be on it :)18:55
dpmcool :)18:55
dpmI'll start writing the announcement tomorrow18:55
dpmand now time to call it a day... see you all tomorrow!18:56
dpmand thanks to everyone for the great work, btw :)18:56
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