
seekerBah, BT took down my broadband for engineering work without informing me01:07
seekerHow hard is it to send an email01:07
gordfor someone as competent as bt? maybe quite hard ;)01:10
shaunonow this bugs me .. a command with output I can't seem to redirect away from the terminal03:06
MartijnVdSshauno: maybe it's using STDERR?05:45
diplomorning all08:20
danfishno more bank holidays until August - how will I cope?08:32
MartijnVdSdanfish: Take some regular days off :)08:33
danfishMartijnVdS: true, but the key is not telling the other half or a large list of jobs to do around the house will appear ;)08:35
danfishSo the kernel is moving to "3" - I wonder what that'll break08:36
MartijnVdSdanfish: Easy :) Just don't tell. :)08:36
MartijnVdSdanfish: lots of custom build scripts08:36
danfishyes, could be messy08:37
MooDoo_hello all08:57
=== MooDoo_ is now known as MooDoo
kazademorning all09:17
DJonespopey: Is this what you were waiting to look at http://event.asus.com/mobile/padfone/ seem to remember you saying about it09:38
danfishDJones: that looks like a very nice device. Cheesiest advert though...09:54
popeyinteresting device09:55
DJonesdanfish: I've not looked at the advert, but certainly looks interesting, I guess its usefulness will depend on its specification one details get released09:56
gordi refuse on very fundamental grounds to own anything that refers to itself in part or wholly as a "fone" =\09:57
danfishDJones: and no price point published - always suspicious ;)09:58
bigcalmMorning peeps09:58
oimonconsidering that a tablet is a luxury device, i guess the people that buy luxury devices don't want to fanny around slotting their phone into a tablet, they would just buy a tablet and have 2 devices rather than 1+extension09:58
bigcalmWhat would make a user who had cron running just fine for years stop working? crontab -e/l still work. Manually running the command it runs also works09:59
oimonupgrading the OS?09:59
oimonsame thing happened to me10:00
bigcalmNo known change to the OS over the weekend10:00
danfishbigcalm: I've had exactly the same - odd10:00
bigcalmThis is again on a client's server. Same client we are moving from FirstServ to RackSpace10:00
=== ChrisB_ is now known as Guest56878
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brobostigongood morning everyone.10:04
oimonbigcalm: hmm just noticed my cron jobs have stopped again on lucid10:04
bigcalmMaybe crontab has stopped working all over the world!10:05
oimonbug 59211410:06
lubotu3Launchpad bug 592114 in upstart (Ubuntu) "upstart doesn't start cron automatically on boot in lucid for server on amd64" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59211410:06
oimonbigcalm: i'd be interested to see if cron runs after service cron stop  followed by a start10:14
bigcalmIt's a RHE server10:14
bigcalmMight be something in init.d10:14
oimonnever had probs on those10:14
bigcalmCron is working for root. A daily backup happened yesterday10:15
diplooimon, bigcalm : was a message on ubuntu server mailing list this morning10:16
diploPam modules upgraded over the weekend, cron should automatically restart after an upgrade but it doesn't or isn't set to10:16
diploRestarting it has fixed 2 of the peoples problems on there10:16
bigcalm#/etc/init.d/crond status10:17
bigcalmcrond dead but pid file exists10:17
oimoni have a different issue,. cron pretends to work after a reboot (i.e. process exists) but doesn't run my jobs until service restart10:18
gordbigcalm, weirdly i just noticed that my own cron stuff has stopped running11:06
* bigcalm shakes his fist at the SuperHub yet again11:11
JGJonesI wonder how long before Opera's extensions for speeddial get copied...11:17
dogmatic69JGJones: o.o11:19
gordah, the new tab page of shame11:22
gord"all the stuff you waste far too much time on"11:22
dogmatic69they *all* do it11:22
shauno$deity bless the 'edit' button.  I don't like safari advertising my taste in websites ;)11:23
MooDooshauno: how about /me likes the edit button :)11:24
JGJonesdogmatic69, they do speed dial yes...but the Opera 11.50 beta does extensions as a speed dial button - ie a speed dial button would show the current weather, the next the current twitter stream etc.11:25
JGJonesit's not just a bookmark speeddial.11:25
dogmatic69JGJones: like google chrome apps?11:25
JGJonesdoesn't google chrome apps just show logo of the app which you click to then load the app?11:26
JGJonesdogmatic69, an example - In Oprea I've just installed a weather extension for speed dial and set it to Leeds. The button logo shows me the current weather in Leeds11:27
JGJonesNo need to click on it, the information is there.11:27
dogmatic69Weather Report applet :)11:29
dogmatic69plus docky, the time drop down and my iphone. dont need more :D11:29
JGJonesheh - the weather was an example. There's not that many extensions yet but as it's just a beta and it's Opera, it'll take a bit of time before we see a lot more ;-)11:31
gordis opera open source yet? never quite understood why they keep it closed11:31
MartijnVdSgord: to spite RMS11:32
gordwould be nice to have it in the repo's is all :)11:32
JGJonesgord it's still a fantastic browser11:37
BigRedSI keep trying opera, and it keeps annoying me11:38
BigRedSall software annoys me, though11:38
BigRedSbut I keep going back to FF just through laziness11:38
BigRedSit's already there, and has all the extensions11:39
JGJonesBigRedS, I suggest you go with OSX - it might annoy you at first, but give it time...after a while, you'll join the Cult of Job and will be unable to see anything wrong, and thus you'll be cured of the fact that software annoy you as OSX can do no wrong ;-)11:40
BigRedSevery time I've tried OSX I've ended up swearing very loudly about arbitrary capitalisation11:40
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Laneywhat's one of them then11:47
oimoni read that plank (the new docky) also uses unity quicklists: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/video-slingshot-plank-wingpanel-beatbox.html11:56
oimonif they get a move on i could see a few unity refugees using this11:56
ali1234why would i want to switch from one dock to another? docks are rubbish?11:57
oimonunity seems fixed on the LHS and the scroll/concertina thing doesn't work IMO11:57
ali1234docks don't work. this is news?11:58
oimoni'm a dock user who has tried to use unity and found it lacking11:58
oimoni'm sur ethere are many like me11:59
ali1234every problem of the unity launcher that isn't a bug also affects every other dock ever made11:59
oimonunity fixed to LHS isn't a bug, it's a design decision12:00
ali1234it's also not a problem12:00
ali1234the problems are things like you can't go directly to a specific window12:00
ali1234and you are never sure what will happen when you click on an icon12:01
oimonother docks don't behave like unity12:01
ali1234will it unminimize something? will it run a new copy? i don't know!12:01
ali1234maybe it will warp me to another desktop12:01
ali1234there's simply no way of knowing12:01
oimondocky has consistent and predictable behaviour as does awn12:01
ali1234unless it has separate icons for launchers and running programs (which means it isn't a dock) then it doesn't12:02
gordum. if you have an instance running, as evidenced by the arrow to the left of the icon, it will take you to that instance, otherwise launch12:02
gordis it that complicated to understand?12:02
oimonit has a dot under the icon in docky, and an arrow in unity12:02
ali1234gord: yes, actually it is12:02
gordi don't think it is12:02
ali1234gord: because if i have three instances, which one do i get?12:03
ali1234gord: if they are on different workspaces, what then?12:03
BigRedSali1234: then you get a workspace switcher, showing those windows as focused12:03
ali1234also just yesterday it stopped even doing that12:03
ali1234BigRedS: no, you don't12:03
oimonin docky, you can right click and choose.12:03
gordyour just going back to your wanting to get a specific window issue12:03
BigRedSWell, I do12:03
ali1234BigRedS: first, it pops up an instance at random12:03
BigRedSOh, yeah12:03
ali1234then you click again, and then you get the switcher. sometimes12:03
BigRedSI imagine it's not quite random12:03
BigRedSbut, yes, if you don't like that one you can click again12:04
oimonali1234: you are describing a unity deficiency rather than a dock dieficiency12:04
BigRedSali1234: what should it do?12:04
ali1234BigRedS: it should present a unique icon or button for every window12:05
BigRedSI suppose it'd be nice if that were an option12:05
BigRedSbut it seems terribly unfashionable at the moment12:05
ali1234it should also segregate the virtual desktops so that windows from other desktops don't show on the launcher12:05
gordi'v used things like that before, its just confusing12:05
gordyou get eight different firefox icons, no idea which one is which12:06
BigRedSnah, that's how my gnome2 is set up to work12:06
BigRedSbut I don't tend to have many windows from the same app open12:06
ali1234gord: there's a difference between you not knowing, and it being UNKNOWABLE12:06
ali1234the latter is what unity does12:06
oimonali1234: my point is that these are as-yet unhandled deficiencies in unity, rather than all docks12:07
gordali1234, bashing on unity doesn't make your proposed design work however12:08
BigRedSgord: it does work, though12:08
ali1234the funny thing is that my proposed design worked just fine for years12:08
BigRedSonly for some set of workflows, sure12:08
BigRedSbut natty only works for some set of workflows too12:08
gordit doesn't work for the case of having more than one window of a thing open at a time12:08
gordwhich seems to be what its for12:09
oimonali1234: how do you choose a running process when you have 50 windows in your gnome-panel12:09
ali1234um... you mean unity doesn;t work when you have more than one window of a thing?12:09
gordi mean your proposed design12:09
ali1234well, you're completely wrong then12:09
gordof course12:09
BigRedSgord: his proposed design is how I've had Gnome work for the past seven years or so12:10
BigRedSit works fine12:10
BigRedSfor *some* people12:10
ali1234i don't even see what the purpose of multiple workspaces is in unity12:10
BigRedSsame as anywhere else?12:11
gordBigRedS, a panel is different than a dock, a panel has extra information such as a window title, docks have icons12:11
ali1234you can't separate tasks because every time you click on the launcher you will get zoomed to another workspace, it's incredibly annoying and distracting12:11
TwinkletoesSHould I use ssmtp or postfix if I only want to send log reports by email?  ssmtp is small, but postfix is standard (and I know it).  Any other pros/cons?12:13
BigRedSali1234: you can separate tasks. you've just got to not use the panel...12:13
BigRedSgord: yeah, which is part of the deficiency ali1234 is talking about, surely?12:14
BigRedSthere is no panel, there is only a dock, and the dock doesn't behave similarly enough to a panel for the people who are used to using panels12:14
gordBigRedS, ali1234 seems to want an individual icon for each window on a dock, which is not a good fix,12:15
gordits basically what window picker applet does12:15
BigRedSgord: He's implied a dock-per-workspace would work12:16
oimongrouping works for me so long as there is an easy way to choose the correct window each time12:16
ali1234if you put an individual icon for each window onto a dock it's no longer a dock12:16
ali1234which is why i say what all docks are broken by design12:16
gordBigRedS, i'm not talking about workspaces atm - i don't have any opinions on those. don't use them12:16
BigRedSgord: ah, someone (I thought ali1234 ) suggested that the dock being global mostly removes the point of workspaces12:17
BigRedSI've no idea if it does or not, 'cause I don't use a dock12:17
ali1234that too but it's a different point12:17
BigRedSPerhaps, on those grounds, I shouldn't be in this discussion :)12:17
gordbigcalm, btw, turns out its a cron issue, today cron stopped working for lots of people - just need to restart cron to get it to work, someone's working on a real fix12:18
shaunothe pam error messages?12:19
oimonthink i'll leave my updates for a few days12:24
gordan update didn't do it, happened on my rarely updated maverick box12:27
oimonthat stupid weather forecast on my phone has stiched me up again. came to work in flimsy clothes only to be rained upon12:44
oimonmeanwhile debris and carrier bags are blowing past my 12 floor window in high winds12:45
DJonesoimon: You believed the weather forecast? Thats a very dangerous thing to do12:57
oimonyeah, i'm a mug. now getting thunder12:58
DJonesWhere are you?12:59
MooDoobest weather forecast?   look out the window :)12:59
oimoni did at the time of getting dressed, and i agreed with the phone12:59
oimonand the spidey sense AKA hayfever was tingling too13:00
DJonesMooDoo: Looking out of the window is more of a weather-now than a weatehr forecast though13:00
MooDooDJones: pah! my plan is ruined :D13:00
oimonwomen have access to better weather forceasts13:01
JGJonesoimon, I second that...I get the weather forecast from my wife.13:03
DJonesMy wife always asks me what the weather is going to be like13:03
oimonDJones: maybe she's just testing you13:04
JGJonesDJones, risky...it means you get the blame ;-)13:04
DJonesNah, just means she can't be bother looking herself ;-)13:04
oimonas a pessimist, i usually plan for worst case scenario...and i'm often right :D13:05
oimonexcept today13:05
DJonesWere the weather is concerned, I'd agree with you13:06
TwinkletoesUsing postfix, is the name in the From: header taken from /etc/passwd or is there another way to set it?13:13
TwinkletoesOops, wrong channel :)13:14
BigRedSSurely you can set that in the headers?13:20
DJonesStupid websites offering free music AS LONG as you install itunes & sign up for an account & give bank card details13:28
iulianThat's not free music anymore, I reckon.13:29
oimonDJones: that's a bit like those dumb audiobooks that turn out to be useless audbile files13:29
iulianOh, hence "stupid". :)13:30
BigRedSheh. 'audbile'. I'm going to reuse that13:30
DJonesoimon: I've not seen those, ah well installed, card used from account being closed at the weekend, music downloaded, software uninstalled :)13:31
oimonyeah, audible files are enumbered with drm and only work with itunes13:45
oimonthey don't even work on my mp3 player13:45
oimonsince you must unlock via itunes or something...i dunno, i never got that far for obvious reasons. althoughi have 5 audible books somewhere in my possession that might as well be /dev/random13:46
shaunoprobably doesn't help you much, but wmp11 will open them too13:49
* exobuzz is tired13:52
exobuzzsleep pattern all broke. got up at 7pm last night.13:53
oimonok if you're australian i guess13:53
exobuzzim trying to resync. not sure ill make it till tonight13:54
oimonhave a power nap half way through but be strict on timing13:55
oimon15-20 mins power nap can extend wakefulness by a good few hours13:56
shaunothat never seems to work for me :/  I'll just go to sleep much earlier and sleep for 12 hours13:56
* dogmatic69 done the ironman sleep thing for a while, 4h up, 20min sleep13:56
dogmatic69was good13:56
shaunoread about that, but haven't had a compatible employer yet13:57
oimoni have a door on my office13:57
oimonwith a lock :D13:57
shaunoI nap at work worryingly often, but not reliably enough to be able to schedule it13:57
exobuzzif i tried a powernap, id end up sleeping for 9 hours or so. when im tired i will not follow my own "rules" heh13:58
oimoni fell asleep while my boss was talking to me about java programming once13:58
exobuzzi got a home office, i quite often spent the entire work day in my pants13:58
shaunoheh, bingo.  I apparently have the ability to silence my phone without waking up13:58
shaunoso a 30 minute nap tends to work out to 8-12 hours, if no-one's here to kick me13:58
exobuzzmy plan now is to drink a few beers and see13:59
=== denny- is now known as denny
oimonwhy do certain android apps require "read phone state and identity"?13:59
gordoimon, lets them do things if you get a call or somethiing14:04
oimon..and identity though?14:04
oimonwonder why they aren't separated into separate permissinos14:04
Azelphurthe better question would be why arn't you able to control the permissions system rather than the permissions system controlling you :)14:08
Azelphurcyanogen fixes this in the next release, :D14:09
oimonAzelphur: how?14:10
oimoncue lots of broken apps but i like it14:10
BigRedSis there any downside to fastcgi rather than cgi?14:37
BigRedSfor php14:37
MartijnVdSProcesses run persistent14:40
MartijnVdSso they take up memory all the time14:40
MartijnVdSinstead of only when called14:40
BigRedSAh yeah, googling's suggested that, basically, if it's quiet CGI is less resource hungry, and as it gets busier it overtakes fcgi in usage14:45
MartijnVdSBigRedS: yes, but fastcgi makes it faster -- it can cache things like databsae connections better (or at all :))14:46
lubotu3GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:47
BigRedSAh, cool. So fcgi is generally faster with a bigger memory footprint14:47
MartijnVdSBigRedS: fcgi is like running it inside apache (mod_php), except it's its own process, which can run as different users.14:47
MartijnVdSBigRedS: cgi is just that it starts one copy for each request, then quits at the end of the request14:47
TheOpenSourcererAnyone got any suggestions why one of my servers can't get to security.ubuntu.com? http://paste.ubuntu.com/615350/14:48
popeyit can14:49
popeythe specific packages have been removed by the look of it14:49
Laneythere was a cock up14:50
TheOpenSourcererYet an update isn't clearing them from the list14:50
TheOpenSourcererTY Laney14:50
* popey blames Ng 14:50
Laneydon't know if the publisher can go back in time like that (i.e. remove the 404s)14:51
MartijnVdSwho uses cron anyway14:51
BigRedSMartijnVdS: ah, cool. cheers!14:51
Ngpopey: it is literally all my fault14:52
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: Yeah - nothing much relies on it does it... ;-)14:52
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: exactly!14:52
oimonusing maple to calculate factorial of 12345678 ..would you expect that a 64 bit PC running 64bit application calculates the solution 2x as fast as 32bit app?14:56
oimonnot even for pure computation tasks?14:57
MartijnVdSoimon: 64 bit CPUs are generally faster at everything, not just computation14:57
MartijnVdSoimon: so you can't directly compare14:57
MartijnVdSalso, instructions-per-clock14:57
MartijnVdSalso, optimalisation for the specific cpu (hand-coded assembly?)14:58
oimonok what if i run 32bit app and 64bit app on same pc?14:58
oimonrunning 64 bit OS14:58
popeythere's too many variables for it to be just 2x14:58
MartijnVdSoimon: 64 bits also take longer to fetch from memory than 3214:59
shaunoI'm bored enough to try it, outta nosiness :)14:59
MartijnVdSoimon: so there might be a problem as well :)14:59
oimonon 64bit OS, running 64bit app, the calculation take 66 seconds, running 32 bit app on same machine takes 78 secs15:02
MartijnVdSoimon: sounds probable15:02
MartijnVdSoimon: also.. no other variables? (other apps in use, et.c)15:02
oimonnot really, although maple uses java but has 64/32 bit versions15:03
popeyadded variables15:03
MartijnVdSjava = lots o'added variables15:03
oimonmaple bundles it with the app though15:03
MartijnVdSoimon: it's still a layer that produces overhead15:03
oimoni was expecting better results for pure mathematical computation15:03
MartijnVdSoimon: try writing some assembly, and run it on bare metal :)15:04
JGJonesText from wife - your laptop have update, should I OK it?15:04
JGJonesMe - yup go ahead15:04
JGJonesNow I'm home and I see it's actually an distribution upgrade....sigh...15:04
ormiretoimon: it'll come down to how the implementation of "big integer" is done and if 64bit native words helps reduce the amount of computation needed. From your results there it looks like "some but not much"15:04
dogmatic69JGJones: unlucky15:05
oimonJGJones: this is for you : http://imgur.com/QbZ2v15:05
* dogmatic69 pushed it by accident, hit cancel fast enough though15:05
JGJonesnah, I like Unity, I just didn't want my primary laptop to be using it just yet :)15:05
JGJonesoimon, heh...very true that15:06
diploGreat, my work inet connection gone from a bad 2mb service to a 90k service now.. can't do anything15:06
diploLooks like no remote working for me today :)15:07
oimonfreenx :D15:07
* JGJones waits for someone to mutter "all I had was a 28.8 baud modem and this was all fields now get off my lawn"15:07
diploI started on 56k from Blueyonder15:08
gordi didn't even *have* a modem! if i wanted to transfer data i would have to put it on a tape. but i didn't because i didn't even have a second machine!15:08
diploUsed to play day of defeat, used to have the best ping in the server!15:08
shaunohm.  I'm struggling to do this with basic C.  my unsigned long long int apparently isn't big enough15:09
JGJones_Ak... got a kernel panic while laptop doing the distribution upgrade15:10
ormiretshauno: yeah, I wondered how big the result would actually be. Matlab very quickly said "inf"15:10
shaunoI just get segfault, stunningly quick15:12
ormiretHow do you get overflow to cause a segfault?15:13
shaunoI have no idea :)15:14
shauno(I wasn't kidding when I said basic)15:14
oimonsmall calculations in maple of around 1sec are often are twice as quick with 64bit15:14
oimonso i'm guessing the java memory management is involved on bigger stuff15:14
shaunoactually, mine seems to be going wrong pretty quickly.  I get the right answer for 5, for 10, but for 100 I get zero15:15
ormiretoimon: if the numbers fit in 64bits but not 32bits then you can get the 2x speedup as you only need to do half the computations (actually less than since you don't need to do the stuff to handle carrys between the two 32bit words).15:15
oimonormiret: i naively thought that this would scale up a bit better15:16
oimonfor pure computation15:16
ormiretoimon: it can get really complicated for which is faster - lots of computation with small numbers you're better off with 32bit so the memory footprint for your data is less and it's more likely to get to stay in cache.15:18
shaunoit seems factorials blow past the 64bit boundary quick enough that they're a bad use-case15:19
shaunoit leaves pure arithmatic and heads into juggling real quickly, which is where all the time is spent15:20
MartijnVdS\o/ bit juggling15:20
oimoni'm open to other suggestions15:21
oimonfinding factors of a large number?15:21
MartijnVdSoimon: That's a Hard problem15:21
MartijnVdSoimon: it's the basis for modern crypto :)15:21
shaunoI can see the theory that for 32<number<64bit, you're going to have less operations with 64.  but once you're >64bit, that's not the bottleneck anymore15:21
ormiretoimon: what kind of problem are you looking for?15:23
oimonsomething computationally taxing that doesn't involve producing large numbers, for a simple 64/32 bit maple benchmark15:23
oimonsomething that should take a few mins to solve15:23
shaunoif you're not trying to produce large numbers, factorials are right up the wrong tree15:24
shauno100! is 93,326,215,443,944,102,188,325,606,108,575,267,240,944,254,854,960,571,509,166,910,400,407,995,064,242,937,148,632,694,030,450,512,898,042,989,296,944,474,898,258,737,204,311,236,641,477,561,877,016,501,813,24815:24
shaunowhich is why 12345678! is crazy :)15:24
MartijnVdSoimon: you could try a prime-finding algorithm.. but that might get big quick15:25
oimoni was trying both :)15:25
MartijnVdSoimon: or digits of pi15:25
BigRedStrig functions?15:25
oimoni thought about pi but it produced results too quick15:26
MartijnVdSBigRedS: sin 666?15:26
BigRedSISTR some/one of them just involves an arbitrarily long series of divisions15:26
shaunoyou solved pi? too quick?15:26
MartijnVdSoimon: have it calculate the 600 millionth digit15:26
dogmatic69shauno: lol15:26
MartijnVdSshauno: it's linux, it does infinite loops in 10s15:26
MartijnVdSoh 515:26
shaunothat's where I'm going wrong then .. trying to compile on ma puny mac :)15:27
shaunowhere infinite loops are 8 timezones away15:28
JGJones_Hmm ok dist upgrade now completed...and I appear to be missing an "application lens" from the unity dock....15:29
JGJones_so....how does one goes about adding icons to the dock?15:29
oimon600millionth digit of pi is a 015:30
BigRedSthat seems a bit of a letdown for some reason15:30
DJonesoimon: What is the 600 Million and first digit?15:32
oimonexercise for the reader15:32
* DJones thinks of a random number & wonders if somebody else will cheque it15:33
oimoni'm actually running these tests on another user's machine :D15:33
oimonmine isn't 64 bit15:33
Laney!info pi15:33
lubotu3pi (source: cln): Compute Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary precision. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-2 (natty), package size 10 kB, installed size 64 kB15:33
oimonhe must wonder why his fans are blowing a gale15:34
DJonesoimon: Damm, I thought you were working it out by hand then15:34
JGJones_...what do you call the icons on the dock in Unity?15:36
JGJones_specifically those that does an action such as show all applications?15:36
shaunofalse idols15:36
JGJones_I don't have that and I haven't a clue how to google on how to put it back on.15:37
DJonesJGJones_: This might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/10228/whats-the-right-terminology-for-unitys-ui-elements15:37
DJonesI'm guessing it comes under "Launcher items"15:37
czajkowskino davmor2 :s15:38
gordJGJones_, lenses15:39
gordi mean technically they are launchers that launch lenses, but whatever15:40
oimondecided not to have cucumber in my roll today15:40
oimoninterestingly, using a more reliable method to calculate pi to 500000 DP fails on 32bit due to mem issues, but 64 bit comes up with the goods15:47
oimonprobably that poxy java again15:48
popey\o/ poxy java15:50
ormiretwhat kind of memory issues?15:50
oimonormiret: closed the window now, but it was a mem alloc error..poss due to JAVAHEAP settings when running maple15:56
oimonon a 12 gig RAM machine, so raw resources wasn't the error15:56
ormiretoimon: default for the JVM heap size limit is often tiny (I think 128MiB).15:58
oimon512MB in maple15:58
oimonstill a tad low15:58
oimonconsidering we give 4gb machines running linux..quite hard to pine and latex to use all that RAM :D15:59
ormiretoimon: I'm oddly tempted to go and see if I can make a latex document that'll need more the 4GB to process now.16:03
oimonoimon..finding ways for others to procrastinate since 19xx16:08
oimoni've discovered why staff were complaining that they hadn't received certain emails...in pine it's such effort to open a mail, you need a really good title. except the building manager has an important email about impending 1 day notice of full electrical shutdown of the building called "testing of electrical outlets in rooms" ..no wonder they claim not to see those emails since they don't have preview for their mail16:11
livingdaylightthe unity bar seems stuck in the open?16:14
livingdaylightwon't autohide like ususal for some reason, grrr.16:14
oimonspotify seems to be a good way to get me to buy albums.16:16
oimonanything i play regularly on there ends up getting purchased16:16
popeybigcalm: your message on facebook...16:36
popeyis it still valid?16:36
popeybug 79053816:36
lubotu3Launchpad bug 790538 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam update causes cron to stop working with "Module is unknown" error" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053816:36
lubotu3If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053816:39
cocoa117EOF upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 (Jaunty to Karmic) have error message Cannot upgrade16:46
cocoa117An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool.16:47
DJonescocoa117: I think Karmic has reached its end of life as of 30th April so the repo's for that have probably been removed16:50
lubotu3Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.16:50
cocoa117damn, does that mean for EOF to EOF upgrade is not possible?16:50
cocoa117DJones, i have to do CD upgrade to 9.10 first, then do-release-upgrade after that?16:51
shaunokarmic hasn't been removed from the repos yet16:53
DJonesThere used to be an oldreleases.com that it was possible to use to upgrade through after manually editing the repo lists, but its probably going to be safer to do a fresh install of Lucid, I don't know whether you'd be able to set a cd as the source list, maybe with an alterate install cd16:53
shaunokarmic isn't on old-releases.ubuntu.com yet, but it appears to still be on archive.u.c16:54
cocoa117DJones, i followed the EOF wiki, which changed the source.list repo to oldrelase.com16:54
DJonescocoa117: by EOF wiki, do you mean the EOL wiki?16:54
cocoa117DJones, yes, EOL, not EOF, my fault16:55
DJonesNo worries, I was just going to look at it16:55
oimoncan't believe i just agreed to do ITIL course..i feel like i just volunteered for a lobotomy16:56
oimonwhat if all that crap pushes out useful information?16:56
JGJones_err...like what? ;-)16:57
oimonwalking, speaking, linux,16:57
oimonthe words to songs i liked 25 years ago16:58
DJonescocoa117: Not sure what to suggest, are you currently running 9.04?16:59
JGJones_Look on the bright side - if it push out the speaking skill - then you can hide the fact that you did a ITIL course as you'll not be able to talk about it.16:59
cocoa117DJones, yes, tring to 9.10, and then 10.0417:00
oimonit will also have the double benefit of making me fit for service in the public sector17:00
cocoa117DJones, no worries, i am going to try alternate CD first17:00
DJonesok, good luck17:00
oimondid you hear the story about apple trying to buy itv.com website?17:03
oimonprobably would cost a tad more than icloud.com...17:06
JGJones_I thought it failed as it turned out that UK wasn't too keen on having a religious channel?17:07
popeywakka wakka wakka17:07
popeyhe's here all week17:07
oimonbah-dum chish17:08
oimonabout this sexymp website that's in the news..if even 50% of MPs and their assistants & mistresses checked out this site, just think how much sensitive information could be obtained if it was ridden with spyware?17:13
DJonesQuestion is, I wonder if anybody has rated Anne Widdicombe17:15
oimoni don't have the guts to visit the site even in incognito mode17:15
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] The Art of Community: Building Belonging - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/05/31/the-art-of-community-building-belonging/17:28
Nafallopopey: I'm all back, and measures have been taken to make my part of the net not go down next time Sweden falls over :-)17:59
oimonanyone know why tfl website is insisting that i don't take the hammersmith and city line?18:01
gordfirefox's awesome bar makes it far too easy for me to order pizza just by typing "pizza". this should be a bug18:06
bigcalmFiance is out for the evening. What shall I do for dinner?18:08
brobostigoncurry :)18:09
oimonsomething stinky18:09
brobostigonchilli al'la popey ?18:10
oimonwith smoked haddock :)18:10
* bigcalm wanders off to ASDA for a mooch18:10
shaunoin good news for bachelor quisine everywhere, they're recommending we don't eat uncooked vegetables :D18:10
shaunofinally some health advice I can get behind18:10
oimonall because somebody pooed on some cucumbers?18:13
ormiretshauno: which they would that be? And did they give any reasons?18:13
shaunothey would be the interwebs I guess18:14
shaunocan't remember where I read that :/  been reading webs all day18:14
oimonprobably dailyfail, they are good for a bit of sensationlist panic18:14
oimonubuntu mono fonts coming soon :D18:19
brobostigoneening jacobw18:35
brobostigonhello daubers18:39
daubersBlasted Numb3rs20:03
daubersSomeone give them the "Dummys Guide to Cryptographic Techniques"20:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Rebooting - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/137313.html20:28
AlanBellevening all20:58
TheOpenSourcererBonjour AlanBell20:59
issyl0TheOpenSourcerer: Bonjour.20:59
issyl0Et AlanBell et zleap.20:59
TheOpenSourcererlo issyl020:59
issyl0TheOpenSourcerer: Oh, je croyais que tu allais me parler en francais.  Et puis j'ai relue le nom de canal...21:00
AlanBellJe suis dans un bar avec une bonne bière froide21:00
TheOpenSourcererissyl0: I had to go to Google translate to understand that!21:01
AlanBellcomment allez-vous issyl0?21:01
issyl0AlanBell: Je vais bien.  Et toi ?21:02
issyl0AlanBell: Tu es en Belgique ?21:02
issyl0TheOpenSourcerer: Aucun probleme.  :-)21:02
AlanBellheh, no, the vendee21:02
issyl0AlanBell: Oh.  It's very flat there...21:03
AlanBellit is (except for the beer)21:03
issyl0Heheh.  :-)21:03
MichealH'ello all21:08
brobostigonevening MichealH21:08
zleapsorry was chatting in another channel21:11
zleaphow is everyone ?21:11
daubersmemo to self21:27
daubersfind actual remote control for mythtv when I go back to the parents house21:28
shaunoI use my phone as a remote for xbmc.  it actually works really well21:31
daubersIf I had an android phone I would :)21:31
daubersAlthough... there is an iPhone app iirc21:31
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 9th June 21:00 BST #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Libraries, SciFi and Geeknicks 24th July!

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