
tripelbkingofswords, nerdshell -- I am not at all clear about using wildcards (king, that's the *) in the GUI.   (nerdshell, yes that's why I mentioned it.)  {yes I used to do helpdesk}00:00
kingofswordstripelb, omg your spot on ..thank you=)00:00
eamonHow do I hard link to a youtube in a certain quality? I know you add &fmt=18 to the end for force 480p, how do I force 720 or 1080p?00:00
tripelbnerdshell, It might be good to know you. There's so much I want to know. Right now I'm trying to find out _which_ USB port/s is the 2.0 port on this old dell. lsusb just tells me that one is.00:01
tripelbkingofswords, You are welcome. anytime.00:01
kingofswordstripelb, isnt ur usb problem because the 2 at the front are just connected to the same connection as 2 of the back ones?00:02
PoTeeamon: youtube url's accept the hd=1 parameter, that you can use to force high definition, not sure if theres another one to force a specific resolution, this is probably not the right channel for that question :)00:02
Jordan_Utripelb: Do you have any USB drives? Try plugging one in and see if "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/" proves enlightening.00:03
eamonPoTe, I got this from another chan:  http://adterrasperaspera.com/blog/2010/05/24/approximate-youtube-bitrates00:03
tripelbkingofswords, I have no idea. I can do a shell command (shell = bash = terminal = CLI = command line interface -- you get that explained once. haha) that tells me what's in the USB's. when I unplug some there are fewer lines. I have 8 slots on the computer. So which is the 2.0 and which are the 1.1 slots. U tell me!00:04
tripelbJordan I did that if you will read the comment to king... 5 lines above I wont have to retype it.00:05
kingofswordstripelb, i mean the 2 at the front are soldered to the same place on the motherboard as 2 of the back ones00:05
kingofswordsso infact you only really have 6 usb but 2 at front are kinda like extensions00:05
tripelbkingofswords, I have no idea. Is that the dell way? that would mean that I could have 4 2.0's -- I got a powered hub today (freegan!) and I want to make sure I plug it into the 2.000:06
kingofswordstripelb,  freegan? you mean freecycle? thats cool site00:07
nerdshelltripelb: have a look here : http://superuser.com/questions/14076/ubuntu-how-to-tell-if-my-usb-ports-are-1-1-or-2-000:07
adda /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'.00:08
tripelbkingofswords, make sure you use tripelb every time. you can type trip and then a tab and that's called tab-completion and it will finish the typing -- yes  (and my local is mirrored on yahoo groups freecyclesantamonica so its not so aggravating to post as if I have to use their site)00:08
addai get this when i try "sudo update-grub2", any idea?00:08
tripelbnerdshell looks brilliant. I should have could have googled!00:08
tripelbkingofswords, nerdshell told me this -00:09
tripelb<nerdshell> tripelb: have a look here : http://superuser.com/questions/14076/ubuntu-how-to-tell-if-my-usb-ports-are-1-1-or-2-000:09
kingofswordstripelb,  im in uk we use freeagle and freecycle00:09
intxwhat's the proper way to stop X?00:09
intxstartx to startx..00:09
ZykoticK9intx, "sudo service gdm stop" is one method00:09
intxgdm: unrecognized service00:10
ZykoticK9intx, sorry try gdm300:10
nerdshelltripelb: hope I helped, I have to go now , maybe you might add me to your buddies, so I could try helping whenever needed ;)00:10
tripelbkingofswords, if you want to talk about anything but ubuntu here --- dont. You can join #ubuntu-offtopic and I am there too. When you use my nick it turns blue and I know to go there.00:10
gadgetdevilsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:10
ZykoticK9gadgetdevil, outdated00:10
kingofswordsahh yeh00:11
intxi don't have gdm installed00:11
tripelbnerdshell, I dont know about buddies, how does that work. You can add me too. can we talk in #ubuntu-offtopic so I dont be a bad user!00:11
ZykoticK9intx, lol - i take it you aren't using Ubuntu.00:11
gadgetdevilZykoticK9, depreciated? or doesn'00:11
gadgetdevilZykoticK9, depreciated? or doesn't work at all00:11
rewtthe word is deprecated, not depreciated00:11
ZykoticK9gadgetdevil, oh it works, isn't reallly deprecated either - just "outdated" ;)00:11
intxZykoticK9: ubuntu server00:12
intxi installed X manually without a WM (i think)00:12
qinintx: So you should not have x00:12
ZykoticK9intx, ahhh.  So why do you have Xorg installed?  Use alt+sysrq+k to kill X then.00:12
intxi needed it to run use openCL00:12
intx*to use00:12
rewtintx, try ctrl-alt-backspace00:13
ZykoticK9rewt, deprecated ;)00:13
intxit's a headless machine :/00:13
intxi'm sshed into it00:13
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rewtso how are you running X then?00:13
kingofswordsim off too bye00:13
intxno idea really00:13
ZykoticK9intx, "killall Xorg" ???00:13
intxi just ran 'startx'00:13
intxand it's running :p00:13
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qinintx: sudo service x<TAB> stop00:14
intxthat's the only way? that's what i've been doing :P00:14
Lobo29I need some help to try and edit grub on my boot drive00:14
ZykoticK9intx, does it kill it?00:14
puffWith amarok, how do I import files?00:14
symptomIf I disable CUPS will I be able to print over usb?00:14
intxZykoticK9: yeah that worked00:14
Lobo29i'm booted on LiveCD and don't know how to mount boot drive thru terminal00:14
ZykoticK9Lobo29, do you know the device name (with USB probably remapping things to sda)?00:15
rewtmkdir /mnt/sda1 && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda100:15
ZykoticK9rewt, sda is probably the USB00:16
qinLobo29: sudo fdisk -l and mount * partition00:16
cruciferousi was using Natty on my dell laptop with intel 4965AGN wireless. worked great.  i reinstalled natty.  fresh start.  wireless wont work anymore.  it tries to work... but it wont connect successfully to WPA2.  its very odd. what did i do wrong?00:16
DenverDaveAny good stuff on getting a Broadcom BCM4309 (Apparently Unsupported) working on 11.04 without having to muck with NDISWrapper?00:16
Lobo29i named the boot drive clonezilla, i can see it on the file system from live cd00:16
ZykoticK9Lobo29, you "might" be able to mount using labels, but i don't have any defined to test...00:17
ZykoticK9sirgrifo, fail :)00:18
Lobo29rewt, i tried that, got mount point /mntsda1 does not  exist00:18
tripelb1I made "someone" my buddy in pidgin tho I dont understand what that means. heh00:18
rewtdid yo miss a / ?00:18
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ZykoticK9Lobo29, in a terminal type "mount" and see if it's your USB that is sda (it probably is... just sayin')00:19
sirgrifomy pidgin in in IRC is too smal00:19
sirgrifowhem writing00:19
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:19
qinsirgrifo: Pidgin in not that good for irc, use irssi, or at least xchat.00:20
nerdshellintx: try using init 300:20
sirgrifojust try to put all in on00:20
nerdshellintx: that will bring you back to the text line interface00:21
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?    wired connection, ive tried selecting in network manager, and running sudo dhclient eth0 (which shows a bunch of  offers and requests, but nothing connects)00:21
Lobo29rewt, maybe i missed.  what gin said - i got - /dev/sda1 = boot * , extended /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda500:21
rewtthen that should work00:22
Lobo29rewt, i need to get to /etc/default on sda1 to edit grub there, but have more cli skills00:23
squireboySo, older nvidia cards do not work with 11.04?00:23
Lobo29*poor cli skills00:23
rewtmkdir /mnt/sda1 && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 && cd /mnt/sda1/etc/default00:23
qinLobo29: sudo mkdir /mnt/here && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/here00:24
qinLobo29: enter for password00:24
ZykoticK9rewt, qin why make a subdirectory?  "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" done?00:24
symptomHello, How do I set a service to NOT start at boot up?00:24
qinZykoticK9: Yup00:25
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks00:25
qinZykoticK9: Unless he is willing to mount more.00:25
gadgetdevilsymptom, you could make the startup script non-executable00:26
DenverDaveHelp with Wireless Broadcom Card BCM4309 needed.00:26
symptomgadgetdevil, isnt there a cleaner way?00:26
ZykoticK9symptom, there used to be...00:26
Lobo29rewt, is your reply all one line or does && mean another command line ?00:27
symptomDenverDave, sorry I have BCM57780.  had to install maverick backports00:27
rewtone line; && separates commands00:27
rewtbut yeah, you probably need sudo in front of each cmd00:27
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:27
ZykoticK9Lobo29, just to be clear ".. && .. " means: after the first successfully completes, run the second.00:28
symptomis CUPS needed to print via USB?00:28
ZykoticK9symptom, most likely yes, cups is the print daemon of sorts.00:29
symptomSo there is no way to print without listening on port 631.00:29
symptomor some other defined port for cups00:29
qinsymptom: yes, edit cups config to listen on or localhost (what it shoud do)00:30
birdmandontany reason why a network card works with 10.04 live cd but not when you install to disk?00:30
qinsymptom: you can also change port.00:31
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DenverDaveI guess it's time to use this D600 Dell Laptop as target practice....00:32
pedrocrI'm getting some infrequent crashes in the intel X driver in natty00:33
dforthmanDenverDave - What kind of card is it?00:33
Lobo29Sorry, not getting too far, /dev/sda1 is mounted but I cannot change to /etc/default folder00:33
qinDenverDave: lol, for a slingshot?00:33
pedrocrI haven't found a relevant bug report in the database, normally I'd just run "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel" but that now makes me swear I've gone through support first00:33
DenverDaveBroadcom BCM4309 - Searched around and it says its unsupported by some links.00:34
pedrocrwhat is the correct bug report procedure now? This seems like a regression in natty00:34
qinLobo29: you need sudo to edit files too.00:34
KM0201DenverDave: the 4309 works fine...00:34
DenverDaveTried fwcutter etc...00:34
Jordan_U!bugs | pedrocr00:34
ubottupedrocr: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:34
DenverDaveMine says it comes up and is running.  But can not get a list of wireless SSIDs.00:34
dforthmanDenverDave - Have you tried installing the backports?00:34
Lobo29qin, yes, but i need to edit grub and can't seem to get there00:35
pedrocrJordan_U, that's what I did, but now it sends me to go get technical support00:35
rwwpedrocr: "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel" should be fine. Just click through the dialogs.00:35
KM0201DenverDave: wait, did you say 4309?00:35
pedrocrrww, ok00:35
DenverDaveOK, that's new to me.. "Backports".00:35
DenverDaveYes BCM4309. Rel 200:35
Lobo29qin, i'm stuck at root@ubuntu00:35
KM0201never heard the 4309, regardless, the b43 driver should work...00:36
KM0201DenverDave: what version of ubuntu are you using?00:36
Trfsrfrwhy is my cpu usage 100% and barely anything running?00:36
DenverDaveIt's a dual band card.  802.11a/b/g.00:36
ZykoticK9Trfsrfr, what is using the 100%?  You can use "top" in cli to verify.00:36
KM0201Trfsrfr: cuz one of the things running is hogging your resources00:36
DenverDaveVersion 11.09 Unbuntu.00:36
KM0201DenverDave: ok, and how did you try to install the b43 driver?00:36
Lobo29rewt, i tried adding sudo to your commands,  it tells me sda1 is mounted, but i can't move past that00:36
qinLobo29: cab you drop from root and cd to /mnt?00:36
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Guest60399wacom wont reconize00:37
DenverDaveI installed unbuntu fresh off of CD.00:37
birdmandontany reason why a network card works with 10.04 live cd but not when you install to disk?00:37
qinLobo29: And ls00:37
KM0201DenverDave: i understand that, you said "fwcutter didn't work" how did you try to install it?00:37
DenverDaveLooks like it was on, but running the scan option says unsupported.00:37
Lobo29qin, cd /mount gives me   no such file or directory00:37
rewt/mnt is not the same as /mount00:37
qinLobo29: Ah, cd /mnt00:37
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KM0201DenverDave: what do you mean "running the scan option says unsupported"00:38
DenverDaveI ran the apt-get install fwcutter installer00:38
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Lobo29Yes, i got /mnt# now00:38
squireboyanyone running an nvidia FX series card with 11.04 with any success?  This stinks00:38
TrfsrfrZykoticK9, 348 root 17.5%00:38
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qinLobo29: ls -l00:38
KM0201DenverDave: is the machine connected to the internet (via a non-wireless connection)00:38
ZykoticK9Trfsrfr, 17.5% is a LOT less then 100%00:38
Lobo29qin, sorry, -l ?00:39
hoububuntu 10.04 wacom wont install  CTH-460/k pen &touch00:39
DenverDavesudo iwlist scan00:39
squireboyhow do I roll back to Maverick?00:39
qinLobo29: yes, long to see onwers and permissions00:39
rewtLobo29, or you can try ll (double lower case L)00:39
TrfsrfrZykoticK9, yeah I know, its just the highest rated one on the list, but my icon on the bottom taskbar shows 100% usage.00:39
KM0201DenverDave: does the machine have internet access that is not wireless access or not?00:39
DenverDaveSays:  wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down00:39
harginodo usb sticks work on ubuntu?00:39
tensorpuddinghargino: yes00:40
KM0201DenverDave: thats because the device doesn't work.... that has nothing to do w/ ubuntu not supporting the device00:40
DenverDaveI'm on the machine using a "Wired" connection now.00:40
ZykoticK9Trfsrfr, sorry - I have no idea.00:40
Trfsrfrno worries00:40
qinsquireboy: Reinstall should be fastest way.00:40
KM0201DenverDave: first, type this  sudo apt-get update   and let that run00:40
harginoi plug my pendrive in and it doesn't even let me look at the files00:40
houbnts config is cool00:40
squireboyqin> can I do that from command line?00:40
Lobo29rewt, ll worked , got huge listing00:40
rewtdoes it look like the root of your hard drive?00:41
squireboyqin> I don't think nvidia X series cards work with 11.0400:41
Lunixiaanyone know how to make a driver "currently in use" my driver message says that "this driver is active but not currently in use" - ive tried reinsalling drivers as well as several sudo commands and no luck :(00:41
squireboyqin> maybe time for another distro00:41
Lobo29rewt, yes, i see grub listed there00:41
KM0201DenverDave: now   sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer    if it asks you to download/extract the firmware, choose yes00:41
squireboyqin> this is too muc trouble00:42
qinsquireboy: For drivers best are rolling disrtros, gentoo?00:42
ZykoticK9Lunixia, there is a bug about that not being reported correctly.  Is the driver actually in use?  "lspci -vnvn" find the VGA section and see 'kernel driver in use' to find the reality.00:42
qinsquireboy: Or ubuntu LTS00:42
Lunixiak will try that00:43
squireboyqin> UGH  LOL00:43
squireboyqin> I know someone must have this working00:44
qinsquireboy: Also you could test native driver, as they have more and more to say.00:44
MattyLadHi, just come back to say I followed the link and have installed Ubuntu...yayyyyy! :)00:44
KM0201DenverDave: is it working?00:44
rgoytacazCan anyone help me getting my nvidia card to work? I completely removed all nvidia related stuff, reinstalled, looking at Additional drivers, it says its activated but not in use, I ran nvidia-xconfig and restarted, but it doesn't boot up anymore.00:44
Lunixiaah ok it says its in use but the capabilities section says <access denied>00:45
ZykoticK9Lunixia, I see the same thing here - don't think that's an issue.00:46
DenverDaveOK, thats installed OK.00:46
squireboyqin> Holy cow.  I stated in FailSafe graphic mode and restated and X and there is my GUI and USer login in?00:46
KM0201DenverDave: now, go to system/admin/additional driers (or if you're using unity, search for additional driers) and open it00:46
squireboyqin> what the???00:46
DenverDaveHow do I confirm that it's working.00:46
nexacehow can i encrypt a password at command line?00:46
qinrgoytacaz: remove driver, reboot, make sure you use nouveau, update.00:46
KM0201DenverDave: once in additional drivers, do you see 'b43' there?00:46
squireboyqin> seems like a "Unity" issues?00:47
Lunixiahere is why it concerns me - back in 9.10 I was able to play games via wine and my card was recognized, nowwhen i try to play games via wine my card is recognized as a PoS card so my settings are limited00:47
rgoytacazqin: whats nouveau?00:47
Lunixiathats the only thing im confused about00:47
qinrgoytacaz: Open source sriver for nvidia00:47
novascousaHi all - installed ubuntu as my first linux experience about a month ago and have really enjoyed it - so much that I'd like to get rid of my windows xp dual boot situation.. does anyone have time to answer a couple questions about it though?00:48
ZykoticK9!ask | novascousa00:48
ubottunovascousa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:48
rgoytacazqin: sudo apt-get install nouveau?00:48
qinrgoytacaz: Are you natty?00:48
Lobo29Did my edit, trying reboot to see if fixed00:48
rgoytacazqin: 11.0400:49
KM0201DenverDave: did you get lost?00:49
qinrgoytacaz: What card?00:49
ZykoticK9Lobo29, if you changed something in /etc/default/grub you need to do a proper chroot and run update-grub2 in order for any changes to take effect...00:49
Lobo29zykotick9, i did update-grub200:50
ZykoticK9Lobo29, in a chroot?  --- well see if it works.00:50
nexacehow can i encrypt a string at command line?00:50
KM0201DenverDave: ?  are you still here00:51
DenverDavesystem hanging....00:51
dforthmannexace - what?00:51
rgoytacazqin: trying to figure it out, its something M, sec.00:51
KM0201DenverDave: were you able to activate the 43 driver?00:51
Lobo29ZykoticK9: no, from where i made the edit, i was following a fix i read online, but didn't help00:51
KM0201DenverDave: if not, just restart00:51
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qinrgoytacaz: lspci00:51
novascousaI have dualboot windows xp and ubuntu 11.04 (2D).. ideally, i'd like to wipe out windows xp, and have a fresh re-install of ubuntu as the only OS (as it was my first time using linux and I think I've messed up some stuff).. can I just use the ubuntu live USB to overwrite everything or do I need to do some partition work?00:51
rgoytacazqin: 310m00:52
KM0201DenverDave: how much ram does this system have?.. might have been wise to go w/ one of the "lighter" Ubuntu's rather than using unity on a machine that old00:52
nexacedforthman: what command line program will allow me to encrypt a password or some other string?00:52
Lobo29ZykoticK9: still get   Cannot display this video mode at point ubuntu should start booting00:52
ZykoticK9Lobo29, see the !grub2 factoid's link for instructions on chrooting from a LiveCD, then update the file (if not already), then run update-grub200:52
ZykoticK9Lobo29, your change probably wasn't applied!00:52
KM0201novascousa: the USB should be able to handle it.. but just make sure you are absolutely prepared to not have windows... if you think you might need windows, just partition the drive, and make windows smaller, and just reinstall ubuntu00:53
qinrgoytacaz: Gforce? can you give me whole name?00:53
dforthmannexace - Let me make sure I understand. You want to type something similar to "encrypt p4ssw0rd" and it output "EncryptedPassword" correct?00:53
rgoytacazqin: sorry, yes GForce 310M00:53
KM0201novascousa: if no other machine in the house has Windows, it's usually pretty smart to at least have Windows accessible in some manner in case it is absolutely needed (ie, virtual machine or another machine has windows, etc.)00:54
ZykoticK9novascousa, a LiveUSB install with "Use Entire Disk" would work fine to wipe everything off.00:54
KM0201ZykoticK9: so thats what "use entire disk" means? ")00:54
nexacedforthman: yes that is correct00:54
MattyLadI am trying to install wine, but it says at http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu  to Open the Software Sources menu by going to Applications->Ubuntu Software Center, then selecting Edit->Software Sources but I cannot find this?00:55
novascousaKM0201: It's for my netbook - I have other pcs running windows so no worries. Zykotick9: so there won't be any problems even though partitions and ubuntu already exist on the system?00:55
novascousaalso - thanks!00:55
ZykoticK9novascousa, that "use entire disk" will delete all current partitions00:55
KM0201novascousa: no.. if you tell it to take the entire drive, it doesn't matter whats on the drive, it uses the whole disk..00:55
qinrgoytacaz: Have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=659200500:56
Bagatellei need help to connect to tor, vidalia says its connected, the website says it is not00:56
novascousaZykotick9, KM0201: perfect - just wanted to make sure. Thanks and have a good evening00:57
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dforthmannexace - Dunno. All I can find is file encryption, not plaintext->encrypted programs00:58
b1g1r0nhello collective wisdom... for some reason, the ctrl + alt + t shortcut to start a terminal seems to have ceased working. Any thoughts on where to look?00:59
KM0201b1g1r0n: probably in keyboard shortcuts?00:59
ivsyou can setup a new terminal window keyboard shortcut in "Keyboard Shortcuts" Pref00:59
dforthmanb1g1r0n - Keyboard Shortcuts01:00
DenverDaveFinally back...  Windows Control died, couldn't shutdown gracefully...   Mouse pointer ok but button wouldn't activate the buttons.01:00
ZykoticK9b1g1r0n, KM0201 ivs - thanks, now I have a CTRL+ALT+T shortcut, handy :)01:01
KM0201ZykoticK9: :)01:01
b1g1r0nthanks all!01:01
KM0201DenverDave: ok, go to system/admin/additional drivers, and see if you see "b43" there01:01
compdochow do you run users-admin as su?01:02
DenverDaveThe additional drivers doesn't show anything.01:02
qincompdoc: Forgot su, sudo -i01:02
sparrHow can I add "Guest Session" as an option when my screen is locked, so that other people can use my computer when I'm afk?01:02
ZykoticK9compdoc, "gksu users-admin" should work01:02
KM0201DenverDave: did you get a message to "extract the firmware" when you installed b43?01:02
ZykoticK9qin, users-admin appears to be a GUI app - gksu is more appropriate01:03
DenverDaveI don't think so.01:03
DenverDaveShall i "remove' and retry?01:03
compdocZykoticK9, when I run that or gksudo, I get the users-admin window, but all options are dimmed01:03
qinZykoticK9: Yes, just realised, silly idea to have it in gui.01:03
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KM0201DenverDave: you can try.. somethng is going on w/ your setup.. not really sure what it is... that really should have worked01:04
qincompdoc: Right, user-admin and unlock button01:04
ZykoticK9compdoc, sorry - i don't have that issue (but i'm not on ubuntu)01:04
compdocqin, no unlock button01:05
qincompdoc: You will be prompt for password if you try to adduser01:06
ZykoticK9compdoc, FYI it took probably around 10-15 seconds to undim when i used gksu01:06
compdocqin, no buttons work01:06
qincompdoc: are you sudoer?01:06
DenverDaveInstallation Session is here...   http://paste.ubuntu.com/615131/01:07
qincompdoc: if yes (your user is in admin group), just users-admin (no su sudo gksudo etc)01:07
KM0201DenverDave: looks right01:08
DenverDaveThere was nothing about extracting anything.01:08
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Bagatelletor help please01:10
ZykoticK9qin, just FYI (not related to present support) starting users-admin as a member of admin (sudo) vs starting with "gksu users-admin" resulted in slightly different results on my system01:11
DaveInTucsonIs there a way to access CDROM volume title from a Perl script (command line tool or something)? (Sorry if this Q is not appropriate for this forum; have been utterly unsuccessful in searching for an answer)01:12
qinZykoticK9: gksu users-admin just froze on my system, you would want to inspect launche (drag item from menu to desktop and right-click))01:13
KM0201DenverDave: it looks ilke it extracted it... just looing at the paste01:13
ZykoticK9qin, i don't really see a use for users-admin01:13
sidheHi, here's my problem: I installed Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) cos it's the only version iso that would work on my Win7 machine.  Problem is, I'm living in a residential hotel and they have ethostream wi-fi and for someodd reason I can't get Ubuntu to recognize the ethostream wi-fi.  Help please?01:14
qinDaveInTucson: volname01:14
jhinehello. sorry for typos im on my phone. im having network issues where ubuntu requires a firmware update to use wireless so ive connected it wired. however it is not letting me access the router even though i have it set as auto dhcp? im a newbie. any ideas?01:14
DaveInTucsonthanks, qin.  exactly what I wanted :-)01:15
sidheanyone please help?01:15
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coz_sidhe,  that's a tough one,, I dont think I can help h owever,, if no one here can,, try ##linux channel as well01:18
sidheelectric unclesam?01:18
dooglusI just got my old laptop working again.  it has 10.04 on it.  can I upgrade to 11.04 immediately, or do I have to update 10.04, then go step by step?01:18
sidhethanx coz_01:18
gabriellhrnhi there. I'm having some problems while installing dropbox. I don't know if here's the right place to ask about it... can someone help me?01:18
vertas52there are too many bugs in 11.04/ stay on LTS01:19
qinvertas52: And thiswas ment to?01:19
rewtlooks like to dooglus01:20
dooglusrewt: sory?01:20
DenverDaveI just jumped onto Broadcom's site and it doesn't look like they even acknowledge that card at all.01:20
rewtdooglus: <vertas52> there are too many bugs in 11.04/ stay on LTS01:20
dooglusI like 11.0401:20
dooglusmy question is about how to get there from here01:20
DenverDaveLooks like the onlything I can find on it is the news released in 2002.  LOL01:20
KM0201DenverDave: yea, i've never heard of the 430901:20
KM0201DenverDave: are you sure it's a 430901:21
ActionParsnipyo yo yo01:21
qindooglus: Yes you can jump to Natty, but need to change settings in synaptic to see nonLTS relases.01:21
dooglusqin: I use apt-get to update01:21
Polahdooglus: From what I understand you'd need to upgrade to 10.10 then 11.0401:22
sidhedoes anyone know how to access ethostream in a wi-fi situation with Ubuntu 10.04?01:22
DenverDaveI can get the dmesg if you'd like.01:22
KM0201dooglus: are you using 10.1001:22
andrebbc u here01:22
yuyani usu 10.0401:22
KM0201dooglus: if you're using 10.04, you need to upgrade to 10.10, thne upgrade 10.10 to 11.0401:22
dooglusqin: go straight there.  Polah: don't go straight there.  KM0201: are you halfway there already?01:22
dooglusI'm on 10.04 now01:22
yuyan10.04 is good01:23
dooglusand my 10.04 is out of date - do I need to update it first before going to 10.10?01:23
DenverDaveDMESG:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/615133/01:23
KM0201dooglus: ok, then you need to upgrade 10.04 to 10.10, then on to 11.04.. you cannot skip relesaes, unless you upgrade an LTS, to the next LTS>01:23
Polahdooglus: Like I said, you need to upgrade to 10.10 then 11.04. You can't skip over 10.1001:23
ActionParsnipKM0201: wy, 10.04 is fully supported until after 11.04 is EOL01:23
vertas52is there any backtrack channel?01:23
KM0201ActionParsnip: that wasn'treally hi question01:23
Amm0nhi, anyone can tell me how to add a location to the gnome-weather-applet in natty?01:23
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:23
rwwvertas52: #backtrack-linux01:23
Name141How good is the "Black Screen" on a CRT for a screen saver?  Don't I really want colors and stuff flashing about for it?01:23
KM0201ActionParsnip: he wanted to upgrade 10.04, to 11.04, and someone said he could do it directly.01:24
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:24
rwwName141: a black screen will work fine to prevent monitor burnin, if that's what you're worring about01:24
Name141rww: Yeah that was it.01:24
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks01:24
PolahAmm0n, right click your clock, go to Prefences > Location tab > Add01:24
KM0201dooglus: i'd just backup and clean install 11.04.. you'll feel better about it in the long run.. :)01:25
dantheman73Hey guys this is my first time using ubuntu i just got it on my computer'01:25
DenverDaveThat dmesg is showing 4306...   I guess its time to shutdown and open this thing up....01:25
dantheman73i was wondering;l how do I use my webcame and get skype?01:25
andrebanyone good with bind ?01:25
ActionParsnipdantheman73: welcome to ubuntu:)01:25
Amm0nPolah, this works only for locations that are already in the list.. i want to add a new one01:25
MagicJI have a 10.04 system that when I log on tells me, from the motd file that I have updates to install.  However, when I run apt-get it tells me that I am up-to-date.  How do I fix this01:25
RevSpecies116dooglus: If you have the patience [as I am doing], you could wait to get your hands on Unity till April next year when the next LTS is due01:25
sagacidantheman73, install cheese and see if it works withh that01:26
ActionParsnipdantheman73: does it work with cheese?01:26
sidhehow do I access ethostream using Ubuntu 10.04? it's the only version that would install off the iso file on my win7 machine01:26
dooglusRevSpecies116: I don't use unity01:26
dantheman73cheese? ok thanks01:26
qindooglus: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/linux-distributions/linux-distributions4-ubuntu/1526-how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-1010-to-ubuntu-1104-natty-desktop-a-server01:26
dantheman73Im sorry im not sure what cheese is so I havent tried it yet; I will right now01:26
Polahdantheman73: Open a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal OR Ctrl+Alt+T) and do sudo apt-get install skype, then type your password and hit enter. Enter "y" when it prompts you and it'll automatically install Skype. Your webcam may or may not work with Ubuntu, it depends on drivers and you'd be better off asking someone else for that.01:26
raeloscheese is actually a really fun program01:26
KM0201MagicJ: are you running apt-get update  or apt-get upgrade01:26
ActionParsnipdantheman73: install it and run it01:27
RevSpecies116Oh, dooglus , then 11.04 may be your last Ubuntu use before moving to another varient - Unity will be the only choice for Ubuntu in 11.1001:27
KM0201RevSpecies116: i thought 11.10 was also gonna have gnome 3 available?01:27
RevSpecies116Only from the repo's, KM020101:27
MagicJKM0201: I have done update, upgrade and dist-upgrade01:27
PolahAmm0n: It only lists major cities and suchlike I think. You could pick the one nearest to you, weather won't be that different if it's within a few miles. Alternately, adding the lat/long co-ordinates might do the trick.01:27
* KM0201 switched to Lubuntu... 01:27
dooglusRevSpecies116: I doubt they'll remove xfce4 will they?01:28
KM0201MagicJ: ok, and if not of those called fo rupgrades, why do you think they're an upgrade you need?01:28
ActionParsnipKM0201: lubuntu rocks :)01:28
KM0201ActionParsnip: i like it a lot.. it actually caused me to come back to ubuntu.01:28
PolahRevSpecies116, well it's not that much of a hassle to install GNOME after install 11.10. Surely if you're upgrading from 11.04 you'd still have GNOME as well?01:28
sidhedoes lubuntu install on a windows machine?01:28
raelos\      through wubi yes01:29
MagicJKM0201: that;s the point - update-motd is setting the message into the motd file - why?01:29
KM0201sidhe: lubuntu installs just like ubuntu... i wouldn't use wubi.01:29
sidheI'l have to look that up raelos, thanx, KM020101:29
KM0201MagicJ: dunno, i wouldn't worry about it.01:29
Polahsidhe: Lubuntu is just Ubuntu. It's an operating system, not a program. You can install it within Windows with Wubi, but I (and many others) would recommend giving it its own partition.01:29
zambzhi, I've just bought a Wireless USB N adapter so I can get wifi internet on this computer,01:29
zambzis there a way to get it working in Ubunt 9.10 ?01:29
sidhethanx Polah01:29
raeloswhat brand, zambz01:29
zambzits a d-link Wireless N USB adapter01:29
KM0201zamba: 9.10?... it's already EOL... what type of adapter?01:29
ActionParsnipwubi is full of anoyances01:29
MagicJKM0201: nbot criticizing you but I don't like that type of anwswer - especially simnce it tells me that there are 12 security upgrades01:30
dantheman73ok im downloading Cheese Im going to do that open terminal and search for skype. thank you01:30
sidhewill lubuntu be able to detect ethostream wi-fi?01:30
Amm0nPolah, ty but tried this before.. also tried to edit Locations.xml but there are only US cities listed in there..01:30
KM0201sidhe: it has the same kernel as Ubuntu, so it will detect the same hardware, as ubuntu.01:30
Polahsidhe: What I meant to say is that it's Ubuntu with a different (non-default) desktop environment. Ubuntu uses Unity or Gnome, Xubuntu uses XFCE, I'm don't recall the name of what Lubuntu uses and there's a few others too01:30
raelossidhe, not sure, but it's worth a shot01:30
ActionParsnipzambz: karmic is no longer supported in any way01:30
sidheok, thanx01:30
RevSpecies116dooglus: if you are after xfce4, Xubuntu is for you :)01:30
KM0201zamba: dlink makes a lot of wireless n usb adapters, whats the model?01:31
zambzActionParsnip, is it safe to do an upgrade with the update manager01:31
zambz ?01:31
RevSpecies116I call the other *buntu's as variants, not distro's01:31
RevSpecies116Distro change makes it sound like going from Ubuntu to Fedora01:31
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:31
KM0201RevSpecies116: technically, thats what they are.... thats what i agree w/ you.01:31
PolahAmm0n: Mine shows major cities globally. I can't help you with it if it's not showing anything apart from US cities. Could you be your locale settings.01:31
Lobo29ZykoticK9: you still there ?01:32
zambzwhat happens if I continue to run 9.10 ?01:32
KM0201zambz: you're using ubuntu 9.10  you need to do some significant upgrading, if not clean install a current version, before trying to get this adapter working01:32
zambzmy other computer has 9.10, but I don01:32
raeloszambz, nothing really, just can't runt he latest hardware or software01:32
KM0201zamba: depends, you won't get updates/security updates anymore.01:32
PolahZambz: 9.10 is no longer supported. You'll be behind on software and hardware, but apart from that there's nothing wrong with sticking to it.01:32
zambzyeah might as well stick with it01:33
KM0201Polah: i'd disagree... there could be security issues that come about, that will not be updated01:33
dksoba88ucsdI have a fresh install of 10.10 which my program compiles on fine (using CMake). On a not-fresh 11.04 it does not compile correctly, giving errors about a library. How can I compare the libraries being used on two different installations of Linux?01:33
PolahZambz: Of course, in your case it would probably be best to backup and reinstall else you'll have to go through three upgrades which could probably take a few hours each01:33
KM0201that's bad advice01:33
PolahKM0201: That's a good point, actually. If a security issue does come up it won't be officially fixed.01:33
raelosif i place a script in ~ as ~/conv.sh   and run it as   sh ~/conv.sh file.avi   (and the script lists the argument as $1) will it look for the file in the pwd or in the ~ folder?01:34
KM0201Polah: chances are, it won't even be unofficially fixed.. depending on what the bug is.01:34
KM0201or the issue is01:34
KM0201zambz: you should really get w/ a current release...01:34
PolahKM0201: Indeed. It's possible but not likely. It is almost two years old now, although official support only stopped a few months ago.01:35
PolahZambz: I agree with KM0201, upgrade to 10.04 at the very least.01:35
zambzKM0201, I would like to but the computer at my house runs a nvidia geforce 6700 or something and the last time I tried it was not supported01:35
kescchow can i use xbindkeys to change the "run program" shortcut Alt+F2, to the Right Super key instead?01:35
zambzthis was like 1 year ago when I first tried upgrading to 10.0401:36
KM0201zamba: i don't see why it wouldn't be.. i've got a 7300 that works fine... iirc, the 6x,7x,8x, used the same driver01:36
ZykoticK9Lobo29, am now.01:36
PolahZambz: Take an image of your system, back it up somewhere and try upgrading. If it fails then you can just put the image back up and revert01:36
TrDhi all01:37
raeloshey TrD01:37
TrDhi raelos01:37
roastedhow do I get a listing of all /dev/video devices on my system?01:37
rewtls /dev/video*01:37
TrDanyone can tell me if Honeysnap cant be installed on Ubuntu please01:37
Lobo29ZykoticK9:  can you provide more info on !grub2 factoid you mentioned ?  had to run away earlier and fix dinner :O01:37
TrD*can be01:37
KM0201TrD: why could it "not" be installed?01:37
ZykoticK9!grub2 | Lobo2901:38
ubottuLobo29: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:38
ZykoticK9Lobo29, it's the "For more info.. and troubleshooting" link ;)01:38
Bagatellehow do I connect, in xchat to port 6668?01:38
ZykoticK9Lobo29, it details chrooting fairly early on01:38
raelosI've actually become a big fan of Burg01:38
KM0201TrD: there is not a honey snap in the default repos.. unless its under another name, so it woul dhave to be compiled from source01:38
TrDKM0201 sorry ,  im looking for tutorial on how to install  Honeysnap01:39
Lobo29ZykoticK9: excellent, ty01:39
raelosI think Honeysnap has a PPA. do a quick google01:39
dooglusupdate-manager -d seems happy to let me upgrade 10.04 to 10.10 without making sure 10.04 is up-to-date with its patches first - is that safe to do?01:39
TrDcan i add repos from the svn link ? (https://projects.honeynet.org/svn/honeysnap/trunk) KM020101:39
ActionParsnipBagatelle: add the ip as the server01:40
rootany1 here know how to hack a website?01:40
=== root is now known as Guest1064
KM0201TrD: i guess you could.. dunno never tried to install it.01:40
PolahTrD: You could download everything from their SVN directory and compile it/install it yourself. If you can find a PPA for it then you could set that up and install it through there01:40
KM0201Guest1064: go play elsewhere01:40
PolahTrD: Consider this: https://projects.honeynet.org/svn/honeysnap/trunk/INSTALL01:41
TrDthanks Polah  i wanna try01:41
TrDthanks KM020101:41
ActionParsnipdooglus: yu nee to edit etc/update-manager/release-upgrades 01:42
roastedhow do I get a listing of all /dev/video devices on my system?01:42
Jace31im have trouble getting internet going on the ubuntu01:43
PolahActionParsnip: Why would he need to do that?01:43
PolahJace31: Wireless?01:43
dibsI need a god. I just accidentally chowned a little bit of / as www-data01:43
=== themacg34k is now known as themacg33k
raymondjtoth2i borught jace31 he is new here he having prob lem on old build of uubuntu getting online01:43
raymondjtoth2any oen care to help him01:43
andrebhi ll01:43
Polahdibs: That's why you have sudo to set the owner properly01:43
ActionParsnipPolah: itsso the updater doesnt expectlts upgrade01:43
andrebcan anyone help me with a BIND9 error ?01:43
dooglusActionParsnip: I think you misread my question01:44
dibsPolah: I was using sudo?01:44
PolahActionParsnip: Is he GUI-less? If not he can just go to Update Manager and then change the settings to normal releases.01:44
dibsSo is there anyway to recover from a chown accident?01:44
raymondjtoth2i borught jace31 he is new here he having prob lem on old build of uubuntu getting online [19:42] <raymondjtoth2> any oen care to help him01:44
PolahDibs: Yeah you just use sudo to change it back. sudo chown <proper owner> <directory>01:44
ActionParsnipdooglus: i you want to upgrade off of lucid, then yes01:44
dooglusI don'tneed to change the default setting.  I just want to know whether I need to update 10.04 with its security updates, etc. before going to 10.1001:45
ActionParsnipPolah: iys the gui way, waaaay easier01:45
Polah!repeat | raymondjtoth201:45
ubotturaymondjtoth2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:45
ZykoticK9dooglus, "update-manager -d" the "-d" means development, thus should try to take you to 11.10 - are you sure that's what you want?01:45
ActionParsnipcli way sorry01:45
dooglusZykoticK9: it takes me to 10.1001:45
dibsI have listed all folders that have the www-data owner but I am not sure if I should just make all folders that aren't in my home set to owner root? is there a rule of thumb?01:45
ZykoticK9dooglus, are you sure about that?01:45
dooglusZykoticK9: I'm on 10.04 now - you can't go more than one step at a time - but that's beside the point01:45
dooglusZykoticK9: as sure as eggs is eggs01:46
ZykoticK9dooglus, my point is "update-manager -d" is NOT what you want01:46
Jace31im here01:46
Polahdooglus: sudo do-release-upgrade should run update manager to upgrade to the next available stable release. You shouldn't need to run dist-upgrade to update current packages before running do-release-upgrade to upgrade distribution but you can if you want01:46
dibsPolah: Do you know if I can make everything root except my home folder?01:46
onatswhat utility can i use to record screencasts?01:46
ZykoticK9onats, gtk-recordmydesktop is one option01:46
dooglusdibs: you can, but you shouldn't01:47
Polahdibs: From your root directory run sudo chown -R root *01:47
coz_onats,  you can also use  ffmpeg  from command lin e01:47
onatsZykoticK9, ok will try that.01:47
onatsi dont want command line01:47
Polahdibs: Then do sudo chown <you> <your home directory>. It's a very bad idea though, you'll be locked out of almost everything (unless you're on root, which you shouldn't typically be)01:47
dibsPolah: won't that destory my user account?01:47
raymondjtoth2hi polah01:47
Polahdibs: No, just make everything inaccessible depending upon permissions01:47
Polahraymondjtoth2, hello01:48
sparrPolah: that's a horrible suggestion01:48
dibsPolah: Lol, ok, well I am just trying not to get fired so I guess I will give it a shot01:48
sparrPolah: chown'ing various things in /var and /etc to root can seriously break your system01:48
hiexpoffmpeg much better01:48
PolahSparr: He asked how to do it, I just told him01:48
raymondjtoth2polah can you help i borught jace31 he is new here01:48
sparrPolah: imho, the answer to that question is "you don't"01:48
RevSpecies116"not get fired" dibs?01:49
Polahdibs: Yeah, I wouldn't. Like I said before, it'll make a lot of things broken01:49
raymondjtoth2polah he on older build01:49
ActionParsnipPolah: ive always used that metod personally01:49
PolahSparr: It's not up to me if he wants to do it or not, I'm just telling him how. I did recommend not doing it and said it'd break stuff01:49
roastedhow do I get a listing of all /dev/video devices on my system?01:49
PolahActionParsnip: Method to do what? Upgrade distribution or set Update Manager to look for non-LTS releases?01:49
raymondjtoth2polah did you see my text01:50
Polahroasted: Someone said it before, ls /dev/video *01:50
roastedPolah, my name never flashed in the chat, so I never saw it.01:50
roastedPolah, the problem is I have video0 and video1. I'd like to know which one is which camera.01:50
PolahRoasted: He never tagged your name, but there you go01:50
dibsok guys so which folders can be root?01:50
ActionParsnipPolah: if user as installd lts, then the default is to look for the next lts to upgrade to01:51
Lobo29Is this chat logged to a file? if yes, where do i find it... if not, can i save it ?01:51
roastedPolah, do you know how I can tell?01:51
dibsPolah: what would you do? (inb4 not chown my root)01:51
PolahActionParsnip: Yeah, I know. You said to edit the file that determines whether to look for LTS only or non-LTS. I just said it can be done through Update Manager. Both ways work.01:51
Polahdibs: What are you attempting to do exactly?01:51
andrebguys i am getting this error when i try to start bind "/etc/bind/named.conf:10: change directory to '/var/lib/named' failed: file not found"01:52
andrebi have chrooted bind to /var/lib/named01:52
ZykoticK9Lobo29, there are chat logs online of the #ubuntu channel - local logs depend on your client.01:52
andrebany ideas ?? or adbice ?01:52
Lobo29ZykoticK9: ty again01:52
ActionParsnipPolah: sure, editting the file ensures alll is well. i dont trust those gui apps01:52
raymondjtoth2ZykoticK9: can you help my freidfn jac31 he new here and got older builf of ubuntu he need help can you help him thanks01:52
PolahActionParsnip: You don't trust them? Why's that?01:52
dibsI went to chown some files to www-data and I accidentally used '/', I stopped it and my machine is still working, now I am trying to retore ownerships to correct state01:53
ActionParsnipPolah: i prefer cli stuffs01:53
Polahraymondjtoth2, we really need more information before we can help at all. Just saying something is broken doesn't help us help you at all.01:53
ZykoticK9raymondjtoth2, have your friend "jac31" simply ask there question, and if someone knows the answer they will probably give it.01:53
PolahActionParsnip: Sure, might be quicker. But GUIs are useful for the less savvy users.01:53
PolahRoasted: No, I don't. Perhaps try unplugging your webcam and see which one disappears when you do it again?01:54
ActionParsnipPolah: surr but if the gui fails, why not try the cli way?01:54
raymondjtoth2ZykoticK9: just told him will be right with you guys thanks01:54
roastedPolah, good call. that did it.01:54
digbithey guys how do i view my ufw logs?01:54
roastedPolah, problem is doing that proves I was using hte correct /dev/video webcam for my zoneminder project. Now why on the earth wouldnt it be working... I have some homework to do...01:55
Jace31im havein trouble getting ubuntu to the Internet to work can someone help me with the dhcp an how can i get it up an running?01:55
PolahActionParsnip: But his GUI hasn't failed (or I didn't see him saying it failed). The GUI way just gives you a dropdown menu to select "Never", "LTS Only" or "Normal" when searching for newer distributions. The CLI way actually requires you to know the command and what you're doing to edit the file.01:55
ZykoticK9digbit, i don't use ufw, but have you checked in /var/log?01:55
coz_roasted,  zoneminder I have had issues with recognizing my we cam01:55
nmesisJace31, connecting to ethernet?01:55
PolahJace31: Are you on a wired or wireless connection?01:56
coz_roasted,  would really like it to work but Ithink I may have to find another cam for that project01:56
roastedcoz_, the difference is zoneminder was working all weekend.01:56
roastedcoz_, I rebooted and I lost it01:56
roastedcoz_, so that's why I'm super confused, because I deleted the camera and re-added it and no dice...01:56
nmesisi have thesame problem with my netbook yesterday but it is solved here01:56
PolahRoasted: An update that's broken driver functionality, perhaps? I really don't know.01:56
roastedPolah, I didn't update at all.01:56
coz_roasted,  oh man ,,, can you still get into the brower setup?01:56
ActionParsnipPolah: thats why this channel exists :)01:56
coz_browser rather01:56
roastedcoz_, oh yeah. I just used a spare netbook as my zoneminder box, its here on my lap01:57
coz_roasted,  ah ok01:57
ActionParsnipPolah: the gui fails, folks ask as the cli way works01:57
roastedcoz_, Im on it just fine. I just have no idea why the camera isnt working anymore. works fine on cheese though.01:57
PolahActionParsnip: Indeed. Else we'd be out of a job.01:57
digbitzykoticK9 i don't have that dir01:57
PolahActionParsnip: Of course, if their GUI fails before hand and they don't understand how to install and work irssi, they're a bit out of luck.01:57
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:57
coz_roasted,  mm not sure actually, as I said I have big issues with m y cam  so I am a bit jealous01:57
RyanPI just accidently deleted an LVM volume group. Am I hosed?01:57
ActionParsnipPolah: fact, the gui 'should' work but when it doesn't we'll be here to catch the users01:58
roastedcoz_, I had issues too, but finally someone responded to me in #zoneminder that told me the settings that work for almost all usb cameras. sure enough ti worked for mine, but like I said, it began to act up just now.01:58
ZykoticK9digbit, you don't have /var/log - oh man I think you have bigger issues then!  You might want to check again.01:58
Jace31how do i get on line in the ubuntu what are the settings do i need?01:58
coz_roasted,   interesting,, wish I could help, but since i have only failed experiences  I have to bow out of this issue :)01:58
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digbithaha good call! i was in /usr duh!!01:59
ZykoticK9Jace31, can you give more details.  Ethernet or wireless - what sort of connection cable/dsl - any details you give would be helpful to everyone.01:59
ActionParsnipJace31: depends on how you connect to the web01:59
roastedcoz_, hihgly recommended you hang out in #zoneminder till someone responds. they're extremely helpful when they watch the chat.01:59
nmesisJace31, it is on laptop?01:59
nmesismaybe drivers02:00
PolahJace31: You still haven't told us whether you're on a wired or wireless connection. Knowing what distribution and your network interface model would be extremely helpful as well.02:00
coz_roasted,  oh man << i actually never thought of that,, I suppose i am on irc way too much ,, thanks :)02:00
Jace31im on a wireless02:00
nmesishe is wired02:00
darkoricalI was at one time setting up push to talk on ventrilo and one of the sets of instructions I used had me use a command that after I exicuted it it identified all input I gave it ... basically it said (in its language ) keyboard  event t pressed02:00
raymondjtoth2nmesis: he on older build witgh icon on left insted of right02:00
penoscan you install cron in windows?02:00
darkoricaldoes anyone know what that command/program was or ome that would do similar02:00
PolahJace31: What Ubuntu distribution and what network hardware do you have?02:00
roastedcoz_, I wondr if its this stupid netbook02:00
Polahpenos: Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks in windows. Does the same job or near enough.02:01
roastedcoz_, I just did a reinstall of zoneminder and magically my webcam works. however, the entire thing is frozen now. it has bad hdd sectors and was in the garage running all night. I bet it's beginning to toast.02:01
ZykoticK9darkorical, i don't know if it still applies - but Push to Talk on Ventrillo was NOT working on linux02:01
Jace31i have a wireless broadband02:01
coz_roasted,  sounds possible   also scarey ")02:01
coz_roasted,  I know motion works with my webcam02:02
roastedcoz_, it would be, except for the fact this netbook was a freebie. :P02:02
Polahdarkorical, Ventrilo isn't native to Linux. I assume you're running it through WINE? Try installing Mangler, it's a client for Ventrilo servers that runs natively on Linux.02:02
celthunderZykoticK9: it should...i use it'02:02
darkoricalI know and have long since given up on that what I am after now is the program that identified device and input that the computer was given02:02
coz_roasted,  cool  free is good02:02
celthunderZykoticK9: mangler does an excellent job on push to talk...02:02
ZykoticK9celthunder, according to celthunder i guess they fixed it02:02
venkatHi, How to make skype in startup program02:02
celthunderZykoticK9: lol i use mangler...i don't literally tun vent client...i hate wine02:02
ZykoticK9darkorical, ^^ tab fail02:02
roastedcoz_, yeah. I wonder if the bad hdd sectors are making it act up though. Ubuntu runs all right on it, but it was in the garage in the blistering heat all day. maybe it's not an ubuntu issue after all...02:02
Jace31it is dsl02:02
ZykoticK9celthunder, so are you using Ventrilo or not?02:03
roastedcoz_, anyway it's off for some fan placements now. thanks for your help. good luck if you ever get back into zoneminder. It looks solid once you figure it out.02:03
feydi have broken sound in xubuntu, desperately seeking advice. Sound is muted on startup, unmuting yields no sound. No major changes other than some regular application install / removing int he past few days02:03
Jace31wireless internet02:03
kiwis3I have a problem with my splash screen, anyone have any knowledge on this?02:03
celthunderZykoticK9: mangler is ventrilo client for linux02:03
coz_roasted,  ooo did you check the hard drive temps?02:03
PolahVenkat: System > Preferences > Startup Applications. Then click Add, give it a name (i.e. Skype), the command should just be "skype" to start it up", describe it how you want and that should be it. Make sure it's ticked on the list and enabled.02:03
roastedcoz_, how can I?02:03
Jace31i have a dell laptop02:03
celthunderkiwis3: what's t he problme02:03
roastedcoz_, is there a thing in ubuntu to do that?02:03
Polahkiwis3: What splash screen? The logon screen?02:03
coz_roasted,  first   sudo apt-get install hddtemp02:03
kiwis3No, from Grub02:03
kiwis3When booting into Ubuntu02:04
celthunderfeyd: pulse or alsa or oss02:04
dantheman73Does anyone know how to I can access all the stuff on my ipod and add/remove songs?02:04
ZykoticK9darkorical, check out celthunder's Mangler alternative - as I bet Vent is still broken (linux hating company)02:04
PolahKiwis3: Oh. Perhaps reinstall GRUB, or tell us the specific issue and maybe we can help02:04
coz_roasted,   then the command  for farenheit is      sudo hddtemp --u=F /dev/sd*   for centigrade leave out the --u=F02:04
celthunderdantheman73: which ipod version02:04
coz_roasted,  in F it should not be above 8402:04
roastedcoz_, lol02:04
Polahdantheman73, check this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod02:04
roastedcoz_, 109*F02:04
feydcelthunder: you know I'm not sure, whatever is standard on xubuntu natty. Where can I check?02:04
raymondjtoth2Polah: did you see what jac31 posted02:05
coz_roasted,  there's the problem02:05
venkatThank you02:05
Polahdantheman73, Banshee (the default music player on 11.04) supports iPods through a little plugin if you enable it.02:05
meow27problem, i did a 'mount -t tmpfs none /var/tmp' and my system is gonna get screwed if i reboot02:05
coz_roasted,   that is way too hot for HD02:05
roastedcoz_, heat sucks.02:05
kiwis3The specific issue is that when I select my ubuntu install to boot into, instead of seeing the Ubuntu logo on the splash screen, I get a blinking command line thing, which then goes away, and boots into ubuntu.02:05
nmesisdantheman73: i use gtkpod to mange my ipod songs02:05
meow27how do i copy the contents back to the main drive?02:05
Polahraymondjtoth2, yes and I can't help. Sorry.02:05
darkoricalZykoticK9 I am not looking for vent help anymore I quit playing the game I used it for actually what I am looking for is something that will identify the input I give the computer02:05
roastedcoz_, thanks for the tip bro. I'll have to position some fans strategically and watch over it02:05
raymondjtoth2any one good with wireless on dell laptop02:05
coz_roasted,  you could remove the hard drive tray and place a large fan in front of it02:05
darkoricalI was simply stating that I knew it existed from a time when I was working on vent02:05
roastedcoz_, ehh, its a netbook. that's a bit tricky02:06
coz_roasted,  ooooo02:06
Polahmeow27: In Nautilus, select it all, copy it and then paste it or drag/drop it onto another Nautilus window on the other drive. Alternately do cp <source file> <destination>02:06
celthunderdarkorical: xev02:06
coz_roasted,  yep many many fans or stick it front of an airconditioner :)02:06
ZykoticK9darkorical, why would you use vent to test input on a linux system?  that doesn't make any sense.  I used to use SDLTest for some input testing...02:06
roastedcoz_, I have another location I can put it. I can put it in the basement with some USB extension cables coming out of the basement door. That way I have it in a cool area instead of the hot garage.02:06
meow27i dont have access to nautilus Q_Q im just limited to the terminal02:06
meow27ah... right02:06
roastedcoz_, this is all for the sake of seeing what's eating my darn fish out of the pond. (like 14" fish)02:06
roastedcoz_, so 1 camera is all I need. this should work.02:06
PolahDarkorical: Try Mangler, install pavucontrol, or Mumble. They all run natively and will let you test input02:06
roastedcoz_, appreciate your help and insight bro02:07
celthunderdarkorical: you can use xev to try input02:07
coz_roasted, `   lol  well  zoneminder is a good choice ,, have you looked into  "motion" ..yes?02:07
dantheman73thanks for all the suggestions guys il try them il out thank you so much02:07
celthunderor at least key input02:07
meow27polah: but how do I cp all the contents? just cp /var/tmp?02:07
roastedcoz_, for what it's worth, in zoneminder, the one dev told me the most common settings that work is PAL and YUYV02:07
celthundermeow27: cp -r /var/tmp /newdir02:07
roastedcoz_, motion detect? yes. thats all I used over the weekend.02:07
megamanx1978Which performs better in ubuntu geforce or radeon?02:07
celthundermegamanx1978: i'd say geforce in general...02:08
roastedcoz_, seems as if hddtemp is giving me "Drive is sleeping" messages now...02:08
roastedcoz_, nevermind. it woke up just now02:08
coz_roasted,  SHUT IT OFF02:08
roastedcoz_, shutting down now :P02:08
coz_roasted,  get those HD's  down in temp,, set up fans or whatever is necessary to k eep them cool, it will go into "read only" mode if it gets too hot02:09
roastedcoz_, didn't know that.02:09
roastedcoz_, I removed it from the garage. I thought it was okay however Im still out back @ 89*F weather... guess it didnt help02:09
Polahmegamanx1978, what you mean is which set of drivers is better.02:09
coz_roasted,  y ou probably need an ssd in that netbook,, surprised it isnt equipped with it but you said it was an older one so that explaines it02:10
ntr0pyHow can i setub an sandforce ssd installation of ubuntu?02:10
Jace31my laptop is an nspron 1545 with windows 7 home primium an i need to get internet goin on the ubuntu02:10
meow27celthunder: will a cp -rw save permissions?02:10
Jace31when i boot into ubuntu02:10
Polahntr0py: The same way you'd install it on any other drive02:10
roastedcoz_, yeah, it's an older 8.9" one. Someone I know had an XP error on it and thought it was catastrophic, sothey bought an ipad and wanted to unload the netbook, so here it is. ha...02:11
roastedcoz_, I'll probably rig up a desktop with a cat5 line to it and do it right.02:11
coz_roasted,  good luck on keeping that cool02:11
feydcelthunder: would uninstalling whatever sound driver is default help anything02:11
feydcelthunder: or deleting config files? I'm truly lost when it comes to sound02:11
roastedcoz_, I think a desktop would be far easier than a netbook.02:11
roastedcoz_, open panel, set fan up, done deal.02:12
coz_roasted,  for cooling absolutely02:12
ntr0pyPolah: yes but i need proper disk alignment and special io scheduler setup besides trim support...02:12
roastedcoz_, appreciate the help. remember, PAL + YUYV for usb cams. give it a shot.02:12
coz_roasted,  thanks02:12
roastedcoz_, just make sure you set the /dev/video to whatever # it is. mine was /dev/video0. totally missed that the first time.02:12
Polahmeow27: just cp -Rp should preserve ownership and permissions and whatnot02:12
roastedcoz_, take care02:12
megamanx1978Polah So which set of drivers do you think is better I am chooseing between a Geforce gtx 500 and Radeon hd 600002:12
meow27polah: ok thanks02:12
Polahntr0py:  Can't help you with that, sorry.02:12
coz_roasted,  thanks,,, made a not of it02:13
Polahmegamanx1978, I can't say. I've heard absolutely nothing about Radeon drivers and only a few things, both good and bad about Nvidia drivers.02:13
dibsHey guys to fix ownership issues can I chown /proc/ to root? is that generally to owner?02:13
Polahdibs: /proc/ is usually owned by root, yes.02:14
ZykoticK9dibs, my /proc has several different owners of subfiles - not only root!02:14
PolahDibs: Yes, what ZykoticK9 said. /proc/ is owned by root but perhaps not all it's subfiles. Don't do it recursively.02:15
celthunderfeyd: figure out what you're using first is pulse running? does alsamixer work? ossxmix?02:15
megamanx1978Polah Ty anyway I am planing on building a new linux gaming pc02:15
Polahmegamanx1978, Windows would be better for gaming...02:15
celthundermegamanx1978: ati drivers are terrible on linux02:16
tdb30_Is there a way to have startup programs start in a particular order?02:16
ZykoticK9megamanx1978, "linux gaming pc" that's funny ;)02:16
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks02:16
nmesismegamanx1978, i saw heroes of newerth has native linux02:16
Polahnmesis, megamanx1978: Correct. Heroes of Newerth does run natively.02:16
raymondjtoth2nmesis:  you know wireless in dell laptop02:16
nmesisi dont know sorry. maybe there are missing drivers02:17
raymondjtoth2nmesis: it see it finde told me02:17
nmesisbecause i have thesame problem yesterday with my ethernet but wired02:17
Polahraymondjtoth2, please stop asking everyone for help with Jace31's problems. If we can't help, then we won't try to as we might say to do something that will break something. Be patient and wait for someone who can help.02:17
feydcelthunder: alsa responds, but I'm pretty sure I'm running pulse02:17
celthunderfeyd: pavucontrol is it set to the right input/output?02:18
nmesisyou need to dowload the driver and build them and then load the driver02:18
megamanx1978Polah I know less games are supported but at least linux will run my games faster tyhan windows02:18
nmesiswhat games02:18
ZykoticK9megamanx1978, i wouldn't count on that either...02:18
Polahmegamanx1978: Sure, if it runs them at all.02:18
dantheman73so how do I put my ipod library onto my computer/banshee?02:18
Polahmegamanx1978, Linux might run faster than Windows, but performance of Windows programs like Windows games will typically be worse on Linux through WINE.02:19
nmesisbut there are patch that makes them run like in windows02:19
Polahnmesis: Not for all games and probably only a sparse few. Even then it's not perfect.02:20
min|dvir|usUnclickable area on the screen. Any thoughts? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748517&page=302:21
Bagatellewhat is a signing key>?02:21
Bagatellefrom here https://launchpad.net/~i2p-maintainers/+archive/i2p02:21
feydcelthunder: actually don't have pavucontrol installed, maybe I'm only running alsa02:21
feydcelthunder: yes, it's alsa, my mistake and apologies02:22
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PolahBagatelle: A secure generated key that is used to sign emails and documents that can be checked to verify they come from a specific person. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_signature02:22
feydcelthunder: I still have pulsecookie and .pulse folders in ~ though02:22
feydcelthunder: I'm very confused02:23
ZykoticK9feyd, "ps aux | grep pulseaudio"02:23
ZykoticK9feyd, if you are using a recent Ubuntu then 99% you are using Pulse, unless you've removed it.02:23
Tempus_Fugit i need a little help I was trying to enable ccsm and window cube and somehow lost the main menu on the left side of the screen????02:24
megamanx1978So which run games the fastest wine, gametree, playonlinux, or crossover games?02:24
feydZykoticK9: it's xubuntu if that matters, though that command looks like it's running02:24
qchnmegamanx1978: Crossover, I think.02:25
ZykoticK9feyd, i know the older Xubuntu didn't use pulse, not sure about current.  Best of luck though, I'm no help with sound issues really.02:25
qchnmegamanx1978: Crossover is Shareware, isn't it?02:25
Tempus_Fugitanyone help me get my main menu back?02:25
RaelosI'm using Ubuntu Maverick and tried to install both PlayOnLinux and the latest Wine but I messed it up. What is the best way to completely remove both, including any programs installed under wine?02:25
aeon-ltdTempus_Fugit: unity? or classic?02:26
PolahRaelos: PlayOnLinux is just a frontend for WINE. If you just install WINE and then install Windows programs through that it's the same thing.02:26
darkoricalalright Ill ask here ... anyone know of a xev equivalent for windows?02:26
Tempus_Fugiti think classic02:26
ZykoticK9Raelos, "sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE1 PACKAGE2", to remove everything installed in wine you need to manually delete your ~/.wine folder.02:26
Tempus_Fugitaeon-ltd: i think classic02:26
painunity is very heavy........02:26
aeon-ltdTempus_Fugit: did you panel dissappear or something?02:26
Raeloskk, thanks guys.02:26
Tempus_FugitI was playing with ccsm to get effects and 3d windows02:26
PolahRaelos: To remove both, sudo apt-get purge wine playonlinux, then delete your .wine and .playonlinux folders in your home directory (or whatever playonlinux folder is called)02:27
Tempus_Fugityes my panel did02:27
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:27
megamanx1978qchn You do have to pay for crossover02:27
aeon-ltdTempus_Fugit: post a screenshot if you're unsure02:27
ZykoticK9megamanx1978, plus CrossOver is NOT free software (as in freedom)02:27
Raelosor as in free beer02:27
qchnmegamanx1978: This is what Shareware means, ;)02:28
Tempus_Fugitaeon-ltd: yeah my panel is gone and so is the top bar02:28
tripelbI now know how to tell which USB port is which. Thus I know which of the 6 places to plug in is the USB 2.0  FYI02:28
qwebirc26345i have an iso image that once mounted i would like to changes to. I was thinking some of the same ideas used for live cd's would apply. once the iso is un-mounted the changes can be lost. any ideas?02:28
michal11I have an issue with laptop not recognizing battery...could someone help me out?02:28
PolahTempus_Fugit, Unity or GNOME?02:28
sidhehi everyone, I don't know what it takes to access the ethostream wi-fi on my Ubuntu 10.04.2 machine (also Win7), does anyone know?02:28
tripelbqwebirc26345, you know when you boot from a liveCD you can save on some other "volume" eg a flash, and I suppose a partition too. Is that enough information?02:29
painwin7 sux02:29
PolahPain: Don't make comments like that please.02:29
celthunderfeyd: so install pavucontrol or use whatever mixer you have installed02:30
tripelbHello sidhe what's an ethostream ?02:30
pav5088Is there an apt-get install switch (eg. some kind of -o option) that will change the kinds of configuration questions asked?  eg. low, critical, high etc..  priority02:30
pav5088I don't want to have to dpkg-reconfigure debconf every time...02:30
sidhehi tripelb, ethostream is a wi-fi provider that the hotel I'm staying at uses02:30
feydcelthunder: wow, well it just started working again. I deleted pulsecookie and .pulse and it's good now02:30
Bagatellecould anyone please explain this to me? The key for this PPA is included in the package "i2p-keyring". Install it to make "secure-apt" happy if you add the repository to /etc/sources.list manually.02:30
feydcelthunder: thanks for the help02:30
Bagatelletaken from https://launchpad.net/~i2p.packages/+archive/i2p02:30
celthunderfeyd: didn't do nothing lol02:30
feydZykoticK9: thanks for your help, resolved it, most obvious solution. I feel dumb02:30
Tempus_Fugitaeon-ltd: does that command that ubottu gave me need to be under sudo?02:30
feydcelthunder: I appreciate the effort anyway02:30
tripelbsidhe that might be the next thing I need to know since I got a wifi router today. OIC, you want to connect?02:30
ZykoticK9feyd, good work!  glad you figured it out.02:30
sidheright tripelb02:31
PolahBagatelle: Do you have the key? It should be a short string of alphanumeric characters.02:31
michal11Why does ACPI not recognize my battery? anyone?02:31
sidheI'm trying to get Ubuntu online and I thought I'd ask (again) in hopes of finding someone who'd be able to help me get online using the ethostream wifi02:31
tripelbWhat Ubuntu do you have? You might just see the wifi in the panel.02:31
sidheI tried finding it under the networks menu, the icon that shows rays going outward in the upper rt. hand corner02:32
sidhebut it wasn't listed there02:32
sidheI tried adding it but then there was a section where you had to pick the level of security/whatnot02:32
sidheI selected the one with the passphrase02:32
Polahsidhe: Try adding it manually? Ubuntu has a lot of problems with wireless interfaces02:32
Bagatellepolah, can you help me to find that in https://launchpad.net/~i2p.packages/+archive/i2p? Im sorry, I dont see it02:32
sidheI wasn't sure about that02:32
megamanx1978That is true I usualy think of shareware as no cast software02:32
painbacktrack 5 is ubuntu 10.04 based.... is a good distro????02:32
sidhewhy does it have so many probs. with wireless??02:33
tripelbsidhe isnt the question you asked the same as I'm at a place with wifi. What do I do to connect to it? I have UB X.X02:33
megamanx1978No cost software I mean02:33
bumm13does Ubuntu/Canonical eventually purge their apt repositories once a distro becomes "too old" (such as, say, jaunty/9.04)?02:33
Bagatellepolah, ah, is it the fingerprint?02:33
Bagatellepolah, or the signing key?02:33
KM0201megamanx1978: shareware by its very definition, costs money, freeware, is free.02:33
tripelbpain Ub 10.04 is good and stable.02:33
smwbumm13, The mirrors probably do02:33
painhmmm..... thanks brother!02:34
sidhewell I don't know how to ask the proper questions, I'm not a politician tripelb02:34
sidheall I know is, I'm trying to get online using the wifi and it isn't accessing it02:34
tripelbsidhe no critcism, just helping you. I am a keep it simple kid.02:34
sidheright, me too tripelb02:34
Bagatellewhat do I do with a signing key?02:34
ZykoticK9KM0201, shareware is typically proprietary, freeware can become proprietary - thus "free software" (FAIF) is everyone's best choice ;)02:34
sidheI just don't know how to access the wifi and now yer telling me ubuntu has probs. with wifi?02:34
PolahBagatelle: Try doing this: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver <keyserver> --recv-keys EB2CC88B      I don't know if PPAs use keyserver.ubuntu.com or not, you could try02:34
sidhedang, what's so great about it if you can't use wifi?02:35
KM0201ZykoticK9: i guess...02:35
PolahBagatelle: Just replace <keyserver> with keyserver.ubuntu.com02:35
tripelbsidhe I might have missed but what version of ubuntu do you have? and what's your brand of laptop. Thanks02:35
Tempus_Fugitaeon-ltd: i would post a screenshot but everything is gone even the power icon02:35
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KM0201ZykoticK9: The term shareware (also known as trialware or demoware) refers to proprietary software that is provided to users without payment on a trial basis and is often limited by any combination of functionality, availability or convenience.02:35
sidhetripelb:  I'm running an HP Pavilion Win7 machine, with Ubuntu 10.04.2 installed on the hd02:36
ZykoticK9KM0201, depending on your age, I might have been using "shareware" before you where born :p02:37
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RevSpecies116My first use of Shareware was iD's Doom :)02:37
raidodoes anyone know a command like "pwd" that will show which filesystem (as in one on a remote server) the cwd is mounted on02:37
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, nice!02:38
sidhesoooooo......what release of Linux goes well w. wifi?02:38
tripelbsiddhe are you talking to us with your phone?02:38
ZykoticK9raido, did you try "mount" by itself?02:38
sidheno tripelb, I'm on a win7 machine, I told you02:38
michal11Battery not being detected...is this a BIOS issue or something else? ACPI shows no results ...LSHW shows lithium battery. HELP please02:38
sidheI got online here using a web-based irc client02:38
hiexposidhe, all02:38
raidoZykoticK9: that has no info on where you are and is only good for the local machine02:38
sidhehiexpo, someone told me that Ubuntu doesn't go well w. wifi02:39
Bagatellepolah, like sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3FC3365C ?02:39
tripelbsiddhe then you are already connected? if you are on irc with your computer then ....02:39
Raelossidhe, i disagree02:39
ZykoticK9raido, true...  sorry I gots nothin' then.  Best of luck.02:39
sidheI am on a irc using Win702:39
sidheirc client web-based using win7, that's how I'm chatting here.02:39
tripelboh sidhe so you have a win computer and an ubuntu computer, or is it a dual boot?02:39
sethTampaBayIs there any easy way to get my windows/menus/scrollbars to work like they did before 11?02:39
sidhedual boot tripelb02:39
hiexpoactually sidhe ubuntu is probally most supported on for drivers02:40
sethTampaBay... I gave the new layout a whirl... but it's really slowing me down.  I hate it actually.02:40
tripelbsidhe K. looking it up. I'd hope someone who knows more than I might chime in.02:40
BagatelleHELP with W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/i2p-maintainers/i2pppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found02:40
BagatelleW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/i2p-maintainers/i2pppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found02:40
sidhewell for someodd reason hiexpo, I can't access the ethostream wifi whenever I boot Ubuntu here it's 10.04.202:40
RevSpecies116sidhe: While Ubuntu is Linux, Linux is Not Ubuntu - so when you ask your questions, we most likely will say: GET Ubuntu ;)02:40
PolahBagatelle: I just looked at the guide for that PPA: Do this instead > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:i2p.packages/i2p02:40
hiexposidhe, what wifi card ?02:40
* sidhe blinks02:40
sidhesorry I don't know anything about hardware, I'm strictly a software geek :P02:41
sidheI can take a look under the ctrl panel02:41
Polahsidhe: Look in your System Info or grab a program like Speccy, it might tell you what network controller you have.02:42
bumm13smw: "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xx/xx.x_i386.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]"02:42
sidhesyst info?  burr? ok02:42
bumm13(for jaunty files)02:42
RevSpecies116Wait, sidhe, how are you connected to the net now? WiFi on win7?02:42
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:42
sidheyes RevSpecies11602:42
tripelbsidhe (from ubuntu forums) looks like you need a driver. "maybe" oh RevSpecies116 you are taking over. GOOD. Alright so I was able to manually setup an ethernet connection through terminal, which allowed me to install the b43-fwcutter package. After a reboot my wifi worked flawlessly! So I guess I could mark this thread as solved right now.02:42
smwbumm13, yep, the get rid of old ones apparently ;-)02:43
RevSpecies116If so, you should be able to hover your cursor over the network icon in your taskbar on the lower right, and a little box should hover up02:43
bumm13smw - ;-) ?02:43
Polahbumm13: Consider upgrading. 9.04 is long dead, unless you'd like to deal with unsupported and outdated, possibly never-going-exist hardware and software updates, and unpatched security issues.02:43
smwbumm13, upgrade :-P02:43
bumm13upgrading breaks a lot of stuff (sigh)02:44
* hiexpo don'tunderstand that cause i would think to make software one must what hardware was being used to right the software for 02:44
Polahbumm13: Depends what stuff you have.02:44
WindowsMojaveHello, Anyone here experienced with Linux?02:44
bumm13Polah: of course02:44
jhanaratohello folks! I'm configuring grub now. The os_prober script lists the Window Recovery option before the Vista option... is it possible to switch them so that Vista is the default? I've already moved the os_prober script to 08_02:44
WindowsMojaveI am having a problem with Ubuntu and my Wifi02:44
RevSpecies116:) Trick Question, WindowsMojave ?02:44
PolahWindowsMojave: Nope. We're all sitting in the Ubuntu help channel waiting for someone to help us ):02:44
WindowsMojaveI am having a problem with Ubuntu and my Wifi02:45
bumm13I really hate the idea of rebuilding a bunch of program that aren't from the repositories :P02:45
sidheguess I'm not the only one WindowsMojave02:45
WindowsMojaveI have a Belkin F5D7050 USB Adaptor and I am using the rt73usb driver in Ubuntu02:45
tripelbRevSpecies116, I'm looking at forums. they have "stuff" that isnt so simple nor do they agree. -- , it won’t come up again, when I re-enable it. Until a reboot. However, reloading the iwlagn kernel module (the wireless adapter driver), it works again! To achieve this either untick and tick again the ‘enable wireless’ on the right-click menu of network-manager or use this command. (thanks Nicolas!)02:45
WindowsMojaveDHCP tends to time out when I am downloading from a repository02:45
Polahbumm13: Perhaps they've been added to the newer repos.02:45
WindowsMojaveLike, the speed tends to get down to: bytes/sec02:45
WindowsMojaveYes, bytes02:45
tripelbsidhe RevSpecies116> If so, you should be able to hover your cursor over the network icon in your taskbar on the lower right, and a little box should hover up02:46
WindowsMojaveHow would I fix this?02:46
RevSpecies116tripelb: I wish I could say I've had issues with ubuntu and WiFi in the past - but I have not. Always worked for me out of the box ever since 6.0602:46
WindowsMojaveIt only stays that low for about 10 - 20 seconds then goes back up to my regular speed02:46
sidhethere is a network icon in the upper rt. hand side02:46
tripelbRevSpecies116, that's great. I'll leave now and go to a movie!  Best of luck frineds.02:46
hiexposame here using atheros and realtek02:47
sidhebut when i click on it it doesn't indicate that it has detected the ethostream wifi02:47
RevSpecies116Enjoy the movies, tripelb02:47
WindowsMojaveanyone know how to fix my issue?02:47
RevSpecies116sidhe - the wired component of your network interface works on Ubuntu? Just not WiFi?02:48
RevSpecies116WindowsMojave: We may do02:48
bumm13"Main server", "Server from United States" and ubuntu.osuosl.org all failed, so I guess I'm SOL...02:48
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sidheI have no idea RevSpecies116 I just know that I see an icon on the upper rt. hand side of my Ubuntu screen that indicates any available networks, and when I click on it it doesn't seem to indicate ethostream wifi anywhere02:49
sidheI'm an idiot when it comes to Ubuntu, sorry y'all :(02:49
ZykoticK9bumm13, did you see info for updating EOLs at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades ?02:49
RevSpecies116Do you have access to ethernet wired capability to the box [router/ADSL MODEM] that provides you the internet02:50
sidheI have no idea what that question means RevSpecies116, sorry02:50
RevSpecies116@ sidhe ?02:50
RevSpecies116What in ternet do you have, sidhe - how does your ISP get the internet to your house?02:51
sidheI'm more of a software kinda person, I don't know what that ethernet wired capability translates to in plain english02:51
sidhewifi RevSpecies11602:51
* bumm13 looks02:51
RevSpecies116incorrect, sidhe - is it over your phoneline?02:51
sidheI have a unit underneath the end table in the livingroom that radiates the wifi signal, if that's what you mean02:52
RevSpecies116is it satelite, sidhe?02:52
RevSpecies116Great :) That is what I mean02:52
RevSpecies116That unit is your Router/ADSL modem02:52
traskersHow can I change the default file manager in 11.04 (GNOME 3/Shell)?02:52
sidheso how do I know if it has ethernet wired capability?02:52
RevSpecies116And on that unit should be rectangular slots [perhaps one of the, or 4 of them]02:53
sidheok, lemme go look02:53
RevSpecies116And when your ISP sent you that box, they should have provided you with a few bits of wire02:53
* bumm13 thinks this may sold his immediate problem02:53
RevSpecies116And one of those wires is an ethernet cable02:53
RevSpecies116You should have at least one corresponding slot on your laptop/computer02:54
sidhewell I see two devices attached to the bottom of the endtable, I'm living in a hotel room whereas the wifi is provided with the cost of the hotel room02:55
RevSpecies116You are in a hotel? How do you connect to the internet when you are at your main home?02:55
sidheI just moved into this place like not even 2-3 wks. ago and I just reinstalled Ubuntu02:55
sidheI live in this hotel RevSpecies116, it's a residential hotel02:55
RevSpecies116And the hotel provides you that 'box under the table'? Or did you have to buy it from a tech shop?02:56
sidheyes RevSpecies116, the hotel provided me the two units under the table02:56
pythonCurrently having a problem with my display seems that in one user account it works fine but in another one then the fonts for firefox arent visible which the account was just recently created, Any Ideas?02:57
ray24join #^_^02:57
RevSpecies116sidhe, is it a hotel with management?02:57
RevSpecies116As if I were you, I'd goto the management and ask to see there IT staff02:57
sidheyes RevSpecies11602:57
RevSpecies116And then ask the IT staff to get you some ethernet cable02:57
sidheok, I can do that maybe tomorrow morning02:58
RevSpecies116And help you connect your computer up via wire02:58
RevSpecies116Now that is just a stopgap messure, but we can't really go forward with getting the wifi fixed on Ubuntu, as you are needing to use win7 for internet accfess02:58
RevSpecies116But once wired internet access can be got on your Ubuntu install, it will be a lot easier to get the wifi component going too02:59
RevSpecies116And then, once again, you can get rid of the wire, and use wifi with ubuntu :)02:59
RevSpecies116Sound like a plan, sidhe? :)03:00
sidheo.k. RevSpecies116, I'll look into it tomorrow morning when I get up and the staff is bright and perky03:00
RevSpecies116And the keywords you use to the IT guys] is Ethernet cable :)03:01
bumm13ZykotickK9: that worked! :D03:01
RevSpecies116Ethernet Cable :)03:01
sidheo.k. RS116, ethernet cable03:01
bumm13ZykotickK9, etc.: thanks for all the help - very much appreciated! :-)03:01
ZykoticK9!tab > bumm1303:01
ubottubumm13, please see my private message03:01
ZykoticK9bumm13, glad you got it working :)03:01
sidhehopefully I'll see you online tomorrow morning or whenever it works03:01
friskdHey all, i just setup my virtual host on ubuntu.  But how do i make it so that by going to my ip address it also goes to the same virtual host?03:02
ZykoticK9friskd, not exactly sure what you mean, but you need 2 IP addresses, one for the host and one for the virtual machine - they both can't share an IP03:02
friskdZykoticK9: so i just setup a server w/ rackspace03:03
friskdand i want to make it so that when you type in my ip address it loads my website03:03
ZykoticK9friskd, umm, sorry I have no experience with server hosting - good luck.03:03
WindowsMojaveJust to let everyone know, I found a solution to my issue :)03:03
friskdi set it up, and if i go to www.mysite.com03:03
friskdthen it loads03:03
friskdbut not if i go to my ip address alone03:03
friskdthen i just get the default  "it works" page03:03
ZykoticK9friskd, if you get the "it works" then perhaps it's an apache config issue?03:04
Gregacehi all03:05
RevSpecies116Hello Gregace - can we help?03:05
magn3ticsHow is it that resetting ot default colors in gnome-appearance-properties can KILL compiz, unity, and gnoem entirel?03:05
magn3ticsand again.03:06
magn3tics that's now 4 times in a row03:06
GregaceHi guys, I have a 10.4 installed on a eee, running the root from a 4Go SSD so I'm craving for space.03:06
JayWalkerplug in a flash drive? :p03:07
magn3ticsoh, it crashes every single time03:07
magn3ticsgod I hate everything related to gnome except gtk+03:08
GregaceI notices that in /var/cache/apt/archives I have 400Mo worth of packages03:08
offsense_anyone know why i cant start my appearance customization on unity?03:08
ZykoticK9Gregace, running Ubuntu on 4GB EEEs is something i've done a lot of - and I have to say, 4GB is too small for Ubuntu once you start updating...  my 8GB EEE 701 worked perfectly though.  Best of luck man!03:08
RevSpecies116magn3tics: Sounds like a bug - have you raised it on launchpad?03:08
GregaceRevSpecies116, yup03:08
Gregaceit's a small ssd03:08
akbarick llamasniper03:08
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GregaceI'm on a asus eee90103:08
JayWalkertried "sudo apt-get clean" ?03:09
JayWalkerthat will erase old downloaded archives03:09
Gregacewill it affect something if I deleted the packages in  /var/cache/apt/archives03:09
Logan_!bug | magn3tics03:10
ubottumagn3tics: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:10
ZykoticK9Gregace, the apt-get clean should do that for you - but yes, you can safely delete them.03:10
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Gregaceyeah it did !03:10
Gregacethanks for the cmd !03:10
RevSpecies116Gregace: How much space did you get back?03:11
Gregacefor eee 901 linux users, I have the / on the 4go ssd and the /home on the 16g03:11
JayWalkeralso don't forget to empty your trash and clean out your Downloads folder in your home folder ;)03:11
GregaceRevSpecies116, arounf those 400Mo03:12
RevSpecies116Great :) Should keep you going a little bit longer ;)03:12
friskdwas the httpd service renamed to something else in ubuntu?03:12
friskdI wanted to do httpd -S03:13
GregaceRevSpecies116,  definitely03:13
friskdand its not found03:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».03:13
GregaceThanks guys, I'm back to my xsl/php with ReST assignment03:13
RevSpecies116Gregace: Also Firefox/Chrome cache's get bloated too - try giving them a little 'clean' too. You have to do that within the respective browsers03:13
magn3tsThe mouse selector hasn't worked for three releases, it reads the default colors wrong from themes, it crashes when you revert to the theme's default colors, they've removed all the configuration possible from gnome-screensaver... ugh03:13
Gregacewhat distro do you run on your eee 701 ?03:14
magn3tswait, you have to be kidding me.03:16
RevSpecies116And the price of Bacon, magn3ts?03:16
magn3tsrestarting GDM does not restart or kill old gnome processes?03:16
magn3tsI have gnome-settings-daemon running half a dozen times here, how is that even possible03:16
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=== Climber_Ty is now known as ClimberTy
magn3tsdoes `sudo service gdm restart` not do the whole... stop part first?03:17
RevSpecies116magn3ts, you really need to get those bugs raised on launchpad, otherwise they may not get solved03:18
magn3ticsI would expect that dropping to tty1 and 'service gdm restart' would not cause all of the gnome daemons to reopen in tandum. Can anyone else confirm that that's happening to them? It seems unbelievable that that would be able to ship without being noticed.03:19
magn3ticsIf someone else confirms I'll put in the reports.03:19
darkoricaldoes anyone know of a playstation 2 emulator that runs well on linux ... my ps2 finally bit the big one and I have a 11.04 box hooked up to my tv as a media server03:20
researcher123is it possible to convert pdf to ppt?03:21
RevSpecies116darkorical: That is something this channel cannot really help you with - the emulator part is questionable, but what would you run on it, homebrew games?03:21
magn3tsresearcher123, why would you want to03:21
friskdwas the httpd service renamed in ubuntu?03:22
RevSpecies116researcher123, yes, but not in one easy click03:22
researcher123magn3ts: want to creat a presentation out of a pdf doc03:22
darkoricalI would like to be able to put my ps2 disks in the dvd rom on the machine03:22
blackreggieHey ppl, How do I get the plugins to play .AVI files in parole ?03:22
busigasthello everyone :D03:22
researcher123RevSpecies116: whats the other way?03:22
magn3tsdarkorical, is that even possible?03:22
RevSpecies116Actually, google docs may let you do that - import the pdf, and export as ppt03:22
rsyringI'd like to get an updated etckeeper for lucid: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/etckeeper  Whats the easiest way to do that?  I don't really know much about packaging.03:23
researcher123RevSpecies116: import into which bapplication?03:23
RevSpecies116not an application, researcher123 - the cloud03:23
darkoricalRevSpecies116 ps2 is a bit outdated to pirate anyway while it is technically possible to do it I have no interest in more old games but I would like to play the ones I have03:23
magn3tsdarkorical, pcsx2 is kin of a standard and they have a linux build. there's also epsxe03:23
researcher123RevSpecies116: I dont know that03:23
blackreggieHey ppl, How do I get the plugins to play .AVI files in parole ?03:24
gaelfxdoes disk Utility report sizes in Gigabytes or Gibibytes?03:24
ZykoticK9darkorical, i've never seen a "working" ps2 emulator for linux - best of luck.03:24
researcher123RevSpecies116: I have created a cloud account last week not knowing what to do with it03:24
freakboy31do they use ubuntu for servers03:24
magn3tsParole looks like an identical clone of Totem.03:24
freakboy31game servers03:24
ZykoticK9altezza01, you tried !list already - it doesn't work in this channel03:24
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blackreggiemagn3ts it wonr play .avi files how do i install the plugs for it?03:25
gaelfxblackreggie: have you tried VLC or SMPlayer?03:25
RevSpecies116:) researcher123  :) with Google?03:25
magn3tsblackreggie, no idea. I'd tell you to just use VLC to be honest.03:26
researcher123RevSpecies116: amazon03:26
blackreggieNo, just the ones that came w/ ubuntu... parole its called03:26
blackreggievlc eh?03:26
RevSpecies116Ahhh, well you *may* have to make a Google account, but that is easy enough to do03:26
RevSpecies116But the site is docs.google.com03:26
magn3tsVLC will play anything. I've only had one filetype not work with VLC and I've never found anything that will play them anyway.03:26
ZykoticK9blackreggie, you might want to try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras03:26
darkoricalwell so much for that one I read on pcsx2 it requires a bios dump from your PS2 .. and my ps2 is dead oh well back to craigslist I go03:27
blackreggiewhats that03:27
gaelfxI prefer SMPlayer since it's easy to make it use vdpau03:27
RevSpecies116And you can upload the .pdf, and in the 'presentation' component of google docs, you can export as a .ppt03:27
ZykoticK9mplayer (cli) FTW ;)03:27
magn3tsdarkorical, all ps2 emus require a bios file. A google search will reveal thousands of links. it's a tiny file and extracting the rom yourself is not easy.03:28
gaelfxZykoticK9: nah, for CLI, VLC is more interesting, you can get it to play the movie in terminal with amazing ascii art :D03:28
darkoricalmagn3ts true but also a downloaded version = Illeagle03:28
ZykoticK9magn3ts, now that advice is verging on !wares03:28
magn3tsdarkorical, and I'm sure emulating the console and using it to play retail games is too.03:29
magn3tsZykoticK9, sorry.03:29
ZykoticK9gaelfx, "mplayer -vo aa foo" does the same thing ;)03:29
gaelfxZykoticK9: learn something every day :D03:29
gaelfxever compared the two for quality?03:29
gaelfxwhose ascii art is better?03:30
ZykoticK9LOL - quality of ASCII - that's rich ;)03:30
magn3tslast time I used mplayer with vdpau, it performed terribly on some 720p mkv and VLC powered through.03:30
Mission_Controlis there a utility out there I can use to edit the xorg.config file03:31
friskdWas httpd  renamed in ubuntu03:31
ZykoticK9gaelfx, i imagine they are both using the same aalibrary03:31
gaelfxI've never had a problem with it, besides, I prefer not to heat up my cpu where it isn't necessary03:31
magn3tsfriskd, I think so.03:31
ZykoticK9Mission_Control, vi (it's a joke, not serious)03:31
gaelfxZykoticK9: I guess that's probably true, but I never really looked into it too deeply, I might have to find out now03:31
friskdmagn3ts: to what?03:31
RevSpecies116magn3ts, then you must know what it was changed to03:32
friskdi want to run httpd -S03:32
friskdbut i can't because that doesn't exists03:32
ray24?join #bearattack03:32
Mission_ControlI don't get it03:32
ZykoticK9Mission_Control, any text editor can edit xorg.conf03:32
Mission_ControlI know03:32
Mission_Controlbut I just don't want to make any mistakes03:32
gaelfxfriskd: you could check in Synaptic and see if the package is available but uninstalled03:33
Mission_ControlI've edited stuff like that and screwed up very easily03:33
ZykoticK9Mission_Control, make a backup first03:33
Mission_Controlwhy didn't I think of that :p03:33
magn3tsfriskd, RevSpecies116 I thought it was just apache now03:34
busigasttweak unity like a boss, drink guiness lika boss, fart my gf in the face like a boss03:34
friskdmagn3ts: i thought so too, but doing apache -S still gives me "command not found"03:34
RevSpecies116magn3ts, seems you are correct: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html03:34
RevSpecies116httpd seems to be a part of apache203:34
magn3tsfriskd, what are you trying to do? I invoke apache2 directyl via 'apache2' but I use `sudo service <> stop` most of the time.03:35
magn3tsthere used to be apache2ctl as well, idk if it's still around03:35
magn3tseventually I type "apache" and then 'tab' until I see what I want.03:35
friskdmagn3ts: i want to do httpd -S03:35
friskdgit get the default layout03:35
friskd*to get03:35
magn3tsyeah, I don't know, sorry.03:35
Lobo29how can i change channels ?03:36
friskdif i just do apache2.   i get apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}03:36
V33XI'm having an internet connection problem...03:36
V33XSo could someone help me?03:37
RevSpecies116V33X: We can try :)03:38
V33XWell, I'm not sure what happened, but I can't install updates03:39
V33Xand I can't download things via Ubuntu's back-end Software Center03:39
V33XHowever, I can connect to the internet03:39
V33Xand use Pidgin...03:39
mattk_is there anyway to enable ssh on a live usb version of Ubuntu?03:40
V33XWhen I try to install something via Ubuntu's Software Center, it says "Check your internet connection"03:40
RevSpecies116V33X: the username you use to update Ubuntu has sudo capabilities?03:40
V33Xit's the only username on my computer03:40
RevSpecies116And sudo apt-get commands work to get stuff on the terminal?03:41
rwwmattk_: assuming you mean the server, not the client, install the 'openssh-server' package03:41
V33Xthat's the odd thing, lol03:41
mattk_yeah the server03:41
RevSpecies116That IS odd, V33X  :)03:41
V33Xbecause Ubuntu's Software Center is the APT-GET area thingy03:41
rwwV33X: can you keep your responses to one line instead of using [Enter] as punctuation, please :)03:42
RevSpecies116A user called Marchosius on the Ubuntu forums is having a similar issue03:42
V33XSorry. Anyhow, if I go to Network Settings, Host Settings: Host name: HyperNova      Domain name: domain.invalid03:43
V33X>Domain.invalid         that can't be right03:43
RevSpecies116Also raised on Launcpah: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/77564503:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 775645 in software-center (Ubuntu) "ubuntu software center is blocked" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:45
V33XSo what should I do?03:46
RevSpecies116I personally don't use the USC, though, so don't know how to cure it :(03:47
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Pi31415i want to try some legacy code that has quit working.  if i install 9.04 from scratch and upgrade and then use synaptic, will i get only the 9.04 supported components?   i.e. i won't be getting any upgrades unless so requested.03:48
V33XWell, thanks. But I SERIOUSLY need to install some important system updates03:49
V33XThanks, though. Bye03:49
Pi31415oooops.  make that update instead of upgrade.....03:49
motafocaguys, i changed motherboards so my partition table has changed, i reiinstalled windows now im trying to fix grub, but this grub2 is just annoyingly diferent03:49
motafocahow to just generate a hole new menu?03:49
donkeyinspacehello! i would like to install ubuntu in a usb pendrive. right know i have a "failed" ubuntu installation on that usb pen drive and when the pen is connected to the computerboot dont go beyond the mother board logo. what can i do?03:50
motafocai have 4 disks and dont wanna keep placing the correct order just because grub2 is so dam complicated03:50
Pi31415donkeyinspace:  are you trying 11.04?  i tried to generate a pen drive for a netbook, but was never successful.03:50
VustomIs it possible to add a URL to a launcher?03:51
donkeyinspacePi31415 , i am trying 10.1003:51
Pi31415maybe some one can comment on whether 11.04 can successfully generate a USB memory stick version of the O/S03:51
motafocahow to re-generate grub menu if disk order has changed? i have 4 disks03:52
magn3tsPi31415, why on earth would you want to install 9.04 and upgrade across 4 versions?03:52
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Pi31415magn3ts:  sorry, worded it wrong.  just 9.04 and update it and install gcc etc for 9.04 and use it in the last state supported as 9.04.  that clearer?03:54
magn3tsPi31415, if you install 9.04 and fetch updates, you will stay in 9.04 as long as you decline the prompts to dist-upgrade.03:55
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magn3tsPi31415, if you're doing it for a specific compiler version, there's probably an easier way to do this though.03:55
Pi31415magn3ts:  thanks for the information.  I have another computer to clean and install 9.04 on.  i'm looking for g77 for some legacy code that quit recently with gfortran.  looking for the UNIX time() function that is no longer supported.03:56
Pi31415magn3ts:  as far as i can tell, g77 is not available in synaptic or anywhere else that i've looked to install in 11.0403:57
GregacePi31415, I suggest you use the 10.4 it's the LTSsssssss03:57
magn3tsPi31415, gfortran03:57
magn3tsoops thats not the same thing03:58
Pi31415Gregace:  i'm using 11.04 and need g77, which is not longer supported since 10.04 i think03:58
ouyesUnable to install Ubuntu 10.04.2, I used unetbootin to make a usb boot stick, and tried to boot and install ubuntu from the usb stick, but I failed, there came out a prompt command line on the screen, told me it cannot find something? what is wrong?03:59
friskdhow do i fix this error03:59
friskdapache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}03:59
Beliaswhat is the best software to record the screen in linux?03:59
Pi31415and there is a bug in lame that appeared in converted some .aiff files that i convert to .mp3    the files are morse code, monotone and mono channel, but they get some applitude garbage that sounds bad.04:00
Pi31415Belias:  there is a screen capture called snapshot.  Applications -> Accessories -> Take Screenshot04:01
BeliasPi31415: i mean video04:01
friskdthumbs  so to use  apache2 i need to do sudo service apache2 -action04:02
VustomHow would I go about launching a URL from the launcher that does the same as this would? <INPUT= 'mywindow','width=400,height=200,toolbar=yes, location=yes,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,copyhistory=yes, resizable=yes')">04:02
friskdthose being my options04:02
ilyaZUbuntu needs to use firefox feedback  mechanism since it's a super awesome design pattern. Firefox => Help => Submit Feedback => "Firefox made me (happy|sad) because...." [textbox].     Where is the right place to submit that feature request?04:04
Gregaceouyes, have you check your iso ?04:06
ZykoticK9ilyaZ, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ (currently not resolving for me) or file a bug as "wishlist/feature request" - the first being the easier option04:07
Gregaceouyes, I suggest you do a checksum of your install iso04:07
ouyesGregace, yes md5sum04:08
ilyaZZykoticK9, thanks! q: easier on the development front or on my end?04:08
Gregaceand the iso is alright ?04:08
ZykoticK9ilyaZ, easier on your end04:08
ouyesGregace, yes man04:08
Gregaceare you running uunetbootin from linux or windows or mac ?04:08
ZykoticK9Gregace, md5sum of a Unetbootin USB is going to fail.04:09
ZykoticK9Gregace, oh you mean the ISO - sorry my bad04:09
Beliasplease help04:09
Beliaswant to record video on screen in linux04:09
RevSpecies116Belias, we can try :)04:09
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RevSpecies116From a camera, Belias? Or you mean record what you are doing with your desktop and mouse to a video?04:10
friskdIn case anyone cares...   httpd was renamed to apache, but you can't use apache as a command04:12
friskdyou have to do apache2ctl04:12
BeliasRevSpecies116: what is happening on desktop04:12
RevSpecies116Belias, yes you can - it was mentioned earlier in this chat - let me go see if I can find it :)04:13
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feydI'm desperately seeking help in xfce 4.8 - having massive issues at startup for every reboot04:15
mrdebfeyd: yes04:16
feydmrdeb: so a little while ago I was having issues with sound, it would start up muted, and unmuting did nothing04:16
ZykoticK9Belias, gtk-recordmydesktop is a GUI option, ffmpeg is a CLI option.  Good luck.04:16
feydmrdeb: fixed it by removing .pulse dir and pulsecookie, I restarted, and now none of my panels will start, nor will compiz04:16
BeliasZykoticK9: ok04:17
Beliaswill have a look :)04:17
feydmrdeb: and on top of that, the sound breaks on every restart too. There has been no significant changes to my system at all in the past week, this stuff started just an  hour ago04:17
RevSpecies116Thanls, ZykoticK9 :)04:18
gaelfxis there any tool I can use to check the SMART status of a drive that's connected via USB?04:18
Bstarekhello everybody04:18
Bstareki got this weird problem, everytime i minimize a window, it disappears!! :)04:18
KM0201Belias: recordmydesktop is dead nuts simple, if thats your goal04:19
sisalHi. VLC and Totem randomly freezing whole PC, even with low bitrate files (.avi), no CPU usage spikes or background process fighting for priority. Ubuntu 11.04 32bit - Barton 1,8GHz - 1GB RAM - Ati x1950 (default open-source driver). Thanks in advance for any ideas.04:19
RevSpecies116Looks like VLC can also capture the desktop04:19
KM0201sisal: it's a bug w/ VLC... i've had no issues w/ totem04:19
KM0201RevSpecies116: really?  how?04:19
RevSpecies116Open up VLC04:20
Bstarekeverytime i minimize a window, it disappears! anybody knows about this???04:20
Pi31415Bstarek:  you should have a panel on bottom of screen that you can click on to bring window back to desktop.  if you are serious about your question.04:20
KM0201!bug 743323 | sisal04:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 743323 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc memory leak" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74332304:20
blackreggiethanks guys vlc is legit04:20
RevSpecies116And Media->Convert/Save...04:20
Bstarekpi31415, thats what i am saying, there is nothing on the bottom panel....04:20
RevSpecies116And Capture Device tab04:20
RevSpecies116And change the capture device to 'Desktop'04:21
Pi31415Bstarek:  there are three buttons, X will kill the window and the _ (underscore is the minimize)04:21
Bstarekpi31415, my friend, i have using ubuntu for 3 years now.....this has never happened to me before04:21
RevSpecies116Bstarek: Are you confirming you do not have a bottom panel04:22
ZykoticK9Bstarek, welcome to Unity ;)04:22
Bstarekpi31415, i even switched workspace (ctrl-atl-direction) and still nothing on the other workplaces...04:22
Pi31415Bstarek:  sorry, didn't mean to offend.  hard to know experience levels.   i use ubuntu classic and not Unity04:22
RevSpecies116Bstarek: You are using 11.04 Ubuntu?04:22
RevSpecies116As the windows no minimize to the LEFT, not the bottom ;)04:23
KM0201RevSpecies116: well, that vlc tool shows some very strange behavior for me... i'll keep using record my desktop04:23
RevSpecies116no = now04:23
Bstarekpi31415, i am using ubuntu classic and will always use it :), its ok my friend im not offended at all04:23
Pi31415Bstarek:  might try logging out and log back in using ubuntu classic to see if problem persists.04:23
Bstarekpi31415, i do have a bottom panel....nothing on it...04:23
Pi31415Bstarek:  ummmmm.  don't have a clue on that one.04:23
RevSpecies116KM0201: I have similar problems, but then again this laptop is not made to do intensive stuff ;)04:24
KM0201RevSpecies116: neither is mine.. :)... but recordmydesktop works well.04:24
trobrockI used to be able to add lines to the /etc/ssh/sshd_known_hosts file in order to not get the check to trust the connection before sshing to a server, but this no longer seems to work, the entries created in the known_hosts file seem to be unique to the machine now. Is there any way to do this?04:25
Pi31415Bstarek:  how about going to System -> Preferences -> Appearance and trying another theme?04:25
Bstarekpi31415, weird....04:25
BeliasI will stick with windows!04:25
RevSpecies116I'm going to give recordmydesktop a shot too, then, KM0201 :) Thanks for that recommendation. Can it record to webM?04:26
Beliascan't tolerate this complications04:26
Beliasit works04:26
Beliasbut no options04:26
feydcan anyone help with xfce 4.8 startup issues04:26
Bstarekpi31415, i tried to switch appearance....still nothing :)04:26
RevSpecies116Yes, Ubuntu just works, Belias04:26
KM0201RevSpecies116: i don't see why it couldn't, it records in ogv format, then you could upload it anywhere you want i'd imagine04:26
Bstarekpi31415, im gonna try to google it once more  i guess :)04:26
RevSpecies116Bstarek: Sound like a panel issue04:26
KM0201Belias: what do you mean "no options"...04:26
RevSpecies116Bstarek: Almost like a part of the notifications has been removed04:26
Beliaslike in Camtasia04:27
FloodBot1Belias: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:27
ouyesGregace, I can install ubuntu 10.04.1 for usb stick04:27
Pi31415Bstarek:  I would try running a CD Live and see if it does the same thing.  that way you don't touch the hard drive........  that is, if you have the time and interest to try it.04:27
KM0201Belias: i have no idea what you're talking about... so... good luck w/ windows.. make sure your virus and malware software is up to date.04:27
BstarekRevspecies116, looks like it...04:27
KM0201and dn't click on any links04:27
RevSpecies116Bstarek: can you right click on an empty part of the lower panel04:27
BeliasKM0201: do you mean antivirus?04:28
BstarekRevspecies116, i can....i have options: add to....remove....04:28
RevSpecies116Bstarek: and an Add Panel... option comes up?04:28
BstarekRevspecies116, properties...04:28
RevSpecies116There is the *possibility* that part of the panel was removed04:28
KM0201antivirus-virus, u knew what i meant, although i'd consider norton and mcaffee a version of windows viruses04:28
sisalKM0201: !bug 743323 doesn't looks like same problem to me, Totem is crashing exactly same way without excessive memory  usage.04:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 743323 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc memory leak" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74332304:28
RevSpecies116I don't know which panel addon is the task bar at the lower part04:28
BstarekRevspecies116, i have even tried to remove a panel and create another one....04:28
KM0201sisal: dunno, i'v ehad no issues w/ totem.. vlc on the other hand.. lots of issues.04:29
BeliasKM0201: avg is good04:29
BstarekRevspecies116, looks like something has crashed....04:29
KM0201Belias: i didn't say anything about avg04:29
mrdebKM0201: what issues04:29
flametai1Belias, I'll stick with Avast xP04:29
RevSpecies116Bstarek: bummer :(04:29
KM0201mrdeb: vlc locking up, memory leaks, etc..04:29
mrdebwhere lockig up04:29
BstarekRevspecies116, im sure it will come back somehow lol!!04:29
RevSpecies116Belias, I'll stick to not visiting dodgy websites, thanks :)04:30
BstarekRevspecies116, anyway guys thanks for the help!! im out :)04:30
RevSpecies116Bstarek: bye :)04:30
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me, have ben trying to figure out this all day! Thanks04:30
RevSpecies116I think VLC's power is also its biggest weakness - it is so nebulus that issues are hard to track within it04:31
RevSpecies116But it has been and always will be [until it isn't ;) ] my choice for video and dvd playback :)04:31
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me, have ben trying to figure out this all day! Thanks04:32
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crmirahola desde chile04:33
Beliasam I getting used to it ubuntu? :)04:33
crmirahola desde chile hola04:33
gaelfxcrmira: what language do they speak in Chile?04:34
gaelfx!es > crmira04:34
ubottucrmira, please see my private message04:34
IdleOne!es | crmira04:34
ubottucrmira: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:34
crmirayou from04:34
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gaelfxcrmira: I'm from the US04:35
crmiracalifornia ???04:35
Zelozelosanyone know if gnome holds any cursor settings? this has been bugging me for a while now, but in gnome with or without compiz when you change your cursor, it only changes in windows, not window boards, desktop, panels etc. running xfce, pointers change easily04:35
gaelfxI live in China now04:36
Zelozelosthe same issue with debian, if you use xfce, nice pointers, gnome ugly white or black04:37
Zelozelosgoogleing is bleak, just the same info over and over again they all keep saying to change the default.theme line to whatever current mouse theme u want, still dosent change in those places04:38
Gregaceouyes, Cool man ! That's the one I'm using on my eee901, it's always better to run the LTS04:38
gaelfxis there any program to check SMART status on a USB HDD?04:38
Zelozelosmaybe the developers are right, nobody cares about pointers anymore04:39
Loshkigaelfx: smartctl and gsmartcontrol (in the gsmartmontools package I think)04:39
ZykoticK9gaelfx, the only SMART program i know is the cli smartmontools (not sure if it does USB, don't see why not)04:39
gaelfxLoshki: I do have gsmartcontrol, but it still can't get the SMART status of the drive04:40
Loshkigaelfx: oops, didn't notice the USB bit. AFAIK, you can't get SMART data via USB....04:40
gaelfxwell, I was reading some google results, but most of them were from about 4 years ago, they mostly said it really depends on the chip in the enclosure, but I'm not sure how to figure out what chip it's actually using04:41
gaelfxLoshki: that's ok, at least you tried to answer04:41
gaelfxif I could figure out what chip it's using, maybe I could figure out why the bus speed on it is so slow (it's USB3.0, but it only ever runs at 705Mbps)04:42
Loshkigaelfx: well, I see things like http://www.ariolic.com/activesmart/usb-smart.html, so apparently it's possible, but I've never managed to make it work via usb...04:43
phong_hi guys, is there winamp for linux?04:43
phong_or any similar type of winamp for linux?04:43
qinphong_: Audacious04:43
phong_how can i instlal that?04:43
qinsudo apt-get install audacious04:43
* KM0201 <3's audacious04:44
phong_qin but will it has radio shoutcast?04:44
phong_i really want something where it has internet radio04:44
phong_I know winamp for windows has Shoutcast radio04:44
KM0201phong_: do you have a link to a shoutcast?.. i'll try to test one.04:44
phong_i don't04:45
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dinphong_: mpd04:45
phong_but if you use winamp u will have it04:45
qinphong_: Maybe plugins, anyway, you can play shoutcats links with it, or vls, or mplayer04:45
KM0201phong_: why on earth would i have winamp04:45
phong_KM0201, because in winamp. i just click on the radio channel04:45
phong_i dont know what u meant link shoutcast.04:45
qinphong_: www.shoutcast.com, radios are listed there04:46
phong_qin, i just click on the link?04:47
phong_no need to install nothing?04:47
gaelfxLoshki: yeah, I saw that one too. Right now, I'm trying to figure out the chipset that my dock uses, maybe that can shed more light on what I have to do to get it to work04:47
KM0201phong_: i just clicked on a station and it worked.04:47
phong_it won't for me: sale-qt7az-2407451629@craigslist.org04:48
qinphong_: Most likely you want restricted formats and vlc.04:48
phong_qin, TypeError: mcval.plsFun is not a function04:48
phong_qin, that is when i clicked on the link: TypeError: mcval.plsFun is not a function04:48
KM0201phong_: it's working fien for me04:49
phong_do i need codec?04:49
KM0201phong_: possible i guess... sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:49
RevSpecies116Working fine for me - Firefox04:49
phong_KM0201, 198MB to download ;)04:50
sisalphong_: You can get shoutcast radios to Banshee player with "Radio Station Fetcher" or "LiveRadio" extension.04:50
ZoraelWhat could have happened if userspace is only allowed to allocate 1gb ram out of a total 2gb? It just starts to swap and never gets past 1150mb. The rest seems reserved for disk cache04:50
KM0201phong_: ok.. you should have installed them during install.. to be truthful, but thats irrelevant now.04:50
KM0201sisal: i believe rhythmbox has that as well.04:50
phong_oh ok04:51
phong_KM0201, is there any good things i need to know more about linux?04:51
phong_any cool useful softwares for linux?04:51
KM0201phong_: probably plenty, but at this point, they'll fall on deaf ears to you, use the OS, as you encounter problems/concerns, ask questions.04:52
eiriksvini got a question for anyone who might know, I'm trying to run this is the terminal, it pops up, but then disappears how do I get it to stay?04:52
RevSpecies116phong_: If you are listening to internet radio - you shouldn't be worried about a one off 200MB install04:52
RevSpecies116When streaming most likely uses 2GB each month?04:52
KM0201eiriksvin: what terminal emulator are you running?  gnome-terminal or what?04:52
eiriksvin# make this script executable in order to use it04:53
eiriksviniwconfig ath0 | grep Quality # where ath0 = your device name04:53
phong_is ubuntu any diff from fedora?04:53
eiriksvini have it set up to show wlan004:53
phong_what i can do in ubuntu can be done in fedora?04:53
RevSpecies116Yes, phong_ but not in too many ways04:53
Beliaswhy some people prefer mint?04:53
RevSpecies116Yes, phong_ :)04:53
RevSpecies116Personal choice, Belias :)04:54
phong_but i notice that ubuntu is more popular04:54
KM0201phong_: there might be some minor variations in "how" you do it, but yes, anything you can do in fedora, you can do in ubuntu.04:54
RevSpecies116Like the question 'how long is a piece of string' ;)04:54
ZykoticK9phong_, Ubuntu has been on top of Distrowatch for 6 years (read that somewhere today)04:54
eiriksvinit runs fine when I drop it into a terminal on its own04:55
KM0201ZykoticK9: thats kinda misleading n my opinion, since it really only counts "hits" not what is actually in use.04:55
eiriksvin iwconfig wlan0 | grep Quality04:55
phong_does fedora also use 'sudo' ?04:55
KM0201ZykoticK9: but it does show a lot of people are interested in ubuntu04:55
phong_or 'sudo apt-get'04:55
RevSpecies116YUM on Fedora, I believe04:56
KM0201phong_: you can create a sudo user in fedora, but fedora does not use apt-get... it uses YUM...04:56
phong_KM0201, than it is different in commands04:56
ZykoticK9KM0201, i don't think there is any disagreement, Ubuntu is the most popular GNU/Linux distro (tyranny of the majority?)04:56
RevSpecies116Fedora is also RPM based, Ubuntu is DEB based04:56
viking667Anyone here run Qemu? I'm having a little trouble getting sound to work.04:56
KM0201ZykoticK9: i'd agree w/ that.04:56
FirefisheHas anyone backported the kde 4.6.x tree for 10.04 LTS yet?04:57
KM0201phong_: did you not pay attention to what i said.. "How you do it, may be different.. but you should be able to do everything in ubuntu, you did in fedora"04:57
phong_proably 'YUM install'04:57
RevSpecies116Unknown, phong_ I don't use Fedora :)04:57
viking667hm. "apt-get install ...."04:57
sisalphong_: Fedora is usually stuffed up with newest toys on the playground, with all pros and cons. Ubuntu is better for new unix users, since it has really strong supportive community.04:57
KM0201viking667: tried it   ..... not found.. :)04:57
viking667KM0201: uhm? You're using UBuntu now, correct?04:58
viking667Sorry, I only just joined.04:58
eiriksvinhow do I get  this: iwconfig wlan0 | grep Quality       to show the terminal, and not exit the terminal before I can see it?04:58
KM0201viking667: its a joke..  "...." is not a package.. i guess it was only funny to me04:58
mattk_Does anyone know how to install ubuntu without a monitor?04:58
phong_sisal, i also notice that more people in #ubuntu then #fedora04:58
viking667KM0201: ah. I see.04:58
KM0201eiriksvin: it's not closing when i run it.04:59
lfsDmattk you do it very carefully04:59
viking667phong_: that's absolutely no guide at all. That just means more people have joined the IRC channel.04:59
phong_sisal, KM0201 so conclusion: i'll stick with Ubuntu04:59
eiriksvinmine is04:59
lfsDor you just find a new monitor04:59
KM0201eiriksvin: which terminal emulator are you using?04:59
eiriksvingnome 2.32.104:59
ZykoticK9viking667, i think an argument could be made that more people in the support channel might be a bad sign ;)04:59
Beliasrecordmydesktop is good05:00
mattk_lfsD: my video card is dead on my laptop. I remoted into XP and it still works. Tried to connect an external monitor and it didn't work05:00
lfsDor they are board and want some fun05:00
eiriksvinif I run the terminal then do it, it stays, but from the script and a Launcher it goes away05:00
lfsDdid you make sure that under xp that you changed the settings to allow the connected monitor05:00
RevSpecies116mattk_: Restart the laptop with the external monitor plugged in and turned on05:00
KM0201eiriksvin: thats a desktop environment.. you're probably using gnome-terminal... try this... open a terminal, edit/profile preferences/ title and commands tab... at the bottom "When command exits" change it to "Hold terminal Open"05:01
KM0201ZykoticK9: you mean the fact there's over 1k here is a bad thing?  Actually, i've generally found the folks in #fedora, pretty friendly.05:01
mattk_RevSpecies116: That's kind of an insulting suggestion05:01
RevSpecies116If I start my laptop without the external monitor plugged in, and then remember to plug it in after Ubuntu has loaded, it will not pick it up05:01
eiriksvini got it, now testing...05:02
phong_KM0201, last question: does fedora has similar type of 'software center' ?05:02
mrdebKasjopaja23: can you ask them why the like yum05:02
lfsDdoes anyone have any tips on making a linux distro?05:02
lfsDusing ubuntu that is as a basis05:02
RevSpecies116BUT if I plug in the external monitor and then turn on my laptop, the extrernal screen works05:02
KM0201phong_: if you have questionsa bout fedora, ask in #fedora.. to my knowledge, no it doesn't.05:02
eiriksvinyay, works like a charm!05:02
phong_KM0201, thanks . oh well...i like ubuntu05:02
phong_start to like more ubuntu05:02
KM0201eiriksvin: \o/oot05:02
eiriksvinSUPER WOOT buddy:)05:03
matbee_hey, I've got an issue where I no longer get any network connectivity --- but my interfaces all exist --- but, I no longer get that tool on my status bar which helps me connect to wifi networks05:03
ZykoticK9KM0201, that "hold open" is neat, never knew about that before - thanks (much more elegant then what I was thinking of - outputting the grep to a file and opening it with an editor)05:03
tx0105fedora has a package manager....it's not as user friendly as Ubuntu's software manager...but it works05:03
lfsDi love ubuntu!!! i duel boot with sindows 7(ugh) and use my ubuntu more lol05:03
mattk_RevSpecies116: The GPU is dead. I know it's dead.05:03
tx0105it even has categories05:03
KM0201ZykoticK9: well, your way would have certainly worked as well.05:03
KM0201ZykoticK9: to my knowledge, gnome-terminal is the only terminal emulator that has tha toption.05:04
KM0201i know lxterminal doesn't05:04
matbee_I've opened everything "networking" on ubuntu, but, come to no conclusion to why it has left me05:04
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mrdebwhat doesnt05:04
lfsDmattk: you can see xp right? try to extend desktop to the plugged in monitor05:04
eiriksvinKM0201 my WoW is running at higher graphics on Ubuntu 11.04 Classic (No Effects) than it was on Win 7, so my nuking win7 was a WOOT!05:04
RevSpecies116mattk_: I'm surprised XP even boots without a valid GPU running05:04
tx0105eiriksvin what you using to run WoW?05:05
mattk_RevSpecies116: I used remote desktop05:05
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
eiriksvinWine 1.2.3 with Winetricks (newest version)05:05
phong_KM0201, i can't really play shoutcast..it said i need  an x-shockwave\ flash05:05
matbee_Is there a way to bring back the "networking utility" that has since disappeared from Unity?05:05
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest62328
KM0201phong_: sudo apt-get install flash-plugin  (I think.. lemme verify that)05:06
tx0105has WoW run well on Wine for a while? I tried to use Powerpoint 2003 and Wine didn't run it well at all05:06
RevSpecies116mattk_: Then I cannot help, unfortunately...05:06
tx0105maybe its worth another look05:06
KM0201phong_: actually... the version of flash in the repos sucks... so hold on a sec..05:06
eiriksvinKM0201 NOO!! phong_ don't do that05:06
KM0201eiriksvin: don't do what?05:06
KM0201flash works fine05:06
eiriksvinnooo, you want the NEW flash, cus its beast05:07
mattk_I just want to know if there is way to install ubuntu without a monitor. Can I install ubuntu server on my harddrive and transfer it back into the laptop and ssh into the machine05:07
KM0201oh, i totally agree.05:07
phong_eiriksvin, i can't play any of shoutcast radio05:07
mattk_that's all I want to do really05:07
phong_i need x-shockwave flash05:07
KM0201phong_: calm down.. go here, and download it...  http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/completion/?installer=Flash_Player_10.3_for_other_Linux_%28.tar.gz%2905:07
eiriksvinyeah, phong_ whats ur web browser?05:07
phong_the builtin05:07
phong_i have no idea05:08
KM0201phong_: just go to that link and download that .tar file05:08
phong_the one looks like a fox05:08
eiriksvinKM0201 yay, told you... that apt-get gives you the old one05:08
qinphong_: On website, hit help and preferencies, use own player05:08
matbee_Does anyone have any idea why my networking utility has disappeared from my ubuntu?05:08
tx0105can you get the latest flash off the adobe ppa?05:08
KM0201eiriksvin: thats why i stopped mid sentence..lol, i remembered the one in the repos sucks.05:08
KM0201phong_: did you download it.05:09
tx0105what's the version of flash we should be using?05:09
eiriksvinheh, c, i did come a long way:)05:09
KM0201it just takes time... :)05:09
eiriksvinAdobe Flash 10.3 on Mozilla Firefox 405:09
RevSpecies11610.3.xxx, tx010505:09
Zoraelanyone good at making sense of memory usage? I can only use a small bit of my RAM before it runs out and starts to swap fulltime. http://paste.ubuntu.com/615174/05:09
KM0201u know its funny, i helped soemone today that had the same install issue you had today.05:09
phong_KM0201, yes i did saved05:09
lfsDmatbee you have to restart for it to come back up it sometimes glitches and it needs a restart...i just have forgotten the command line to restart it05:09
KM0201phong_: go to where ever you downloaded it, and extract it...05:10
tx0105mine says 10.3.18105:10
tx0105i guess i have it05:10
eiriksvintx0105 yeppers!05:10
tx0105i went to youtube and it gave me a link to get the latest version off adobe's site05:10
phong_KM0201, done05:10
phong_KM0201,  next?05:10
KM0201phong_: now go to the folder you extracted to... and you should see "libflashplayer.so"05:10
RevSpecies116KM0201: I'm proud of you showing a COMPLETE Ubuntu newbie a way of running bin files without anyway of using update manager to get updates for it ;)05:11
ZykoticK9Zorael, FYI you are actually only using 502 of your 2001 - the rest is being used for disk caching05:11
KM0201phong_: right click that .so file, and choose copy05:11
phong_KM0201, done, next?05:11
grumblyi just made a massive mistake and I dont know how to correct it.05:11
KM0201phong_: now, go to your home folder, and at the top, click "View/Show Hidden Files05:11
ZoraelZykoticK9: Yeah, and if I try to use more it just goes directly to swap; I can't use more than those 502 for userspace stuff05:11
ZoraelZykoticK9: swappiness is at 105:12
phong_KM0201, yeap..next05:12
KM0201RevSpecies116: you'd be amazed at the patience i have... dealing w/ crazies all day keeps me sane outside of work05:12
ZykoticK9Zorael, sorry - that's beyond me.  Best of luck!05:12
KM0201phong_: go down to .mozilla and open that folder05:12
Zoraelaw, okay, thanks05:12
grumblyI have an external disk that was formatted hfs+ but I just accidentally started a fat32 format...  it has ALL my everything on it and I was attempting to set up a second disk to back it up...05:12
grumblyHOW can i get it back?05:12
phong_KM0201, ok05:12
eiriksvinRevSpecies116 you can't give the apt-get its too old, and the other options aren't very reliable, I'd just say check the website every 3mo05:12
KM0201phong_: inside .mozilla should be a folder called firefox05:12
KM0201open it05:12
phong_KM0201, done05:13
RevSpecies116grumbly: I don't think you will be able to without spending $$$05:13
grumblyBut the data is still there...05:13
KM0201phong_: now inside .mozilla/firefox   right click, create new folder, and create a folder named "plugins"05:13
grumblyshouldnt there be SOMETHING that can get it back?05:13
RevSpecies116eiriksvin: I'm sure adobe has a repo available for 11.0405:13
eiriksvinthey do, but its OLD05:13
KM0201phong_: after you do that.. paste the libflashplayer.so inside the plugins folder05:13
RevSpecies116the apt-add-repository method would have been prefered?05:13
phong_KM0201, done, and plaste insdie that polder?05:13
KM0201phong_: yup05:14
KM0201phong_: then close, and restart firefox05:14
PCdocgrumbly: the partition cannot be recovered like before  but the data can .. using a recovery software05:14
KM0201RevSpecies116: the version in the ubuntu repos, sucks... i never bothered to see if adobe had a repo fo rit.05:14
prezidenthello people im trying to install virtualbox in my ubuntu 11.04 i get this error rc=-1908 The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing does anybody know why05:14
eiriksvin<RevSpecies116> the repo is really old05:14
grumblyPCdoc: Thats all I care about05:14
ZykoticK9grumbly, it appears that http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk doesn't support HFS...  bad news.05:14
phong_KM0201, why does it work like a charm?05:14
grumblyi just finished digitizing a whole crapload of videos from my kid years...05:15
phong_KM0201, thanks05:15
phong_KM0201, u're the best05:15
grumblyyou've gotto be kidding me05:15
KM0201phong_: cuz i'm awesome..lol05:15
PCdocgrumbly: try using recuva from http://www.piriform.com05:15
phong_KM0201, yes master05:15
phong_KM0201, just like magic05:15
KM0201naa, it's just practice, that was actually pretty easy.. it's all just learning how to do stuff05:15
grumblyPCdoc: I dont have windows05:15
prezidentdoes anybody know how to use vbox05:15
Viking667heh. Sorry about that, was having issues getting my irssi profile copied...05:16
ZykoticK9prezident, yes - but there is a #vbox channel that might be better for your question.05:16
prezidentok cool thanx05:16
RevSpecies116PCDoc, there is a recuva for Linux?05:16
* eiriksvin thinks: <phong_> KM0201, u're the best <= RET=TRUE!!! :)05:16
KM0201i'ms ure some would beg to differ05:17
Viking667Anyhow, I'm trying to run qemu with a sound card, and I'm not having any luck... what do I need to look at? The guest OS (Win2000) sees that there's a ES1370 card in place, the volume application appears in the system tray, but I don't hear anything from the speakers.05:17
PCdocgrumbly: try this then http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download05:17
RevSpecies116phong_: The only 'payment' that is asked tis that you visit from time to time and help a few other people ;)05:17
Viking667mplayer on the host works fine...I've added the libvirt-qemu user to the audio and pulse groups, but still don't hear a blessed thing from qemu's guest operating system.05:17
phong_RevSpecies116, sure, but i dont see how i can ;)05:17
Ademananyone know of a semi-official PPA for apache ant?05:17
RevSpecies116Oh, not yet, phong_ - just whenever you feel like in the future :)05:18
Viking667hm? Ant? Isn't that in the official distro "universe or multiverse" already?05:18
eiriksvinKM0201 you have been the most cosistantly helpful person for complete n00bS that I have seen in a while05:18
tx0105does the linux kernel ever get updated via the online update or is that something that only get updated in a new release?05:18
KM0201i agree w/ RevSpecies116 i've learned a lot just by sitting in here watching other folks handle stuff.05:18
KM0201eiriksvin: meh... i had a lot of help when i was new.. "pay it forward"05:19
RevSpecies116You could be amazed, phong_, that you fix and issue by yourself, and then visit here one time and a user has the same issue and you can help that person out05:19
Fezzler11.04 - no volume knob icon in toolbar?  How do I get that back?05:19
phong_RevSpecies116, yeap, i could help other with the same problem i had ;)05:19
KM0201Fezzler: .. i'm not using gnome anymore, but if ir ecall correctly, it's part of notification area, so right click the panel, add to panel, add "notification area".05:19
Viking667sorry, missed that...05:19
RevSpecies116bingo, phong_ :)05:19
eiriksvinremember all the trouble I had? now I'm running handmade scripts and dinking around with POL plugin scripting, and bash work05:19
phong_RevSpecies116, and he/she would said the same thing: u're super duper05:19
KM0201it's either notification area, or indicator ... can't remember whichn05:19
Viking667ant is already in the things I'm using...05:19
RevSpecies116LOL, indeed, phong_ :)05:20
Viking667Ademan: hello?05:20
phong_RevSpecies116, and i would roll on the floor and laugh to death.05:20
RevSpecies116But I think the really BIG thing will be that the new user tells his/her friends that the Ubuntu community is great and better that 'this/that/other" community, and we get more Ubuntu converts05:20
AdemanViking667: ah, didn't see your response earlier. Yes I'm on Lucid though, and the version there is too old05:21
RevSpecies116Remember #1 bug that Ubuntu wants to resolve is Windows ;)05:21
Viking667too ..... old.05:21
eiriksvinI would love to find a programming guide for noobs so I could start learning how to make my own little stuff...05:21
Viking667RevSpecies116: hahahahahahaah... plonk05:21
FezzlerKM0201>> What are you using?  No sound / volume option ther?05:21
Viking667KM0201: sorry, I think I missed that.05:21
PCdocFezzler: right click on the panel  and select add to panel from the menu. a box will appear. select "indicator applet" from the box and click add. and then close05:21
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, actually, bug 1 was updated recently05:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105:22
KM0201Fezzler: i'm not using gnome, so i'm going from memory... but i'm sure the volume applet, is either in notification area, or indicator applet.. try adding both of those t your panel, and see if its there (unless you've uninstalled it)05:22
tx0105The ubuntu community....and the linux community as a whole...is amazing05:22
Ademaneiriksvin: http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/ enjoy05:22
* KM0201 laughs at ubottu 05:22
Ademanit's a great book that introduces you to programming05:22
eiriksvinAdeman r u kidding!! AWESOME!05:22
phong_is there a way to install Microsoft Office 2007 under linux?05:22
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, oh - i guess i'm on crack????05:22
KM0201phong_: there's ways... to put it in Wine I believe (not sure how successful you'll be)... try to use Linux alternatives (open office, libre office, abiword, gnumeric, etc.)05:23
=== blake_ is now known as blake
tx0105Open Office/Libre Office are great...aside from powerpoint05:23
Viking667phong_: hm. Wine, perhaps?05:23
tx0105I have a hell of time getting Powerpoint 2007 presentations to work05:23
tx0105sometimes half the layers are missing in Libre05:24
FezzlerKM0201>> Sound must not be installed right has I have no volume indicator05:24
tx0105my big solution for office has been Virtualbox...i just installed Windows XP...works like a charm05:24
phong_KM0201, sorry i dont drink wine05:24
KM0201Viking667: it *can* run in wine... but that's kinda like buying a new car cuz you blew a tire.... if you wanna get off the MS tit... Office is a good program to start w/05:24
rwwZykoticK9: it was edited by a random Launchpad user. Wasn't updated by anyone that should be updating such things.05:24
phong_KM0201, what does it has to do with wine05:24
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:24
RevSpecies116tx0105: Perhaps your solution could be found not in an application, but in the cloud: docs.google.com05:24
rwwZykoticK9: Thus, the change was reverted, as you see.05:24
ZykoticK9rww, thanks - so i'm not as "cracked" as I thought!05:25
RevSpecies116What was it changed to?05:25
Ademanrww go back to offtopic05:25
tx0105revspecies116 i use it for school (back getting my 2nd bachelors)...they go on and on about how much they hate Google Docs...i've never really messed with it05:25
rwwRevSpecies116: they changed "Microsoft" to "Proprietary software", basically05:25
RevSpecies116Ahhhh, rww :)05:25
RevSpecies116Glad they changed it back05:25
* PCdoc *yawns*05:26
KM0201Fezzler: ok.... have you verified that "indicator applet" is part of your panel?05:26
KM0201Fezzler: the volume applet, is part of indicator applet, if you add indicator applet, you should see the volume indicator come up05:27
FezzlerKM0201>> Yes sir.  And it ran a few things.  (i.e. - network connection icon05:27
KM0201Fezzler: ok... try this... sudo apt-get install indicator-sound05:27
FezzlerKM0201>> No sir05:27
tx0105so Google Docs should open Powerpoint 2007 presentations without an issue?05:28
RevSpecies116tx0105: There are inherent security issues with docs.google.com [but mainly 'user error' holes]05:28
RevSpecies116For example some corporations were using google docs to store their financial statements05:28
RevSpecies116making them wide open for the public05:28
=== arleslie is now known as arleslie[A]
RevSpecies116tx0105: Give it a shot, their presentation cloud function may surprise you05:29
KM0201Fezzler: did that command work?05:29
tx0105ya our school basically said the same thing...that and apparently you lose copyright on whatever you post on there05:29
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, i'd say an even bigger issue with Google Docs is SaaS http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html05:29
RevSpecies116I do not recommend uploading your super secret theisis, but other non critical presentations, give it a shot05:29
tx0105it's just presentations for class05:29
Guest72824Guys, I have a problem. My facebook videos dont play on firefox though on youtube they run perfect. any solution?05:30
RyanPI had a system hard drive fail. I replaced the hard drive and was re-installing, but accidently deleted an LVM volume group on another hard drive. Am I hosed?05:30
tx0105are there any alternatives to google docs without the security issues?05:30
RevSpecies116tx0105: I don't know how Copyright runs where you are, but here in NZ, Google cannot revoke my copyright on my work05:30
N8Wulfgood morning,Banshee... any ideas why after 'quiting' it still runs in memory hours later?05:30
FezzlerKM0201>> Said I have the latest.  But when I run Indicator, adds duplicates of everything but no volume knob05:30
RevSpecies116They COULD use my work, but the copyright still applies to me05:30
KM0201Fezzler: hmm.05:31
N8Wulfnot only in memory, >Top showed it using 100% of my CPU05:31
grumblyis there a way to read the raw data on disk that has been formated?05:32
semitoneshey all -- i'm about to edit /etc/inittab so I can get redshift to start before gdm... any idea what I'm getting into?05:32
tx0105so security issues aside is Google Docs the best option? Or is there another alternative?05:32
N8Wulfyes, read hdd with recovery software05:32
RevSpecies116yes, grumbly - but I don't know of any free software that can do it05:32
grumblyN8Wulf: any free ones?05:32
N8Wulfhold on quick05:32
grumblytestdisk isnt doing what I need05:33
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel05:33
RevSpecies116tx0105: I think Microsoft is offering similar could functionality with Office, but unsure05:33
FezzlerKM0201>> I have sound.  Just installed Hydrogen drum and used ALSA to listen to some beats05:33
RevSpecies116I try not to use Micorosft products, but each their own05:33
RevSpecies116could = cloud05:33
josefigHello, i'm looking for the cpu freq on 11.04 but i dont find the key for governor05:34
ZykoticK9IdleOne, grumbly needs HFS support...05:34
grumblyThanks everyone...  I think Sleuthkit/Autopsy might work it05:35
grumblyi will be back if it doesnr05:35
N8Wulfcheck this link as well: http://www.makeuseof.com/pages/best-linux-software05:35
eiriksvinAdeman which Python should i get?05:36
N8WulfBanshee using 100% CPU after quit... any ideas pls?05:37
semitonesN8Wulf, did you check launchpad for relevant bug reports?05:37
N8Wulfnot yet, good idea, will do thanx05:38
ZykoticK9N8Wulf, if it's using 100% CPU after you quit - obviously something has good wrong.  You could kill the process!?05:39
N8Wulfafter quit yes05:39
sisaljosefig: hwinfo --cpu05:39
N8WulfI did killall it05:39
KM0201Fezzler: i honestly have no idea.05:39
KM0201thats weird.05:39
ZykoticK9N8Wulf, if killall didn't actually kill it - then use the "-9" option (last resort)05:40
FezzlerKM0201>> thanks  np05:40
N8Wulfit did thanx, but I'm not wanting to do so everytime though05:40
KM0201Fezzler: this is probabl a long shot, but when you right click the panel, and add to panel, you can't add volume indicator, right?05:40
N8Wulfand even while using it, sucks if my laptop turns into a dedicated Musicbox05:41
ZykoticK9N8Wulf, this is what happens when people use Microsoft technology on Linux (ie mono) </rant>05:41
N8Wulfshame... lol05:41
chinnappanplease give me a link for samba05:41
FezzlerKM0201>> Correct.  And, the command line apt-get says I have it.  Also, I can seem to close or force quite ALSA Player05:41
chinnappanplease give me a link for samba05:42
N8WulfI'm actually googling now how to replace banshee with rhythmbox or amarok rather05:42
KM0201!samba > chinnappan05:42
ubottuchinnappan, please see my private message05:42
josefigsisal, it gives information about the cpu I need to know where to set the freq when the AC is plugged off.05:42
Ademaneiriksvin: get the version in the ubuntu repositories, probably 2.6 or (even better 2.7)05:42
N8Wulfanybody else here replace their banshee while using Unity?05:42
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
RevSpecies116Q: How would I find out how much Ubuntu relies on MONO and the MONO-framework?05:43
Viking667... banshee? What the heck's that?05:43
Ademaneiriksvin: it depends on which ubuntu version you have, but anything newer than 2.5 is fine05:43
N8Wulfbanshee music player05:43
KM0201!info banshee | Viking66705:43
N8Wulfstandard with 11.0405:43
ubottuViking667: banshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1804 kB, installed size 5480 kB05:43
RevSpecies116banshee = iTune's-ish for linux05:43
tx0105i have to admit...for those that hate Unity...it grows on you after a while05:44
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, too much unfortunately - tomboy/banshee - gnomedo05:44
eiriksvini got 11.04, but I run in in Classic, cus i don't care for Unity05:44
tx0105I've been forcing myself to use Unity and Gnome 3 (Fedora 15)....05:44
tx0105i figure they are future...aside from KDE05:44
RevSpecies116ZykoticK9: I ask because at least one thing that depends on MONO is being removed from 11.10 - Evolution05:44
tx0105I'm way more used to Unity05:44
Ademaneiriksvin: you probably have 2.7 then which is best. if you run python --version in a terminal you can find out05:44
tx0105Gnome 3 is still wierd05:44
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, Evolution uses mono?05:44
RevSpecies116I just want to know how many more packages need to be gone before MONO is gone05:45
digger_1967Haven't tried it yet tx0105 - what would you say are the major differences05:45
RevSpecies116Yep, Evolution depends on mono being installed05:45
eiriksvinyeppers i got 2.7.1+05:45
AdemanRevSpecies116: why not remove the mono packages and see what apt tells you will also be uninstalled?05:45
eiriksvinis there a gui for it?05:45
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, actually evolution doesn't require Mono, but it does require TomBoy (which requires mono)05:45
RevSpecies116Ademan: here's the kicker ;)05:46
RevSpecies116Remove mono, you remove ubuntu-desktop05:46
RevSpecies116as ubuntu-desktop depends on mono ;)05:46
eiriksvini'm looking for soething that can give me the little perks:P05:46
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, because of Tomboy and the new media player!05:46
mdgeorge1I'm having trouble launching any games because /usr/games isn't getting into my path05:46
Guest72824My facebook videos dont play. i have latest version of adobe plugin installed. please help05:46
AdemanRevSpecies116: heh, well you're aware that ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage and you can safely remove it without adversely affecting anything, right?05:46
mdgeorge1can anyone help?05:47
tom4ficusHi need help install 11.04 on 4gb ssd05:47
N8Wulfone step forward 2 steps back05:47
FezzlerKM0201>> I don't think my upgrade when well because I also don't have multiple desktop switching in lower right bar anymore either05:47
KM0201Fezzler: you upgraded from what to what05:47
tx0105digger_1967 there's no maximize/minimize button for your windows...i finally found a way to add them but that made things a bit annoying...its similar to Unity in a lot of ways though05:47
Ademaneiriksvin: you probably want IDLE or IPython05:47
RevSpecies116Ademan, and when I update to 12.04, will it not complain that I don't have this or that?05:47
* trikfx slaps arvut__ around a bit with a large trout05:47
eiriksvinok, looking05:47
FezzlerKM0201>> L to M to N05:48
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, remove ubuntu-destkop is a bad idea when upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu05:48
tx0105the dock is hidden...and you basically switch between windows by going to the top left where it says "activies" and you just select your window...I think they are trying to get people to use workspaces more than having 100 windows open05:48
RevSpecies116Exactly, ZykoticK905:48
FezzlerKM0201>> Also installed ctrljack but don't see it in my menus05:48
FezzlerKM0201>> Lots of little stuff05:48
AdemanRevSpecies116: I actually have no idea what the upgrade software does, apt-get dist-upgrade should be fine, but you're not supposed to use that anyways...05:48
rsshi, my CDRW drive has not been detected, when I put a blank CD, nautilus pops up asking if I want to burn a CD, how to make it show in `Places' by default?05:48
KM0201Fezzler: are you using Unity, or Gnome 2.x?05:48
mdgeorge1does anyone know where the desktop gets it's PATH from?05:48
sysdocFinal ver of gnome3 in the repo's yet?05:48
mdgeorge1I'm having problems with both unity and gnome 305:49
KM0201sysdoc: don't think so05:49
ZykoticK9mdgeorge1, check ~/.bashrc05:49
FezzlerKM0201>> Gnome05:49
KM0201mdgeorge1: lxde ftw!05:49
RevSpecies116mdgeorge1: they do not work together05:49
tx0105i woudln't recommend using gnome 3 in Ubuntu05:49
=== xo_ is now known as Pro
KM0201Fezzler: that's strange... i honestly don't know.05:49
ProOk. so I was wondering.05:49
tx0105I've never had good luck manually adding a DE like that05:49
ZykoticK9mdgeorge1, not so much "check" as, put your PATH in there.05:49
FezzlerKM0201>> I thought Unity doesn't work with nvidia FX series cards05:49
Guest72824guys. facebook videos wont play.. man help05:50
ProI have ubuntu 11.04, and it blinks like it wants to go into hibernation mode05:50
RevSpecies116Install GNOME3 in 11.04 and you loose Unity - and it is NOT a bug05:50
RevSpecies116That is how it is meant to be05:50
mdgeorge1ZykoticK9: so not ~/.profile or /etc/environment?05:50
eiriksvinum, i also installed: gnome-netstatus-applet but i can't seem to find it, how do i run it?05:50
FezzlerI don't know what version of GNOME I have now  LOL05:50
KM0201Fezzler: unity seems kinda sketchy right now.. has some issues for some people, but there *was* an issue w/ the Nvidia drivers.. so it may not necessarily be a Unity problem, but an Nvidia problem.05:50
tx0105if anybody wants to try out Gnome 3....grab Fedora 1505:50
tx0105personally i'm liking Unity more though05:50
ZykoticK9mdgeorge1, actually i'd think ~/.profile would work as well05:50
nincompoooptx0105: hm.05:51
Proanybody else ubuntu 11.04 blinks?05:51
sisaljosefig: Ah you can try indicator-cpufreq ( http://ubuntuguide.net/change-and-monitor-cpu-frequency-scaling-in-ubuntu-11-04-with-indicator-cpufreq )05:51
FezzlerGNOME 2.32.105:51
mdgeorge1ZykoticK9: actually it's in both of those other two and doesn't work05:51
Prolike it wants to go into hibernation05:51
mdgeorge1I will try .bashrc, although I don't see why that would work either05:51
ZykoticK9mdgeorge1, so try ~/.bashrc then05:51
FezzlerKM0201>> Well, my problem now.  LOL05:51
KM0201Fezzler: lol05:52
RevSpecies116I really with Canonical would provide Unity for 10.04LTS, but I asked Jono Bacon directly, and he said 'only if someone in the community backported it'05:52
mdgeorge1because my problem is with the desktop, rather than within a terminal05:52
RevSpecies116with = wish05:52
Prohow do I run my account as an administrator?05:52
KM0201RevSpecies116: boy that would be a disaster i bet05:52
=== mike is now known as Guest23851
=== Pro is now known as Prof
Guest23851I'm having this problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbpeyiOLEe805:52
Guest23851I need some help05:52
RevSpecies116But I have patience till 12.04 ;)05:52
ProfRevSpecies116, know when that's coming out?05:53
eiriksvinyeah, nVIDIA is still "active but not in use" for me, but WoW and everything runs like a charm:)05:53
KM0201Prof: april 2012?05:53
p1oooopGuest23851: I just got nomirolled -_-05:53
KM0201Prof: ubuntu version numbers indicate when they will be released... YY.MM  (12.04.. 2012/april)05:53
Guest23851its this new thing im trying05:53
p1oooopbetter than being rickrolled XD05:53
Guest23851lols i made it05:53
Profoo ok05:53
p1oooopaw dam, I just lost it again.05:54
KM0201Prof: pop quiz... when was 9.10 released?05:54
ProfKM0201, u know a lot about ubuntu?05:54
ZykoticK9KM0201, oh oh i know i know :p05:54
p1oooopI think05:54
KM0201Prof: i've used it since birth..lol.. naa.. i've used it a while, so it's gotten easy.05:54
Profwhen was it released?05:54
gaelfxKM0201: does that mean you were releases in January 2002?05:54
p1oooopI got it when it was released...05:54
tom4ficushow do I get around 5.3gb min install ?05:54
ProfKM0201, do ur blink like it wants to go into hibernation mode?05:54
KM0201Prof: yeah, you didn't pay attention... "YY/MM".. so 9.10  was release in 2009/October05:54
p1oooopit was actually released in November, strangely enough05:55
p1oooopI think.05:55
KM0201Prof: does my what blink like it wants to go to hibernate?05:55
p1oooopwait no...05:55
Profur screen KM020105:55
KM0201Prof: no.05:55
p1oooopI have 9.04 right here :)05:55
ProfKM0201, think it's a bad install?05:55
p1oooop(as in the live CD)05:55
p1oooopI also have 9.10 XD05:56
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
tx010510.10 was my first distro :)05:56
KM0201Prof: could be.. or it could be something wonky w/ your graphics driver... i have cheap intel graphics on this laptop.. and i don't run any flashy effects, so its not unusual for me to not have display problems05:56
RevSpecies116Prof: April 201205:56
mdgeorgeZykoticK9: actually, .profile worked.  I just forgot the "export"05:56
RevSpecies116My first Ubuntu was 6.06LTS :)05:56
ProfKM0201, i have no flashy graphics either. i just installed ubuntu a couple days ago.05:56
Prof< new to linux05:57
KM0201Prof: what version did you install?05:57
Profvia usb05:57
ZykoticK9mdgeorge, glad you figured it out!05:57
* p1oooop forgot what his first ubuntu was05:57
KM0201ok.. and whats your problem again?.. your display keeps going to sleep?05:57
p1oooopI think it was 8.10 or something05:57
p1oooopyeah, 8.1005:57
Profnah it's acts as if it wants to got o sleep.05:57
p1oooopwhen my laptop's HDD failed05:57
Profllike how ur eyelids blink?05:57
Profthat's how the screen acts05:57
tx0105what sort of graphics issues have you had? I have a crappy intel graphics chip and i've had a number of graphics issues with the 11.04 releases (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, even Linux Mint 11)05:58
Profdoes it for a quick second05:58
mdgeorgeZykoticK9: thanks for your help05:58
p1oooopProf: it works with muscles? (lol)05:58
KM0201RevSpecies116: i actually started w/ fedora 3 or 4.. used fedora till 5, then tried ubuntu 6.06.. and used ubuntu till 9.10, then debian for a while, and now i'm back to using ubuntu.05:58
mdgeorgemy first linux was redhat 605:58
ZykoticK9mdgeorge, you did it.  Glad to assist.05:58
RevSpecies116Redhat 6 was my real first time, too :)05:58
Profp1oooop, lol05:58
mdgeorgeyou guys are making me feel old :)05:58
p1oooopI actually haven't seen linux ever since 8.10 :P05:58
Profi might have to reinstall it.05:59
KM0201Prof: i honestly have no idea what on earth would cause that.05:59
RevSpecies116I still have Redhat 6 install disks :)05:59
mindspiderI'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and Gnome 2.32.0. Is it possible for me to put a terminal line or launcher I can type custom commands into on the panel?05:59
p1oooopI've gone onto the linux website when I was about 10...05:59
mdgeorgeRevSpecies116: me too :)05:59
KM0201Prof: did you install a restricted driver for your GPU (like from nvidia or from ATI?)05:59
p1oooopwondering "what the hell is i386?"05:59
ProfKM0201, nope, Ihaven't installed anything.05:59
p1oooopand wondering why there were so little amd64s around05:59
p1oooopand going WTH at PPC05:59
ProfKM0201, i used a 1GB instead of a preferred 2GB05:59
Profcould that be a problem?06:00
p1oooopProf: SWAP?06:00
KM0201Prof: i don't think that would have really mattered... cuz you installed "FROM" the USB, to an internal hard drive right?..06:00
ProfKM0201, right06:00
Profidk about swap06:00
p1oooopahh, flash drive06:00
p1oooop1GB works fine.06:00
KM0201yeah, 1gig.. while like you said, not really recommended, it will probably work fine06:00
p1oooopas long as you don't plan to do anything with it... ;)06:00
Profoh ok06:00
Profidk then06:00
Profmaybe my computer can't handle it06:01
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tx0105going to linux has been an excellent decision...i've had more fun on my computer in the past 6 months than I had for years06:01
gaelfxI used to be able to access my Ubuntu box by using its hostname in my browser (on a different computer), but it suddenly stopped working the other day (no changes to router settings or anything like that), how can I get that kind of access back?06:01
tx0105i love how fast things move and change06:01
p1ooooptx0105: agreed.06:01
Profp1oooop, what u mean by do anything with it?06:01
RevSpecies116tx0105: I concur06:01
Profi can't sleep since i've installed linux06:01
* KM0201 can't sleep anyway06:01
p1oooopProf: as in use the 1GB as a system drive06:02
tx0105i ran the same crappy XP desktop for years...look at all the changes we've seen in just a few months...it's great06:02
Profoh ok06:02
* p1oooop has powned since he installed linux...06:02
Profi'm going to reinstall it tomorrow and see if that helps06:02
tx0105not to mention most of these DE's blow Windows or Mac OS X away in my opinion06:02
Profhow do u guys do the *<06:02
p1oooopProf: I think that just automatically removes all problems.06:02
gaelfxProf: /me06:02
KM0201Prof: the what?06:02
* KM0201 is just l33t06:03
p1ooooptx0105: I KNOW! XD06:03
Profp1oooop, u don't think that would help?06:03
* Prof uh06:03
Profok coo'06:03
p1ooooptx0105: that reminds me, I forgot to start up my compiz06:03
p1oooopProf: unless it's hardware, yes06:03
saliakI've got an embedded system with an LCD output.  I want t script to run once my linux box has gotten it's ip address so I can display the IP on the LCD.  where would i put that script so it runs at the correct time?06:03
p1oooopProf: then again, hardware problems are a little rare these days...06:03
tx0105ok this is a stupid question...b/c I'm still learning...what is compiz?06:03
tx0105i hear it mentioned a lot06:03
p1oooop!compiz | tx010506:03
ubottutx0105: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz06:04
Profp1oooop, how can I figure out what my specs are on linux? I can't go through "computer" anymore06:04
p1oooophello reactor06:04
KM0201tx0105: it's what gives you all those crazy effects (wobbly windows, etc.)06:04
p1oooopProf: erm... try hardinfo06:04
RevSpecies116compiz is a compositing windowing manager :)06:04
p1oooopProf: that or lshw06:04
KM0201Prof: lspci will show a lot of hardware info06:04
KM0201or lshw06:04
reactorhi wats up06:04
Profhow do u run a program as a super user?06:05
p1oooopProf: sudo06:05
Pokemonsudo -i06:05
p1oooop^^ or that to switch to super-user06:05
p1oooopeither one.06:05
KM0201Prof: there's very few programs you should have to run as root.. what do you need to run as root06:05
ZykoticK9Pokemon, "sudo -i" shouldn't really be suggested to new users - stick with sudo suggestions06:05
p1ooooplshw is run as root usually.06:05
KM0201oh ok.06:05
Profyea lshw06:05
p1oooopoops, forgot to mention that :P06:06
Profyeah i have intel06:06
p1oooopProf: ?06:06
p1oooopnothin to do with running as super-user06:07
p1oooopit's more of a security thing...06:07
Profhuh? i was lookin at my specs06:07
p1oooopProf: ahh, K06:07
Profdamn u can install programs with commands?06:08
tx0105so how do you turn on compiz in 11.0406:08
KM0201Prof: of course..06:08
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Profi didn't know that06:09
MonkeyDustProf: by using apt-get06:09
KM0201!apt-get > Prof06:09
ubottuProf, please see my private message06:09
KM0201Prof: w/ linux.. GUI tools, are always just GUI fronts, for command line programs... for instance, Apt-get's GUI front, is Synaptic06:10
ZykoticK9KM0201, lol - actually apt-get is a cli front-end to dpkg06:10
KM0201wel,l yeah.06:10
KM0201good point06:10
RevSpecies116tx0105: You say you are on Unity?06:10
Profforeign language06:10
Profi'm going to reinstall it tomorrow06:11
tx0105Revspecies116 yes06:11
* Prof goes zZz06:11
KM0201lol.. later06:11
FloodBot1Prof: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:11
RevSpecies116tx0105: If you are using Unity, be confident in knowing you are already running compiz06:11
ProfKM0201, will u be here tomorrow?06:11
KM0201Prof: i'm around throughout the day, evening, etc.06:11
Profok cool06:11
KM0201in other words, i have no life06:11
Profwill install and report tomorrow06:11
Profu do06:11
Profurs just the computer06:11
RevSpecies116what you are most likely after, tx0105, is ccsm ;) sudo apt-get install ccsm06:12
SofranQuick question, are the devs working on allowing us to move the Unity sidebar around anytime soon?06:12
ZykoticK9KM0201, are you who they are referring to in the !doesntwork factoid ;)06:12
KM0201ZykoticK9: lol, hardly... :) trust me.06:12
RevSpecies116Sofran: No06:12
KM0201i just have a lot of free time.. since i have no life06:12
quick-RevSpecies116:  it's sudo apt-get install compiz-manager \06:12
MonkeyDustwhat's the locations for passwords and keyrings?06:13
KM0201Sofran: i think their bigger concern, is getting the bugs, etc.. worked out of unity... where the sidebar is, and whether its movable, is probably low on the priority list06:13
RevSpecies116Sofran: The longer answer is: Mr Shuttleworth has said no06:13
KM0201!bug 106:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106:13
C_Smithwe talking about getting the Desktop Cube working in Unity?06:13
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents06:13
p1oooopKM0201: HAHAHAHA!06:13
tx0105i will say...i dont think Unity will be as customizable as Gnome 306:13
quick-RevSpecies116:  it's sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager06:13
ZykoticK9quick-, i think you mean compizconfig-settings-manager06:13
p1oooopI should get more friends on linux...06:14
ZykoticK9quick-, you beat me :)06:14
p1oooopone problem: most of them game.06:14
RevSpecies116quick-: it is also ccsm [at least on 10.04 :) ]06:14
SofranWhat a shame, thanks for the answer though.06:14
tx0105their goal is to attract the non computer nerd...06:14
quick-how can i start irc in empathy , i have the account i am logged in but how to start it06:14
ZykoticK9RevSpecies116, ccsm is what the binary is called, not the package06:14
C_Smiththe Desktop cube IS usable in Unity, but setting it up is a bit tedious.06:14
p1ooooptx0105: that already works as long as the non-computer nerd knows how to get help on IRC... XD06:14
tx0105within 5 minutes of using Kubuntu...i accidently deleted the bottom menu bar...not a big deal...but to the average user...it would freak them out06:15
quick-RevSpecies116:  in 11.04 it has to be compiz manager as far as i know :)06:15
p1ooooptx0105: LMAO06:15
p1ooooptx0105: yeah, I've done that multiple times.06:15
tx0105i tinker around a lot06:15
p1oooopI just hate loosing my little gadgets down there though...06:15
tx0105but i think that's why unity is locked down more06:15
C_Smithtx0105: roflmao xD06:15
vparkUsing 10.10, Why I'm not connecting to the wired NW (which previously I used to get, but not after fresh installation) which is connecting to other computers?06:15
KM0201within 5min of using Kubuntu... I decided id' rather use Windows... what an awful interface06:15
p1ooooptx0105: possibly...06:15
tx0105if my wife did that...she'd throw the damn computer out of the window06:15
p1ooooptx0105: LMAO06:16
MonkeyDusti can no longer decrypt my pgp files, hints& tips pls?06:16
p1oooopif my sis did that, she would bother me... EVEN IF I'M ASLEEP!06:16
tx0105km0201 i actually like KDE 4.6....it's pretty slick....it does have a bit of an amateur look though06:16
p1oooop!pgp | MonkeyDust06:16
digger_1967Never been much of a kde fan myself06:16
tx0105OpenSUSE is the best looking KDE distro in my opinion06:16
C_Smithme, I don't throw a hundred dollar computer out the window, it's like throwing that much money (and more) out said window.06:16
p1oooopwhat happened to ubottu?06:17
digger_1967Just find Gnome or XFCE a lot easier to use06:17
quick-hey in 11.04 i deleted the panel which shows all the battery status and all that .06:17
quick-any tips how to get that applet back in gnome classic environment06:17
digger_1967Have to agree with you there tx010506:17
p1oooopquick-: erm... move all the stuff back?06:17
tx0105it's too bad OpenSUSE is a pain in the ass06:17
bazhang!ot > tx010506:17
ubottutx0105, please see my private message06:17
RevSpecies116quick- I believe there is a console command to bring the panel back06:17
p1oooopquick-: it takes a little while to move all the gadgets around.06:17
digger_1967Well, I took a look at the latest distro for Opensuse.. was stunned, the VNC server doesn't work06:17
RevSpecies116But I think it resets customisations back to Out-Of-The-Box experience06:17
quick-RevSpecies116:  wats the command  ?06:17
MonkeyDust!gpg > MonkeyDust06:17
ubottuMonkeyDust, please see my private message06:17
RevSpecies116quick-: Looks for it now06:18
quick-p1oooop:   i didnt got you .06:18
ZykoticK9C_Smith, tx0105 RMS tought me a new word today: "defenestrate" which means, either throw Windows out of the computer or throw the computer out of the window)06:18
digger_1967I mean seriously, how do you have a mature distro like that where one of the most basic features doesn't work out of box and you have to jump through serious hoops to get it up and running?  Lol06:18
p1oooopZykoticK9: LMFAO!06:18
C_Smithhopefully The Sims 3 works on my Hardware, on Wine's AppDB, it's at a Gold status.06:18
quick-RevSpecies116: u are looking for it now . .06:18
p1oooopC_Smith: nice.06:19
digger_1967Unfortunatly for me the one app I have to run needs IE806:19
vparkUsing 10.10, Why I'm not connecting to the wired NW (which previously I used to get, but not after fresh installation) which is connecting to other computers?:)06:19
p1oooopnow if only sims3 supported linux (as in "W/O emulator")06:19
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digger_1967So I have to keep a windows box up and running for it, just won't run under wine06:19
C_SmithZykoticK9: I'd rather throw windows out by default, they only give you support for a year, cheapo company.06:19
tx0105it took me an hour to get wireless working in openSUSE 11.4...it only worked b/c i found a workaround where you delete the kde networkmanager and replace it with the gnome networkmanager06:19
p1ooooptx0105: LOL@06:20
digger_1967Yup.. I had opensuse up and running for a couple of days before I finally just deleted it..06:20
C_Smithand whose tech problems stop before that year is up?06:20
digger_1967Just wasn't worth the hassle.  If I wanted to do that much setup I'd run ARch06:20
RevSpecies116quick-: Yep - I'm looking for it now :)06:21
bazhang!offtopic | p1oooop digger_1967 C_Smith06:21
ubottup1oooop digger_1967 C_Smith: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:21
quick-\ quit06:21
digger_1967Apologies ubottu, bazhang - will do06:21
C_Smithhmmmm, thanks for the reminder,06:21
quick-\ exit06:22
C_Smithquick: what are you trying to do there?06:22
p1oooopC_Smith: I believe he left...06:22
C_Smithah, k06:22
RevSpecies116People, correct me if I am sending quick- down the wrong path:06:22
RevSpecies116gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel06:22
RevSpecies116pkill gnome-panel06:23
C_SmithI'm out06:23
RevSpecies116Of, quick- left06:23
digger_1967Sorry, missed it, what is quick- trying to do?06:23
p1oooopRevSpecies116: yup.06:23
RevSpecies116Restore his panels06:23
qindigger_1967: \ / confusion06:24
tom4ficustry to install Lubuntu 11.04 . wont let me go forward because < 5.3gb hd. Is there a way around this?06:29
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studiomonitorHey Bob!06:29
p1ooooptom4ficus: LIGHT IT ON FIRE AND IGNORE IT!06:29
bazhangp1oooop, stop that06:30
mysteriousdarrencheck on the #lubuntu channel06:30
p1oooopbazhang: sorry, the pyromaniac inside me just decided to troll with irrelevant answers.06:30
bazhangp1oooop, wrong channel.06:30
tom4ficusI think it is an Ubuntu issue06:30
p1ooooptom4ficus: sorta, it thinks that your HDD is too small... (unless it's mistaken)06:31
p1ooooptom4ficus: is it too small?06:31
tom4ficussure but Lubuntu does not need 5gb06:31
tom4ficusinstalled LinuxMint and crunch bang OK06:32
MonkeyDustI have no irssi-config file, how can i create one?06:32
p1oooopMonkeyDust: erm, doesn't it automatically create one when you use irssi?06:33
digger_1967tom4ficus, would it be possible to give it a slightly larger partition06:33
mattkI've been having monitor problems. The bios screen doesn't show up but the live usb ubuntu screen shows up and text. I get the white and black checkerboard pattern. My question is, how hard is it to install ubuntu from the command line?06:33
MonkeyDustp1oooop: apparently not06:33
digger_1967and then resize later if you really feel the need?06:33
tom4ficusI only have 4gb ssd06:33
p1oooopmattk: it depends what liveCD you're using06:33
MonkeyDust!irssi > MonkeyDust06:33
ubottuMonkeyDust, please see my private message06:33
p1oooopMonkeyDust: hm, that's odd.06:33
mattkp1oooop: I have 11.04 desktop on a usb drive.06:34
studiomonitorHello Stevie06:34
p1oooopmattk: okay, liveUSB06:34
ZykoticK9mattk, i believe you need the Alternate CD/USB to install cli.  Good luck.06:34
p1oooopit isn't very hard, just kind of annoying if you're use to GUI06:35
digger_1967Do you have another drive you could install too tom4ficus?06:35
digger_1967At least temporarily?06:35
mattkZykoticK9: I thought all versions could work for it06:35
steviewonderhey ploop06:35
tom4ficuscan try 8gb SD card06:35
mattkZykoticK9: I have an internet connection06:35
p1oooophey steviewonder :)06:35
steviewonderyall are uber smart06:36
q_a_z_steve#freenode Can someone help #android deal with an abusive user: chachin06:36
steviewonderi will!06:36
ZykoticK9mattk, ? i could certainly be wrong - but AFAIK if you want text based install you can use Alternate or Minimal06:36
steviewonderdont you guys love ihop?06:37
steviewonderIHOP RULESSS06:37
mattkI guess I will go that route06:37
mattkZykoticK9: thanks06:37
bazhang!ot | steviewonder06:37
ubottusteviewonder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:37
digger_1967My thought process here tom4ficus is to install it on another partition, create a backup ISO of it, then restore that to the SSD06:37
p1oooopdigger_1967: not a bad idea, IMHO06:38
Pokemonoh no! my english is not good...06:38
digger_1967Only thing I can think of to get past the drive space restriction06:38
p1oooopPokemon: apparently, neither is mine06:38
p1oooopPokemon: you get used to it after a while.06:38
steviewonderplease dont ban me06:40
MonkeyDustnope, my .irssi directory is empty, no config file06:40
bazhangsteviewonder, #ubuntu-offtopic please06:40
bullgard4What is the function of the file /database/script in an OO.o embedded HSQL databse?06:40
p1oooopwelcome Napalm5406:43
steviewonderbullgard, #ubuntu-off topic please06:43
IdleOnebullgard4: that is an openoffice support question. please use the appropriate channels for support.06:43
steviewonderploooop, #ubuntu-offtopic please06:45
bazhangsteviewonder, thats enough.06:46
ntr0pyDoes alignment with an SSD based on sandforce controller (claimed to do internal compression) makes any sense?06:47
Flannelsteviewonder: please help keep this channel ontopic and helpful, thanks.06:47
steviewonderomg.... sorry06:48
steviewonderyou shouldn't ban people. not cool06:50
bluefireubuntu 10.10 laptop overheating. what to do?06:50
steviewonderturn off the computer06:51
SyriaHi, please tell me why usb devices are not detected on the virtual machines? i am using vbox under natty.06:51
digger_1967Well, your laptop shouldn't be overheating06:51
digger_1967What model is it?06:51
ntr0pyCan anyone help me with setting up an fs on my ssd properly?06:51
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bazhangSyria, -ose?06:51
Syriabazhang: I am sorry but what does it mean?06:51
ZykoticK9Syria, did you install VBox from the Ubuntu repo?06:52
bazhangSyria, installed from their website or ubuntu repos06:52
bluefiresteviewonder: thanks for your intelligent solution06:52
Syriabazhang:  I have installed it from ubuntu software center.06:52
digger_1967Bluefire, what make and model of laptop are we dealing with?06:52
MonkeyDustSyria: then it is ose, open source edition06:52
bazhangSyria, that version does not support usb  (ie the -ose)06:52
ZykoticK9Syria, that means you have the OSE Open Source Edition - it doesn't support USB06:52
bluefiredigger_1967: Lenovo Y56006:53
SyriaZykoticK9:  What should I do?06:53
digger_1967Ok.. give me a moment or two to pull up the manuals06:53
MonkeyDustSyria: if you want usb support, you should download vbox from the sun website06:53
bazhangSyria, get the version from their homepage06:53
ZykoticK9Syria, you can install the non-free (as in freedom) version from Oracle (it is free as in beer)06:53
p1oooopZykoticK9: XD06:54
fake51hi, i have a problem with the command 'less' - sometimes it works just fine and it responds directly to key presses ... other times it needs a return before working. Why would it do the latter?06:54
SyriaZykoticK9 bazhang MonkeyDust Thank you guys,06:54
ZykoticK9Syria, there is a PPA available, so if you add that, it will give you updates as well06:54
ZykoticK9Syria, sorry not PPA but repo06:54
digger_1967Ok, if I remember correctly bluefire on the Lenovo Y series there is an exhaust port on the left side06:54
digger_1967Does their seem to be a good amount of airflow coming out of that particular vent?06:55
ShirakawasunaHi everyone!  I'm trying out ubuntu and am having a couple issues.  Most importantly, I can't find a good way to get a hotkey for moving a window to a certain workspace/desktop, e.g. ctrl+alt+3 = move to desktop 3.  If I set it in the normal hotkeys settings, nothing happens.  If I use ccsm and the 'Put' function, it garbles the top Unity bar.06:55
p1oooopShirakawasuna: I don't think Compiz supports unity too well.06:56
p1oooopit's a little new.06:56
Shirakawasunap1oooop: so does that mean there's no way to get a hotkey to do that w/ the default interface?06:56
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flave__This may not be the right channel for this but does ne one know if there is a FreeBSD channel somewhere?06:58
p1oooopShirakawasuna: meh, I usually use the ctrl+alt+shit+arrow key anyway...06:58
MonkeyDustShirakawasuna: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity06:58
bluefiredigger_1967: yes there is an exhaust port on left side06:58
bluefireyes lot of airflow06:58
bazhangflave__, try #freebsd  ?06:58
bullgard4IdleOne: There you are mistaken. My question concerns the DEB program package »openoffice.org-base. Synaptic writes: "Installed Version: 1:3.2.0-7 ubuntu4.2. Canonical provides critical updates for openoffice.org-base until April 2013." Can you read the words "ubuntu" and "Canonical" in there? And you are telling me it is not Ubuntu-related.06:58
digger_1967Hmm.. ok, interesting.06:59
bazhang!alis | flave__06:59
digger_1967Well, two possibilities then, the most likely is a hardware issue, insufficient thermal paste on the processor causing it not to transfer heat properly and making the laptop shut down occasionally06:59
bazhangbullgard4, #openoffice.org for that06:59
IdleOnebullgard4: I am telling you that openoffice is better suited channel for your question07:00
digger_1967Or the CPU itself is getting hammered by some process or program that is running and as such isn't getting enough downtime07:00
bazhangflave__, the bot seems to be down, try /msg alis list *bsd*07:00
IdleOnealso I don't appreciate your tone...07:00
digger_1967Is Ubuntu a recent install bluefire or has it been on there for a while?07:00
plouffeMaybe bullgard4 doesn't understand the channel between updates and support07:01
bazhangat times, no07:01
bluefirei installed ubuntu a month back, before that i used windows and had no heating problems07:01
plouffeunderstand the difference07:01
mattkso if I want to install ubuntu server from command line, what distro should I get?07:01
digger_1967Ok, well it's possible still that it might be a hardware issue, but lets see if we have a software explanation first07:01
bullgard4IdleOne: I frequent #openoffice.org. I have got the impression that you do not know what is happening in the #openoffice.org chjannel.07:02
bazhangmattk, ubuntu server07:02
notyournamewhat is the best way to scan for pics on ur drive07:02
bazhangbullgard4, lets move on please07:02
digger_1967If you open a terminal and type : top07:02
bluefireanyway to check the cpu temp.?07:02
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mattkbazhang: my GPU is messed up and for some reason I can't see any graphical interfaces07:02
digger_1967it should show you what the most active processes07:02
UbuntunzIf you need a copy of ubuntu or any other linux distro for that matter, please email me at samnmatthew@gmail.com with the details of your request.....07:03
bazhangmattk, what about the alternate installer, then? its ncurses based so text only, not live07:03
digger_1967Check the CPU percentage of your running processes and see if there is anything that seems to be eating up a ton of processing time07:03
bazhangubottu, lag07:04
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag07:04
ZykoticK9bluefire, in a terminal try "sensors" (i'm not sure it's installed by default, or what package it's from)07:04
bazhang!sensors | bluefire07:04
ubottubluefire: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.07:04
ShirakawasunaMonkeyDust: thanks!  I'm still trying to find the functionality I want, but it's a cool link.07:04
dooglusI just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 without a problem07:04
p1oooopmattk: I know this is probably hardware related, but get a new one?07:04
dooglusbut trying to upgrae 10.10 to 11.04 tells me there's a problem with the network07:04
Shirakawasunaalong those same lines, what's the standard way to make an app start on a certain workspace?07:04
Shirakawasuna(I'm used to xmonad stuff, for reference)07:04
bazhangZykoticK9, yep need to install it07:04
dooglus"Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server. "07:04
ZykoticK9bazhang, thanks07:05
mattkp1oooop: I wish but I can't. I have a good desktop but I don't want to throw this laptop away07:05
mattkp1oooop: I can use it for something07:05
bazhangmattk, so try the alternate07:05
mattkp1oooop: gpu is on the motherboard so it can't be replaced07:05
p1oooopmattk: we share problems... XD07:05
kiamohi, if I enable the opengl plugin for compiz, the panels appear on the wrong monitor and my mouse cannot interact with the desktop.  And clues on how to troubleshoot this further?07:05
mattkbazhang: alternate or minimal?07:05
bluefirei have core i5 cpu and ati radeon hd 573007:06
bazhangmattk, I'd go with the alternate first07:06
p1oooopI just smashed it with the force of a meteor colliding against the moon and it worked fine from then on...07:06
JoshDreamlandDoes Ubuntu still force annorexic scrollbars?07:06
bluefirecpu usage shows 4 cpu and percentages r not more than 20% in any of them07:06
p1oooopexcept for one thing: directX07:06
dooglusshould I be able to just replace maverick with natty in my sources.list* and dist-upgrade?07:06
plouffewhat's an annorexic toolbar?07:07
bazhangJoshDreamland, whats that mean07:07
Flanneldooglus: You could, but the supported method is through update-manager.07:07
p1oooopplouffe: a toolbar that starves itself and slowly disintegrates into the screen?07:07
dooglusFlannel: update-manage tells me there's a problem07:07
dooglusFlannel: I pasted it a little way up here07:07
bazhangp1oooop, please stop that07:08
digger_1967Well that's not too abnormal in and of itself bluefire07:08
dooglus08:04 < dooglus> "Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem07:08
dooglus                 with the network or with the server. "07:08
dooglusFlannel: ^-- that07:08
JoshDreamlandbazhang: I've been trying out other distributions while I wait for Canonical to allow me to have my eight pixel usable scrollbars back instead of the two pixel useless ones.07:08
p1oooopbazhang: yeah, I should...07:08
Flanneldooglus: Are you completely up to date on 10.10?07:08
dooglusFlannel: but dist-upgrade is downloading the packages07:08
digger_1967If you had a couple of processes hitting the cpu that hard constantly that might cause it to overheat but it would take a while07:08
dooglusFlannel: I am07:08
dooglusFlannel: I only just upgraded to it07:08
dooglusFlannel: I'm wondering if the upgrade process stopped working with apt-cacher for 11.0407:08
bluefirei typed sensors in terminal and got this : acpitz-virtual-007:08
bluefireAdapter: Virtual device07:08
bluefiretemp1:       +55.0°C  (crit = +105.0°C)07:08
dooglusFlannel: I use apt-cacher so I only have to download each package file once07:09
Flanneldooglus: I don't think it would.07:09
JoshDreamlandI kind of miss Ubuntu, really, but it's just too big a pain to have all the glitches that showed up from incorrectly-sized scrollbars, along with the lack of features that come with it.07:09
Flanneldooglus: The mechanism is the same, so I don't see how it'd be substantially different07:09
dooglusFlannel: it failed almost immediately - trying to authenticate the .gpg file I guess?07:10
dooglusFlannel: I guess it's plausible the natty.gpg in my apt-cacher cache is corrupted07:10
kiamodoes in order for compiz to work correctly, does the xorg.conf need to have specific settings enabled?07:10
soreaukiamo: No, you don't even need an xorg.conf in most cases07:11
doogluskiamo: no.  I don't even have an xorg.conf07:11
kiamosoreau, dooglus, the only way I could get my dual monitors working is by using xorg.conf07:11
kiamobut it broke compiz haha07:11
soreaukiamo: If you're using a proprietary driver, you have to use xorg.conf07:12
InzuitIs there an IRC channel for Virtual OS Support, also is there  a HOWTO regarding how to create the ISOs to boot to?07:12
bazhangInzuit, #vbox07:13
ntiyanybody knows the answer to the following question: I bought a laptop. Installed linux on it. I want to return to seller (bestbuy in my case). On the original receipt it is said that I can return item within 14 days since purchase. So, will the fact that I have linux installed on the machine create any problems for me?07:13
InzuitThank You07:13
soreauntiy: What does that have to do with ubuntu?07:13
bluefireshould i be worried with that cpu temp?07:13
bluefireor is it normal07:13
ntiyI installed ubuntu07:13
bluefirethe exhaust side of laptop feels quite hot07:13
eyespyInzuit: if=file.extension of=file.iso07:14
soreauntiy: I don't think we can help you with that. You have to ask the people you'll be returning it to07:14
Inzuiteyespy - never done this before and had some serious concerns regarding the swap file - I want the Virtual OS to be Weinerblows Not debian07:14
Inzuiteyespy - thank you07:15
digger_1967bluefire, in most laptops the processor's heat sink is actually right next to the exhaust port, and the fan blows through it07:15
kiamo_did I miss anything?  got disconnected lol07:15
soreaukiamo: Which driver is it?07:15
ntiysoreau: thnks07:15
eyespyInzuit: /j #virtualbox07:15
digger_1967A lot of times that port gets clogged with dust and can cause the laptop to overheat07:15
digger_1967The dust collects in the fins of the heat sink, reduces the overall airflow and then the laptop starts overheating07:16
=== kiamo_ is now known as kiamo
kiamosoreau, latest Nvidia drivers 185 I think07:16
kiamo173 did not work07:16
Inzuiteyespy - although I appreciate the sugguestion - that does appear to be a private party for which I have no invitation07:16
bluefirei can hear the laptop fan run all the time. that is my issue of concerin07:16
eyespyyou may have to register your nick Inzuit with Nickserv07:17
eyespytype /NickServ register07:17
digger_1967Well normally when I clean a laptop I take it apart and clean out the heatsink with a can of compressed air07:17
digger_1967That usually solves the problem07:17
Inzuiteyespy - I have registered my nick, it said that it took, but it may not have made it accross the network yet?07:17
soreaukiamo: You have to use twinview with the nvidia driver as xinerama effectively disables compositing07:19
fr4soh hi07:19
Inzuiteyespy - it may be because I do not appear to be running an IDENT server - hmm are they still doing that?07:19
InzuitI appear to have the little ~ < thingy in front of my login nick07:20
kiamosoreau, oh...  hmm ok07:20
kiamoI will have a fiddle07:20
fr4sI'm looking for charity  work, does anybody happen to need music or sounds for anything?07:20
kiamothanks soreau  :)07:20
eyespyyes Inzuit07:20
soreaukiamo: I believe you can setup dual head with nvidia-settings07:20
Inzuiteyespy - ok so that may be the problem - thanks07:20
kiamoyea I am changing it now07:21
=== jay is now known as Guest35026
Surlent777hey, I'm in the middle of a much-needed reinstall and noticed that shiny option to encrypt the home directory. Is there any particular reason not to? I heard ssh might not work as expected, and that it might affect hibernation. Can anyone confirm one way or another?07:39
DIFTOWIs Unity gone?07:42
DIFTOWBecause everytime I log into the supposed 'regular' Ubuntu session, its Ubuntu classic.07:43
=== pan_ is now known as pandafari
coconutzguys what is the most reliable way to backup the system only in case of system fault in ubuntu?07:43
coconutzi did tar before but its never got to work07:43
coconutzafter crash07:43
tx0105DIFTOW regular Ubuntu should be Unity07:43
DIFTOWwell its not07:44
kandinskihow can I find which package provides a certain command?07:44
tx0105DIFTOW did you try to install Gnome 3/Gnome shell?07:44
DIFTOWI did an update, logged out of the session, and now Unity is missing.07:44
kandinskiI have hosed nvidia-xconfig out of my laptop, and I don't know which package provides it07:44
Surlent777DIFTOW: you have the right drivers going for your brand of graphics card?07:44
DIFTOWno, i didnt try to install anything07:44
DIFTOWnothing is different07:44
DIFTOWI didn't install anything07:44
DIFTOWI ran Ubuntu updates.07:44
tx0105maybe try to select Unity 2D and see if that works07:45
DIFTOWI logged out, and logged into Ubuntu classic.. to see if a Source engine mod would run smoother in Ubuntu classic..07:45
tx0105i couldn't boot into regular Unity for a while...graphics issues07:45
tx0105but Unity 2D worked fine07:45
DIFTOWWhen the game didnt even load in ubuntu classic, i tried to log back into unity.07:45
DIFTOWI've been using Unity for idk.. over a month now?07:45
DIFTOWits not graphical issues07:45
DIFTOWI have a GTX 580, hardly old hardware07:46
DIFTOWhad no issues running it for 6 weeks07:46
tx0105did you do a full reboot?07:46
DIFTOWunity just vanished.07:46
DIFTOWFor no good reason07:46
Surlent777DIFTOW: check to see if package unity is indeed installed; try reinstalling it07:46
DIFTOWcause thats how stable this distro is being lately07:46
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DIFTOWunity shows up in the package manager07:47
DIFTOWand it says its installed07:48
DIFTOWill try the reinstall07:48
DIFTOWbut im curious to know why Half Life 2 wont even boot now in Wine, since being in "ubuntu classic"07:48
DIFTOWbit odd.07:49
=== dave is now known as Guest23409
DIFTOWWorked in Unity07:49
ZykoticK9kandinski, debian actually has an nvidia-xconfig package, on Ubuntu i believe it's part of the driver package (or is there an nvidia-settings package?).  Good luck.  FYI apt-file can tell you what package a particular file belongs (but i think you need the file).07:49
Guest23409does xchat work like a chat room?07:49
Surlent777dave why did you undo your name07:49
Guest23409i didn't...07:50
Guest23409i dont know what i did07:50
Surlent777did you register it with nickserv?07:50
Surlent777I see07:50
Guest23409i am new to xchat07:50
Surlent777okay, xchat is just a program. It is just a shiny happy shell around IRC itself. IRC is a series of networks with chat rooms in them07:50
Surlent777first step is to register your name07:50
Surlent777type /msg nickserv register <email> <password>07:50
Surlent777and then next you log in type /msg nickserv identify <password>07:51
Surlent777word of advice though, you may want to choose a more unique nick07:51
Guest23409i c,,,thanks Sur07:51
Surlent777nicks can be changed with /nick07:51
DIFTOWNo Unity07:51
=== pan_ is now known as pandafari
ejvahem... this isn't the channel to be doing this, take it to #xchat or #ubuntu-offtopic :)07:51
Surlent777Guest23409: make sure you /nick to your desired nick BEFORE registering07:52
Guest23409so people here talk only about unix-related topic?07:52
Surlent777ejv: fair enough, sorry07:52
DIFTOWAnyone here use Debian?07:52
DIFTOWI've had it with Ubuntu's crap07:52
ejvGuest23409: yes, this is the ubuntu support channel, try to remain focused when you're here, unfocused chatter can be found in the offtopic channel07:52
ZykoticK9DIFTOW, yes.  But that's OT for this channel use #debian.07:53
MonkeyDustDIFTOW: this chat runs remotely on Debian, yes07:53
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Surlent777DIFTOW: If you think Ubuntu is hard, Debian is going to be a nightmare. Fair warning.07:53
DIFTOWNo one ever can solve any of the issues i have07:53
mage7hello...Disk Usage Analyzer says that /var/cache/ takes 1.5GB of which /var/cache/apt takes 1.4GB... what is this space used for and can i free it (because my root filesystem is getting tight (300mb)07:53
DIFTOWUbuntu is unstable07:53
ubuntu_how to join to C++ programing channel?07:53
DIFTOWand everytime i have to fix ubuntu, its a complete reinstall, cause not one of you here or on forums knows why07:53
ejvyou can wipe out /var/cache/apt if you like, it won't hurt you07:53
MonkeyDustok DIFTOW we get the message07:54
DIFTOWHow does an entire desktop environment.. just vanish from logging out of it.. when nothing changed?!07:54
DIFTOWthats F***d up07:54
DIFTOWNow I have to what.. reinstall Ubuntu 100%?07:54
Surlent777mage7: /var/cache/apt should be, if I'm not mistaken, things downloaded by apt-get or Synaptic, cached for your convenience. It is safe to delete07:54
pix_Is there anybody experiencing glitchs with Unity and RXvt(unicode)* ?07:54
DIFTOWJust because Unity vanished for no reason07:54
MonkeyDustDIFTOW: no one forces you to use Ubuntu07:54
ejvmage7: a better way to sanitize your system is use `sudo apt-get clean`07:54
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DIFTOWAnd don't expect people to continue using it with help like this07:55
mage7ejw, Surlent: thanks for reply..what is this /var/cache/apt used for...what convinience does it provide07:55
Shirakawasunayou troubleshoot as you would in debian, DIFTOW... e.g. change to VT1 and try DISPLAY=:0 unity &07:55
Surlent777DIFTOW: None of us have heard of that error. We can only fix what we know, right? We're not psychic and we're not devs. We can try to help, but nothing is promised. We're just users like you07:55
mage7 sudo apt-get clean will free up un-needed files?07:55
ejvmage7: exactly what it sounds like, it's a local "cache" for recently downloaded pre-compiled system binaries07:55
ubuntu_Please help me..07:55
sysdoc! X11-xcb07:55
MonkeyDustDIFTOW: try #ubuntu-devel07:55
ShirakawasunaDIFTOW: one can also only provide so much help if you can't generate specific troubleshooting info, like errors07:55
ubuntu_please help me07:55
ubuntu_please help me07:55
ubuntu_please help me07:55
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:56
ejv!patience | ubuntu_07:56
ubottuubuntu_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:56
Surlent777mage7: /var/chahe/apt is used to store things apt-get/Synaptic has downloaded, so that if you reinstall them you don't need to re-download07:56
MonkeyDust!ask| ubuntu_07:56
ubottuubuntu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:56
Shirakawasunaif you can't generate an error with one step, try the next one back07:56
DIFTOWThere is no error message. Unity doesn't load anymore for no reason. And Windows games under Wine, won't work in Ubuntu Classic.07:56
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ShirakawasunaDIFTOW: so you switched to VT1 and logged in?07:56
DIFTOWSo I can't game in wine under classic, and can't boot unity to do so.07:56
ejvubuntu_: pleading for help is offensive to everyone here, ask your question, as detailed as possible, THEN patiently wait for a response.07:56
ubuntu_how to join to C++ programing channel ?07:57
Surlent777ubuntu_: to join a C++ channel, first find one. Google is your friend. Then, connect your client to the server and channel you found via google07:57
pix_ubuntu_: /j #c++07:57
ejvubuntu_: /join #c++07:57
ShirakawasunaDIFTOW: yes, VT1.  The thing I recommended.07:57
Surlent777DIFTOW: VT1 == Virtual Terminal 1, Ctrl+Alt+F1. Ctrl+Alt+F7 or 8 is usually X Windows07:57
MonkeyDustDIFTOW: i think ubuntu is not the distro you want, maybe try another distro07:57
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DIFTOWAnd what am I doing in Terminal 1?07:58
nikolaibowww.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info07:58
ShirakawasunaDIFTOW: If you want issues to be solved quickly, I'm going to second MonkeyDust's recommendation.  I recommend gentoo or archlinux so that you know how to generate useful low-level information for troubleshooting.07:58
ubuntu_i can't send message.07:58
ShirakawasunaDIFTOW: I already said exactly what to try :/07:58
zykes-if i have 10*2 tb disks for storage, is it a bad idea to place them in a raid ?07:58
ubuntu_i dont know what to do?07:59
ejvi know this is probably unhelpful, but expecting everything to 'just work' in the lastest, non-LTS version is kind of silly.07:59
pix_ubuntu_: Just wait a little.07:59
DIFTOWLook, if you're gonna recommend a distro, its not based on it being easy, its stability I care about.07:59
blarggWhere can I find a 10.04 livecd in CD-ROM format, not DVD?07:59
Surlent777DIFTOW: if it's stability you crave, stay with the LTS releases07:59
DIFTOWSorry but, ever since 11.04.. stability went right out the window.07:59
Surlent777DIFTOW: most recent is 10.04, Lucid Lynx08:00
ejvDIFTOW: i suggest the ubuntu LTS, debian, or if you REAAALLY want stability, slackware.08:00
tx0105DIFTOW you aren't going to get anywhere being a jerk to everyone....just saying08:00
DIFTOWhow do I revert to 10.04?08:00
DIFTOWI want 11.04 gone08:00
pix_ubuntu_: Maybe your nick isn't registered, I don't knwo if you need to have a registered nick to talk in ##c++08:00
Surlent777DIFTOW: that will require a reinstall, sadly08:00
ShirakawasunaDIFTOW: you download the 10.04 disc08:00
Shirakawasunathen reinstall08:00
ejvzykes-: that's an odd question, what exactly do you want?08:00
c_nickI have installed WinXP on virtual Box.. i am able to access my windows server from linux but when i do the same from windows get an error how can i fix that08:00
blarggI've got a 10.04 CD-ROM that someone burned for me, but it's got read problems. I checked Ubuntu's cd releases directory, but they all link to a DVD image for the 10.04.08:01
ubuntu_how can i register it?08:01
ubuntu_hoe can i register in?08:01
ejvubuntu_: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml08:01
mage7blargg: 10.04 is available as 700mb iso which can be burnt to cd08:01
pix_ubuntu_: /msg ChanServ help08:02
kelvinellahi, how to set the middle click to paste in ff instead of ff's default, which is the autoscrow?08:02
kelvinellaauto scroll08:02
Shirakawasunablargg: you can use that disc image to load a installation usb key08:02
ejvkelvinella: no idea, did google or ubuntuforums reveal anything concerning that issue?08:03
blarggUltimately, I need a CD to boot from, so that I can make an exact image of my HD to another.08:03
blarggI'm looking at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release/ but all the isos are 4GB+08:04
kelvinellaejv, no idea08:04
kelvinellaany ff expert here?08:04
ejvkelvinella: type "about:config" in the firefox address bar, and locate "middlemouse.paste" and tell me what the boolean value is.08:04
Shirakawasunablargg: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download08:05
ShirakawasunaI recommend using a torrent, BlakHawk08:05
=== DroidAgent_ is now known as DroidAgent
azadinHas anyone gotten usb autmounting to work in natty (11.04) from the commandline? I get a "Mount failed: Not Authorized" when I manually do a 'udisks --mount /dev/sdb1'08:06
azadinI'm trying to figure out if its a polkit error, dbus error, or udisks error...08:06
kelvinellaejv, middlemouse.paste;true08:06
ejvfirst logical question, are you a sudoer azadin?08:06
ejvkelvinella: hmm strange, was it working at any point?08:07
=== DjMadness_ is now known as DjMadness
blarggShirakawasuna, from the description it sounds like the CD-ROM version isn't a LiveCD.08:07
kdbwnfHi. How can I enable "edge scrolling"?08:07
kelvinellaejv, it works in textbox, but sometimes in some forum it wont08:07
ejvkelvinella: this is prolly a question for the firefox devs08:08
mage7blargg: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ ... is  http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso is what you looking for?08:08
blarggShirakawasuna, anyway, thanks for the link, and I see CD images in case I need them.08:08
azadinejv: yes. i can sudo and udisks properly mounts as root.08:08
ejvdid you try #firefox kelvinella ?08:08
tx0105just out of curiosity...if you upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 with a fresh install, but only reformat the / partition (leaving /home alone)...does that work?08:08
kelvinellaejv, let me find the site first08:08
tx0105i'm trying to find a safe way to upgrade without having to delete everything08:09
kdbwnfHi. How can I enable "edge scrolling"?08:09
azadinejv: but i'd like to be able to bypass sudo by using udisks in combination with an open polkit policy08:09
ejvtx0105: if / and /home were on different physical partitions, yes :)08:09
ZykoticK9tx0105, do you currently have /home on a different partiton?  By default it is "attached" to /.08:09
JamezQ1Hey guys, what do I need to install to get a usb external terabyte drive to work in ubuntu server08:09
ejvJamezQ1: nothing, all the tools you need are available by default, with the exception of like... xfsprogs for xfs afficanados08:10
tx0105i set up all my installs with a / partion...a seperate /home partition and a swap08:10
blarggmage7, thanks, that's indeed what I was looking for. Not sure why I didn't see links to it before.08:10
tx0105would that set up mean that /home is not attached?08:10
JamezQ1ejv: Well, it does not connect.08:11
ejvor perhaps 'aficionados' :D08:11
JamezQ1ejv: It does not show in fdisk -l08:11
ejvJamezQ1: what does the kernel buffer say when you attach the device?08:11
JamezQ1ejv: Eh, how do I check that08:12
kdbwnfHow can I enable "edge scrolling" for my laptop's touchpad?08:12
azadinejv: any ideas?08:12
ejvazadin: one moment, supporting too many hehe08:12
cafejunkieHello Everyone.08:12
JamezQ1your awesome man08:12
cafejunkieIs anyone running intel's pineview chipset (specifically intel GMA 3150)?08:12
ejvJamezQ1: `sudo apt-get install pastebinit' in your terminal then 'dmesg | pastebinit'08:13
azadinejv: i can see that ;)08:13
ejvazadin: can you not grant your user or group privelege to execute the udisk binary?08:13
azadinejv: oh i can execute the binary just fine. theres something else going on with the policy not allowing me to mount drives08:14
JamezQ1thanks ejv08:14
azadinejv: I'm not familiar with dbus or polkit enough to understand why udisks is giving me a not authorized error08:15
kandinskiZykoticK9: thanks08:16
ejvcan't say i've ever used udisks myself ;)08:16
kandinskiZykoticK9: someone just told me about rapt-file, which doesn't even require you to have the file installed apparently08:17
ZykoticK9kandinski, so where is nvidia-xconfig in ubuntu?08:17
philipballewhow can i get grub2 too know what os to automaticly boot and therefor hide the boot menu?08:17
jnlsnl_Open Office: Anyone know how can I make TOC not include the frontpage?08:17
ejvJamezQ1: have you been plugging and unplugging the device several times?08:17
azadinanyone else in here familiar with udisks or automounting, or dbus/polkit?08:17
JamezQ1ejv: only once08:17
kandinskiZykoticK9: part of the driver package08:17
ZykoticK9kandinski, ya, thought so.  glad you got it.08:18
kandinskiZykoticK9: in my case, it was part of nvidia-current08:18
JamezQ1ejv, A person in ubuntu-server says to install ubuntu-standard08:18
kandinskiyeah, but not in my path, strange08:18
cafejunkieIs anyone running intel's pineview chipset (specifically intel GMA 3150)?08:18
ejvi wonder if you're not on an active session on the local console azadin08:19
ejvi know policykit relies heavily on a functioning consolekit, what's ck-list-sessions output?08:19
tx0105wierd...does anyone use Evolution?08:19
JamezQ1eh, it's already installed08:19
DNDguys i wanted a ldap client for ubuntu. that is capable of exporting users via csv file?08:20
azadinejv: i thought about that. i tried running a ck-launch-session /bin/bash and running the command again with the same result08:20
azadinejv: i'll send you a pm with the output08:20
DNDim trying luma ldap manager but there's no export option08:20
sysdocconfigure: error: Cannot find x11-xcb>> Anyone know the package name for this dependency?08:20
kandinskiif anyone thinks they can help, I can only run X with failsafe mode, here-s my xorg.conf and Xorg.log: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/398113/08:20
tx0105I just came across a wierd issue...when I click on the messages in my inbox...rather than highlighting the message I'm clicking on..it selects the message about 2-3 below it...it's as if the mouse pointer isn't configured right...but it works everywhere else on my computer08:21
azadinejv: pastebin.com/57kTUWd608:21
azadinit is an xbmc box, hence the usernames08:21
ZykoticK9kandinski, that EE module doesn't exist - seems the nvidia driver isn't installed???08:22
kandinskiI installed it with aptitude install nvidia-current08:23
ejvhehe shouldn't matter08:23
ZykoticK9kandinski, why not use Additional Drivers?08:24
mithrani have a pretty simple question, how do i check if i have the fusion repos installed, if now how can i get the.08:24
ejvkinda strange that session one is missing a session id, but nothing to make me worried08:24
Surlent777mithran: fusion repo would be listed in Synaptic under Sources08:25
ejvJamezQ1: figure it out or need more help? :P08:25
Jordan_Umithran: Fusion?08:25
Surlent777Jordan_U: Compiz Fusion, the engine behind Unity and the desktop prettiness08:25
jobijodudr' I want use Gnome2 but at session menu i dont have ubuntu classic08:25
kandinskiZykoticK9: Additional Drivers didn't work08:25
ubuntu_how can i register in C++ programing channel?08:25
ubuntu_how can i register in C++ programing channel?08:25
kandinskiZykoticK9: that's why I broke out the command line08:25
Jordan_USurlent777: It's now just compiz.08:25
ZykoticK9kandinski, sorry - that's beyond me then.  Good luck.08:26
Surlent777Jordan_U: old habits die hard08:26
jobijoI want use Gnome2 at ubuntu 11.04 but at session menu i dont have ubuntu classic08:26
kandinskithe glx is not getting installed08:26
kandinskiZykoticK9: thanks a lot08:26
Jordan_U!register | ubuntu_08:27
ubottuubuntu_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:27
mithranJordan_U: sorry wrong place08:27
KatronixSerfHi all, I moved my /home partition to an external drive, and freed up the space it used to take up on my internal drive. Can someone suggest what else I may want to have its own partition? currently / is the only other mount point08:27
cafejunkieDoes anyone have thermal issues with intel graphics? I noticed my netbook runs really hot despite cpu frequency scaling working and the fans functional. The vga port is hot enough to burn one's finger. If anyone has had this issue and fixed it I need some advice/info on the problem.08:27
Jordan_Umithran: I already expected you meant that for #fedora :)08:28
Cr4z33HI everybody08:28
Surlent777KatronixSerf: traditionally /var and /tmp have often had their own partitions, if I'm not mistaken. You might want to ask google on that one, as installer documentation often mentions the topic08:28
mithranJordan_U: :)08:28
cafejunkieSurlent777: /etc, /usr and /var :)08:28
Surlent777cafejunkie: ah, knew I was missing one. Thanks.08:28
kandinskioh, closer!08:29
kandinskijavier@girasol:~$ sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx08:29
kandinskiNo candidate version found for nvidia-glx08:29
kandinskino nvidia-glx for me08:29
Cr4z33Is there a way to upgrade Ubuntu v9.04 to v10.04? I need that version only and I don't want v11.x08:29
ejvi wouldn't put /etc on another partition, too small08:29
FlannelCr4z33: You have to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10, and then you can upgrade from 9.10 to 10.0408:29
ZykoticK9kandinski, that's part of the driver as well (i believe)08:29
Morten_Hi, at some point I had a little CLI program, that showed the installed hardware on my machine, but now I can't remember the name, and it is quite anoying :) -- Can any one perhaps help me out?08:29
ZykoticK9kandinski, driver = driver package08:29
kandinskiZykoticK9: hmm08:29
Cr4z33Flannel So just sudo apt-get upgrade?08:29
DJonesMorten_: Are you thinking of lspci?08:30
cafejunkieMorten_: lspci08:30
ejvMorten_: lshw or lscpi08:30
zykes-ejv: just wondering really08:30
FlannelCr4z33: No, that just moves you from 9.04 to 9.04.  Information on both upgrades (9.04 to 9.10, and 9.10 to 10.04) can be found on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:30
zykes-if it's bad practive08:30
zykes-ehm, s/v/c08:30
Morten_DJones, cafejunkie, ejv: Not those, it printed in colors and showed in the information very neatly.08:30
Cr4z33Flannel: Perfect, thanks :)08:31
ejvzykes-: it depends on what kind of performance and redundancy (if any) that you want08:31
drMikeI'm getting 'Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0' when connecting to 10.04.2 with Sequel Pro...any ideas?08:31
drMikeI checked and there is no place in my.cnf to remove skip-networking - it's already been removed in favour of bind to
mattkSo is there anyway to do a command line install from the liveusb? I've tried minimal and alternative and the only the way I can see anything on my monitor is by using the live usb and ctrl+alt +F208:32
ejvzykes-: my next question would be, how important is the data, how do you intend on managing an array? hardware dedicated controller? linux software raid? etc.08:32
DJonesMorten_: Possibly hwinfo (Mine doesn't print in colour but could just be the way its set up)08:32
ejvzykes-: then there's the drives themselves, are they appropriate drives to be used in an array (google Wester Digital TLER to get an idea of why im bringing this up) :)08:32
Surlent777drMike: Kind of a specialized topic, I'm afraid =/08:33
Morten_DJones, not quite that program either :/08:33
drMikeSurlent777: indeed.08:33
MonkeyDustmattk: if you want to install something from the command line, use sudo apt-get instal blah08:33
drMikethe strange thing is I have no problems connecting to my older 10.04 boxes08:33
drMikeit's just this 10.04.2 VPS08:33
JamezQ1ejv, it works now, thanks08:33
Surlent777MonkeyDust: I doubt that will help him install the entire OS, and that would only install to RAM in his case08:33
ejvMorten_: you're not going to find better quality data than what lspci and lshw can give you08:33
mattkMonkeyDust: I need to install ubuntu on my computer08:33
ejvJamezQ1: what was the issue? :)08:33
drMikeI can easily ssh in and connect to the server08:34
drMikeeven tried restarting th mysql service no problems08:34
MonkeyDustmattk: what holds you?08:34
mattkMonkeyDust: the gpu is messed up, the screen is usually black but for some reason I can see a terminal from the liveusb08:34
JamezQ1ejv, Eh, I guess the port went bad, it worked last time, but I switched it to another one and it worked08:34
ejvJamezQ1: yup that would explain your kernel buffer, congrats ;)08:35
ejvJamezQ1: you have to rule stuff like that out for us, in the future :P08:35
JamezQ1ejv, hmm?08:35
JamezQ1ejv, Oh, yea, sorry :(08:35
ejvJamezQ1: :) no worries08:36
Surlent777oh, before I forget, anyone know about hibernation/ssh on an encrypted home directory, or any reason not to use an encrypted home?08:36
ejvou may forget the password and lock yourself out? :)08:36
MonkeyDustmattk: try Lubi http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lubi.html08:37
Surlent777ejv: unlikely, though that had crossed my mind08:37
DJonesMorten_: This is the only other one I've come across http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/discover.1.html08:37
Jordan_Umattk: Have you tried the alternate install CD?08:37
Jordan_Umattk: NVM, I see you have. You can install ssh and use ssh -X to run ubiquity using another machine's X server.08:38
KatronixSerfperhaps a different way, currently the drive with my / on it, is on a 1 TB drive assigned to 379.9 GB, Is it possible using something like GParted, to move it so it uses the full 1 TB?08:38
Surlent777KatronixSerf: yes. Just slightly risky. Make sure you have backups ready, just in case08:39
KatronixSerfSurlent777, How would I do it? GParted offers no way to "grow" the / partition08:39
Jordan_UKatronixSerf: Boot a liveCD.08:40
Surlent777KatronixSerf: refresh me. Does this contain just / and no other file system/mount point?08:40
KatronixSerfSurlent777, the / contains everything but home08:40
KatronixSerfhome has been moved to an external drive08:40
Surlent777KatronixSerf: okay, so it's just /? Then you should be able to boot a livecd, run gparted, and manipulate it from there.08:41
blarggI want to reorder partitions, as currently swap is at beginning of disk, / at end, thus extra thrashing. Currently: swap, home, free, /. Desired: swap, /, home, free. http://i52.tinypic.com/ka3401.jpg illustrates. My current plan is to mirror to another drive, then copy partitions back in desired order, and somehow update parition table in the process. Thoughts?08:41
KatronixSerfok, I assume fstab would need to be edited?08:41
Surlent777KatronixSerf: if you're just resizing one partition, I don't think so08:41
Surlent777KatronixSerf: I didn't need to do that when I cloned my 300GB to a TB disk and streched it, anyway08:42
Jordan_UKatronixSerf: No, resizing a partition/filesystem doesn't change its UUID.08:42
KatronixSerfOK so it would still be /dev/sda5 even if it takes up the full drive?08:42
Surlent777KatronixSerf: sda5? So you DO have other partitions08:42
zeekillSo my friend told me about this sysrq, what is ti?08:43
Morten_ejv,DJones, found it :) -- It was inxi I was looking for. Thanks for helping out!08:43
KatronixSerfSurlent777, I did, when my desktop multi-booted08:43
Jordan_U!sysrq | zeekill08:43
ubottuzeekill: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key08:43
zeekillCan I fix my memory with this?08:44
Jordan_Uzeekill: No.08:44
zeekillwhat can I do?08:44
Jordan_Uzeekill: What problem are you having exactly?08:44
zeekillMy friend told me that its very powerful and can fix many stuf08:44
Surlent777KatronixSerf: well, either way, when you stretch it, so long as no other partitions are affected, /etc/fstab should be fine. If anything changes, make note of it and adjust accordingly, I guess08:45
KatronixSerfSurlent777, ok... now to just burn a new disk08:45
zeekillcan I overclock with it?08:45
ikoniazeekill: no08:46
ikoniazeekill: it is not a tool08:46
zeekillWhat is it?08:46
mattkIs there anyway to install ubuntu from the terminal?08:46
Jordan_Uzeekill: No. Sysrq magic is for getting out of situations where other forms of input are broken, nothing else.08:46
ikoniait is an emergency key sequence to get info from the kernel, when the kernel is hung08:46
blarggzeekill, Wikipedia has useful information about it08:46
zeekillI am banned from wikipedia :(08:47
ikoniazeekill: the website ?08:47
Jordan_Umattk: You can install ssh and use ssh -X to run ubiquity using another machine's X server.08:47
blarggzeekill, google cache then08:47
zeekillikonia: yes08:47
KatronixSerfIs there a DVD version of 11.04 yet?08:47
mattkJordan_U: I know what ssh is but I'm not sure what you mean08:47
MonkeyDustmattk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20689308:48
KatronixSerfDVD ISO I mean08:48
zeekillgoogle gives me this picture and I have to type letters when I search :(08:48
zeekillIt says something like that my searchs look strange and I have virus08:48
ikoniazeekill: we can't really help you with that, talk to your network admin to resolve your network access08:48
diskunHow i can update ONLY a package with APT?08:48
blarggsounds like you have bigger problems :)08:48
llutz_trolly tuesday today?08:48
userwhy superos iso is only 1.1gb? and why not full 4.4gb, with addition packajes as debian ?08:48
zeekillikonia: I try calling him08:49
ikoniauser: superos is nothing to do with ubuntu/this channel08:49
KatronixSerfnm, I found it :-)08:49
MonkeyDustuser: this channel has no answer to the question 'why', only to the question 'how'08:50
gabriel_Hello. configured nis client on 11.04 ypcat works, login with local user from remote works. login to server with nis account does not... any idea?08:50
Jordan_Umattk: You can run graphical applications remotely using ssh, it's called X forwarding.08:50
mattkMonkeyDust: I've looked at that already. The only thing that works is ctrl + alt + F2 with the liveusb08:50
MonkeyDustmattk: do you have more than one pc in the same network?08:50
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mattkMonkeyDust: yeah. I could ssh into the liveusb but I don't know where to go from there08:51
Mjukselhi guys :)08:51
diskunAnyone can help me?08:51
Surlent777diskun: just ask, don't ask to ask08:52
MonkeyDustmattk: use ssh -Y user@ip "metacity& gnome-panel&"08:52
diskunI need update only a package08:52
Mjukseli got 2 questions, 1: have a pc with ubuntu running now, but its very slow.. specs: intel dual core 2.0, 4gb ram, 500gb hdd.. how can that be slow?08:52
diskuni don't now how to use spt for update ONLY a package08:53
diskuni don't know how to use spt for update ONLY a package08:53
mattkMonkeyDust: is that going to bring up a gui to do the installation?08:53
diskuni don't know how to use apt for update ONLY a package08:53
MonkeyDustmattk: yes08:53
diskunwith apt-get upgrade , tool updates many packages08:53
mattkMonkeyDust: that's probably the answer I need then, thanks.08:53
diskunand I need update only one08:53
blarggdiskun, those may be dependencies08:53
Jordan_Udiskun: sudo apt-get install packagename08:54
diskunblargg: many packages doesn't have dependencies with bind908:54
diskunJordan_U: with install, it is possible destroy config files¿?08:54
blarggdisk, sorry, upgrade updates all packages (as described in the man apt-get page)08:55
diskunblargg: no problem :)08:55
Jordan_Udiskun: No. It does a normal upgrade (if the package is already installed and a newer version is available).08:55
Mjukseli have a pc with ubuntu running now, but its very slow.. specs: intel dual core 2.0, 4gb ram, 500gb hdd.. how can that be slow08:55
Mjukselwhy can that run so slow08:55
Mjukseli partitioned 50gb as / , 50gb swap and 400gb /home/08:56
Gerwin50GB swap is way too much08:56
Gerwin4-8 GB will do08:56
Mjukselokay Gerwin , but wil ubuntu run slow with too much swap room?08:56
sisalMjuksel: define "slow"08:57
Jordan_UMjuksel: No.08:57
Mjukselsisal: well i had ubuntu on my laptop first.. it was lightning fast..08:57
Mjukselnow when i browsing, it lags as hell08:58
GerwinJordan_U: It will, actually08:58
GerwinLet me just find the source of that08:58
Mjukselalso when i install a package from Software Centre, the computer will go slooooooooooooow :S08:58
GerwinThe swappiness parameter controls the tendency of the kernel to move processes out of physical memory and onto the swap disk. Because disks are much slower than RAM, this can lead to slower response times for system and applications if processes are too aggressively moved out of memory.08:58
Mjukselwell Gerwin , i dont think its the swap.. i instaled it without swap first and it ran faster..08:58
ss_hello (test)08:59
diskunJordan_U: thank you :)09:00
Jordan_UGerwin: From that link: "The only downside to having more swap space than you will actually use is the disk space you will be reserving for it."09:01
llutz_Gerwin: you read that FAQ, specially last sentence before "Examples" from "How much swap do i need?"09:01
tanathis there a wine help channel i can join?09:01
Jordan_UGerwin: Swappiness != swap.09:02
tanathor any wine experts about? :P09:02
Surlent777tanath: if there's any channel it'd be mentioned on winehq09:02
llutz_tanath: #winehq09:02
Jordan_U!wine | tanath09:02
ubottutanath: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:02
Surlent777or that09:02
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:02
tanathah, thanks. i had tried #wine09:02
Mjukselso correct me if im wrong, if i set Swappiness to 009:03
Mjukselit should run faster?09:03
Jordan_UMjuksel: It depends on the circumstances. If that were universally true it would be the default.09:04
llutz_Mjuksel: try it, do "sudo swapoff -a" and check for differences09:04
Jordan_UMjuksel: Try describing what types of actions are particularly slow.09:04
Mjukselwell actually everything lags.. browsing, emesene, installing/deleting stuff..09:05
io3anybody know how to set a guests ip address to static and give it an ip from a script running on the host?09:05
Mjuksellags all the time..09:05
shell_всем привет=)09:06
sisalMjuksel: what VGA do you have in that system?09:06
MonkeyDustMjuksel: what swap usage does htop show you?09:06
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oCean!ru | shell_09:07
ubottushell_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:07
aaron_auCould I pls get a hand getting dual monitor desktop working in natty ?09:08
aaron_aui can't seem to get anything except screen cloning working09:08
tanathcan anyone help me with trying to run malware bytes from live disc?09:09
tanathno responses in #winehq09:09
aaron_au"The selected configuration for displays could not be applied. requested position/size for CRTC 64 is outside the allowed limit: position (=1280, 0), size(1920, 1920)"09:09
MonkeyDusttanath: what do you mean by 'run malware bytes'?09:10
blarggMjuksel, what does System Monitor show for CPU usage (or alternately, the top command?)09:10
tanathMonkeyDust, where's the confusion? i need to scan my .wine folder from live disc...09:10
tanathMonkeyDust, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/615217/09:11
MonkeyDusttanath: ok, so wine :)09:11
wraithguard01Hey, is there a way to programmatically change the volume in 10.10? I have an app that I wrote that used DBus to send messages to ayatana, and that worked great, but that seems to be gone in 10.10. I know 10.10 is an older release, but I'm constrained by that requirement.09:11
tanathMonkeyDust, yeah. asked in #winehq, but no one's talking in there09:11
wraithguard01I'm using java, so I can use either dbus, or fire off another process to handle it for me09:11
tanathMonkeyDust, when i run it while system is running it detects a couple things, but can't finish09:12
tanathMonkeyDust, now if i can get it working from live disc i should be good09:12
MonkeyDusttanath: i do not have wine installed, maybe someone else can help09:12
MjukselMonkeyDust: i cant see now, im at work..09:13
Jordan_Utanath: AVG has a linux version of their antivirus.09:13
Mjukselill have a look tonight, that will be in about 9 hours :)09:13
tanathJordan_U, heh. not sure i want to bother with that. avg is the worst antivirus09:14
Mjukselfor free its actually pretty good, but i never use virus scanners09:14
sisalMjuksel: I would try to look on the graphic card drivers, since i am ATI user i know that this can be major fubar when running funky compiz effects (sloooow).09:14
Mjukseljust run Malware Bytes occasionally, although that is on windows.09:14
tanathMjuksel, no, it really isn't. it has the absolute worst detection rates09:14
Mjukselhmm, sisal its onboard video09:14
Mjuksellol yeah really ?09:14
MonkeyDustso malware bytes is a programme09:14
Mjukselyeah, but i dont know if it can be run on linux :p09:15
Mjukselits the best for Windows..09:15
tanathMonkeyDust, yeah. one of the better malware scanners for windows09:15
Mjukselit clears everything :)09:15
tanathMjuksel, indeed it can09:15
Mjukselif not THE best tanath :)09:15
tanathMjuksel, my problem is getting it running from live disc09:15
MonkeyDusttanath: linux has clam av09:15
tanathMjuksel, got an opinion on what is?09:15
Mjukselah okay tanath :)09:15
Mjukselopinion on what ?09:16
tanathMonkeyDust, indeed, but in my experience it never finds anything even when there's something to be found09:16
Mjuksel:p i dont have tooo much experience on the Linux/Ubuntu side.. im just casually learning stuff :)09:16
tanathMonkeyDust, only thing clam ever found for me was EICAR09:16
IdleOnetanath: have you checked the wine appdb?09:16
kilonanyone knows how to disable the default behaviour of alt key so i can use it inside blender  ?09:16
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:16
MonkeyDusttanath: http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/sw_list.php?id_kategory=4909:17
IdleOnesee if it is supported at all09:17
tanathIdleOne, not sure that'd help. it runs fine when booted from hard disc. this is an odd situation/environment that's causing the issues09:17
Cr4z33Hi everybody.09:17
tanathMjuksel, you said mbam is not the best... any opinion on what is?09:17
KeKsCoRehey guy ... i do have a big problem with installin the wifi drivers on my netbook ... (using madwifi) ... the first error is in compiling : " /media/disk/madwifi-0.9.4/net80211/ieee80211_power:c:240: error: implicit declaration of function '__skb_append'09:18
Cr4z33Does anybody know what GRUB will I have after an Upgrade process v9.04->v9.10->v10.04->v10.10? GRUB v1 or v2?09:18
ian_anyone know a good guide on configuring squid?09:18
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tanathMonkeyDust, thanks, i suppose i can give them a try, but i still want to get this working09:18
ian_I want to set up SSH so I can tunnel back through my home network for web browsing09:18
Mjukseltanath: you said one of the better, i said if not THE best.. that means i find it the best :p09:19
Mjukseli use it at work all the time :)09:19
Mjukselcan i hide the join/part/quits on webchat :s ?09:19
DJonesCr4z33: I would expect that you'll have grub 2 once you upgrade to the later versions09:19
Jordan_UCr4z33: By default you will keep grub legacy, I highly recommend upgrading to grub2 though.09:19
tanathMjuksel, oh, sorry. misread09:19
Mjukselnevermind :p09:19
TbHackanybody know if ubuntu  10.04 supports GCC 4.5?09:19
nmesisKeKsCore i think you should compile it with 'make ' command09:19
Cr4z33Jordan_U: grub2? Doesn't it give more problems with multiOS systems?09:20
KeKsCoRenmesis: I do09:20
Mjukselbut i have a different problem too, i have a Samsung SF310 laptop , i cant install any ubuntu on it..09:20
Jordan_UCr4z33: No, not at all.09:20
Mjukseli tried 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04 on both CD's and USB sticks..09:20
Cr4z33Jordan_U: I want to use mainly the Windows Boot Loader. So can they co-exist?09:20
Jordan_UCr4z33: Yes.09:21
nmesisKeKsCoRe, did you try other drivers?09:21
tanathMonkeyDust, the top download there is non-existent yet, and the 2nd one is one of the few worth looking at, but isn't free09:21
Cr4z33Jordan_U: Ok, I might have misred then :P09:21
llutz_Cr4z33: grub2 sucks when not being installed into MBR09:21
KeKsCoRenmesis: i didnt found others for this stupid eeepc 105r09:21
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Cr4z33llutz: That's my case then? I have 3 partitions on 1 hdd. 2 Windows and 1 Ubuntu09:22
nmesisi am using eeepc too09:22
nmesisbut wifi drivers are installed automatically09:22
llutz_Cr4z33: so you installed grub into partition and use an extracted BR to boot it from windows?09:22
oCeanwraithguard01: I know the amixer command is capable of getting/setting Master volume09:22
KeKsCoRe.. but mine arent workin09:22
Cr4z33llutz: That's what I would like to do yes09:23
MonkeyDusttanath: try Xbill => "Get rid of those Wingdows Viruses!"09:23
KeKsCoReand without my wifi card its completely useless09:23
nmesiswhat is the product name of wifi conrtroller?09:23
nmesismaybe we have thesame drivers09:23
llutz_Cr4z33: if you already have a working installation with grub1, keep it. no need to upgrade to grub2, which may run you in trouble then.09:23
KeKsCoReatheros AR928509:23
nmesisill check mine09:24
tanathMonkeyDust, o_O09:24
nmesisKeKsCoRe were thesame09:24
Jordan_Ullutz_: grub2 has no problem with being installed to a partition that any other *NIX bootloader doesn't also have. Grub2 is just more explicit about warning the user about it than other bootloaders.09:24
Cr4z33llutz: I actualy have not done the Ubuntu installation yet (struggling with RAID0), but my plan is to run Ubuntu and its grub both on the same partition.09:24
nmesiswhat version of ubuntu your using>09:24
llutz_Jordan_U: not according to my experience09:25
Jordan_UCr4z33: Why are you installing such an old version of Ubuntu?09:25
TbHackanybody know how to install GCC 4.5 on ubuntu 10.04?09:25
Cr4z33Jordan_U: because of raid0 not seen by the Ubuntu installers. I found out a user that installed v9.04 alternate succesfully09:25
KeKsCoRethank you ... i will test it ^^09:25
ikoniaTbHack: if it's not a package in the official repos, it's not a wise move09:26
MonkeyDustCr4z33: is 9.04 still supported?09:26
ikoniaCr4z33: 1.) installing onto raid0 is a bad call mostly, 2.) what type of raid, software/hardware/fakeraid09:26
Cr4z33ikonia: I know I still have to see Ubuntu running after 2 years... I have Intel ICH10R09:27
nmesisKeKsCoRe i think you should download compat-wireless-2011-05-2909:27
KeKsCoRebut i need to find the version for my 2.6.28 kernel ...09:27
TbHackikonia: yea well i couldn't find it09:27
nmesisthat is driver im using09:27
Jordan_UCr4z33: That sounds like a terrible plan. Better to find the root cause of the problem and install Ubuntu 10.04 or 11.04 from the beginning.09:27
TbHackso I guess I better then get a newer version of Ubuntu09:27
Cr4z33Jordan_U: Don't count on it. Many tried without success :P09:27
KeKsCoReor should i first install the newest ubunt version09:28
Cr4z33Jordan_U: The root cause is the software RAID09:28
Mjukselcan anyone tell me if maybe Ubuntu is not really used to getting 2 videocards :P09:28
ikoniaCr4z33: ok, so it's a fake raid issue,09:28
Mjukselthat could be the problem for not installing on my laptop09:28
ikoniaCr4z33: why do you want to run on fake raid 0 ?09:29
MonkeyDustCr4z33: is this link useful? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID09:29
nmesisKeKsCore im using 10.04 for my netbook its the best for me, i think 11.04 much resource hungry i tried it09:29
Cr4z33MonkeyDust: No tnx, already saw it and still no success.09:29
ikoniaCr4z33: I'm sure we can get you a working option09:29
Cr4z33ikonia: ubuntu 64 on RAID0. Can you imagine the power of it? :P09:29
ikoniaCr4z33: no - it's a false hood09:29
ikoniaCr4z33: you will not see any real benifit running on raid0 over a normal single disk layout09:30
KeKsCoRenmesis: ok sounds good i will load it ... thought of this netbook remix  and thats why i use this old ubunt09:30
dr-leeubuntu rocks!09:30
ikoniaCr4z33: you are using "fake raid" controller, you will not see the "from the book" benifits09:30
TbHackdownloading latest ubuntu, hopefully that will get me some GCC 4.5 support :P09:30
Cr4z33ikonia: Are you talking about Ubuntu only or generally?09:30
ikoniaCr4z33: generally09:30
nmesisi am using desktop version09:30
MjukselKeKsCoRe: are you hooked onto internet via a cable right now?09:31
Mjukselyou can do that backport installing for the Wlan09:31
KeKsCoRedoesnt work either09:31
Mjukselah !09:31
Cr4z33ikonia: I am afraid, but I don't agree. Working and playing under Windows 7 64 bit in RAID0 is much faster09:31
samuelWhy is Rhythmbox now telling me the bitrate of my songs rather than just telling me they're lossless in the quality pane?09:31
ikoniaCr4z33: that's slightly different as windows has the native fake raid drivers, that chip is meant for windows09:31
KeKsCoReand my sound doesnt work too ... so much work to du ^^09:31
Cr4z33ikonia: So that's not 'generally' ;)09:32
samuelikonia: Rhythmbox used to just tell me my FLAC tracks were "lossless" rather than giving me a number. I liked it that way but now it's different :(09:32
ikoniaCr4z33: however, it is a falsehood as the cpu controlling your raid array is the cpu on your board, not a raid cards, so09:32
ikoniasamuel: why are you telling me ?09:32
Cr4z33ikonia: So I wouldn't see any improvemente when i.e. compiling unde Ubuntu 64 bit in RAIDO?09:32
airtonixikonia: because twitter is down09:32
samuelikonia: Because I have fond memories of you.09:32
masdiqplease help me?09:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:32
ikoniaCr4z33: no, you wouldn't09:33
Cr4z33ikonia: Oh09:33
D-FENShi folks, how can i disable it that the network manager doesnt want to connect to every wlan whats next to me?09:33
Cr4z33ikonia: So I should just stick with Ubuntu 64 on a normal SATA drive?09:33
MjukselD-FENS: remove the passwords or forget the networks? :p09:33
Jordan_Uikonia: I disagree. RAID0, even with FakeRAID will give a boost in areas where disk IO is the bottleneck and not CPU.09:33
ikoniaCr4z33: in my view, yes, however if you insist on it, you may want to consider looking at software raid09:33
KeKsCoRean idea how to load this .iso on an usb stick to install it from there09:34
ikoniaJordan_U: it will give a boost, but not to the level of "see a difference when compiling"09:34
dr-leeohm man!!! why raid??09:34
dr-leeraid dosnt bring any advantage09:34
Cr4z33ikonia: What do you mean with 'software raid' exactly? Anything that might erase my current RAID0 content?09:34
ikoniadr-lee: it can09:34
D-FENSMjuksel, there is no password, they arent my networks, its just annoying that the networkmanager trie to connect to all which are in the list09:35
ikoniaCr4z33: linux has the ability to use software raid, which is controlled by the kernel, much in the same way as the fake raid you're trying to use09:35
ikoniaCr4z33: the difference is software raid is in the kernel, so fully supported, rather than an external device that's not09:35
MjukselKeKsCoRe: you mean the ubuntu iso?09:35
nbros652SMB and links question... I have a server set up that users have smb access to. I have a couple of folders that I want everyone to have access to. Is it possible to link to those folders from within each user's home directory and have it work? Right now, the link is there, and it works from ssh, but I get an access denied error when trying to access it as a windows share. I'm assuming it has something to do with the absolute path in the link making no s09:35
nbros652ense to the mounted smb folder???09:35
dr-leelook: when you want more audio tracks recorded at once you have to use a second harddisc and they nearly double the performance without reaid shit09:35
KeKsCoReMjuksel: yes09:35
Cr4z33ikonia: OK, and moving to that system will erase my current RAID0 content?09:35
ikoniadr-lee: control the language09:35
MjukselKeKsCoRe: use Unetbootin, bot windows/ubuntu :)09:35
dr-leesame with video and server stuff09:35
ikoniaCr4z33: correct, it will  (if you are using the same disks)09:35
Jordan_UKeKsCoRe: Follow the directions @ http://www.ubuntu.com/download .09:36
dr-leebut raid only makes trouble09:36
ikoniadr-lee: please stop talking nonsense09:36
Mjukselyeah Jordan_U: it says unetbootin there too right ^^09:36
nmesiswow , i just tried boxee media center its great :)09:36
dr-leeif you say so09:36
Cr4z33ikonia: Hmm I might think of it once I find a big empty drive for backupping everything. Any link where to know more about it?09:36
sleoni have question to ubuntu 11.0409:36
KeKsCoReJordan_U: i tried it with this img file of the ubuntu page ... but its outdated09:36
Jordan_UMjuksel: No, it suggests different tools that do basically the same thing. Either will work.09:36
sleonwhen i am printing it is always asking for the password, how to disable it?09:36
sleonthis is a COOL NEW feature09:37
ikoniaCr4z33: ton's on the web, it's supported using the alternative installCD09:37
dr-leeand be relaxed when some day the unthinkable happnes and your raid controller or motherboard has to be exchanged09:37
ikoniadr-lee: please stop now09:37
Mjukselah okay Jordan_U :) KeKsCoRe: just look for unetbootin, apt-get install unetbootin or download it if youre on windows now ^^09:37
Cr4z33ikonia: You talking perhaps about dmraid?09:37
ikoniaCr4z33: no, that's fake raid09:37
wraithguard01oCean-> Thank you very much, I'll look into that ^.^09:38
KeKsCoRe<- windows(-.-)  gamin pc ^^09:38
nmesisKeKsCoRe if your on ubuntu you can use startup disk creator09:38
halvorhei hei09:38
Cr4z33ikonia: Btw what about Windows then? Will it work with the software RAID created by Ubuntu? O_o09:38
nmesisow windows XD09:38
Mjukselhahah :p doesnt matter we still like you ^^09:38
johnchi, is there any reason the gnome desktop Appearance -> Visual effects tab is unavailable on my installation. I have the nVidia drivers installed. Additional Drivers says they are activated but not used but been told this is simply a bug saying they aren't installed when they actually are09:39
dr-lee<- ubuntu 11.04 with 2.6.39-candela kernel :)09:39
johncubuntu 11.04 btw09:39
ikoniaCr4z33: no, not at all,09:39
nmesisI have windows for League of legends only ahah09:39
Cr4z33ikonia: omg than it's a no no09:39
halvorcould anyone notice a significant change in system responsiveness and speed after changing from globalmenu to appmenu? (in maverick)09:39
Mjukselnmesis: i have windows for Adobe Master Suite, it sucks to get working on Ubuntu :(09:40
KeKsCoReI am playin LoL too ^^09:40
pksadiqubuntu 11.04 showing 10.10 in firefox first start(offline) :O09:40
Mjukselif not i would have been running Ubuntu all the time09:40
Cr4z33ikonia: Thanks for your support.09:40
Cr4z33Cya everybody.09:40
Mjukselcya Cr4z3309:40
dr-leeremoved adobe flash and installed gnash - works good :)09:41
nmesisMjuksel, there are still bugs running it in ubuntu09:41
ikoniac_arenz: no problem09:41
dr-leeno bugs here :)09:41
Mjukselyeah i know nmesis thats why i still run windows.09:42
dr-leeok - ardour 3 alpha 4 is a lil unstable, when loading vst plugins without the steinberg sdk09:42
KeKsCoRei do hate flashplayer -.-   the only firefox version workin on my windows pc is firefox 4 beta 8 ... all other versions just crashin' every 5 minutes09:42
nmesisbut for my netbook full ubuntu for programming purposes09:42
KeKsCoReand i think it comes from the adobe flash ...09:43
dr-leejavascript isnt too charming, too ?09:43
Mjukselhmm, well actually i only need Dreamweaver from the Master Suite, but i havent found a nice html editor like dreamweaver09:43
Mjukselat least not one that is complete like DW..09:43
dr-leeyoutube can be viewed without flash using html 509:43
dr-leeno need for adobe or other propierty software anymore - thanks you ubuntu :)09:44
nmesisdoes safari supports html5?09:44
GerwinYes, since version 409:45
dr-leether is a html5 test page inthe net09:45
dr-leesalasaga can create and safe flash files :)09:46
tanathhow can i enable apps run as another user to access X so i can use gui apps? on live disc if it matters09:46
dr-leesorry i am linux noob :( cant help09:47
dr-leewhat do you wanna do exactly tanath?09:47
AnggaDj98su -> substitute user09:48
nbros652SMB and links question... I have an Ubuntu server set up that users have smb access to. I have a couple of folders that I want everyone to have access to. Is it possible to link to those folders from within each user's home directory and have it work? Right now, the link is there, and it works from ssh, but I get an access denied error when trying to access it as a windows share. I'm assuming it has something to do with the absolute path in the link mak09:48
nbros652ing no sense to the mounted smb folder???09:48
tanathtrying to run a gui app as another user on a live disc, but it can't because it's 'ubuntu' which has permissions for X09:48
tanathdr-lee, trying to run mbam from HDD on live disc09:48
ikoniaAnggaDj98: "switch user"09:48
AnggaDj98ikonia: substitute user09:49
AnggaDj98you can substitute your user with anyone in the computer as long as you have the root password09:49
yuvatejai installed flasm package for flash animations. but it tabs or icons not appear in the applications and its sub tabs'09:50
KeKsCoReusin unetbootin will just creat my bootable usb flash drive ... its very confusing to read install everywhere09:51
dr-leetanath, i c - i do have some malware problems here too, but only on my old offline win7 pc.09:51
tanathdr-lee, mbam is good for that ;) one of the reasons i'm trying to run it09:51
dr-leei would say dont use malware or antivir stuff09:51
IdleOneAnggaDj98: according to man su, switch user would be a more accurate description. substitute would imply using a different user to to the job of the first.09:51
IdleOneto do*09:51
dr-leewhen i check my winsoftware harddisc there are maybe 100 suspecious files, many of them keygens and patches09:52
tanathalways thought it was super user09:52
AnggaDj98su is short of substitute user but the command implies switch user09:52
AnggaDj98i got it09:52
nmesisKeKsCoRe, what do you mean?09:52
yuvatejamay i install vm ware from ubuntu /09:52
dr-leeisnt qemu not usefull?09:53
KeKsCoRewhen i start unetbootin ... usin my iso ...   then there is extracting files ... and then smth about installing09:53
AnggaDj98KeKsCoRe: its installing your iso to the removable drive09:54
KeKsCoRehmm but why restart o.O09:54
tanathhow can i run gui apps (on live disc) as another user?09:54
AnggaDj98after installing, yes09:54
nmesisthats auto i think09:54
johnchi, is there any reason the gnome desktop Appearance -> Visual effects tab is unavailable on my installation. I have the nVidia drivers installed. Additional Drivers says they are activated but not used but been told this is simply a bug saying they aren't installed when they actually are09:54
dr-leestartxserv or something i guess09:54
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tanathcannot open display: :0.009:55
KeKsCoRe... so now to a completly other question ...09:55
dr-leedont know exactly09:55
dr-leebut there is a commans to start the xserv09:55
KeKsCoRehow do i stream my media files in my network (from win pc)  so that i can use them on the netbook09:55
tanathdr-lee, X is already running though ;)09:55
dr-leebut i tell you my friend, in linux world i havent found a malware problem :)09:55
Trond--Does Totem mediaplayer have a irc channel ?09:56
AnggaDj98KeKsCoRe: remotely?09:56
dr-leeonly windows world, so stay away from the not opens source stuff09:56
AnggaDj98KeKsCoRe: never mind09:56
tanathdr-lee, it's windows malware. hence windows scanner :P09:56
tanathdr-lee, not always an option09:56
dr-leeand then? it find 100 nice apps and you have to delete em :(09:56
dr-leei am only using the win 7 for things i cant do with ubuntu09:57
KeKsCoRe... kind of like the file-sharing option of win09:57
dr-leereally, you will see: many keygens and patches which will be detected as malware09:57
tanathdr-lee, i'll not buy windows since they stopped giving the install disc even when you buy the OS09:58
tanathKeKsCoRe, oh? nothing you can't do just as good or better on linux09:58
tanathdr-lee, re: keygens, i know09:58
tanathdr-lee, some of them will work, yet still actually are malware though ;)09:58
tanathdr-lee, such as the one that caused this prob09:58
KeKsCoRe? im confused09:59
nmesisKeKsCoRe, do you mean file sharing between lan?09:59
tanathKeKsCoRe, i'm confused why you're confused...09:59
dr-leeas mentioned, nearly everything can be done within ubuntu09:59
KeKsCoReyeah kind of ... but just for my music and my movies10:00
tanathKeKsCoRe, right-click folder, share..10:00
dr-leeflash, photoshop files loading  and safing, windows and osx photoshop plugins importing, win 32 and 64 vst plugins importing.....10:00
tanathKeKsCoRe, shows up on network. grab files at will10:00
photonhi. I have successfully mounted my sd card, then safely removed it. now I want to remount it again, but after plugging it into the slot, Ubuntu does not recognize it. I presume this is because I previously unmounted it. how can I make it show up again?10:00
KeKsCoRe... but between win and linux ?10:00
tanathKeKsCoRe, yes10:00
tanathKeKsCoRe, use samba10:00
ShirakawasunaI'm having some problems w/ guake - the first tab has proper transparency, but subsequent ones are entirely opaque (black background).  I'm using Unity + nouveau.  Anyone else have this issue?10:01
Shirakawasuna(or anyone aware of a fix?)10:01
nmesisphoton , look at disk utility at administration>disk utility check if there is inserter dev/sdX10:02
tanathKeKsCoRe, sudo apt-get install system-config-samba10:02
nmesisyou can also mount it there10:02
prezidenteverytime i load up my linux with linux-image-2. 2.6.38-8.42  my screen turns black and i can't go anywhere i have to reboot ive tried recovery but still didn't work anybody know whats going on ?10:02
KeKsCoReokey and what to do on win ?10:02
tanathShirakawasuna, i blame unity10:02
photonnmesis: it's not there. it also looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks/+bug/751644 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks/+bug/74330310:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 751644 in udisks (Ubuntu) "SD Card mounts first time but will not remount" [Undecided,New]10:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 743303 in udisks (Ubuntu) "SD Card mounts first time but will not remount" [Undecided,New]10:03
tanathKeKsCoRe, er... are you sending files both ways? if not, which way?10:03
Shirakawasunaso do I ;)10:03
KeKsCoRefrom win to linux10:03
Shirakawasunabut I actually like unity, just not this little bug10:03
dr-leei can truly recommend ubuntu natty with 2.6.39 candela kernel10:03
photonnmesis: I wonder if there is a way to remount it without having to restart ubuntu.10:03
tanathKeKsCoRe, then depends on what version. google how to share files on network for your os. ubuntu can navigate windows network via samba10:04
KeKsCoReok i got it10:04
KeKsCoRe... thanks10:04
tanathphoton, 'man mount'10:05
dr-leeany1 here who knows how i can find out if wine64 is installed ( not wine 32bit)10:05
photontanath: sure, but what should I mount? there is no additional device in /dev/sd*, like there usually is.10:05
KeKsCoRe-.- ubuntu 10.04 netbook ... -> wireless is workin10:05
tanathphoton, sorry, missed the rest of your issue10:05
tanathphoton, restate?10:06
KeKsCoRebut my touchpad not o.O10:06
photontanath: I have successfully mounted my sd card, then safely removed it. now I want to remount it again, but after plugging it into the slot, Ubuntu does not recognize it. I presume this is because I previously unmounted it. how can I make it show up again?10:06
tanathphoton, shouldn't be because you unmounted it. it should detect it. wiggle it mebbe? plug again?10:06
tanathphoton, try different port?10:07
photontanath: it seems to be a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks/+bug/74330310:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 743303 in udisks (Ubuntu) "SD Card mounts first time but will not remount" [Undecided,New]10:07
photontanath: will try\10:07
nmesisphoton, you can make manual mounting it10:07
tanathphoton, i may have encountered that bug. usually using a different port works10:07
photonnmesis: yeah, but how do I go about remounting it if it does not show up as a device in /dev/?10:08
photontanath: I only have one SD card port10:08
tanathphoton, run 'nautilus -q' and try again10:08
tanathphoton, any file manager windows will close10:08
tanathphoton, alt+f2 > nautilus -q10:09
tanathor from terminal10:09
photontanath: did it, still now showing up. I think it's because I used "safely remove device" and not just "unmount" from the device's menu.10:10
tanathphoton, possibly, but you _should_ use safely remove10:10
photonis there a device recognition service running in the background I could restart?10:10
CooKieMonsteranyone here now a regular express that remove all links ?10:11
beliCooKieMonster: be more specific...what are you going to do?10:11
tanathphoton, try sudo service udevmonitor restart10:11
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beliCooKieMonster: maybe you want sth. like: find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec rm -f {} \;10:13
KeKsCoReubuntu 10.04 is workin muuuuuch better ... than 9.04 .... (in case of my netbook ) ... it was laggin all the time .... but ... and now the live of 10.04  works more  fluent then the installed 910:13
KeKsCoReniiice ^^10:13
tanathKeKsCoRe, 10.10 is the best so far :P10:14
KeKsCoRebut ther is not 10 10 netbook version ... or i just found none10:14
nmesisi havent tried 10.10 just 10.04 - 11.0410:14
photontanath: didn't do it. well, I give up. thanks for your support though. :)10:14
tanathKeKsCoRe, upgrade distro via repos?10:14
AlexandrosGRi can't remove the 266 driver10:14
AlexandrosGRplease help me!!10:14
tanathphoton, would take more time to narrow down. if short on time a reboot is likely to work10:15
dr-leethe latest kernel runs very efficient and is suposed to be realtime10:15
KeKsCoRetanath: im just a complete linux newbie ... but i have the skills and the might to google ... and i have a brain ... and ... ^^ im lazy :)10:15
zl0yhi all10:15
beliAlexandrosGR: be more specific and be patient!10:16
tanathAlexandrosGR, if you stated an error you might get some help10:16
zl0ycan any body help me to mount smb without sudo or root? whitch group I should append user to?10:16
tanathAlexandrosGR, helping helpers help you helps :P10:16
nbros652found the answer to my own question: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/5120/make-samba-follow-symlink-outside-share10:16
belizl0y: you can add conmands for users to be allowd to do them with sudo also10:16
p1oooopzl0y: I'm afraid that's not possible (in any way that I know of)10:16
p1oooopother than that... LOL10:17
p1oooopbut then, it would pose a security risk...10:17
p1oooop(in case someone decides to mount something malicious)10:17
AlexandrosGRit tell me that i don't have privileges to do this action10:17
zl0ybeli, without sudo10:17
AlexandrosGRand the window that i should put my pass shakes10:17
nmesisAlexandrosGR sudo then the command10:18
belizl0y: setuid/setgid script that does the job...but thats really not for security10:18
tanathshakes? o_O10:18
AlexandrosGRhow?i dont know?10:18
nmesismaybe the screen lock @@10:18
zl0ybeli, could you please describe more detailed about setuid/setgid script?10:18
belizl0y: read the chmod manual and search for setuid bit10:19
tanathdammit, this happens like every time i come here. come here for help and spend more time helping others than getting help10:19
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belizl0y: but use sudo....sudo is not for giving root access only...read its manual too10:20
zl0ybeli, I know what is the chmod and setuid bit10:20
nmesistanath helping is fun ^^10:20
belizl0y: so wheres the problem then?10:20
tanathnmesis, sometimes, lol10:20
tanathnmesis, but it's 520am here and i want to get this scan started so i can go to bed >.<10:20
pvh_sahey there, i'm on ubuntu 11.04, since a few days ago i get lots of noise on my microphone. anyone got an idea how to debug this?10:20
zl0ybeli, what the script? where I should change bit?10:20
nmesisLOL, 5:20 ?10:21
tanathnmesis, yeah...10:21
nmesisdrink energy drink so you will be still alive10:21
tanathnmesis, no, i need to sleep soon, lol10:22
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dr-lee@pvh_sa having problems here too with the build in mic in ubuntu 11.0410:22
tanathnmesis, caffeine bad10:22
nmesisif not too much its helpful10:22
pvh_sadr-lee, i've got a toshiba portege r700 ic2, what do you have?10:23
belizl0y: you said you know what it is.....so why not read the manuals for detailed information?10:23
dr-leemedion discounter laptop with intelcore2duo@1.4 ghz - 4 years old10:23
zl0ybeli, I have already read it10:23
KeKsCoRe... <sing> this was a triumph, im makin a note here: HUGE SUCCESS</sing>10:23
zl0ybeli, You told about script10:24
nmesiscongrats KeKsCoRe10:24
KeKsCoRethank you all seems to work so far ^^10:24
zl0ybeli, what script was you talking about?10:24
nmesisyour using 10.04 netbook edition?10:25
belizl0y: yes...create a script/binary/whatever that does the job you want......put it into a public ENV path, give it the user/group and special setuid/setgid perms you want it to have....and have your users run it ;)10:25
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belizl0y:  and again.....use sudo features.......read the manual...its all in there10:25
zl0yI can't use sudo10:26
belizl0y: do not use setgid/setgid if there is really no other possibility10:26
belizl0y: why not?10:26
zl0ybecause the program will perform all actions automatically, but it cannot enter password10:27
tanathKeKsCoRe, samba, etc?10:27
belizl0y: open your mind and trust me and read the sudo manuals! you can do it with NOPASSWD option10:28
tanathKeKsCoRe, now you got that song stuck in my head. thanks10:28
KeKsCoReim installin samba right after updatin10:28
prezidentcan anybody tell me how to fix a kernel that doesn't want to work everytime i try to go on 2.6.38-8-generic it gives me black screen and doesn't want to run any fix /10:29
tanathKeKsCoRe, ...no use crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake!10:29
ubuntu_how can i add nickname to a group?10:29
KeKsCoRehow do i update on 10.1010:29
zambathe latest nvidia driver has messed up my two-display setup.. instead of getting two separate screens, where i can make one primary and place the launcher on, it's now a continous space10:29
zl0ybeli, ok, thank you very much10:29
tanathKeKsCoRe, 'sudo do-release-upgrade' i think10:30
zambapreviously i got two outputs when i used 'xrandr', but now i only got one10:30
ubuntu_help me please10:30
beliubuntu_: man useradd --> G option10:30
tanathprezident, any other signs of life? disk activity? does it freeze?10:32
ubuntu_i can't join to c++ channel.how to join to it?10:32
tanathprezident, if it doesn't freeze, try setting video mode to something low that should work?10:33
tanath /j #channel10:33
prezidenti can't even log on10:33
prezidentit just a black screen10:33
tanathprezident, you set it in grub by adding it to the command line10:33
prezidenttanath its just a black screen and it doesn't move10:33
tanathprezident, listen for hard drive activity. hit numlock/capslock to see if keyboard freezes10:34
IdleOneubuntu_: you need to register you nick to enter #c++10:34
IdleOne!register | ubuntu_10:34
ubottuubuntu_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:34
ubuntu_how to register in c++?10:34
tanathprezident, if it's not locking up, hit 'e' in grub to edit command line. look up grub stuff for what to do10:34
prezidentive tried its not the hard drive its the kernel bcuz when i got to an older kernel it works fine10:34
IdleOneubuntu_: read the link ubottu just gave you.10:34
MaDiNfO_Workis anyone knows if Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS10:35
MaDiNfO_Work PHP version is going to be updated soon ? to  5.3.4???  5.3.2 has some security issues...10:35
tanathprezident, i didn't suggest it was 'the hard drive' i said to listen to hard drive activity to see if it was doing anything while you couldn't see shit10:35
IdleOnetanath: no cursing please10:35
XuMuKhi folks10:36
zl0yone more question10:36
tanathIdleOne, yeah, it's 536am. i'm tired10:36
prezidentlol tanath are you mad ? lol calm down buddy10:36
yassine_hell_hi ... bored what can we do on linux ..10:36
zl0ywat's wrong: sudo ip route add via dev eth010:36
zl0y[sudo] password for int:10:36
zl0yRTNETLINK answers: No such process10:36
prezidentthanx neway for your help10:36
MuNk`how do you restart the unity bar? >.> its frozen on me10:36
IdleOnetanath: then go to sleep if you can't control yourself :)10:36
tanathprezident, i come here to get help, and typically end up helping others 'til the wee hours. i need to go to bed10:36
XuMuKnow all my links in weechat are opened by ff and I would like to use chrome instead10:36
XuMuKhow should I change it?10:37
prezidenttanath o ok go head man get sum rest10:37
tanathIdleOne, there's also the fact that i don't necessarily agree with the policy, but i don't bother disputing it10:37
XuMuKAny idea?10:37
tanathprezident, i'd rather not waste time. i need my issue resolved. i can't do much with my comp right now10:37
IdleOnetanath: agrrement is not required, only compliance.10:37
prezidentaww man10:37
tanathprezident, need to start a scan before bed, but having trouble with that10:38
yassine_hell_question : whats linux redhat?10:38
prezidenta scan i hope not for viruses10:38
tanathprezident, yup10:38
prezidenton linux ?10:38
tanathprezident, well, malware anyway10:38
MonkeyDustyassine_hell_: red hat is a distro, like ubuntu fedora or suse10:38
DJonesyassine_hell_: Its another version of the linus operating syatem10:38
tanathprezident, windows malware10:38
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prezidentoooo man windows suck ! no offense windows ppl10:38
tanathprezident, trying to get windows scanner working from live disc10:39
yassine_hell_:) ok ty10:39
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DJones!redhat | yassine_hell_10:39
ubottuyassine_hell_: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)10:39
IdleOneyassine_hell_: redhat.com and it is offtopic for here, you can maybe ask in #ubuntu-offtopic10:39
XuMuKSomeone can help me, please?10:39
userI have a huge prob with Linux Mint and Ubuntu10:39
yassine_hell_IdleOne sorry..10:39
prezidentits tons of freen scans online that are not scams10:39
MonkeyDust!ask| XuMuK10:39
ubottuXuMuK: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:39
prezidenttry one10:39
userI might switch to Windows if I can't fix it10:39
improveupon! my gui keeps freezing after suspend (on a laptop) and half the time when i boot it it doesn't ask for a login10:39
ubottuimproveupon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:39
MonkeyDustuser: whats the prob?10:40
tanathprezident, you know one that could work? :P10:40
improveuponrelax, i did not mean to summon thee, bot10:40
XuMuKMonkeyDust, I asked allready but none answered10:40
userHow to bblock porn in Ubuntu or Linux Mint and how to stop getting tempted to wacth porn10:40
KeKsCoRenow updatin and upgradin ^^10:40
userPlz porn is a serious problem that needs to be stoppoed now10:40
XuMuKnow all my links in weechat are opened by ff and I would like to use chrome instead10:41
yassine_hell_ok , i tried to enter to my router with firefox, but it says i need javascript or something like that ...10:41
XuMuKhow should I change it?10:41
tanathprezident, just tried bitdefender. not compatible with linux :P10:41
userusually it happens when I am bored so if u can tell me some fun stuff to do on Ubuntu for free I might stop it10:41
MonkeyDustuser: i think that is not ubuntu related, it is a prob on all platforms and world wide10:41
prezidentyea i was just checking that one out10:41
prezidenti thought you had windows10:41
useryeah but haerd to block on Ubuntu10:41
improveuponuser, go out and buy porn not on the computer10:42
prezidenttanath http://download.cnet.com/AVG-Anti-Virus-Free-Edition-2011/3000-2239_4-10320142.html10:42
XuMuKuseless channel, it's about anything less ubuntu help...10:42
improveuponi want ubuntu help10:43
tanathprezident, avg is terrible. i'll not bother with it10:43
prezidento ok10:43
tanathprezident, it has like the worst detection rates10:43
prezidenttanath if you wanna make sure windows don't have malware just throw your computer out the window10:43
yassine_hell_how can i make the sound gets out from the headphones only?10:44
tanathprezident, i managed for nearly 2 decades to never get infected. first time 'cause i trusted a friend10:44
ns5Hi!  Has the power consumption bug in 11.04 been fixed?10:44
prezidenttanath smh thats f^10:45
prezidentwhat type of malware is it you know10:45
prezidentwhat is it doin to your cpu10:45
tanathprezident, trojans10:45
jpds!ot | tanath, prezident10:45
ubottutanath, prezident: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:45
tanathprezident, and rootkit methinks10:45
tanathjpds, it's called context10:45
ShishKababI think my NVidia 8600GT card is slowly dying. I'm thinking of replacing it with an ATI Radeon HD5670. I've heard that there were a lot of issues with ATI drivers, but ATI has open-sourced the drivers since then, What's the stance on ATI drivers nowadays?10:45
tanathprezident, hm. trend micro one won't let me click next on license agreement. nothing happens10:46
yassine_hell_any one knows how?10:48
dsather u talking bout antivirus ?10:48
dsatheu dont need it10:48
yassine_hell_dsathe me? no im not talking about anti viruis10:49
tanathdsathe, how would you know?10:49
dsathewat u askin ?10:49
dsathei read trend micro10:49
MuNk`the bar on the side of net ubuntu 11.04, has locked up is there a way to reload it?10:49
dsathesrry just came ol10:49
dsatheMuNk`: compiz --replace10:50
yassine_hell_dsathe i want to use only the headphones on my ubuntu , not the seekers10:50
s3r3n1t7tanath, discussion which AV would be better is an offtopic discussion and not support related.10:50
dsatheaah kk10:50
dsathelaptop model ?10:50
yassine_hell_i tried to "mute" the "master" in the mixer10:50
tanaths3r3n1t7, not aware of anyone having that discussion10:50
dsatheu probably have to add a line to modprobe.conf or alsa.conf10:50
monkeyne one tried backtrack 5?10:50
yassine_hell_monkey i am lol10:51
yassine_hell_dsathe wer do i find that?10:51
XenoPhoenixSince the upgrade to 11.04, my video is green until I unplug the HDMI cable and plug it back in, If i then turn the TV off and on again it's green again till I replug it again, (intel driver) and idea what might be causing this and how to solve it?10:51
tanaths3r3n1t7, and actually, it would be support related for my issue10:51
s3r3n1t7tanath, it would not be. What would be support related is finding a way to remove the trojan, discussion which AV is not.10:52
HectorAOssaHnick newnic10:52
tanaths3r3n1t7, that would be the point of discussing which is more effective no?10:52
monkeycode/programming  questions can be asked here?......m new to this10:52
s3r3n1t7tanath, no, the point would be how to remove that trojan, the discussion which is better has no effect on that.10:52
asdjaputramonkey, no10:52
tanaths3r3n1t7, but again, didn't see anyone having that discussion, so not sure why you're telling me that10:52
tanaths3r3n1t7, better _for removing said malware_10:53
s3r3n1t7<tanath> prezident, avg is terrible. i'll not bother with it10:53
asdjaputramonkey, ask a programming specific channel10:53
tanaths3r3n1t7, nothing wrong with that comment10:53
monkeyprogramming specific channel plz!!!!!!!!!!1110:53
tanathmonkey, there's different ones for different langauges10:54
haseI'm trying to set up port forwarding10:54
yassine_hell_so how can i use only my headphones in ubuntu?10:54
monkeyasdjaputra:plz help me out.........need it urgently10:54
tanathhase, you should prolly use gufw10:54
asdjaputramonkey, google for "Java freenode channel"10:55
arovijin my synaptec manager i see xvfb2:1.4.1 but I want to download xvfb2:1.4.2 . how do i do that?10:57
asdjaputramonkey, i found ##java10:57
tanatharovij, ctrl+e10:57
asdjaputrabut you need to be registered with the network10:58
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arovijtanath : I am sorry please give more details.10:58
tanatharovij, select package > ctrl+e. if it sees multiple versions it'll let you choose and 'force version'10:58
arovijtanath : Thanks. but here also i don't see 2:1.4.2 I see only 2:1.4.1 version10:59
arovijtanath : let me do a apt-get update10:59
tanatharovij, good idea10:59
tanatharovij, must be in a repo to install with synaptic11:00
haseI changed my network interfaces and hosts files to give myself a static ip and it changed my ip on my router, but when i set up the port forwarding on the rotuer it still says it's not open on the website to check it, I just tried gufw and that didn't seem to change anything...11:01
arovijtanath : i did a sudo apt-get update but in synaptec i still don't see latest version .. may be it's because My Ubuntu 8.04.4 is not supposed to have that???11:02
tanatharovij, likely. enable backports repository and see if it shows up11:03
monkeyprogramming specific channel plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:03
jpdsmonkey: Well, which programming language?11:03
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tanatharovij, poke in synaptic's menus. you should find it11:03
arovijtanath : am new to this.. please tell me how do I do this. Thanks for your patience. :)11:03
tanatharovij, don't forget to update/reload again11:03
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jpdsmonkey: Tried ##java ?11:04
tanatharovij, somewhere in the menus it says Repositories. look for the backports repo and enable it. then reload11:05
IraqiI have error in time installing AR5523 but there error : Couldn't create the /usr/src/linux symlink! and I googled was found in ubuntu have same ! how fix it?11:07
monkeyjdps: its not connectin11:08
arovijtanath : I found repositories. But am not able to find backports repo.. give me a min... i11:08
tanatharovij, settings > repositories > updates11:09
tanatharovij, enable proposed and backports11:09
tanatharovij, also, enable security updates without confirmation is a good idea11:10
arovijtanath : it's greyed out for me... I cannot select any of those :(11:11
tanatharovij, did you somehow do something to your sources.list?11:11
arovijtanath : guilty as charged.. yes I have messed up that..11:12
tanatharovij, i guess you're missing a few11:12
ys0there are some 8086 emulator for ubuntu?11:12
codingenesiscan anyone tell me, what .thumnails  is meant for ???11:12
tanatharovij, ubuntu tweak is a handy app for editing it11:12
codingenesisthumbnails *11:12
ys0i have to test some simple source code11:12
prod___Hi all, i have a small problem that is mainly because i am unable to word it and find a response on google. I bought a vpn account and was given a vpn-provider.ca.crt. I am trying to automate the vpn connection on startup but as its a "username and password style" vpn connection it requires me to enter details before connecting (not very automated). I think i need to create .key files but am unsure. Can anyone help me? Jus11:13
prod___t a link to a tutorial/docu would be enough. The ubuntu docu only says about creatin new certificates and not what i am looking for. TIA11:13
ys0anyone knows a 8086 simulator for linux?11:14
arovijtanath : ok... I couple of weeks back I wanted to compile firefox and it needed older version of some softwares so I added few stuff and i din keep a backup of my sources.list.. How do I rectify that?11:14
Pokemoni do not know11:14
ys0Pokemon: thx for the answeer ;)11:14
codingenesishey  pls tell me .....what are .thumbnail in home folder for ???11:14
tanatharovij, why compile when there are ready-made binaries?11:14
codingenesisdo they automatically take the snapshot of what ayou are doing ??11:14
arovijtanath : I wanted to apply some patches I had written11:15
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tanatharovij, 8.04 ?11:15
arovijtanath : yes11:15
tanatharovij, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78357711:15
tanatharovij, good reason for old release?11:16
codingenesiswhat ever images i saw got saved in .thumbnails folder in home !! How is that possible ???11:16
DasEiarovij: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/11:16
codingenesisdoes it mean someone hacked my pc ???11:16
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tanathcodingenesis, uh, they're the cached thumbnails...11:17
arovijtanath : No particular reason.. Just scared. Don't want to break stuff till present project is over11:17
tanatharovij, ubuntu improved much up 'till 10.1011:17
codingenesistanath : So it is all normal ??11:18
tanathcodingenesis, yes11:18
arovijtanath : i will update it this weekend :) Thanks for your help..11:18
tanathcodingenesis, file manager makes thumbnails (mini versions) so you can see what the image looks like before opening it. these are cached so it doesn't have to recreate them every time11:19
tanatharovij, np11:19
codingenesistanath: so why they are stored in thumbnails folder??11:19
asdjaputra10% battery remaning!11:19
tanathcodingenesis, that's the location of the cache. such mini images are known as thumbnails11:19
codingenesiswhy are they cached ??11:19
tanathcodingenesis, for performance11:20
tanathcodingenesis, would be slow if it had to rescan all the images every time you opened the folder11:20
arovijtanath : for the time being if I want to use a wget to get the latest Xvfb and not apt-get. Is it possible?11:20
tanatharovij, yeah. can browse to packages.ubuntu.com i think and grab packages manually11:21
tanatharovij, gwget is handy btw11:21
arovijtanath , gwget.. ok lemme check that...11:21
tanatharovij, then 'dpkg -i package.deb' to install11:21
codingenesistanath: thanks  :)   so in windows there must also be something similar to thumbnails folder ???11:22
tanatharovij, simple gui for wget. resides in notification area11:22
tanathcodingenesis, yeah11:22
codingenesistanath: can you tell me where i can find that??11:23
arovijtanath.. one problem I am looking for Xvfb is , the machine where I am trying to install this doesn't 've a X . No monitor..11:23
tanathcodingenesis, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_thumbnail_cache11:23
rileypneed help with usb sound card on 10.0411:23
tanatharovij, ah11:23
rileypsound comes out in mythtv but sounds awful11:24
rileypno sound in firefox or vlc11:24
arovijtanath : The whole idea is to run firefox in a machine which doen't 've a x. It already has a Xvfb but not the latest version.. want to get the latest version..11:24
rileypit comes up as usb audip11:24
osseIn gnome-terminal there is an option under Keyboard preferences to turn off menu access via the Alt key. But it doesn't have any effect. I'm on 11.04. Is there a way to get around it?11:24
tanatharovij, o_O if you want a browser for a box without X, i'd recommend elinks11:24
rileypcan anyomne help me with my asound.rc11:25
tanatharovij, seems to be the best browser designed for such a scenario11:25
rileypalsamixer wil not run11:25
MonkeyDustrileyp: more details pls, what have you, what errors do you get, what type of card do you use etc11:25
arovijtanath : Nice smiley...... ok let me try that... But does it execute javascript?11:25
codingenesistanath: if  a remote computer wants to access those thumbnails can they access it11:25
tanatharovij, i believe so11:25
arovijtanath : am asking too many questions. let me find that out by myself.11:26
tanathcodingenesis, not generally... they'd have to be able to access the folder. in which case they can access the images themselves11:26
rileypMonkeyDust:  Its a usb sound card from ebay $2  it produces sound but when I run alsamixer it says cannot open mixer: No such file or directory11:27
tanatharovij, if not, i'm sure i'd be easier/better to modify elinks than firefox11:27
codingenesistanath: Thanks friend for your help !! :)11:27
tanathcodingenesis, np11:27
rileypIt only works in mythtv and it sounds terrible11:27
arovijtanath : definately .. I had severe hair loss going thru firefox code11:27
rileypI'll pastebin aplay -l and some other info Hang on11:28
rileyp [AUDIO          ]: USB-Audio - USB  AUDIO11:28
rileypUSB  AUDIO at usb-0000:00:12.0-3, full speed11:29
Mjukselim off for a break guys11:29
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
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rileyphttp://pastebin.com/5iCUAZ8v  my usb soundcard11:39
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rileypcan someone help me get alsamixer working with it11:39
rileypand make it default11:39
RevSpecies116rileyp, Ubuntu?11:40
rileypoh yeah 10.0411:40
rileypRevSpecies116:  10.0411:40
nephxHi! Just installed ubuntu, must say, epic cheesy interface... Any way I can get rid of all this and just have plain old gnome?11:41
YankDownUndernephx, Yes...there is...11:41
rileypRevSpecies116:  Mythbuntu11:41
RevSpecies116Ahhh, wrong channel, rileyp - this is Ubuntu support11:41
YankDownUndernephx, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html11:42
RevSpecies116Myth runs on XFCE411:42
Stormshadowhi all11:42
ossenephx, at login there is a button somewhere that let's you choose a session. From there you can choose regular Gnome11:42
YankDownUnderYou can make Gnome3 act/look basically like Gnome211:42
geemeHi there. Can anyone recommend a way to stream a usb webcam attached locally by USB to a 10.10 server to a webpage. Looking to then "connect"it up to Zoneminder VM to monitor along with other network cameras11:42
nephxThis unity thing is horribly laggy... Totally new laptop with i5 can't handle the launcher... Pathetic11:43
geemeI have used "motion" but find it is unreliable. Considering using VLC.11:43
StormshadowIm trying to understand locale stuff :: how can i add a locale such that its listed when i execute locale -a?11:43
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nephxomg this is horrible11:46
AbTuxI want to upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to 11.04 , is it possible online or using a DVD?11:46
YankDownUndernephx, Mate, get rid of it completely, move to Gnome3, tweak it out to be "normal" like Gnome2, and Bob's yer uncle.11:46
RevSpecies116Nephx, at the login screen, choose Ubuntu Classic as the 'session' - Unity will not be there11:47
nephxBtw, wth is libre office?11:47
mervakabut forked11:48
RevSpecies116rileyp: try #ubuntu-mythtv11:48
rpisharodyYeah and it is actively developed11:48
RevSpecies116nephx, have you logged out yet to get back to a non-unity desktop?11:48
nephxRevSpecies116, of course11:49
nephxthat thing was totally unusable11:49
RevSpecies116Ahhh, good :)11:49
AbTuxI want to upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to 11.04 , is it possible online or using a DVD?11:49
RevSpecies116AbTux: yes11:50
RevSpecies116But not directly, AbTux11:50
AbTuxRevSpecies116: what you mean by not directly?11:50
RevSpecies116You need to update through 9.10, 10.04, 10.10, to 11.0411:50
RevSpecies116That is the only [not even supported] way to upgrade to 11.0411:51
Sidewinder1!eol > AbTux11:52
ubottuAbTux, please see my private message11:52
ricreeFrom time to time, using right+left mouse buttons at the same time to generate a middle click seems to stop working.  Resetting the computer fixes this, but I'd prefer a solution that doesn't require resets11:53
rileypRevSpecies116:  ubuntu and mythbuntu no driver differnces only gui I want to make a usb sound card work11:55
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Jim1Hello. I hope someone might be able to give an opinion. I have a box I use for torrent, surfing and word processing. I need to put in a new 2Tb HDD. Must be quiet and use little power and be reliable. Am thinking about the WD20EARX. Any experience with this? I will also be installing 11.04 - upgrading from 10.04.11:55
rileypRevSpecies116:  I know I have xfce4 thats fine my problem will not be resolved in the fn gui11:56
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Sidewinder1ricree, If there's nothing in: System--.Pregerences--> Mouse that corrects the problem, perhaps there's an updated mouse-driver you could use?11:56
rileypsomeone please11:57
rileypalsamixer no worky i want to make my sound card default11:57
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rileyp and resolve issues11:57
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RevSpecies116rileyp: try #ubuntu-mythtv11:58
rileypRevSpecies116:  no one on that channel11:58
CheckMate7Ubuntu is taking all the 80 GBz , how can I let it take only 40 ?11:58
rileypand no differnce only gui differnce11:58
RevSpecies116I doubt anyone here can help with a Mythbuntu issue, rileyp11:58
RevSpecies116There is unfortunately a HUGE difference11:58
ricreeSidewinder1, there isn't an option there, though I'm a little hesitant to start installing new drivers.11:59
rileypIts not a gui issue its a termanil issue and I use ubuntu and thi sis ubuntu channel and I have same Kernel11:59
rileypRevSpecies116:  I just installd alsa o.2411:59
rileyplets rool11:59
Sidewinder1ricree, I know what you're sayin', but it's the only selection I am aware of... :-(11:59
rileypKets roll12:00
RevSpecies116rileyp, that is factually incorrect12:00
RevSpecies116OK, rileyp do this: top panel12:00
RevSpecies116Goto System->Preferences->sound12:00
rileypalsa 0.24  It a gui I dont want to work in gui12:00
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RevSpecies116OK, rileyp do this: top panel12:00
RevSpecies116Goto System->Preferences->sound12:00
txomon_does anyone know how to upgrade NetworkManager?12:00
rileypterminal is sweet12:00
RevSpecies116certainly not, rileyp12:01
rileypRevSpecies116:  yes it is once you learn you never forget12:02
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RevSpecies116rileyp, since we cannot troubleshoot a Mythbuntu issue in this channel, I can only suggest you visit #ubuntu-mythtv12:02
DasEiCheckMate7: see output from df -h, if there is more then 50% space free still, then use a live cd with gparted to resize, don't forget to alter fstab/grub12:04
=== XuMuK is now known as xumuk
RevSpecies116CheckMate7: Ubuntu in 80GB? Holy Moly12:05
CheckMate7Yeah :(12:05
user001anyone have any idea what a PCI bus error: too many interrupts means? Getting this on a Ubuntu Server 11.04 installation12:05
RevSpecies116My Ubuntu 10.04LTS takes up 8.7GB12:05
ricreeSidewinder1:  Found a solution, in case you were wondering.  There's an option for emulation in gpointing-device-settings.  Still not sure why it got deactivated, but I was able to get it working again.12:06
sitonArch takes up 3GB......12:06
mac_why my firefox is not working12:06
koshiemac_, version ? error message ?12:06
DasEiCheckMate7: you select at install time, how space it takes, a fully eqipped one may take around 20 though12:06
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RevSpecies116Ahhh, I see, CheckMate7 it's a gparted issue12:06
=== Pavel is now known as Kaco
DasEihow much *12:07
koshieWhat do you call «not working» ?12:07
sitondelete your config file for ff12:07
RevSpecies116Not that ubuntu is really taking it all, you just want the partition to take 40GB not 80GB12:07
CheckMate7now I have used 22 out of 8012:07
sitonthe restart your ff, it will be ok12:07
RevSpecies116What you plan on formatting the remaing 40GB as?12:07
CheckMate7there is more than 50% space12:07
DasEiCheckMate7: rather normal, as you need space for downloads n stuff, too12:07
CheckMate7having BT512:07
DasEiCheckMate7: so can go way schown above or use a vm12:08
CheckMate7I just want to make Ubuntu with 40 and I believe that's enough for Ubuntu12:08
Salih-kHello everyone, i have question about installation ubuntu 11.04. I download the 32 bit version of 11.04 and start to install it but at the end of the installation there was a configuring phase and asked me that if i want to transfer files from windows and i said yes accidently than i waited for a long time and shutdown without waiting to finish the process. And start to install again but this time it did'nt ask me that question and stat to transfer files. What12:08
Salih-kdo to skip this step ?12:08
xokvictorкто может помочь? не запускается браузер хром (11.04)12:08
rpisharodyCheckMate7 : Ubuntu in 40 is good :)12:08
CheckMate7Yeah , exactly12:09
CheckMate7now it's on 80 , how can I make it on 40 ?12:09
nephxxokvictor, this isn't the russian support channel, please use one, or proceed in english12:09
RevSpecies116rpisharody: indeed - my 40GB HDD has headps to spare :)12:09
DasEi!ru | xokvictor12:09
ubottuxokvictor: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:09
rpisharodyUse GParted. Resize the partition.. But from a Live CD12:09
CheckMate7Can't I do that with a USB stick ?12:10
DasEiCheckMate7: see above, I'll  repeat :12:10
DasEiCheckMate7: see output from df -h, if there is more then 50% space free still, then use a live cd with gparted to resize, don't forget to alter fstab/grub12:10
DasEiusb is fine, too12:10
xokvictorwho can help me? why chromium browser not launched?12:10
rpisharodylivecd or usb stick. Doesn't matter12:10
yeastwarsaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhh why is ubuntu using my wifi led as a network activity led? It blinks for every packet received. How can I disable this horrible, idiotic feature?12:10
yeastwarsand whose terrible idea was this?12:10
DasEixokvictor: start chromium from teminal and report output12:10
CheckMate7but here is the problem : it stuck on keyboard layout :(12:10
rpisharodyyeastwars : Isn't it a fun feature ? Whoa !12:10
xokvictorone moment12:10
yeastwarsrpisharody: it's awesome!12:11
yeastwarsI LOVE IT12:11
yeastwarsI can know when I receive a packet! How cool!12:11
DasEiCheckMate7: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup12:11
* yeastwars reaches for the black tape12:11
CheckMate7I did that and Can't get it done :(12:11
xokvictorDasEi: chromium-browser12:11
xokvictor[2427:2427:1791680633:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(442)] readlink failed: Permission denied12:11
xokvictor[2427:2427:1791680676:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(240)] readlink(/home/likewise-open/VASU/bystrovvv/.config/chromium/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied12:11
xokvictor[2427:2427:1791680700:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(240)] readlink(/home/likewise-open/VASU/bystrovvv/.config/chromium/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied12:11
xokvictor[2427:2427:1791680708:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(264)] Failed to create /home/likewise-open/VASU/bystrovvv/.config/chromium/SingletonLock: Permission denied12:11
xokvictor[2427:2427:1791680721:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(442)] readlink failed: Permission denied12:11
xokvictor[2427:2427:1791680730:ERROR:process_singleton_linux.cc(240)] readlink(/home/likewise-open/VASU/bystrovvv/.config/chromium/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied12:11
xokvictor[2427:2427:1791680741:ERROR:browser_main.cc(1403)] Failed to create a ProcessSingleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.12:11
DasEi!paste | xokvictor12:11
ubottuxokvictor: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:12
przemek_hi everybody. I'm having some trouble whith nfs client. On the client I cant set ownership of the files on nfs share. Is there a way to do this?12:12
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.12:12
DasEixokvictor: apparently your permissions are borked, so try reinstalling chrome as regular user12:12
xokvictorDasEi: already12:13
DasEixokvictor: you are not working from a rootaccount now ?12:14
mac_help me my firefox is not working12:14
LoganCloud!doesn't work | mac_12:15
ubottumac_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:15
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acperkinsis there a way of "helping" Banshee to recognise a CD? so far it has only found track names for 2/10 of my CDs.12:16
DasEixokvictor: do other browsers work ?12:18
jahman_one wate man ocean wem im dey12:18
DirtyDawgenglish pls12:18
jahman_ssh ubunt12:18
Salih-kGuys i am installing ubuntu 11.04 now. At the and of the installation it asked that if i want to transfer files from windows but i stupidly say yes. Now can't take it back that option i am using usb stick how can i make it forgot that choice and start to clean insrallation again ?12:19
asmodeushi...what do i have to do so that I don't have to run 'compiz --replace' to get the 3d effects every time i log in?12:20
LoganCloud!pm | mac_12:20
ubottumac_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:20
Salih-kAny opinion ?12:21
_Luciferasmodeus: you could probably add the command to a startup script12:21
DasEiasmodeus: to /etc/rc.local, precisly12:21
DirtyDawgi warn you against listening to _Lucifer : you're mortal soul is at risk12:22
asmodeusDasEi, _Lucifer doesn't rc.local get run well before X and compiz are running?12:22
_LuciferDirtyDawg: how do you figure?12:22
DasEiasmodeus: no, it's the last after upstart finished12:23
_Luciferasmodeus: I'm not sure. only startup script I actually have experience with is the autostart.sh for openbox12:23
ronr_how can I check if I have a 64bit or 32 bit os (ubuntu server, cli only)?12:23
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kodaparonr_: uname -a12:24
rpisharodyuname -a will do12:24
rpisharodyIf its 32Bit, there should be a mention of i68612:24
ronr_great, thank you both :)12:24
ronr_yeah, it's 64 bit, so that's great.12:25
RevSpecies116asmodeus: try the command: 'compiz --replace &'12:25
DasEiRevSpecies116: initial question was to automate this at startup12:26
sorush20is there a program out there that allows time and date stamp change?12:26
RevSpecies116DasEi: Not sure about my installation of Ubuntu 10.04LTS, then - as I've only ever typed it in once and compiz stayed around even on the next restart12:26
przemek_hi everybody. I'm having some trouble whith nfs shares. On a client I cant set ownership of the files on nfs share. Is there a way to do this?12:27
RevSpecies116And then when I do metacity --replace &, metacity stays around12:27
asmodeusRevSpecies116, _Lucifer, DasEi thanks, off to tinker...12:27
DasEiasmodeus: have you read RevSpecies116 ^ ?12:27
DasEiah, fine12:28
MaimsterMorning all.12:28
DasEi!ask | iamviveksri12:28
ubottuiamviveksri: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:28
rpisharodyPersonal Opinion: I dislike Compiz for all its flashiness :)12:28
iamviveksrii have a netbook wish to install ubuntu12:28
DasEirpisharody: gnomy here, too, even 3 is fine in vm so far12:28
_sara--http://paste.ubuntu.com/615292/ does anyone get this error when going to gmail?12:29
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: you have access to an external CD drive? or USB Flash stick?12:29
iamviveksri11.04 version just gives a blank sceen with syslinux written12:29
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Maimstersara: Nope12:30
=== Phavel is now known as Kaco
iamviveksri@rev sir i have usb12:30
Sidewinder1_sara--, I don't.12:30
RevSpecies116And it looks like you already have the USB stick ready to install 11.0412:30
iamviveksriit did not install12:31
RevSpecies116I'm not sure what you mean by the syslinux part though12:31
rpisharodyiamviveksri: Can you type out the exact Error message you get when you boot from the USB ?12:31
_sara--Sidewinder1:  if someone is trying to maninthe middle me what to do?12:31
DasEihangs at install, so faulty usb12:32
iamviveksriwhen the laptop booted from usb, a screen came with just one line written --something about syslinux12:32
cabinaI'm a first time user of irc and I need a bit of help but i don't want to mess your discussion12:32
RevSpecies116BUT if it is a long message, iamviveksri - pastebin is a better option otherwise the automated bots may kick you out12:32
iamviveksrii cant type out full line just now--will have to reboot12:32
DasEicabina: pm me, or I'll do better12:32
Sidewinder1_sara--, I don't really know; it may be a gmail cookies issue?12:33
RevSpecies116is it a laptop or a netbook?12:33
_sara--Sidewinder1:  its on evolution mail client12:33
iamviveksri@rev i think laptop12:33
RevSpecies11615"+ screen?12:33
iamviveksriaround 15" screen12:34
Sidewinder1_sara--, Then I have no clue; I've never used evolution. :-(12:34
mac_help me12:34
=== mac_ is now known as angle
RevSpecies116Laptop, then - okies, iamviveksri, it could be an error on the USB stick12:34
_sara--mac_: there is saviour in all of us... lol dont ask to ask just ask12:34
RevSpecies116and not your laptop12:34
RevSpecies116You could try making the USB stick again12:35
anglehelp me firefox is not working12:35
iamviveksrimy usb stick is ok--- i use it daily sir12:35
rpisharodyWhat about the image you used on the USB Drive ?12:35
RevSpecies116Not a physical error, iamviveksri, but a copy error12:35
iamviveksriyes i tried for 10.4 version tht didnt load thru usb12:35
sakethomeHi, whenever there is a kernel update my computer does not load into graphics mode and loads into only command prompt. I've a nvidia GeForce graphics card12:35
iamviveksrii am currently downloading 10.10 version12:36
sakethomeI'm using ubuntu 10.1012:36
iamviveksri@rev i used the usb creator in 11.412:36
Pokemoniamviveksri, i had the problem ever12:36
RevSpecies116Lenovo laptop this end, and 10.04LTS12:36
RevSpecies116Okies, was that via CD to make the USB?12:37
iamviveksri@rev so will i be able to load 10.10 from usb please12:37
RevSpecies116yep, iamviveksri - that is doable12:37
RevSpecies116But 10.10 wont be around for too much longer12:38
RevSpecies116A personal reccomendation is use 10.04 [failed] or 11.0412:38
iamviveksri@rev  will it not upgrade itself if i can load it12:38
RevSpecies116but that is ONLY a personal recommendation - you can use whichever you wish - and still install from USB :)12:38
DasEiIs someone experienced with xmonad to help cabina ?12:38
fellipehi friends. I've update my ubuntu desktop from 10.10 to 11.04 trough package manager. but the progress bar in totem is disallowed. any  idea?12:38
Sidewinder1angle, The only thing I can think of is for you to search for and find your bookmark file (bookmarks.htm?) copy it to another directory; then using Synaptic Package Mgr., completely remove Firefox, then reinstall it.12:39
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: what OS you currently using?12:39
iamviveksri@rev i already have 10.4 and 11.4 but dont know what i am doing wrong to load it---dunno what is via cd12:39
Intelzahello Hi everyone I asked about the problem the video card is Intel's graphics, I Usage. A model that is called the Mobile Intel 965 drivers from having problems in Ubuntu. It is not for this. Now very worried because the job requires a 3D program, but no driver. The program can be opened, but very slow. It does not include graphics. Is there but no driver. If someone had told me they brought me a lot I want.12:39
iamviveksri@rev current os is win 712:39
RevSpecies116So, to confirm, you downloaded the ubuntu .iso files12:40
rpisharodyViver: Try using UNetBootin to create a bootable USB12:40
DasEicabina: what exactly is it you want to do with X ? tile the workspace in say four similar ones ?12:40
CheckMate7Choosing the create button will IMMEDIATELY  EARS ALL DATA on disk/sda ??? what to do without erasing DATA  ??12:40
RevSpecies116and used a windows based programme to make the USB sticks?12:40
iamviveksri@rev confirm12:40
cabinaI need the xmonad to make 1 screen out of 8 heads12:40
RevSpecies116And what was that windows USB maker programme called?12:40
iamviveksri@rev i used the usb program in ubuntu iso12:40
MonkeyDustCheckMate7: create what, exactly?12:40
kevin_hello .312:40
DasEicabina: ic, can't help there12:41
CheckMate7partion table12:41
cabinadasei i'll send you another pm12:41
CheckMate7I wanna divide the 80 to 40/4012:41
CheckMate7without losing DATA12:41
rumpe1sakethome, how did you install the nvidia driver?12:41
MonkeyDustCheckMate7: you can choose 'something else'12:41
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: because I don't use windows, I don't know exactly what the programme you used is12:41
rpisharodyiamviveksri: I'm not familiar with the USB Program in Ubuntu ISO. But as I said, UNetBotin is what I've used to do what you are trying12:41
Pokemonit's easy12:41
Sidewinder1!dualboot | CheckMate712:42
ubottuCheckMate7: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:42
RevSpecies116What is it called from the Ubuntu .iso?12:42
sakethome@rumpel i downloaded the driver from the website and installed it12:42
iamviveksri@ rev, rpi i am now downloading unetbootin12:42
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: great :)12:42
CheckMate7Yup . That might be useful :)12:42
VustomOn my other PC I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and it was working just fine but when I restarted the PC and logged in, I only got a black screen with the mouse.. I can't do anything and I can't open a terminal..12:42
rpisharodyiamviveksri: Get converted to GNU?Linux soon :)12:43
Sidewinder1CheckMate7, If you're going to shrink an NTFS partition, don't forget to defrag it at least twice, prior to shrinking.12:43
iamviveksri@rev its called usb-creator in ubuntu 11.4 iso12:43
fellipehi friends. I've update my ubuntu desktop from 10.10 to 11.04 trough package manager. but the progress bar in totem is disallowed. any  idea?12:43
RevSpecies116Ahhh, thanks for that, iamviveksri - i'LL REMEMBER THAT FOR NEXT TIME THIS QUERY COMES UP12:43
MonkeyDustVustom: do you have more than one pc in the same network? if yes, type ssh -Y user@ip "gnome-panel& metacity&"12:44
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iamviveksri@rev but it has not worked12:44
sakethome@rumpel downloaded the driver from the nvidia website. I've a sony viao laptop and it works well but after every kernel update the grub shows me the new kernel and when i choose the new kernel it loads into commad prompt12:44
RevSpecies116Sorry, caps came on12:44
CheckMate7This is what I'm talking about , I just want to shrink my Ubuntu Partition from 80 to 40 without losing data12:44
CheckMate7not a dualboot12:44
MonkeyDustthat is not possible, CheckMate712:44
RevSpecies116CheckMate7: doable with gparted LiveCD12:45
Sidewinder1!pm > angle12:45
ubottuangle, please see my private message12:45
iamviveksri@rev so shud i try unetbootin and revert12:45
RevSpecies116MonkeyDust: Are you sure?12:45
rpisharodyCheckMate7: What RevSpecies1 said is right. I've done it12:45
VustomMonkeyDust No, at the moment I'm on the same PC just on the live CD at the moment..12:45
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: definatly try the unetbootin method12:45
CheckMate7I did gparted with USB stick and it says access denied :)12:45
DasEiMonkeyDust: would bee if root (and maybe swap) is at the end or beginning12:45
MonkeyDustCheckMate7: my friend's advice is better than mine :)12:46
iamviveksri@rev and rpi ---thanks for talking to me and your kind support12:46
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: No troubles, I just hope it works :)12:47
VustomMonkeyDust Is it safe to delete stuff in the /tmp folder?12:47
RevSpecies116Do come back and tell us if it works or not12:47
rpisharodyChackMate7: You sure that the root partition is not mounted ?12:47
Intelzahello Hi everyone I asked about the problem the video card is Intel's graphics, I Usage. A model that is called the Mobile Intel 965 drivers from having problems in Ubuntu. It is not for this. Now very worried because the job requires a 3D program, but no driver. The program can be opened, but very slow. It does not include graphics. Is there but no driver. If someone had told me they brought me a lot I want.12:47
RevSpecies116Then, as 'payment' stick around sometime in the future, and help other users in this channel :)12:47
iamviveksri@rev sure rev--however i am not as knowledgeable as u both12:48
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rpisharodyiamviveksri: Doesn't matter. But your commitment matters12:48
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: you soon will be :) - but you don't have to help straight away ;)12:48
iamviveksri@rpi -committed12:48
iamviveksri@signing off thanks again12:49
RevSpecies116Bye, iamviveksri :) Till next time12:50
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
RevSpecies116Was about to help Intelza, but he/she is not here anymore :(12:52
nep1xhey buddies! What character do you use to overcome the blank space in the terminal, I mean imagine that you want to copy a file called "CV ENG" in the same directory. It doesn t work and I think is because of the blank space between the two words12:52
nep1xit understand that the file to copy is CV and the directory ENG12:52
SwedeMikenep1x: CV\ ENG12:52
MonkeyDustnep1x: try a simple backslash12:52
nep1xok! thanks12:53
mithridates"Built-in virus protection" What does that mean?12:54
mithridatesI saw it in the ubuntu website12:54
=== BitJunkie is now known as DebJunkie
mithridatesare they talking about SElinux?12:55
LjLmithridates: marketing nonsense, methinks12:55
mithridatesoh gochya for windows users12:55
Salih-kHello guys, i installed ubuntu 11.04 but i cannot start the wifi it doesn't see the wifi connections but it can see when i start the ubuntu on live cd.12:55
Sidewinder1!virus | mithridates12:55
ubottumithridates: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:55
DebJunkiehow do I remove a ppa repository, which ppa-purge can't seem to find?12:55
LjLmithridates: there are very few Linux viruses and even fewer in the wild, but that doesn't mean Ubuntu has any particular protection built-in12:55
mithridatesSidewinder1: yeah I know that, but it was in ubuntu website12:56
DasEi!register > cabina12:56
bazhangDebJunkie, check the sources.list12:56
DebJunkieit isn't in there12:56
pujohi nice to know u ?12:56
MonkeyDustbazhang: was faster :)12:56
DebJunkiethat's the problem12:56
bazhangDebJunkie, check sources.list.d then12:56
bazhangpujo, ubuntu support question?12:57
DebJunkiehold on while I check12:57
LjLmithridates: i believe you it says that, i'm just saying that in my opinion, that's just marketing nonsense12:57
dr3mrohey , I have ubuntu 11.04 and it works gr8 but at some points it just freezes and i have to do hard reset .. tried to disable vsync and no use it just keep happening .. using Fujitsu Siemens Amilo PI 1505 ..12:57
phaidroswhere to configure autologin into the terminal on  boot? as we dont have inittab anymore, I wonder how is that done nowadays :)12:57
DebJunkiebazhang: fixed12:57
phaidrosany hints?12:57
DasEiphaidros: unity or gnome ?12:58
phaidrosDasEi: Terminal, no X12:59
phaidrosConsole so to say :)12:59
phaidrosinittab got replaced by upstart, right?13:00
virhilosan anybody check this after lasters update? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/790624 ?:)13:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 790624 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashing on start." [Undecided,New]13:00
=== Predkambrij_ is now known as Predkambrij
kflottorpIs there a way to create separate development environments in linux in general? I want to easily be able to switch between different setups, kinda like virtual environments in python. I don't want to use chroot because it changes too much.13:01
phaidroskflottorp: not natively, build jails and chroot into there13:02
kflottorpphaidros: what does jails do? never heard of it before :(13:03
phaidrosany hint how to automaticly login to the terminal/console?13:03
phaidroskflottorp: a jail is an envirnment where you chroot into, with all the stuff you need. because a chroot is a closed env. so find $tool which suites you best, to build your jails13:03
starZautoboot: try tuning your xorg.conf or your gdm conf file..13:03
MonkeyDustphaidros: put gnome-terminal in the startup applications list13:04
phaidrosstarZ: xorg.conf and gdm are X-related, as I told you before. there is no X on my system ;)13:04
phaidrosMonkeyDust: Console, just plain Console, no X :)13:04
starZsorry no clue..13:04
phaidrosnp, thx anyways13:05
jazzanovai couldn't post in teh beginning, said "cant' send to channel"13:05
jazzanovaanyways, i why I came here13:05
jazzanovaI made a site to donate to debian packages: http://www.online-tipjar.com13:05
jpablobrHi, newbie question... can I restrict write access to a file for a user that belong to a group which grants write access to that file?13:05
kflottorpphaidros: thanks. I'll look into it13:05
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
phaidrosanyone a clue how inittab was replaced and what does its' job lately?13:05
bazhangjazzanova, no adverts please13:05
Pici!upstart | phaidros13:06
ubottuphaidros: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:06
phaidroskflottorp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot .. thats a beginning, there are tools out there to create jails easier ..13:06
phaidrosPici: upstart doesnt talk about auto-spawning a login .. any hints there?13:07
newcdon't know anybody is listening?13:07
DasEiphaidros: sorry, was distracted in another tab, got your answer ?13:07
bazhangnewc, ubuntu support question?13:07
phaidrosDasEi: nope, still need a way to log into the console after boot, no X on the machine though13:07
newci'm using a bit old machine13:07
daedaluzthe best podcast program? one that doesn't ignore already downloaded episodes like rhythmbox does13:07
newcand got to 11.04 version update13:08
DasEiphaidros: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf , there you can change the bools of autologin13:08
bazhangnewc, on a single line, please13:08
phaidrosDasEi: then again, there is no X on that machine, hence no gdm. I need to login to the first Console13:08
kflottorpphaidros: thanks =)13:08
newcso my problem is that the new version (11.04) does not recognise any of network hardware in my system(compaq 6310)13:09
starZphaidros: did you have look at this topic? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/auto-login-to-text-mode-261633/13:09
DasEiphaidros: just look if it's there, or /etc/gdm/custom.conf13:10
newcwill check out right now13:10
phaidrosDasEi: GDM is responsible for login to X Servers, I have no X on my machine. hence GDM is useless here. this issue was formerly handled by /etc/inittab, which is not existing anymore on ubuntu, it got replaced by upstart.13:11
phaidrosthe docs even talk about /etc/event.d but even that is not on my default 11.04 install13:11
phaidrosshould it be? is that the place?13:11
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phaidrosstarZ: thanx, but exaclty that is the problem, /etc/inittab got removed from ubuntu, all docs about console autologin talk about /etc/inittab, so I came here to learn :)13:12
Piciphaidros: The conf files that control what things are started by upstart and when are located in /etc/init/13:12
phaidrosPici: thx13:12
milosshhello. how many gigs of ram can 11.04 32 bit recognize and operate?13:12
RevSpecies116Newc: please confirm - Ubuntu pre-11.04 was working perfectly on your computer, and now the update to 11.04 had made your network capabilities vanish?13:12
phaidrosmilossh: usually 3, with a PAE kernel (should be -server branch) could be 4GB13:12
nep1xHi, newbie question... can I restrict write access to a file for a user that belong to a group which grants write access to that file?13:13
eipi-1hi, i often have disconnects on some campus-WLAN. dmesg says: deauthenticating from *** by local choice (reason=3) i can not reconnect until reloading iwlagn modul13:13
phaidrosnep1x: you want to read up about ACLs13:13
DasEiphaidros: sudo apt-get install mingetty13:13
phaidrosnep1x: depending on your filesystem you can enable ACLs and configure them, what you wnat is not doable with standard unix permissions13:14
phaidrosDasEi: yeah!13:14
RevSpecies116newc: please confirm - Ubuntu pre-11.04 was working perfectly on your computer, and now the update to 11.04 had made your network capabilities vanish?13:14
DasEiphaidros: sudo nano /etc/init/tty1.conf13:14
daedaluzrecomend me a good podcast program, please. rhythmbox acts retarded.13:14
phaidrosDasEi: yeah! thats it!13:14
phaidrosDasEi: where did  you find this?13:14
milosshphaidros, thanks. I'll do that. 11.04 64bit sucks big time, enough for making me consider fedora13:14
=== milossh is now known as Milossh
DasEiphaidros: /sbin/getty to   /sbin/mingetty --autologin UserNameHere tty113:15
DasEiphaidros: upstart13:15
starZphaidros: w!! I'm not a fan of this plymouth related changes to..13:15
* phaidros too blind or too busy .. thanx dude!13:15
iamviveksri@rev hello i am back13:15
BluesKajMilossh, 11.04 64 bit here works very well, what issues do you have ?13:16
RevSpecies116hello iamviveksri :) Did it work, or same problem?13:16
DasEiphaidros: where would I be , if no one pushed me here and then , have fun13:16
phaidrosDasEi: lol13:16
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
iamviveksri@rev it worked awesome --11.4 did not install but 10.4 did13:16
RevSpecies116Great :)13:16
MilosshBluesKaj, first thing: alsa. driving me nuts. second one: from time to time, some buttons are not click-responsive, in whatever app I try it13:16
iamviveksri@rev but i didnt have any drivers for the system so could not log in internet13:17
Milosshalso, software I was using for years is crashing: like vlc, firefox, skype13:17
iamviveksri@rev now i have to search for drivers through windows :(13:17
RevSpecies116Ahhh, iamviveksri :(13:17
Milosshas for skype, I know, it's nowhere near good13:17
RevSpecies116Wifi or wired?13:17
iamviveksri@ rev at least i need the wifi13:17
BluesKajMilossh, ok what about alsa ..describe pls13:18
RevSpecies116OKies, did you check if wired worked at all, or did it not detect your network at all?13:18
MilosshBluesKaj, my input and output are mixed13:18
Milosshand I can't solve it13:18
Milosshand I had a lot of problems making input work at all13:18
iamviveksri#rev i didnt have the wires for wired :)13:18
Milosshoutput is ok13:18
Milosshiamviveksri, try TAB key on keyboard, it should help you by autocompleting nick13:19
RevSpecies116Ahhh, anyway that you can, iamviveksri?13:19
RevSpecies116anyway that you can have access to an ethernet cable, iamviveksri ?13:19
iamviveksri@rev if i get these drivers should i put them on the usb stick and load from there itself?13:19
RevSpecies116Just for about 10 mins ;) ?13:19
EricJSo I'm having problems with LIRC under Natty. Two different conflicting kernel modules are loaded at boot time, and I've identified the bad one. Problem is, simply blacklisting it won't work, lsmod still shows it after bootup. Any ideas how to ban it forever? :]13:19
iamviveksriRevSpecies116: thanks Milossh13:20
RevSpecies116iamviveksri: you can definetly try that USB driver method - but it will be more of a pain that what making Ubuntu work on USB was13:20
iamviveksriRevSpecies116: like guru nanak said---everyone has some pain in life :) but with your kind support i shall overcome13:21
iamviveksriRevSpecies116: will be back13:21
MilosshBluesKaj, meaning that input catches my output13:21
RevSpecies116:) okies, iamviveksri :)13:21
BluesKajMilossh, do you have pulseaudio still installed?13:21
MilosshBluesKaj, yeah13:21
MilosshI had it on 10.04 and 10.10 too, 32 bit, and it worked nice13:22
BluesKajMilossh, pulseaudio is meant IMO, for highter end pci soundcards not integrated sound cards with fewer options , it mostly causes more problems than it solves for integreted , so you may want consider removing pulse audio .13:24
Salih-kGuys how can i activate wifi on ubuntu 11.0413:24
RevSpecies116I want to know whay pulse audio was implemented in Ubuntu is a 'shoddy' way - that it hasn't been integrated more closely to work better than OOS13:25
RevSpecies116or is that OSS13:25
DasEi!wireless | Salih-k13:25
ubottuSalih-k: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:25
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DasEiRevSpecies116: different things13:25
RevSpecies116DasEi: Salih-k has Ubuntu pre-11.04 on his computer working fine13:25
Bagatelleif I have a certian software installed via PPA I should uninstall it from synaptic, right?13:25
RevSpecies116And even the 11.04 liveCD gave him wifi13:25
RevSpecies116It's just that the installed 11.04 now does not13:26
bazhang!info ppa-purge | Bagatelle13:26
coz_Bagatelle,  that would be the safest way yes13:26
ubottuBagatelle: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB13:26
syntechwish there was a way to unsubscribe from all the spam mail in the whole world.13:26
DasEiRevSpecies116: alsa and oss are the drivers, pulseaudio is just a sound-proxy to enable multiple sources access to sound13:26
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coz_Bagatelle,  also  there is a small utility named   y-ppa-manger,, not in the repostiory  but will not only search for ppa  according to the version of ubuntu you are running but also purge them as well13:26
Bagatellebut I want to keep the ppa, get rid of the synaptic, I just need to make sure that uninstalling from shynaptic wont alter my ppa installation13:27
dz2is it safe to install gnome in natty yet?13:27
RevSpecies116Ahhh, DasEi - so Ubuntu used OSS+Pulse or ALSA+Pulse?13:27
DasEi Salih-k: just read RevSpecies116, so can't gurantee for that being proper13:27
coz_dz2,   gnome3?   no13:27
bazhangdz2, you mean gnome3? no.13:27
syntechbtw, i love unity. :)13:28
DasEior even either oss or alsa, and no pulse13:28
syntechthis is my first time using Linux in 3 years...13:28
coz_dz2,   there something named  UGR  which is a ppa but it purges Unity and installs gnome313:28
RevSpecies116And which is the default?13:28
dz2can I install gnome 2 then?13:28
dz2eg 2.2213:28
RevSpecies116dz2, gnome2 is already standard in 11.0413:28
bazhangdz2, choose classic at login window13:29
dz2ok thanks13:29
DasEicoz_: dz2, I just added ppa, installed g3 and set loginmanager to classic, fine in vm so far13:29
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Bagatellewho can help me with tor - i2p?13:31
Salih-kDasEi: exactly that is happen to me i only managed to actovate wifi on live cd but when i made clean installation it doesn't work. Before that i upgrade from 10.10 even it works fine but when did clean installation it doesn't activate wifi.13:32
MonkeyDustBagatelle: we're here to help, so shoot13:32
benccinstalled a fresh ubuntu and after "apt-update && apt-get upgrader" getting in syslog "localhost CRON[9137]: Module is unknown"13:32
RevSpecies116DasEi: salih-k's issue is puzzling even me13:32
newcyes i'm abit confused among so many lines of text,the 10.10 version has worked perfectli on my machine,as i had upgraded to version 11.04 first the wireless hardware go off and now the complete networking hardware13:33
BagatelleI used both i2p and to without problems, that was before I had a ICEauthority problem that f*cked it all up, now I cannot use neither. I have been suggested, in the i2p channel, to install a PPA owned by KYTV, that allows me to connect to tor, but just partially: vidalia says Im connected, but the main page of tor says Im not. Every piece of tor installed in my machine is from that ppa13:33
bazhangBagatelle, no cursing, including the *13:33
DasEi Salih-k: so can you go wired on that  box ? else grab livecd, find the correct module to load by lsmod, and set it up manually13:33
openshellwhen i click on skype it appears shortly and then disappears as i am signing in13:34
Bagatelleok, problem that accidentally .... it all up13:34
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MonkeyDustBagatelle: what is i2p and what is ICEauthority?13:34
RevSpecies116Bagatelle - you could say it Frelled it all up, if you like Farscape ;)13:35
Bagatellenever heard that before rev13:35
MaimsterRevSpecies116: Good show.13:35
openshelldoes finch mess up skype13:35
Bagatellei2p is an overlay network13:35
RevSpecies116How the Hesmana are you ;)13:35
openshellneed some help13:35
syntechomg facebook messages suck.13:36
Sidewinder1!ask | openshell13:36
ubottuopenshell: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:36
djazzwhy does 11.04 screw up with multiple monitors?13:36
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openshellubottu then answer my question13:37
ubottuopenshell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:37
syntechbecause it not 11.04 for 2 monitors ?13:37
MonkeyDustdjazz: 'why' is a philosophical question, we can only help you with 'how'13:37
djazzchanging from a small monitor to a bigger: http://i.imgur.com/gMZwW.png and side by side: http://i.imgur.com/BNHmj.png13:37
syntechyou've got strength jah!13:37
KM0201openshell: i don't know why finch would mess up skype.. i have pidgin and skype open all the time, no issues.13:37
bazhangsyntech, thats not helpful13:38
djazzMonkeyDust, then, how do I fix it?13:38
bazhangsyntech, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here13:38
openshellwell after configuring my skype on finch, started getting issues13:38
Piciopenshell: When did you configure it?13:39
syntechBazhang, i wasn't inteding to be helpful!13:39
RevSpecies116OKies folks, question for you regarding wifi that is effecting at least two users in here [not me], and it was working pre-11.04, and even on the 11.04 LiveCD, but WiFi now nolonger works after 11.04 has been installed, what could it be?13:39
syntechatleast in that statement but okay13:39
RevSpecies116DasEi is heading in a direction I'd like to continue13:39
bazhangsyntech, wrong channel. Please stop it.13:39
syntechi'm not doing anything?13:39
RevSpecies116How would they use lsmod to cure the problem, DasEi ?13:39
Sidewinder1openshell, issues=error messages? What exactly is going wrong?13:39
DasEiRevSpecies116:you look up the modul needed being loaded, so the os is aware of wlan0, then setup interfaces13:40
Piciopenshell: There was a problem that began on May 26th regarding signing into skype.  You may want to try these steps in an attempt to resolve the issue: http://heartbeat.skype.com/2011/05/problems_signing_into_skype_an.html13:40
DasEiRevSpecies116:else it simly doesn't get find at all13:41
RevSpecies116Are there easy terminal commands thay could use? I've used Ubuntu since 6.06, but never had to venture into the realms of the lsmod command [lucky me?]13:41
c4ptcan someone tell me how to point debootstrap for a powerpc install13:42
c4ptdebootstrap --arch powerpc natty http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu doesnt seem to work13:42
c4pt*deboostrap --arch powerpc natty /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu13:43
petrolmanIs that a feature that most of the programs cleans the memory at start time? E.g. I often mark text in a gnome terminal to copy into gedit. Each time I open gedit the marked text is not in memory any more.13:43
Picic4pt: The powerpc packages are on http://ports.ubuntu.com/ , not http://archiev.ubuntu.com13:43
Picic4pt: Especially not there if I spell it wrong. ;)13:44
RevSpecies116petrolman: keep the terminal open till you have finished the copy and paste13:44
c4ptPici, thank you13:44
RevSpecies116As because you close the terminal, it thinks you have finished, and thus removes the 'stuff' from clipboard13:44
petrolmanRevSpecies116, I never close terminals :)13:44
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RevSpecies116Ahhh, then I don't know why that would be, petrolman :)13:45
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anasshello, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, I want to enable rewrite-mod how?13:45
anasshello, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, I want to enable rewrite-mod how?13:46
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petrolmanMarking text to get it into memory was one the best feature I noticed when migrating from windows to linux many years ago :)13:47
c4ptPici, do you know how i can disable plymouth from starting?13:47
=== comm_ is now known as DynamicFail
anasshello, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, I want to enable rewrite-mod, how?13:47
Picic4pt: No, sorry, I don;t.13:47
phaidroshow do I reset the keyboard language in a console-only system?13:47
pokrmessiahanyone having trouble downloading the updated pam packages? I'm getting a 404 on all of them13:47
DynamicFailIs there a way to add something to the System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications via command line?13:47
phaidrosanass: sudo a2enmod rewrite ?13:47
seeksAlright.  So, in 11.04... I removed the file manager launcher from the panel (wanted to replace it with Thunar)13:47
pokrmessiahFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-runtime_1.1.2-2ubuntu8.2_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]13:48
seeksUnfortunately, my thunar install seems to be a bit buggy.  So how do I get the original back?13:48
anassphaidros: I did this but no effect!13:48
phaidrosanass: restarted apache ?13:48
seeksI tried adding 'Home folder', but it doesn't track open windows.13:48
OerHeksPokeTehPenguin, you are affected with this bug too ? bug 79053813:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 790538 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam update causes cron to stop working with "Module is unknown" error" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053813:48
anassphaidros: yes, I did!13:48
systemwwHey, anybody on 11.04 and can't fetch a few packages that just got updated recently?13:48
phaidrosanass: does "sudo a2enmod" say something about rewrite ?13:49
systemwwi'm getting 404s :-(13:49
systemwwdid apt-get update ofc13:49
systemwwstill 40413:49
OerHeksthis is a bad bug, cron stopped working, so is auto update13:49
phaidrossystemww: sudo apitude again13:49
seekssys, you might just wait a little while.  I had that problem with Mint, and it worked a few hours later.13:49
anassphaidros: e2enmod says: Module rewrite already enabled13:50
RevSpecies116c4pt: There may be a programme13:50
OerHeksrestart cron solves this issue now, but you must be aware of that.13:50
bazhangsystemww, switch mirrors in synaptic and try again13:50
potatoheadhow to open the wine directory browser?13:50
c4ptRevSpecies116, ?13:50
phaidrosanass: then it is. how do you test?13:50
phaidrospotatohead: winebrowser?13:51
RevSpecies116c4pt: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/super-boot-manager-eases-burg-grub-plymouth-tweaking-pains/13:51
Picipokrmessiah: It looks like the package was removed, take a look at the most recent update here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam/+publishinghistory13:51
RevSpecies116re plymoth13:51
anassphaidros: I put a .htaccess with rewriteMod on, but no effect in this folder!13:51
phaidrosanass: please trywith apache config file, maybe it is just your .htaccess which is not parsed13:51
pokrmessiahpici yeah I found the bug report about it. thanks13:51
anassphaidros: how?13:52
c4ptRevSpecies116, :( need to do it from command line in a chroot environment or my system might not boot (powerpc system)13:52
phaidrosanass: write your config into your apache vhost file13:52
anassphaidros: I'll copy the same .htaccess statements to httpd.conf files, OK?13:52
n1xNc0d3hi, evolution is going in offline mode even i'm connected to internet. And "Work Online" is greyed out13:52
OerHeksPici, this is a result of this pam update > bug 79053813:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 790538 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam update causes cron to stop working with "Module is unknown" error" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053813:52
RevSpecies116Ahhh, sorry c4pt, can't help you with that one :(13:53
phaidrosanass: however you prefer to configure your vhosts13:53
PiciOerHeks: Indeed. Of course I updated this morning before they removed the package :(13:53
systemwwWell, I'm pulling from security.ubuntu.com mirror, pam updates; and they are 404ing, just apt-get updated. So anyways, hope somebody realized they messed up and fixes this issue for all the 11.04 users out there :)13:53
anassphaidros: I'm trying in my personal machine13:53
OerHeksJust restart cron solves it for now, else no auto updates, right ?13:53
PiciOerHeks, pokrmessiah: IRC traffic elsewhere tells me they're working on the fix right now.13:53
phaidrosanass: however you configure your vhosts in your personal machine :)13:54
anassphaidros: I've just installed apache2 and don't know a lot about it.13:54
petrolmanIs there still a death head cursor to kill a window? I ve interrupted a system check but the window seems to be in a busy loop and I cant find the pocess id of this.13:54
phaidrosanass: check your apache config for the vhost13:54
pokrmessiahpetrolman: alt-f2 > xkill13:55
anassphaidros: OK, I'll search more13:55
phaidrosanass: yepp13:55
benccI'm getting: "Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libpam0g amd64 1.1.2-2ubuntu8.2"13:55
benccare the repositories down?13:55
openshellanass is a gross nick13:55
pokrmessiahthe packages were pulled13:55
phaidrosanass: start with a proper apache vhost conf, as soon as that works, go into detail with rewrite etc13:55
systemwwbencc: me too13:55
systemwwsomebody try to open that link i posted13:55
Picibencc, systemww: The package was removed due to a regression.13:55
systemwwand enjoy your 404s13:55
FloodBot1systemww: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:55
systemwwPici: package manifests are not up to date then :(13:56
anassphaidros: OK, I'll13:56
Picisystemww: Yes, it was just done about 15 minutes ago.13:56
jiohdiI just got a security update notification and then when trying to upgrade 404 errors13:56
anassopenshell: what?13:56
systemwwmatter of minutes then? :-D13:56
Picijiohdi: The package was removed due to a regression.13:56
jiohdipici then why tell us to update to it?13:57
pokrmessiahsomeone should put that in the channel topic13:57
Picijiohdi: Because it was *just* removed.13:57
benccPici: so what do I do? I have a fresh server and trying "apt-get update && apt-get upgrader"13:57
anassopenshell: that's my real name!13:57
benccPici: shouldn't it just work?13:57
openshellok anass13:57
systemwwbencc: could add --fix-missing to the upgrade cmd13:57
Picibencc: Wait.13:57
systemwwto ignore it13:57
jiohdiwhat does regression mean exactly?13:58
benccPici: wait?13:58
Picijiohdi: https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053813:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 790538 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam update causes cron to stop working with "Module is unknown" error" [Critical,Confirmed]13:58
petrolmanpokrmessiah, thanks, I get the cursor, and clicked it on the frame of the window but the windows still keeps busy. It says: collecting system data ...13:58
ActionParsnipjiohdi: it means to go back.In Linux it usually implies something which once was good, got worse with upgrades13:58
Picibencc: Yes, it should be fixed today at some point.  I can't put an exact time on it, but I know the devs are actively working on it.13:58
systemwwsomebody jumped the gun here! :(13:58
benccPici: should it all work without apt-get upgrade?13:59
benccPici: regression bug is something that might happen. should apt-get deal with it?13:59
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salvatoresalve a tutti14:00
Picibencc: You'll need to wait until they publish an updated package, theres nothing anyone can do in the meantime.14:00
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:00
BluesKaj!it | salvatore14:01
ubottusalvatore: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:01
petrolmanapt-get upgrade -> aptitude safe-upgrade14:01
benccPici: it doesn't make sense that apt can't deal with bug like that and revert to an old working package automatically14:02
Picibencc: the package manifests say that the package should be available.14:03
DynamicFailIs there a way to add something to the System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications via command line?14:03
benccPici: maybe they did an emergency action that prevent apt from working14:03
benccPici: sounds like a very serious bug affecting many automatic cron jobs14:03
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: you can symlink the .desktop from /usr/share/applications to ~/.config/autostart14:04
aukis ther any possibility of problems if i switch my uid to 500?14:04
denebhi....once on a month i get possibly kernel panic...my computer freezes and the ony i can do is to push reset button....why that's happening?14:04
Piciauk: Not from well written software ;)14:05
aukPici: you don't have any non-well-written software in mind do you?14:06
aukPici, it's for compatability with fedora14:06
systemwwWell, I hope this issue gets fixed, this is worse than debian devs introducing security holes while trying to get stuff more secure™ ☹; Good day #ubuntu! :)))14:06
systemwwlooking forward to the fix14:06
Picisystemww: Er...14:06
Piciauk: You shouldn't have any issues with package in the repositories.14:07
DynamicFailActionParsnip, ~/.config/autostart doesn't exist on my system 10.04. Also the things I want to start are actually bash scripts. I just want to be able to write a bash script that is able to add a custom entry with associated command to be added to System -> Preference -> Startup Applications14:07
Sidewinder1deneb, I'm not familiar with the causes and cures of kernel panic; but you'll need to be more specific as to what programs were running, or was it one program, each month that caused the panic?...Etc..14:07
osseIn gnome-terminal there is an option under Keyboard preferences to turn off menu access via the Alt key. But it doesn't have any effect. I'm on 11.04. Is there a way to get around it?14:07
korsakofHi everyone! I'm trying to do something really simple but I think my brain needs another coffee to start properly: I want to grep 2 different lines from an output that contains two words. Why does this does not work? :: aptitude show x11-common x264 | grep -i 'Package|Version'14:07
c4ptanyone know how to disable plymouth in init.d ?14:07
aukPici, ok thanks! and is it advisable to restart or at least log out/in after changing it?14:08
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: that thing just makes a .desktop for the script then puts it in there (to my knowledge), if you make the folder, it should work14:08
ossekorsakof, use \|14:08
Piciauk: I'd definitely re-login.14:08
denebSidewinder1: i realy don't know even me :/ sometimes only firefox, some others watching a movie....it's so randomly14:08
DeadmanIncJSare the servers for Update Manager down?  I've tried both the main server and whatever the other setting was, and it's not downloading14:08
DeadmanIncJSkeeps saying "failed to fetch files, check internet connection"14:08
korsakofosse: Nice! Thanks!14:08
DasEic4pt: you can disable it in grub, else gotto modify initramfs14:09
Sidewinder1deneb, The "randomness" makes diagnosis almost impossible, :-(14:09
DasEic4pt: edit /etc/default/grub as root, empty the splash setting to just "" remaining, safe, sudo update-grub14:10
newcso nobody is proposing a posible solution for not having recognised a network hardware in compaq 6310 by natty14:10
Sidewinder1deneb, There are various error logs that can be checked, but I'm not sure which ones, or where they're found; but it's a starting point.14:10
DasEideneb: /var/log/sylog , kernlog .. look around there14:11
Sidewinder1I knew someone else would know! :-)14:11
korsakofosse: the escape character! shame on me! :) thanks again!14:11
denebSidewinder1: have you ever got a kernel panic? i mean...is that frequent?14:11
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
Sidewinder1deneb, Never...Side knocks wood.14:12
aukPici: hmm actually it seems you can't change it while logged in so... do i need to elevate another account to sudo-privileges to do this?14:12
c4ptDasEi, im not using grub14:12
DasEideneb: not really, either bad hardware(or exotics), mostly bad configuration, when did the last occur ?14:12
c4ptDasEi, should i just pass the "text" flag to kboot ?14:12
DasEic4pt: idk kboot14:13
simeWhen http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/Archive-Update-in-Progress-syowa.canonical.com file exists, is possibly not the best time to do a do-release-upgrade ?14:14
denebDasEi: yesterday was the last time... but i don't know where to look up for the issue...14:14
DasEic4pt: their wiki :  kboot uses a boot loader like LILO or GRUB to load a regular Linux kernel as its first stage14:14
ossekorsakof, you could use grep -p which uses perl-like syntax. but the manpage says it's experimental14:14
c4ptDasEi, yeah petitboot14:14
DasEideneb: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog14:15
DasEideneb:  pastebinit /var/log/kernlog14:15
DasEideneb:  give resulting urls from terminal here14:16
acnotHi there all in Ubuntu land.14:16
ogzy i installed 10.04 (kubuntu) from alternate cd with disk encryption, when i try to add a network printer from the web, the step never comes to the driver selecgtion part always looping between Connection and then Name, description entrance, any idea?14:17
acnotSay how do I move the window title buttons from right to left on the Dust Sand theme?14:18
Pici!controls | acnot14:18
ubottuacnot: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56414:18
PlaneMadhow do i change the default os in grub? using ubuntu11. the startup manager app doesnt work anymore14:18
ActionParsnipogzy: are you fully updated?14:18
taowahow do i get ann account for irc14:18
ActionParsnip!regster | taowa14:18
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:18
acnotPici I want them on the left14:18
denebDasEi: i'm on fedora now...but even here i get kernel panic....do you interested to see the logs on fedora?14:19
Piciacnot: Oh. I see. One moment.14:19
ActionParsnipacnot: just reverse the entry....14:19
ActionParsnipdeneb: is the RAM healthy?14:19
DasEideneb: makes too less sense14:20
korsakofosse: It comes a time in a man life where he needs to face the evidence: I need to learn perl! :)14:20
DasEiPlaneMad: you mean which entry get's picked ?14:20
denebActionParsnip: maybe i should make a ram check?14:20
ActionParsnipdeneb: makes sense to me :)14:21
DasEideneb: yes14:21
Piciacnot: You'll need to play with the order of this: gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close14:21
ossekorsakof, haha, nah! But I do like that type of regex syntax, which is more or less the same as what Python and PHP uses.14:21
acnotSorry ActionParsnip I don't know what you mean14:21
ActionParsnipPici: smoooth14:21
denebActionParsnip: from the live CD right?14:21
acnotAr cool Pici thanks14:21
DasEideneb: if no avail, try another kernel14:21
SteIs there anyway i can get rid of these files that appear in my pictures and music files, which are thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db, and desktoi.ini?14:21
ActionParsnipdeneb: the installed OS has a RAM tester14:21
denebActionParsnip: nice...how i can do that test from here14:21
ActionParsnipdeneb: hold shift at boot, select it14:22
Piciacnot: Just don't forget the closing double quote at the end like I did.14:22
denebActionParsnip: ok...thnx guys...i 'll check it14:22
ActionParsnipSte: if they are in a Windows OS partition, they will be regenrated when you next access the folder14:22
DasEideneb: maybe ask in #fedora, as the basics might be similar, never will the detail be ?14:22
Sidewinder1deneb, I believe it's "memtest".14:22
archuser2hi everybody. Can I make USB loadable distro using something like sudo dd if=ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4096?14:22
PlaneMadDasEi: ubuntu is default. i want it switched to win7. i used the startup manager before to change this. but now although i have change the settings in the startup manager, the order at boot is the same14:23
Steyeah its shared with windows 7. all my files are on a seperate partition14:23
ActionParsniparchuser2: the ubuntu iso won't work like that, you need unetbootin or usb-creator14:23
DasEiarchuser2: use unetbootin, dd only woks for some isos14:23
ActionParsnipSte: then they will be recreated next time you access the files14:23
Stecan you niot hide them?14:24
archuser2is there a way to do it using some default shell commands instead of gui apps?14:24
ActionParsnipSte: you prefix with a . in linux to hide, windows will just make another as the filename doesn't exist14:24
DasEiPlaneMad: /etc/defaulTgrub, there is a line saying default and then a number, that's the counter for grub's entries (though might change again after a kernel-update)14:24
MK``Is it possible to add another panel when using Unity?14:25
ActionParsniparchuser2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21303/create-usb-installer-from-the-command-line14:25
archuser2lol grub on usb :D14:26
ActionParsniparchuser2: there is the 1 2 3 app from pendrivelinux too14:26
PlaneMadDasEi: it says grub default=6, but where do i find the listing?14:26
DasEiarchuser2: you can, but why ? unetbootin rruns fine , both linux and win14:26
ActionParsnipDasEi: the default number in /etc/default/grub doesn't honour changes when new kernels are added14:27
DasEiPlaneMad:either at startup (left shift) or in /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:28
ActionParsnipPlaneMad: http://saji89.wordpress.com/2010/02/01/how-to-make-windows-the-defaultfirst-entry-in-your-grub2-menu/14:28
archuser2DasEi, oh come on, if you can do it without installing anything, why should I install it? I don't believe that I'll be using it every day.14:28
DasEiPlaneMad: saw ActionParsnip's comment above ? even better then14:28
ActionParsnipPlaneMad: the order is dictated by the number of the filename in grub.d14:29
rileyphttp://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d9315fb5c5cf0dee78331192d7d83a52c69739cb  no default sound device14:29
rileypalsamixer wont run14:29
ActionParsniprileyp: use: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/   get lib, driver and utils to 1.0.2314:30
DeadmanIncJSi'll try this again...14:30
Salih-kDasEi: tanks for your attention i finally manage to access to wifi. The problem was that i couldnt make good installation.14:30
PlaneMadActionParsnip: so i shall trust you that by running those commands nothing evil will happen to my system? i have a terrible history with ubuntu :)14:30
DeadmanIncJSwhy wouldn't I be able to download updates?  says fail to retrieve updates, check internet connection14:30
taowahow do i get a cloak14:31
onetwoDeadmanIncJS, firewall??14:31
DeadmanIncJSit's worked flawlessly14:31
ActionParsnipDeadmanIncJS: what is the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade14:31
ubottuSalih-k:: Glad you made it! :-)14:31
taowahow do i get a cloak14:31
DeadmanIncJSi use the program14:31
onetwocloak like froda has in lotr??14:31
DeadmanIncJSi dont know linux commands14:31
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode14:31
DasEicompdoc: ask in #freenode14:31
ActionParsniptaowa: or become a member14:31
cdavisI am getting a bunch of 404 errors on http://security.ubuntu.com, is anyone else getting these?14:31
Pici!pamerror | cdavis14:32
ubottucdavis: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053814:32
* ActionParsnip wafts his members cloak :)14:32
DeadmanIncJSi can try the manual way if somebody gives me the commands :)14:32
rileypAction ok Ill try thnaks14:32
compdocDasEi, you got the wrong person14:32
ActionParsnipDeadmanIncJS: I gave the command already....14:32
cdavisPici: Thank you14:32
rileypActionParsnip:  thanks Ill try14:32
DeadmanIncJSoh, i must've missed it14:32
DeadmanIncJShang on14:32
onetwosomeone knows why i cannot reach server.alteriw.net??from internet its available but from my line it worked for 2 days now the tracert stops somewhere in the middle14:32
DasEicompdoc: you asked about cloak, nor ?14:32
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode14:32
DasEi(03:32:30 PM) compdoc: cloak?14:33
compdoc<taowa> how do i get a cloak  <compdoc> cloak?14:33
DasEicompdoc: ic, sorry14:33
DeadmanIncJSsays the same thing14:33
ActionParsnipDeadmanIncJS: can you pastebin the text please14:34
DasEitaowa: join #freenode, they can help you there14:34
onetwooh i see that the server is again available now on my side so forget my question :d14:34
DeadmanIncJShaha, umm...14:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:35
ActionParsnipDeadmanIncJS: try asking what you need instead of nonesense and smileys, it moves things along faster14:35
=== arleslie[A] is now known as arleslie
maiconlphello everyone,14:37
Pici!pamerror | DeadmanIncJS14:37
ubottuDeadmanIncJS: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053814:37
maiconlpI just solved ( about solve ) my problem with Display14:38
DeadmanIncJSooh ok14:38
DeadmanIncJSthat makes sense14:38
ActionParsnipDeadmanIncJS: seems to be dns related. I get archive.ubuntu.com resolving to
mikehhhi, just tried to do an update (via update-manager) - failed with some pam modules14:39
DeadmanIncJScool, not just me14:39
Pici!pamerror | mikehh14:39
ubottumikehh: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053814:39
PiciActionParsnip: Please look at the factoid I just called as well.14:39
maiconlpso... when I reboot may notebook... the display  come back the old configuration 1024x788...14:39
fisthey, is the desktop-shortcut (SUPER+d) gone? using ubuntu 11.04, unity14:39
ActionParsnipfist: shouldn't be, you can re-enable it easily though14:40
maiconlphow I can save reach the same Display configuration ?14:40
Sidewinder1Pici, Even if you put the pamerror in the topic, most would miss it... :-(14:41
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
PiciSidewinder1: Which is why I haven't :/14:41
maiconlpwhy when I reboot may notebook it lost the display configuration14:41
mikehhubottu: hmm, I updated already on Kubuntu 11.04 amd64, this was on Ubuntu 11.04 i386 - is this likely to cause any problems?14:41
ubottumikehh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:41
ActionParsnipmaiconlp: what video chip?14:41
maiconlpa moment14:42
fistActionParsnip: i can not find an option under "keyboard shortcuts".. where do you think i can re-enable it?14:42
ActionParsnipfist: not sure dude, i use lxde these days. Let me websearch14:42
Salih-kI dont know Do you encounter same problem as i have, the upper menu is not fit is there anyway to align to the left. I mean that for example i opened pidgin and want to access its setting the menu on the upper toolbar when i put my pointer there i see buddies accounts  bla bla... But under that i see the writing pidgin also. I dont want to see it it should write only the pidgins menu. I dont know did i tell right.14:43
=== marius is now known as Guest62386
Guest62386any1 use btrfs system + incremental backup ?14:43
ActionParsnipfist: gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/show_desktop "<Super>d"14:43
ActionParsnipmaiconlp: lspci | grep -i vga    will tell you14:44
maiconlpVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)14:44
ActionParsnipfist: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1154697.html14:44
gbjkHello. I've changed my monitor setup using nvidia-xsettings. I'm running Natty but with gnome2. Since then, my top panel no longer shows top left notification stuff (date time/ubuntu one/logout/etc). I've done a kill gnome-panel, but that hasn't helped.14:44
ActionParsnipmaiconlp: you could add a startup item to use xrandr to set the res14:44
gbjk(When the panel comes back, it's still missing.14:45
gbjkWhat should I try now?14:45
maiconlpwhat is xrandr ?14:45
DynamicFailis SUID == SETUID... I'm trying to remember how I changed the permissions of a bash script to run with sudo level privileges14:45
wepeteJust ran an update for my 8.04 and was told that 3 pam updates failed to download due to a 404 Not Found [IP 80]  Has anyone else gotten this?14:46
gbjkDynamicFail: First bit of mode. 4 = suid, so prolly 4755 or something.14:46
Pici!pamerror | wepete14:46
ubottuwepete: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053814:46
gbjkmaiconlp: x resize and rotate. man xrandr.14:46
=== chmod is now known as istok
wepeteThank you much ubottu!14:47
Piciwepete: anytime14:47
fistActionParsnip: the command from the link does not work.. but there is something like a bind to show the desktop .. it just works different then before14:47
superproxyhey, what's this bind security update?14:48
ActionParsnipfist: Open ccsm/general options/keybindings14:49
fist"hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop" is bindet to super+d14:50
gbjkHello. I've changed my monitor setup using nvidia-xsettings. I'm running Natty but with gnome2. Since then, my top panel no longer shows top left notification stuff (date time/ubuntu one/logout/etc). I've done a kill gnome-panel, but that hasn't helped, when the panel comes back, it's still missing. What should I try next?14:50
ActionParsnipfist: set it to something, then set it back. May help14:50
fistbut f.e. the windows in fullscreen-mode are not hidden14:50
Picisuperproxy: See: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.1  - also, you may want to consider installing apt-listchanges if you want to see changelogs before you install updates.14:50
superproxyPici: tnx14:50
fistActionParsnip: the command is right and the bind does work - but it just do not hide maximized windows :/14:51
ActionParsnipfist: possibly a bug...14:51
Janusmananyone else having issues updating natty today?14:52
fisty ActionParsnip thank you anyway!14:53
Pici!pamerror | Janusman14:53
ubottuJanusman: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053814:53
ActionParsnipfist: np man, compiz can be a real pain14:53
JanusmanPici: thanks14:53
ActionParsnipfist: i don't use it these days, life is so much simpler14:54
gbjkmeh, I guess i'll just gconf reset14:55
JanusmanPici: I'm using update manager though, it insists I need some updates that won't download.14:57
ranjaniamviveksri, hi :)14:58
PiciJanusman: Its the same thing, and those updates will continue to be blocked until they are fixed, which should be sometime soon.14:58
JanusmanPici: ok. thanks =) =)14:58
iamviveksriranjan: hi14:58
ranjaniamviveksri, pm14:58
cdavisHow can I install an i386 package on a 64bit system?14:58
iamviveksrii just managed to install ubuntu on acer 4820t so came back to say thanks to this forum14:59
ranjaniamviveksri, great14:59
=== mike is now known as Guest6902
ranjaniamviveksri, thats a good habbit :)14:59
compdoccdavis, apt-get usually works14:59
iamviveksriranjan thx14:59
Guest6902Hi, I'm having some issues with aptitude upgrade; it's giving me: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/main libpam0g i386 1.1.1-4ubuntu2.214:59
Guest6902  404  Not Found [IP: 80]15:00
wendicoHello, I want to plug, sync and manage my Nokia N70 with my ubuntu. What apps should i install?15:00
iamviveksriranjan: how u pm here15:00
DJones!pamerr | Guest690215:00
cdaviscompdoc: Can I apt-get install a .deb directly like dpkg -i packagename.deb?15:00
Sidewinder1!pamerror | Guest690215:00
ubottuGuest6902: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053815:00
DJones!pamerror | Guest690215:00
PiciDJones: I just aliased !pamerr to the same factoid, for future reference.15:01
DJonesPici: Thanks, I'd hadn't quite noticed the full !trigger, that was just my mistake15:02
YearsofterrorHow do i install flash? just got back to using  ubuntu :S15:02
Guest6902So I'm fine to ignore it and it'll sort itself out when the repaired package is availible?15:02
Pokemondownload and install...15:02
YearsofterrorWell the download is a file type im new too15:03
Sidewinder1!flash > Yearsofterror15:03
ubottuYearsofterror, please see my private message15:03
Yearsofterrorand there isnt an installer... i suppose im spoiled by windows15:03
wendicoi pluged my phone to my ubuntu and i see nothing happend, i cant access to it. what should i do to manage and sync my phone?15:03
Yearsofterroryeah that PM was useless15:04
ActionParsnipwendico: what phone? does it need any settings on the phone?15:04
rshhello everyone15:04
YearsofterrorThanks for the help.......... as if15:04
hans__Hello everyone15:04
Yearsofterrorthis channel always blows for help15:04
iamviveksrii am using freenode ---can some1 plz guide me how to pm here15:04
=== nancy is now known as Guest20135
kukuI have a problem with avogadro, I cant run it as a normal user under linux properly - When I start it as a non root user, I cant see any atoms, and the terminal gives the error libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area15:04
kukuI am running ubuntu 10.04 with avogadro 1.0 btw the one from the repository15:05
rshActionParsnip: how can I find out what application is using which port? I want to use tor, but I am getting some error.15:05
openshellkuku where you from15:05
Picirsh: sudo netstat -tanp15:05
wendicoHey ActionParsnip, i thinks does not need. It is symbian based (nokia n70 updated to las symbian) and i do see a change, my phone modem is detected and showed in the network icon. Nothing else i can see.  I like to manage contacts and messages especially and the access to the memory card15:05
ActionParsniprsh: netstat -a    will show15:05
fonzie2kkcan i safly use "tune2fs -m /dev/sdx1" while the disk has content and allready is mounted?15:05
iamviveksrii am using webchat --can anyone guide me on how to pm15:06
sipiorfonzie2kk: yes15:06
fonzie2kksipior: ok. Thanks :)15:06
tzinkhello all.  I've got a curious question: I'm currently running 10.10 with my bottom gnome panel replaced with AWN.  It looks like 11.04 upgrades gnome, will this conflict with my AWN setup?15:07
rshokay, it says tcp is using 9050, now how do I make it to use for "tor"?15:07
Pokemonwhat does pm mean?15:07
MonkeyDustprivate mail15:07
rshprivate msg15:07
compdocprivate message15:07
compdocwhat does Pokemon mean?15:08
openshellrsh what was that command?15:08
oCeancompdoc: please stay on topic15:08
rshopenshell netstat -a15:08
rshstate = listen on 9050 port15:10
hans__Hey guys, i installed KDE-standard but now when i try to remove it it dosent remove the KDE applications. Help?15:10
DynamicFailCan you use Cmnd_Alias on specific files?15:10
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest36894
MonkeyDusthans__: it's because most kde apps can be used in gnome15:11
ruadhHi! i have problem.  I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 and find things very slugush.  Is there  any way of puting this right?15:12
LAcanis there something wrong with this line in /etc/environment : "PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/poweruser/Documents"15:12
hans__MonkeyDust: OK, that sucks. now i have to remove them individually :(15:12
belihans__: maybe removing kdelibs helps15:12
belihans__: cause the apps depend on them15:13
MilosshBluesKaj, thanks for audio help. It solved it15:13
hans__Beli: nah, i use KDENLIVE.. :(15:13
hans__ruadh: yea log in in classic gnome :D15:14
MilosshI have only one more question: how do I set my preferred browser on gnome-session on 11.04, when it's not available in the dropdown15:14
BluesKajMilossh, good :)15:14
mikeconceptslibpam related updates not available for download?15:14
Pici!pamerr| mikeconcepts15:14
ubottumikeconcepts: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053815:14
belihans__: so use some regular expression to match all installed ^k.*  apps...verify the result and remove them ;)15:14
hans__beli:good idea15:14
mikeconceptsPici, wow yer fast, thanks15:15
Picimikeconcepts: no problem15:15
ruadhhans_ how do i do that?15:15
blueonyxhi, i have a 3ware raid6 were one drive got degraded today and 2 others got removed from the unit, there was no error about these two, but my raid is inoperable now, any pointers how to get the last 2 up again?15:15
LAcan_how can I add a directory to $PATH ? i tried adding it to /etc/environment but it didnt take15:15
_Luciferother than maybe the disk space they take up, is there any downside to installing all the available desktop environments and switching between them on my whims?15:16
peterkirnGetting jumpy polling from a Logitech G9 mouse (on Ubuntu only; fine on Mac OS X and Windows as near as I can tell.) It'll spontaneously read positions from 300px away, regardless of sensitivity settings. Anything to adjust polling-wise? lubuntu natty15:16
sipiorblueonyx: to clarify, the raid is missing three elements, or two?15:17
blueonyxsipior: 3 now15:17
sipiorblueonyx: raid6 can tolerate the loss of only two elements, i'm afraid15:18
kukuCan anyone help me with running avogadro as a non root user? It doesnt show any atoms and seems to be a problem with permissions15:18
edbian_LAcan_: Did you already get an answer?15:19
LAcan_edbian, no...15:19
=== mb is now known as Guest5348
edbian_LAcan_: PATH=$PATH:/some/new/path/15:20
rshI haven't got mine yet15:20
edbian_LAcan_: You can look at it using echo $PATH15:20
LAcan_edbian_, ya bt id like it to be permanet15:20
edbian_LAcan_: ahhh, hang on15:20
sipiorLAcan_: was it your intent to set the variable for all users, or just yourself?15:20
rshif it says tcp is using port 9050, how do I make it to use by tor?15:21
edbian_LAcan_: http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/prepostpath.htm15:21
tarzeauthe security mirror has a problem right now?15:23
Pici!pamerr | tarzeau15:24
ubottutarzeau: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053815:24
edbian_LAcan_: Helpful?15:24
tarzeauubottu: indeed.15:24
tarzeaui was able to do 3 automatic network installs, and now the last two fail15:25
LAcan_edbian_, yes ty!15:25
edbian_LAcan_: sure15:25
spliffi#ubuntu fr15:25
blueonyxsipior: yea, thats my problem, but i dont think the 2 other drives are also dead, they just got kicked out of the unit. is the only way to add them again a rebuild?15:25
MonkeyDustspliffi: tapez /j #ubuntu-fr15:26
sipiorblueonyx: drives don't generally just get kicked out of an array. what happened to cause the problem?15:26
spliffithanks monkeydust15:26
Fonzieftwwhat user does samba normally run on? Need to grant write permission to a folder, so samba users can write to it.15:26
blueonyxsipior: an power on reset on one port15:26
LAcan_Fonzieftw, u need to add a UID and GID line to fstab i think15:26
DynamicFailHow can I change the permissions on a single program to run with root privlages15:27
FonzieftwLAcan_: I can just chmod 775 to the folder, and add the samba deamon user to the owner group, cant i?15:27
tarzeauDynamicFail: which program?15:27
edbian_DynamicFail: What program is it?  Why does it need to run as root?15:27
LAcan_Fonzieftw, thats  hack15:27
LAcan_a hack15:27
compdocanyone use nut and an apc ups? upsmon mentions /etc/killpower, but there is no such file15:28
LAcan_ur better off adding the GID to fstab for the group you want to write15:28
sipiorblueonyx: you said this was a hardware raid?15:28
ranjanDynamicFail, you should use SUID for this15:28
pmjdebruijnit seems the lucid security repo is broken15:28
Gump#ubuntu, I am having a problem with the package flashplugin-nonfree. it is performing extremely poorly on my computer, to the point of making any browser it runs in unresponsive. i have also tried installing flashplayer from the adobe website, with the same result. anyone have a suggestion?15:28
pmjdebruijnmissing pam packages15:28
DynamicFailtarzeau, edbian_ it is a program that starts my mpegencoder. Forwhatever reason it doesn't work unless I run it with sudo15:28
blueonyxsipior: yes 3ware 9650se15:28
tarzeau!pamerr pmjdebruijn15:28
Pici!pamerr | pmjdebruijn15:28
ubottupmjdebruijn: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053815:28
edbian_DynamicFail: You could use setUID or just sudo15:28
sipiorblueonyx: 3ware usually provides a configuration facility at boot. can you access it?15:29
edbian_DynamicFail: Make the owner root and turn on the setUID bit.  Does that make sense?15:29
pmjdebruijntarzeau: ok, but should the sources been updated?15:29
Picipmjdebruijn: It hasn't been fixed yet.15:29
tarzeaupmjdebruijn: i guess just wait until it works again15:29
DynamicFailedbian_, I'm not sure how to do that15:29
pmjdebruijnI mean the Packages file? now the packages themselves15:29
edbian_DynamicFail: Which part?15:29
blueonyxsipior: i could try, but last time this thing wasnt of big help15:29
pmjdebruijnI can't update all the other packages ATM because the repo is broken15:29
Gumpgnash is also essentially unusable. it is buggy and performs poorly as well. my system is obviously powerful enough to play flash videos15:29
DynamicFailedbian_, both15:29
DynamicFailIt doesn't appear that I have setUID as an option15:30
nikolaibowww.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info15:30
tarzeauGump: i agree15:31
=== sean is now known as Guest73455
edbian_DynamicFail: to set the file as root:  sudo chown root /path/to/file15:31
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Gumptarzeau, thanks, so helpful. dude, please don't tell me you just don't use flash15:31
tarzeauGump: i just use flash with the binary flash player15:31
tarzeauGump: gnash really is crap.15:32
Gumptarzeau, i agree, but so is flashplugin-nonfree15:32
tarzeauGump: at least it works?15:32
Gumpwhat do you mean the binary flash player15:32
Gumptarzeau, no it doesn't on my computer. gnash works better than the adobe flash player right now15:32
champhi any way to receive twitter updates without loogin in twitter15:32
tarzeauGump: the flashplugin-nonfree is the binary flash player15:32
edbian_DynamicFail: got that much?15:33
champhi any way to receive twitter updates without loogin in twitter?15:33
tarzeauGump: what computer do you have? you use the flash player inside firefox?15:33
DynamicFailedbian_, yep15:33
beliedbian_: nerver use setuid/setgid if there is no other solution avaiable.......i recommend to use sudo...you can define users to be allowed to run programs...read the sudo manual15:33
sipiorblueonyx: i'm not aware of another way to reconfigure the array. unfortunately, this is a hardware problem--you might try taking up contact with 3ware (or the folks who sold you the card).15:33
=== Yuzu-_ is now known as Yuzu_
Gumptarzeau, so you've never encountered any serious performance issues? i have a gateway m-6850FX laptop, with a good graphics card and good drivers. flashplugin-nonfree is unusable from within the browser with hardware acceleration enabled and disabled15:33
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champhi any way to receive twitter updates without loogin in twitter?15:34
Sidewinder1!repeat > champ15:34
ubottuchamp, please see my private message15:34
edbian_DynamicFail: beli is advising we use sudo.  The difference is that if we use setUID any user will be allowed to run your program.  If we make people use sudo to run it only sudoers can run it.  It is your call.  Technically sudo is a more secure alternative15:34
blueonyxsipior: okay, thanks anyhow, will do so15:34
tarzeauGump: no, it works fine here, on powerful machines with nvidia graphics cards, and also the binary nvidia graphics driver15:34
samu3572I lost my trash can after a partial update. How do I restore my trash can?15:34
sipiorblueonyx: best of luck sorting things out15:34
champSidewinder1:thanks for ur advice15:34
tarzeauGump: what about this? http://www.youtube.com/html515:35
Gumptarzeau, what can i try? i've uninstalled and reinstalled the flashplugin. the funny thing is it worked fine at first. it just suddenly stopped working15:35
Sidewinder1Don't mention it.15:35
DynamicFailedbian_, I want anyone to be able to run this program15:35
edbian_Gump: Having more than one flash player installed can screw things up15:35
DynamicFailall it does is turn on my mpegencoder15:35
tarzeauGump: try html5?15:35
edbian_DynamicFail: then sudo chmod 4744 /path/to/file15:35
Gumptarzeau, hold on, trying it15:35
openshelli have a dell vostro 3300 and want to improve on my security skills using blacktrack15:35
openshellwhat do i need15:35
DynamicFailedbian_, Thanks!15:35
edbian_DynamicFail: Test it, does it work?15:36
Piciopenshell: We do not support backtrack here, please use their channel: #backtrack-linux15:36
Dr_Willisopenshell:  never heard of blacktrack... you mean BackTrack?15:36
champSidewinder1:thanks for ur advice15:36
champhi any way to receive twitter updates without loogin in twitter?15:36
edbian_DynamicFail: I think it might need to be 4755   (allowing others to execute) it's kinda tricky with setUID on15:36
Gumptarzeau, no good.15:36
tarzeauGump: what browser?15:36
tarzeauGump: it works nice here, without the flash player - i recommend google chrome15:37
apporcnow there is a problem . apt-get for libpam on archive.ubuntu.com failed with 404 error15:37
Gumptarzeau, i am currently using chrome15:37
oCean!pamerr | apporc15:37
ubottuapporc: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053815:37
tarzeauGump: chrome doesn't have webm support yet, i guess?15:37
Gumptarzeau, i take that back. the html5 player works great15:38
Gumptarzeau, what does this mean? what can i do to get normal flash player working?15:38
beliDynamicFail: setuid/setgid apps are still a very nasty aim for unprivileged users to elevate privileges......allthough you dont need to seperate access for users, you should use sudo. you can define the app to be allowed to use by ALL users there too, but your security increases15:38
tarzeauGump: html5/webm? it's much better especially on laptops/netbooks, where battery power is important15:39
tarzeauGump: forget adobe flash, it'll fade away - i hope15:39
edbian_DynamicFail: Is it even working?15:39
tarzeauGump: gnash is a dead project, since there's no free software to create flash media15:39
DynamicFailedbian_, trying it :)15:39
Gumptarzeau, naw dude. so, i've got youtube now, but what about flash games. what about porn websites?? it is of great urgency that i figure this out!15:40
Picitarzeau, Gump: gnash is not a dead project.15:40
Gumpbut it is a sucky one15:41
tarzeauGump: thehun works without flash15:41
edbian_DynamicFail: see what beli said?  he is correct15:41
Gumplol tarzeau ty15:41
=== edbian_ is now known as edbian
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:41
PiciGump, tarzeau: This channel is supposed to be family friendly, can we keep the porn discussion out of here.15:42
DynamicFailbeli, I don't know how to modify the sudoers file in a bash script15:43
DynamicFailI know how to chmod in a bash script15:43
GumpPici, i kinda doubt anyone using irc hasn't been to one of the *chan sites or goatse lol15:43
Dr_WillisIm not sure the sudoers file is the kind of thing you want to be messing with in a script..  if you do.. be sure to make backupds.  You would most likely use sed/awk to alter the file as needed15:43
tarzeauPici: of course15:44
fazleI am new with ubuntu15:44
Dr_Willisa messed up sudoers file - can result in sudo not working. and would have to restort to a live cd  or recovery mode to fix it.15:44
BluesKajDynamicFail, a script in sudoers ...scude the pun , but what are you trying to in sudoers ?15:45
BluesKajto do15:45
tarzeauis the pamerr going to be fixed soon, or should i just go home?15:45
fazleI want to configure my my gmail, Hotmail and live accounts in ubuntu15:45
fazleCan anyone help me in this15:46
Dr_Willisfazle:  clarify what you mean. I just go to their web sites and they work fine.15:46
tarzeaufazle: in which mail program?15:46
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fazleevalution mail15:46
fazleor any other mail client what I can install on ubuntu15:47
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DynamicFailBlueKaj I have massive script that does a lot of setup to get a system to a state I like, including installing drivers (not in apt-get), creating folders, copying scripts, etc. One of my mpegencoder programs necessary to run requires it to be run with sudo. My master script trys to add a smaller script to the startup applications area. This smaller script calls that program that needs to run with sudo. So instead of changing the SUID on the whole .sh fil15:49
DynamicFaile I changed it just on the manufactured provided binary. The alternative was to have my master script modify the sudoers file to allow it to run with NOPASSWD (=scary) and then have my smaller script call the mpegencoder using sudo.15:49
beliDynamicFail: erm.....you just need to edit the sudoers file15:49
BluesKajmail clients aren't worth the trouble unless you need high security ...gmail is a godend IMO :)15:49
BluesKajgodsend rather :)15:49
Dr_WillisDynamicFail:  you can NOT make a script suid15:49
beliDynamicFail: sudo /path/to/youreditor /etc/sudoers15:49
edbianDynamicFail: True, you can only make compiled binaries setUID.  I did not know that this target file was a script15:50
beliDr_Willis: thats not what he is trying to do15:50
tarzeaufazle: evolution or thunderbird15:50
edbianDynamicFail: visudo -f /etc/sudoers15:50
Picibeli: No. You should use visudo to modify your sudoes file.15:50
Dr_WillisIm not clear on what hes doing really,,  ims till trying to figure out why a mpegencoder needs  sudo...15:50
beliPici: right, right15:50
Picibeli: visudo respects $EDITOR15:50
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DynamicFailI don't want to have the script run with root... just the binary called in the script15:51
DynamicFailcall it "mpegEn"15:52
Dr_WillisYou can set sudo to run a binary as root. and not ask for a password.15:52
beliDynamicFail: add sth like  %users     ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/yourscript             or /path/to/yourapp15:52
tarzeaufazle: in software-center15:52
Dr_Willisthen the scriopt can call 'sudo whatever' and it will run that bianry as root.15:52
edbianDynamicFail: Then setUID will work on the binary.  The sudoers solution will also work15:52
DynamicFailWhat is wrong with having my master script simply do chmod 4755 /path/to/program/mpegEn15:52
beliDynamicFail: the script executes the called app as the user you invoked the script from....so it will work too15:52
Dr_Willisthe suid bit is considered a huge security 'risk' and should only be used when absoultly no othe rway to do it..15:53
edbianDynamicFail: Then anytime anybody runs that program it will run as root.  You could use that to e.g. delete / rename system files15:53
BluesKajDynamicFail, hmm, I wonder if adding the script paths to the sudoers nopassword string will work ..like /etci/nit.d/rc*d or whatever the.sh15:53
lucidguyssh-Xforwarding-Virtualbox question.  I need to ssh into a remote box then su to another user and setup their virtualbox.  VirtualBox-OSE always complains "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication." .. Work Around?15:54
lucidguyI ssh into their box as root initially with -X15:55
ActionParsniplucidguy: when you ssh, do you add the -X option15:55
lucidguyActionParsnip: yes15:55
ActionParsniplucidguy: I'd add -C too (for compression), does the system you are connecting from have an X server running?15:55
lucidguyand the ssh_config allows xforwarding.  Its the switching user that stops me .. I can xforward with the original account I ssh with.15:55
lucidguyActionParsnip: Yes .. its an UbuntuDestop system15:56
DynamicFailbeli, Dr_Willis What would be more risky... having a bash script that modifies the sudoers file or having a bash script that calls a binary within it that has been chmod to 475515:56
beliDynamicFail: you dont modify the sudoers file from a script15:56
WindowsMojaveWhy does it say 2.5 as the latest release? lol15:56
DynamicFailbeli, then I guess the only way to make it work is the SUID change15:57
ActionParsniplucidguy: if you ssh as the user you intend to use the x forwarding, instead of su-ing, does it work?15:57
beliDynamicFail: again: modify the sudoers file that way, that your users can execute the binary your shell script is executing15:57
lucidguyActionParsnip: yes15:57
Dr_Willis|2DynamicFail:  what if some nasty user had that mencoder app save its 'output' to /dev/sda     - your system would be trashed.15:57
ActionParsnipWindowsMojave: update the doc15:57
Dulaklucidguy: the quick fix is to use xauth and permit your remote machine full access to the display15:57
beliDynamicFail: if your shell script is run...its run under the actual user.......and this user is allowed to execute the binary then...15:57
sipiorWindowsMojave: it doesn't actually say that.15:57
ActionParsniplucidguy: sounds like a workaround to me :)15:57
careytHello, I need some help changing file permissions while using ubuntu live from a USB drive.15:57
Dulaklucidguy: http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/workshops/cool_unix/xauth.html15:57
lucidguyDulak: thanks .. will look into it15:58
careytI have a second USB drive plugged in and I want to run a jar file and it wont let me use it as an executable. how do I change the permissions for that as I'm not root on there15:58
b__Hi there: Is there any reason why I should install ubuntu 10.04 instead of 10.10?15:58
Dr_Willis|2carandraug:   you could run  java -jar /path/to/the/whatever.jar15:58
Dr_Willis|2careyt:   you could run  java -jar /path/to/the/whatever.jar15:59
DynamicFailI understand that risk, but I really don't want to have to manually change the suders file. If there is a way to append the needed line to the sudoers file in a bash script I would love to do it.15:59
b__studiomonitor, what?15:59
careytalready tried that, it isn't allowed15:59
studiomonitorb__ 10.4 is more stable15:59
Dulakb__: depends on what you are doing with the computer really.  I stay on LTS releases myself but I don't have to have all the latest stuff.15:59
careytI tried to set permissions to let everyone run it as executable and it wont let me change it.15:59
Dr_Willis|2careyt:   calling java directly dident work?15:59
b__studiomonitor, thanks, I didn't actually remember wich one I used to prefere.15:59
beliDynamicFail:  the sudoers file is system wide? you alter it ONE time....and never touch it again if it works15:59
careytit says it can't be run as an executable.16:00
ActionParsnipcareyt: chmod +x file16:00
careytcan't chmod as I'm not root. how do I switch to root on a USB drive install16:00
Dr_Willis|2careyt:  that seems weird..  a jar isent really an executable..        if the thing is on a NTFS/fat filesystem you can tjust chmod it.. you need to copy it to a linux fs. or remounte the filesystem with the optiosn that will make Everything on the hd executable16:00
b__Dulak, I just want it to be fast and stable.16:01
Dr_Willis|2careyt:  so what FS is the hard drive in question using?16:01
ActionParsnipcareyt: if the file is owned b you, it doesn't need any extra permissions16:01
studiomonitorDid you know you guys are the chat room featured on my live stream at http://browntechx.com/live16:01
b__I'm using a dual core processor but I've had enough of 64 bits stuff.16:01
Dulakb__: stick to 10.04 for now then if you want stable16:01
ActionParsnipcareyt: ahh, fat32 may make things annoying16:01
b__So I'm switching back to 10.04 32 bit.16:01
ferengeejava -jar <jarfile>16:01
Dr_Willis|2careyt:  then you either remount it.. or copy it somewhere else..  I cant imagine why the java -jar foo.jar  would need to be executable16:01
careytI'll try it again.16:01
DynamicFailbeli, I understand this... but my masterscript is supose to be run once after a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04.16:02
careytthank you guys. I may be back, I dunno.16:02
b__Thanks and goodbye.16:02
beliDynamicFail: sorry, i dont understand your scenario now anymore16:03
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
Sidewinder1studiomonitor, Who am I?16:05
phaidrosnatty, compiz gets high load, how to prevent this?16:05
phaidroseek, compiz takle 2gb of memory !!!16:05
phaidrosholy ...16:05
lucidguyDulak: I can't get it to work even if I xhost + the system16:06
phaidroskilling compiz leaves me with no usable X :p16:06
Sidewinder1studiomonitor: So, who am I?..16:07
m4xxi'm trying to set up my kyocera fs-1128mfp printer via network. if i print small files it works just fine, but if i try to print this 3.7mb pdf the printer errors and the attention light starts blinking16:08
Dulaklucidguy: I use the xauth solution with the cookie myself, never tried xhost because it's a bad idea16:08
m4xxanyone know what might be going on?16:08
lucidguyDulak: the problem is because I su to another user .....  I think thats what messes up X16:08
lucidguyDulak: as stated before . .It works fine if I remote into the system and then launch a graphical app ... X forwards fine.16:09
ActionParsnipm4xx: how much cache does the printer have?16:09
Dulaklucidguy: you have to do the xauth thing as the user that is running X, then put the cookie into the env of the user you su to16:10
lovHi, I'm getting the following when I run apt-cache update16:10
lov Failed to fetch http://ir.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]16:10
m4xxthe web interface says it has 256mb memory16:10
ActionParsniplov: there are no more updates for Jaunty16:10
ActionParsniplov: Jaunty is now EOL16:10
Dulaklucidguy: that should give the su user access to the other user's X16:10
lovActionParsnip: thanks. What file do I modify to remove those sources from my list?16:10
ActionParsniplov: /etc/apt/sources.list16:11
lucidguyDulak: this xauth is a little over my head.. probably easier to just have the user login for me..16:11
lovActionParsnip: thanks16:11
lucidguyDulak: as in Im sure I can figure it out .. but not worth this one time thing.16:11
m4xxActionParsnip, when i print to that same file to the same printer from a windows machine it seems to work just fine.16:11
Dulaklucidguy: that would fix it, if X runs as the user you need, no need to worry about xauth16:12
timtimtimtimhow can i modify the "selected" appearance in my gnome panel? http://postimage.org/image/2eg3jt4sk/16:12
nor_could someone help me whit the root system in linux??16:12
Sidewinder1studiomonitor, Although it's exceedingly slow today, your link to your live feed (which I think is really cool), would probably be better in #ubuntu-offtopic as I replied to you, twice and was concerned about being chastised for being off topic. Just a thought. :-)16:12
lovAnother question: I'm now getting the following when running apt-cache update16:13
lovW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid_partner_binary-amd64_Packages)16:13
=== drMike_ is now known as drMike
lovI only see one entry for this in my sources.list file, however16:13
nor_could a "ubuntunderstand-er" help me in a question whit the root sistem in ubuntu??16:14
aauthor_Hey everyone.  In my htdocs directory I have a symbolic link to a folder in my home folder, but whenever I try access it (e.g. localhost/mylinkedfolder) it gives me a 403.  The mylinkedfolder has 777 permission, so I can't figure out what's up.16:14
lovI only see two "lucid partner" lines, for that matter; one is deb, the other is deb-src16:15
TbHackI downloaded the ubuntu 11 iso, now trying to install on vmware, however initramfs is giving an error, do I need something else before I can install on vmware?16:15
ActionParsniplov: you have the partner repo defined more than once, if you enabled it in sources.list, remove it in software centre16:16
Dr_Willis|2lov:  check the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory perhaps16:16
lovhere is sources.list: http://privatepaste.com/c7eae0e46516:16
lovI'll check sources.list.d, thanks16:16
Dr_Willis|2i think thats the right path16:17
nor_i want to use a command in the terminal but if i try it tells me i need root priviliges ,i type in su then the pw16:17
nor_and i try again and it tells me the same16:17
lovDr_Willis|2: that was it, thanks.16:17
lovthanks again for your help, ActionParsnip and Dr_Willis|216:17
Dulaknor_: sudo not su16:17
edbiannor_: sudo command16:17
nor_ok i try16:18
ActionParsnipTbHack: did you md test the ISO?16:18
ActionParsnipmd5 sorry16:18
lucidguyDulak: The best work around is to not even use xauth .. but the command "sux"16:19
lucidguyDulak: works like a charm16:19
studiomonitorHey Stevie16:19
Dulaklucidguy: hah that does the cookie thing automagjcally and I had completely forgotten about it.  That command basically does what that site I pasted you tells you to do manually16:20
lucidguyDulak: yes .. so I noted16:20
TbHackActionParsnip: No, how should I do that?16:20
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:21
Dulaklucidguy: upvote for persistence.16:21
ActionParsnipTbHack: you currently have no way of knowing if the ISO is complete or consistent as you have failed to verify it16:21
janisozauris it possible to turn logging on for already started screen session?16:21
* jiltdil gnom3 is nicer than unity16:21
nor_could someone tell me an example how to use the sudo cuz it looks like im a real retard16:22
Dulakjanisozaur: ctrl-a H16:23
ActionParsnipnor_: sudo apt-get update16:23
aukhello, so i just changed my uid on my primary account from 1000 to 500, subsequently i can't get a functional desktop to load with that account16:23
wendicosorry, noob question, wich is the default directory for the installation of programs on ubuntu?16:23
MonkeyDustnor_: we were all newbies, once16:23
edbianauk: Are you willing to change your UID back?16:24
MonkeyDustwendico: /usr/bin16:24
ActionParsnipauk: you will need to chown the home dir to the same user, so it updates the uid16:24
kubanccan i use 32 bit gparted for 64bit CPU?16:24
wendicoty monkeydust16:24
edbianwendico: It throws stuff in various places.  The binaries go in /usr/bin16:24
Dulakwendico: there is no real default each package has it's own place to install itself, not like in windows where everything is under program files16:24
edbiankubanc: Yes.  You can use a 32 bit OS on a 64 bit machine16:24
ActionParsnipkubanc: yes16:24
livingdaylightubuntu bar is stuck in open mode; not re-hiding - help16:24
steveireAny networking experts here? One natty laptop can access the net fine, and the other can't. The output of ifconfig is very similar16:25
phaidroshowto replace unity with gnome3 in natty?16:25
addisonjsteveire, can you ping google?16:25
steveireThe one that can't access the net also can't get it with a cabe;16:25
aukthere is first a problem with gdm not showing the user entry, which is fixed by clicking Other and typing the username, however then more problems come up - a nautilus error saying it can't create teh Desktop and other defautl folders16:25
wendicoBut, when i want to change some program config they always tell me go to /program name/program.conf, thts normaly in usr/bin/program name/program.conf?16:25
MonkeyDuststeveire: ethernet or wifi?16:25
aukas well as several other error windows16:25
steveireMonkeyDust: Both16:25
MonkeyDuststeveire: which won't work, ethernet or wifi?16:26
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edbianwendico: No, those are in your /home/wendico/  folder.  For example, /home/wendico/.mozilla   for firefox16:26
steveireMonkeyDust: Both do not work16:26
aukedbian: yes i am willing to change it back temporarily but would be very nice to be able to have it at 500 afterwards, for sharing a home partition with fedora16:26
ActionParsnip!gnome3 | phaidros16:26
ubottuphaidros: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.16:26
addisonjsteveire, can you ping google or local machines via IP16:26
edbianwendico: User specific settings (like firefox bookmarks) are stored in those .folders in your home directory16:26
bretzelHerllo: I have a seriou issue with ncurses development packages: pkg-config, cmake report missing CURSES_LIBRARY etc. ... I realize that ncurses.pc is missing!!!16:26
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: http://www.mistywindow.com/taming-ubuntu-unity-sidebar/16:26
steveireWe had some network trouble in work, and I had to do sudo route something, and something with dhclient. That was on the 'broken' laptop16:27
phaidrosActionParsnip: is there a way to get rid of unity safely?16:27
edbianauk: Then follow ActionParsnip's instructions16:27
phaidroseg. back to gnome2?16:27
steveireI can not ping google on the 'broken' one16:27
steveireIt times out16:27
ActionParsnipphaidros: log in to gnome classic desktop16:27
auk...the other option is modigying fedora's uid to 1000, which is possible but might have to involve setting up a dummy first account at install time then creating a new account to be 100016:27
wendicoThank you everybody16:27
pstewartsteveire: does it resolve google.com to the ip?16:27
steveirepstewart: I don't know16:28
phaidrosActionParsnip: thanx16:28
steveirewould it print output if it did?16:28
ActionParsnipphaidros: np16:28
steveireCurrently it prints only unknown host google.com after about 30 sec16:28
aukedbian: oh sorry i missed that, this web client is loading things in 30-lien chunks16:29
phox_Hi! Noob question: does arch use gnome, kde or something else? then what, and what are these types of graphic handlers called? =)16:29
s093294/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /home/s093294/Android/opencv/android/android-opencv/libs/armeabi-v7a/libandroid-opencv.so when searching for -landroid-opencv /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -landroid-opencv    Does this error make any meaning to anyone, no luck on google16:29
ActionParsnipphox_: arch is offtopic here16:29
phox_actionparsnip: ops, wrong window :P16:29
ActionParsnipphox_: clearly ;)16:29
steveireHow do I see/set my dns servers?16:30
aukActionParsnip, i also noticed when i changed the uid that i didn't  change the group id etc, just the user id, should i change the others too?16:30
phaidrossteveire: cat /etc/resolv.conf16:30
ActionParsnipauk: not sure, as long as you have a backup you can go crazy :)16:30
steveireHmm, both the same16:30
steveire# Generated by NetworkManager16:31
pstewartsteveire: is your default gateway set properly?16:31
Jack_bt5server irc.hak5.org16:32
Jack_bt5server irc.hak5.org 666716:32
aukActionParsnip: haha i don't have a backup, the drive i was using broke16:32
steveirepstewart: That rings a bell I had to mess with that in work in the last week, but actually a colleague did the changes.16:32
steveireHow do I check that?16:32
pstewartsteveire: route | grep default16:32
ActionParsnipauk: scary16:32
joris\join #latex16:32
Sidewinder1joris, I believe it's "/" not "\"...16:33
aukActionParsnip: i should be able to change the permissions from nautilus from another sudoer account no?16:33
gaelfxhaha, kinky16:33
jorisyes idd thanks:p16:34
steveirepstewart: It says the gateway is on the broken one, and easy.box on this one16:34
steveirehost easy.box returns the same ip on this one16:34
steveireIt also takes much longer on the broken one16:34
pstewartsteveire: so easy.box =
raidodoes anyone know a command like "pwd" that will show which filesystem (as in one on a remote server) the cwd is mounted on16:34
steveireYes. host easy.box16:35
steveireeasy.box has address
=== auk is now known as auk-
steveireBut the route command takes 14 seconds to print the default line, whereas on this computer it's instant16:35
pstewartsteveire: was there more than one default route?16:36
steveireThis computer also has a link-local line that the broken one does not have16:36
ActionParsnipraido: mount    will show where things are mountd16:36
bretzel...and btw, cpu trottle is above 13% all the time ... I have nothing running that justify that load!16:36
steveireNope, the broken one has two lines in the table. One default, and one with Gateway *16:37
steveireThe non-broken one has the extra link-local line16:37
raidoActionParsnip: Thats only good for the local machine16:37
wendicocan i make my Unity panels smaller, thiner. with smaller icons and letters?16:38
RichieRampagehi there, I have upgraded my dev server to ubuntu 11.04, fresh vmware install, code lives on shared drive on a windows 7 host. I reinstalled git with sudo apt-get git-core. I am now getting segmentation errors when trying to init a new repo and when I try and clone existing repos to remote server, anyone come across similar? Cheers Rich16:38
edbianwendico: It is not yet configurable :(16:38
pstewartsteveire: the line with "Gateway *" ... does it have a destination route assiciated with it? (ie.
Dulakbretzel: umm I have X w/compiz, a music player, a browser, and irc running, and sit at about 15% all the time.  13% means you maybe don't have a music player running...16:38
steveireYes, it does16:39
jorisyou can try to clone the repo with http16:39
edbianbretzel: 13% sounds about right.  You have a GUI running?16:39
pstewartsteveire: k, and you can ping ?16:39
edbianbretzel: wifi is up?16:39
TbHackseems like my ISO was broken, lots of errors on checking md516:39
bretzelDulak: mmm normally , when idle cpu should be between 0%-2%16:39
Dulakbretzel: how do you figure?  X itself is 8-10%16:40
wendicoedbian: ty16:40
edbianbretzel: Where do you get that figure16:40
edbianwendico: sure16:40
Dr_Willis|2ive seen systems running X that idle at 1-2%16:40
bretzeledbian: no wifi - eth16:40
steveirepstewart: 41 packets, 100% loss on the broken one16:40
ActionParsnipTbHack: thats why MD5 testing exists16:40
eiriksvindoes anyone in here know of a Python programming irc help chan?16:40
steveireThis one works though.16:40
Dulakeiriksvin: #python16:40
edbianbretzel: Why do you think it should be 0 - 2%?  How are you measuring it's usage?16:41
pstewartsteveire: have you tried running dhclient again on the broken machine?16:41
unit-01whoa where am i?16:41
steveireYes. Should I run it without arguments?16:41
edbianunit-01: #ubuntu16:41
aukActionParsnip: i probably should have mentioned that this home partition is encrypted...16:41
pstewartsteveire: well, "dhclient eth0" or whatever interface16:41
unit-01well i think i have some problems with ubuntu now :)16:42
bretzeledbian: I figure out 0%-2% because normally: ( arch, OpSuSE, Mint, Fedora etc....) does not seems to run background stuff taking 13-15% off the cpu in idle16:42
ActionParsnipauk: ive not used that, too many headaches16:42
wendicoare the icons in the main bar also not configurable (clock, sound...)? i like to have 2 more icons-utils on that panel16:42
edbianbretzel: How are you measuring?16:42
abhinav_singhwhat are the shells available in Ubuntu system by default16:42
pstewartsteveire: can you pastebin the output of: route && ifconfig && cat /etc/resolv.conf  ?16:43
bretzeledbian: ( conky, htop, top, /proc/cpu et ... ?????16:43
Dulakabhinav_singh: bash, dash, sh16:43
Sidewinder1!ask > unit-0116:43
ubottuunit-01, please see my private message16:43
abhinav_singhis there any command to see what are the shells available Dulak16:44
edbianbretzel: Those are good methods.  (if you use gnome-system monitor it takes so much cpu to draw the graphs it's useless)  I don't have an accurate number for fedora / suse / mint.  Perhaps your computer is doing something in Ubuntu that it is not doing on those systems.  I am not surprised by ~10% usage at idle.16:44
eiriksvincan someone tell me how to reg my name with Freenode?16:44
bretzeleven kdevelop not taking more than 3%... right now16:44
aukActionParsnip: well in essence i can't see any files unless i'm logged in. so in essence i need to change the file permissions from that account before changin the uid. but will this prevent correct behavoir between the time of modifying the permissions and being fully logged out of the account?16:44
v_veiriksvin: /msg nickserv help16:44
Distresspulseaudio is horrible, audio playback is terrible, audio input barely works. How do i remove this abomination?16:44
abhi_my nautilus is not working properly16:44
pstewartabhinav_singh: cat /etc/shells16:44
llutz /etc/shells lists only login shells16:45
Dulakabhinav_singh: not that I'm aware, there is a list in /etc/shells but they can be in that list but not installed on the machine16:45
wendicowhat are the default shortkeys for zooming?16:45
pstewartoh right16:45
pstewartwell, it's a start :)16:45
Dulakabhinav_singh: by default only the 3 I listed are installed, afaik16:45
cocoa117EOF upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 (Jaunty to Karmic) have error message Cannot upgrade16:46
cocoa117An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool.16:46
steveirepstewart: http://dpaste.com/548726/16:46
unit-01so, im a total newbie to all this, and my ubuntu bitching about free space, so i rebooted under XP, chopped off 4 gbs from 1 logic drive, and increased my ubuntu drive. i can see ubuntu drive is 9 gbs now and it's 49% free. but ubuntu STILL bitches about "185 mbs free space". so, what should i do?16:46
pushpopmy disk says its 100% in use but I can't find any files that would be taking up space.. what should I do??16:46
cocoa117i didn't ask for lucid upgrade, i was going for karmic upgrade16:46
edbianpushpop: (clear the trash) look at disk usage analyzer16:46
Sidewinder1!eol > cocoa11716:46
ubottucocoa117, please see my private message16:46
NoiseEeeI take it the 404 NOT FOUND for updating libpam stuff today is a known issue?16:46
kubancwhat is better to have, ext4 or ext3?16:47
abhinav_singhokay pstewart Dulak :) ...i see the output of  /etc/shells http://pastebin.com/sTP3EKqT16:47
Ivan_The_TerriblHi all. Are there any ways to alter the common gtk2 file selector, specifically the size of image thumbnails? I run opera and gtk2 file selector doesn't allow to change size of thumbnails - thumbs are very small and it's very hard to upload, for instance, a pic. I can switch opera file selector to qt, but qt works very slow on my system16:47
Pici!pamerr| NoiseEee16:47
ubottuNoiseEee: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053816:47
ActionParsnipcocoa117: try using the alternate CD and upgrade that way16:47
NoiseEeethanks Pici16:47
pushpopedbian, nothing in trash and disk usage showing 100%16:47
pstewartsteveire: does it work better if you do: ifdown wlan1  (with an ethernet cable plugged in)16:47
Dulakabhinav_singh: that list is not what is installed, it's just the most common shells you might want to run, it has zero to do with what is actually installed16:47
edbianpushpop: disk usage analyzer  Are you using unity or classic?16:47
ActionParsnippushpop: try: sudo apt-get clean16:48
ActionParsnippushpop: also uninstall old unused kernels can help lots16:48
abhinav_singhokay Dulak ..what are the other shells type apart form login shells16:48
Dulakabhinav_singh: I don't understand the question16:48
pushpopilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on16:48
pushpop/dev/sda1             141G  134G  308M 100% /16:48
abhinav_singhi mean what are the other shell types..one is the login shell ..what are the other types Dulak16:49
steveirepstewart: It says Ingoring unknown interface wlan1=wlan116:49
edbianpushpop: Nobody is doubting that the system is full.  Please do what we're suggesting16:49
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode16:49
pushpopedbian, none of which worked16:49
ActionParsnippushpop: do you use dropbox?16:49
kubancwhat should i add for swap space. should it be primary or secondary?16:49
pushpopActionParsnip, yes16:49
edbianpushpop: disc usage analyzer didn't show you what folders are taking up the most space?16:50
ActionParsnippushpop: what is the output of:   du -h ~/Dropbox16:50
steveireThe second time it says it's not configured.16:50
taowacan i have a cloak16:50
pushpopedbian, /home16:50
ActionParsnipkubanc: it doesn't matter16:50
Dulakabhinav_singh: again it's not clear, a login shell is any shell used to login, any shell can be a login shell16:50
pushpopbut cant find the files taking space16:50
gaelfxkubanc: swap is generally part of a logical partition, and should be double your physical ram16:50
squigdoes any one know how "hyper threading" aware the kernel is16:50
ActionParsnip!cloak | taowa16:50
ubottutaowa: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode16:50
eiriksvinis there a way to auto indentify with nickserv?16:50
wendicoMay I remove Trash from the Unity Panel? How?16:50
ActionParsnipeiriksvin: which client?16:50
abhinav_singhso ubuntu default login shell is dash? Dulak16:50
edbianpushpop: look deeper in disc usage.  I suspect ActionParsnip is right.  (he/she usually is)16:50
ActionParsnipedbian: he ;)16:51
Dulakabhinav_singh: bash is the default in ubuntu16:51
taowa!cloak | taowa16:51
ubottutaowa, please see my private message16:51
unit-01I tried to increase size of Ubuntu logic drive, booted under XP, added 4 gbd of space, my Ubuntu logic drive is now 9 Gbs, but Ubuntu still complains about "54,5 Mbs free". So, how do i fix it?16:51
steveirepstewart: Hmm, I disabled the wireless with the hardware switch and the wired now works16:51
abhinav_singhokay Dulak16:51
sipiorpushpop: consider changing the default disk block reservation on the disk from 5% to 0% to alleviate the immediate problem.16:51
=== v_v is now known as k
eiriksvin<ActionParsnip> XChat16:51
pstewartsteveire: k16:51
ActionParsnipeiriksvin: http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=2660 may help16:52
steveirepstewart: And after re-enabling wireless works too.16:52
steveireBizarre. Thanks very much for your help.16:52
pstewartsteveire: cool16:52
steveirenetwork stuff is still a dark art to me.16:52
_thomas__Hi, someone could please tell me where can I set time of disabled touchpad when I'm typing? The default is too long for me.16:52
M4d3Lhi. how we restart network on ubuntu?16:53
ActionParsnipM4d3L: sudo servicenetworking restart16:53
edbianM4d3L: sudo service networking stop    sudo service networking start16:53
ActionParsnipsudo service networking restart16:53
edbianActionParsnip: I don't think restart is a thing anymore16:53
ActionParsnipwell.....it should be :)16:53
PeanutHi, I'm trying to bootstrap a brand-new PC. I've made an USB stick with the Ubuntu installer on it and it boots, asks for language and keyboard, but then goes 'No network interfaces detected', foiling my plan to have it just slurp the rest of Ubuntu from our fast net connection. Any hints on how to add to the installer a kernel module for my network card?16:53
edbianPeanut: wifi or wired?16:54
M4d3Lsudo service networking restart   ==> Unknow instance16:54
edbiantold ya so16:54
Peanutwired (not stupid ;-)16:54
Dulakyeah you have to stop it then start it again16:54
edbianPeanut: I'm surprised it doesn't work out of the box.  Do you have DHCP running.  Can you confirm that the network is operational?16:54
taowaanyone from ubuntu16:54
M4d3Lstop: Unknown instance:16:55
DulakGotta love that they made it impossible to remotely restart the network16:55
edbiantaowa: Ubuntu is an operating system not a place16:55
Peanutedbian: It fails even before that (DHCP is not a requirement), it simply finds no networking hardware to even attempt to DHCP with.16:55
DdpbfM4d3L: sudo service network not networking16:55
taowano ubuntu staff16:55
Picitaowa: Whats the question?16:55
unit-01i could use some help here...16:55
M4d3Lnetwork: unrecognized service16:55
edbianPeanut: I'm not sure then.  Try a full Ubuntu CD.  You only have to download it once and your network connection should make that fast as heck  (USB drive even faster)16:55
mrNotYouTaowa, not really, the help you get here is usually from fellw ubuntu users, so if you have a question ask away :)16:55
edbianM4d3L: networking16:55
mrNotYou*fellow (Taowa)16:56
Peanutedbian: But I have no CD. I have the ISO, but no media.16:56
mrNotYouYes, pusur907?16:56
Picipusur907: hi!16:56
Sidewinder1pusur907, Good afternoon.16:56
M4d3Lmdelisle@mdelisle-vserver:~$ sudo service networking16:56
M4d3LUsage: /etc/init.d/networking {start|stop|restart|force-reload}16:56
M4d3Lmdelisle@mdelisle-vserver:~$ sudo service networking stop16:56
M4d3Lstop: Unknown instance:16:56
edbianM4d3L: what version of Ubuntu are you on??16:57
gaelfx!pb > M4d3L16:57
ubottuM4d3L, please see my private message16:57
edbianPeanut: unetbootin16:57
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode16:57
edbianPeanut: How did you get the net-installer loaded?16:57
unit-01I tried to increase size of Ubuntu logic drive, booted under XP, added 4 gbd of space, my Ubuntu logic drive is now 9 Gbs, but Ubuntu still complains about "54,5 Mbs free". So, how do i fix it?16:57
justinxI got a problem I think, when I check my disk utility it shows I have two swaps (two different sizes also) for one copy of linux16:57
jebulaHi, I've been trying to launch geany as a normal user and I get a segmentation fault. I can however launch it when I issue the sudo command prior. Any ideas or help is appreciated.16:57
edbianM4d3L: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:57
M4d3Lgaelfx: you will cry for 4 line?16:57
edbianjustinx: You only need one :)  Start up gparted and remove one (install gparted if you need to)16:57
edbiangaelfx: You will cry?16:58
M4d3Lty! sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart is working16:58
eiriksvin<ActionParsnip> um, its talking about adding a script, but I don't know how, and I can't find the Server settings for auto identify16:58
squigdoes any one know how "hyper threading" aware the kernel is16:58
roestzwiihey guys16:59
Peanutedbian: that might be worthwhile - I'm currently on an OpenSuse system,16:59
justinxOkay I will get gparted when you install does it automatically show up on the boot screen or do you need a boot disk16:59
edbianPeanut: unetbootin is neat16:59
Picitaowa: What is your question?16:59
roestzwiii want to use gunzip on a ubuntu server, but i need to make the | sign how can i do that?16:59
edbianjustinx: Because you're only editing swap partitions you can boot Ubuntu normally and run gparted in there.16:59
jason^any chance a new version of pam that was released might break cron?16:59
edbianroestzwii: shift + [button above enter]16:59
Peanutedbian: looks neat, but it seems to want the whole ISO on the stick, I hope there's enough room for that.16:59
roestzwiiit tells me this in an example: gunzip -c psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz | tar xf -16:59
* sipior waves at Peanut17:00
* Peanut is too used to pxe-booting stuff17:00
PeanutHey sip :-)17:00
Picijason^: Yes. But its been pulled from the repositories, it shouldn't download.17:00
edbianPeanut: hahaha17:00
roestzwiishift + backspace?17:00
wendicoi see something very strange. in a laptop with 3 primary partitions (hardwaretest, recovey, windows), i shrinked windows to minimun and in the free space i created an extended partition with 3 logical  (ubuntu, DATA (ntfs), swap). And installed ubuntu. Everything works ok BUT windows disk manager shows 4Primary (hardtest, recove, windows, ubuntu) one extended with a logic (DATA ntfs) and a 5th primary at the end (linux-swap). LOL? Erased17:00
edbianPeanut: you're being waved at17:00
wendico all but the 3 first primarys (HWtest, rec, windows) and repeated the process with exactly same results. what is wrong? (i parted with gparted and installed trough ubuntu live usb.17:00
Pici!pamerr | jason^17:00
ubottujason^: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053817:00
=== niles|iPod is now known as bye
justinxedbian another question how do I determine which is the right swap :-#17:00
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Sidewinder1roestzwii, On a desktop, it's the upper-case directly above the "enter" key.17:00
edbianroestzwii: That one:  http://www.lunametrics.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/pipeKey-150x150.png17:00
roestzwiii have a windows system and try to access to the server with putty17:01
Peanutsipior: got my new office PC today, as you might have noticed *grin*17:01
jason^Pici: yeah a bunch of my servers updated at 6am today and they all pulled down new versions of that bad package17:01
edbianjustinx: Either one will work.  It does not matter17:01
jebulaDoes anyone else use geany and is it broken on your system as well?17:01
Piciroestzwii: On a standard US keyboard the | is shared with \ and is typically located above your enter key.17:01
pushpopedbian, I'm finiding if I clear space it gets writtent to immediately... there is something running thats constantly feeling up my hd17:01
edbianpushpop: That is very very strange.17:01
=== pusur907 is now known as johan907
eiriksvincan someone tell me how to set XChat to auto identify my nick please17:01
Picijason^: I manually updated around that time and grabbed it too.  The bug has a workaround for restarting cron, but we'll need to wait for the package to be updated before there is a real fix.17:01
rikvaI'm using a new Thinkpad Edge 13, with Intel GM45 display controller. I obviously use the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver. However the video performance is awful. Not just 3d stuff, I can't even watch a divx-video. Glxgears pfs is around 50. Any pointers?17:01
roestzwiiokay, thanks17:02
=== johan907 is now known as ubuntu908
Dulakeiriksvin: Xchat->network list then edit the network, there is a place to put your nickserv password there, then whenever you connect to that network it should auto auth17:03
justinxAnybody know how I know which swap to get rid of if I have two?17:03
* tommylommykins waves17:03
=== szal_ is now known as szal
* tommylommykins is having isues with the virtual desktop resolution and fglrx17:03
gaelfxjustinx: it shouldn't matter which one you nix17:03
macojustinx: if you look at /etc/fstab you can see the UUID for the one thats being used. then blkid on the various partitions on your drive should let you see which one matches that UUID17:03
* _mike__ waves at tommylommykins 17:03
tommylommykinsI want to set it to 3072x115217:03
tommylommykinsBut I can't seem to be able to do that17:04
taowais there any staff17:04
tommylommykinsany hints?17:04
eiriksvinDulak thank you, testing it now:P17:04
Dulaktommylommykins: 2048 is the max width iirc17:04
tommylommykinsDulak: in fglrx?17:04
tommylommykinsDulak: How am I supposed to get my two monitors working? Is it not possible?17:04
justinxIm sorry maco how do I do that17:05
Dulaktommylommykins: I'm probably wrong I think that max width was for my crappy laptop17:05
_mike__you might try messing with xconf file17:05
tommylommykins_mike__: I have had issues finding an xorg.conf file that actually gets read17:06
justinxWhere do I find Gparted its not in the software centere is it?17:06
taowais there any ubuntu staff17:06
tommylommykinsI'm under the impression that there is not necessarily always a physical xorg.conf file?17:06
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
macojustinx: gparted should be in software center...17:06
_mike__tommylommykins: i think now you have to issue a command that creates a xorg.conf file17:06
Dulaktommylommykins: there isn't one by default but /etc/X11/xorg.conf should be read if it exists, so you can force settings you need17:07
justinxmaybe because i am running pinguy which is based on ubuntu17:07
tommylommykinsDulak: I have edited that. It seems to be ignoring what I wrote17:07
macojustinx: "cat /etc/fstab" would let you see your swap's UUID. then "sudo fdisk -l" lets you see which partitions could be your swap ones, and you can "sudo blkid /dev/sda3" (or whatever fdisk said) to find out which is the one that matches fstab17:07
gaelfxtommylommykins: no, but if you use nvidia drivers, they'll probably ask you to make one17:07
taowa can i get a cloak17:07
tommylommykinsmaybe I wrote it all wrong17:07
Picitaowa: Are you an Ubuntu Member?17:07
wendicojustinx: gnome partition editor in software centre is gparted17:08
tommylommykinsgaelfx: I don't think nvidia drivers work on AMD/ATI hardware :(17:08
justinxI type it in and it comes up Gnome Partiion Editor and its alraedy installed17:08
Dulaktommylommykins: yeah check /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:08
taowai applyed  but i havent recived a response17:08
_mike__tommylommykins: did you edit it as root?17:08
tommylommykins_mike__: yes17:08
macotaowa: you have to show up to a meeting with your Regional Membership Board in #ubuntu-meeting at the scheduled time17:09
christenIs it possible to use a second monitor and have a different workspace on the monitor?17:09
tommylommykinsthe log make no mention of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, or 'resolution'17:09
_mike__and you placed it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?17:09
tommylommykins_mike__: Yes17:09
Picitaowa: If you just want an unaffiliated cloak, you can request in #freenode. If they told you to wait, then you need to wait.17:09
macotaowa: you'll be expected to have a wiki page detailing your contributions and some testimonials from folks who've seen the good work you do. then the board will ask you questions at the meeting and vote on whether you become a member at that time17:09
=== amirshal is now known as threatac
tommylommykinsdid I do anything stupid there?17:10
arvut__mïñð íf I be here? I'm high on weed.17:10
=== threatac is now known as amirshal
wendicochristen: as i tested u can either strech your work space to the other monitor making a bigger space or have two complete separated workspaces (with even there own panels)17:10
amoehi all17:10
_mike__was up amoe?17:11
amoeIs there any mirrors for ancient ubuntu releases like intrepid?17:11
jebulaHi, I've been trying to launch geany as a normal user and I get a segmentation fault. I can however launch it when I issue the sudo command prior. Any ideas or help is appreciated.17:11
arvut__amoe thee shall goo-gle17:11
amoeI did17:11
maco!eol | amoe17:11
ubottuamoe: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:11
arvut__as in 'go glee'17:11
Piciamoe: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com , but you should really consider using a supported release.17:11
amoethanks Pici17:11
bolt12is geany a IDE?17:12
christenwedico: would I need to set that up? the panels I mean?17:12
Piciarvut__: You may depart if you aren't going to be providing helpful comments.17:12
macobolt12: yeah, for python17:12
ActionParsnipamoe: you could get the last daily alternate ISO if one exists and use that17:12
ActionParsnipbolt12: yes17:12
alvin123hi,, i`m installing xubuntu 11.04 right now alongside with windows 7.. why is it that the installing process shows no progress? and there is a dialogue in the panel saying reboot is required?17:12
macojebula: is it possible that the first time you used it it was with sudo and now the config files for it in your ~ have wrong ownership?17:12
kubanchow do i get into grub menu if it is hidden from me?17:12
wendicochristen: in my case they just appeared duplicated, then i could add or remove icons independently17:12
tommylommykinsalvin123: It sounds like it's finished install ubuntu17:12
ActionParsnipkubanc: hold shift at boot17:13
tommylommykinsYou just need to reboot to finish17:13
justinxMaco u there?17:13
alvin123why is it such that quick?17:13
eiriksvin<Dulak> thank you, now I just have to find a way to set a delay before auto-joining certain chans :D I'm learning Python right now, that could be a good goal (I got 2 now, 1 make a wifi signal strength meter that shows a percentage right in my top panel, then make a script that does the delayed auto-join :D )17:13
christenOkay, I'll give that a go and we'll see.17:13
wendicochristen: i forgot to adviced you, i was trying with Ubuntu Classic log in, not Unity17:13
macojustinx: yup17:13
justinxHere is my paste bin I am still not sure what to remove ..take a look 0  http://pastebin.com/K88Tn89w17:13
unit-01I tried to increase size of Ubuntu logic drive, booted under XP, added 4 gbs of space, my Ubuntu logic drive is now 9 Gbs, but Ubuntu still complains about "54,5 Mbs free". So, how do i fix it?17:13
arvut__oh right!!! this in not ot. Ty Þi©i, I shall Ðeparŧ! *bows and makes łeave*17:13
_mike__alvin are you using wubi?17:14
wendicochristen: i do not know yet how unity behaves with two monitors17:14
Dulakeiriksvin: I posted a bug on xchat for a delay and they closed it as wontfix17:14
macoDulak, eiriksvin: if you just want to get nickserv to identify before you join, put your nickserv password as the server password instead17:14
PeanutAh, putting the netboot image on the USB stick has gotten me into a working installer with network. Yay.17:14
alvin123no, this is a live usb..17:14
Dulakmaco mmmm thanks I'll try that17:15
_mike__then i dont know why... see if rebooting does it17:15
ActionParsniplxde + unity2D = winning17:15
Dulakreconnecting to test17:15
GhostWolfhi all, hope someone can help me real quick, i just acquired a modem that a friend gave to me, or persay its a gateway that has wireless capabilities, im able to connect to the internet, but since lastnight i noticed that on all 3 networks im on, it disconnects with the error message network is unreachable, i just googled that info and i don't know if its my operating system or my router, or both. can anyone please help?17:16
alvin123before installing this, there is a previous xubuntu 10.10 that is upgraded and messed up by me. then i used gparted to shrink the ext partition to give up windows additional 5 gib..17:16
wendicochristen: i also found out that the most bugfree configuration is just to mirror your screen (like for presentations and all that) when i really want to strech my working space and work with two monitors i always came up with strange situations (windows not remembering wich screen should appear, full screnn aps running only in main screen....)17:16
christenwhat if the resolution is different?17:17
wendicochristen: resolution and sizes are not problem at all17:17
christenoh okay.17:17
justinxit say swap was on /dev/sda7 during installation so do I remove the swap that sda517:17
patchi, can someone explain me what cryptsetup is going to do if i use sudo cryptsetup luksFormat<myoptionshere> /dev/sdf instead of sudo cryptsetup luksFormat<options> /dev/sdf<partition number>? I tried and it seems to be working as if the device itself was encrypted, but is this going to give specific problems?17:17
christenso I should try classic log in?17:18
christenbecause there seems to be this other one...that unity uses..it takes longer to reboot17:18
alvin123by the way, whats the best way to install xubuntu? install alongside or the last option?17:18
unit-01oh for love of gods! will anybody answer my question?17:19
Dulakmaco: that's awesome thanks, that was bugging me badly about xchat17:19
GhostWolfwell guess i'll come back17:19
justinxWait i just got an error messg someone help.. says.  Unable to delete /dev/sda5! Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 517:20
patchi, can someone explain me what cryptsetup is going to do if i use sudo cryptsetup luksFormat<options> /dev/sdf instead of sudo cryptsetup luksFormat<options> /dev/sdf<partition number>? I tried and it seems to be working as if the device itself was encrypted, but is this going to give specific problems? In fact I just didn't give a specific partition number... juste the divise name...17:21
justinxI cant unmount my system can I ?17:21
patcdevice name*17:21
justinxIts lower than 517:21
MonkeyDustwhat's the bot message for the pam error?17:21
wendicojustinx: i guess so are trying to delete a partition, no, u cant unmount your system, u can only delete partitions not in use17:21
PiciMonkeyDust: !pamerr or !pamerror17:21
alvin123whats the use of 5?17:21
macojustinx: i suspect its because of it being logical, not primary. probably best to just work from a live cd17:21
MonkeyDust!pamerr > MonkeyDust17:22
ubottuMonkeyDust, please see my private message17:22
TbHackI wondered, what's an alternative to VIM for coding?17:22
TbHacki don't mind it being in the terminal17:22
eiriksvin<maco> true_helper = 'maco is Awesome for helping us!'17:22
Pici!!editors | TbHack17:22
ubottuTbHack: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code17:22
v_vTbHack: emacs ?17:22
ActionParsnipTbHack: nano,pico, vi17:22
eiriksvinprint true_helper17:22
PiciTbHack: Ands thats just a small list of them17:22
justinxCan you install gparted and put it in your boot menu17:22
TbHackok thx guys17:23
macojustinx: you can run it from a live cd17:23
wendicojustinx: you can safetly unmount and delete any partition non in use and not in front (fisically) of a partition in use. if that one is your case then u must boot from live17:23
justinxso sda5 is def the swap I need to get rid of?17:23
kvirccould anyone help me with a wubi problem?17:23
kvirci installed ubuntu with wubi under windows17:23
justinxOk gparted has live cd i just download that17:23
kvircand the install went ok17:24
kvircbut when rebooting the bootloader doesnt show ubuntu17:24
kvircthe windows bootloader doesnt change17:24
kvircsince on other computers ive tried it  works17:24
justinxMy computer keeps going crazy and popping up that I just installed/removed usb drive and media reader..... the notices are making me go wako!17:24
wendicojustinx: you should look at the map in your partition editor, sometimes numbers of the partition (sda1, 2, 3) do not necesarilly shows if it is in front or behind of a used partition17:25
eiriksvinmaco yay the server password worked for my nickserv!!17:25
Growling /server irc.office.xs4all.nl17:25
eiriksvinkvirc hi17:25
wendicojustinx: con can only delete those partitions to the right of the last 'in use' partition or u can boot live and delete all disk17:25
kvircdid you read my problem error?17:26
kvircthis is strange wubi doesnt change the windows bootloader17:26
kvirci cant start ubuntu17:26
justinxI have windwws installed first, then i installed ubuntu, then I got rid of ubuntu by installing pinguy over ubuntu17:26
kvircmaybe its because this computer is older?17:26
kvircit's main hd is IDE17:27
justinxnow I kind of want to go back to ubuntu.. but im afraid gnome isn't ready yet17:27
kvirci installed another one SATA17:27
unit-01I tried to increase size of Ubuntu logic drive, booted under XP, added 4 gbs of space, my Ubuntu logic drive is now 9 Gbs, but Ubuntu still complains about "54,5 Mbs free". So, how do i fix it?17:27
kvircthats where i want to install ubunt with wubi17:27
eiriksvinkvirc no that shouldn't be a problem, I used the LIVE CD that worked for me, but idk17:27
eiriksvinkvirc sorry17:27
kvircthis is dissapointing17:28
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode17:28
kvircwubi doesnt work here17:28
kvircanyone else know?17:28
kvircanything i could try?17:28
unit-01kvirc - try again?17:28
* Sidewinder1 Sighs,... not cloak, again.17:28
kvirci did17:28
justinxWhy do people use gnome when KDE is more polished shiny looking.  If kde had the number of programs and support as gnome does would everybody be using kde instead?17:28
LjL!ot | justinx17:29
ubottujustinx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:29
kvircfluxbox ftw17:29
eiriksvinkvirc try reinstalling from live cd17:29
kvircwubi installs on the folder i tell it to17:29
R1ngh10hi, my intel 855 vga support Unity?17:29
kvirci dont have livecd17:29
kvircim installing from image cd17:29
eiriksvinkvirc USB?17:29
kvircwith wubi17:29
kvirci only using wubi17:30
eiriksvinkvirc that is the live cd, do you have a disk?17:30
kvircno, i just loaded with virtual drive17:30
eiriksvinkvirc can you use a USB?17:31
christenIs it possible to have different backgrounds for different workspaces?17:31
Sidewinder1kvirc, My advice would be to discontinue wubi; it's primary purpose is to try ubuntu. If you like it and still need windows simply install ubuntu and dual boot with win.17:31
wendicomay i safetly install diferent desktop enviroments (kde, gnome, unity, flux....) on the same installation of ubuntu for test purposes? whould they live together correctly or do i need  no unistall each one to test the following?17:31
ActionParsnipwendico: absolutely17:31
rickeyhey guy,s i just downloaded hardysomeone told me i need to some meta  file to get all my  player and music straiten out17:31
eiriksvinchristen anything is possible, but it may take a bit a work17:31
LjLwendico: they'll work, you'll just have a bit of cruft in the apps menu, and it might be tricky to remove them later17:32
ActionParsnipwendico: add as many as you can hold on your drive, you select the DE at login17:32
rickey any of you guy know what they was talking about17:32
kvircim not buying a CD17:32
rickey i am very green17:32
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kvircim installing with wubi17:32
christeneiriksvin: is there anything that you can send me to show me how?17:32
eiriksvinkvirc you don't have to buy a cd17:32
kvircthen ill make a normal installation from there17:32
ActionParsniprickey: hardy desktop is no longer supported, you can upgrade to Lucid in a single jump though17:32
kvircim not buying cd-r17:32
wendicoActionParsnip: LjL: thank you. dont bother about then solving conflicts i will just format, is for test purposes17:32
taowawhy did they discontinue shipit17:32
mattkDoes anyone know how to install ubuntu from the liveusb using the terminal?17:33
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LjLkvirc: uh, i don't think you can do a normal installation from wubi...? can you?17:33
rs0832kvirc, you can install virtualbox and install ubuntu frm the cd image if you want to try it17:33
ActionParsnipmattk: run ubiquity and it will install17:33
sparrHow can I add "Guest Session" as an option when my screen is locked, so that other people can use my computer when I'm afk?17:33
eiriksvinchristen I have never tried it myself, but i have heard of it, try google is the best option... sorry17:33
donkeyinspacehello! i have an usb pen with a "failed" ubuntu installation. when that pen is connected to the computer booting dont go beyond motherboard logo. how do i "erase" the pen?17:33
christeneiriksvin: okay, Thanks anyways! :D17:34
kvirci need 3d17:34
kvircno 3d in virtualbox17:34
ActionParsnipdonkeyinspace: use gparted or disk manager in windows17:34
pinoyoragonAny news on the OPTIMUS issue on linux? did nvidia release a patch?17:34
rickeycan you tale me how to upgrade  to lucid where do i start?17:34
LjL!upgrade | rickey17:34
ubotturickey: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:34
ActionParsnipkvirc: ther is 3d but its not brilliant17:34
ActionParsnippinoyoragon: ive seen a project called bumblebee17:35
wendicodonkeyinspace: you can easily erase and rebuild your ubuntu pen with Startup Disk Creator (default installed)17:35
ActionParsnippinoyoragon: the omgubuntu site has a doc on it17:35
mattkActionParsnip: this is what I get (gksudo:5606): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:17:35
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:36
mattkActionParsnip: My monitor is not working. I ssh into from another computer17:36
wendicoby the way, is it posible to build from a windows iso a booting pen drive of windows installation from ubuntu?17:36
mattkActionParsnip: The GPU is dead17:36
kvircis there a way to install with 3d that doesnt use CD/usb/anything additional?17:37
kubroLibreOffice 3.3.2 Macro Security crash on Ubuntu. Unable to enable macro's. works on windows install but not ubuntu. need help please.17:37
ActionParsnipmattk: then the system would fail POST and refuse to boot17:38
donkeyinspacewendico , thanks , procedure wasn t very clear but i guess it worked17:38
mattkActionParsnip: Well something isn't right. I can't see the motherboard post, can see the little ubuntu load screen with the dots and get into a terminal but that's it17:39
mattkActionParsnip: blindly got xp working and could remote into it17:39
wildc4rdafternoon all17:40
PeanutMeh.. can it be that an Ubuntu archive is out of date with itself? Installation is trying to find libpam0g_1.1.202ubuntu8.2_amd64.deb, but only the %8.1_amd64.deb and %9amd_64.deb exist on the mirror.17:40
ActionParsnipmattk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH17:40
Pici!pamerr | Peanut17:41
ubottuPeanut: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053817:41
Peanutubottu: thanks, that's exactly my problem.17:41
ubottuPeanut: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:41
PeanutThat bot is scary clever at times.17:41
PiciPeanut: Only when we teach it clever things.17:41
mattkActionParsnip: Thank you. I'll give it a shot. People were telling me I couldn't do this type of install from the liveusb but it's the only one that works for me so far.17:41
ActionParsnipmattk: the deb is: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.32_all.deb   not the one in the guide17:42
mattkActionParsnip: I can't use the liveusb?17:43
bayazidi dont know17:43
ActionParsnipmattk: sure you can17:43
mattkActionParsnip: thanks for the help17:44
trufaI change the time of the system and it goes back to the old time17:45
bayazidI have a VAIO labtop and i installed the linux OS aside windows 7 then my hard drive teperature goes up to 50 C then i appreciate any help or advice?17:46
trufaI already set the time to my local zone17:46
trufaI have ubuntu 10.1017:46
Sidewinder1!botsnack > Peanut17:48
ubottuPeanut, please see my private message17:48
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PeanutErr... thanks, Sidewinder1 ?17:48
Sidewinder1Peanut, :-)17:48
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oCean!nickspam | XuMuK17:49
ubottuXuMuK: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »17:49
trufaI set the system time and it goes back to the way it was, any idea?17:49
rawfodoghi guys17:49
llutztrufa: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata"17:50
bayazidhiegh hard drive temperature?17:50
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.17:51
oCeankaisa: don't17:51
compdocbayazid, 50c isnt horrible, but its warmer than I would like17:51
bayazidheight tnxcompdoc17:52
trufallutz: thanks17:52
compdocyou can get lower temps using a drive that only runs 5400 or 5900 rpm17:53
bayazidhow can get this driver17:53
sw0rdfishhey guys how do i fix this,  perl: warning: Setting locale failed.17:53
sw0rdfishperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:   LANGUAGE = (unset),  LC_ALL = (unset),  LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"     are supported and installed on your system.  perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").17:53
Dulakyou can also stick a 120mm fan in the case directly pointing at your drives, I have that setup for a raid 5 box and it cut like 12C off the drive temps17:54
sloucherHow do you upgrade older distribution. I'm on 9.04 and I want to get to 10.04 eventually.17:54
KM0201!eol | sloucher17:55
ubottusloucher: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:55
bayazidtnx Dulak17:55
sloucherty KM020117:55
gratnam11can some one tell me how to wipe out my entire hardrive17:55
bayazidbut i have a labtop ?17:55
gratnam11how do i see the installed hard drive17:55
Dr_Willis|2sw0rdfish:  its just a warning so not critical - i looked it up once on the forums and had to do some command to remove the warning.17:55
Dr_Willis|2gratnam11:  sudo fdisk -l  shows all seen disks.17:56
alvin_hello buddies,, i'm running a fresh install xubuntu 11.04 and i ccan't play mp3 files it says>> #debian-offtopic | wheezy/sid: #debian-next | FAQ: http://deb.li/IRCFAQ17:56
alvin_* Topic for #debian set by themill!~stuart@themill.user.oftc.net at Tue May 10 00:50:44 201117:56
alvin_<daemonkeeper> Just explain your problem17:56
alvin_* ich (~ich@p57937CF6.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #debian17:56
alvin_* ich has quit (Remote host closed the connection)17:56
gratnam11ok thanks17:56
FloodBot1alvin_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
alvin_* jthomas has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)17:56
Dr_Willis|2gratnam11:  what are you going to do with the HD later?17:56
alvin_<alvin_> hello there,, i can`t play mp3 files it says >> Playing error : Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser_gstreamer-0.10.pm line 135.17:56
KM0201sloucher: it might be faster to just backup data and clean install 10.04, 10.10 or 11.0417:56
sw0rdfishDr_Willis|2, so its not important that LC=ALL is not set to anything17:56
wendicosloucher: with the Update Manager. Remember to check in the Settings of the Update Manager, under the Updates tab to check wich Release Upgrade do you want Ubuntu to show you.17:56
Dr_Willis|2sw0rdfish:  it supposed to be your language i recall. so error messges get to be the right language.17:57
Dr_Willis|2!mp3 | alvin_17:57
ubottualvin_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:57
Dr_Willis|2alvin_:  thers some gstreamer packatges you need to install but i dont know their names.17:57
alvin_hey Dr_willis , what am i going to do?17:58
wendicosloucher: Under that setting, choose "Normal Releases" instead of Long Term Support if you want to upgrade to the latest (less stable) version of ubuntu17:58
ActionParsnipalvin_: install ubuntu-restricted-extras as well as w32codecs from the medibuntu repo17:58
=== koshie is now known as cmal
KM0201xubuntu-restricted-extras, should more than cover mots multimedia stuff..17:59
wendicosloucher: Close your options and click "Check" for updates. On the top you will have and advice to fully upgrade your version of ubuntu17:59
sw0rdfishhow do i install the files for my locale17:59
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=== Koshie is now known as koshie
alvin_ActionParsnip: how will i do that? sorry for my beeing noobie17:59
eyerisI am new to ubuntu (coming from vanilla debian). gvim isn't showing the gui menu. How can I enable it?17:59
ActionParsnipalvin_: use software centre like you did all the other software you installed17:59
KM0201alvin_: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras     watch in awe, then play mp3's18:00
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf18:00
ActionParsnipalvin_: are you running xubuntu?18:00
alvin_yes,, xubuntu 11.0418:00
ActionParsnipalvin_: then use xubuntu-restricted-extras as KM0201said18:00
alvin_ahh, by the way i'm running an install update, i'll do it later after the terminal finished that18:01
ActionParsnipalvin_: indeed, only one app accessing the packages at any time18:01
=== Yuzu-_ is now known as Yuzu-Zzz
ActionParsnip!away > Yuzu-Zzz18:02
ubottuYuzu-Zzz, please see my private message18:02
phox_In general, does Ati or Nvidia have better support in Ubuntu? I'm thinking of buying a laptop.18:02
ActionParsnipphox_: nvidia have been doing it a lot longer18:02
Dr_Willis|2I wuld also go with Nvidia18:03
KM0201nvidia, definitely18:03
phox_Dr_Willis and Actionparsnip: Ok, thx. GeForce 310M will probably be the graphics card.18:03
Dr_Willis|2Theres a few laptop review sites that rank the nvidia gpus out. I printed the list from their site. and got the best card i could for the ###18:03
KM0201phox_: but some newer nvidia devices have been problematic w/ Ubuntu.18:03
alvin_can i knw what distro are you using ActionPars/18:03
ActionParsnipphox_: I use a 6150 onboard POS and its great18:03
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phox_Okey guys! Thanx, sounds like I definitely should go with nvidia =)18:04
Dr_Willis|2nvidia laptops can be harder to find18:05
KM0201most of them seem to be intel or ati18:05
ActionParsnipDr_Willis|2: not with ion existing ;)18:05
Dulaka lot of the gaming laptops use ati, which is totally hit or miss for working well in linux18:05
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:06
Dr_Willis|2ive not heard a lot of good things about ION.. yet..18:06
oCeanParameter: stop that please18:06
raymondjtoth2how i do the past text in here for got how its by url18:06
ActionParsnipParameter: what is wrong?18:06
Dr_Willis|2My Gaming laptop has Nvidia :) and 2 hard drives..18:06
ParameterI was just trying the command18:06
oCean!msgthebot | Parameter raymondjtoth218:06
ubottuParameter raymondjtoth2: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:06
Parameternothing is wrong18:06
Neilio_Hi All, can any one spare a few mins to help out a newbie with an install problem with ubuntu server18:06
ActionParsnipNeilio_: ask away18:06
HexxehJust put a new SSD in my Macbook Pro for Ubuntu, trying to boot from the Ubuntu CD just gives a black screen and the laptop ejects the disc automatically, any ideas?18:07
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raymondjtoth2how i past text in here18:07
oCean!paste | raymondjtoth218:07
ubotturaymondjtoth2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:07
ActionParsnipraymondjtoth2: single lines, jst go for it18:07
rawfodogwhats up with my ubuntu guest not wanting to run the new windows manager in virtual box ?18:07
ActionParsnipHexxeh: try the boot option: nomodeset18:08
Neilio_Thanks ActionParsnip, I keep getting an error when its installing kernel package linux-generic-pae....  Im afraid im from the school of windows point and click so having a steep learning curve.18:08
ActionParsniprawfodog: did you enable 3D accelleration?18:08
HexxehActionParsnip: I'm not even getting that far, if I put the disc in, reboot I get a constant black screen and the disc gets ejected18:08
HexxehActionParsnip: Not getting to a grub prompt or anything18:08
ActionParsnipHexxeh: did you MD5 test the ISO you burned?18:08
amirshaldoes anyone here uses Likewise?18:08
HexxehActionParsnip: yep and verified disc burn18:08
ActionParsnipHexxeh: cool, well I have zero experience of max as my sense outweighs my cash18:09
Dr_Willis|2rawfodog:  vbox  needs a newer verson to properly handle the 3d stuff needed by unity. You can install and use unity2d if you wanted18:09
amirshalI'm having a problem that i belive is likewise related18:09
ActionParsnipHexxeh: maybe others can advise18:09
ActionParsnipNeilio_: what is the error you get?18:09
rawfodogoh sweet18:09
rawfodogMaybe I'll get the new vbox too18:09
rawfodog(think mine is older)18:09
amirshali'm also using a firewall that does a integration with the AD18:10
Dr_Willis|2rawfodog:  at least thats what i have jheard18:10
ActionParsniprawfodog: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/unity-2d-qt-now-available-in-ppa-for.html18:10
ActionParsnipi use unity2d, its sweet18:10
rawfodognice. Thanks for the link :D18:11
coz_ActionParsnip,  and if you use compiz git  it works way better with unity2d than Unity itself :)18:11
amirshalbut when i try to access the internet it doesnt work well becuase the firewell doesnt recognize the client18:11
Neilio_"an error was returned while trying to install the Kernel into the target system" Kernel Package 'Linux-generic-pae' Check /ver/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for details18:11
amirshalany ideas?18:11
ActionParsnipcoz_: i use openbox ;)18:12
coz_ActionParsnip,  ooo  well thats also cool :)  but I still like compiz :)18:12
ActionParsnipcoz_: compiz can jump off a bridge18:12
coz_ActionParsnip,  ooo I am a little offended :)  although I know not everyone like it :)18:12
ActionParsniptrue, cant please everyone18:13
canthus13Is anyone else having issues with Lucid updates?  I keep having 404 errors... My wife's laptop had issues with the kernel update...18:13
KM0201coz_: thats why choice is a beautiful thing... i prefer lxde18:13
Sidewinder1!pamerr | canthus1318:14
ubottucanthus13: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053818:14
ActionParsnipcanthus13: do they concern pam?18:14
* ActionParsnip hopes his wife is called pam, that'd be classic18:14
coz_KM0201,  absolutely ,, and if it were not for my loyalties to compiz and cairo dock I probably would swtich  because I refuse to use gnome318:14
canthus13That... and the kernel update keeps deselecting.18:14
compdocFOUNDER Linus Torvalds has incremented the Linux version number to 3.0.18:14
ActionParsnipcanthus13: see the link above18:15
ActionParsnipcompdoc: source please..18:15
canthus13..On this machine, anyway. on her machine, it locked up updates and I hada  helluva time getting it to boot.18:15
canthus13ActionParsnip: I see.. :)18:15
osseWhere is the "cache" of background images stored?18:15
Sidewinder1canthus13, I'm gonna' wait a day or two 'til they get it fixed.18:15
ActionParsnipcompdoc: found it :)18:15
wendicoActionParsnip: do ubuntu apps depend on the desktop enviroment? i have to run different app or different build of the app for a different desktop enviroment?18:15
KM0201wendico: very rarely18:15
canthus13Sidewinder1: I will now.  Wife's laptop kept dropping to the initramfs prompt.. I had to boot with a live CD and change the grub timeout (in an attempt to switch kernels), but rather than giving me the grub menu, it booted into recovery mode. go figure.18:16
ActionParsnipwendico: they may depend on the library, kde uses Qt and Gnome uses Gtk. If an app is designed to use Qt and you don't have it then you willpull it in and bloat your OS some18:16
compdocActionParsnip, seems there's nothing all that new18:16
ActionParsnipwendico: you can run Gnome apps in KDE and viceversa, and all the other desktops can run the other apps fine18:16
cvw-a[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   cvw-a programaths vishwa CannedCorn raven lousygarua blamar bbartek root____ rauhfasertapete Kosava martiner5 Guybrush88 roasted debsan drMike fserb littlebearz haw18:17
cvw-a[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Darwin4Ever BlouBlou amorphous1 zatan thugzclub candrea jfbouchard coz_ gratnam11 t4k3sh1 dsathe MadViking alvin_ LibreMan stbain engled sloucher zul__ Russ fxhp ho18:17
cvw-a[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Paddy_NI bil21al scensis1 rfolco leitaox c2tarun mimor RobinJ johnzorn development rgr marve mattk pdtpatrick Ericounet [THC]AcidRain eiriksvin braiam anuvrat kvirc18:17
cvw-a[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   frawgh Wally jebula Neo_Kipling mackep guntbert pLk christiankm-lap Mony Technoviking taowa dkim1987 Barridus nullvariable oski Ivan_The_Terribl carlito x1sc0 multi18:17
ActionParsnipcompdoc: its a big jump in versioning though18:17
canthus13...? what was *THAT* all about?18:17
wendicois that SASL notice true?18:17
LjLnot true18:17
ActionParsnipcanthus13: some idiot18:17
programathsHi and bye ;)18:17
canthus13thought so... can't imagine a freenode notice via spambot...18:17
RobinJis what cvw-a says true or is it just a fcking spambot?18:17
alvin_hey guys, don't you know that ActionParsnip and Dr_Willis are the best in here!18:18
LjLRobinJ: read what i said above please18:18
root____i'm facing a bug with grub, just installed ubuntu 11 and it gives me out of range error, and startup manager can't find the grub configuration file, any thoughts?18:18
RobinJah ok xD18:18
RobinJthen why hasnt that creep been kicked yet? I've see nthis crap a few times now18:18
Sidewinder1canthus13, After reading about your situation, it's the first time I'm actually glad my better-half is a die-hard winbloze person and won't allow me to put ubuntu on her box. Fine honey you deal with it.18:18
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, Is that legit.. about the SASL?18:18
LjLN O18:18
LjLit's SPAM18:18
BlouBloustop talking about it18:19
* Sidewinder1 Never started18:19
HelloWorld321Should I be worried if my ubuntu-box has been stuck for 10 minutes at  Update Manager > Applying changes > Running dpkg ?18:20
wendicowhy kubuntu, xubuntu and ubuntu have different "Restricted extras" packages if i want to test all enviroments, do i need to install all 3 restrictred extras packages?18:20
root____does anyone know how to change the grub resolution from the live cd?18:21
Sidewinder1!pamerr | HelloWorld32118:21
ubottuHelloWorld321: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053818:21
LjLHelloWorld321: maybe. can you open the terminal window for it (i don't remember if the update manager allows you to) and see what's going on?18:21
christenWhy does ubuntu log off by itself?18:22
Sidewinder1LjL, I would imagine that the pamerror is wreaking havoc on all of the servers with folks trying to re-update etc. etc.18:22
alvin_Actionparsnip: is it normal that after runnning sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras is showing the EULA with blue background,, it's taking too long damn18:23
ActionParsnipalvin_: yes, use tab and enter to accept it18:23
wendicochristen: i've senn ubuntu to log off it self as a result of a grapic conflict, (especially when non rebooting after making changes in your graphics driver)18:24
alvin_what the hell, i'm waiting for it to finish by itself! XD18:24
christenwendico: so it's because of my graphics? Would it be because I set it so that there are different background wallpapers for different workspaces?18:25
root____i need a tip on this, the grub screen says "out of range"18:25
wendicochristen: if your are messing with your graphics, ill give u a tip that helped me many times, if ur desktop enviroment gets freezed and u cant do nothing, you can easy reboot hitting Ctrl+Alt-F1 (console), log in (your user, intro, password, intro) then the command 'sudo reboot', password and enter. Im sure this can be very helpfull when learning lol18:26
alvin_ActionParsnip: what does the xubuntu-restricted18:26
ActionParsniproot____: running irc clients as root isn't smart18:26
coz_root____,  when you boot,, hold down left shift for grub menu,,, then hit  "e" keyboard key to edit the kernel boot stanza , put in  nomodeset  just before quiet splash   ,, see if that works18:27
alvin_-areas contain and what for?18:27
xskydevilxHow to I play QuickTime videos (on Google Chrome let's say)?18:27
ActionParsnipalvin_: they contain nonfree codecs18:27
christenwendico: thanks18:27
ActionParsnipxskydevilx: ive found w32codecs sorts that18:27
alvin_ActionParsnip: ah see, thats why they are resticted? will i be able to run my mp3's after installing that?18:28
xskydevilxActionParsnip: How do I install it?18:28
Sidewinder1alvin_, Yes18:29
root____ok coz i-ll try that thanks18:29
ActionParsnipalvin_: they arent open source18:29
ActionParsnipalvin_: you will be able to play MP3 after the package installs18:30
friskdIs there anything i need to configure on my server so that it can be pinged?18:30
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, I tried to answer but people "have ears only for you". :-)18:31
wendicosorry i disconnected when asking this and i dont know the response, do i have to install all the restricted extra packages of kubuntu, ubuntu and xubuntu if i want to test all 3 enviroments?18:31
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: guess i'm special18:31
phox_friskd: If it has an internet connection then you should be able to ping it.18:31
taowahow do i change my nick18:31
alvin_WOW! all of you are such a good help! are you "dedicated" in this channel? meaning you are maintaining this as a permanent techsupport persons?18:31
Sidewinder1!volunteers | alvin_18:31
ubottualvin_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:31
friskdphox_: so then how is it that my server : www.catalystforthought.org  the site loads.18:32
friskdbut if i try to ping it it18:32
phox_taowa: Do you mean on IRC? Then "/nick newnickname".18:32
=== taowa is now known as newnickname
friskdi see it trying to get to the correct ip:
friskdbut there is no response.18:32
friskdjust timeouts18:33
Sidewinder1alvin_, We thoroughly enjoy assisting others in discovering the wonders of FOSS an Ubuntu...18:33
phox_friskd: I timed out when I tried to ping, weird. I couldn't ping the name web adress either.18:34
alvin_ah, now i know, you are the goodwill hearted, yeah you're right, helping others is such a fulfilling deed18:34
ActionParsnipphox_: are you blockingicmp?18:34
Sidewinder1alvin_, It can be quite rewarding and more often than not, a challenge.18:34
ActionParsnipalvin_: helps you learn the OS too18:35
phox_actionparsnip: I have absolutely no idea what that is, so probably no. I just wanted to help friskd to see if I could ping his website :P18:35
friskdphox_: but if you try to ping www.catalystforthought.org you see that its trying to go to right?18:35
friskdand of course if you go to www.catalystforthought.org it loads....18:35
_felixhi, i'm getting this  http://pastebin.com/9PEjNpiA after upgrading to natty.  i googled all of the warnings and errors but i can't find anything to resolve it. anyone an idea?18:35
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, There is that! But that would be selfish... ;-)18:35
ActionParsnipphox_: ping uses the ICMP protocol, http requests use TCP. If you are blocking ICMP then ping will fail, even though the site appears as tCP is flowing as expected18:36
alvin_uhuh, can i ask you if how long since you've used linux?18:36
phox_friskd: Yes, the website itself works.. and see what actionparsnip just wrote.18:36
phox_alvin: how long since I used it? :P I acctually use it right now.18:37
mkquistanyone know the difference between ubuntu and mint for wireless?18:37
Sidewinder1alvin_, Since 2007, Gutsy Gibbon18:37
alvin_no not you phox_ XD.. it's for ActionPasrsnip and Sidewinder118:37
friskdActionParsnip: so do i need to add icmp to my iptables18:38
=== taowa is now known as taowa4
phox_alvin, it was a word play joke.. never mind. whatevs18:38
ActionParsnipfriskd: i'd check what your rules currently do with icmp18:38
canthus13Sidewinder1: :)  She's pretty gung-ho about Linux. My wife would very likely kill me in my sleep if I put windows on her machine.18:38
alvin_wow pretty old XD, i'm new in linux because i hate MS.. too gready!18:39
friskdActionParsnip: nothing at the moment...18:39
wendicoif i mark for install xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop is marked for removal, how do i install both?18:39
lacusAnyone able to mount iPhone 4.2.6 on Natty18:39
Sidewinder1alvin_, One of the tricks is to first ONLY learn "what you need to know" to accomplish whatever... then continue with what interests you...18:39
lacusI get: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)18:39
Sidewinder1canthus13, Mine too! THe killing part, that is.18:40
_felixwendico: have you tried installing xfce4 packages instead of xubuntu-desktop?18:40
PeanutThe new and improved libpam packages are already on the main Ubuntu archive server. Does anyone know how long it'll be before they hit the Dutch mirror?18:40
wendicono _felix, it is easy to identify those packages for a noob in synaptic or should i search online wich packages to install?18:40
_felixwendico: search for xfce418:41
wendico_felix: ty18:41
_felixwendico: in synaptic18:41
Sidewinder1canthus13, Mine loves Win, :-( and cringes at the mention of ubuntu... Shame really18:41
stbainSidewinder1, sounds like a .gov security clearance job "need to know basis" ;)18:41
alvin_uhuh, i have tested many distros before i sticked with xubuntu.. i'm only testing the multimedia, internet, desktop customization and some tweaks..18:42
hilarieAnyone here know the ins and outs of "grub rescue>"18:42
alvin_now playing "Lonely Nation by Switchfoot"  thanks to ActionParsnip and all of you!18:43
ActionParsniphilarie: I boot to live CD and reinstate grub18:43
ActionParsnipalvin_: np :)18:43
hilarieHow do I do that ActionParsnip?18:43
hilarieI am in a live CD now18:44
ActionParsniphilarie: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin7    use from: 2).Using Ubuntu 9.10 livecd or higher18:44
wendicoxfce4 look nice, but im not looking for a nice looking enviroment, is there a even faster desktop enviroment than xfce4 (nevermind if ugly)?18:44
hilarieI'll give that a shot, thank you ActionParsnip18:44
alvin_ActionParsnip: is that the dedicated grub partition?18:45
ActionParsnipalvin_: how do you mean?18:45
alvin_the restoration of grub18:45
friskdActionParsnip: after i edit my iptables, what do i need to rebooot?18:46
hilarieHow can I find out which /dev/sdaX/ I need?18:46
friskdor reload?18:46
ActionParsnipfriskd: just restart the iptables service as far as I know18:46
bkfitzanyone use screenlets on 11.04 gnome18:47
hilarieActionParsnip from messing around before I got onto irc, both my 81mb filesystem(bootloader I think) and the main ubuntu filesystem, are both mounted,18:47
mkquistwhat does mint use for wireless detection thats different from stock ubuntu?18:47
bkfitzi'm starting to wish I stayed with 10.1018:47
hilariebut how from there can I tell which is dev/sdaX?18:48
Psydollanyone familiar with the start up disk creator on ubuntu?18:48
mkquistusing ubuntu, but mint just detects the wireless...18:48
ActionParsnip!anyone | Psydoll18:48
ubottuPsydoll: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:48
bkfitzPsydoll: yes18:48
Psydollbkfitz i was smart enough not to go to natty18:48
Psydollbkfitz: Can have you made a persistent live usb using it?18:48
bkfitzthis Unity thing is terrible... so I switched to 'classic' which is apparently also installed and now i'm having issues18:48
hilariePsydoli, just play with the slider, persistance is on by default18:49
bkfitzclearcalendar screenlet doesn't work, slower wifi connect, etc18:49
ActionParsnipbkfitz: report bugs to get them fixed18:49
alvin_ActionParsnip: i have another prblem, terminal can't install skype18:49
Psydollhilarie, thank you i will im just worried incase i write to the wrong drive.18:49
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
bkfitzI created a 11.04 startup usb from iso and it boots to an option for live or install18:49
ActionParsnipalvin_: greb the deb from skype's site18:49
bkfitzActionParsnip: where do i report the bugs18:50
alvin_ActionParsnip: i have to Dload it manually?18:50
edbianWhat is a good channel to ask about making dvd's using devede  ?18:50
hilarieLive would be persistant, if you enabled that, you can check by looking for a casper-rw file from another OS to make sure18:50
gratnam11my instalation failed18:50
ActionParsnipalvin_: sure, why not18:50
KM0201gratnam11: why?18:50
Sidewinder1!bugs | bkfitz18:51
ubottubkfitz: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:51
gratnam11i created a custom partion18:51
alvin_ok, thakns again :D18:51
bkfitzCan someone running 11.04 try gnome and the clearcalendar screenlet18:51
gratnam11i had 2 2g swap form different drives18:51
kubanccan someone look at this image and tell me what kind of errors are they: http://img402.imageshack.us/i/20110531194717.jpg/18:51
gratnam11one 500mb /boot18:51
gratnam11and 500mb /tmp18:51
ActionParsnipalvin_: wget -O skype.deb http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/downloading.ubuntu32; sudo dpkg -i ./skype.deb; rm ./skype.deb18:51
Neilio_ActionParsnip, I think I have found the problem... I just checked the MD5 on for the disk and its not right... Just writing the iso again now.  Thanks anyway.18:51
KM0201gratnam11: wtf?18:51
KM0201gratnam11: no need to reinvent the wheel, you don't need all that stuff18:51
gratnam11and i had a 1.5 or raid mounted to /18:51
ActionParsnipalvin_: ok ignore that18:52
ActionParsnipNeilio_: remember to always md518:52
ActionParsnipalvin_: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/18:52
gratnam11how do i do it18:52
gratnam11i am installing the server18:52
Neilio_Thanks :)18:52
HelloWorld321NO ! ! !18:52
Psydollto make a persistent live usb i need the iso and since im doing it from linux ubuntu just use the start up disk creator?18:52
HelloWorld321YES ! ! !18:52
gratnam11can you help18:52
Sidewinder1!enter > gratnam1118:52
KM0201sorry, nope.18:52
ubottugratnam11, please see my private message18:52
gratnam11whats the best way to do this18:53
edbianI'm using devede to burn DVD's  I have a 720p TV and HD colorstream connection.  devede won't let me create a file that is 1280 x 720  why is this?18:53
KM0201gratnam11: best way to do it is not reinvent the wheel.18:53
hilariePsydoll just open it up man, persistance is on by default18:53
Psydollhilarie: thanks!18:53
alvin_ActionParsnip: wait, its included in USC, only the source is not included in the cache :D18:53
gratnam11i need a raid18:53
KM0201alvin_: the version in the repos is old... iirc.. i'm not sure they keep up w/ it anymore (i always use the .deb file from skype)18:54
gratnam11can this be done with out a manual partion18:54
comm_Is there a way I can download all of my system's current packages that I have added on (say like vlc) so that I go to an apt-get /my/own/repository if I didn't have internet access18:54
ActionParsnipalvin_: I've always used the skype site personally, both are fine18:54
ActionParsnip!clone | comm_18:54
ubottucomm_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:54
alvin_i have read that the version for linux is already frozen to its last version coz skype has been bought by MS! :(18:55
ActionParsnipcomm_: you can use the my-packages file to tell apt-get to only download the debs for the packages in the file18:55
KM0201alvin_: i'd say thats pretty likely.18:55
tensorpuddingmicrosoft stated that they would continue to support non-windows versions18:55
ActionParsnipalvin_: it'll probably be supported on Linux18:55
KM0201tensorpudding: lol, and you believe that?18:55
mk85anyone able to provide some guidance on flashing the bios on HP dv600018:56
KM0201hopefully this spurs a quality, open source alternative to skype.. most the ones available now suck.18:56
tensorpuddingwell, they're surely going to continue the ones for iOS and Android18:56
mk85tried a couple methods in the forums18:56
mk85and not working18:56
IdleOneKM0201: it makes sense for microsoft to continue supporting skype...why lose the potential revenue by not supporting them? anyway this is off topic18:56
KM0201mk85: why do you want to flash the bios.18:56
ActionParsnipIdleOne: exactl, more users18:56
mk85fan goes crazy all the time and cpu runs hot18:56
KM0201i dunno... MS has never been that smart, but youre right, off topic.18:56
mk85this supposedly fixes it18:57
tensorpuddingthere are reports that skype for windows is now trying to install crapware18:57
Sidewinder1I don't believe it!18:57
ActionParsnipmk85: you may need to use a dos boot cd18:57
alvin_hahaha damn MS.. better stay away from MS.. XD whats that crapware?18:57
IdleOne!windows | alvin_18:58
ubottualvin_: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:58
comm_ActionParsnip, but that requires Internet access... basically I want to be able to have all my packages to be able to install without having to go online.18:58
comm_I mean obviously I have to go online to get them the first time. But the idea is this. I go get all the packages I like and add them on top of a default ubuntu installation. I put ubuntu on a new computer, I can install all my packages without internet access18:59
bretzelre-hi ... well, about the 13-15% cpu in idle, I am discovering Ubuntu Natty 's Unity interface and obviously the latest builds of linux tools provided by (ubuntu) - Then I really like it! usable, fun to discover. seems a bit unstable ( unity + nvidia 270.x.x / with Compiz crashed once within the last hour. dunno which part caused it.). for now I don't feel the need to wipe it ... :-)18:59
cjaeupdate servers down?19:00
kubancis anyone familiar with this errors: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED19:00
sipiorkubanc: some context would be useful19:00
=== SyGeek is now known as FusionX
Sidewinder1!pamerr > cjae19:01
ubottucjae, please see my private message19:01
kubancsipior, http://paste.ubuntu.com/615456/19:01
PsydollI want to make sure that im writing to the correct usb drive whats the easiesst way to check that?19:02
cjaeSidewinder1: yes but there are ohter updates there as well.19:02
=== comm_ is now known as DynamicFail
sipiorkubanc: which version of ubuntu?19:03
rpisharodyPsydoll, When you plugin your USB Drive, it will show up in fdisk -l. Just make sure you are writing to the same mountpoint19:03
sipiorkubanc: this thread may be useful: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55055919:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 550559 in Ubuntu "hdd problems, failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:03
kubancsipior, 10.10. I had similiar simptoms in windows 7, but i could not get any log, so i installed a better OS, ubuntu ;), and now i have these logs19:04
thamHow can I connect to internet using my dongle in LXDE?19:04
Sidewinder1cjae, The servers may be somewhat over loaded with folks trying to re-update due to the pamerror...19:04
DynamicFailSo I have my system setup with the packages that I like and the versions that I like. I would like to download all non standard ubuntu packages off my system into a location that I could later install them from on a new computer without internet acess. Anyway to do this?19:04
alvin_my problem with skype here in linux is that skype can't detect or utilize the built-in mic . What can you suggest about that ActionParsnip?19:04
Psydollrpisharody: that fdisk -l command does not work on the command line19:04
rpisharodyPsydoll, you might have to run it with sudo. Give elevated permissions19:04
Sidewinder1Psydoll, Did you try sudo fdisk....19:05
Psydollwhats the command please?19:05
Psydollim weak on the command line19:05
rpisharodysudo fdisk -l19:05
Sean93i need to copy my usb drive that has 3 partitions on it, one is encrypted. i need to remove everything on the drive for a few hours but then after that i want it back to normal19:05
_felixcan anybody help me with: http://pastebin.com/9PEjNpiA19:05
=== FusionX is now known as SyGeek
bobamy ubuntu live cd does not recognize the existing partition table19:06
thamI'm using Lubuntu. How can I connect to mobile broadband? Please help.19:06
_felixSean93: you could try dd19:06
alvin_anyone knows how to enable the builtin mic to be detected by skype?19:06
Psydollrpisharody: thanks that works now the problem is that i have two usb sticks connected and i need them both connected because im booted from one and im making another bootable on the other...19:06
rpisharodySean93: Hmm... What I can think of is to image the entire USB Drive with the dd tool. Save the image. Copy it back after you are done.19:06
pookyI'm having issues with the secure servers giving me 404's when trying to download updates.19:06
plumboba: have you tried using testdisk? might need to recover your partitions19:06
Sidewinder1!pamerr > pooky19:07
ubottupooky, please see my private message19:07
bobaplum: is it available in the live cd19:07
pookySidewinder1, thx19:07
rpisharodyPsydoll: You can remove the USB which you want to make bootable and issue the command. You can compare the outputs and determine which is which19:07
plumboba: it is not found there, no, but you can find the binary here: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk19:07
bobaplum: is it in hriens19:07
bobaplum: is it in hirens19:07
plumboba: it needs to be run from terminal19:07
plumnot sure what you mean by hirens19:08
Sidewinder1pooky, Welks.19:08
=== MasstSau_JensHD is now known as blue7
alvin_how about you mr. Sidewinder1?19:08
roger21to have something done daily systeme wide (not user wide) i just put the script /etc/cron.daily or there is something else ? and when is it run axactly ?19:08
Sidewinder1alvin_, What did I do wrong now? ;-)19:08
bobaplum: its only 64 bit for linux19:09
alvin_skype ccan't detect the builtin mic..19:09
_felixroger21: 00:00 i think19:09
Sean93rpisharody, _felix, dd sounds good, exact command??19:09
qinroger21: sudo crontab -e19:09
Sidewinder1alvin_, I don't use skype or a mic...Sorry...19:09
bobaplum: sorry my fault19:09
plumboba: it works fine on my 32 bit ubuntu install, did you try it out?19:10
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:10
rpisharodySean93: dd if=/dev/usb of=imagefile(where /dev/usb is your USB Drive)19:10
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning19:10
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
Sidewinder1First place that I would look, alvin_ would be in the hardware drivers section.19:11
DynamicFailActionParsnip, If I wanted to be able to install VLC on a new computer without going online, and I had the version of vlc I liked on this computer... how would I do it19:12
sudokilldoes the ubuntu minimal install allow u to select what packages r installed? or is it the same as standard but online?19:12
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: just hacking out some bash, gimme a sec :)19:12
HarrisonFI just upgraded to 10.04 and now when I launch gnome-terminal, it hangs before giving me a prompt -- with strace it shows it stuck in a poll loop of some sort getting EAGAIN reading a socket19:12
oCean!offline | DynamicFail19:12
ubottuDynamicFail: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:12
Sidewinder1alvin_, If the mic works in other applications; then in Skype configuration/preferences.19:12
DynamicFaillol thanks ActionParsnip19:12
=== nopf_ is now known as nopf
osseWhere is the "cache" of background images stored? I.e. the list of the files which should be shown in the dialog box. I want to remove a whole bunch. I accidentally draged hundreds of files into it19:15
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: sudo apt-get -y install aptitude; aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages; sudo apt-get --download-only --reinstall  install $(grep vlc file.txt)19:16
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:16
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: cheeky stuff :)19:16
ShirakawasunaDoes anyone here know of/know a solution to an issue w/ guake where every tab but the first is non-transparent (opaque)?  I'm having trouble finding anything pre-2009 and their solution was also to reinstall, which I've tried.19:16
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: sorry, change   grep vlc file.txt)   to  grep vlc my-packages)19:17
alvin_Sidewinder1: it's always been my problem in linux, skype can't detect the mic.. i've searched for all remedy but still ain't work19:17
sparrosse: background of what?19:17
kubancsipior, changing from AHCI to IDE looks like this was the problem19:17
DynamicFailActionParsnip, can you explain what your script does exactly before I try it? :)19:18
ShirakawasunaI of course suspect unity, but I actually like unity a lot and would prefer a workaround (or recommendation for another quake terminal.  I've tried tilda (no tabs?) and yakuake (massive kde dependencies))19:18
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:18
ossesparr, sorry. I mean wallpapers. The list of wallpapers to choose from in Appearances is too long. I think the list of files to show there is stored somewhere.19:18
PiciShirakawasuna: guake perhaps?19:19
theadminShirakawasuna: There's something called "yeahconsole"19:19
prabhuhi i want to know how to remove the menu on desktop in ubuntu latest version19:19
Sidewinder1alvin_, Then it sounds like a Skype issue; perhaps direct the problem directly to "them"; the more folks that express problems might make "them" realizr where the future of computing lies: FOSS...19:19
ossesparr, I checked ~/.cache/wallpaper but that is a cache of the wallpapers themselves. The ones that have been used recently.19:19
theadminPici: (s)he's having trouble with guake19:19
Sidewinder1realize, too19:19
Picitheadmin: oops, I missed that.19:19
alvin_ok,, thank you so much19:20
Shirakawasunaah, it's this right here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/guake/+bug/59298219:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 592982 in guake (Ubuntu) "guake has no transparency on additional tabs" [Undecided,Expired]19:20
ShirakawasunaPici: guake is the app with the bug :)19:20
Shirakawasunatheadmin: I'll check it out19:20
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: sure, the first half makes a file with ALL the packages you have installed, the 2nd part finds all the occurrences of 'vlc' in the file and downloads the deb for that package from your repos19:20
Sidewinder1alvin_, No problem; just wish we could've found THE solution...19:20
K-4UCould somebody help me with cups and samba?19:21
sparrosse: are they listed by filename? try "locate somedistinctfilename" from a command line19:21
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: I just made a nice script for it, good for reinstalls as you can use local data rather than pounding the web (especially with multiple systems)19:22
ShirakawasunaI don't think yeahconsole can do tabs, theadmin19:22
theadminShirakawasuna: Seems that not, yeah19:23
DynamicFailActionParsnip, where does it download it to19:23
theadminShirakawasuna: Maybe try to get the latest guake and build from source?19:23
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: /var/cache/apt/archives19:23
bobaplum: the thing is already formatted my previous ubuntu partition and now i cannot boot into an operating system, and tried to run the testdisk from the ubuntu live cd19:24
oCeanosse: probably under ~/.thumbnails19:24
ossesparr, no results. Which was a good thing. If I had found them it would have meant that Ubuntu makes a copy of every single wallpaper you drag into background properties19:24
DynamicFaillol ActionParsnip does that folder already have everything I need?19:24
bobaplum: i formatted it using hirens19:24
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: how do you mean?19:24
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: that is the folder where updates go when you install them19:25
plumboba: so you are trying to recover your data?19:25
bobaplum: i am trying to install a newer ubuntu19:25
DynamicFailActionParsnip, oh19:25
bobaplum: on the formatted previous ubuntu partion19:25
osseoCean, not there either.19:26
plumboba: gotcha, so the issue you are having is ubuntu is not seeing that partition. is that correct?19:26
bobaplum: but i do not want to lose the windows partition and the data partition which are there but the ubuntu live cd does not see them19:26
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: its ood to run:  sudo apt-get clean   occasionally to clear that cache out19:26
oCeanosse: they should be. rendered thumbnails for any (most?) applications (such as an imageviewer or appearances dialogue) go there in 'normal' subdir19:27
plumboba: so you didn't touch the windows partition when you formatted, correct? if so, testdisk should be able to detect the Windows OS on there19:27
Shirakawasunatheadmin: yeah, I should look into that.  I just started trying out ubuntu, so what's the best way to go about doing that properly (e.g. on archlinux I would edit a build file and let the package manager do the rest, it would all work perfectly and whenever a newer version than the one I built was released, it would auto-update)19:27
osseI can of course rephrase my question: I accidentally added too many pictures to the Backgrounds tab in Appearance Preferences. How can I remove many of them without having to select them and click Remove on by one?19:27
Sidewinder1boba, Did you try Gparted on the liveCD to see the partitions?19:27
oCeanosse: I just tried, and the thumbnails appear in ~/.thumbnails/normal19:27
theadminShirakawasuna: Arch is awesome, why switch away from it? :D19:27
Shirakawasunatheadmin: is there a way to let the package manager handle it in ubuntu?19:27
oCeanosse: the actual background images are in /usr/share/backgrounds19:27
theadminShirakawasuna: Well, you could run "apt-get source guake", but I can't really help more19:28
syockithow do I scroll console programs like less, man, or vim using the scrollbar on gnome terminal?19:28
Shirakawasunatheadmin: I'm tired of trying to get simple thing to work... and I also want ubuntu (desktop-centric) patches.  I'm just trying ubuntu out and will be comparing it to ayatana stuff on arch :)19:28
alvin_can i install the ubuntu desktop here in xubuntu?19:28
theadminHello, silver_hook19:28
bobaSidewinder1: i did not, i tried test disk on the live cd but did not detect any other media except for the live cd19:28
Shirakawasunait seems like the ayatana arch project is missing a few packages, e.g. a firefox that handles global appmenus19:28
theadminalvin_: Yep, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:29
silver_hookMy GF is just getting a new laptop and we'll install Ubuntu on it.19:29
osseoCean, in ~/.thumbnails/normal there are over 8000 files on my system :O Yes I know where all the wallpapers are on disk, and I don't want to remove them. I only want to remove them from the list of backgrounds shown in Appearance Preferences19:29
silver_hook32bit or 64bit and why?19:29
theadminShirakawasuna: Mind switching to PM? It's offtopic here.19:29
theadminsilver_hook: Well, depends on the laptop, naturally19:29
alvin_how can i enable it after installation?19:29
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: what is the spec of the system?19:29
everybodyliesi installed ubuntu and now i reallised that i cant play league of legends here damnit xD19:29
theadminalvin_: Choose it on the login screen, mostly19:30
Shirakawasunano worries, I won't bother you about arch ;)19:30
armaancn anybody tell me ,,where cn i find the source code of remastersys19:30
ActionParsnipeverybodylies: is it not in the appdb?19:30
Sidewinder1boba, If it boots to liveCD, try opening Gparted, it may see the partitions that you're looking for. From there you can reformat, shrink, etc.19:30
theadminShirakawasuna: lol it's not bothering me at all, I'd love to talk about it19:30
ActionParsniparmaan: its on the repos19:30
everybodyliesid just doenst work even with wine19:30
oCeanosse: well, that list is generated by looking in the /usr/share/backgrounds directory. As long as the images are there, they will appear in the list. So if you don't move them out of that directory, they will be in the list of available images19:30
armaanwhich one19:30
silver_hookIt's an HP Probook 4320s: http://www.mimovrste.com/artikel/2750291329/tech/prenosnik-hp-probook-4320s-24-ghz-xn571ea#tech19:31
alvin_how about the default looks of ubuntu? will it be the same 100%?19:31
theadminalvin_: Mostly. Except you'll have those apps of your other desktop present too19:31
silver_hookSo, yes, it's an i5 dual-core 64bit CPU with 4 GiB of ram and ATI Radeon graphics.19:31
osseoCean, but I have added many images to that list by dragging and ropping from ~/Pictures/Wallpapers. And I can click select them in Appearance Preferences and click remove, and this will not delete the file, only remove it from the list19:32
bobaSidewinder1: the thing is i can format them using the hiren's cd, but i cannot see them during the installation of  ubuntu19:32
silver_hookSorry, it's *exactly* this one: http://www.mimovrste.com/artikel/2750334428/tech/prenosnik-hp-probook-4320s-266-ghz-xn869ea#tech19:32
silver_hook(yes, OpenSuse preinstalled)19:32
armaancn anybody tell me ,,where cn i find the source code of remastersys19:32
ActionParsnipeverybodylies: could run it in a virtualbox if you use it19:32
alvin_ok, how about gnome desktop? can it be installed also?19:32
Dommiit is installed19:32
oCeanosse: ah wait - now I understand :) Let me see..19:32
osseoCean, so somewhere there must be an xml or something that gives the list of files to show.19:32
Dommiyou can change your gui in the log on screen19:32
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Sidewinder1boba: sorry, I know nothing about Hirens..19:32
oCeanosse: something like that, indeed19:32
alvin_it has only two option, xfce and xubuntu session19:33
bobaSidewinder1: the thing is even i format them with gparted if they are not seen during the installation is of no use19:33
osseI could of course grep all files under various dot-directories.19:33
afeijohi all19:33
compdocwhere does postfix on ubuntu store the email address you want root's mail sent to?19:33
Sidewinder1boba, If the install does not "see" them are you sure that they're formatted ext3 or ext4?19:33
oCeanosse: is it /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntu-wallpapers.xml ?19:33
afeijoI have a second harddrive in my ubuntu 11 server, I created a partition in it, now I'm trying to mount it. But I guess I need to format it first as ext4?19:34
bobaSidewinder1: gparted does not recognize them either19:34
DynamicFailActionParsnip, If i understand you correctly... all I need to do is this: Step 1: Copy all files from /home/cache/apt/archives directory into /my/backup/location. Then when I get a new install of ubuntu running I simply copy all the files over to the folder and I'm set19:34
oCeanosse: hmm, that doesn't seem to hold all wallpapers19:35
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: yes, run:  sudo dpkg -i *.deb19:35
alvin_i'm quite concerned on my desktop looks to engage my friends to use linux.19:35
woodtboba: Sounds as if the partition table has been erased or is corrupt.19:35
silver_hooktheadmin, ActionParsnip: Soooo, is there a reason why Ubuntu suggests i386 (i.e. 32bit) instead of 64bit?19:35
osseoCean, hooray! It's ~/.gnome2/backgrounds.xml19:35
DynamicFailActionParsnip, I run sudo dpkg -i *.deb as step 3 to install all the repos I just copied?19:35
Sidewinder1boba, Then, I'm afraid your problem is beyond my expertise, if one could call it that....Sorry. :-(19:35
oCeanosse: aha! Glad you found it :)19:36
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: many 3rd party hardwrae  makers only make 32bit drivers19:36
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: it installs the debs, not the repos19:36
DynamicFailActionParsnip, ... eh what does that mean :/19:36
osseoCean, I'm sorry if I led you onto a wrong track earlier. It was hard to explain what I acually wanted :P19:37
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: the files you have are debs, which can be installed on your OS,they are not repos19:37
alvin_theadmin: it says that xfce will be removed, how can i install ubuntu-desktop without removing xfce?19:37
theadminsilver_hook: A more popular architecture.19:37
oCeanosse: no problem, good to hear it is solved19:37
Sidewinder1boba, You may wish to re-express your problem to ActionParsnip Pici or someone more knowledgeable than I..19:37
theadminalvin_: Okay, that's weird, I think I'd report that as a bug19:37
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
MrRTHello, I just brought life back to a machine with less then 512mb RAM. Is there any way I can get more juice out of this, is for nothing more then a toy computer...19:38
bobaSidewinder1: thanks19:38
theadminMrRT: Openbox.19:38
alvin_he following packages will be REMOVED  libsdl1.2debian-alsa xfce4-notifyd xubuntu-desktop19:38
MrRTVM ware ???19:38
bobaActionParsnip: my ubuntu live cd does not recognize the partitions on my hard disk, i can see them with the acronis parition manager19:38
silver_hooktheadmin, ActionParsnip: What's on such specs the downside of running 32bit then?19:39
bobaActionParsnip: thanks in advance19:39
osseoCean, actually it turned out to be as simple as just deleting the whole file. It gets automatically regenerated from the default file when I open Appearance Prefs again19:39
MrRTtheadmin: is that Virtual box?19:39
theadminalvin_: Well, that's perfectly okay to me. The GNOME notification daemon replaces the XFCE one, not sure what the library is, and xubuntu-desktop is a useless metapackage.19:39
theadminMrRT: Nah, it's a desktop envioronment. A really lightweight one19:39
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: 3Gb RAM maximum (PAE will allow 12Gb RAM but each process will be restricted to 3Gb RAM maxximum)19:39
oCeanosse: nice19:39
MrRTcool thanks19:39
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: missing instructions which are in 64bit CPUs19:39
Striking7Hey everyone. I'm trying to get my network working under e1719:40
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: I suggest you research what 64bit really is19:40
Dulakit's not useless, it's handy to turn a server install into a workstation install.19:40
Striking7I shut down the network-manager service19:40
osseIt even automatically added the wallpaper I'm currently using! Nice19:40
silver_hookActionParsnip: Right! That's a bummer.19:40
Striking7then ran iwconfig wlan0 "essid" key s:mykey19:40
cfeddeCan i tell if hyperthreading is turned on for some cpu via say dmidecode?19:40
Striking7The problem is iwconfig tells me that the s:mykey is an invalid argument19:40
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: for casual browsing, chatting, emailing then 32bit is fine19:41
alt_nickHello. Has anyone else encountered NPEs in sun-java6's FileChannelImpl? http://leucocyte.org/~alter/fc-npe/exceptions.txt19:41
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: if you intend to use CPU intensive stuff like SQL, video / audio encoding then 64bit helps a lot19:41
Striking7How do I get iwconfig to handle my key correctly? It's wpa219:41
woodtcfedde:  Check /proc/cpuinfo.  If you see too many cores, hyperthreading is on.  For example, my quad core shows a total of 8 with HT on.19:41
MrRTtheadmin: I wanted to add I am running Ubuntu on it now... All I can say is WOW, if I can get this faster "Way cool"19:42
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: if your providers all provide 64bit support for your hardware then 64bit is no bad thing19:42
alvin_theadmin: if i would install ubuntu-desktop or gnome and it will remove xfce, will i be able to reinstall xfce desktop?19:42
silver_hookActionParsnip, theadmin: OK, so it's the same as I remember :P Any examples of 3rd party software I should care about not having 64bit packages?19:42
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Sidewinder1boba, Sometimes one must wait, 'til he's finished helpin' someone else.19:42
* silver_hook runs Gentoo on his T400s19:42
cfeddewoodt: thanks,19:42
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: some printer manufacturers only do 32bit19:43
bobaSidewinder1: ok :)19:43
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
Sidewinder1Shower time! It is, afterall, the fifth Tuesday in the month...Good luck all!19:44
edbianI have a video file (.avi) that is currently 1290 Kbits/sec.  I want to burn it to a DVD.  Should I choose 5000 Kbits/sec like devede defaults to?19:44
silver_hookActionParsnip, theadmin: Adobe Flash has a  64bit plugin now? I don't use it on my box.19:47
sparrHow can I add "Guest Session" as an option when my screen is locked, so that other people can use my computer when I'm afk?19:48
BlouBloucfedde: /quit ?19:48
Ivan_The_TerriblHi all. Are there any ways to alter the common gtk2 file selector, specifically the size of image thumbnails? I run opera and gtk2 file selector doesn't allow to change size of thumbnails - thumbs are very small and it's very hard to upload, for instance, a pic. I can switch opera file selector to qt, but qt works very slow on my system19:48
arashrzhi i have a question19:49
arashrzanyone can help me ?19:49
theadminarashrz: Not until you ask it.19:49
crakdmirrorarashrz: ask your question, then people can see19:49
ActionParsnipsilver_hook: yes there is a ppa for it, there is also a ppa for 64bit java ;)19:49
arashrzi installed nvidia driver in one of my pc's19:49
silver_hookActionParsnip: Sweet, thanks :]19:49
arashrznow i want to move installation file to another pc19:50
arashrzwhere is it ?19:50
ActionParsniparashrz: /var/cache/apt/archives19:50
DynamicFailActionParsnip, I was told that dpkg has something that gives you all selected packages, iirc and also a tool to select them again. that would still break the manually/automatically installed status though. y> and thereby prevent autoremoval of unneeded packages19:52
PeanutSo after installing 11.04, I get a popup saying that my hardware is not good for Unity. What it should probably say instead is that Ubuntu hasn't gotten around to installing my Nvidia drivers yet...19:53
sudokillsame thing19:53
ActionParsnipDynamicFail: not sure there dude19:55
sparrPeanut: well, more generically but more accurately, it should say that your video driver isn't good for unity19:55
ojayi cannot join #PHP channel so i will ask from here :P. if i have array[$i] <-- how i can add value inside of [] like array[$i+1] <-- that doesn't work19:55
Piciojay: you need to register before you can join there.19:55
Pici!register | ojay19:55
ubottuojay: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:55
silver_hookThanks guys. Already downloading the amd64 ISO via torrent ;)19:57
=== ojay is now known as PHP_question
andro_lsvso computer froze after it went to sleep, so I did a Ctrl + Alt + F1 to get a terminal, then I entered ' sudo service gdm restart '.  after login back in a message asked me if a want to delete sometjing, I clicked yes by mistake and now I don't have the button with the option to logout or restart or shutdown options in the panel.  what to do to fix this?19:57
PHP_question /nick ojay19:57
sudokillandro_lsv, add the panel icon19:57
sudokillandro_lsv, right click the panle and add the icon that u deleted19:57
Dulakandro_lsv: right-click the panel and choose 'add to panel'19:57
OntologI want to install the maven2 package, which is a set of Java libraries and programs. However it requires gcj be installed. I actually have sun-java6-jdk installed. How can I tell maven2 that this gcj requirement is satisfied by the sun-java6-jdk package?19:58
dingurtandro_lsv:  add the Indicator applet19:58
Hexxehgetting black screen booting ubuntu 11.04 on macbook pro 5.5, tried nomodeset, not helping, anything else i can try?19:58
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
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PeanutHexxeh: completely black, or a blinking cursor at least?19:58
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
arashrzanother q, why any version of linux hangs my pc after sometime ? but windows dont19:59
HexxehPeanut: completely black, i get some super quick kernel log scrolling first, i think it dies when trying to mount the root maybe?19:59
PeanutHexxeh: ok, then you have another problem than I am having, sorry :-)19:59
afeijoI have a second harddrive in my ubuntu 11 server, I created a partition in it, now I'm trying to mount it. But I guess I need to format it first as ext4?20:00
sudokillafejio yes20:00
andro_lsvI tried that but the same button is not there.  there are separate applets to logout, shutdown, lock the computer..  any more ideas?20:00
skrlechow do i insall additional drivers for ubuntu 10.1020:00
sudokillchoose "install additional drivers"20:01
PeanutI have just completed my install of 11.04 on a new machine, using USB+network. Worked great, but if I now reboot the system, it will not come up unless the USB stick is inserted. Seems to be some drive-renumbering issue, shouldn't GUIDs prevent that? How do I fix my grub to boot on its own?20:01
silver_hookIf I install i386 Ubuntu now, can I (or rather my GF) just upgrade it to the amd64 version later on without any hassle?20:01
sudokillandro_lsv, there is a "shutdown" panel icon and another one20:01
skrlecsudokill,could you please repeat, i got disconnected20:01
sparrPeanut: if you aren't seeing the grub menu at all then the problem is that your BIOS isn't booting from the right drive. has nothing to do with GUIDs20:01
SpaceBasshey folks20:01
xanguasilver_hook: no20:02
sudokillskrlec, what drivers do u want to install20:02
arobazis there any french ubuntu channel plz?20:02
arobazI need some help20:02
xanguasilver_hook: if you cant 32 bit, install 32 bit, want 64, intstall 6420:02
sudokillu seem to speak nelgish20:02
Peanutsparr: good point, let me see if I can fix that.20:02
Pici!fr | arobaz20:02
ubottuarobaz: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:02
wilhartoK HAS this nvidia bug twinview flickering stuff been solved yet?!?!20:02
SpaceBassI've got a new pci-e (short) card that Ive plugged into a pci express (long) port ? dmesg doesn't show a thing. Even if the drivers aren't present, is there a way to see if the hardware is recognized?20:02
andro_lsvyes, there is different apps to do different things but not like the original that had all the options20:03
sudokillSpaceBass, is it pcie x1 in a x16 slot?20:03
sw0rdfishanyone got experience with ajaxplorer?20:03
Hexxehwhat's different about the +mac images here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/20:03
skrleci need drivers for  RaLink RT3090 Wireless and Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family). i've got the drivers for ralink from their website, but it a .bin file and there's no howto installation guide20:03
sudokillandro_lsv, i think its called indicator20:03
theadminskrlec: I think you can just run that file.20:03
sudokillandro_lsv, the shutdown one is different its a red icon20:03
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skrlectheadmin, form terminal with command ./20:04
SpaceBasssudokill, thats where I get confused ? the box on the card says pci express and the mobo says pci express20:04
sudokillskrlec, ah people had problems installing the ralink there was a link somewhere google it20:04
wilhartno?? anyone got flickering with nvidia?!20:04
dingurtandro_lsv:  did you put the Indicator applet up on the panel?20:04
theadminskrlec: Yeah, basically. chmod +x blah.bin && ./blah.bin20:04
wilhartblah i'll do rm -rf \20:04
sudokillSpaceBass, a pcie x1 card will work in a x16 slot20:04
SpaceBasssudokill, the slow on the mobo is clearly longer and the card only has two short connectors20:04
DynamicFailActionParsnip, take a look at this: $ sudo apt-get install dpkg-repack fakeroot20:04
DynamicFail$ mkdir ~/dpkg-repack; cd ~/dpkg-repack20:04
DynamicFail$ fakeroot -u dpkg-repack `dpkg --get-selections | grep install | cut -f1`20:04
dingurtwilhart:  you don't have a hair on your ass20:04
fester77im usually installing program thru softwaremanagment .... this time I need to locate where the actual program was installed .... anyone knows where they go?20:04
sudokillSpaceBass, yea its fine20:04
SpaceBasssudokill, does this look like pscie x1 http://www.startech.com/product/PEXESATA2-2-Port-PCI-Express-eSATA-Controller-Card20:04
wilhartdingurt: annoying hdmi tv flickers but monitor does ont i'lve tried everythign20:05
sudokillSpaceBass, yea it is x120:05
PeanutThis is using an Intel Storage raid, by the way. First device to boot is listed as the mirror-volume that I installed it on. Yet booting doesn't work unless the USB stick is there as well.20:05
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sudokillSpaceBass, it will fit in any pcie slot20:05
andro_lsvsudokill:  thanks I'll try it when I get to the pc.  dingurt thanks20:05
SpaceBasssudokill, great, I've got it in the slot but the OS doesn't seem to recognize it20:05
skrlectheadmin, bash: ./rt2860.bin: cannot execute binary file20:05
xanguafester77: the software center says where you can find them in the menu20:06
dingurtskrlec:  you have to set the executable bit20:06
sudokillSpaceBass, idk why. its not the connection not sure if u need drivers or not20:06
sudokillSpaceBass, ive never used a seprate sata card20:06
skrlecdingurt, i already did chmod +x if you are referring to this command20:06
SpaceBasssudokill, its not my preference, but apparently the onboard esata port doesn't recognize port multipliers? trying to use a drobo with linux is proving to be miserable20:07
SpaceBasssudokill, is there a command to enumerate pci connections?20:07
_ohmCompiling program from source, get the error http://pastebin.com/eY6JUi3v, any suggestions?20:07
theadminskrlec: Sounds like you got a driver for the wrong architecture, e.g. you're trying to run 32-bit soft on a 64-bit machine or vice versa.20:07
xangua_ohm: use repositories ;)20:08
Dulak_ohm: fix your clock20:08
fester77software center?  Im using KpackageKit ... i got ubunto and installed kde ... so now it kubunto ( or ubunto + kde ..... (confused)20:08
skrlectheadmin, i have 64 bit processor and 32 bit ubuntu 10.10 OS20:08
sudokillSpaceBass try lspci see if it shows there20:08
mrbanyone tried Gnome3 on ubuntu ?!20:09
xangua!gnome3 | mrb20:09
ubottumrb: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.20:09
D-coygnome sucks. . .. pekwm rulez :P20:09
theadminmrb: I have 2 words: don't.20:09
adlightnot yet20:09
justinxxxUm I need some help20:09
sudokillnot worth it im guessing20:09
adlightwait for next release20:09
PHP_question#PHP is invite only channel?20:10
theadminPHP_question: You have to register.20:10
sudokilli like gnome 3 but its not amazing20:10
adlightgnome is ok20:10
mrbokay :)20:10
justinxxxMy programs are showing up either too large or they are going under the scrollbar so I cant get at the top bar20:10
adlightin my oppinion better than unity for the moment20:10
sudokillmuhc better than unity imo20:10
adlightI am using it on an arch linux system20:11
sudokillgnome 3?20:11
justinxxxMy programs are showing up either too large or they are going under the scrollbar so I cant get at the top bar20:11
sudokillsame :)20:11
theadminWow, tons of Arch users around xD20:11
sudokilli dnt even know why i go on ubuntu irc i only use arch20:11
theadminjustinxxx: Rephrase that, it made no sense20:11
ActionParsnipi'd say lxde was better :)20:11
adlightmy wife is on that computer now :)20:11
Dulakubuntu keeps alienating early adopters and they seem to like arch a lot20:11
adlightthat is why I am here20:11
adlighton a ubuntu machine20:11
adlightrunning unity20:12
DulakHell if unity is the only option in the next LTS i'll be moving to arch myself20:12
justinxxxtheadmin - My programs are showing up under the main panel in ubuntu so I cant move them or get at the menus20:12
sudokillarch really does own, but i dont wana start an argument20:12
LjLhow's about we keep it about support here? #ubuntu-offtopic is waiting eagerly for all the unity/arch/etc chatter :P20:12
justinxxxOr they are too large it seems20:12
theadminjustinxxx: Ah... Hold Alt and drag the window ;)_20:12
ActionParsnipDulak: why not just install another DE?20:12
compdocafeijo, yeah, it needs a formatted partition20:12
compdocooops, I was scrolled back20:13
justinxxxno its like way under the panel20:13
afeijocompdoc, what is the command?20:13
justinxxxhow do i get it from hiding the top of the programs like firefox20:13
compdocafeijo, use gparted20:13
afeijocompdoc, its a server, it does not have X20:13
compdochow large is the drive?20:14
compdocthink you can use either fdisk or parted - google em20:14
justinxxxim fuged20:15
sudokillafeijo, if ur not comfortable formatting using command use something like a partedmagic livecd20:15
sudokillif u can20:15
afeijosudokill, I do want a cmd :)20:15
jenvyanyonw know why the install of apache on ubuntu doesn't install the latest package?  its like... 3 revisions behind20:15
DulakActionParsnip: I have a couple reasons but mainly because they keep removing the good stuff and replacing it with untested crap.  That doesn't fit my style.  They keep aiming at the lcd and that isn't me.20:15
wilharthmm chould it be fault in my lcd tv? flickering on it?20:15
ActionParsnipjenvy: try a ppa20:15
sudokillubuntu progs r old20:16
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:16
sudokillsee ^20:16
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates20:17
ActionParsnipDulak: kde, lxde and xfce have been consistent for years20:17
jenvyah ok20:17
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.20:17
alvin_bye friends! :D20:18
esaym153when I log in through ssh I see the prompt as "user@name:" How do I change the "name" part? I have two machines that have the same name.. >_>20:18
andro_lsvany good books to learn Linux?  Like under-the-hood stuff.20:18
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:19
llutzesaym153: thats the hostname20:19
smwandro_lsv, depends on which part you want to learn20:19
smwandro_lsv, lfs will teach you alot about how a distro is built. There is a really good book on kernel architecture if you want to learn that.20:19
DulakActionParsnip: I'm not arguing that, but I ain't supporting least common denominator crap.  Like I said, I'll wait for the next LTS, but if it's as bad as it's looking from the latest, I'll be moving along.20:20
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smwandro_lsv, or there are books on using the command line.20:20
brainproxyzsh auto-config on ubuntu 11.04 is giving me a default prompt that's split across two lines; anyone know if this is a bug?20:20
smwandro_lsv, and bash scripting20:20
andro_lsvyeah all that kind of stuff20:20
smwandro_lsv, what is it you are interested in?20:20
llutzesaym153: so either change the hostname to  a unique one or the PS1 var in your .bashrc20:21
smwandro_lsv, you need to tell me where you want to start ;-)20:21
esaym153llutz: fixed it, ty20:21
andro_lsvI guess right now I'm interested in using the command line20:21
afeijomkfs! command found and used :) partition mounted, thanks guys20:22
sudokillandro_lsv, its easier if u have a goal20:22
_ohmBuilding program from source, getting this error http://pastebin.com/eY6JUi3v. Adjusted time and timezone to accurate conditions, still getting the error20:22
smwandro_lsv, advanced bash scripting guide is probably good. Let me look it over quickly20:22
sudokillandro_lsv, u could try installing a distro than requires command line that way ud learn easier20:22
coilbucker1You could try an arch install. It doesn't even have a window manager at first.20:22
sudokillyea arch is a good way to learn very basic things20:22
smwandro_lsv, learning the command line takes trial and error. A lot of practice.20:22
Dulakslackware is also a good learning linux20:23
smwandro_lsv, archlinux tosses you into the water to sink or swim. It has pretty good starter docs...20:23
Ddpbfsudokill: arch is also good way to delete entire hard drive20:23
sudokillandro_lsv, u'll find that as u have problems / need to do new things using linux, u'll learn how to solve them / do them along the way20:23
mbnoimiwhere can I request to add new software in ubuntu repositories?20:23
sudokillDdpbf, sorry to hear that lol20:23
sudokillshould be careful then :)20:23
andro_lsvI took a class about Linux but we only learned the very basic stuff.20:23
sudokillwhat like ls commands20:24
smwmbnoimi, chances are it will fall on deaf ears unless you package it yourself...20:24
SchnitzHello guys, I try to get it short =) I am trying to install Ubuntu on my Sony Vaio Notebook (VGN-AW31S). But I only see the Ubuntu Logo + the loading indicator (for about 30 minutes Oo)20:24
StevenRHi. I had a sftp session open through nautilus... but the network connection died. How do I make gnone consider it really gone, so I can restart it?20:24
SchnitzAny thoughts?20:25
mbnoimismw: you mean I've to package it by myself in launchpad.net20:25
gratnam11i just installed ubuntu server20:25
gratnam11how do i setup eth120:25
sudokillSchnitz, from a livecd?20:25
SchnitzYes sudokill20:25
sudokillSchnitz, on some PC's it can take aaaaaaages to load20:25
smwmbnoimi, I think you can submit a bug as a feature request. I am not sure. But the best way to get something included is to make a package and then submit it.20:25
brad_Hello. My flash plug-in is not working and it was recently. Any thought? Did I do this, or are others having these issues too?20:25
sudokillit did on my old one20:25
smwandro_lsv, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal is a good 3 second tutorial20:26
LofdeI have an IP configuration that is pretty simple, i had to set it using IFCONFIG because i have two network cards, however on reboot the system tries to auto establish connections that it detects from the dhcp server.. can someone help me set these so it stays a manual connection i also had to use 'route add gw ' to use one gateway because i dont need the other routing nic to the internet20:26
smwandro_lsv, it explains flags well20:26
jerameyI am trying out ubuntu 11.04 and I am trying to install a apt repository but there is no edit drop down in the software center20:26
SchnitzOkay, any thoughts to solve this issue? Its not a bad laptop and its only 1 month old. Maybe another installation medium?20:26
gratnam11i don't see eth0 or eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces20:26
smwandro_lsv, what you need to do is learn enough to be able to look up what you don't know.20:27
sudokillSchnitz so it's not erroring? is anything animated like red dots or whatever?20:27
gratnam11how do i see if ubuntu reconized the driver for the network interface20:27
smwandro_lsv, look at that guide and tell me what you think.20:27
andro_lsvI'll look at it.20:27
sudokillgratnam try lspci20:27
DdpbfSchnitz: wich gpu?20:27
jerameyanyone using ubuntu 11.04?20:27
Ddpbfjeramey: most of people here ;)20:28
brad_how do20:28
jerameythere is no edit drop down in my software center20:28
andro_lsvI'll logout and login using my laptop.  see you in a bit.20:28
brad_I get adobel flash plugin to work?20:28
mbnoimismw: damn, there is a huge gap in Winrar alternative in ubuntu I discuss it with KDE community and I found that best thing is to request to add q7z in ubutnu repository (q7z exists in openSuSE repository)... see kde discussion http://tinyurl.com/3cl3cn420:28
SchnitzThe loading indicator is working, (red & white dots), GPU = nVidia 9600M GT, CPU = Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 (running at 2x 2560MHz)20:28
skrleccan someone help me. i would like to install RaLink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe. i found drivers on relink site, but here is the manual, and I am confused what do do with 1>, 2>, 3>, http://paste.ubuntu.com/615476/20:29
sudokillSchnitz, try rebooting with it again20:29
sudokillmight have randomly locked up20:29
smwmbnoimi, what do you need winrar for?20:29
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lsvsmw: could you post the link again?  (ando_lsv here)20:29
jerameytrying to get to software resources to enter APT line but there is no edit drop down menu20:29
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Ddpbfbrad_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer20:29
smw!cli > lsv20:29
ubottulsv, please see my private message20:29
sudokilljeramey, it should be at the bottom20:29
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Schnitzsudokill, already tried 2 times (I started about 4 hours ago and searching for solutions via smartphone)20:30
jerameynothing at the bottom20:30
brad_Ddpbf, thank you.20:30
lsvsmw: got it, thanks20:30
gratnam11can someone help me configure my network on ubuntu server20:30
sudokillSchnitz, I really don't know. I doubt it's a bad disc but always worth trying another one20:30
sudokillit could be anything20:30
jerameyin mint it has drop down menu's file edit etc20:31
jerameythere is non in the ubuntu software center in 11.04 for me20:31
llutzgratnam11: does "ifconfig -a" list all your interfaces? if yes, add them to /etc/network/interfaces as you like. read "man 5 interfaces" how to do it20:31
mbnoimismw: usually in winrar the user can set compression ratio where in Ark it can't be so the user forced to use peazip or q7z where both of them not exist in ubuntu repositories20:31
sudokilljeramey, can't u just add it from terminal? idk about 11.0420:32
smwmbnoimi, are you try to make a rar file? why does it matter if you can set a compression ratio?20:32
jerameynever done it from the terminal im kinda noob20:32
brad_Ddpbf, that didnt work20:32
smwmbnoimi, also, what program do you recommend ubuntu get?20:32
jerameyshould i just dump 11.04 and get 1020:32
SchnitzOkay, thank you =) I'll just continue searching20:32
BKTech86why can i suspend and hibernate in 10.04 32-bit but not in 10.10 or 11.04 ?20:33
BKTech86well I can't even install 11.0420:33
BKTech86even resorted to text-based install and it still froze on first boot up20:33
mbnoimismw: I want to create 7z file with hightest compression (9), this can done from CLI where it can't in GUI20:33
smwmbnoimi, interesting. what program do you want to install?20:34
mbnoimismw: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=4545320:34
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KoobalitaI have an Iso mounted in Ubuntu that but what do to search for packages installable on that ISO?20:34
jordotechhow can i route local host to /var/www/mydir if its presently just routing to /var/www/ ?20:35
KoobalitaSorry that sentence was bad20:35
BKTech86Koobalita: navigate to the iso directory and use find ?20:35
mbnoimismw: see this discussion too http://tinyurl.com/3cl3cn420:35
Schnitzsudokill, maybe the "Alternate CD" is worth a try?20:35
KoobalitaBk will it show packages?20:35
brad_I just ran sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer, and flash still doesnt work. Any thoughts?20:35
Koobalitai mean it will clarify what the packages are20:35
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BKTech86Koobalita: i duno about that I'm not entirely sure what you're searching for, but cant you just do find . -iname '*.deb' ?20:36
wilhartsoo anyone ?? "nvidia playback flickering"? ??20:36
llutzjordotech: set correct document-root in your site-config20:36
xanguabrad_: restart the browser20:36
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jerameyOk I found it! when you open a window apparently it puts the drop down menus at the Very top of your screen (toolbar) instead of the top of the window20:36
Koobalitaok let me try that20:36
brad_xangua, I tried that.20:36
spm-DragetCan anyone edit this wiki page for me, I do nto have an account: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 . The suggested variables have changed months ago (renamed), for example enabling recovery or UUID is without _LINUX_ in the variable name. The current reference is: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Simple-configuration . Could anyone do this or at least check for someone else correcting it for me? Thanks.20:37
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sudokillSchnitz, its worth a try20:37
smwmbnoimi, I guess you should file a bug. I think when you file a bug you can mark it as an enhancement. However, I think it is unlikely someone will take it :-\20:37
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brad_braiam__,  how do I change my screen name here like you just did?20:38
smwmbnoimi, or, you can file a bug with ark upstream...20:38
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smwmbnoimi, that is more likely to be handled ;-)20:38
braiam__brad_: /nick newnick20:38
spm-DragetOr anyone just adding a note that links to the original documentation and that the example values are wrong, so people do not fall for the same trap!20:38
mbnoimismw: yes, thanks for suggestion20:38
Koobalitaok KB I have an ISO on my desktop I want to search through nad see what packages are available for me to install20:38
smwmbnoimi, you can also make your own then go into the ubuntu dev channel and ask for someone to review/submit it. Sort of a mentorship thing.20:38
KoobalitaThats the question20:39
smwmbnoimi, they tend to like to do that ;-)20:39
phox_ Unity has gone balls out and won't return from its hiding place. How do I restart it?20:39
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jordotechllutz do you mean my configuration under sites-available?20:39
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llutzjordotech: sites-enablesd20:39
llutzjordotech: sites-enabled20:39
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smwmbnoimi, or you just compile by source and not try... but it helps the community when you fix it for everyone :-D20:39
jordotechits set to /var/www/mydir20:39
mbnoimismw: unfortunately I don't have any experience in building deb packages.... I read tons of resource but I found them very compicated20:40
jordotechllutz, ya, its set to /var/www/mydir and i've restarted apache20:40
chullmy husband has a new Logitec Trackball M570 .. and Ubuntu 10.10 .. is it supposed to work?20:40
brad_: /Brad_ Trfsrfr20:40
smwmbnoimi, it is far too complicated... arch packages are so much easier :-P20:40
jordotechbut i still have to put 'localhost/mydir' to get there20:40
ArtemMAfter wake up notebook swaps really bad - iotop says that most of the time was used by kswapd0 and it swaps already for about hour.  Any idea what could be the cause? Top says that there is free ram and swap space and now it became almost unresponsive20:41
smwmbnoimi, I have made rpms, debs, and arch linux packages. But I have too many projects on my plate to help with this :-\20:41
Dulakmbnoimi: they are just archives with a special directory and files in that directory that do things when you install the package.  It's like a zip file with scripts that run automatically when you install it20:41
arleslieHey guys, I'm having an odd flanger-type sound being mixed with my line-in audio. This didn't happen before I started using my line-in, and my line-in worked perfectly fine on Windows, any idea on how to fix this?20:41
smwmbnoimi, Dulak is correct. They are just compressed tar files (I don't believe they use gz for compression anymore)20:43
Trfsrfrxangua, Where do my browser pages minimize to? I tried to reload the browser, but im not sure i ever closed it20:43
KoobalitaQ: If you had an ISO on your desktop that had some software u wanted out of it but not the whole ISO how can u search what programs are on the ISO?20:43
coilbuckerYou could mount the iso maybe.20:44
gratnam11can some one refer to a guide how to setup a software raid20:44
Koobalitait is mounted but nowhere does it say programs20:44
smw!raid | gratnam1120:44
ubottugratnam11: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:44
sudokillKoobalita, what iso is it20:44
smwKoobalita, we have no way to know how the iso is setup. So we can't list the programs on it ;-)20:45
chull<-- chalcedony can anyone help with getting ubuntu 10.10 to see my husband's new trackball? it's a Logitec Trackball M57020:45
smwKoobalita, is there a folder called "pool"?20:46
subcoolDoes anyone know if Boost mobile support HSDPA?20:46
Trfsrfrrunning 11.04, cannot find my browser after I minimize it. Where does it go?20:46
smwKoobalita, you may want to look in there ;-)20:46
sudokillinto the 11.04 black hole of doom20:46
Koobalitathen two directiories main and restricted20:46
kdk995509383kkddhow do i put this into a working script: 'unrar e ´whatever file user types, after this script is run´'20:46
smwKoobalita, both contain programs20:46
chullTrfsrfr: try in command line: top .. do you see it?20:46
Koobalitaok i am basically lookng for rivendell20:46
smwKoobalita, restricted contains "non-free" software20:46
phox_kdk987987897kkdd: try #bash20:47
smwKoobalita, free as in speech20:47
Trfsrfrchull, I dont see it anywhere20:47
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Koobalitaahh debian packages i see20:47
mbnoimiDulak: I know debs are archives but they contains on special scripts which make some things in back ground which is make them complicated for me (I accustomed to installjammer or NSIS scripts where)20:47
Koobalitanow i dance the happy dance20:47
chullTrfsrfr: then it's probably not running, do you have icons in your bar at the bottom of the screen?20:47
smwKoobalita, :-)20:47
alex^i upgraded a few servers from 10.10 to 11.04 some time ago, and noticing now that /var/log/messages is not getting written to any longer .. does anyone have any idea of why?20:48
Trfsrfrchull, I do see it now. it says its running in terminal, but I dont see it20:48
gratnam11softwware raid can only be done during instatlationg of os?20:48
Koobalitabeen trying to find a decent radio station automation software for Ubuntu20:48
sudokillalex^ i think var log messages has gone20:48
KoobalitaTY Smw:20:48
KoobalitaU Get Star20:49
sudokillalex^ when i tried 11.04 clean install there was no such thing as var log messages20:49
Koobalitahaha u answered the impossible questin :D20:49
chullTrfsrfr: type 'k' and then the process number, and the number it says, and it should kill the process20:49
mbnoimiDulak, smw: installjammer or NSIS has some wizard help the user to build the installer in easiest way, while I couldn't find any tool for debs20:49
Eitna|hey guys20:49
alex^sudokill, really .. strange .. i shall consult the google20:49
smwgratnam11, it is the easiest time to do it... yes20:49
kdk995509383kkddphox_: i have done some bash scripting. but how do i put it, that after i ran the script it should ask me what file to extract, then ill type in the file20:49
Eitna|i got 10 computers with exact same software20:49
smwKoobalita, yw20:49
sudokillalex^ it has gone, lots of other people also said it20:49
gratnam11i have two 1.5 tbs20:49
Eitna|wanna put ubuntu on it... is there some imaging software u guys may recommend to just copy the drives so i dont have to go through 10 individuals set ups20:49
chull<-- chalcedony can anyone help with getting ubuntu 10.10 to see my husband's new trackball? it's a Logitec Trackball M57020:49
sudokillalex^ im not sure what the alternative log file is now20:49
KoobalitaLinux isnt as easy as windows is for me even with Ubuntu :D20:49
Trfsrfrchull, thats cool, and thank you. But I am more looking to figure out how to retrieve it, not close it.20:49
gratnam11i tried to create a seperate partion for /boot and do raid20:50
gratnam11it failedd20:50
gratnam11now i am reading that Warning: the /boot filesystem cannot use any softRAID level other than 1 with the stock Ubuntu bootloader. If you want to use some other RAID level for most things, you'll need to create separate partitions and make a RAID1 device for /boot.20:50
smwKoobalita, well, you just don't know it as well20:50
alex^sudokill, apparently its been disabled .. you can enable it again simple enough .. strnage20:50
llutzkdk995509383kkdd: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_08_02.html20:50
KoobalitaTrue its alot of terminal work :D20:50
chullTrfsrfr: you sound like me with windows7 ..20:50
gratnam11can i do raid with just two drives20:50
gratnam11i want raid 120:50
sudokillalex^ ah ok, yea thats one of the first things i noticed too i was addicted to that log lol20:50
smwgratnam11, raid 1 is mirror?20:50
TbHackchull: you find win7 hard to use ?20:51
Trfsrfrchull, I hate windows, I dont use it unless I have to.20:51
gratnam11thats what i want20:51
alex^sudokill, well its helped me solve problems a million times in the past, so i think i'm gonna enable it again :)20:51
smwgratnam11, doing it at install time is the easiest...20:51
hypatiaTrfsrfr: did you get your sound working?20:51
chullTbHack: 7 seems to have a tendency to vanish XChat's icons20:51
TbHackI want a million dollars... :P20:51
Koobalitaman this sucks lok I downloaded this ISO cause they said it had Rivendellon it and i cant find it in the pool haha20:51
jordotechllutz, it was my 000-default under sites-enabled20:51
gratnam11i tried that20:51
* sudokill gives TbHack nothing20:51
jordotechthanks for your help20:51
alex^sudokill, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172857020:51
gratnam11it doesnt boot up after start20:51
smwgratnam11, it is really the only way if you want the root partition raided20:51
gratnam11i mean after installation20:51
Trfsrfrhypatia, No I did not. But I got my printer working!!!20:52
smwgratnam11, I have never tried it before20:52
gratnam11okay so how should i do it20:52
sudokillalex^yes i seen it20:52
smwgratnam11, I would reinstall and follow the instructions20:52
gratnam11raid the enterire file system and try using the guided installation20:52
* TbHack is very disappointed in chull, *frowns*20:52
smwgratnam11, yes20:52
gratnam11okay thanks20:52
TbHackchull, I don't use win to chat on IRC, I use ubuntue20:53
chulldoes anyone else's google search say anything about getting Trackball M570 to work in Ubuntu 10.10?20:53
Koobalitai am actualyl using pidgeon on here :D20:53
hypatiaTrfsrfr: yay :D20:53
TbHackKoobalita, what is pidgeon?20:53
chullTbHack: excuse me?20:53
hypatiaTrfsrfr: may i pm?20:53
kdk995509383kkddllutz: thx20:53
fdsifuhI'm having a problem with Minecraft and other games on Ubuntu20:53
Koobalitaits a multi messenger program u can use it for all communicator programs pretty much20:53
=== Soupermanito is now known as Souperior
chullTbHack: pidgin is a multi-chat thing which works fairly well on ubutus20:54
KoobalitaYahoo, Msn, ETc ETc20:54
TbHackchull, what ?20:54
fdsifuhIf I move my mouse, it either leaves the window or hits the side and stops me turning20:54
Trfsrfrhypatia, right! But the sound thing is driving me nuts. Sure you can pm, but I am not working on that machine right now so I cant do anything till I get home20:54
fdsifuhIs there a way to fix that?20:54
fdsifuhI can't play Minecraft in full screen, and can't play Q3A at all.20:54
TbHackchull, thought it was an animal, but you spellt it differently to the other guy that mentioned it20:54
=== Souperior is now known as Souperman
Koobalitaok Reccomendation time :D20:55
=== root is now known as Guest10444
KoobalitaWhat program do u all recommend for ubuntu to to automated radio station20:55
YankDownUnderWhat do you mean by "automated radio station"?20:56
alex^Koobalita, what _is_ an automated radio station?20:56
=== Souperman is now known as Soupermanito
sudokillto listen to the radio?20:56
Koobalitaits where i instert media files that stream thruough the internet people can access and listen to me dj20:56
KoobalitaLike the program SAM Broadcaster for Windows20:57
YankDownUnderStreaming Media Server20:57
savidI had my ssh key setup to where when I used SSH to connect to a remote host,  I got a GUI window prompting for my password.  I only had to do this once per Gnome session.  Now it always asks for the passphrase in the terminal.  Is there some program that has to be running for it to give me the former?20:57
KoobalitaYank is that a fully functional dj program?20:57
alex^Koobalita, http://www.ehow.com/how_5183447_make-radio-stream-ubuntu.html20:58
* YankDownUnder thinks it's coffee and vodka time.20:58
alex^Koobalita, try google, it finds some useful stuff sometimes20:58
winutany tips to get safedisc cd and  .iso´s working on ubuntu 11.04? works on xp and osx fine. thanks20:58
Koobalitayes i know but the folks who use ubuntu everyday know the pros and cons20:58
MonkeyDustwell well, belgian :)20:58
Koobalitaand that link isnt quite what i meant20:58
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:59
winuti get this error -> Error mounting: mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only20:59
alex^Koobalita, yeah perhaps .. i haven't played with radio stuff since the 90ies though, so i can't help you much more than that, sorry :p20:59
BluePlaneti need repair jack plugin20:59
KoobalitaI checkced out two goodies Airtime and Rivendell20:59
Koobalitato advanced for me tho with the terminal stuff :D20:59
Koobalitai need more of a download and install thing :D21:00
janisozauris there a way to check which version of hdmi does my computer have?21:01
=== Therstrium_ is now known as Therstrium
BluePlanetjack ????????????/21:01
winuti might help you blue21:01
bindijanisozaur: google your graphics card specs21:01
winuti use jack from kx studio ppa which is version 221:02
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jordotechhow do i search a directory recursively for 'myfile.html' ?21:02
Koobalitawhat is kx studio?21:02
BluePlanetok...i need record music and that dont  works21:02
Koobalitasounds audial visual?21:02
llutzjordotech: find path/ -name myfile.html21:02
jordotechthanks :)21:02
winutits a great ppa for ubuntu so you can use the latest audio software21:02
Koobalitaahh see21:02
winutlike jack 2 :-)21:02
=== mike_ is now known as Guest58715
BluePlanetsound recording21:03
Koobalitaaudio software is kind of in the line of where I am trying to head21:03
Jordan_Ujordotech: find /path/to/directory -name myfile.html21:03
KoobalitaWhat broadcastign software do u have winut?21:04
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Koobalitaor is that more geared towards like sound editing?21:04
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winutkxstudio ppa -> http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/KXStudio:Repositories21:05
dantheman73Hey. Im trying to get gtkpod to put new music on my ipod (im using linux for the first time) but it wont download21:06
winuti also use this kernel -> https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa21:06
dantheman73it says "applying changes" and the progress bar is stuck at halfway point...what do i do?21:06
=== gratnam11_ is now known as gratnam11
oyiptonghi, how many versions of a package does the apt repository retain?21:06
winutkoobalita: i just use it for jack and wineasio really21:07
Koobalitaoh ok21:07
BluePlanetmy jack dont function21:07
dantheman73Hi...um I'm sorry but I dont know what any of that means21:07
oyiptongand how do i automate the install of packages that are no longer in the repository? i know i can use http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ but its not automated21:07
KoobalitaI downloaded an ISO that is supposed to have the Radio Software program on it I am looking for but I cannot find it21:07
KoobalitaI checked out both those places not quite what I am looking for21:08
winutwhich is?21:08
BluePlanetW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam0g_1.1.1-2ubuntu5.2_i386.deb21:08
BluePlanet  404  Not Found21:08
BluePlanetW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-modules_1.1.1-2ubuntu5.2_i386.deb21:08
BluePlanet  404  Not Found21:08
BluePlanetW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-runtime_1.1.1-2ubuntu5.2_all.deb21:08
BluePlanet  404  Not Found21:08
BluePlanetW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam0g_1.1.1-2ubuntu5.2_i386.deb21:08
BluePlanet  404  Not Found21:08
BluePlanetW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-modules_1.1.1-2ubuntu5.2_i386.deb21:08
FloodBot1BluePlanet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:08
BluePlanet  404  Not Found21:08
BluePlanetW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-runtime_1.1.1-2ubuntu5.2_all.deb21:08
Pici!pamerr | BluePlanet21:09
ubottuBluePlanet: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053821:09
Koobalitait came from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/rrabuntu/files/21:09
BluePlanetso in other words that is not important?21:09
IdleOneI am trying to convert a file but keep getting: Unknown encoder 'libmp3lame'. libmp3lame-dev is installed, any ideas how I get this working?21:09
llutzIdleOne: you don't need the -dev package21:10
llutz!info libmp3lame021:10
ubottulibmp3lame0 (source: lame): An MP3 encoding library. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.98.4-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 246 kB, installed size 440 kB21:10
BluePlaneti cant recording with jack !21:10
=== tux is now known as Guest87254
greekwhat can i do to repair a broken gnome ?21:11
BluePlanetjack dont wont load21:11
IdleOnellutz: apt doesn't find libmp3lame021:11
winutjack is broken without the ppa21:11
llutzIdleOne: check your sources21:11
YankDownUnderI used Elmer's Glue to fix a broken Gnome...was a sad thing that.21:11
greekthis is not a joke21:12
KoobalitaI knew someone was gonna say it! LOL21:12
IdleOnellutz: actually it is installed already21:12
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KoobalitaYankDownUnder usually means an american in Australia :D21:12
N3Uhhh, I don't know if I configured raid correctly, is there a way to find out?21:12
greeki have yet to be able to use gnome because it failed the install, and failed to work after a re install, and re-reinstall...21:12
albackerwhat should i install to view pdf files inside firefox?21:12
greekyes Koobalita, it seems some one alwasy does21:13
winutblueplanet -> ppa:kxstudio-team/ppa21:13
YankDownUnderBest way to "fix" a broken Gnome => rename all the .gconf* and .gnome* and .nautilus* directories in your home directory, log out, login again => check if everything is "back to default"21:13
winutand qjackctl21:13
durandohey guys i can't figure out how to mount a backed up encrypted home folder can anyone help21:13
winutthis also works properly with wine audio and wineasio etc21:13
KoobalitaWow some really nifty questions21:13
KoobalitaI can just watch and laern :D21:14
toad`GRUB is missing21:14
* toad` is sad21:14
greekYankDownUnder: what will i name those directories to ?21:14
YankDownUndertoad`, Um...re-install grub?21:14
YankDownUndergreek, I can't think for you mate.21:14
toad`I need to reinstal ubu actually21:14
* Koobalita hi21:14
toad`my windows OS has been infected with something21:14
* Koobalita puts that Grub on a fishing hook.21:14
toad`and I'm wondering if I can run in ubuntu21:14
greekYankDownUnder: ic, so the name is not relitive so long as i know them :)21:14
KM0201well, reinstalling ubuntu will definitely reinstall grub.21:14
toad`to erase that partition21:14
YankDownUndergreek,  Yeah mate21:15
KoobalitaI first had FEdora21:15
Koobalitathen I went to UBUntu easier21:15
winuti also use pulseaudio jack sink so you can use jack as the main sound server http://sync-signal.com/2009/12/configuring-jack-and-pulseaudio-on-ubuntu-9-10/21:15
KM0201toad`: so you want to delete your windows partition?21:15
* greek goes renaming :D21:15
Koobalitaif there is an easier Linux Distro then Ubuntu then I am up for it!21:15
Asmodeus87I'm expecting a big NON here but any of you know if it would be possible to reinstall windows from a recovery CD while protecting my Ubuntu?21:15
toad`I would ideally like to wipe my entire drive21:15
toad`I was thinking maybe using ubuntu Live CD21:15
toad`I could accomplish suck things21:15
phox_Koobalito: That depends on what you want out of your system, and how much tweaking you are up for.21:16
KoobalitaAS Fast as possible and as windowsy as possible :D21:16
KM0201toad`: stop hitting enter so much... if you want to wipe the entire drive, and you want to reinstall ubuntu, then just boot the live cd, and when it comes to the partition stage c hoose "use entire drive"... it'll then format the entire drive and install ubuntu... don't make a mountain out of a molehill21:16
phox_Then I guess Ubuntu is a good place to start, koobalito =)21:16
KoobalitaYa I thought so but ya never know21:17
KM0201Koobalita: being "windowsy" is a negative IMO..21:17
winuttip for jack, set the correct number of periods for your soundcard, usually 2 or 321:17
KoobalitaI Try to find out what the peopel who actualyl use the software think21:17
Koobalitaok GUI frioendly hows that21:17
guntbertAsmodeus87: not possible - recovery CDs restore the hard disk to the state they had after installation21:17
phox_KM201: but can't you see how that feature would be a pro to a new comer?21:17
dantheman73 can someone please help me? Iv never used linux before and im just trying to access my ipod21:18
Asmodeus87guntbert: That's what I tought, darn... that's going to be bad then... unless I can get my hands on a Vista CD... thanks!21:18
KM0201phox_: no.. because to many knuckleheads come here saying "i'm very computer literate".. when in reality they are "windows literate"... the two OS's are almost completely different.. knowing and understanding one, doesn't mean you know and understand the other.21:18
KM0201!ipod | dantheman7321:18
ubottudantheman73: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:18
CyborgSmurfI have trouble typing in flashembedded pages21:18
KoobalitaI can point and click well I wont deny that21:18
phox_KM201: Hm, interesting point.21:18
winutsafedisc on ubuntu, anyone? thx21:19
durandoi'm about to pull out my hair21:19
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KM0201durando: clippers will make it less painful21:19
Koobalitaget a buzz cut then u wont make yer head bleed21:19
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phox_Koobalita: just go for it. Install a fresh version of Ubuntu 11.04 and just play around with it =) you'll get it pretty fast. All the normal stuff like browsing, music and movies is just straight forward.21:19
Koobalitaoh I have ubuntu on here/ now21:20
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jeand_#join ubuntu-fr21:20
durandohow do i mount an encrypted backup that isn't /21:20
MonkeyDustjeand_: it's /j #ubuntu-fr21:20
phox_koobalita, oh cool. Didn't get that.21:20
KM0201durando: lol..21:20
Koobalitai even insatlled a tweak thing i saw on ubuntu software center21:20
toad`a mountain out of a mole hole?21:20
jeand_join #ubuntu-fr21:21
MonkeyDustjeand_: with slash21:21
Koobalitaok new question21:21
toad`The thing is I need to securely erase it, not just delete a partition, it has some BOworm, I would ultimately like to have a windows partition on it for later use.21:21
phox_I have a question. Why isn't VLC on Ubuntu by standard? It's much more popular (atleast I think so) and IMO better than the random movie players we get by default.21:21
KoobalitaSay you have founds teh installabe packages on an ISO21:21
KM0201toad`: molehill... it meas you're making something way more complex than it needs to be.21:21
roger21do i have to do something after modifying /etc/default/grub as with lilo ?21:21
toad`How am I doing that?21:21
MonkeyDustphox_: why is a philosophical question21:21
Koobalitaand want to search within those packages to see if the is a program u want to install21:21
CyborgSmurfI have trouble typing in flashembedded pages like this page ----> http://www.sharedtalk.com/21:22
xanguaphox_: random movie player¿ o_O21:22
KoobalitaI lov eVLC Its my choice player21:22
KM0201toad`: because you are, you said you want to nuke the whole drive, so nuke the whole drive.. the installer has an option to format the whole drive and install ubuntu...21:22
KM0201Koobalita: as longa syou're not effected by the freezing issues.21:22
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phox_Monkeydust: wat21:22
greek2 .gconf* and 2 .gnome* and  1 .nautilus* later, after log out ... gnome still will not start.... apart from getting deeply invalved in this or re installeing linux from scratch , is there a way to fix my know ? i do not mind distroying gnome completely and redoing if i knew of an effective method.21:22
Piciphox_: Totem is part of of the GNOME desktop environment.21:22
Koobalitait works great I love it21:22
* Descriptioned Hello guys.21:22
phox_xangua: hehe, I can't remember it's name. All I know is I don't like it.21:22
* Descriptioned and ladies..21:22
KM0201!bug 743323 | Koobalita21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 743323 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc memory leak" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74332321:23
phox_pici: I was thinking about that, wheter Ubuntu chose it for themselves or whether it came with Gnome.21:23
Koobalitathats fine still the best IMO21:23
Koobalitai have found it able to play any file i send its way21:23
greekbasicly, i do not like KDE plasma... if i had a method to fre myself from its buggyness, i would be fine with or without gnome21:23
KM0201Koobalita: i like it, when it works..lol21:23
Sidewinder1phox_, Totem plays music very well but, I think, it's primarily designed for video.21:23
Koobalitait always works for me :D21:23
zgrwho is familiar with loadkeys and xmodmap?21:23
KM0201Sidewinder1: i agree.. Audacious is slick for music...21:23
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KM0201Koobalita: thus my clarifying statement, if it works, its awesome... the recent version is the issue.21:24
Koobalitais audacious like Audacity?21:24
sirhenrikHow can I find out which graphic driver I need? I've tried lspci but it doesnt tell me much.21:24
phox_I though people didn't use local files for mp3's, don't you guys use streaming services like spotify? =)21:24
* greek checks for a gnome channel21:24
Koobalitaoh thats why they take bug reports tho to fix the problems21:24
BluePlanetardour could not start jack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!121:24
KM0201Koobalita: no21:24
=== Alex___ is now known as Krenair
CombatjuanHow do I determine how much non-shared memory a process is using? in top VIRT - SHR would indicated that I have 100 processes using 4.5GB each of memory and I'm quite sure that's not happening.21:24
KoobalitaWow some of these questions are way over my head lol21:24
KM0201Koobalita: my point, if its not effecting you, thats the reason its awesome.. if it was, you'd be a little more than upset when your whole system locks up.21:25
KrenairGot fed up with 11.04, so I switched to 10.04. How do I remove openoffice.org and install libreoffice?21:25
KM0201Krenair: there's a repository out there somewhere for it.. but i think its for 10.10.... do some googling, it should turn up21:25
Sidewinder1KM0201, Isn't that more for audio editing?21:25
ziikutvHi guys21:25
KM0201Sidewinder1: audacious?  no.. not at all.. it's kinda like Winamp21:26
BluePlanetCould not connect to JACK server as client.21:26
BluePlanet- Overall operation failed.21:26
BluePlanet- Unable to connect to server.21:26
BluePlanetPlease check the messages window for more info.21:26
ziikutvthis is the Ubuntu irc right?21:26
FloodBot1BluePlanet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
ActionParsnipKrenair: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/install-libreoffice-ppa-ubuntu/21:26
A_B_Question: Why when adding a user he's automatically added to a group by his username and not added to the "users" group?21:26
KM0201Sidewinder1: you're confusing audacious, w/ audacity.. audacity is an audio editor21:26
ActionParsnipKrenair: i suggest you remove openoffice first21:26
Piciziikutv: This is the official Ubuntu Support channel, yes.21:26
Koobalita - Radio Automation looking for this kind of software21:26
Sidewinder1!enter > BluePlanet21:26
ubottuBluePlanet, please see my private message21:26
oyiptongdoes http://old-releases.ubuntu.com contain old packages for say 10.04?21:26
KrenairActionParsnip, ok thanks21:26
Picioyiptong: No. 10.04 is still  a supported release.21:26
ziikutvhi my gnome task bar is gone!! I downloadd Compiz config thing.. and it made changed to my desktop21:27
sirhenrikLTS if im not mistaking21:27
oyiptongso, Pici, can i install an old version of a package that isn't in the current repository?21:27
ziikutvI dont see the taskbar nor do I see the launcher wth!?21:27
oyiptongPici: for instance a version of python (or whatever) that has been superceded21:27
guntbertroger21: the first two lines in that file tell you  "If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update /boot/grub/grub.cfg."21:27
Sidewinder1KM0201, So, audacious is "something completely different?"21:27
KM0201Sidewinder1: completely different from audacity... yes21:27
roger21guntbert, yep ok ...21:28
phox_ziikutv: the launcher is buggy for me too. Can't get it out right now either, happens often21:28
KM0201!info audacious | Sidewinder121:28
Picioyiptong: You could probably pull that from launchpad, but not from old-releases.21:28
ubottuSidewinder1: audacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-1 (natty), package size 403 kB, installed size 1564 kB21:28
oyiptongPici: i know i can look at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/ and hunt down the package manually, but I want to do it from the command line21:28
CyborgSmurfFunny thing is that when I google my problem there are many pages which Ive asked the question before. Guess this issue is unsolvable21:28
Koobalita!info Rivendell21:28
ubottuPackage Rivendell does not exist in natty21:28
Sidewinder1KM0201, In the repos for Lucid?21:28
KM0201Sidewinder1: should be21:28
ziikutvphox_ : I don't think you have a problem. if you see the taskbar.. hover left corner of the screen21:28
Koobalitaif the taskbar is on auto hide will it not hide?21:29
Koobalitathats not supposed to be a riddle either lol21:29
phox_ziikutv: yeah no shit sherlock :P It's just stuck to the left. Can't get it out.21:29
ActionParsnipKoobalita: do you mean unity?21:29
Sidewinder1KM0201, Kewl! I'll most definately try it...Will log-off while I download..I know I don't have to but I'm old fashion... BRB..21:29
beaufilsany idea why sound is bad (short cuts very regularly) with rhythmbox or banshee but not with mplayer when listening ogg files (Ubuntu 11.04 on mactel) ?21:29
=== microsoft is now known as lolcat
KoobalitaUnity what?21:29
Koobalita!info unity21:29
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.12-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 604 kB, installed size 1860 kB21:29
Koobalitano not unity Rivendell21:30
ziikutvphox_: Yeah but you have to hover over quickly and move your mouse away from the taskbar or it'll remain stuck..21:30
KM0201Sidewinder1: whatever you say, but that is quite unecessary..lol21:30
beaufilsgoogle do not help :-(21:30
KM0201Sidewinder1: thats not even old fashioned, it's never been heard of21:30
Sidewinder1KM0201, I know, but old habits die hard...BRB21:30
Koobalitaits first fashioned then haha21:30
KoobalitaA new  fad21:31
phox_ziikutv: nope. I've tried everything, it's stuck. Happens for me sometimes.21:31
balleyneI'm having trouble with a wireless card. Can see the interface with iwconfig, not ifconfig. Gnome network manager applet thing says Wireless disabled, and it's greyed out so I can't enable it. It was working for months, must have stopped within the last week or two.21:31
KM0201i think that is the strangest thing i've ever saw said in this channel.21:31
=== earth is now known as Guest43708
phox_sidewinder1: Why would you log off just to download? :P21:31
Koobalita ok Help me out here KMO :D21:31
KM0201phox_: strange, for sure.21:31
Koobalitaor whoever D:21:31
KM0201balleyne: do you know the chipset on the card?21:32
KoobalitaHow do I put this ISO That is on my desktop ON A blank cd and make it so its bootable or whateve it takes for that to load before all other things21:32
ziikutvphox_ right click and click on settings or something.. I forgot, there is a "Push" to open launcher and "Hover" you might have it on push.21:32
KrenairAlright, so I now have libreoffice installed (I think)21:32
balleyneKM0201: "Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. Device 1063 (rev c0)" ?21:32
guntbertA_B_: see /etc/adduser.conf   (and man adduser.conf)21:32
KrenairHow can I add it's programs to the menus?21:32
KM0201balleyne: thats not the wireless device21:32
Guest43708i have use a lot of tutorial to install wacom bamboo pen&touch,  on ubuntu10.04, can you help me to find link????21:33
balleyneKM0201: ah, sorry, this looks like it: "Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 100 Series"21:33
KM0201Koobalita: easiest way is to install gnomebaker and use it to burn the image to a CD21:33
gianni_usa BuDuScRiPt [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript ]21:33
gianni_Version 3.3.5121:33
gianni_By  U D A ' S o f t w a r e21:33
phox_ziikutv: whatever, for no apperant reason it popped back out, but know it stuck again. Argh, don't care too much for unity thx for the interest though.21:33
=== Guest43708 is now known as buddo
KM0201balleyne: hmm, not really sure on that, usually intels just work21:33
Koobalitaok any particular things i have to do settings or wahtever.21:33
Picigianni_: Stop that.21:34
commodore64thI uh... re-installed windows 7 starter, wiping everything on my HDD, then installed Ubuntu 11, accidentally writing over the partition that the Windows 7 bootloader was on. I need to add an entry for the Windows 7 bootloader in GRUB...21:34
KM0201Koobalita: not really, about the only thing.. when you burn an ISO, burn them as slow as possible.21:34
Koobalitai will check out ubuntu software center for gnomebaker21:34
CombatjuanIn top, is there a field or combination of fields I should be able to sum to get used physical memory?  I'm trying to figure out how much memory a process is using not including shared memory.21:34
KM0201Koobalita: just sudo apt-get install gnomebaker then go to gnomebaker and tools/burn CD(or DVD) ISO".. then from there is pretty much self explanatory21:34
commodore64thSo, does anyone know how to add an entry for Windows 7 in GRUB?21:35
=== Person is now known as Koobalita
KM0201commodore64th: well, first, run sudo update-grub2   and see if it picks it up21:35
commodore64thokay. will do.21:35
Koobalitadont have to leave to do it ya! haha21:35
Jordan_UCombatjuan: You can't boot Windows from grub if its System partition is gone. You'll have to ask in ##windows for instructions on restoring it.21:35
KM0201Koobalita: lol21:35
buddohelp for install WACOM bamboo pen&tuch, (CTH-460/k)21:35
Combatjuancommodore64th: My above message was presumably for you.21:35
Koobalitalast time i tried to put that iso on CD it didnt recognize it as a boot device KMO21:36
Koobalitaaltho I can access it as an ISO21:36
commodore64thSo, how do I know if it worked? It said it found windows recovery environment...21:36
balleyneKM0201: figured it out. Stupid wireless LED that's actually a hardware kill switch, hate those things...21:36
KM0201commodore64th: reboot, and choose that option in yoru grub menu, and see if windows 7 boots (it probably will it misnames it sometimes)21:36
commodore64thCombatjuan, I don't understand your above message...21:37
Jordan_Ucommodore64th: You can't boot Windows from grub if its System partition is gone. You'll have to ask in ##windows for instructions on restoring it.21:37
commodore64thKM0201, okay. will try. brb21:37
Koobalitawhats the key to access grub while boothing?21:37
PiciKoobalita: shift21:37
robin0800Koobalita, you have to burn it not just copy it21:37
Combatjuancommodore64th: Jordan_U messaged me saying to ask in Windows.  I think tab-completion got my name instead of yours.  I was just alerting you.21:37
fooman2011hello. I'm a newbe under linux. I have added a package using the command add-apt-repository ppa:rvm/mplayer. Then i have removed it: sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:rvm/mplayer. But when i launch "apt-get update" I still have the error "W: Failed to fetch   http://ppa.launchpad.net/rvm/mplayer/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found" Any idea about how to remove this error please ?21:37
Sidewinder1KM0201, Playing now! Pretty neat...21:37
KoobalitaGetting some Ubuntu Linux Edumakashun!21:37
KM0201Jordan_U: i didn't see him mention that, i thought he said he wiped his drive and reinstalled windows and ubuntu, and ubuntu didn't pick up win 7.. maybe i misunderstood21:37
KM0201Sidewinder1: it's a slick little audio player, i like it a lot.21:38
hal2100I need help to track down a Out of Memory Bug21:38
Sidewinder1KM0201, Will have to explore it's intricacies as time goes by...21:38
KoobalitaKMO that remins me of that song in lion kind I like to move it move it move it21:38
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zgrHow to disable VT switching on Super key? xmodmap -pke shows that super keys are clear but they still switch VT21:38
KM0201Sidewinder1: there's not a lot to it really... but it's a pretty good app to have... i wish ubuntu still installed it by default, instead of rhythmbox.21:38
Jordan_UKM0201: "then installed Ubuntu 11, accidentally writing over the partition that the Windows 7 bootloader was on"21:39
KM0201Jordan_U: i took that to mean the mbr?21:39
Sidewinder1KM0201, Many, many, thanks! You are a gentleman/ lady and a scholar. :-)21:39
guntberthal2100: what application is it?21:39
KM0201Jordan_U: when he ran update-grub2, it picked up win7.. so i guess we'll se21:39
Jordan_UKM0201: That may be what he meant, but the mbr is not a partition, and Windows Vista/7 *do* have a separate partition for just the bootloader.21:40
Koobalitawhat does teh burnfree option mean in Gnomebaker?21:40
KM0201Jordan_U: oh i totally agree, and i see where hte confusion is....21:40
Koobalitado i need to check it or leave it?21:40
Sidewinder1KM0201, Never can assume genders here; though, it's a pretty good bet that most are male..21:40
hal2100guntbert: Thats exactly what I would like to find out21:40
=== Koobalita is now known as Koobilito
KoobilitoThere makes me known as male21:40
* Sidewinder1 Ducks at the rotten tomatoes thrown by the ladies... :-)21:40
KM0201Koobalita: just do the defaults.. only thing you should need to change, is make sure it burns as slow as possible  Koobilito21:40
Koobilitook so dont leave it on auto?21:41
guntberthal2100: so your oom killer went to work?21:41
KM0201Koobilito: hold on21:41
Koobilitoi can choose 1x21:41
KM0201Koobilito: again, burn as slow as possible21:41
durandowell that didn't work21:41
Koobilito1x it is :D21:41
hal2100guntbert: yes, but it is a little bit crazy.21:41
Combatjuanfooman2011: You can manually comment out the ppa line in /etc/apt/sources.list  -- are you sure that your add-apt-repository command completed successfully?  Maybe there was an error message you didn't see?21:42
guntberthal2100: did you see http://linux-mm.org/OOM21:42
durandookay guys any good thoughts on how to mount a ecrypted home folder that i have on a backup drive21:42
Koobilitoisnt Hal that name of that comptuer of space odyssey or something?21:42
KM0201Koobilito: yes, leave "mode" on auto21:42
Koobilitoargh to late i put it on 1x lol21:42
guntbertdurando: dod you record the passphrase?21:42
KM0201Koobilito: no, speed is 4x.... mode.. should be left to auto21:42
durandoguntbert: yeah i have the passphrase21:42
paddy_I am getting really desperate now, can someone please take a look at this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/46255/x-freezes-every-couple-of-hours-compiz-segfault-at-58-error-4-in-libnvidia-glc21:42
puffI'm using f-spot to tag the photos from my android phone.  How do I push the changes back to my phone, so that when I look at photos on my phone, they're categorized into albums/21:42
Koobilitowell if it dont work i will re do it ha21:43
KM0201Koobilito: well what did you change mode to?21:43
KoobilitoI'll mail u the cd :/21:43
Koobilitoto 1x u said slowest21:43
KM0201that's not mode21:43
KM0201thats speed21:43
KM0201there's a mode setting, and a speed setting21:43
guntbertdurando: I try to remember what I did21:43
Koobilitoi didnt change anything21:43
KM0201speed, set to whatever you want (slower is better)21:43
Koobilitoexcept speed21:43
KM0201Koobilito: ok, then you should be fine21:43
hal2100guntbert: I have two accounts on this machine, mine and the one of my girlfriend. Mine never had this issue, but only the account of my girlfriend has.21:43
Koobilitoi think last time i copied it instead of burning it.21:44
KM0201Koobilito: probably, common mistake21:44
KoobilitoCommon Grounds man!21:44
guntbertdurando: did you see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/ ?21:44
hal2100guntbert: I disabled all panels for mine account, because I use AWN. that is the only difference between mine account and the other (except the other cannot sudo)21:44
ilovebearsdoes anyone know how to create a nautilus script, that has a checkbox?21:44
KoobilitoI basically want to boot this one up to see what the rivendell is about21:45
tasslehoffAny idea how I can turn off bluetooth by default?21:45
Koobilitogot an ok machine dual core 2 ghz 3.5G ram21:45
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KM0201Koobilito: what was his problem?...21:45
KoobilitoWhos problem?21:45
buddoBus 003 Device 005: ID 056a:00d1 Wacom Co., Ltd21:46
N3Needing help with raid21:46
commodore64thKM0201, It didn't work21:46
hal2100guntbert: And swap is disabled for all accounts (system wide)21:46
commodore64thI had an error about it not finding a certain device (probably the boot partition at the end of the drive that I deleted.21:46
KM0201commodore64th: then go ask your question in #windows...21:46
guntberthal2100: I never had that problem, I am reading that page myself now21:47
mrdebcommodore64th: are you an atari fan21:47
commodore64thOf course, I am, mrdeb! I have an Atari Lynx.21:47
KoobilitoI used to have an Atari 2600 bout 35 yrs ago21:47
KM0201Koobilito: you should try Lubuntu on that machine, it would scream21:47
KoobilitoUt oh i aged myself :D21:47
Koobilitonow u tell me !21:47
KM0201Koobilito: lubuntu.net21:48
KoobilitoIs it at Gui Friendly as Ubuntu or more?21:48
Koobilitomy video is lame i will say that its the built in package21:48
Koobilitomy Geforece 6200 card crapped out :)21:48
KM0201Koobilito: ah.. probably not *as* friendly... but most of it is very simple to use.21:48
mrdebwhat is thes best video card for ubuntu now21:49
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Koobilitothats a loaded question21:49
KM0201mrdeb: well, nvidia will almost always be better than ATI...21:50
KM0201i'ce got an nvidia 7x, and it works great21:50
KoobilitoNvidia with DDR3 Vid Ram!21:51
Koobilitofor super fastness :D21:51
ilovebearsdoes anyone know how to create a nautilus script, that has a checkbox? the location of the default scripts would also help21:52
* Koobilito points everyone KM's way21:52
guntberthal2100: here is what I would do: install htop, and watch the display (sorted by memory) you should see which process takes up more...21:52
CombatjuanI discovered that I can use pmap -d to get the "writable/private" memory used by a process.  Is there a handy way to do this with all processes?  I'd rather not write a big clunky awk script to do it.21:53
Koobilitooh wow it worked i put it back in and it asked me if i wanted o check out with package maanager ya!21:53
KM0201Koobilito: that's what it should do...21:54
Koobilitoyes cha ching!21:54
Sidewinder1Nice when things work the way they should.21:54
KM0201!info gmountiso21:54
ubottugmountiso (source: gmountiso): This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 16 kB, installed size 176 kB21:54
Koobilitoya no kidding21:55
hal2100guntbert: that is not the problem. The problem is, that I cannot experience the error, but only my girlfriend can. And this does not happen all the time...21:55
Koobilitodo the happy dance here21:55
KM0201hmm, for some reason i thought that was named gmount21:55
hal2100guntbert: The hunting is the problem21:55
guntberthal2100: I guess so - I'm searching for a tool that can be used with watch21:56
Sidewinder1Gotta go spend some family time; Thanx all! Have a great evening.21:56
Koobilitooh man21:57
fooman2011ok how to install with dependencies using dpkg ?21:58
KM0201fooman2011: what do you mean?.. is it a .deb file?21:59
winutshould be automatic21:59
fooman2011when i want to install it21:59
fooman2011he told me:21:59
fooman2011dpkg: error processing mencoder (--install): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured21:59
KM0201fooman2011: what are you trying to install w/ a .deb package?21:59
winutmaybe its not in the repo or a version mismatch22:00
KM0201winut: probably22:00
durandothis is just ugly22:00
winutwhat os you on?22:00
KM0201fooman2011: are you using ubuntu hardy?22:00
fooman2011im under ubuntu server22:01
KM0201fooman2011: ok, are you using ubuntu server hardy?22:01
winutuname -a22:01
Piciwinut: lsb_release -a would be better22:01
ikoniafooman2011: you'll have to remove the repo file manually22:01
guntberthal2100: I found something for a start: http://unixlive.editboard.com/t5-how-much-ram-is-used-per-program  and http://unixlive.editboard.com/t4-memory-usage-retrieval-on-linux-process-wise-and-general  -- not sure if it will help :)22:01
fooman2011it's like a chinese room for me here :D22:02
Koobilitoman rivendell aint even on this cd22:02
KM0201fooman2011: first, what version of ubuntu server are you using?22:02
Krenairinstalling flash on firefox, where do I put libflashplayer.so?22:02
Krenairubuntu 10.0422:02
durandohow do i add a user to the sudoer file?22:02
fooman2011KM0201: ubuntu server that all i know22:03
Picidurando: You shouldn't have to normally, just add the user to the admin group22:03
ikoniafooman2011: /etc/apt/sources.d22:03
KM0201fooman2011: type this  "lsb_release -a" no quotes and hit enter, and tell us what it says22:03
ikoniafooman2011: you should see some files in there22:03
ActionParsnipKrenair: ~/.mozilla/plugins  is one place it can go22:03
KrenairI don't have a ~/.mozilla/plugins22:03
ActionParsnipdurando: add it to the admin group and it will do it easier and safer22:03
fooman2011KM0201: 11.04 natty22:03
KrenairI have extensions and firefox under .mozilla22:03
ActionParsnipKrenair: make the folder22:03
Krenairno plugins22:03
ikoniafooman2011: and /etc/apt/sources.d22:04
ikoniafooman2011: take a look in the directory /etc/apt/sources.list22:04
KM0201fooman2011: thus the problem, you're trying to install a package for hardy, in Natty... does that make any sense?22:04
fooman2011yes ?22:04
fooman2011ah ok22:04
ActionParsnipKrenair: or put it in /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ for all users to get the plugin22:04
durandoi have a ecrypted home folder on a backup drive i can't mount, i have chrooted into that backup drive, and su - myusername and now i'm just trying to ecrypt-mount-private but it wont let me cause myusername can't mount not and hwen i try to sudo it says sudo: must be setuid root22:04
KrenairActionParsnip, no, Firefox still says it's not installed22:04
ActionParsnipKrenair: you need to restart the browser to load the new plugin22:05
KrenairI already did that.22:05
fooman2011mmh i'm looking for these packages: https://launchpad.net/~rvm/+archive/mplayer?field.series_filter=lucid22:05
fooman2011there are for lucid, karmic,  Jaunty, Intrepid, and Hardy22:05
KrenairActionParsnip, just tried /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins, no luck with that either22:05
ActionParsnipKrenair: are you installing 64bit flash per chance?22:05
fooman2011that's means that it's not possible for me ?22:05
KrenairActionParsnip, of course22:05
Picifooman2011: what release of Ubuntu are YOU running though?22:06
KM0201fooman2011: no, but you'd be a lot better off trying the one for lucid, than hardy..22:06
ActionParsnipKrenair: there is no 'of course' assuming is a recipe for disaster22:06
durandowhen i try to add myusername to the admin group says hes already part of it22:06
fooman2011KM0201: Ok i try22:06
Picifooman2011: sorry, I saw your message above, nevermind.22:06
ActionParsnipKrenair: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin64-installer22:07
ActionParsnipKrenair: much easier ;)22:07
A_B_guntbert: thanks i'll check the man pages22:07
Picifooman2011: Is there a reason you can't use the packages that are in repositories already in NattY?22:07
KrenairActionParsnip, thanks, that did it22:07
ActionParsnipKrenair: always try and find a ppa22:08
hal2100guntbert: Thank you! will try it later, now it is too late... N8!22:08
rkcan i install ubuntu without \22:08
commodore64thSo... Is there any one who can help me with my Grub/bootloader problem? The people on #windows couldn't help me.22:08
KM0201commodore64th: your problem is a windows issue not a grub issue...22:08
guntbertA_B_: you're welcome :-) you can always add a user to another group as well22:08
guntberthal2100: Good luck :-)22:08
fooman2011Pici: I want to install ps3 media server. And they told me that this mencoder patched version must be used22:08
fooman2011so 'im looking for it22:08
commodore64thKM0201, Well, isn't it both? I need to add an entry for Windows 7 in GRUB!22:09
birdmandonthow do you manually set the gateway address for ethX22:09
fooman2011KM0201: same problem with lucid packages :(22:09
rkplz help me any one....22:09
Picifooman2011: Thats up to you then. Keep in mind that the packages thta you're installing are rather old though.22:09
guntbertrk: *what* are you trying to do?22:10
ActionParsniprk: without what?22:10
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
rksir i instal ubuntu in win 722:10
rkbt a problem is create that ur partion is small 2.3\22:11
ActionParsniprk: then you can use wubi, or virtualize with virtualbox / vmware22:11
KeKsCoRehello ^^22:11
ActionParsniprk: then assign more space when you install22:11
rkno sir.22:11
guntbertKeKsCoRe:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:11
=== mike_ is now known as Guest80427
ActionParsniprk: the you will get issues22:12
rki i assign 250 for root and 40GB for root boot22:12
=== Guest80427 is now known as snowveil_
Raspberryi'm running 11.04 with an nvidia card and two DVI displays, one rotated. Thisworked fine in 10.10, but will not configure in 11.04 -- anybody have a sec to walk me through it?22:12
* lsv reading22:12
ActionParsnipRaspberry: did you upgrade?22:12
snowveil_RFkill is disabling my wifi adapter and hitting the Wifi Switch on my netbook will not re-enable it, any idea on how to resolve this?22:12
snowveil_I just recently upgraded from 10.04 to 11.0422:12
RaspberryActionParsnip: no22:13
ActionParsnipsnowveil_: try:  sudo rfkill unblock all22:13
RaspberryActionParsnip: I did a clean install22:13
ActionParsnipRaspberry: great, fewer issues there :)22:13
Combatjuanrk: I can't imagine why boot would need more than a GB.  And it probably needs a lot less (I usually do 200MB which is overkill)22:13
KeKsCoReyep i do .. just thought of how to ask ^^ ... i installed ubuntu 10.10 netbook yesterday ... but i just want the old netbook launcher of 10.04 back22:13
snowveil_ActionParsnip, I've tried, it's a hardware block and unfortunately will not become unblocked22:13
n0ydHi, wanted to see if someone might be able to throw me a bone on this one. Im a pretty experienced Linux user, but just started messing with Ubuntu after being on Arch for ages.  Last night I was theming my whole system and got everything setup nicely, using classic gnome 2.x.  But today when I booted up, my emerald/compiz themes are working, but the gtk theme is sticking to the stock ugly old gnome theme.  And no matter what I change in Appearanc22:13
n0ydes, it doesnt switch anymore.  Any ideas?22:13
zenwrylyhey, where is the "arch" for the system configured?  I take it it's somewhere in dpkg's config, but I can't find it.22:13
RaspberryActionParsnip: if I use nvidia-settings ... I can get aTwinView screen to lookok (Except the rightdisplay isn't rotatedsince they're treated as a single screen)22:13
rkbt sir how to solve this problem22:14
ActionParsnipsnowveil_: try removing the modprobing the module22:14
RaspberryActionParsnip: my spacebar is borked on this mac :)22:14
snowveil_sorry ActionParsnip, what actions should I take to do that?22:14
rki give 250 mb for boot22:14
ActionParsnipRaspberry: i have 1 screen for 4 systems dude, I'm no good with dual head22:14
n0ydzenwryly, are you trying to package something?22:14
nimbioticsHello all. I downloaded a game and got a compressed file with the files and folders shown at (http://paste.ubuntu.com/615512/). How do I create the executable from the makefile? TIA!22:14
rksry 250 for root22:14
ActionParsnipsnowveil_: sudo modprobe -r module; sudo modprobe module22:15
RaspberryActionParsnip: well the more I google the more I find people saying dual display is broken in 11.0422:15
guntbertbirdmandont: edit /etc/network/interfaces    -  see man interfaces22:15
ActionParsnipsnowveil_: you can find the module with: sudo lshw -C network22:15
RaspberryActionParsnip: I was hoping that it'd be fixed now... since it's been 30+ days since release :)22:15
=== mrmist is now known as n
zenwrylyn0yd: nope, just wondering where the configuration that sets the arch for a running system is.22:15
snowveil_I get the error "FATAL: Module rfkill is builtin"22:15
birdmandontthanks guntbert !22:15
=== n is now known as mrmist
KeKsCoReso my question is how to switch to the netbook launcher of 9.04  i think ...22:15
ActionParsnipRaspberry: try booting to gnome classic desktop22:15
RaspberryActionParsnip: and honestlythis is more an nvidia thing...   I'm already booted to classic :)22:16
commodore64thHow do I disable SWAP (temporarily(22:16
n0ydzenwryly, couldnt tell ya on Ubuntu, i could tell you other distros, sorry :-/22:16
guntbertbirdmandont: you're welcome :-)22:16
DoerteHi everyone. Got a problem. I mounted an .iso at Linux. And I need to set a file as executable. But when I wanna set it with "chmod +x" I get the answer: filesystem only readable. So I can't set the file as executable.22:16
bastidrazorcommodore64th: sudo swapoff22:16
KeKsCoReno it was 10.0422:16
PineappleClockI need some help trying to install this adobe policy file server to startup with init.d22:17
guntbertcommodore64th: sudo swapoff -a22:17
zenwrylyn0yd: thanks anyways :-)22:17
ActionParsnipCommander1024: sudo swapoff /dev/sda2   orwhatever partition you use22:17
Kre10s_hey... whats the most robust SIP client for ubuntu?22:17
KM0201Kre10s_: there's several..22:17
commodore64thguntbert, thanks22:17
ActionParsnipKre10s_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftPhone22:18
guntbertcommodore64th: :)22:18
Combatjuannimbiotics: typically: "make && make install" will compile and install.  Whatever you've got there doesn't look overly official though, you'd better make sure you trust the source.  There appears to be no configure so if you need any dev libraries installed you'll have to do it yourself.22:18
Kre10s_KM0201, I've tried linphone and ekiga... but both don't work22:18
rki give 250 mb for / and 40 GB for /boot and for swap ram's double bt i can't install ubuntu22:18
dAnjouhey, i am approved member of the ubuntu font family interest group on launchpad and want to test the monospaced font here on lucid but i can't find it after installing ubuntu-private-fonts.22:18
rkpls tell me any one22:18
KM0201Kre10s_: i've had pretty good luck w/ Ekiga and Twinkle... what problem are you having?22:18
commodore64thDoes anyone know how to restore a small NTFS partition in Ubuntu? (which I overwrote with a SWAP partition?22:18
Kre10s_it rings answers but no one can hear anything...22:19
rkplz help me any one..22:19
Combatjuancommodore64th: If by "restore" you mean get the data back, it's almost certainly gone.  If you just mean to format it as ntfs, I think qtparted & similar will do it for you easily.22:19
ActionParsniprk: you need to swap the partition names for /boot and /, / will hold al your apps, /boot only holds kernels22:19
guntbert!compile | nimbiotics22:20
ubottunimbiotics: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:20
nimbioticsCombatjuan: so i just execute make Makefile or make install Makefile?22:20
ActionParsniprk: i'd just make one big partition to hold both22:20
commodore64thCombatjuan, I don't think it was used or formatted; I just made the SWAP partition this morning.22:20
rktell me sir22:20
Combatjuannimbiotics: I was hoping someone would give you the link like guntbert did.  I don't do bot magic.22:20
rkhow to make partion22:20
guntbertnimbiotics: it is usually three commands: .configure   -- make  -- sudo make install22:21
commodore64thCombatjuan, or more accurately, I made it four hours ago, and it WASN't formatted.22:21
nimbioticsCombatjuan & guntbert: THX both of you!22:21
ActionParsniprk: its part of the installer22:22
Combatjuancommodore64th: I can't say for sure, but I don't know that it would need to be formatted as SWAP.  You can always try using qtparted or similar to change the partition type back to NTFS.22:22
dAnjouoh, i forgot the question at 23:18:50. how can i get the font?22:22
guntbertCombatjuan: no magic involved :-)) - type           /msg ubottu brain            for starters22:22
ActionParsnipdAnjou: which font22:22
commodore64thWell, I only need the last 100MB of that partition, Combatjuan, so...22:23
dAnjouActionParsnip: 23:18:50 < dAnjou> hey, i am approved member of the ubuntu font family interest group on launchpad and want to test the monospaced font here on lucid but i can't find it after installing ubuntu-private-fonts.22:23
rkActionParsnip: i make 2 partion22:23
Combatjuanguntbert: Thanks.22:23
ActionParsnipdAnjou: its documented on omgubuntu22:23
ActionParsniprk: delete them and make one big partition22:23
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:24
rkActionParsnip:  SWAP NOT REQUIRE22:24
dAnjouActionParsnip: well i did, what they say, but it doesn't work. i don't have the font. (keep in mind, i have 10.04 here)22:24
rkActionParsnip: OR REQUIRE22:24
ActionParsniprk: you need swap if you have less than 4Gb RAM and intend to use the system for noral desktop stuff. I'd make one just incase22:25
wadHi folks. Ubuntu wants to update itself, but it just gets a bunch of errors like this: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam0g_1.1.2-2ubuntu8.2_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:25
wadIs it me, or is it something bigger?22:25
wadI can ping that IP.22:26
KM0201wad: what version of ubuntu do you have?22:26
KM0201wad: try switchin to a different mirror... then run your updates again22:26
rkActionParsnip:  I M MAKING SWAP AND BIG PARTION OF 40gb22:26
oCean!pamerr | wad22:26
ubottuwad: If you're receiving 404 errors while updating pam today, the developers have identified a package regression and have pulled the update. For details see https://launchpad.net/bugs/79053822:26
ZeZuI had some errors this morning too from uososl or w/e22:26
ZeZuchanged servers and it was fixed22:26
wadAh, okay! Thanks! IRC FTW22:26
rkActionParsnip: THIS I CAN MAKE ,SIR..22:27
n0ydAnyone have any ideas on my question way above?22:27
ikoniark: please stop using caps22:27
rkok sir ..22:27
ActionParsniprk: you dont need 40gb of swap22:28
n0yd40gb of swap22:28
rkikonia: bt sir tell me i can make  2 partion for ubuntu22:28
ActionParsniprk: make a swap space the same size as your RAM. Use the rest as /22:28
KM0201ActionParsnip: what if i have 18gigs of ram? :)22:28
n0ydyou prob ably dont need any swap22:28
wadZeZu: Where did you change your mirror setting?22:28
ikoniark: you can22:28
n0ydKM0201, then you wouldnt need swap22:28
ActionParsnipKM0201: then if you make 18Gb swap you can use suspend22:28
n0ydits pointless22:28
=== dabbish is now known as dan-work
KM0201n0yd: well, yu'd need it if you want to suspend22:29
ActionParsnipnot if you need hibernate22:29
rkActionParsnip: not swap sir 40gb for /22:29
n0yddepends on the suspend state ;)22:29
ActionParsniprk: why not just let the installer do it for you, your basic ability with Linux is clear22:29
ActionParsnipdAnjou: You can apply to become a beta tester by  joining the Ubuntu Typeface Interest group on Launchpad and waiting to be approved/granted access to the PPA. I'd contact the devs22:29
KM0201ActionParsnip: i agree... he's setting himself up for an epic fail.. why folks need to reinvent the wheel, i'll never know22:30
dAnjouActionParsnip: did you actually read my question??22:30
ZeZuwad, I changed it in synaptic -> tools -> repositories22:30
dAnjouwhat didn't you understand?22:30
dAnjou23:23:18 < dAnjou> ActionParsnip: 23:18:50 < dAnjou> hey, i am approved member of the ubuntu font family interest group on launchpad and want to test the monospaced font here on lucid but i can't find it after installing22:31
todd__Hey guys, I'm having an issue with wireless on a netbook22:31
ActionParsnipdAnjou: then contact the devs, they are the ones restricting access22:31
guntbertdAnjou: even if he misunderstood - your attitude is uncalled for22:31
todd__Trying to connect over a school's wifi, so its got an open connection, but won't bring up the login screen for the school's security22:31
ActionParsniptodd__: if you manually bring up the page is it ok?22:32
dAnjouguntbert: sorry ... but i said it twice22:32
todd__I'm trying to help my brother debug it right now, so i'm not exactly sure what its doing :\22:32
rkActionParsnip: thanku sir my installation in process.....22:32
todd__he says it connects to the wireless, and shows full signal, but won't load the page22:33
rkActionParsnip: accotding ur22:33
todd__Said it was saying there was an issue with firewall22:33
ActionParsniprk: np man22:33
rkActionParsnip: bt sir after installation create a problem22:34
ActionParsniprk: sup22:34
rkActionParsnip:  i can 't understand sir22:35
ActionParsniprk: what is the issue?22:35
rkActionParsnip: what 's ur mean22:35
CarlFKhow can I make a beep?  beep seems like what I want, only it isn't installed by default and doesn't work anyway.22:36
ActionParsniprk: you said after the installation there is a problem, right??22:36
rkActionParsnip: sir 38 gb is enough for /22:36
Wrin777Ok...so just upgraded to ubuntu 11 and it ruined everything22:36
ActionParsniprk: yes, 38Gb is plenty22:36
ziikutvHi can anyone help me please?22:36
rkActionParsnip: ok sir22:36
rkActionParsnip: thanks sir.22:36
KM0201ziikutv: just ask.. if someone can help, they will22:36
Wrin777Is there any way to get my old menu bar back at the top of the screen?22:37
Wrin777And recover my thunderbird account settings?22:37
ActionParsnipWrin777: log off, log on to gnome classic22:37
Wrin777How, exactly?22:37
KM0201Wrin777: if you have your old /.thunderbird backed up... then recovering them should be easy... then do what ActionParsnip said for gnome-classic22:37
Wrin777Thanks, but how do I log on to gnome classic?22:38
ziikutvMy taskbar (the top) and launcher (left side) is completely missing.. all I see is the desktop and my icons.. thats it!! what happend? the last thing i remember is I installed Advanced Compiz effects from software center.. When I login to same account using "ubuntu no classic (no effects)" i can see the top taskbar..  But no matter what i do i cant get rid of it in normal version.. I created a new user and it has the top bar.. thank god.. is the22:38
ActionParsnipWrin777: its in the session selector when you log in22:38
Wrin777@Action: Thanks I'll do that22:38
DevilSolutionhow do i burn a disk? i have an iso and my disk drive has a burner im pretty sure22:38
ziikutvno one can help?22:39
guntbert!burn | DevilSolution22:39
ubottuDevilSolution: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:39
guntbert!patience | ziikutv22:39
ubottuziikutv: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:39
ziikutvMy taskbar (the top) and launcher (left side) is completely missing.. all I see is the desktop and my icons.. thats it!! what happend? the last thing i remember is I installed Advanced Compiz effects from software center.. When I login to same account using "ubuntu no classic (no effects)" i can see the top taskbar..  But no matter what i do i cant get rid of it in normal version.. I created a new user and it has the top bar.. thank god.. is the22:39
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: insert the cD, right click ISO and select to burn it.22:39
balonyI want to enable the nvidia drivers in my 11.04 installation, but I have no proprietary drivers showing in jockey. What am I missing in order to get the nvidia choice here?22:40
ActionParsnipbalony: what nvidia chip do you have?22:40
balonyActionParsnip: this is a 4 year old macbook pro. I am not sure exactly.22:40
Wrin777Alright - Gnome is reasonable again!  Was anyone still talking about how to restore thunderbird settings?22:40
ziikutvis there anyway to import all my files and installed softwares from my DEFAULT account? i set this account as admin but that one has "custom" rights.22:40
ActionParsnipbalony: what does: lspci | grep -i vga22:41
MarkAngHey folks! Need some semi-urgent help. A friend of mine is using Pidgin on linux, and tries to connect to our MSN group chat. I invited him twice, but he can´t see any invites.22:41
balony01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M56P [Radeon Mobility X1600]22:41
KoobilitooQ: Linux Distro you would recommned to a NEWBIE22:41
MarkAngKoobilitoo: Ubuntu?22:42
finalbloggerhi ev122:42
* YankDownUnder checks to see if this is the #pidgin channel22:42
ziikutvdoes Ubuntu have system restore?22:42
finalbloggeri need some help22:42
KM0201Koobilitoo: anything BUT kubuntu22:42
ActionParsnipbalony: thats not an nvidia ;)22:42
finalbloggeri m using ubuntu 11.0422:42
MarkAngYankDownUnder: Sorry :P22:42
finalbloggerand i also have windows 7 on the same machine22:42
ziikutvDoes Ubuntu have system restore (11.04(22:42
Koobilitoook So Ubuntu and anything other then Kubuntu22:42
Koobilitoou hda mentioned Lubuntu earlier for my machine22:43
finalbloggerhow can i access a folder which is at my win 7 desktop from ubuntu22:43
ziikutvfinalblogger: I can help you with taht22:43
KM0201Koobilitoo: if you're planning on supporting this person ww/ answers, i would suggest you have them use whatever you're using22:43
KoobilitooI saw opensuse hows that for newbie?22:43
balonyActionParsnip: right. How do I enable opengl for this card? I did install the fglrx driver.22:43
Koobilitoono i am supporting myself lol22:43
ActionParsnipziikutv: no it doesn't but you can installl and use softwares to achieve similar afaik22:43
KM0201Koobilitoo: oh, any of the *buntus.. i'd just stay away from Kubuntu cuz its a resource hog22:43
oCeanKoobilitoo: the topic of this channel is ubuntu, not other distributions22:43
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, ty, twas rather easy easy easy XD kudos to you22:43
ActionParsnip!ati | balony22:43
ubottubalony: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:43
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: its always easy dude, people just think stuff is hard22:44
KM0201Koobilitoo: are you currently using windows?22:44
Koobilitoohttp://floyd-linux.pappapc.com/ Here reccomends Linux VEcotr Standard22:44
ziikutvfinalblogger: Goto places > Computer > Filesystem > Host (THIS IS YOUR C DRIVE) from there you can goto User > Username > Desktop22:44
Koobilitoosorry Vector Linux Standard22:44
KM0201Koobilitoo: geez, anything will be better than Vector22:44
KoobilitooNo Ubuntu now.22:44
finalbloggerlet me check22:44
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, lol, true, i always had problems getting the drivers/software in windows this OS is my god22:44
oCeanKoobilitoo: again, this channel is only for ubuntu. The rest is offtopic here22:44
dr3mromy ubuntu 11.04 freezes randomly ?? using unity can any one help22:45
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: glad you like it :)22:45
ziikutvfinalblogger: Let me know, I am sure it'll work as I had the same question22:45
PsydollI have had a major problem and need help!22:45
KM0201Psydoll: ask a question and if someone can help, they will answer22:45
PsydollI tried to make a new persistent usb stick using a persistent ubuntu stick via the start yup disk creator22:45
DevilSolutiondr3mro, do you have a web browser open when this is happeneing (I.E does it crash without any front end software open)22:46
Psydollnow when i boot with both sticks connected on the original it boots a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 on the old stick22:46
ziikutvPsydoll: Try to say your problem in one message rather than broken messages. You can type the whole message and link it on paste.ubuntu.com22:46
finalbloggerZiikutv there is no Host under File System22:46
finalbloggeronly Home is there22:46
ziikutvfinalblogger: Did you install ubuntu as a partition or using wubi?22:47
dr3mroDevilSolution, I guess most of times i was on Firefox .. and sometimes just after i close firefox window but sometimes without firefox22:47
finalbloggeri have done half partition22:47
DevilSolutiondr3mro, okay, how often does it crash?22:47
finalbloggerthink the first option on the wizard22:48
ziikutvgoto Places > File system what do you see there? Goto www.paste.ubuntu.com type the list there and link it here> i can help you for sure22:48
DevilSolutiondr3mro, sporadic or periodically every x.seconds?22:48
PsydollI tried to create a new  persistent usb stick using a ubuntu 10.04 persistent stick, I used the start up disk creator and when i try to boot from the new stick i get the following error msg vesamenu.c32 : not a com32r image22:48
DevilSolutionminutes..hours etc22:48
dr3mroyou can say every day sometimes up to 4 times somedays only one ,. but just freeze no error or anything22:48
dr3mroDevilSolution, you can say every day sometimes up to 4 times somedays only one ,. but just freeze no error or anything22:48
ziikutvPsydoll: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-mint-84/trying-to-boot-linux-mint-9-from-usb-flash-drive-vesamenu-c32-not-a-com32r-image-829397/22:48
dr3mroDevilSolution, sporadic22:48
finalbloggerthe website does not work22:49
finalbloggeri see Home and root there22:49
finalbloggerand many others22:49
finalbloggerbut no Host22:49
robin0800_dr3mro, and the logs say?22:49
DevilSolutiondr3mro, ive had the same issue, its only really happened with an internet browser so its probably related too bas sectors on the HD or in RAM such that its just looping to try and get a vlaue it cant find22:49
ziikutvI am talking about what you see out of the filesystem.. only till Places > Computer22:50
jenkHi ! How do I encrypt my home folder ?22:50
DevilSolutiondr3mro, i thinks its probably a hardware issue, unless you can find out what exactly is causing it front end its pretty much impossible to diagnose22:50
ziikutvjenk: With encrypting programs? Search in software center22:50
ziikutvjenk: There must be an app for it.. search!22:50
Wrin777Ok, so I upgraded ubuntu from 10 to 11 and now my thunderbird settings are gone.  Trying to fiddle with the profile manager isn't doing anything.  Any suggestions?22:50
dr3mroDevilSolution, My HDD is OK and my RAM is fine .. all tested robin0800_  which log ? there are too many logs?22:51
rkActionParsnip: sir i can't open my home desktop22:51
dr3mroDevilSolution, ok where can I check for error log for freeze?22:51
jenkziikutv, I did search but came up with apps that encrypt emails and files. I want my entire home folder encrypted, how do I do that ?22:51
DevilSolutiondr3mro, no idea im noob, im interested in knowing also as i have the same issue :P22:51
DevilSolutionrobin0800_, which logs indeed?22:52
ziikutvjenk: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/11/enable-ubuntu-encrypt-home-folders/22:52
ziikutvjenk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeFolder22:52
dr3mroit started about a 2 month ago when i used maverick .. but was not freeze just the screen comes black but after upgrade to natty it happened less but the screen not black22:53
dr3mroit started about a 2 month ago when i used maverick .. but was not freeze just the screen comes black but after upgrade to natty it happened less but the screen not black22:53
robin0800_dr3mro, look for segfaults at the time of the freeze use log viewer22:53
finalbloggerok there are 4 Drives22:53
finalbloggerone is File System22:54
finalbloggerother System Reserved22:54
finalbloggerthan CD/Dvd22:54
finalbloggerand last File System22:54
ziikutvthere are two file systems?22:54
dirtycookiehello peeps, i wanted to know where can i check the list of supported wlan cards of ubuntu22:55
finalbloggerno only one File System22:55
dr3mrorobin0800_, yes there are too many segfaults at syslog22:55
dr3mrorobin0800_, can i upload it to you and tell me what is the issue?22:55
robin0800_dr3mro, no put it in a pastebin please22:56
jenkziikutv, Thanks a million ! It doesn't consume any extra space, does it ? Or is there a way to encrypt just one folder and dump stuff there ?22:56
rk.i csn't open  desktop in ubuntu..pls tell me any one22:57
finalbloggerziikutv only one file system22:57
ziikutvjenk: I don't think it consumes extra space. You SHOULD.. make a private folder and encrypt it and not a folder the ubuntu system itself uses. This is to avoid any problems and slow downs after.. I would make a folder in  Documents and encrypt that.22:57
ziikutvfinalblogger: When you open it, does it say Host or Users?22:58
ActionParsniprk: do you mean the folder in your home folder?22:58
ziikutvone of those two22:58
rkActionParsnip: siropen only black screen and require login as a terminal22:58
jenkziikutv, Like, having a single folder as Private and encrypted ? How do you do that ?22:59
ActionParsniprk: add the bootoption: nomodeset22:59
finalbloggerziikutv its just one File System and under that it has Usr but that shows only ubuntu desktop22:59
rkActionParsnip: how to add boot option22:59
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:59
rkActionParsnip: plz si specify23:00
ziikutvjenk: http://maketecheasier.com/create-a-private-encrypted-folder-on-ubuntu-hardy-with-ecryptfs/2008/09/25/23:00
dr3mrorobin0800_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/615530/23:00
rkActionParsnip: i have no more knowledge about linux23:00
ActionParsniprk: if you need everybody to hold your hand at every step of the way, you will never learn your OS and will need continual hand holding for everything23:00
ActionParsniprk: nobody is born knowing linux either, you learn by trying stuff. There is a FANTASTIC guide there, all you have to do is READ23:01
jenkziikutv, Thanks, once again ! :)23:02
Dexterhow do I change the permissions of a folder? chmod?23:02
rkActionParsnip: ok sir bt help me tody.23:02
ziikutvjenk: No problem, take care23:02
ActionParsniprk: read the link23:02
ziikutvDexter: That would have to be a server folder... for you to do that23:02
acovrigIf I have eth0<internet and eth1>wifi router-can I use this as a transparent proxy (filter the connections)-so the wifi gets internet through this 10.10 box?23:02
edhjrw[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   edhjrw bsmith093 m_tadeu Dexter feydr Psydoll christiankm-lap acovrig t0rc spyder py9371 gridaphobe Da|Mummy overdrive gratnam11 dirtycookie MrDudle wn1zid Yuzu- 23:03
edhjrw[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   CarlFK theAdib hiexpo Drule dan-work [THC]AcidRain mwbuksas FORTHELULZ x1sc0 philipballew avernos dAnjou Kre10s_ kylemcgill Shaun pdelgallego dtcrshr TentacleMons23:03
edhjrw[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   habits gcristian Rewind_ _3rdman Daekdroom StevenR Scott_L fooman2011 flack bluenemo Skaperen IdleOne plustax pelirrojo JGJones_ bfiller gnugr ExplodingPiglets da23:03
edhjrw[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   githogori BluePlanet alexfpms_ jsurfer miguetan patholio zilla Ddpbf elocina Bauldrick Neo-- sta-hi fxhp ultrixx arleslie Tm_T chull Kosava dzup amirshal awallin_23:03
edhjrw[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   syrinx_ Mrcheesenips goddaM ring1 crus` codeshah sluther Vampire0 AxeZ markb__ cocomango mattgriffin brabadu_ rizzuh_laptop paissad Hansimat_ moza klasu__ BlackBi23:03
FloodBot1edhjrw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:03
Dexterwhat command do I use then? its a regular folder23:03
MrKeunerhello, trying to get google body browser run on 10.04.2 with hardware Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07). I believe if I can upgrade mesa to 7.10 it may start working... is there a ppa for doing this?23:04
feydrbeen using soundstretch to change the tempo of an audio track -- but once I get it at the speed I like I get a echo/ripple background noise -- anyone know howto get rid of that w/sox or something ??23:04
DdpbfMrKeuner: xorg-edgers23:05
Psydollis there anyone that can take me through the process of downloading source code and making it and installing it via the command line?23:05
ziikutvPsydoll: What are you trying to install23:06
MrKeunerDdpbf, could you give me a bit more info on that?23:06
DdpbfMrKeuner: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa23:07
dAnjouto resolve my issue: the ubuntu monospace font is apparently NOT in the lucid package23:07
dAnjouwhat the ...?23:07
dAnjouit's in the natty package though23:07
rwwUbuntu has a monospace font now?23:07
fooman2011I have installed the package mplayer and mencoder from the standard repositories (i'm under natty). Now i want to get an another version of mencoder located here: http://biglinux.c3sl.ufpr.br/packages/natty/main/mencoder/     1) is this version will be compatible ? 2) when i get the .deb file, i try to install it using "dpkg -i /mnt/raid/mencoder_1.0~rc3+svn20100416-0lucid4_amd64.deb" and i have an error: dpkg: error processing /mn23:07
tucemiuxwhat "device" does ubuntu assign USB card to?  I'm trying to use an app  but it's pointing to "/dev/dsp" and I'm using a USB sound card23:07
ziikutvrww: yes23:07
MrKeunerDdpbf, all right thank you23:07
dAnjourww: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/ubuntu-font-monospace-variant-hits-beta-testing-ppa/23:08
ActionParsniprww: in a ppa, you need to join the group and be approved23:08
DdpbfMrKeuner: or you could try x-swat ppa23:08
dAnjouActionParsnip: AND use natty23:08
jenkPsydoll,  After you download the source file, uncompress it if necessary, change to that folder, and in a terminal type  './configure' then 'make && sudo checkinstall'23:08
BajKokay, stupid lying floodbot23:08
rwwActionParsnip: Looks like I already have access to that PPA, actually ;P23:08
ActionParsnipdAnjou: as you say23:08
ActionParsniprww: ha, nice23:08
=== lol is now known as derp|TOURISM
MrKeunerDdpbf, OK will check both. Do you think upgrading x related stuff will help me run google body browser?23:09
hgj67inm[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   hgj67inm zulax sburjan` joris BajK spyder49 derp|TOURISM Vr_Ray daws tucemiux _3rdman GordonShamway200 jenvy pen SyGeek MrKeuner bsmith093 m_tadeu Dexter feydr23:09
hgj67inm[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   w_wilkins stkrzysiak gi3 xharx_ zenlah ZeZu rww habits gcristian Rewind_ Daekdroom StevenR Scott_L fooman2011 flack bluenemo Skaperen IdleOne plustax pelirrojo23:09
hgj67inm[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Therstrium Known_problems winut freakazoid0223 githogori BluePlanet alexfpms_ jsurfer miguetan patholio zilla Ddpbf Bauldrick Neo-- sta-hi fxhp ultrixx arlesli23:09
hgj67inm[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   arif-ali intrader kavurt syrinx_ Mrcheesenips goddaM ring1 crus` codeshah sluther Vampire0 AxeZ markb__ cocomango mattgriffin brabadu_ rizzuh_laptop paissad Ha23:09
hgj67inm[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   sandGorgon shaneo natit shaggyoaf ter0u plum cjae l_r tpe xwinter soultekkie vishwa Jordan_U meganerd KM0201 Wi1d Spec Axlin carif crazydiamond DrHouse|TARDIS 23:09
FloodBot1hgj67inm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:09
DruleI'm sick of that guy23:09
rizzuh_laptopWTF is the point beats me23:10
rwwDrule: Thankfully, they won't be coming back for a while :)23:10
ring1just ignore it23:10
Drulecan't we just force all freenode users to verify their accounts with credit card numbers or something23:10
rwwrizzuh_laptop: It confuses people and gets them to annoy #freenode and the staffers with questions.23:10
rwwAnyway, ignore spam please :)23:10
acovrigand do I plug my box in as the modem or a client?23:11
BajKDrule: lul credit card..23:13
fowlduckhow do I check what options a binary was compile with? in this case it's openssh-server, I want to find out how many max connections it allows23:13
fowlduckas i understand it, the max-connections option is a configure option23:13
=== Cam is now known as sweet
=== sweet is now known as Cam|03|09
ziikutvby adding tags at the end of command like -u -k etc.. you need to look that up on google.23:14
=== Cam|03|09 is now known as glock--
FORTHELULZwho called me23:15
=== glock-- is now known as Cam|03|09
FORTHELULZnevermind... again23:15
fowlduckziikutv: heh, for checking compile options for a package? I thought that was available through the dpkg command or something23:15
ziikutving whats being used from dekstop rather than going all the way in side23:16
fowlduckuh what?23:17
ziikutvswitched window by mistake lol23:17
ziikutvI am not sure about that one sorry man23:18
skorI'm using 10.10 on PPC and after a system upgrade to 11.04 the system will not boot.  '/boot/vmlinux: Not a valid ELF image'23:21
bluenemoDrule, this stuff is bull isnt it? no need for sasl right?23:22
ActionParsnipskor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ports/+bug/32940023:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 329400 in linux-ports (Ubuntu) "/boot/vmlinux: not a valid ELF image" [Undecided,Fix released]23:23
bastidrazorbluenemo: all the SASL spam is just spam. nonsense. ignore it.23:25
bluenemobastidrazor, ok thx23:27
tucemiuxoh shucks, i just upgraded my windows to SASL compliant browser :-(23:29
Da|Mummyhow do i enable SASL? i already had enough trouble with ssl23:31
omichalekhi all, one of my Tomboy notes disappeared inbetween poweroff and loggin in afterwards23:31
omichalekcan I recover it somehow?23:32
skorActionParsnip: thanks, although I'm not sure what to make of that bug report.. it's from 2009 and claims it's fixed23:34
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!23:37
* marienz raises an eyebrow23:37
IdleOnefrackle: what's up?23:37
frackle!ops I just poopooed myself, and I need a freenode staffer or IdleOne to wipe my ass for me23:37
ubottufrackle: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:38
skorrunning 'file' on the old an new kernel shows the new kernel is a MSB shared object ?23:38
=== lilstevie is now known as lilstevie|ZNC
tucemiuxi hope mode +q means permanent from to his NIC23:39
tucemiuxpermanent *ban* that is23:39
Logan_tucemiux: Please don't comment on spam.23:40
elkytucemiux, no, it's a mute to shut him up until the kline can happen.23:40
elkytucemiux, now carry along now.23:40
entombedI have an asus eeepc and I have a webcam showing up as "IMC Networks" not sure what driver to use... any ideas?23:40
tucemiuxha ha LoL ok23:40
t3hprize?DCC SEND "CHILDPORNOGRAPHY.mpeg.avi.divx.exe" 0 0 023:43
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.23:43
nicofsIs anyone aware of a sort of pastebin for pictures? (might be a bit off-topic)23:43
Logan_!pastebin | nicofs23:44
ubottunicofs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:44
nicofsLogan_, imagebin... could have guessed that myself...23:44
StevenSSHow do I connect to a wireless printer with Ubuntu? It works for the Windows computer, but I cannot figure out how to connect with this one.23:47
doctorZeusIs it possible to "trick" Ubuntu into "becoming" an external storage device, using a usb male-to-male cable connected to the Ubuntu system from a DVR?23:47
doctorZeusI know it sounds like an odd requirement but basically my security/camera DVR doesn't have FTP support so I'm trying to get it to write data to a usb hard disk which I've been able to do.. If I could get it to pipe that data into some storage somewhere in ubuntu I could cobble together something to listen for new data and ftp it off site23:48
Logan_StevenSS: Does it show up on the left when you try to add a printer?23:50
StevenSSactually wait23:50
StevenSSI don't even know how to add a printer23:50
Logan_StevenSS: are you on Unity?23:50
StevenSSLogan: No. I am on gnome. Unity was too hard to get used to23:51
omichalekhi all, one of my Tomboy notes disappeared inbetween poweroff and loggin in afterwards. Is there any help to me?23:51
wcchandlerI'm running a CUDA based application -- BOINC/World Community Grid -- is there a way to tell if my GPU is being used?  Similar to a top?23:51
mordagaris there anyone else with sound problems on 11.04?23:51
mordagaror is that common.23:51
StevenSSLogan: I'll consider using Unity though if it will help me get my printer working23:51
Logan_StevenSS: System --> Administration --> Printing23:51
StevenSSOkay. I got the printing dialog box up now23:52
StevenSSPrinting service not available.23:52
mordagari originally had no sound....and no wifi....got the sound working than got wifi but when the wifi started working theeee sound went out23:52
skorThis thread answered the question, thanks anyway.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yaboot/+bug/74535823:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 745358 in yaboot (Ubuntu Natty) "PowerPC images unbootable." [High,Fix released]23:52
StevenSSDo I need a CUPS server to get my printer working?23:53
Logan_StevenSS: try sudo service cups start in a terminal23:54
jenksedhow do I access emacs on the command line... when i type in emacs it automatically brings up the gui version23:54
StevenSSLogan: It says cups start/running23:54
Logan_StevenSS: try adding the printer again23:54
ilyaZok so just installed xubuntu the other day: why are non of my apt-packages authenticated?23:55
ilyaZ<ilyaZ> WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!23:55
ilyaZ<ilyaZ>   libncurses5-dev libreadline5-dev23:55
ilyaZ<ilyaZ> Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y23:55
r00tk1n6Where is my hot geeky lady??23:55
StevenSSIt keeps asking me for a cups server. As far as I know I do not have one23:55
smwilyaZ, so apt-get update23:55
smwilyaZ, it should fix its self23:56
StevenSSLogan: It seems I need a CUPS server.23:56
user75475stevenss, in a webrower try localhost:63123:56
robin0800StevenSS, did you install a cups driver?23:56
StevenSSrobin0800: Not sure.23:57
StevenSSI don't even know what CUPs is23:57
r00tk1n6Don't wanna lose you now... babe.. I know we can win this. Don't wanna loooooooooose you know, babe23:57
ilyaZsmw, cool works great! thanks! (sorry for double posting)23:58
Raeloscups is the printing system used on many unix systems23:58
robin0800StevenSS, go to printers and report what it sayes in properties23:59
r00tk1n6fubuntu, tubuntu, rubuntu, nubuntu, pubuntu, wubuntu, vubuntu, bubuntu, lubuntu, gubuntu, hubuntu dubutntu, subuntu, cubuntu23:59
StevenSSProperties is greyed out23:59
The_ExplorerDeleted parition, oops, (ETX4) running test disk, Can someon directly me to a Fdisk legend so i can read the outputs, I just lost 12 years of data23:59
StevenSSHow do I view what services are running?23:59
r00tk1n6The_Explorer, congratulations23:59

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