
TheMusoIMO no release has been quite as good as hardy. That was the pinical of studio.01:10
TheMusoMostly due to the fact that we had an RT kernel.01:10
astraljavaDidn't use hardy that much, so can't really tell.01:21
holsteinTheMuso: hehe03:36
holsteinthat was awesome03:36
holstein64studio was based on it too03:36
holsteinall kinds of really nice audio distros based on hardy03:37
ScottLhardy was my favorite too and holds a special place for me...but it was my first foray into ubuntu studio04:16
ScottLbut hopefully oneiric comes in a close second04:16
ScottLholstein, good answers on the mailing list04:17
ScottLi wonder why exactly (i.e. giving specific, explicit, well-articulated answers) ralf feels that ardour is "professional"04:18
ScottLnot saying that i agree or disagree, i'm curious of his reasoning04:18
holsteinScottL: i know right?05:22
holsteini really wish he would articulate what his concerns are05:22
holsteinwe are 'off list' now though05:22
holsteini reached the end of what i feel like i can say constructively05:23
ScottLhi Kokito 05:34
ScottLholstein, but i thought you articulated your points pretty darn well though :)05:35
Kokitohi ScottL & holstein 05:35
ScottLbut i'm serious, mike, about oneiric05:35
ScottLi think it could be a very seriously good release...if we get the -lowlatency kernel in05:36
holsteinScottL: w00t05:37
holsteinim stoked05:37
ScottLthe changes to the UI will be a bit, well i can't say revolutionary....but they will take ubuntu studio in a bit of a different direction05:37
holsteinoneiric is going to be great05:37
holsteinbut 12.04 is what im looking foward to05:37
ScottLwhy is that?05:37
ScottLi have my suspicions05:37
holsteinjust the LTS and all that05:37
holsteinXFCE round 205:38
holsteinand hopefully the live installer and -lowlatency kernel :)05:38
ScottLi mentioned to cory that it would be nice to have a fallback for people who do not like the new UI05:38
holsteinScottL: yeah, but fall back to what05:38
holsteingnome2 is gone05:38
ScottLyes, the live image is what i expected05:38
holsteinScottL: you think some fallback unity theme?05:38
ScottLre: fall back - cory started with our original layout from gnome2 and built an xfce theme based on it at one point05:39
holsteinyeah, maybe05:39
ScottLi would like to perhaps package it as a fall back05:39
holsteini could go either way with that05:39
ScottLnot the default, but something users could use05:39
holsteinmight be nice to just ease over there anyways05:39
holsteinnot change everything all at once05:40
holsteinits still not drastic though05:40
ScottLbut there are arguments to do it all at one, "rip the bandaid" approach05:40
holsteinand it hasnt changed in quite a few releases05:40
holsteinScottL: yeah05:40
holsteinwho knows05:40
holsteinone things for sure05:40
holsteinsome folks are going to hate it, no matter what05:40
ScottLlol, yes, i would expect that05:41
ScottLi think i'd rather make drastic changes now than either05:41
ScottL1. doing it for a LTS05:41
ScottL2. wait another whole year05:41
ScottLgetting up in ~6 hours....talk to you later :)05:41
saidinesh5morning folks :)05:41
holsteinits time05:41
holsteinsaidinesh5: hello05:42
saidinesh5oh good night ScottL :D05:42
saidinesh5i personally think AWN is a really good idea for US05:42
saidinesh5hello holstein :)05:42
saidinesh5fianlly customized my Ubuntu Studio to my Usual Gnome2 Style : everything replaced with AWN :)05:43
saidinesh5so what project do you work on holstein ?05:43
holsteinsaidinesh5: unfortunatly, this is about it05:43
holsteini try and help in the support channel05:44
holsteinand do what i can, thats non technical05:44
holsteinim a musician05:44
holsteinsaidinesh5: how about you?05:44
saidinesh5hehe, thats not unfortunate.... if it werent for folks like you, it would have been a night mare for me to come onto linux 4 years ago :)05:44
holsteinsaidinesh5: :)05:44
saidinesh5well i ve just graduated....05:44
holsteini wish i could contribute more*05:45
saidinesh5more or less a teeny tiny KDE developer....05:45
holsteinwe really need coding contributors05:45
holsteinsaidinesh5: welcome05:45
saidinesh5actually welcome back :P05:45
* saidinesh5 looks around for geanies to grant holstein 's wish05:45
holsteinsaidinesh5: even better05:45
saidinesh5so what instrument(s) do you play holstein ?05:46
holsteinwell, i play a lot of instruments05:46
holsteinbut im a bassist professionally05:46
holsteinupright, mostly jazz05:46
* saidinesh5 is back on ubuntu studio now that he is graduated and has a little bit time on his hands to experiment with things05:46
KokitoI used ti play bass when I was young, though I sucked05:47
saidinesh5thats cool!05:47
holsteinKokito: upright?05:47
Kokitono, electric05:47
* saidinesh5 has never seen many instruments in Real Life though...05:47
holsteinsaidinesh5: :/05:48
saidinesh5well the shops i goto, usually don't have the whole set of instruments05:48
saidinesh5so i havent seen an upright bass in real life though......05:49
holsteini saw one when i was a kid05:49
holsteinthen, i didnt really see them much til i was playing it05:49
saidinesh5hehe.......so you are a musician by profession holstein?05:49
holsteinsaidinesh5: and you've graduated?05:50
saidinesh5oh thats so cool ..05:50
holsteinwhat do you want to be when you grow up? ;)05:50
saidinesh5yups just graduated......05:50
saidinesh5well thats the tricky question you see......05:50
holsteinyou dont have to have it all figured out just yet05:50
saidinesh5currently the important part on my todo list is to work on a little project that i wanted to do........05:51
saidinesh5after that its more or less tossing a coin b/w higher education someplace far far away vs. a Job05:51
holsteinwell, just try and enjoy the summer as much as you can i say :)05:52
saidinesh5hehe :)05:53
Kokitohave a question for the audio experts05:54
KokitoI have a bunch of VHS tapes that I want to convert to digital files05:54
Kokitowhat would I need to do this in US?05:55
KokitoI have a VHS player05:55
holsteingood question05:55
holsteini had a little thingy i borrowed from my pop, dazzle USB device05:55
holsteini used it to grab something from VHS like that05:56
Kokitowould a capture card, but not sure if it works in linux05:56
holsteinit worked fine05:56
Kokitoin linux?05:56
holsteinthat was under XP though05:56
Kokitoah, ok05:56
holsteinhowever, the software i used that worked the best was avidmuex05:56
holsteinthis would have been 8 years ago?05:56
holsteini bet its come along way, even in linux05:56
holsteinKokito: i would try and catch a mythbuntu guy05:57
holsteini bet they would know the capture card that would do the job05:57
KokitoI see05:57
Kokitogood advise :)05:57
holsteinavidmuex was the only thing for me at the time that would keep the audio and video in sync05:57
holsteinive been meaning to find that dazzle device and see if it worked in linux*05:58
saidinesh5Kokito: just curious why did you aim this question at "audio experts" ?? if it is only the Audio You want to save from it...06:00
saidinesh5you could very well use a two sided TRS connector06:00
Kokitosaidinesh5: oopsie.... I meant to ask the "video" experts :)06:01
Kokitoit's been a long day :)06:01
saidinesh5Ah i see.....06:01
* saidinesh5 thought re means hello06:08
astraljavasaidinesh5: Generally it's being used whenever a person leaves the room for a bit, and then re-enters.10:45
astraljavasaidinesh5: Another one that's fairly common in that situation is wb, short for welcome back.10:45
saidinesh5ah i see astraljava ..... re :D13:09
scott-workwow, holstein, you are writing some good stuff on the ML!15:39
holsteinscott-work: i hope so, i feel im a little obsessed15:39
holsteinim having a hard time letting that kind of thing go though15:39
scott-worki also do not appreciate when people purposefully misspell words to denigrate other things...like M$ or Microshaft, etc15:40
holsteinand "you are ignorant"15:40
holsteinits challenging15:40
scott-worki agree with you though :)15:40
holsteinnot to mention, we are going back and forth off list now too15:40
holsteinabout that mouse wheel issue he had15:41
holsteingotta run... BBL15:41
scott-workweeee 19:15
scott-workby the way, we will not be publishing an Alpha 1 image this cycle19:15
scott-worki made this decision because we are not ready with the XFCE changes19:16
scott-worki do expect to publish an Alpha2 image however19:16
scott-workailo: i have two goals on my plate for this week and then I would like to start making progress on documentation, are you still interested in being involved?19:17
scott-work(one of my goals is to test the -lowlatency kernel vs. -generic on my other machine)19:17
astraljavascott-work: Probably not a bad one. I intend to look into the uninstallable packages this week, so we'll have at least some installation discs for testing.19:37
holsteinscott-work: who is pushing that kernel in?19:38
holsteini'll test that those kernels here too with firewire19:38
holsteinim sure we can get ailo involved :)19:38
astraljavaAnd I'll give it a go with my M-Audio PCI card.19:38
holsteinastraljava: COOL19:39
astraljavaI need to add a third disc also, so that I can have at least the couple latest stable releases installed at the same time, plus the devel release.19:39
scott-workoh, i should point out that daily images are still being built19:40
scott-workbut i believe this is a different process that the official QA builds for which emails are sent out19:40
astraljavascott-work: Yep, just that there are a couple broken packages.19:40
scott-workholstein: the general plan is that abogani will get it into his git repo, i will package it, and persia will push it *19:41
scott-workbut abogani wants to wait until the 2.6.39 kernel is more stable19:41
scott-work* barring any discussion between TheMuso and Andy19:41
astraljavascott-work: What about linux moving to 3.0 during this release? How does it affect us?19:41
scott-workastraljava: that's a good question, i just assumed it would happen after release but it probably won't19:42
scott-worki don't expect any troubles though, Linus has stated that this wasn't like KDE 4.0 or Gnome 3 where there's major breakage19:42
scott-worki wonder what kernel version was decided to use at UDS, if it was 2.6.39 then it shouldn't be an issue anyway :P19:43
scott-workfor those who don't know about linux 3.0:  https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/5/29/20419:44
scott-worklinus has stated that he thinks we're getting silly with the version numbers and wants to move to 3.019:44
scott-workno major new features, basically just the next release of the kernel you know and love :P19:44
astraljavascott-work: Yeah. Just realized I had followed debian discussion relating to kernel version bump. Might not affect us after all.19:55
scott-workhartmut is putting some slap down on ralf on the mailing list :P19:59
scott-worki like hartmut :)19:59
scott-worknot because he's refuting ralf's stance, mind you19:59
astraljavaI see Ralf getting a beating all-around. :) I still fail to see how this all relates to Ubuntu Studio talk, but *shrug* Let the kids play. :)20:00
holsteinscott-work: i like that plan20:07
astraljavaFrom the kernel team meeting minutes: "This also means we'll target One20:09
astraljavairic to release with a v3.0 kernel rather than v2.6.40.20:09
astraljavaDamn linefeeds.20:09
scott-workoh, good find astraljava, i was looking for an answer in #ubuntu-kernel and not getting an answer20:09
scott-workit seemed that persia wanted to push 2.6.39 -lowlatency into the repos even if it wasn't the planned final version for oneiric20:11
scott-worki presume that is so we can start testing earlier20:11
astraljavaMy thinking too.20:11
holsteinwe need it20:12
holsteinand that kernel kicks ass20:12
holsteinright down the middle, in a good way20:12
holsteinscott-work: remind me again what you used for your green screen vids20:14
scott-workholstein: hahaha, of course not!  i used Blender :)20:16
holsteinsounds like a PITA20:16
scott-workbut i also have had very acceptable expereiences with openshot20:16
scott-workand [lsd] was using kdenlive20:16
holsteinyeah, ive been meaning to look at openshot20:16
scott-worki think openshot is probably the best choice for someone looking to do things quickly20:18
holsteinim not sure what i want20:18
scott-worka good entry level editor (read: easy to use) with pretty extensive features20:18
holsteini got one of those flipHD cams, and im just messing around20:18
scott-worki had really thought about doing that too!20:18
scott-workalthough i might just steal my kids ipod to shoot some video :P20:19
scott-workit's better than our older hand held camcorder i think20:19
ailoScottL, Documentation - yes. I'm a little occupied these few days ahead. I believe I have more time from Sunday and forwards.21:38
ckontrosScottL: You wanna set up Sunday to get the seeds in order? We can make the changes but not push them. I also *gotta* get our new studio-settings package done.22:41
ckontrosPM if needed.23:27

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