
=== HedgeMag1 is now known as HedgeMage
dyllanhi all08:45
dyllanI am running the command: ltsp-build-client --arch i386 it runs and then starts downloading updates but fails at some point with the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sane-backends/libsane_1.0.22-2ubuntu1_i386.deb  Hash Sum mismatch08:55
dyllanand error: LTSP client installation ended abnormally08:56
dyllanif i run the ltsp-build command again it complains that the i386 directory already exists, so i have to delete it and start again. Is there a way to try again from where it left off?08:57
dyllanis there any additional configuration needed to mount a usb digital camera via think client in ltsp? A flash drive works 100% but the digital camera is not even noticed ie. no entry in dmesg for the camera when its plugged in.. .10:51
cjohnstonhighvoltage: ping17:24
cjohnstonor stgraber17:24
highvoltagecjohnston: pong17:25
cjohnstonhey... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/776501  <-- I have a few bugs like this... Should I move them to edubuntu-website project or mark them as wont fix since they are beta links17:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 776501 in Ubuntu Website "dead link - edubuntu.org" [Undecided,New]17:26
cjohnstonor move them to edubuntu and mark them wont fix17:26
highvoltagecjohnston: yep17:28
cjohnstonto which? I gave three choices ;-)17:28
highvoltagethere's an edubuntu-website project in launchpad17:28
highvoltageI think that will work best17:28
cjohnstondone. thanks17:31
highvoltageand thank you! :)17:31
cjohnstonalways happy to spam :-)17:32
highvoltageI should probably pay some attention to my bug list some time this week too17:33
cjohnstonThey are links to alpha's and betas.. im sure they are gone.17:33
cjohnstoncan only have so much storage17:33
highvoltageindeed. I guess the actual iso image site should have some page that says "Hey! The iso images you're looking for doesn't exist anymore, but you can click here and we'll redirect you to the final release"17:34

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