
jasoncwarnerAlrighty! lets get started. First order of business....anyone sick? ;)00:00
TheMusoFeeling great today, especially since the rain has stopped long enough for me to get out and do a bit of exercise.00:00
jasoncwarnerwell, here we go then!00:01
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] X.org update00:01
RAOFWe'll be getting a shiny new multiarched mesa post A1, with all the trimmings.00:02
TheMusoThat makes me think of a big burger with all the trimmings. :)00:03
* RAOF prefers to think of Christmas roast ham :)00:03
TheMusoYeah that works, probably somewhat better given the weather.00:03
brycexserver 1.10.2 was released just recently; I've been combing through it for any patches worth backporting for natty00:04
jasoncwarneranything for people to look for in x for A1 this week?00:05
brycea lot of smaller X syncs have gone through this last week00:05
bryceand some not so small like libdrm 2.4.2500:06
RAOFThere's a fully up-to-date nouveau DDX, but that's unlikely to cause problems.00:07
bryce-intel and -ati haven't gotten their update yet00:07
bryceanyway, so looks like X's foundational bits and pieces are pretty solid for now00:09
jasoncwarnerhow are the x guys feeling about A1 and A2? Anything for us to know now?00:09
bryceraof's mesa and a couple main driver updates to go00:09
jasoncwarnerif not, we can move on !00:10
brycefor A1 is probably fine.00:10
RAOFI don't think X is going to be particularly interesting this cycle (yay!)00:10
bryceinterestingly stable perhaps ;-)00:11
jasoncwarnerRAOF: yay ;)00:11
TheMusoWhich means you guys are likely going to be even more conservative for the LTS.00:11
robert_ancellI like that kind of interesting when it comes to X :)00:11
TheMusoI think many of us do.00:11
bryceRAOF, is -intel 2.15 in the cards for A1 or too late?00:11
RAOFI can do it today in between mesa builds :)00:12
brycethat'd be great00:12
jasoncwarnersounds good....how about LightDM ? robert_ancell, want to update us?00:13
RAOFMesa's not going to make A1; it needs an llvm mir, which needs checking that openjdk works with it.  And openjdk takes a snappy 13 hours to build and test here.00:13
TheMusoRAOF: youch00:13
jasoncwarnerRAOF: whaaaaa?00:13
jasoncwarnerdidn't realize llvm required openjdk00:14
RAOFIt doesn't; openjdk has an llvm-based jit runtime, which needs testing against the newer llvm.00:14
robert_ancelljasoncwarner, ok, it's not going to make A1, as it's blocked waiting for a MIR.  You can install it now, I've been running it for the last week or so.  Feedback welcome!  There is a start on the design from the Design team, it was being done by Pippa who has now moved on.  Not sure who is taking it over, will track that down.00:14
* TheMuso wonders whether a couple of us Aussies could pool our boxen to create a distributed build environment, where we upload packages, and the workload is shared over fast boxen to build stuff quicker...00:14
robert_ancellI'm also writing a LightDM+Ubuntu wiki page today with debugging tips and what to do if everything goes wrong.   Then going to twist everyone's arm who is not running it already to be guinea pigs00:15
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell: what is blocking the MIR ? do we need to talk to someone about that?00:16
robert_ancelljasoncwarner, not sure, it's just sitting there.  pitti knows most about MIRs00:16
TheMusoI remember looking at it and the security team were asked to look at it, in the form of being the assignees.00:17
jasoncwarnerOk, we can follow up with him tonight00:17
TheMusoSo I think the MIR guys want the security team's approval.00:17
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell: can you follow up and I will as well00:17
robert_ancellok, will do00:17
jasoncwarneranyone install lightdm yet? I'm upgrading my laptop to Oneiric today and will be putting lightdm in there ;)00:18
micahgthe MIR is at security review ATM, I'll ask kees to take a look00:18
jasoncwarnerawesome, thanks micahg!00:18
TheMusoNot upgraded to lightdm yet, I am still using a oneiric vm, so I can iron out a11y gotchas before I upgrade to oneiric on my real hardware.00:18
RAOFI've installed lightdm; it was entirely uneventful.00:19
jasoncwarnerRAOF: awesome...that is what I'm hoping for in my upgrade as well ;)00:19
RAOFAlthough this morning I noticed that it doesn't seem to implement all the interfaces gnome-screensaver expects.00:19
RAOFHitting the “Switch user” button at the lock screen fails.00:19
robert_ancellTheMuso, you can run lightdm from a PPA in natty (I'm still on natty)00:20
robert_ancellRAOF, yes, needs implementing00:20
TheMusorobert_ancell: I have every intension of upgrading to oneiric, I just need to make sure the new a11y stack works as expected.00:20
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: how is accessibility coming in Oneiric? Any showstoppers you know about yet?00:21
RAOFAlso this morning I noticed that the new gnome-screensaver doesn't know how to fight with XRandR properly.00:21
TheMusojasoncwarner: Right, accessibility.00:22
TheMusoWell as you know from the page already, the new stack is in main, it just needs to be turned on. Doing so requires adjusting seeds/deps, which I will be doing post alpha 1.00:22
TheMusoI also have Qt a11y patches in hand, and will be testing them today, although I am still waiting on one patch which I am told is not yet in the public Qt git repo. Will likely not be getting that till next week.00:22
jasoncwarnerOk, so post A1 when they are turned on should we get people testing them right away or is there some other work needed?00:22
jasoncwarnerah, Qt, that was my next question ;)00:23
jasoncwarnerthanks for getting there ahead of me!00:23
TheMusoRe Qt, I also need to get the qt at-spi bridge into the archive, once I have worked out which Debian team will be responsible for maintaining it.00:23
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: are those the 4.8 Qt patches backported to 4.7 Qt?00:23
TheMusojasoncwarner: Yes, the great thing is that they apply almost 100% cleanly against
TheMusoRe at-spi2, once its turned on, I will be testing it, and I can certainly write some quick instructions for others to test, but as I said, I need to make sure all the obvious issues are worked out, in terms of the stack not starting etc.00:24
jasoncwarneryes, but that is great. I'm watching this one closely so thank you for updating .... want to make sure U2D is fully accessible and we get what we need backported to 4.700:25
jasoncwarnerVery cool, Anyone else have anything?00:25
TheMusonp, I have already talked to didrocks, he is aware that I have them, and has asked me to pass on the pathces when I think things are ready, which hopefully will be no later than end of next week.00:25
jasoncwarnerOk..going to call the meeting [END MEETING] Thank you everyone...00:26
jasoncwarnernow I am going to upgrade to oneiric on my test system :) wish me luck!00:27
TheMusoNow to wait 2 hours more for another build of Qt...00:27
brycejasoncwarner, good luck :-)00:29
micahgxubuntu will be switching to lightdm right after alpha100:31
robert_ancellmicahg, \o/00:31
micahgxubuntu isn't blocked on the MIR :)00:31
robert_ancellwhich greeter?00:31
micahgprobably the example-gtk one for now00:32
* micahg isn't sure though00:32
micahgI've been using the example-gtk one and it's been working fine00:32
micahgit's GTK 2 which works well for xubuntu00:33
TheMusomicahg: When does xfce plan to move to GTK3? 4.10?00:35
micahgTheMuso: I think 4.1200:36
TheMusoOh ok.00:36
* micahg checks logs00:36
TheMusoJust curious.00:36
micahgTheMuso: yeah, 4.12, http://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.10/roadmap00:37
TheMusoOk thanks.00:37
micahgso, we're going to be stuck with GTK2 (xfce) and GTK3 (shared already ported apps)00:38
TheMusohaha managed to lock up GNOME panel in oneiric, which seems to have locked the whole desktop.01:19
TheMuso...and it seems GNOME apnel 3 is not customizable...01:20
=== asac_ is now known as asac
pittiGood morning05:34
cdbsBonjour pitti05:37
pittirobert_ancell: right, the lightdm MIR is assigned to ubuntu-security, waiting for their review05:39
robert_ancellpitti, ah, thanks05:39
TheMusoGood morning pitti.05:56
* TheMuso has a simple Qt app being read with Orca. :)05:56
micahgTheMuso: congrats :)05:57
pittihey TheMuso05:57
pittiTheMuso: ooh, that sounds like good progress!05:57
TheMusomicahg: I didn't do much, just put the infrastructure together.05:57
TheMusopitti: Certainly is. Still got some rough edges, and this is only a very simple example app, but menus are mostly working without issue, buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, and combo boxes, althought he example code segfaulted when trying a combo box. :)05:58
TheMusoTExt fields, either multiline or single line are still not speaking.05:58
micahgdoes unity-2d not have the same super keybindings?06:03
micahgsuper+a specifically06:04
* TheMuso hasn't checked, and just powered off his oneiric vm...06:05
micahgthis is natty06:05
TheMusoStill don't know. :)06:08
* micahg will wait for didrocks06:09
micahgor does he only do 3D06:09
TheMusoAfaik he will be doing 2d as well.06:09
cdbsTheMuso: Congrats, Qt + a11y would be awesome!07:40
didrocksgood morning o/ (after spending 20 minutes to connect to the Internet!)07:54
pittibonjour didrocks07:55
pittididrocks: oh, NM problems?07:55
RAOFdidrocks: It's unusually slow today? ;)07:55
didrocksguten morgen pitti, how are you? :)07:55
didrockshey RAOF!07:55
pittididrocks: FYI: "kvm -vga std" FTW07:55
pittididrocks: with that unity-2d works wonderfully, yay for easy testing07:55
didrockspitti: no, I didn't upgraded at all yesterday, so I was thinking of the ADSL box first07:55
didrockspitti: trying to unactivate/reactivate the wifi, restarting it…07:55
pittididrocks: I'm a bit tired, but okay otherwise, thanks! looking forward to the long weekend07:55
didrockspitti: unloading/loading the network module07:55
didrocksthe 3rd unload/load worked :/07:56
didrockspitti: yeah, long weekend just ahead!07:56
didrocks(I will probably work tomorrow but exchange Thursday to Friday)07:56
didrocksand thanks on the kvm trick :)07:57
cdbsgood morning seb12808:06
didrockssalut seb12808:06
seb128hey didrocks cdbs08:06
pittibonjour seb12808:12
seb128hey pitti08:12
pittinice, so I get a somehow working install in both kvm and on the mini 1008:14
pittiunity-2d is crashy as hell, though08:14
pittibut oh well, this is a1; it installs, it works!08:15
pittiseb128: btw, please don't upload the current rhythmbox bzr; I backported the patches, and it builds, but crashes on startup08:16
pittigit head doesn't crash, but make dist fails because the vala plugin is totally busted08:16
seb128does the archive version work for you?08:17
cdbspitti: You're talking about Oneiric? No, it isn't crashy for me, it never crashed since the last week08:17
pitticdbs: yes, current oneiric08:17
cdbspitti: My system has 30+ held packages08:17
pitticdbs: I can't open the launcher (neither with click nor Windows key), nor places08:17
pittithey just keep crashing08:17
cdbspitti: unity-2d?08:17
pittiboth in live session and in installed version, both on real iron and in kvm08:17
pitticdbs: yes, as I said08:18
pittiunity 3d works fine08:18
* cdbs boots into -2d08:18
pitticdbs: but not really concerning for this early stage08:18
pittiseb128: rhythmbox git head doesn't have a .convert script for gconf->gsettings; it should, right?08:19
seb128pitti, if there are configuration values to migrate yes08:19
pittiseb128: do you know if the i386 archive version (which did build) works for anyone?08:19
cdbsnow that's insane crashing08:20
seb128pitti, it was a no change rebuild over the previous one08:20
seb128which works here08:20
seb128let me try to update08:20
pittiseb128: right, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/2.90.1~20110329-1ubuntu2 did build on i38608:20
pittiand so did ubuntu308:20
pittibut neither built on amd6408:20
seb128oh right, libdmapsharing was ftfbs-ing on amd64 due to the builder stopping implicit conversions error08:21
pittiah, and 2.9.12 only hit the archive on Monday08:22
pittiafter rhythmbox got built on i38608:22
seb128right, that was the easy way to fix the build issue ;-)08:22
pittiok, so supposedly a build of rb on i386 will crash as well then08:23
seb128the current archive version work08:23
pittiseb128: thanks for checkin08:23
seb128well, a build on i386 will not build08:23
seb128or you mean a vcs build?08:23
pittithe one in bzr head ought to build08:23
seb128I can try to build the vcs08:23
seb128pitti, it's building, I will tell you that in 5 minutes08:24
seb128pitti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/72737306/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.gnome-keyring_3.0.3-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:25
pittidoesn't happen locally :/08:26
pittiI'll retry the build and compare logs08:26
seb128ok, could be the same that last time where the retry worked08:26
seb128but at least you can save the log from before retrying this time08:26
pittiyes, got it08:27
didrockspitti: I used unity-2d for a whole 2 days without any crash on real hw, weird :/08:30
didrocksbut yeah, good enough for alpha108:31
pittiI just wondered why my mini 10 gives me 2d, not unity 3d08:31
pittiin natty it got 3d08:31
didrocks/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p08:32
* didrocks hopes nux-tools is still installed08:32
didrocks(yeah, unity deps on it)08:32
didrocksoh, the timeout is shorter (I took the 3s of upstream one)08:33
pittididrocks: that says yes08:33
didrocksnot anymore the 5s that I took… randomly08:33
didrocksso you should timeout I guess08:33
didrocksI'll reset to 5s though08:33
didrockswants an upload pre or post alpha1?08:33
pittipost is fine, I think08:34
pittididrocks: is ther any magic string to search in xsessin-errors?08:34
didrocksif you logout and login again, as the file is in ram, it shold work08:34
didrockspitti: not without --debug to gnome-session08:34
pittididrocks: the first hit of "unity" is "unity-2d-launcher: [DEBUG] virtual void Hotkey::... stuff08:34
didrockspitti: let me look again the code, not sure if I set a warning08:35
seb128it should display something even without --debug iirc08:35
seb128well it used to in natty08:36
pittididrocks: second time is 2d as well, but presumably it's now in my ~/.dmrc?08:36
pittioh, it's not08:36
didrockspitti: no it's not, weird :/08:36
pittiso why does gdm show "unity 2d" then08:36
didrocksyeah, it's a g_warning08:36
didrockspitti: "runnable check failed"08:37
didrocksgdm choose unity-2d by default?08:37
pittiunity --replace does work08:37
didrockshum, possible indeed, I didn't remove that part08:37
didrocksyeah, I got it08:37
didrocksI need to fix something in unity-2d08:37
didrocksas they move the -settings in unity-2d, I think it still has the thing to set the session by default08:38
pittichanging it in gdm also works08:38
didrocksconfirmed, that's the case08:38
pittiso it didn't even try the nux support test08:38
pittiit's autologin here08:38
didrocksright, the default session is unity-2d08:38
pittididrocks: that might also explain why the live session used 2d?08:38
pittididrocks: want a bug report, or do you want to fix right away?08:39
didrockspitti: fixing right away08:39
* pitti hugs didrocks, cheers08:39
* didrocks hugs pitti back, sorry for not thinking about that08:39
pittino need to worry08:39
pittithat's why have alphas, to test this stuff :)08:40
pittididrocks: think about it as "the alpha to test unity 2d by default"08:40
seb128pitti, rb from the vcs work on i38608:40
didrockspitti: heh :-)08:40
pittiseb128: oh, wow08:40
pittiseb128: thanks for testing08:40
seb128pitti, (you need to update the libdmapsharing build-depends)08:40
seb128pitti, do you have a stacktrace of the crash you are getting?08:41
pitti(cut after #45, too tiresome to copy&paste pagewise08:44
pitti the only hit for importing the old gtk that I see is plugins/coherence/upnp_coherence/__init__.py08:45
pittibut I don't have that installed08:45
seb128pitti, oh, I don't have rhythmbox-plugins-coherence installed08:49
pittineither have I08:49
seb128do you have gir1.2-rb-0.13?08:50
pittiyes, it's a dependency08:52
seb128pitti, ok, got it08:52
pittiI'll debug it now08:52
seb128pitti, it's rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store08:52
pittiah, gtk208:52
seb128uninstall it and rb works08:52
pittiso that needs porting to gi08:52
seb128hey rodrigo_08:52
didrocksmorning rodrigo_08:53
pittiTypeError: an integer is required08:53
pittibut trunk has a patch for that (and it doesn't crash the entire program)08:53
SweetsharkGood Morning Desktopers!08:53
didrockshey Sweetshark08:53
Sweetsharkalso: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/open-source/what-the-heck-is-happening-with-openoffice-update/902508:53
seb128ok, so maybe backport that as well?08:53
pittiI'll fix that as well, and add a Breaks: to the current rb-ubuntu-m-s, ok?08:53
seb128hey Sweetshark08:53
pittihey Sweetshark08:53
pittiseb128: oh, it's out?08:53
pittiSweetshark: oh, it's out?08:53
seb128pitti, seems fine, don't forget to update the libdmapsharing build-depends ;-)08:54
pittiseb128: to what? configure.ac doesn't have a versioned test08:54
pittiwe want to enforce 2.9.12?08:54
seb128pitti, the patches you backported do enforce the new api08:54
seb128pitti, to the debian control08:54
Sweetsharkpitti: see the note at the end "UPDATE: Sources tell me that Apache has decided to take on OpenOffice. I expect to see the official word come out this week. It may be as early as tomorrow."08:55
pittiseb128: at it; thanks for finding the u1-m-s issue!08:55
rodrigo_hmm, for the rb-u1 plugin it's tricky, as it uses libu1, like banshee-u1, so both rb and banshee need porting to gtk3 at the same time09:00
pittiSweetshark: if apache does get it, do you think it's realistic to re-merge LibO/OO.o?09:01
seb128rodrigo_, not going to happen09:01
seb128rodrigo_, but we could have 2 version of the lib and use a different in each?09:01
seb128like a gtk2 and a gtk3 build09:01
rodrigo_seb128, yes, I think so09:01
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:04
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:04
pittiseb128: I'll upload it now, as it's not on any image09:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - good thanks, how are you?09:04
seb128pitti, ok09:05
pittihey chrisccoulson09:05
* asac is caught in a state where unity doesnt hide the launcher/side-bar ... anyone wants any info ;)?09:05
chrisccoulsonhi pitti09:05
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks09:05
seb128asac, you use tb or some qt software and did a dnd?09:05
asaccould be qt ... i am using mumble09:05
seb128asac, try doing a dnd again of one of the messages in thunderbird09:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - i got the new version of thunderbird ready last night (complete with language packs to replace the ones provided by thunderbird-locales), but i hit a bit of an issue...09:05
asactwinkle ;)09:05
seb128or in your qt application09:05
chrisccoulson...thunderbird-locales has an epoch in the version ;)09:05
asachow can i recover?09:05
asackillall compiz?09:05
seb128asac, do a new dnd09:06
asaclet me try09:06
seb128or close mumble09:06
seb128didrocks, ^ is there a known working workaround for the qt autohide bug?09:06
asachmm. i dragged inside mumble and it didnt help :/09:06
asaci will cloes it mumble09:06
didrocksseb128: no, there is none unfortunatly :/09:06
asacoh really09:06
asacthe sidebar is gone09:06
asacstupid qt09:06
didrockssometimes, dragging something else worked09:07
didrocksbut not very often09:07
asaci always knew that gtk+ is much better09:07
asacok on a call09:07
didrocksheh, asac:-)09:07
seb128asac, if you use chrome,chromium users state on the bug that detaching and re-attaching a tab fixes the launcher09:08
seb128asac, bug #769703 for the record09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 769703 in unity "Unity launcher does not auto hide when dragging music in clementine or other Qt softwares" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76970309:08
didrocksseb128: didn't work for me, I tried that as well09:08
seb128didrocks, you wrote that code, you should know what reset the states :p09:09
didrocksseb128: I know what reset the states09:09
didrocksnothing :)09:09
seb128you should write a dbus interface that you can use to do that :p09:09
didrockswe should make a dbus call as a workaround maybe09:09
* didrocks high 5's seb12809:09
seb128didrocks, great minds... ;-)09:09
didrocksexactly :-)09:10
seb128didrocks, can you sponsor evolution-exchange today? ;-)09:18
didrocksseb128: sure, is it needed for alpha1? (I mean, it can't be installed?)09:18
didrocksI'll try to focus on the compiz SRU (but refrain the upload post apha1)09:19
* pitti merges doko's uncommitted rb upload and reuploads09:19
seb128didrocks, no, but it's a soft freeze and that's a minor bug fix update, but feel free to delay if you have other things to do09:28
didrocksseb128: preparing compiz first09:28
didrocksupdating all bugs report and such09:28
pittidobey: are you guys still interested in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store? (it doesn't work with rhythmbox/gtk3 any more)09:34
alex3fmvo: morning09:42
rodrigo_pitti, he's probably sleeping now :)09:43
pittirodrigo_: right, but Rodney is pretty good at reading backscroll09:43
rodrigo_yeah, true :)09:44
didrockspitti: cdbs doesn't have /usr/lib/cdbs/strip-schema.pl anymore?09:46
pittididrocks: no; it has always been meant to be an internal implementation detail..09:46
pittididrocks: dh_translations does that now09:46
didrockspitti: hum, compiz is using it :/09:46
pitti"Use dh_translations, Luke!"09:46
didrocksok, so let's focus on the SRU first? then I'll change that for oneiric?09:47
mvohey alex3f, good morning09:47
pitti(in meeting, sorry for being terse)09:47
didrockspitti: no worry ;)09:47
seb128didrocks, better, switch to gsettings ;-)09:47
didrocksseb128: ahah, let's wait for upstream to get there (and they will still want to build the gconf backend I guess)09:48
alex3fmvo: 1824 works, but i get some warnings about deprecated access to package.(section, summary and description) - that's because I have previously changed db.update09:51
alex3fI will try to fix the _pkg leakage09:52
mvothanks alex3f! much appreciated, I know its tedious work09:52
seb128didrocks, is your script changing the status of all the crashers or only those which didn't get tweaked before?09:52
alex3fI'm quite enjoying it :)09:52
didrocksseb128: all crashers are critical, that's what I have been told during the UDS session, I raised the point of those which get tweaked before, but apparently, they wanted still them to be critical09:54
dholbachhey :)09:56
dholbachit seems like logging into unity on oneiric gives me some kind of weird gnome desktop - does anybody know why? (this is a oneiric vm)09:57
dholbachunity 2d gives me "something went wrong. (oops.)"09:57
didrocksdholbach: is it the live or an upgrade?09:57
seb128dholbach, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/75980309:57
ubot2Ubuntu bug 759803 in unity-2d "Unity-2d not working on KVM with xen and cirrus video devices" [High,Confirmed]09:57
seb128dholbach, but was it working before ?09:57
didrocksyeah, if its the live (and so, you are using unity-2d by default)09:58
dholbachdidrocks, i installed natty in a vm and upgraded it09:58
didrocksok, same case, so it's the crash on KVM09:58
seb128dholbach, "weird gnome desktop" is GNOME3 I guess :p it's better if you install gnome-theme-standard and select a background in the control-center09:58
seb128dholbach, cf my GNOME3 email on the lists yesterday09:59
dholbachseb128, I don't care about the desktop background :)09:59
seb128dholbach, so what do you complain about? ;-) what did you have in natty?09:59
dholbachbut yeah, let me install the package09:59
seb128dholbach, dx didn't work on a gtk3 theme yet so we don't have an ubuntu theme for oneiric which is mostly gtk3 on the default desktop components10:00
seb128didrocks, ok, if that's what dx wants...10:01
seb128didrocks, it's their bugs10:01
dholbachoh, I was just wondering if that's "how it's supposed to be" - that none of the unitys works in oneiric vms :)10:01
dholbachI'm not complaining10:01
seb128it's a bit stupid because it means they can't raise frequent issues over things that happened once to one user10:01
didrocksseb128: right10:01
didrocksseb128: that was my point10:01
seb128blame it on njpatel then ;-)10:01
seb128dholbach, unity-2d is supposed to work but there is a bug in unity-2d or qt which makes it not10:02
dholbachno worries10:02
seb128Kaleo and agateau are on it10:02
didrocksseb128: I don't blame, I just did what I was asked for :)10:02
seb128well I think njpatel doesn't realize what he asks for :p10:03
seb128but fair enough10:03
didrocksI raised the estimate number during the session10:03
Kaleoseb128: actually we are not :)10:03
dholbachI'm just glad I can open more than one terminal again - a few days ago I had to use the recovery console which was not a lot of fun for doing sponsoring, etc on oneiric :)10:03
pittidholbach: it looks weird (-> kvm -vga std) or it crashes (that happens for everyone apparently)10:04
seb128Kaleo, is somebody else on it?10:04
Kaleoseb128: nope10:04
seb128Kaleo, that seems somewhat an issue?10:04
dholbachpitti, unity-2d seems to crash ("something went wrong, log out")10:04
Kaleoseb128: I would like to see if a regular Qt app crashes or not10:04
didrocksKaleo: you should be safe now, all first sync done for bugs10:04
pittidholbach: right, that happens all the time :/10:04
Kaleodidrocks: thanks10:04
seb128dholbach, if you were running oneiric like real men you could do sponsoring without having to use a vm ;-)10:04
pittidholbach: it's a bit better with "kvm -vga std", though10:04
pittithen it only crashes the dash and places, but the launcher stays10:05
dholbachseb128, who else is part of your "real men" club?10:06
seb128dholbach, didrocks, pitti, chrisccoulson, rodrigo_, not sure about mvo :p10:07
dholbachseb128, mvo still didn't upgrade to natty - he still runs it in a vm10:07
didrocksdholbach: see, desktop team is rocking! :p10:07
chrisccoulsonheh :)10:07
Kaleois there a nice tutorial to get kvm with cirrus up and running?10:07
pittiKaleo: it's the default10:07
rodrigo_real men?10:07
rodrigo_ah, for upgrading to oneiric :)10:08
pittiKaleo: kvm -m 1024 -cdrom oneiric-desktop-i386.iso10:08
pittiKaleo: that will use cirrus10:08
Kaleopitti: ok10:08
pittiKaleo: if you add -vga std, it works (that's just a simple VBE 2.0 card)10:08
Kaleopitti: and what about other Qt programs?10:09
pittido we have a small one which comes with some libqt* for testing?10:09
Kaleopitti: clementine maybe10:11
pittiKaleo: -vga vmware also works (that's the graphics card vmware emulates)10:11
pitticlicking on the launcher still crashes, though (that doesn't seem to be graphics card specific, I also get that on intel real iron)10:11
Kaleopitti: so, it's just cirrus that does not work (and xen maybe?)10:11
pittireportedly so, yes10:11
Kaleopitti: you get a crash of the launcher on real iron10:12
Kaleopitti: do you have a stack trace for that10:12
pittihang on, will generate an apport repot10:12
Kaleopitti: qt4-demos is also a very good candidate for testing, it contains many small programs10:13
mvoseb128: hm? I don't need to prove that I'm a real man by running oneiric, everyone known I'm a real man anyway ;)10:13
mvodholbach: I use lucid, LTS ftw!10:13
dholbachyeah, I know10:13
seb128mvo, the real men (tm) use wmaker as well10:13
mvodholbach: you know, seb128 showed me his windowmaker setup, that was pretty cool10:13
mvonow I use it too10:13
seb128\o/ ;-)10:13
mvobig buttons, laucnher on the left10:13
mvofar ahead of its time!10:14
seb128no launcher autohidde weird behaviour10:14
mvoplus unusual menus10:14
dholbachyou mean the new windomaker? where the unity dash is on the right with the fat paperclip icon?10:14
* mvo hugs seb12810:14
seb128you can get monitors in the dock10:14
* seb128 hugs mvo10:14
mvoright, that as well10:14
pittiKaleo: hm, default stack trace is rather useless, and we don't have a retracer yet10:16
* pitti tries to install some debug symbols10:16
njpatelseb128, didrocks sorry?10:16
pittibut this is totally not hw specific; boot the oneiric alpha-1 anywhere (kvm, real iron, etc.), and click on the bfb10:16
didrocksnjpatel: the "all crashers are critical" spew 96 bugs as critical right now10:16
dholbachKaleo, with "-vga std" I managed to run qterm in an oneiric vm - not sure if that counts10:16
pitti-vga std also runs unity-2d, though10:17
didrocksnjpatel: we discussed that some can be low/high and not critical but the plan was to reset all of them to critical10:17
dholbachah yes, right10:17
pittiI thought Kaleo's question was whether qt apps run with cirrus?10:17
Kaleopitti: correct10:17
dholbachlet me try that10:17
Kaleodholbach: :)10:17
didrocksnjpatel: maybe worth now to consider that all crashers != medium (so manually changed) to keep their state?10:17
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njpateldidrocks, awesome. I think a crash is only not critical if there is no way to fix it (smashed stack, etc) then it can hang around at high10:18
didrocksnjpatel: do you want me to enable preserving the priority if != medium or not?10:18
pittiso, let's see how far libqt4-dbg unity-2d-launcher-dbgsym unity-2d-panel-dbgsym unity-2d-places-dbgsym unity-2d-spread-dbgsym will get me10:18
njpateldidrocks, I think what I used to ask for is: crash = critical, developer looks to see if it can be fixed, then crash remains critical OR becomes high and developer comments why it was set to high10:18
seb128njpatel, what I complained about is that this resetted bugs that were manually lowered because they are no stacktrace or happened once to one user only10:19
didrocksnjpatel: seb128 put some to "low"10:19
dholbachqterm runs without "-vga std"10:19
njpateldidrocks, seb128 I think we should do this for new bugs, probably not for existing bugs due to what seb128 mentioned10:19
seb128didrocks, njpatel: well that's how I get things that not useful enough to be worked out of the top list10:19
njpatel(unless I'm misunderstanding something)10:20
Kaleodholbach: if you install qt4-demos10:20
Kaleodholbach: and run qtdemo10:20
didrocksnjpatel: well, we explicitely decided to "reset" in the session AFAIK10:20
seb128njpatel, ok, what I said but the script ran now so that will be for next time10:20
Kaleodholbach: that will give us a very good idea10:20
seb128njpatel, thankzs10:20
didrocksadding that to the script then10:20
njpateldidrocks, seb128 coolio10:20
didrocksnjpatel: I'll send an email to you guys to sum up the modification since last month10:20
njpateldidrocks, thanks dude10:21
dholbachKaleo, yeah, that looks pretty ugly10:22
Kaleodholbach: :(10:23
Kaleodholbach: screenshot?10:23
dholbachoops, closed the wrong window - just a minute10:24
pittiKaleo: bug 79112710:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 791127 in unity-2d "unity-2d-places crashed with SIGSEGV in QTJSC::Structure::materializePropertyMap()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79112710:24
dholbachKaleo, http://ubuntuone.com/p/wsD10:26
ricotzhello everyone10:27
seb128hey ricotz10:27
ricotzchrisccoulson, hi, did you refer to a thunderbird 5.0b1 package?10:27
ricotzseb128, hi10:28
Kaleopitti: awesome10:29
Kaleodholbach: thaks!10:29
dholbachde rien10:29
Kaleodholbach: so that corruption is a qt related problem10:30
dholbachI'll use -vga std for now10:30
Kaleodholbach: can you try a couple of other things?10:30
chrisccoulsonricotz, yeah, i've got tbird 5.0b1 almost ready to upload10:30
dholbachI can't tell when or why it exactly happens, qterm for instance seems to be fine10:30
dholbachKaleo, I can10:31
chrisccoulsonbut the version number of the thunderbird-locales package screws everything up10:31
Kaleodholbach: qmlviewer /usr/lib/qt4/demos/declarative/flickr/flickr.qml10:31
seb128didrocks, pitti: ok, the gnome-applets, gnome-panel stack dropped from the CD after the indicator recommends fix yesterday10:32
didrocksseb128: excellent!10:32
* didrocks checks the CD size10:32
seb128but that won only some 3mb10:32
didrocksok, I was hoping after a quick check 1.6mb, still better :)10:32
ricotzchrisccoulson, nice, i am quite fine using firefox 5.0 beta, but i am not sure about thunderbird -- how stable it is?10:33
seb128well closer from 2mb than 3mb in fact10:33
pittiso we have 15 MB oversizedness right now10:33
seb128but still something10:33
pitti5 MB -> icons, 5 MB -> live-builder10:33
seb128+15mb thunderbird :p10:33
pittiyou spoil my optimism!10:34
didrocksI'm quite happy with the current state, counting Qt and such…10:34
* pitti realizes that he lost all his potential threats, now that French is already not on the CD any more :/10:34
didrockspitti: heh, I can imagine how this feeling is bad for you now :-)10:35
Kaleopitti: the crash looks like a crash in GTK/Cairo/librsvg loading SVG icons10:35
Kaleopitti: can you try to load some SVG icons from /usr/share with /usr/bin/rsvg-view10:37
dholbachaniel@daniel-virtual-machine:~$ LC_ALL=C qmlviewer /usr/lib/qt4/demos/declarative/flickr/flickr.qml10:37
dholbachcreated new network access manager for QDeclarativeEngine(0x989fa90)10:37
Kaleothat's a long work10:37
pittiKaleo: (brb, meeting)10:37
dholbach"memory access error"(?)10:37
dholbachyou know we Germans like long words - it kind of turns us on10:37
KaleoMemory access error10:37
ricotzsegmentation fault10:37
Kaleodholbach: nice :)10:37
Kaleodholbach: that's a serious issue10:38
Kaleodholbach: can you try to just run "qmlviewer"10:38
dholbachbeing turned on by long words? :-P10:38
Kaleodholbach: no parameters10:38
Kaleodholbach: :p10:38
ricotzdholbach, nicht jeder ;)10:38
dholbachKaleo, that "works" - it shows me a black and white drawing demo which seems to have interlace problems10:38
* dholbach hugs ricotz10:39
Kaleodholbach: very good10:39
rodrigo_"nicht jeder' is not German, too short words :-D10:39
Kaleodholbach: so we have 2 bugs, one crasher with the QML flickr demo10:39
ricotzdholbach, heh10:39
Kaleodholbach: one drawing issue with any QML (graphicsview actually) based app10:39
ricotzrodrigo_, it is more like an answer ;)10:39
Kaleodholbach: both of which are Oneiric specific10:39
dholbachKaleo, the whole window has interlace issues (also the menu bar)10:39
Kaleodholbach: hmmm, ok10:40
rodrigo_ricotz, :)10:40
Kaleodholbach: now the issue is that I'm no Qt expert :)10:40
dholbachKaleo, http://ubuntuone.com/p/wsM10:41
Kaleodholbach: nice10:41
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
chrisccoulsonpitti - what do you think i should do about the thunderbird-locales versioning? i wanted to replace all of it's binaries with packages provided from thunderbird, but thunderbird-locales has an epoch. is there any way i can do this without adding an epoch to the thunderbird version?10:42
dholbachKaleo, anything else I can help out with right now?10:42
Kaleodholbach: let's make that one an individual bug report10:42
Kaleodholbach: with your beautiful screenshot10:42
dholbachsure, feel free to add it :)10:42
Kaleodholbach: that was with the cirrus driver?10:44
Kaleodholbach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/79113310:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 791133 in qt4-x11 "QGraphicsView based applications garbled rendering in kvm with cirrus video driver" [Undecided,New]10:47
dholbachawesome, thanks for working on this10:47
Kaleodholbach: now reporting the crash with the flickr demo10:47
Kaleodholbach: I would need to have the stacktrace on this one10:47
dholbachyou can't reproduce this? :)10:48
dholbachlet me see if I can find all the right debug symbols10:48
Kaleodholbach: I don't have the vm at hand :)10:48
Kaleodholbach: at least you will need the package libqt4-dbg10:48
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asacdidrocks: hmm ... now my launcher bar does not reappear ... and killing mumble didnt help :/10:55
asaci prefer the bug when the launcher doesnt hide ;)10:56
Kaleodholbach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/791140 crasher bug report10:58
ubot2Ubuntu bug 791140 in qt4-x11 "QML flickr demo crashes on startup in kvm with cirrus video driver" [Undecided,New]10:58
dholbachKaleo, I'll attach more info as soon as I know more myself10:59
didrocksasac: back in a few, having issue with the compiz SRU upgrade testing, we can discuss and debug this afterwards10:59
Kaleodholbach: thank you very much11:01
Kaleodholbach: my intuition tells me that if we fix both bugs in Qt/Oneiric Unity 2D will then work11:01
didrocksok, even after reboot, nothing in compiz (screen black, no refresh)11:06
didrocksseb128: you told me that you still have a natty machine to test?11:06
seb128didrocks, yes11:07
didrocksseb128: can you try to install compiz and the plugin from my ppa? ppa:didrocks/ppa11:07
didrocksit should be the only thing that is upgaded11:07
seb128didrocks, is there anything else in the ppa? i.e should I select what to install?11:07
didrocksseb128: all the other have the same version or an older one that in natty11:08
didrocksseb128: take the natty pocket, btw11:08
seb128didrocks, ok11:08
didrocksthanks :)11:08
didrocksand sorry in advance if it breaks for you too11:08
didrocksasac: so I'm not under unity right now (will try to debug the compiz issue), but we can have a look about your launcher issue11:09
didrocksasac: so, in d-feet, you shold have a Unity (sorry, can't get access then ;)) well known path11:09
dholbachKaleo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/615716/ - do you need more debug data?11:10
didrocksasac: you have the Launcher / Introspection object and interface11:10
didrocksyou can poke it asking for "Launcher"11:10
didrocksthen, pastebin the output11:10
asaclet me check d-feet11:10
didrocks(do that in a situation where the launcher should appear)11:10
asacdidrocks: seems i only see system bus ... i guess its on the "user bus"?11:11
didrocksasac: yeah, it's on the session bus11:11
didrocksyou can't connect to it?11:11
asacd-feet doesnt offer me to connect to it11:12
asaclet me restart11:12
didrocksok :)11:12
asacdidrocks: do you know the session buss address?11:12
asacits asking for a bus address (i thought in the past session and system bus were short cutted)11:12
seb128_asac, use the file menu, connect to session?11:12
didrocksasac: no :/11:12
asacseb128_: good idea .. ;)11:12
didrocksasac: yeah, i have the shortcut in the file menu11:13
asacthe global menu tricked me in not seeing that there was a menu11:13
seb128_it's confusing with appmenu11:13
asacsiso you say i should ask which interface?11:13
asac-> Introspectable11:13
pittichrisccoulson: sorry, was in meeting11:13
pittichrisccoulson: there's a trick11:14
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
asacdidrocks: which method should i call with what parameters?11:14
didrocksasac: sorry, I have to help you without having it right there because of compiz…11:14
pittichrisccoulson: you can set a different version (read: add the epoch) for the tbird-locale-* binaries only11:14
asacdidrocks: properties?11:14
didrocksasac: one sec, let me start my netbook11:14
pittichrisccoulson: let me look for an example11:14
didrockswill be easier :)11:14
didrocksseb128: so, I can ensure you that gnome-panel 3 works well :)11:15
* didrocks tries to see the positive side11:15
asacthink positive, think big!11:16
pittichrisccoulson: so you could do something like11:17
pittiVERSION = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n -e '/^Version:/s/.*: //p')11:17
pittidh_gencontrol -pthunderbird-locale-* -- -v1:$(VERSION)11:17
pittinot literally with the "*", though (you probably need a loop)11:17
didrocksok, so after installing d-feet on my netbook… asac: com.canonical.Unify, /com/canonical/Unity/Debug, com.canonical.Unity.Debug.Introspection11:17
pittichrisccoulson: but dpkg-gencontrol allows you to specify a different binary version11:18
didrocksMethods GetState ("Launcher)11:18
* asac goes11:18
didrocksasac: you should get a hide-quirks somewhere, I'm interested in the number next to it11:18
asacdidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/615722/11:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's what i was thinking. are there any protections if it went wrong and the build resulted in a binary with a lower version though? (ie, if i accidentally upload a source with a lower version, then it gets rejected)11:19
asacseems to be a garbage number11:19
asaclike mem trashed11:19
asacwell ... not that bad, but odd anyway11:19
pittichrisccoulson: hm, LP might have11:19
didrocksasac: it's just odd :)11:19
didrocksasac: so, the launcher sholdn't be hidden11:20
didrocksand it's not seen as hidden11:20
pittichrisccoulson: but even if not, the worst that happens it that the binaries from thunderbird-locales simply dominate the ones built by thunderbird11:20
asacdidrocks: right11:20
pittichrisccoulson: but a local build will show you the version (use dpkg -I)11:20
asacdidrocks: so i tell you whats the case ... the launcher is there11:20
asacdidrocks: its just that its not visible on the desktops where i have full screen apps11:20
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, thanks. i'll give that a try11:20
asacdidrocks: e.g. its behind in z-order11:20
asaclet me try to unmaximize all11:20
didrocksasac: oh, that one, yeah, it's known11:20
seb128didrocks, ok, installed11:21
asacdidrocks: no its not true11:21
didrocksasac: it will be below the full screen apps (no maximized, but full screen)11:21
didrocksseb128: good luck!11:21
asacdidrocks: i unmaximized all windows ... when i unmaximized the last window the launcher didnt just appear beneath it ... it did slide in11:21
asacso it was gone11:21
asacand its gone again11:21
asace.g. doesnt come back if i go with the mozuse there11:21
asacdidrocks: i am maximizing my windows... not full screen11:22
asace.g. alt+f1011:22
seb128didrocks, hum, I've a plymouth screen with a mouse cursor on top of it11:22
didrocksasac: hum, and in that buggy state, can you poke the dbus call again?11:22
didrocksseb128: yeah, no refresh then?11:22
asacah maybe is should also maximize d-feet11:22
didrocksasac: it only maximize window that are > 75% of the workarea11:23
asacdidrocks: still the same 52659211:23
pittiKaleo: trying rsvg-view now11:23
asacdidrocks: i am not sure what that would mean ... i have all windows typically maximized using alt+f1011:23
asacso the window bar is integrated in the top panel etc.11:24
asacand normally the launcher slides in if i mouse the mouse to the side11:24
asacbut not anymore :/11:24
asacnow it slides in if i umaximize all windows on my desktop11:24
didrocksasac: how, can you try hovering the bfb?11:24
didrocksjust to see if it's a screen edge issue or something else11:24
didrocks(the bfb is the ubuntu logo on top)11:25
asacdidrocks: bfb?11:25
asacdidrocks: what should happen? i dont see any action there, but i can click it11:25
asacbut interestingly when i click it the button goes into "clicked" state11:25
didrocksasac: hum, the launcher should start showing11:25
asacbut the whole wizbang thing does not appear11:25
asace.g. the applications dash or whatever that is11:25
didrocksok, clearly a stacking issue11:25
didrocksasac: I think the launcher/dash appears11:25
asacright. except that the launcher slides in ;)11:25
didrocksbut the z order is totally fuck*11:26
asacif i unmaximize the last window ... which doesnt feel like stacking11:26
didrockseach time you maximize/unmaximize a window, the stacking is recomputed11:26
asacso now its really a z-order thing11:26
asaci unmaximized the last window and the launcher was behind it11:26
asacdidrocks: why isnt the launcher always just on top ;)?11:26
didrocksyeah, just a stacking issue I would say11:26
pittiKaleo: that seems to work fine (also said so on the bug report)11:27
didrocksasac: well, it can't be on top on, let's say screensaver11:27
asachowever, it also means that the sliding out etc. doesnt work ;)11:27
* pitti neds to run out for a bit11:27
didrocksfull screen app is a design decision11:27
didrocksasac: right :)11:27
didrocksasac: so, there is a SRU with some stacking fix11:27
asacis there a way to dump z-order of windows on screen easily?11:27
asacdidrocks: nice ... i will test... where is that? or is that what you prepare atm?11:27
didrocksasac: as soon as we saw with seb128 if we can get compiz drawing the screen from that SRU, I'll ping you11:27
asaci kind of regularly see this issue11:27
didrocksnot sure you want to test right now :)11:27
didrocksasac: no, only printf in the compiz code for debugging that :/11:28
asaci can survive without launcher though ;)... but if even alt+f2 doesnt show up its becoming annoying ;)11:28
didrocksyeah, all of thoses are linked to the launcher stacking11:28
didrocks(dash is an extension of the launcher window)11:28
asacand right now ... all windows seem to be on top of all the dash/launcher windows ;)11:28
didrocksasac: it's just shy ;-)11:29
didrocksasac: anyway, I'll ping you once the SRU ready11:29
asacyeah ... unity knows that i know what i am doing  ;)11:29
asaci see it this way: i am happy to help being a tester ;)11:29
asacproblem is that i am not 100% when this starts, so testing will take 1 or 2 days to tell for sure if things are gone11:30
asacbut we'll see11:30
didrocksasac: yeah, there is time to figure that out, right now, the only way is to restart X to get the stacking in the same order than compiz believe it is11:30
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rodrigo_ugh, I guess I should book my flights for Dublin now12:04
rodrigo_we're all going to Dublin, right?12:05
didrocksrodrigo_: right :)12:06
rodrigo_ok, booking them then :)12:06
rodrigo_it's the week of June 27th, right?12:07
Sweetsharkdo you guys book the flights first, register later or the other way around?12:09
pittifirst book, then register12:10
Sweetsharkalso: Do we need to book a hotel, or is that "automatic" as for UDS?12:10
pittiSweetshark: no need to, that's already done12:11
Sweetsharkpitti: thanks great.12:11
Kaleodidrocks: sorry I was out for lunch; thanks a lot for the debug data12:20
KaleoI meant dholbach ^12:20
dholbachKaleo, I added it to the bug report12:21
Kaleodholbach: this is great; double great because it's the exact same crash as in Unity 2D12:21
seb128dholbach, see you are slowly coming back to the desktop world ;-)12:22
dholbachseb128, if I want to or not ;-)12:23
charlie-tcaHow do I know if I am in a 2d or 3d session?12:36
charlie-tcain oneiric12:36
seb128charlie-tca, check if compiz is running (3d) or not12:41
charlie-tcaWe expect users to know this or will it be in the release notes?12:41
seb128why does it matter to users if they run in 3d or2d?12:43
charlie-tcabecause we report bugs against unity-2d or 3d?12:44
seb128charlie-tca, so it's for the bug reporting documentation?12:48
seb128ideally apport should do the right thing12:49
charlie-tcayes, I just reported it against unity12:49
charlie-tcano dash when clicking the logo12:49
pittiour apport hook already sets a tag for unity 3d12:49
charlie-tcaIt didn't crash, the dash just doesn't come up12:50
pittiif unity-panel-service is running, it tags "running-unity"12:50
pittiit should be straightforward to extend that to running-unity-2d12:50
pitticharlie-tca: it does crash, I think12:50
charlie-tcait did not give a crash in 30 minutes12:50
pitticharlie-tca: same problem here, bug 79112712:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 791127 in unity-2d "unity-2d-places crashed with SIGSEGV in QTJSC::Structure::materializePropertyMap()" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79112712:51
pitticharlie-tca: apport is still turned off by default12:51
pitticharlie-tca: did you try on a live system? it's enabled there12:51
pittior sudo service apport start force_start=112:51
charlie-tcabug 79118812:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 791188 in unity "no dash when Ubuntu logo is clicked in oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79118812:51
charlie-tcaalternate image installed12:51
pittiprobably a dupe12:51
pittichrisccoulson: do you have a minute to discuss the firefox loco customization? (perhaps in mumble, less typing, more bandwidth)12:53
jasoncwarnerhey didrocks, around?12:54
didrocksjasoncwarner: hey, on mumble, will ping you afterward12:55
jasoncwarnerdidrocks: no worries...12:56
seb128hey jasoncwarner12:57
jasoncwarnerhey seb12812:57
jasoncwarnermorning/evening/afternoon whereever you are!12:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - sure, can do12:58
chrisccoulsoni think i've got my headset working again ;)12:58
jasoncwarnerjust updated to oneiric. Very redmond theme going on!12:59
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner, welcome to the 80's :)13:00
pittijasoncwarner: it's the future!13:00
jasoncwarnerpitti: what was the package you said I should install to get a slightly better theme?13:00
jasoncwarnersomething like apt-get install non-butt-ugly-theme or something?13:00
pittijasoncwarner: gnome-themes-standard13:00
seb128jasoncwarner: you didn't read my email on the list!13:00
jasoncwarnerseb128: I swear, I DO NOT have your emails filtered. I swear. ;)13:01
seb128jasoncwarner: but what pitti said (it was also mentioned in the "known issues" of the GNOME3 status email I sent)13:02
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jasoncwarnerseb128: ah, just reread you email...saw it now ....you know how manager brains work...nothing sticks until the problem is real for ME ;)13:03
rodrigo_hi jasoncwarner13:04
jasoncwarnerhey rodrigo_! how are things?13:04
rodrigo_jasoncwarner, I'm fine, and you?13:05
pedro_hello folks13:05
rodrigo_hey pedro_13:05
pittichrisccoulson: /usr/share/xul-ext/ubufox/components/aboutStartpage.js13:05
seb128pedro_, hola!13:05
jasoncwarnerpretty good, thanks for asking.13:05
jasoncwarnerhey pedro_!13:05
pedro_hola rodrigo_ , seb128, jasoncwarner, pitti :-)13:05
jasoncwarnerOk fellas...I'm going to bed ...talk to you all tomorrow...13:08
seb128'night jasoncwarner13:08
seb128jasoncwarner: tomorrow or not, it's an holiday is several counties (just for info)13:08
rodrigo_tomorrow a holiday? where?13:09
seb128rodrigo_, germany and france at least13:09
jasoncwarnerseb128: forgot about that...enjoy the holiday for those that have one...13:09
rodrigo_hmm, ok, we need to import that holiday here :)13:09
pedro_in either case is a holiday for seb128 :-)13:10
jasoncwarnernm...one last test before bed...just turned on lightdm...rebooting to test it really quickly :)13:10
didrocksI'll be there, I trade tomorrow against Friday :)13:19
didrocksnot sure switching to lightdm before going to bed will be a "quick" test :)13:20
seb128didrocks, see the comments you do, then you wonder why robert_ancell drive over you when doing kart driving ;-)13:21
didrocksseb128: heh, I'm doing those comments now that I know how he drives :)13:22
* rodrigo_ lunch13:25
* didrocks hugs pitti to force the full report on crash :)13:31
didrockspitti: just got a crash, saw that "full report" is forced now (contrary to what it was in natty, as we discussed)13:32
pittioh, apport only offers a "reduced" one if there's actually something sensible in the stack trace13:32
didrockswas thinking it was on purpose :)13:32
pittiit's been like that for ages13:32
didrockshum, for compiz/unity, it thought numerous times that there was something sensible in the stack13:33
didrockseven if it wasn't the case13:33
didrocksthe retracers aren't working, isn't it?13:35
pittiwe don't have oneiric retracers yet13:36
seb128didrocks, we have no oneiric retracers, didn't check the natty ones for a while13:36
didrocksok, let's retrace it there then13:36
didrocksthanks :)13:36
pittichrisccoulson: if I change anything in /usr/share/xul-ext/ubufox/components/aboutStartpage.js, is there some equivalent of printing a string to stdout, for debugging?13:43
didrocksthe recent crash in unity-2d seems related to the new Qt13:44
chrisccoulsonpitti - if you're running in chrome, then you can normally use window.dump() (although i think you need to turn on a pref for that to work). but there is no window in a JS component, so you can't do that anyway ;)13:46
chrisccoulsoni think you can use nsIConsoleService13:46
pittichrisccoulson: ah, thanks; that works nicely13:51
didrockshum, the icons for notify-osd showing the progress aren't accurate13:55
didrocksif I use my keyboard to lower the system sound, I get the "mute" icon13:55
didrocksif I do the contrary, I have the "100% volume" bar icon13:55
chrisccoulsoni guess it's too late to sneak a firefox release in? ;)13:57
pittifor a1? might get a little tight, yes13:59
pittichrisccoulson: but this is a1 -- being able to install it is about as much as you can expect at this point :/14:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - it's ok, i'll wait until afterwards. it probably won't build on armel in time anyway14:00
dobeypitti: yes we will continue to support rbox, but with banshee as the default it will have to take a back seat to being fixed until banshee also runs on gtk3 in ubuntu :-/14:09
pittidobey: right, that makes sense14:10
seb128dobey, pitti: no it doesn't make sense14:15
seb128it means we might have rb without a music store in oneiric?14:15
seb128why not just having a gtk2 and a gtk3 version of the libubuntuone?14:15
dobeywhy the heck would cron just stop processing jobs for no apparent reason, on lucid server?14:18
Laneybroken pam update yeterday14:18
dobeyseb128: well as i understand it banshee is almost ready to use gtk3, so shouldn't be too much longer14:20
seb128dobey, is there any mono gtk3 bindings?14:20
dobeyLaney: that broke cron? but i haven't updated in a while...14:20
seb128dobey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2011-05-31-pam-security-update-breaks-cron14:21
seb128dobey, it has been fixed since, reupdate?14:21
dobeyseb128: i don't know the details exactly.14:21
dobeyoh, maybe it got installed automagically if it was a security update14:22
sorendobey: It was.14:22
Laneythere are both bindings and a branch of banshee using them in progress, but I don't know how close either of them are to being released14:22
dobeywell i was told gtk3 banshee would be in ubuntu 11.1014:23
dobeywhy did we have to switch to banshee right before the entire world broke because of gtk3? :-/14:23
pittiit's all jorge's fault :)14:27
dholbachjcastro, ^ :)14:27
pittimore seriously, I haven't seen C# bindings for GTK 3 yet14:27
pittidoes anyone know if these are actually being worked on, or whether mono will go GI?14:28
andreasnpitti, we had a hackfest, let me check14:30
pittiwow, that sounds promising!14:34
jcastroI'll ask around14:34
andreasnpitti, only thing I could find was https://github.com/alanmcgovern/mono-introspect14:35
dobeypitti: hell, how are we going to fit all the mono stuff, all of the gtk3 stuff, all the gtk2 stuff, and all the qt stuff, on the CD? :)14:35
dobeypitti: a couple of the banshee guys are going to the introspection hackfest too, i think14:35
pittidobey: well, we don't right now :) we have to squeeze harder14:36
pittinice, I'll be there as well14:36
seb128pitti, where, when is the g-i hackfest?14:36
dobeypitti: take 2 CDs and glue them together, back-to-back? ;)14:36
pittiseb128: the week after the desktop summit14:36
dobeyseb128: summit + openismus14:36
pittidobey: yes, B-sides14:36
dobeyoh when, not where14:37
dobeyit's like 3 days at the summit, and then 3 days at the openismus office, i believe14:37
mterrymvo, heyo.  I'm going through the sponsor queue, and update-manager merges show in it.  If I see a merge I think is good, should I merge it, or just let you handle those.  I notice in the bzr log that you are the last 100 committers or so  :)14:43
mvomterry: feel free to merge if it looks good, that is fine. I will be happy about the help!14:57
mterrymvo, k15:00
rodrigo_hey kamusin15:03
kamusinhey rodrigo_!15:03
kamusinrodrigo_, when will be the celebration about your new position as a director :P15:05
mvomterry: are you currently merging stuff for u-m? if not, I'm happy to take a look now, just finished some other work. and thanks for the NM-0.9 branch of s-c :)15:15
mterrymvo, yeah, I'm going through a few for u-m15:15
cdbsmterry: "I'm not the Micheal you meant" :)15:15
cdbsmterry: Yeah, it was me who fixed the bug in Unity15:15
cdbsand forgot to close this bug after that got in 3.8.1415:16
cdbsthanks anyway15:16
mterrycdbs, ah good, so I wasn't crushing someone's dreams.  I always hate marking a branch "rejected", feels so harsh15:16
cdbsno probs :)15:16
mvomterry: thanks!15:16
* mvo goes and merges some software-center branches instead15:17
bcurtiswxvinagre, doesn't show any protocols to use (i.e. VNC or SSH)15:18
mterrymvo, fyi, u-m seems clear, going back to other packages for piloting15:20
mvook, thanks for the heads up15:22
alex3fmvo: quick question: old api uses Package.versions for a list of available versions to install; new api uses _Package.available; should I stick with old, and rename available to versions or provide both?15:23
alex3for compromise by setting self.versions = self.available in _Package constructor? :-)15:23
mvoalex3f: it dosn't really matter much I think, I slightly prefer "versions" over "available" as available may be interpreted as a boolean "is this package availalbe or not" whereas this is less ambigous with "versions"15:25
alex3fyou're right15:26
pittichrisccoulson, seb128: I suppose we can move the remainign a1 WIs on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-default-email-client to a2 now?15:40
* pitti won't be there tomorrow to move them15:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that sounds fine15:41
seb128works for me15:45
alex3fmvo: what do you know about apt.Package.installed versus apt_pkg.Package.current_ver?15:45
alex3ffor what I see, the later returns a Version object...15:45
alex3fmvo: I stumbled across lowlevel_cache = self.cache._cache._cache, where an apt_pkg.Package is returned, instead of the usual apt.Package from cache15:48
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mvoalex3f: that is for the addon handling?16:00
alex3fmvo: no, it's inside the AppViewFilter from ui.gtk.appview16:01
mvoalex3f: in a meeting right now :/ I have a look in a little bit, what is it used for? filter out the supported package? or something else entirely?16:02
alex3fmvo: ah, sorry; it filters package to be displayed; filters out packages that have current_ver None in this lowlevel cache, for the 'installed_only' view; a comment before says: # use the lowlevel cache here, twice as fast16:04
alex3fI should simply check if the current PackageInfo provides such as lowlevel cache, if not, use the is_installed method16:05
mvoalex3f: yeah16:05
alex3f*such a16:05
mvoalex3f: makes sense16:05
pittirickspencer3: Mr. Spencer!16:06
rodrigo_kamusin, I 1st need to get enough votes, but if so, celebration will be in your house, right?16:29
kenvandineseb128, telepathy-indicator is in sourceNEW :)16:29
seb128kenvandine, great16:29
seb128did you upload it to the ppa as well?16:30
kenvandineno, want me too?16:30
Sweetsharkand the reply: http://blog.documentfoundation.org/2011/06/01/statement-about-oracles-move-to-donate-openoffice-org-assets-to-the-apache-foundation/16:32
seb128kenvandine, not especially, I was just not sure if you said yesterday that it should be tested with the new empathy in a ppa until alpha116:33
kenvandineseb128, nah, figured it's a new binary and doesn't really conflict16:34
seb128right, I was rather interested about the new empathy part :p16:34
kenvandinebut until we drop the patch in empathy we'll get 2 entries in the messaging menu16:34
seb128I will review that one in a bit if didrocks doesn't beat me to it16:35
kenvandinesoon :)16:35
seb128just finishing some other things first16:35
didrocksfinishing as well some cleaning, so let's see who will finish first :p16:35
* kenvandine just upgraded laptop to oneiric16:37
cdbskenvandine: O' HAI, I'm not the only jerk using Oneiric :)16:38
kenvandinecdbs, it sure is pretty isn't it :) lol16:39
kenvandinenow everything is just as ugly as the new gwibber16:40
pittigood night everyone16:50
pittiseb128: are you on holiday on Friday?16:50
pittiseb128: I wondered if you could join the release meeting16:50
pittior kenvandine16:50
didrocksgood night pitti! see you!16:51
seb128pitti, not officially on holidays no, I might take an easy day as sort of UDS swap but I will be around16:52
seb128just maybe off to watch some tennis on tv during the afternoon ;-)16:52
seb128'night pitti, enjoy your weekend16:52
seb128if kenvandine can cover for the meeting great, otherwise I can probably do it16:52
* kenvandine checks calendar16:53
kenvandinesorry, i can't do it16:53
kenvandinegot a kid's thing at their school16:53
pittiok, thanks16:53
pittiif nobody has time, so be it16:54
pittithere'll be another meeting :)16:54
pittiso, see you on Monday!16:54
seb128pitti, I will join if I'm around16:54
pittiseb128: thanks16:54
seb128pitti, have fun, see you next week!16:54
kamusinrodrigo_, no problem.. you are invited to come any time :)17:08
seb128Sweetshark, hi, do you know if libreoffice-gnome is going to stop gnomevfs this cycle?17:28
didrocks1waow, it's still using it?17:32
chrisccoulsondidrocks1, are you the real one? or just an imposter? ;)17:36
didrocks1chrisccoulson: I'm pretending :-)17:36
chrisccoulsonheh :)17:36
didrocks1chrisccoulson: Qt build is destroying my laptop perf, and I can't even talk on weechat, so I'm using my netbook for now :)17:37
didrocks1but the other one is still connected17:37
didrocks1and I can't disconnect it :p17:37
chrisccoulsondidrocks1, that's what it's like every time i build firefox (or thunderbird) ;)17:37
chrisccoulsonwelcome to the world of packages that don't build in 10 minutes :)17:38
didrocks1chrisccoulson: 5h30 is a nice score :-)17:38
didrocks145 minutes for nux was already long :p17:38
chrisccoulsondidrocks1, that's quite a long time. firefox is nearly 2 hours on my laptop (with the test suite too)17:39
didrocks1chrisccoulson: seems webkit is taking 70% of the time there17:39
chrisccoulsonfta really has the short straw building chromium ;)17:39
didrocks1that's the only part when I miss cmake: qmake don't have progression indication built-in17:40
seb128seems like I'm working on boring packages compared to you guys ;-)17:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, want to maintain a browser?17:42
didrocks1seb128: do you want some "fun"? :-)17:42
seb128chrisccoulson, I used to maintain epiphany-browser, I could cope with that ;-)17:42
seb128didrocks1, thanks, I will think about it ;-)17:43
chrisccoulsonseb128 - lol. that's like me taking gecko out of firefox and just maintaining the little bit of UI on top ;)17:43
didrocks1seb128: when? like now! it's time to take some decision! :)17:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's a lot of fun ;)17:44
didrocks1(it's easier to decide something you shouldn't just before a long week-end!)17:44
seb128didrocks1: ok, so I think I'm just a boring man so I will stay away from the fun, I wouldn't want to stole it from you guys ;-)17:45
didrocks1seb128: you shouldn't, there is enough fun to share! :-)17:46
didrocks1and see the advantages, I can't do nothing else on my laptop, so I can use my netbook and feel like it was a nice move to buy it :)17:46
didrocks1it just makes my life better!17:47
seb128didrocks1, you could do some sponsoring for example :p17:47
didrocks1seb128: building packages on my netbook? I already screwed my laptop :p17:47
didrocks1but yeah, evo-exchange, I'll have a look just post alpha117:48
seb128I just ping mterry, he's patch pilot today17:48
dpmdidrocks1, what's that number on your nick? If you're trying to be like seb128, I'd try with a higher number, like didrocks129 or something like that ;)17:52
didrocks1dpm: yeah, I have a long way to go to reach seb128 :)17:52
* dpm hugs didrocks1 and seb12817:52
didrocks1he started ahead of me, that's cheating!17:52
* didrocks1 hugs dpm and seb12817:52
* seb128 hugs dpm17:53
* seb128 hugs didrocks17:53
seb128ok, I official hate tomboy now :p17:53
seb128that's the only thing keeping libgnome, libgnomeui on my install17:53
seb128libbonoboui as well17:53
didrocks1the last one is not only for the applet?17:54
bcurtiswxso is didrocks or didrocks1 the evil twin?17:56
didrocks1both :-)17:57
Laneyboth of them are for the panel applet iirc17:57
seb128we stopped building the applet in natty17:57
seb128libgnomeui-0 depends on libbonoboui2-017:57
didrocks1ok, so gnomeui17:57
seb128libgnome2.24-cil depends on libgnomeui-017:58
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
seb128tomboy use gconfpeditor which is in libgnome2.24-cil17:58
seb128Laney, we discussed it previous cycle if you remember17:58
Laneyoh the peditors stuff, yeah17:58
LaneyI thought that was in another lib17:58
seb128I should have suggested dropping tomboy from the default install at UDS18:05
seb128it's clearly not actively maintained nowadays and it's still using gconf, gtk2, and old the libgnome stack18:06
bcurtiswxi've never used tomboy18:08
seb128well it's quite nice and lot of people use it18:10
seb128we would have dropped it already otherwise when we discussed dropping mono from the CD to win space18:10
Laneyyou should probably wait for (or offer help with) the bindings before saying these things which can be quite demotivating18:12
Laneyyou got similar feedback from pitivi upstream18:12
seb128we don't have the resources to help on that18:13
seb128we can't fix every software we ship or do upstream porting work for those18:13
seb128waiting...we are discussing the libgnome tomboy depends issue for over a cycle and it didn't move18:14
seb128Laney, realistically we will need to drop quite some softwares not actively maintained this cycle18:14
seb128it's the same for things relying on a gnome lib which switched to gtk3 which will not keep a gtk2 version18:15
seb128(libpanel-applet being one example)18:15
seb128or libbrasero (just checking the 2 rdepends, goobox didn't get work in years and gthumb will like go to gtk3)18:16
Laneysadly software doesn't always move as fast as the Ubuntu release cycle, especially so when developed by people in their spare time18:18
seb128Laney, right, and none of the things I said as a value judgement on those softwares18:19
Laneyif you have hard goals and are unable to commit engineers to meet them then dropping software seems to be the only way to meet that18:19
seb128it's just that it doesn't match with what we are doing so we will need to sort the issue18:19
seb128right, which I think is fine18:20
Laneybut presumably you thought the software contributed something to the quality of the ubuntu desktop?18:20
seb128speaking about random gnome-applets in universe or things using old libs not updated for years or speaking about tomboy?18:20
Laneythinking about the default install here18:21
Laneydropping stuff from the archive completely is different and usually more upstream led18:21
seb128Laney, well default install things are not fixed decision we re-evaluate, i.e for pitivi we might keep it18:22
seb128it's just that we face CD space issues and maintainship load issues every cycle so as a team,distribution we need to decide what we can cary or not18:23
seb128I would hate to have to maintain the libgnome, libgnomeui, libgnomevfs, libbonobo stack just because of tomboy18:23
LaneyI just think it's hard for upstreams as clearly being in the default install is a huge thing for them18:23
seb128well, it's up to them to match the bar to stay in18:24
chrisccoulsonfirefox is still using libgnome (or libgnomeui, whichever one has GnomeClient) btw ;)18:24
seb128every software writer would like his software shipped to lot of users but we have to select what goes in18:24
Laneyis it a prize for upstream then?18:25
seb128chrisccoulson, why isn't it having a depends on it?18:25
Laneynot a decision made as to which software makes the best quality desktop18:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, it functions without it, but the session manager integration doesn't work if it isn't installed18:25
seb128chrisccoulson, hum, is there any plan to fix that using the dbus api?18:26
seb128Laney, not sure to understand your question18:27
seb128Laney, well the issue is to weight the benefit to users compared to the cost in work and CD space18:27
bcurtiswxnot sure if i can convey this idea quite right, but what about maintaining a set of software that will be on the CD, and at install time (or upon first available internet connection) we install another set of packages that will allow users to get a more full desktop experience.  This would still be a default install, but it may allow for bigger sized apps to be default (libreoffice, pitivi, whichever)18:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i should probably add it to my list of things to look at ;)18:27
seb128dragging an old GNOME stack in is an high cost18:27
seb128bcurtiswx, that was discussed before and nobody liked it18:28
bcurtiswxseb128, is there a log of this somewhere (i'm just interested in the main reasoning)18:28
seb128bcurtiswx, it removes the constrain to do efforts to keep the installation clean, it adds a slow step after the installation and it just makes the installation process less nice for the user18:28
seb128bcurtiswx, no, it has been discussed several time over years at different UDSes, meetings, etc18:29
bcurtiswxseb128, hum.  Well i guess it's refreshing to know my though processes are only a few UDS's behind the times ;)18:31
bcurtiswxwe'll just wait until DVD's are as cheap as CD's, and all problems will go away.. (i wish ) :P18:33
kenvandinebcurtiswx, but CD size is good discipline :)18:34
bcurtiswxnot debating that issue one bit, its easy to get lazy, i myself am a great example18:35
seb128the decision to not use DVD is not the cost18:36
seb128it's that without the CD constrain our default install would become cluttered18:36
seb128we would stop bothering about cleaning old libs or doing transitions and keeping a selected see of softwares or do optimization18:37
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chrisccoulsoni just installed gnome-shell on my laptop19:53
highvoltageI've been using it for the last 2 months or so, can't say that I'm too thrilled about it19:55
bcurtiswxif i install it, is it just an option at GDM  to choose ?19:56
chrisccoulsonbcurtiswx, yes19:56
bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, thx19:56
chrisccoulsoni really like it, and mutter seems to run a lot smoother than compiz on my laptop too19:57
bcurtiswxhmm, yes this gnome-shell is confusing20:01
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chrisccoulsonhmmm, wth happened to my titlebar buttons in unity?20:31
bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, they taste like chicken and i got a little hungry??20:31
chrisccoulsonbcurtiswx, they've gone AWOL ;)20:32
bcurtiswxwas wayland going default this cycle?20:34
bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, you'll notice if window is maximized the buttons automagically reappear20:35
bcurtiswxwell i guess i can't even install wayland, so nvm20:40
geseris there a way to move the launcher in unity-2d from one monitor to an other? it's currently displayed on my 2nd (left) monitor20:58
kenvandinebcurtiswx, what account type were you testing empathy with?21:03
bcurtiswxAIM from haze21:03
bcurtiswxGTalk as well21:04
bcurtiswxkenvandine, ^^21:04
kenvandineok, it's working for me now with gtalk21:04
ftachrisccoulson, mine disappeared 2 days ago too21:04
kenvandinebut it wasn't working for me with salut21:05
bcurtiswxkenvandine, 3.1.1?21:05
kenvandinebcurtiswx, do you have salut enabled at all?21:07
bcurtiswxsalut is what?21:07
kenvandine"People nearby"21:07
bcurtiswxyes i do21:08
kenvandinetry disabling that and testing again21:09
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kenvandinebcurtiswx, did you have irc enabled in empathy?21:39
bcurtiswxkenvandine, no21:39
kenvandinei turned off salut, and now it is working fine :/21:39
kenvandineand irc21:39
kenvandinei haven't tried turning irc on again21:40
bcurtiswxsjoerd may know why?21:40
kenvandinetalked to him already, not sure21:41
kenvandineit is magically working now though...21:41
bcurtiswxwith salut?21:41
kenvandine"People nearby"21:42
bcurtiswxwhich is salut...21:42
kenvandineoh, sorry misread that21:42
kenvandineno, it doesn't work with salut21:42
bcurtiswxi can't get it to show windows when i double click21:48
kenvandineright click and click "chat"21:49
kenvandinedoes that work?21:49
bcurtiswxi have all disabled but GChat21:49
kenvandinehave you logged out?21:50
bcurtiswxof my unity session?21:50
kenvandineor made sure you killed all the empathy related processes21:50
bcurtiswxno forgot to kill21:51
bcurtiswxwas it just enabling salut that did it, because i just enabled it and i can still open chat windows21:54
kenvandineno idea21:55
kenvandinehaving it enabled works for me right now21:55
kenvandinebut, it does seem to hang if i send a message to it via salut21:55
bcurtiswxi don't see anyone else on to check it :-\21:56
=== marrusl_afk is now known as marrusl

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