
RawChidGood morning09:20
RawChiddpm, would you like to enable blueprints for the l10n tools?09:21
dpmRawChid, hm, I think not for now, I'd prefer only using bugs for tracking features09:21
RawChidHmm, I was think of making a list of things TODO, or some sort of roadmap09:24
RawChidIt's a bit vague to me at the moment09:24
RawChidOnly thing I have knowledge of atm are the TODO's in the code09:25
RawChidFWIW: bugs aren't enabled either09:26
dpmit's a good idea, but any todo item can also be tracked as an individual bug. Also new features can be described and tracked in bugs. I'm a bit reluctant to open blueprints, because I'm not sure I'll use them09:27
dpmok, bug tracker enabled now :)09:28
TLEgood morning guys09:39
dpmmorning :)09:44
andrejzmorning TLE & Ajenbo09:50
yurchorHi! There is some weird math in total untranslated message accounting for Scilab. See for example https://translations.launchpad.net/scilab/trunk/+lang/uk10:29
yurchorCan it be explained in some reasonable way?10:29
dpmhi yurchor, I only see a list of templates on that link. I'm not sure I understand the question10:31
yurchorTotal untranslated at the bottom of the page is 308. But total untranslated by the items is 114. Why?10:32
dpmah, I guess it's because of the other untranslated templates, which don't seem to show the total untranslated strings in numbers (but only in the graph)10:34
yurchorHmm, is there any way to show them? Or just to know what are their names?10:36
dpmhm, I'm not sure actually, at first I thought it might be a bug in launchpad, but clicking on one of the untranslated templates does not allow me to translate them, I'm not sure what's going on: https://translations.launchpad.net/scilab/trunk/+pots/double/uk/+translate10:37
yurchorIt was the blank template (no messages in Scilab pot). I mean the hidden templates with non-zero message count.10:40
yurchorEmpty templates were in the previous revisions, but the statistic was always right.10:40
dpmyurchor, I'm not sure I can follow, I'm not familiar with scilab translation. You mean that they uploaded blank templates?10:41
yurchorYes. The corresponding module conteans no messages to translate.10:42
yurchorI mean "contains".10:42
dpmthen I'd recommend telling the scilab devs to disable those templates first10:42
dpmok, now I understand that part, what about "the hidden templates with non-zero message count", which ones do you mean?10:43
yurchorThe ones you've told ("because of the other untranslated templates, which don't seem to show").10:44
dpmyurchor, can you see this page? -> https://translations.launchpad.net/scilab/trunk/+templates (it might be accessible to project owners only)10:46
yurchorYes. I see it now.10:47
dpmthere you can see the list of templates with no strings10:48
dpmI think the scilab guys should stop importing 0 string pot files10:48
dpmor disable them10:48
yurchorThanks. I will try compare those lists.10:48
dpmas per the stats, I've just asked on #launchpad:10:48
dpm<dpm> henninge, there is still something else, the stats don't match here: https://translations.launchpad.net/scilab/trunk/+lang/uk there is a total of 308 untranslated messages, but in the templates themselves it seems that there are only 114 untranslated ones10:49
dpm<henninge> don't bother me about stats10:49
dpm ;-P10:49
dpm<henninge> dpm: stats are broken and I have no idea in what way. jtv might know more but I think that really the whole stats business needs some series re-thinking and/or fixing.10:49
dpm<dpm> ok, I'll forward that to the translator then ;)10:49
dpm<henninge> dpm: ok, not really broken, but I just as lost as you are.10:49
dpmanyway, for more info, I'd recommend asking at #launchpad10:49
dpmno worries :)10:49
andrejzdpm, since only one package needs to be imported (unity-docs) i believe i can safely mark this as DONE. Do you agree?11:13
dpmandrejz, definitely, good work!!!11:17
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