
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie
wintellecthey brobostigon00:10
=== losty is now known as losty|afk
=== losty|afk is now known as losty
Penguinsay your version! Ubuntu 10.10 64x here.01:09
PenguinXD only one person who isn't idling?01:11
lostyi was thinking, i should start idling soon01:11
Penguinhow's 11.04 losty? Any significant bugs that you want to point out?01:11
lostyummm... just having some issues with gwubber01:12
lostyits not very fluid01:12
lostyapart from that, works fine, only other major issue (or not)01:12
lostyis dash and launcher isn't visible for some reason...01:13
lostynot sure if im just being a silly newb01:13
Penguin:P weird01:13
PenguinThat makes both of us. I'm jsut the cautious newb type. :D01:13
lostythis is most probably the longest ive been on, and have to say its been quite lovely01:14
lostyappearance is soo much improved01:15
lostyim not comparing to 10.0401:15
PenguinI actually prefer 10.04, only there was this update that came half-way through the release which bugged out my laptop.01:16
Penguinnow i'm on 10.10 and the thing over-heats like crazy. Do you have a CPU heat monitor losty?01:17
lostyno, im still tinkering about Penguin01:18
lostywhat do you use Penguin? Psesnor?01:22
PenguinI have Nvidia drivers, so it comes with the monitor01:23
Penguinbye losty01:28
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Be Nice, Free Snacks. - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/01/be-nice-free-snacks/02:28
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Looking For Awesome LoCo Team Blog Feeds - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/01/looking-for-awesome-loco-team-blog-feeds/06:28
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:04
brobostigonweird, i just noticed,the signal indicator in android gingerbread, doesnt have an indicator, inicating hsdpa, 3g etc.08:16
brobostigonmorning DJones08:16
DJoneshi brobostigon08:17
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diploMorning all08:24
brobostigonmorning diplo08:24
bigcalmHate getting to work early08:39
brobostigonthis is weird, an x-men prequel, a star trek prequel, starwars. loads ofprequels recently.08:41
MooDoohello all08:56
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:58
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
brobostigonmorning oimon and popey09:41
popeydo these play back for you ?09:41
popeyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsWwCqZfpAI  <- 1080p09:41
popeyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5AgfsSvhPs <- 720p09:41
brobostigoni dont think it is worth trying on my eeepc,really.09:42
DJonespopey: Both do for me on Windows 7 with chrome09:42
popeyhehe brobostigon09:42
DJonesDo you need them checking on ubuntu?09:42
oimonpopey: they work for me on lucid.09:43
oimonrunning chromium...although youtube was pinwheeling a lot of the 1080 one ..thats youtubes prob tho09:44
popeywhat resolution were you playing them at?09:44
popeydefault is 360 i think09:44
oimonselected 1080 and 72009:44
popeyshould playback in html5 too09:44
popeynot just flash09:44
gordworks fine here09:45
oimondon't notice the different of resolution when the video is of duplocraft :D09:45
oimonwas viewing full scren09:45
* oimon went to belle and sebastian gig last night, feeling rather jolly09:46
DJonesDefault on my ubuntu machine went to 360 with no option to change, win7 machine would play at 1080 although default was 36009:46
gordyoutube compresses 1080 and 720 stuff so much that it rarely makes a huge difference =\ nice that its there when you want it though09:46
oimonwas watching a desktop screencast the other day in 1080p full screen, feels like your own desktop :D09:47
gordoop, bunch of mailing lists have mailed me to tell me its the 1st of the month09:47
oimonwith clear text passwords...09:48
DJonesgord: As I got asked in work, did I say "White rabbits"09:48
oimonhayfever is going mental today09:49
popeyHappy Mailman Day!09:50
popey-rw-r--r-- 1 alan alan  30G 2011-05-31 21:24 2113-screencast.avi09:50
popey^^^ that youtube video :D09:51
popeybefore compression of course09:51
dogmatic69popey: works for me09:51
popeytook _ages_ to encode09:52
oimonwhich s/w did u use to record?09:52
popeybut then I was encoding to 720p and 1080p at the same time. I wont bother next time. just do 1080p and let youtube do it09:52
domjohnsonErm...is Blender included by default in Ubuntu?09:53
popeynot on the cd, no09:53
popeyits in the repo09:53
popeyoimon: sorry, missed your question... ffmpeg09:58
oimonpopey: have you found a screencast tool to work on natty yet?09:59
oimonor it needs tweaks still09:59
popey^^^ that09:59
MartijnVdSpopey: only 720p! :)10:01
ali1234popey: you know you could have just used a torch to open that iron door right? also you didn't pick up all your stuff, you missed something diamond10:01
popeyMartijnVdS: i have two versions10:02
popey^^^ then i do that to encode10:02
popeyali1234: i didnt know that!10:02
czajkowskiso thats what mine craft is all about10:02
ali1234a redstone torch that is10:02
popeywhich I had loads of ☺10:02
ali1234yes or you could have just taken the one powering the track10:02
gordczajkowski, you aren't playing minecraft with us yet? for shame10:03
czajkowskidear gods I'd never get anything done10:03
* popey notes a typo10:03
* czajkowski hugs popey 10:03
gordoh geez, i installed firefox 6 - now none of my extensions work. what have i done10:03
popeyso that does two-pass encoding to h264 and aac10:03
popeythe webm and ogg conversions are kinda pointless10:04
MartijnVdSpopey: if you use -vpre main (after -vpre hq (in the second pass of mpeg-4) it'll play on more devices out of the box10:04
popeyo rly?10:04
gordi just use handbrake when converting for youtube :) whenever i try ffmpeg i end up with desync :(10:04
MartijnVdSpopey: I've had problems on my ps3 when not using that flag, it's a bit.. sensitive.. about MPEG-4 optional bits10:05
oimonpeople wonder why linux is hard...remember before ubuntu , EVERYTHING was about hidden command line stuff - even burning cds10:06
ali1234k3b is older than ubuntu10:07
MartijnVdSoimon: what? cdrecord dev=0,3,0 foo.iso :)10:07
oimoni'm still slightly untrusting of banshee etc to rip my CDs efficiently10:08
MartijnVdSoimon: sound-juicer is fine10:08
MartijnVdSbanshee I don't trust :)10:08
oimonespecially after mrs oimon used rhythmbox and ripped a load of CDs and 128kp because it was the default10:08
MartijnVdSoimon: I've configured it to rip to FLAC10:08
MartijnVdSand I move them into the right place in ~/Music using Picard (musicbrainz app) which also adds proper metadata10:09
oimoni struggled with picard10:09
oimonused it for 20 mins and was confused10:09
MartijnVdSits interface is a bit bad10:09
diploHi All, known issues with Nvidia and dual screens on natty ?10:09
ali1234only the same old ones there's always been10:10
diploScreen totally lags out and the locks up10:10
MartijnVdSsounds like good old nvidia10:11
brobostigoni think i have finallyfound a version of gingerbread, that works well onmy htc dream, and isnt killing the ram.10:11
gorddiplo, nope, works fine here10:11
diploBest way to restart X in natty ?10:12
brobostigonin basis,nothing elseinstalled, or running, but the basics, and half the ram is still free, someone has beendoing alot ofwork.10:12
MartijnVdSdiplo: sudo service gdm restart10:12
popeythanks MartijnVdS I'm always looking for ways to improve that script!10:12
diploWonder whether a clean install may work better than a upgrade10:13
ali1234popey: is 72 the height of the top unity panel?10:14
diploHmm happens as soon as I enable second screen, works fine with single10:14
ali1234that is, are you running minecraft mazimized and then the -i cuts off the top panel?10:14
ali1234diplo:  check the refresh rates10:16
ali1234if they are quite different it can mess things up10:16
popeyali1234: no, thats for when I'm recording a virtualbox window10:16
diplokk, just seeing if classis does the same10:16
popeythat skips the top panel and the virtualbox window chrome10:16
ali1234popey: hmm ok, but it is an offset yeah?10:17
ali1234cos i have 1200 vertical, and i run minecraft maximized not fullscreen10:17
ali1234so i can cut off the top 120 pixels to get proper 108010:17
ali1234and also get rid of the panel at the same time10:17
popeyprobably easier to just change res of the display10:18
diploHmm monitor preferences says 'Unknown'10:18
popeyand use full screen10:18
ali1234diplo: it will you must use nvidia-settings10:18
MartijnVdSdiplo: Nvidia's drivers don't support the standard monitor configuration tool10:18
popeyunless you plan on doing something with those 120 pixels ☺10:18
diploDifferent size screens, 1 x 1600x1200 1x 1280x102410:18
ali1234ew no, do you know how long it took me to get my xorg.conf right?10:18
ali1234also fullscreen tends to never ever work right with dual head10:18
popeyah, dual head10:19
gordseriously, that stuff needs to be fixed =\10:19
diploBoth refresh rates set to 60hz10:19
ali1234ok, alsa problems10:20
diploStill lagging out though10:20
ali1234i don't have hw:1,0, hw:0,0 says i/o error10:20
diploDefo works better under classic but still not right10:21
popeyali1234: what do you have in /proc/asound/cards ?10:21
popeyI just grab the number from that10:21
popeyand make sure its not muted in pulse audio mixer10:21
popey:S wfm10:21
wintellectdoes popey play minecraft under Ubuntu?10:22
wintellectis it java based?10:22
wintellectperhaps I'll give it a look then10:23
popeyactually I play in Ubuntu, OSX and Windows10:23
popeydepending on whatever I happen to be on at the time10:23
wintellectis it easy to set up your own server?10:23
popeythere is a jar file on the website, spark that up, job done10:23
MartijnVdSKeeping it running can be a challenge, I heard10:24
popeythere are other things to consider though10:24
popeymostly works for me10:24
MartijnVdS(with memory allocations, garbage collector configuration, etc.)10:24
popeywintellect: it has high memory requirements10:24
wintellectI have 2.2GB RAM - that enough?10:24
popey13146 minecraf  20   0 2806m 1.1g 4680 S   20 38.4 109:47.37 java10:24
popeydepends how many players you have online at once and how big the map is10:24
popeyand how far apart they all are10:25
gordwonder why minecraft does run better in linux, i mean, significantly10:25
wintellectdo you run it with the sun java - or the free java?10:25
oimongord: compared to which OS?10:25
wintellectk, thanks10:26
popeycant say I have noticed a difference between win/ubun on same hardware10:26
popeywintellect: oh, and IO can be a bit of a problem10:26
popeymy minecraft server has an SSD to reduce that issue10:26
gordon my hardware windows 7 struggles to run minecraft fullscreen, on ubuntu i get like 200fps10:26
popeyi have no idea how many fps I get10:27
popeywill check10:27
popeyI think I turned on fps display on that video at the end10:27
bigcalmFull screen makes me feel ill10:27
popeywuss :D10:27
gordits kinda weird to check now that notch added some weird fps limiting stuff, he doesn't seem to know how to use threads =\10:27
bigcalmMotion sickness FTW10:27
bigcalmpopey: Castle Wolfenstine did the same to me10:28
bigcalmNo other game has though10:28
ali1234popey: i don't have any numbers in that file10:28
gord(fyi, #u-uk-minecraft takeover of #u-uk complete!)10:28
popeyhmm, i thought I did10:28
ali1234well, there's 0, 1, and 210:29
ali12340 is the one i need10:29
ali1234but it's in use by pulseaudio of course10:29
popeyoh, sorry, your cards10:29
popeycan you pastebin it?10:29
popeythats my /proc/asound/cards10:30
popeyI'm using the snowball10:30
ali1234but your script says hw:1,010:30
ali1234which is the XFi10:30
popeyi may have given an old script10:31
popeyi just had a rummage and pasted an old copy10:31
popeynot the one I used last night10:31
ali1234i get 9 fps recording 108010:31
ali1234it's a bit berky jerky10:32
popeyI am recording to a different disk btw10:32
popeyso my script /mnt/screencasts is another SATA drive10:32
* oimon wonders whether to get usb3 ports on staff desktop PCs10:32
ali1234so am i10:32
ali1234i could also record to a ramdisk, i have 16 gb now10:32
ali1234i doubt it would help though10:32
ali1234i'll give it a go10:33
ali12349 fps isn't that bad10:33
ali1234yeah i have a 9GB recording now10:33
popeyi left it running once to see whether the audio and video would go out of sync over time10:33
popeyit didnt10:33
popeybut I did run out of disk space :D10:33
ali1234since i can't record audio, i won't have that problem10:34
ali1234one day audio might work properly on linux... but not today10:34
popeyali1234: pulse audio settings all right?10:34
ali1234yes pulseaudio works fine10:34
ali1234but your script uses alsa10:34
ali1234so it doesn't work10:34
popeyin the pulse mixer thing, you have enabled it as stereo out and mono in?10:34
popeyi still have to fiddle with pulse, even though that script uses alsa10:34
popeynot sure why10:35
popeyalthough I may have fiddled with alsamixer too at one point10:35
ali1234yeah i still get 9fps even recording to ramdisk10:37
* bigcalm_ wheeps10:37
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
ali1234it's grabbing the x11 display that takes the time10:37
bigcalmThis SuperHub has it in for me10:38
bigcalmJust lost all reserved IP / MAC address associations10:38
gordpopey, how did you record that minecraft vid, just with recordmydesktop?10:39
bigcalmI really hate calling it that10:39
gordsorry, with rec<tab>10:40
gorddo tell what you used :)10:40
popeygord: http://paste.ubuntu.com/615699/10:40
oimonbigcalm: anything with super in the name usually isn't10:40
popeyI ssh in from another box, export DISPLAY=:0.0 then run that10:40
czajkowskihttp://www.simonaltair.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/ps17_004_R.jpg  so cute :D10:40
popeythat way you dont see the terminal on screen on the box I am recording10:40
oimonczajkowski: why are his eyes red ?10:41
ali1234how do you get display access on ssh?10:41
oimonis that how penguins blush?10:41
gordpopey, oh interesting, eat up lots of cpu?10:41
popeyjust works10:41
popeydunno really, dont watch it10:41
popeyI guess it probably does10:41
popeyI'll do one tonight showing performance whilst running10:41
gordah huffyuv, that should be fine, big files10:41
popeymorning daubers !10:42
dauberslo o/10:42
daubersHaving melty brain syndrome, so came to somewhere normally a bit drivley to let it rest :p10:42
popeygord: thats the best script I have come up with so far. Tried pretty much _everything_ over the years10:43
gordpopey, yeah, why i asked you ;) pretty sure your the world expert at this point10:43
oimondell customiser won't let me buy a PC - complains "the selection - Roxio Software not included is incompatible with Optical Devices" -10:43
oimonseem to be having problems buying things lately10:44
dwatkinsgord: there's also vnc2flv10:44
dwatkinsor was that vnc2swf...10:45
dwatkinshttp://www.unixuser.org/~euske/vnc2swf/ - example here: http://rowla.dyndns.org/xmatrix/10:45
dwatkinsI used low resolution because at the time my server was a 900 MHz machine ;)10:46
dwatkinsshould I release my enhancements to xmountains, folks? http://rowla.dyndns.org/xmountains/ - I made the colours better, and am considering making the colours changeable, because the original ones were rather ugly10:47
gordpopey, how would i find my hw number for alsa?10:47
gordoh wait no nevermind10:47
gordi just tried 1 and it worked :)10:47
popeygord: cat /proc/asound/cards10:47
popeydwatkins: vnc2swf has _many_ problems10:48
gordoh wow that is very very smooth recording10:48
dwatkinspopey: oh right, I don't remember as it was so long ago10:48
popeywell, it records to swf for a starter ☺10:48
popeyand vnc isn't composited desktop friendly these days10:49
oimondwatkins: you don't like the green?10:49
dwatkinsoimon: no, it looks like mud which would smell bad ;)10:49
popeyawww pretty10:49
oimonxmountains crashses on my lucid10:50
dwatkinsI guess xmountains would also need to be updated to work with Gnome and the fact Nautilus paints the desktop.10:50
oimonor exits when i click the window10:50
dwatkinsI turned off that option to run it.10:50
oimoni actually prefer the default lurid green10:50
oimonreminds me of swizterland10:51
oimoni used to use vnc2swf on windows, then i discovered wink10:52
dwatkinshehe, fair enough - that was why I thought it might be best to add switches to allow people to specify colours, oimon.10:52
dauberspopey: I had my laptop plugged into a capture card on a mac pro the other day. That recorded quite nicely (after mucking around to get the codecs right)11:00
daubersbit of a faff for home recording mind11:01
popeywhich capture card?11:01
popeyI have an Epiphan VGA2USB11:01
popeywhich I wouldn't recommend11:01
dauberspopey: Blackmagic ... decklink I think11:03
davmor2morning all11:03
daubersYeah, decklink studio11:03
daubersinterestingly, does have linux drivers too11:04
* davmor2 prods czajkowski 11:12
* czajkowski stabs davmor2 where were you yesterday eh11:12
* DJones offers davmor2 a plaster11:16
|Dreams|anyone use ubuntu on laptop? whats battery life llike?11:16
czajkowski|Dreams|: depends on the laptop11:17
webpigeon|Dreams|: acceptable, (Toshiba saterlite and saterlite pro)11:18
|Dreams|acer aspire 6920g11:19
davmor2czajkowski: on holiday in the cotswolds :)11:19
czajkowskia place of cots11:19
czajkowskiis that sleeping :)11:19
davmor2czajkowski: yeah we mis-read it as clots thought youd be there :P11:20
davmor2czajkowski: on a plus side it's very pretty there :)11:21
awilkins|Dreams|, I find battery life to be a mite less than vanilla Windows on the same hardware, but after ICT loads all their corporate snoopware, it's about the same.11:22
geek1dMorning all11:22
awilkinsAnd that's on an external USB SSD, so it's running more hardware11:22
geek1dGot my 11.04 installed last night trying to get used to Unity11:23
|Dreams|ok was thinking of either arch or fedora or ubuntu or windows 711:23
|Dreams|i really like gnome 3 tho11:23
davmor2geek1d: congratulations11:23
geek1ddavmor2:  thanks11:24
davmor2geek1d: it'll take a few days but once your used to it the old way somehow feels wrong11:24
geek1dI'm liking it so far first thoughts were no pleasant.11:24
geek1ddavmor2: I'm getting around and used not having the cube! :(11:25
|Dreams|i dont think unity is for me but i love apt so i am cought in a muddle11:25
geek1dyou guys have any nifty tricks shortcuts etc for unity11:26
popey^^^ geek1d11:29
* dwatkins notes that unrar-free fails to unrar11:29
jpdsdwatkins: It's not a winrar?11:30
bigcalmWho made it June? It shouldn't be June already!11:30
dwatkinsjpds: I suspect it was created on a windows system, but 'unrar' is happily extracting it, whereas the unrar from 'unrar-free' failed very quickly to extract it.11:31
* dwatkins pinches bigcalm and provides a friendly light punch on the arm in addition11:31
* bigcalm feels 12 again11:36
|Dreams|what is on your laptops?11:42
popeymy hands11:42
popeya sticker11:43
|Dreams|give it a clean then11:43
|Dreams|i meant os11:43
popeyThe one I am using right now runs Windows XP11:43
|Dreams|what would be your preference I have a acer aspire 6920g battery life is important but as long as there isnt much difference between windows half an hr i can live with I am happy to stay with linux11:44
lubotu3Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:44
* awilkins finds that he just gets things done faster in Linux which compensates :-)11:44
popeypersonally I'd use 11.0411:44
daubersI find I get more done in OSX these days, largley as I've broken it more so that only my productivity stuff works :) (That and it's hidden away in a quiet corner of the flat)11:45
|Dreams|i love ubuntu but dont like the unity would have preferred gnome 3 - shell but since they decided on that i guess it is either fedora or arch i dont like yum but then arch needs configuring more sighzzz11:46
popeyyour logic doesnt work |Dreams|11:46
popeyif you dont like unity, dont use it11:46
popeybut that doesnt mean you have to switch to fedora or arch11:46
popeyalthough, feel free to do that11:46
|Dreams|you cant use gnome 3 shell on ubuntut though11:46
popeyyou can't?11:46
popeyI hear you can.11:46
|Dreams|i read guide that says it messes your system up11:46
jpds|Dreams|: sudo apt-get install gnome3-session11:46
popeybrobostigon uses it on his11:47
|Dreams|so i didnt try after readint his11:47
* bigcalm installs it on his laptop to see what happens11:47
popeyi have never seen that blog before11:47
popeynote that is a month old11:48
|Dreams|maybe will give it a try then thanks for heads up11:48
popeylet us know how you get on! :D11:48
|Dreams|ok will do byee11:48
screen-x<-- has a new job \o/ but its mostly deadrat /o\ which should I use to to familiarise myself; fedora, centos or other?11:55
screen-xthanks for that MartijnVdS ;-)11:56
popeywe use Red Hat at work. I have never felt the need to use Centos/RedHat at home11:56
MartijnVdSscreen-x: Glad to be of service :)11:56
popeythey are alike enough11:56
popeyas in, ubuntu is alike enough11:56
screen-xmaybe I'll just come across the differences and learn as I use it.11:58
oimonscreen-x: install ubuntu but a VM of SL or Centos11:58
screen-xoimon: yeah, was going to use a VM for something rpm based :)11:59
bigcalmpopey: Trying to install gnome3-session from the SC gives this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/615745/11:59
oimonthe best thing to do is get hold of the RHCE training material11:59
popeybigcalm: did you enable the ppa?12:00
oimonand learn kickstart etc12:00
screen-xoimon: ££?12:00
bigcalmpopey: I have no idea, what and how?12:00
bigcalmgnome-shell does not appear in the SC12:00
oimonscreen-x: i think there's 600-page  books on amazon that are caleld passing your RHCE...can't remember what the best one is..however a colleague may have done the course and has the RH materials12:01
popeybigcalm: you're not doing what |Dreams| was doing, which is using the gnome 3 ppa12:01
bigcalmBut it still stands that you can't install gnome3 without knowing how12:02
bigcalmOr, I can't :)12:02
popeynobody said you could12:02
bigcalmCan I, please?12:02
bigcalmActually. I'll go and get some lunch instead :)12:03
DJonesCan anybody access https://cybersecuritychallenge.org.uk/index.php or do you get a "Couldn't connect to mySQL server" error12:19
MartijnVdSmaybe that's the challenge?12:19
DJonesOnly asking because its linked from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13615091? as looking for people who can "defend the nations networks armed only with a keyboard"12:20
DJonesMaybe somebody should have defended the website to start with12:20
MartijnVdSit's probably overloaded because of that12:20
DJonesTrue, didn't think of that12:20
popeyalmost certainly12:21
=== denny- is now known as denny
=== SuperMat1 is now known as SuperMatt
DJonesHadn't heard anything about this Mesh Computers went into administration yesterday & were bought out on the same day13:00
* awilkins is finding team meetings mediated via conference call are even more boring than being there in person13:07
daubersDJones: Who?13:11
DJonesdaubers: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/tech-industry/3283223/mesh-computers-in-administration-brand-sold-to-pc-peripherals/13:11
DJonesThe Mesh name seems to have been around for ever13:12
* awilkins remembers actual paper manuals with "MESH" printed on them13:14
oimonbest name ever13:15
daubersscreen-x: Oooh... where you working?13:16
popeyMy Desktop PC is a Mesh one13:34
JGJones_I've got a Mesh desktop PC too13:37
JGJones_although it's dead.13:37
JGJones_deader than a dodo13:37
JGJones_and it's still under my desk many months later....13:37
popeymine has had everything except the mobo and cpu upgraded :D13:38
popeyand the case13:38
popeyplanning to replace the fans too13:38
popeyi should probably just spend the money on a new pc and transfer the bits13:39
DJonesI upgraded my desktop at the weekend, the only bits of the original pc that was kept & reused was a couple of memory sticks :)13:40
popeyif i buy a new mobo I'll need new ram wont I ☹13:41
gingpopey: you could wait till usb3 takes off, or you not think that will be in the near future?13:41
popeyI dont need uSB313:41
DJonesmy upgrade was taking to aged machines and taking the best bits of each + various other spares to make one reasonable machine13:42
gingpopey: no but if in 2 years time everyone else has it do you want to be needed to replace your motherboard again to not feel left out?13:42
popeyging: no.13:42
ali1234usb2 is bad enough13:42
popey4xDDR2 at 800MHz.13:43
popeyslow and old I guess13:43
gingis usb 3 qicker than a standard pci bus?13:43
popeywill i neither know nor care13:44
gingit's a lot quicker i just looked it up, even quicker than pci-e 1 so even that wouldnt do13:47
gingi wonder if popey was grumpy before i started talking13:48
popeyI'm not grumpy at all.13:48
daubers\o/ finally finished the last UUPC13:50
JGJones_I guess I'm just keeping mine...um...for the PSU, HDD, case and get a new mobo et al for it. Maybe.13:51
JGJones_I also have a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 4 Microcomputer on my desk too. This is one awesome machine, it have - read this and weep - DUAL floppy disk drive bays!13:52
gordi got an i7 a year or so ago, bit more. basically forced me to upgrade everything. new motherboard for the cpu, new gpu for the motherboard, new ram for the motherboard, new psu for the gpu and cpu. then about six months later it became apparent that i needed better cooling, my case was too small so new case and new cooling13:52
gordi kept the dvd drive i think, can't think of anything else13:52
gordoh yeah i kept one of those around, but windows goes on that. got an ssd to help with building stuff with the i7 :) was bottlenecking on IO13:53
gordthis motherboard has usb3 stuff, i keep it in usb2 mode, don't think i'll ever find usb3 compatible anythings13:59
popeyyeah, it's "whole new pc" time if I upgrade this pc14:01
popeythis is why I have been slowly incrementally upgrading14:02
popeythe only thing I can do now is go to Q6600 CPU and add quieter cooling14:02
oimonin wonder how long until all our gear is usb314:11
popeyheh, not everything is USB2 yet14:15
popeyso I doubt "all our gear" will ever go USB314:15
* daubers has a USB3 HDD caddy14:19
dauberswas the only one I could find that would fit a tall 2.5 disk in14:19
bigcalmJust about to set up 3 RHE servers. Is there a standard place for putting vhost configs? In Debian based servers vhosts are each their own file.14:32
bigcalmI can add to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf if I _have_ to14:32
MooDoobigcalm: just create a folder where you want the vhosts to go and use and include line in the httpd.conf14:32
bigcalmMooDoo: looks like the best route14:33
MooDoothat way you're not cluttering up httpd.conf14:33
bigcalmInclude vhosts/*.conf14:37
bigcalmOops, w/w14:37
popeydo you not have sites-available and sites-enabled?14:44
kvarleyHow do I change the permissions of /var/www so that mysql and the contents of my site can be changed via scripts14:45
bigcalmpopey: no14:46
bigcalmkvarley: find out what user is used by the apache server and then either: 1) chown the files to that user. 2) add that user to a group and chown the files to that group14:47
kvarleybigcalm: Thank14:48
bigcalmOr, and you really should do this: chmod -R 777 .14:48
bigcalmPlease don't do that :)14:48
kvarleyI'd get hacked lol14:48
shaunosites-available is a debianism  (altho an entirely sane one once you get used to it)14:55
* bigcalm shakes his fist at RackSpace15:00
bigcalmDo I have to enable port 80 in the firewall?15:01
bigcalm.9 can see .10 and .11 internally. But the public IP addresses do not take me to working web servers15:01
bigcalmI _did_ have to open port 80 in the firewall15:15
gordbroke my ubuntu mug :( guess i have to use fedora now15:15
bigcalmI wonder if I'll be able to collect a mug every year15:15
* popey hugs his oggcamp mug15:16
bigcalmDamn you cisco! I want to put a dynamic address into a rule15:17
davmor2gord: if it helps my Ubuntu mug is still going strong but I think I might treat myself to one of those new orange ones15:17
bigcalmpopey: what are the colour of the mugs this year?15:18
davmor2bigcalm: I don't know what colour are you #badumtish15:20
bigcalmI'm yellow with a touch of liver failure15:21
davmor2bigcalm: I couldn't resist sorry :D15:21
popeybigcalm: no idea ☺15:25
bigcalmdavmor2: it was asking for it :)15:33
bigcalm100%   76MB 392.0KB/s   03:1915:35
bigcalmThank you upgraded connection :)15:35
bigcalmThis is why I need to upgrade to 50 or 100mb15:35
* bigcalm _makes do_ with 30mb15:35
* popey hugs 3015:36
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Laneythat ubuntu mouse looks rough15:52
Laneyanyone tried it?15:52
oimonlooks absolutely minging15:54
czajkowskiyay for ice cream!15:55
dogmatic69that is going to show apple's multi touch mouse who is boss15:56
bigcalmIt doesn't look as though it was designed for daily use15:56
bigcalms/daily //15:57
dogmatic69took me a few seconds to parse s/daily //15:58
oimonmy knuckles are itching just thinking about that mouse :(16:00
dogmatic69that mouse + http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=80016:01
oimonwearing a skinny ladies tshirt because it was on sale16:02
oimoneven though you're a man16:02
oimonactually...wearing this: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=77616:03
dogmatic69just saw that one... clear winner16:04
* popey grrrs at teh windows key on that keyboard16:05
BigRedSthat is a bit dumb16:06
oimoni wonder who buys the XXX large cycling bib shorts thing16:06
Laneyfor your tandem16:07
BigRedSI've always assumed those shorts were the result of someone at canonical wanting some nice shorts for free16:10
DJonesBigRedS: I can think of one ubuntu member/developer thats involved in cycling16:14
kazadeafternoon all16:18
DJonesHi kazade16:20
oimonmy bro and bro in law are doing charity cycle ride london-brighton i wonder if canonical would sponsor them with the outfits :P16:20
dogmatic69quite a way16:21
BigRedSoimon: is that the bhf one?16:22
oimonBigRedS: i'm not sure - they are specifically raising funds for an orphanage in zimbabwe..thats a v good expression of "ubuntu"16:23
DJonesoimon: A former rugby player I know who had to quit when he found out he had cancer is doing a lands end -> john O'groats cycle ride for charity plus hiking up snowdon, scafell pike and ben nevis during the bike ride16:25
BigRedSoimon: Ah, the bhf one's coming up at the end of this month16:26
BigRedSit's always the weekend nearest to the solstice16:26
gordhuh so open office is in the hands of apache now - where does that leave libre office?16:27
BigRedSHopefully thinking about a merger16:29
BigRedSI'd like the Libre Office drive/ideals/whatever and the OOo name16:29
shaunoit'd be nice to keep OOo if they can.  the name has traction16:31
shauno(it's also nice to know oracle can be pushed into doing the right thing, if you kick hard enough)16:32
awilkinsHeh, you'd think the shop who did the screen printing on that keyboard could have at least had the windows key symbol replaced with another Ubuntu logo16:34
Laneythe right thing is withdrawing their support?16:35
* awilkins has a beanie hat16:36
awilkinsI like that the new mug is bigger.... I still use a mug that holds a pint for my tea though16:36
Laneyhttp://open.spotify.com/track/7CxzcPcOFlnwNhpF4A72NK :-)16:37
shaunoLaney: if their 'support' was holding it back, then yes I think letting go is the right thing to do16:41
awilkinsIt's not really doing the right thing though... it's more admitting defeat16:41
awilkinsJust coincidentally happens to be the best thing for the project16:41
oimonis it possible to setup my own playlists in youtube?16:44
oimoncheap mans spotify16:44
DJonesI wonder whether this is a result of MS buying Skype & google looking to persuade dev's to come up with something as an alternative https://sites.google.com/site/webrtc/blog16:49
JGJones_popey - yup...I was after a new keyboard and thought I would buy from Ubuntu store - but couldn't bring myself to buy an Ubuntu keyboard complete with a Windows logo. It's...wrong...a bit like buying Milk Tray, and opening it up to find a small collection of cat's poop.17:06
bigcalmAwww, cute17:06
jacobwis anyone following the curious case of missing bbc radio 'pips' ?17:39
bigcalmWhere did they last hear them?17:40
gordthat sounds like the worst professor layton game ever :(17:40
davmor2gord: I was thinking the same thing17:41
jacobwapparently they were discovered missing at the start of PM yesterday.17:41
popeya box crashed17:41
* czajkowski tickles davmor2 17:41
popeyhome time17:41
jacobwit seems to have deeply disurbed eddie mair :P17:41
czajkowskipopey: toodle pip17:41
davmor2czajkowski: put me down you don't know where I've been17:42
czajkowskifair point17:42
* czajkowski sprays detol over davmor2 17:42
MyrttiA sudden total failure in generating the pips was experienced on 31 May 2011 when the 17:00 signal did not occur. Both the main generator and the back-up system were rendered non-functional possibly due to problems with the power supply. The BBC elected to broadcast a "dignified silence" in their place at 19:00.[6] By 20:00 the same day, the pips were fixed.17:44
Myrttione has to wonder17:45
Myrttisince Finnish national broadcaster has pips too, I wonder where they get theirs from17:45
jacobwpresumably a more modern source than clever box in the basement.17:46
davmor2jacobw: there's nothing clever about it the block with the mic had laryngitis you'll note they came back at shift change time17:48
davmor2bloke even17:48
JGJones_davmor2, nothing clever? Hell I'll say that they are clever if they managed to find a speaking block, or was they getting too attracted to their Companion Cube?17:51
gordcould they just not get the announcer to beep at the microphone?17:52
jacobwthey seems to think people still set their watch by the pips17:54
jacobwlol, eddie mair is now talking about 'icloud', i love it when bbc people are baffled by tech.17:55
MartijnVdSThey should use https://twitter.com/#!/big_ben_clock17:55
MartijnVdSjacobw: They got complaints from pigeon trainers when they changed/removed those pips here in .nl17:56
shaunoI like the pips.  always remind me of my nan's house17:59
jacobwpple went it alone, and while they've had their share of heartache, they eventually built the shining behemoth they are today.18:07
jacobwMicrosoft never did that. *IBM* built their market, and Microsoft rode in on the coattails. (See the history of PC-DOS vs MS-DOS.) They certainly took advantage, but *THEY* did not build the market, IBM did.18:07
jacobwAs far as I can tell, they've NEVER built ANY market. They've always come in as a Johnny-Come-Lately. The 900 lb gorilla J-C-L, but never-the-less, not the innovator.18:07
jacobwIn the past few years it seems their entire business plan could be summed up simply as "Whatever Google is doing, plus Windows and Office".18:07
jacobwI've no idea how that pasted :|18:08
jacobwI highlighted it whilst reading it, which put it on the clipboard.. which somehow pasted in to the konsole window..18:09
MartijnVdSGo go RBS!18:11
MartijnVdSCan't book a ticket on Eurostar  because they're down18:12
Azelphurhmm, fun web dev question. I want javascript events to fire on the clients web browser, when the server receives a log message (via UDP), so I assume I would be using long polling javascript to poll the server, and maybe some python to watch the UDP logs18:18
Azelphurbut what's the most efficient way for the python listening to the UDP logs, to tell the web server to send something to the clients long polling page18:18
MartijnVdSAzelphur: you could use WebSockets18:19
MartijnVdSAzelphur: it's HTML5-only, but it does what you want18:19
AzelphurMartijnVdS: does that involve the user listening to the UDP logs? that's bad18:19
MartijnVdSAzelphur: no, that involves the user connecting (over TCP) back to the webserver18:20
Azelphuroh, I see, so I could do the whole thing in python18:20
MartijnVdSAzelphur: then you can run something on the server to capture the UDP packets and push them back to the client18:20
Azelphurluckily the entire audience is 100% going to be using one web browser18:20
MartijnVdS(so the client does something like "tail -f")18:20
Azelphurso this is either gonna work or not :)18:20
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Six Months Of Rocking Ubuntu Events - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/01/six-months-of-rocking-ubuntu-events/18:28
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yay, the browser supports websocket :D18:30
BigRedSI'm trying to do a    for i in {0..10}; do.... but where the 0..10 is passable as an argument to a script18:34
BigRedSbut I can't wor out how to, anyone got any ideas?18:34
BigRedSI want this to Do The Right Thing, basically: http://pastebin.com/0gV8GrCM18:35
AlanBellevening all18:57
bigcalmHi AlanBell19:03
AzelphurMartijnVdS: are you knowledgable with the websockets protocol?19:30
Azelphuror anyone? :P19:32
danfishAzelphur: it's a fairly new topic, but this chap (who will be at oggcamp I believe may help19:32
AzelphurI have a guy who knows this stuff, he's just not online :(19:33
danfishhe's mostly looking at websocket, node.js and mqtt, but the principles are there and it works19:33
AzelphurI'm not doing too terribly, I've got the client connecting to the server, but I can't get the client to send any messages to the server or listen to any messages from the server19:34
AzelphurI think I'm doing something to trigger the security cutoff \o/19:34
danfishare you using node.js?19:34
Azelphurpython as the server, javascript as the client :P19:35
danfishI tried messing around with pywebsockets, but gave up in the end, and went for node.js - path of least resistance :)19:36
Azelphurdanfish: interesting, would that allow me to be able to use sockets for non-websockets stuff too though?19:37
Azelphurbecause I need websockets to be talking to non-websockets things.19:37
danfishAzelphur: should do - there's even a websocket-flash widget/plugin for non-websockets browsers - can't remember the link.19:38
danfishnode.js can handle a number of protocols19:39
Azelphurdanfish: yea, that's one advantage of the environment I'm working in, there will only ever be one browser to worry about19:39
AzelphurI'm embedding html inside a game, so it'll always be one browser :)19:39
Azelphurmight use that if I can't get the python to work19:40
danfishgood - I think it should work well - it's "in development" but on a small scale it's proving very stable19:40
danfishright, dinners is served! laters19:41
Azelphuryea, this isn't so much small scale19:41
ali1234websockets :(19:59
Azelphurali1234: haha19:59
gordthe windows 7 erm, start bar thing sure is buggy if you put it on the left hand side, guess i'll just leave it at the bottom and spend my life going to the top left corner in windows expecting something to happen20:03
popeyEvening all20:16
mrwarmthEvening popey20:17
jpdspopey: Good evening.20:17
brobostigonevening popey20:17
gordhttp://pedrocr.net/text/how-much-gnu-in-gnu-linux interesting, we ship more mozilla code than gnome code21:35
Laneywhy only consider main?21:43
czajkowski▞▀▖ ▌   ▞▀▖ ▌ ▌ ▞▀▖21:45
czajkowski▙▄▌ ▌   ▌ ▌ ▙▄▌ ▙▄▌21:45
czajkowski▌ ▌ ▌   ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌21:45
czajkowski▘ ▘ ▀▀▘ ▝▀  ▘ ▘ ▘ ▘21:45
gordLaney, have you seen the random crap thats in uni/multiverse? would skew the statistics to the point of uselessness21:58
Laneyplenty of random crap in main too21:59
Laneybetter to consider the default install or something21:59
gordwell main is stuff thats officially supported, so that makes sense22:03
Laney"actually packaged by Ubuntu" not really sure he knows what he's on about22:05
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