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kdubDarkwingDuck: ever check out horton plaza coffeehouses? i was going to put together a June UH today, i think19:03
iheartubuntuMarkdude - does Partimus have a SoCal connection at all? My biz has like 6 computers we want ot give away... I think four of them are 386 and two are early 486. Not sure if these are something Partimus would be interested in19:35
pleia2we only take pentium 4s and above19:36
iheartubuntuOK - Does Partimus have anything down in LA area or similar NPO?19:37
pleia2for things that old you probably want to look into a computer recycling place19:37
akkThere was a booth at SCALE for a partimus-like group in LA.19:37
pleia2http://www.komputers4rkids.com/ is down there19:37
nhainesiheartubuntu: I may be interested in a computer with a 386 processor.19:37
akkWas that computers4kids?19:37
nhainesakk: yes.19:38
akkah, a k19:38
nhainesakk: and an r  :)19:38
akkah, indeed19:38
iheartubuntuI do not know the condition of them (what peripherals, etc)19:38
nhainesJust a heads-up for Ubuntu members in here.  The Ubuntu monospace font is pretty tasty.19:38
iheartubuntuI should probably fire them up19:38
philipballewabout how old are they?19:39
nhainesphilipballew: 15-20 years old.19:39
iheartubuntuNathan, I'll see exactly what I got and let u know19:39
nhainesiheartubuntu: thanks.19:39
iheartubuntumy first computer I bought as a teen from my paper route money was a 386... I think I paid $1400 for it!19:39
akkIt's really hard to get school groups to take computers that old. Even though they'd work fine with ubuntu and a lightweight window manager.19:39
nhainesakk: not a 386!19:40
pleia2I think even a 486 would be pushing it19:40
akkwait, it's the group that's 15-20 years, not the computers?19:40
nhainesakk: my first PC in 1992 was a 33MHz 386SX with 2MB RAM and an 80GB harddrive.19:41
iheartubuntuIve got an old Gateway laptop 486 with Ubuntu 9.04 on it... works AWESOME... very fast... too bad the screen cracked19:41
pleia2a lot of educational software these days requires java and flash, so even our p4s with 512M ram are a bit slow, we're going with 1G ram now19:41
nhainesFrom the description (386 and 486), I extrapolated the computers' age.19:41
akkYeah, that would be a little old for ubuntu ... that would be in the days of the first redhats and slackwares.19:41
pleia2and partimus doesn't have a recycling component, so if we get hardware we can't use we're responsible for disposal (which costs us time/money)19:41
nhainesakk: you can get slackware running on a 386 with 6MB of RAM, but it's not super speedy.  :)19:42
akkMost schools turn up their noses at anything older than a P419:42
MarkDudeiheartubuntu, there is a computer for kids place19:42
akk(ironic since some of the P3 machines were actually better than P4s, but let's not let logic get in the way of standards)19:42
MarkDudeI talked ot them - I will find their info later19:43
nhainesK4RK says that selling a computer with a CRT (instead of an LCD) is nearly impossible.19:43
iheartubuntupleia2 - my city and local cities have free electronic recycling days once a year, and many private schools and churches accept old computers since they can get paid for recycling the comps19:43
pleia2MarkDude: I already linked to it ;)19:43
MarkDudeP3 is only useful in a few countries to the south19:43
akkI have a friend in LA who just gave away a bunch of CRTs (nice ones, 20") to kids.19:44
MarkDudeMany of those places sent their ewaste to 3rd world countries19:44
pleia2heh, we don't accept crts either19:44
iheartubuntuour first flatscreen monitor passed away the other day19:44
akkThe local school wouldn't take anything, but he found a guy who put him in touch with families that couldn't afford decent computers.19:44
seidosMarkDude: is that where they have people cook the components to try to get the traces of gold out?19:44
MarkDudePeople that dont have machines are ok with CRT19:44
MarkDudeand worse seidos19:45
MarkDudeban.org has pictures19:45
philipballewwipe your hd!!!19:45
MarkDudeand lists responsible people19:45
seidosi saw a documentary on sundance channel19:45
akkCRTs still give better images than LCDs. I know people who still use them for that reason (graphics people who can't afford the professional LCDs).19:45
seidosacid vats19:45
sn9MarkDude: speaking of partimus, i may be available today only19:45
iheartubuntujust picked up a LG LCD monitor.... id much rather have that than a CRT19:46
iheartubuntusuper crisp screen19:46
akkI switched to LCD because they're easier on my eyes, and I'm prone to migraines.19:46
iheartubuntume too19:46
akkBut I miss the better color of the CRT.19:46
philipballewi need to find a deal on a monitor somewhere. the one i have been using is a bog box one.... wonder where to get one19:47
iheartubuntuI still get migraines though... just dont have to look at the CRT lines anymore19:47
akkme too, iheartubuntu ...sadly19:47
seidossunglasses help me sometimes19:47
iheartubuntui notice less headaches now that ive switched beers19:47
iheartubuntuif thats possible19:47
akkI had to quit using computers last night and go do something else, felt a migraine coming on from too much screen tiem.19:48
seidosdrink up!19:48
* seidos hands out kool-aid19:48
iheartubuntuthe last few years i have drank mostly hefeweizen style beers... and always get raging headaches... ive switched to Spaten... Oktoberfest or Optimator and do not get the headaches anymore19:49
iheartubuntumy migraines usually come from too much of focusing on one thing like the computer19:49
seidosi switched to coke19:49
akkI stopped drinking beer entirely ... and alas, good stuff like guiness gives me headaches a lot faster than watery stuff19:50
iheartubuntui just switched to sugar sweetened pepsi (from coke)19:50
iheartubuntuif only i could get off the soft drink fix entirely19:50
philipballewTea FTW!!!19:50
iheartubuntufor the world!19:50
philipballewfor the win!!!19:50
seidosphilipballew: haha19:50
nhainesI had a great Spaten Optimator Monday night.19:50
nhainesWarsteiner Dunkel is also pretty good.19:51
nhainesBut my favorite is probably the Aventinus doppelbach.19:51
iheartubuntui really like the spaten.... very crisp and clean, no aftertaste19:51
nhainesFranziskaner doppelbach is a close second.  ;)19:51
iheartubuntui just had a belgian beer... the name started with an "M"19:51
iheartubuntui dont recall19:52
iheartubuntupretty good19:52
nhainesI've been tending towards Spaten Dunkel in the evenings lately.19:53
seidosi had a great green tea the other night, i let it steep until it is room temperature, then i drink it20:00
iheartubuntulaptop that is pedal powered (afghanistan)... http://krisdedecker.typepad.com/.a/6a00e0099229e8883301538ea49bcc970b-500wi20:00
philipballew^ the cure for American obesity20:01
iheartubuntui like how they painted the desk/crank setup to match the laptop20:03
seidoscoal or solar is probably the only option in afghanistan, both of which are probably impossible to build without awesome schematics20:03
seidosi wonder who built it20:03
akkI loved the original OLPC design with the hand-crank -- I'd love to have a non-AC way to charge my laptop.20:03
pleia2there is a company that ended up releasing the hand-crank addons (they were given out in the goodie bag at the OLPCSF Summit last yer)20:04
pleia2but even my netbook is 2x the power usages of an OLPC, so I couldn't charge it with it20:04
seidoswhat's the power consumption of an OLPC?20:05
seidosmy notebook is 45W20:05
akk45W! For a laptop?!!20:05
pleia2my netbook is 3020:06
seidosthat's max20:06
akkoh, well, how often does it use that?20:06
iheartubuntuhook it up to a bike, ride all day, use the laptop at night :)20:06
iheartubuntuid bet a netbook is even less, no?20:06
seidosprobably never20:06
akkI think my vaio runs about 10-15 most of the time, and it's old and has a spinning disk.20:06
seidosdid you use a kill-a-watt to measure it?20:07
pleia2well, I'm just talking what is in the small print on the power adapters :)20:07
pleia2I don't know what they use for real, presumably much much less20:07
akkalas, the kill-a-watt is at home and I'm not, so I can't verify that right now.20:07
akkoh, power adaptors are always rated for way more than computers actually use.20:07
seidosi wonder what a 486 would use.  the power supplies were like 230W if i recall20:08
akkYou can't buy a desktop power supply under 200W, but a decent intel-based desktop probably uses under 45W most of the time, max of maybe 80W.20:08
akkAnd the 200W ones are getting hard to find, a lot of people are using 400W or 600W20:08
akkwhich are very inefficient when operating in the range where actual computers run. It's crazy.20:08
seidos45W, about the power use of a midrange tungsten lightbulb20:09
seidosnot too bad20:09
pleia2my last desktop had an 680W PSU, but that's because I thought it would be cool to use a giant server for my desktop, it required that much (and it was loud!)20:10
pleia2I was able to pile in the harddrives though, that was neat20:10
seidosi think mine had a 300W20:11
akkDesktop-sized hard drives use a surprising amount of power.20:11
seidosnot bad if it can be put to good use...20:15
seidosthat's the tricky part20:15
iheartubuntudoes anyone remember which release removed the flash files from saving off in the tmp directory?20:40
seidosnot really, i would guess 10.04 though20:42
iheartubuntuthats what im thinking too20:45
iheartubuntui have some videos i want to download from a site i subscribed to (no not that kind). its a investment site and i dont know how long the videos will be up and i dont know when i'll have time to watch them. so i want to store them.20:46
seidosi want to access my webcam using cli tools20:47
iheartubuntui supposed i could clear my cache in chrome and look for the files easily that way... up until now the thousands of things stored in the cache directory have made it impossible to find tmp videos anymore20:47
seidosi read this, http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Webcam-HOWTO/20:47
seidosnow i have to study it20:47
seidosit really doesn't seem like it has what i need20:48
akkAccess how? snapshots, or tell it to stop/start recording video?20:48
akkI know how to do snapshots from the cli, but haven't done video.20:48
seidoslikely, store it as a video file20:48
iheartubuntuaccess video from IP or something?20:49
seidosupload it to youtube20:49
iheartubuntuas basic as it is, i have our webcam at work recording with cheese20:49
akkAll the commandline stuff I've found has been either single snapshots, or running a streaming server.20:49
seidoscheese is hit and miss20:49
seidosi tried compiling the newest version, failed20:50
akkI've had good luck with cheese (I just used the one in the repo, didn't compile it) but it's interactive, not commandline.20:50
seidoshmmm, then maybe it isn't possible20:50
seidosi thought access to the webcam was possible through "simpler" tools20:51
seidosi just want to record, i don't care if i can see myself20:51
seidosi'll search this page for "record" though20:51
akkI think it's probably possible, just haven't found out how.20:52
akkWhatever cheese is doing under the hood to talk to the camera certainly could be done without a UI.20:52
seidoshere's something:  streamer -q -c /dev/video0 -f rgb24 -r 3 -t 00:30:00 -o /home/jhs/outfile.avi20:52
seidosi don't appear to have that binary20:53
iheartubuntunathan, i'll get back to you later today or tomorrow on the comps i have20:58
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kdubsome devices you can just cat /dev/video021:40
kdubmy hauppauge pvr250 was like that, it was nice21:40
sn9that's an mpeg-only device, though21:41
seidosinvalid argument21:43
kdubsn9: yeah, true. if its a raw video device though, it could be possible to pipe it through ffmpeg and cpu encode on the fly21:45
kdubdepends how the driver for the device is written i guess21:45
sn9there is a standard interface21:45
seidosi tried compiling xawtv, it didn't work...moving on21:45
akkWhy do you have to compile any of these, instead of apt-getting them?21:46
akkAre you leaving ubuntu and switching to gentoo? :)21:46
seidostrying different distros21:47
sn9i did that. i came back.21:50
seidosi did it, came back, and now i'm doing it again21:51
akkI finally have debian going on the laptop! The secret was that it needed pm-suspend --quirk-dpms-on to sleep.21:51
akkUbuntu figures out the quirks automatically.21:52
akkBut debian is about 30% more power efficient on a laptop.21:52
seidosi should probably do Debian next21:52
seidosi tried installing it once, but couldn't get wireless working then21:52
rwwakk: power-efficient because of lower CPU usage?22:16
akkrww: Because of the power management regression in recent kernels. I think it's not putting devices to sleep, but no one seems to know exactly.22:17
rwwah, I vaguely heard about that.22:17
akkIt's a huge difference. And something in natty makes it even worse, so even when I suspend, the laptop doesn't fully suspend22:18
akkand will use up its battery in about 6 hours, not much better than it does when it's actually running.22:18
nhainesakk: maybe linux 3.0 will fix that!22:47
akkI can hope! :)22:47
nhainesI don't think it will (necessarily) but it was fun to say Linux 3.0.  :)22:47
akkI don't think they've found the problem yet, though it would be nice to think there was some substantial change that motivated the version bump.'22:48
nhainesMostly that there aren't substatial changes anymore and it's been a decade since 2.0.22:48
nhainesOr another decade since it began.  Something like that.  :)22:48
kdublinus said specifically in the email, no big changes :P23:07

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