
Unit193Howdy, skellat/SMK03:07
jgould'Ello Smk03:08
skellatGood evening, gents03:10
skellatWho met the fury of a banhammer?  The log was unclear on that one.03:11
Unit193skellat: The line was: +b Bacta!*@* $a:Bacta by nhandler03:12
Unit193(Not from here)03:12
skellatHunh.  The things I have yet to understand in IRC-land03:12
jgouldsomeone met the banhammer?03:13
jgoulddoesn't sound plesant03:13
Unit193skellat: How long does it take to read the logs?03:14
skellatUnit193: I skim them.03:14
skellatOh goody...this news sucks: http://starbeacon.com/local/x962125014/Big-fight-at-Walnut-Beach-results-in-two-arrests03:16
skellatSquads from Ashtabula City Police, Geneva on the Lake City Police, Ashtabula County Sheriff's Department, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol had to respond to a beach brawl.03:17
jgouldthat's a lot of officers for a beach brawl...03:17
skellatIf that beach can get a brawl that big going...that's an opportunity to give out Natty discs03:18
jgouldThey wold end up using them as weapons...03:19
skellatThey could03:20
canthus13At least that way they'd be useful.03:21
skellatMaybe we could secure Xubuntu discs via on-disc.com?03:21
Unit193I'll add my vote to that03:22
canthus13Hmm... edubuntu? My wife's business professor was apparently recommending it....03:22
Cheri703I waved and then I disappeared, sorry03:23
skellatCheri703: It's all godo03:24
Cheri703the s/something/someotherthing03:24
Cheri703is about substituting or something03:24
Cheri703I dunno, it confused me at first, and then I figured out what it was :)03:25
jgouldMy questionmark should have been attached to the godo line... XD03:25
* Cheri703 read a 500 page book last night in 3 hours and another 500 page book tonight in 3.5 (got a slow start, with distractions)03:25
Cheri703ah, k03:25
Cheri703I ran a bunch of errands today03:26
Cheri703it was HOT03:26
jgouldok... Neighbor's stereo/whatever is annoying03:26
Cheri703lots of walking, but then air conditioned bus was nice :)03:26
jgouldThankfully my house stayed below the temprature outside today...03:27
skellatI got stuck at work for most daylight hours.03:29
jgouldwhat is this daylight thing?03:29
jgouldI know someone that said it should be outlawed03:31
skellatI forgot how catty Joy Behar is03:34
jgouldWho the hell uses bing?  I like options, but Google tends to get me waht I want when I need it03:34
jgouldI'm being stared at03:37
skellatjgould: For what?03:37
jgouldI'm not sure...  There is this black furry thing with a snout and long ears staring at me...03:38
jgouldI don't have food or anything...  I don't get it03:40
skellatAnd I have a cat to tend to03:41
skellatGoodnight y'all03:41
jgouldwow.... he's out fast. Not a chance to say bye...03:42
jgouldFark... I need to install XP in a VM and find and install (and relearn) P.A.C.S.S.03:46
jgouldDamn it Ray.  I would have prefered your solution...03:46
* Cheri703 doesn't know what you're talking about03:46
jgouldI'm the defacto score keeper for a model airplane pattren thing my dad puts on every year...03:47
Cheri703I'm out for a while, may be back, we'll see. ping me if you need me03:48
jgouldsounds dirty03:49
jgouldsilly dog...03:54
jgouldall of this stuf that OSU is being investagated for, happens at every Division 1 school...04:00
jgouldMy back hurts...04:15
jgouldI think red light cameras should be illegal...04:18
Unit193Did one catch you?04:19
jgouldI've been caught by one for speed.  that was years ago (and the damn thing has been taken down...)04:19
canthus13Haha... Wife got her Title IV letter... she can stay in school. :)04:20
* jgould has no clue what that is04:20
* jgould installs Windows...04:21
canthus13Basically stating that she isn't really in default and the loan guarantor screwed up and reported her wrong.04:21
jgoulder Good04:21
canthus13she thought she was gonna have to drop out. :/04:22
canthus13She met a chick in her business class that also uses ubuntu... Kinda cool.04:22
jgouldCool.  I think there are more of us out there than people realize04:23
jgouldI'm tired of hearing about OSU Football04:25
canthus13Yeah.. We may have enough people to do U-hour here... (Just me and my wife seemed kinda silly...)04:27
jgouldwhy does windows make you enter a wifi key twice?  idiots04:30
canthus13jgould: even worse... why does Win 7 REQUIRE that a wep key be all-caps?04:31
jgouldsometimes it's hard enough to get the key right the first time04:31
jgouldIt does?04:31
jgouldstupid M$04:31
canthus13yep. I went round and round and round with customers trying to get wireless working with win 7 when it first came out.04:32
* jgould prepares to shoot the dog...04:37
jgouldHmm... Bordem05:01
Unit193Dang! Friend can't go to U-H (I didn't even remember when it was...)05:03
canthus13Unit193: that's ok. I can't go either.05:03
Unit193canthus13: You should try to make it ;)05:03
jgouldI should be at ours!  I think I made waves when it came to ours though..05:03
Unit193Where is it even?05:04
canthus13Unit193: Mansfield is too far for that.05:04
jgouldwhere is what, Unit193?05:04
Unit193canthus13: You would only have to walk half way!05:05
Cheri703Unit193: I may be getting a ride from skrappjaw (maybe), if so, I could ask if we could swing by to get you05:05
Unit193jgould: C-Bus U-H?05:05
jgouldGilbert said that we would meet at the Clintonville Panera at 190005:05
jgould(I'm waiting to see this in an email, of course)05:06
jgouldHmm... Cisco doesn't show the router as being scanned in yet05:12
jgouldslow asses05:14
jgouldIf I had the money I would have just replaced it...05:15
jgouldFor what I paid for that one, I could get the Valet Plus that has 10/100/1000mbit wired ports...05:17
Unit193Can it run any good f/w?05:17
canthus13my e2000 was 65 bucks...05:17
jgouldI paid 80 I think, but that was over a year ago05:18
jgouldthey were new then05:18
jgouldNow they are 6505:18
canthus13Unit193: the e2000 and e3000 will run DD-WRT for sure... prolly run tomato too.05:23
jgouldI hate how if you don't use the software that came with the valet, you lose the guest network (not that I've ever used it....)05:24
* Unit193 needs to setup another bridge/wireless card :D05:24
* jgould bridges Unit19305:26
canthus13jgould: Install DD-WRT and gain it back.05:30
canthus13Or use the two radios to split the N and G connections.05:30
canthus13that way N can take advantage of the full speed and G can still connect.05:31
jgould:(  Not available for my router05:31
canthus13...Which model?05:31
jgouldCisco Valet M1005:31
canthus13Looks like they had test firmware available last september...05:33
canthus13make sure you prop the back up a bit for airflow.. that stupid design is prone to overheating.05:35
* canthus13 has the back of his e2000 raised about 1 inch... Helps a LOT.05:35
jgouldI pulled down the firmware. I have nothing to lose in the grand scheme of things05:38
canthus13Make sure you do the 30/30/30 reset on it.05:39
canthus13Hold the reset button in for 30 seconds, leave it held in and pull the power cord... count 30 seconds again... with the button *STILL* held in, plug the power back in, count another 30 seconds.05:40
canthus13then let go.05:40
canthus13Lemme dig up the instructions for my router.. should be the same except for the firmware version.05:40
jgouldI'm looking at the instructions now05:40
canthus13Ah.. I didn't see instructions there. :)05:41
* canthus13 has done 3 or 4 of these routers, none bricked. :)05:41
jgouldI'm not worried about bricking.  You can *generally* unbrick things.  It may take a little bit of time though05:43
canthus13Ah. an M10 is just a 160N v3...05:43
canthus13Linksys/Cisco has gotten so freaking confusing in their naming conventions. :/05:44
canthus13Anyway... I'm off to bed.  Gotta kick the wife out of the house by 7am so she can take care of her financial aid stuffs.05:48
jgouldGotta kick her out XD Night05:48
canthus13She's tough to get going in the mornings... :)05:52
Unit193You're not gone yet!05:56
jgouldI'm tough to get going in the mornings as well06:04
jgouldShit...  I'm going to need to go to my parents and play with the all in one printer and make sure I can get it to work (that or I'm gonna need a whole nother comptuer...)06:08
* oda_ cannot believe he really watched Waynes World06:10
jgouldI don't think I've ever seen it06:15
oda_jgould: you don't need it06:16
oda_jgould: Paramount cranked out some pretty hilarious movies in the 90s, that is not one of them.06:16
* jgould ponders something to watch06:22
oda_jgould: Good Will Hunting06:26
oda_excellent movie06:26
jgouldI don't have that one and I would need to be in the MacOS to stream from NetFlix06:28
oda_Fight Club?06:29
oda_never gets old06:29
jgouldNever seen that etiher06:29
oda_jgould: watch that one for sure06:29
jgouldBut I do know that the number one rule is that you don't talk about fight club06:29
* oda_ ordered the paperback06:29
oda_haven't received it06:30
* jgould doesn't do dead tree books any more. Prefers 0's and 1's for his books06:30
* oda_ doesn't like to stare at an LCD for hours06:33
jgouldI have an e-reader06:34
jgouldwith e-ink06:34
oda_which one?06:34
jgouldSony PRS-50506:34
jgouldis it bad that I try to use the wrong mouse on the wrong computer?06:46
oda_that may complicate things a bit, yes06:47
jgouldI hate it when bugs fly into the window...06:49
jgouldWhats' the last thing that goes through a bugs mind when it hits a windshield?06:52
oda_jgould: is this a riddle?07:02
jgouldIt's a joke07:03
jgouldCare to take a gander?07:04
oda_of course07:08
jgouldhmm... I'm worried about the linux version of this program's future...07:08
jgouldIt's ass.07:08
jgouldit's the last thing that goes through it's mind07:08
jgouldThat and spelling support is better for this program in the MacOS07:09
oda_lol mac07:10
jgouldit's my prefrence over Windows... (I dislikes windows)07:11
* oda_ hugs his win7 partition07:26
jgouldWin 7 is ok.  It's better than vista07:27
oda_vista was fine if you didn't have ancient hardware....or peripherals07:29
oda_indeed it was not a good operating system to put on OEM machines07:30
oda_my AMD sempron craptop came with that on it and no joke, it took 7 MINUTES to become usable with all of the bloatware and vista that HP crammed it with07:31
jgouldThat's one thing I hate about buying a prebuilt windows machine is all the bloatware07:32
oda_and HP didn't provide support for WinXP either, it wouldn't even install D:07:35
jgouldWindows XP wasn't bad.  Win 2000 was one of the last stable versions of Win, in my opnion.  (I haven't used 7 Extensivly so I can't pass judgment on 7)07:37
oda_jgould: works fine for me07:40
jgouldThis will very likely be my last Mc07:41
jgoulder Mac07:41
* oda_ touched a mac once07:43
oda_first time, 2 months ago07:43
* oda_ never wants to touch one again07:44
jgouldIt's a pain in the ass to get Ubuntu working on07:44
oda_spent a few hours playing with OSX...waste of time07:44
jgouldWhy do you say that?07:45
oda_1. trying to get hackintosh to work is a huge pain 2. there's like what, 2 programs that windows doesn't have that OSX does 3. the absence of right click is enough to make me want to throw a small child into traffic07:49
jgould1. Hacintoshs are against the EULA, 2. what two programs? 3. I have right clicking in MacOS07:51
oda_lol against the EULA07:55
oda_can't afford that apple expensive apple shit07:55
jgouldMy MacBook Pro cost me less than a sony laptop that has a Core i3 with a smaller screen and less ram and hard drive space07:57
oda_oh god07:57
jgouldwhy 'oh god'07:58
oda_the macbook pro is extravagently expensive, costs more than everything I own combined.07:59
jgould$1199 is extravagently expensive?07:59
oda_uhhhh, yes07:59
oda_I can't argue with that08:00
oda_check out the ASUS gaming laptops for $500-$700....08:01
oda_pretty cool stuff08:01
jgouldMy next machine will probably be a System76...08:01
oda_I would kill for one of these http://www.chipsdigitalpc.com/products/ASUS-G50Vt-X5-15.4%22-Gaming-Notebook-Core-2-Duo-P7450.html08:06
oda_almost got one for $430 shipped but didn't have the money at the time08:06
oda_hmmm, link doesn't seem to work08:07
oda_2.5ghz C2D, 512mb 9800GS, 4gb RAM, 1680x1050 17" display, 320gb HDD08:08
jgouldI'm not a gamer so i don't care about the video08:09
oda_regardless, it's great hardware for a laptop at that price point08:10
oda_nothing from HP, Dell, etc etc really compares08:10
oda_funny that you mentioned sony08:11
* oda_ didn't know they still made laptops08:11
oda_probably a huge markup on them08:11
jgouldthey make some tiny ones too08:11
oda_I sold my quad core/8gb RAM/GTX260 machine and just got a netbook08:12
oda_does everything you'd want it to08:12
oda_150 dorra used, mint condition. Only uses a maximum of 20 watts or so at full load08:12
jgouldkeyboard is too hard for me to type on.  My mom has an HP netbook and I can't type on it for extended periods08:13
oda_must have very large fingers08:14
jgouldNope.  I have relitivley small hands. (for a guy anyway...  I'm built more like a girl...)08:16
jgouldMy desk: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jgould/5785620032/08:22
oda_nice keyboard08:23
jgouldWhich one?08:25
oda_the external keyboard to the right08:29
oda_size comparison08:30
oda_15.4" HP, 10? 12"? powerbook, 10.1" EEE08:30
jgouldI still to this day want a 12" TiBook.  Perfect machines for writing... I have the BT keybaord that is the same as the one on the right as well08:31
oda_the keyboard WAS pretty nice08:32
oda_same with the HP08:32
jgouldMy wife has Dell Insprion 600m that I can tolorate, but not for long periods...08:33
jgoulddamn that ping08:44
Unit193jgould: Guess that didn't work... New one uploaded and it will be sent later14:08
Derath-Srvrhi all14:36
Unit193Howdy, Derath-Srvr14:37
jgouldUnit193: It worked kinda14:37
jgouldHowdy Derath-Srvr14:37
Unit193jgould: Are you kidding? It's never been worse...14:38
jgouldI read some of the comics...14:41
jgouldAnyone know if I can force banshee to encode a disc as one file?14:42
Unit193I'm guessing not... Did you ask in another channel?15:12
jgouldNot yet15:12
Derath-Srvrokay, loving my android even more... found carcast, and pulling down podcasts with it :)15:15
Unit193I can comment out a comment? :D15:15
Derath-SrvrNow I just need a way to play it over the car speakers... or get a cheap mp3-player-type speaker...15:15
Unit193canthus13: Didn't setup SASL?15:16
Unit193(I did because of the stupid timeouts...)15:17
jgouldcarcast, Derath-Srvr I take it thats a podcast receiver for Andriod?15:27
Cheri703Derath-Srvr: I used a tape adapter...one of the old school ones (former vehicle had tape and cd)15:31
jgouldUnit, I got all of these amongst the mess in teh middle15:43
jgouldThat's what I do, Cheri70315:43
Derath-Srvrjgould: Yep, podcatcher, pretty nice so far...15:43
* jgould makes a note of it15:44
Derath-SrvrCheri703: No tape... CD receiver...15:44
Cheri703ah, they have those fm transmitter things15:44
Cheri703they're kinda crappy though15:44
Cheri703any aux input?15:44
jgouldsome have aux inputs15:44
Derath-SrvrI think I have a set of rca jacks in the back of it, but I'd have to yank out the unit...15:44
jgouldthose may be for an amp as well15:44
jgouldnot for input15:44
Derath-Srvrfm transmitters have always had bad quality15:45
Derath-SrvrMay just use a cheap, mono, battery-powered speaker15:46
jgouldDamn... Some friends of mine can't win... Truck is in the shop... Again...15:46
canthus13Unit193: I haven't bothered... I really don't time out very often.16:26
Unit193I also setup SSL at that time (I don't think it's needed)16:28
Derath-SrvrOkay, how to turn off apache for port 443?16:30
Unit193killall apache? Disable SSL support16:31
Derath-SrvrAh... okay, so need to find the SSL directives...16:31
Unit193Do you have an include with httpd-ssl.conf ?16:35
Derath-SrvrDoesn't seem like it16:36
Derath-SrvrFound it...16:36
Derath-Srvrssl.conf in conf.d16:36
Unit193Comment that line out in httpd.conf (and LoadModule ssl_module )16:38
Derath-SrvrActually, went into ssl.conf and changed the port number :)16:39
Derath-SrvrJust in case I need it later for svn16:39
Unit193That works too...16:39
Derath-SrvrGuess I need to change the firewall around as well lol16:40
Derath-SrvrSo I thought I would try https on standard port, and getting error: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long....16:41
Derath-SrvrAh... figured it...16:43
jgouldpesky records...16:44
Derath-Srvrmore like nit-picky conf files lol16:44
jgouldsame thing...16:45
Derath-SrvrOkay, so that's changed to a different port, now I need to change my ssh conf for the new port...16:45
Derath-SrvrWill have to do that later when I'm not currently connected ;)16:46
Unit193As long as you do the router first...16:46
Derath-SrvrRouter already has 443 opened16:48
Derath-Srvrfor http16:48
Derath-SrvrJust need to open for the new https port16:48
Derath-SrvrPoint though is that I don't want to change ssh port while I'm in a place that I can't fix it if it goes wrong lol16:49
Unit193My router has SSH built-in (It's great for backup tunnel/access)16:50
Derath-SrvrOh, let me check the new Col UH location...16:51
Derath-SrvrAnyone have that handy so I don't have to get my phone and all out? lol16:51
Unit193The address is 4519 N High Street, Columbus, OH 4321416:51
Unit193Clintonville Panera16:52
Derath-Srvrlooks like still 270N to 23S...16:53
Derath-SrvrHow's traffic around there?16:54
Derath-SrvrMay not be able to go this week (a little short notice), but can try another time16:55
Unit193I would have no idea... (7pm)16:55
Derath-SrvrAlso trying to look for parking... lol16:56
jgouldThere is parking behind the building, Derath-Srvr17:07
deejoe^^^ important detail for any announcement17:07
jgouldYou mean like how parking was paid at the old UH location?17:08
jgouldOw... My back17:10
Derath-SrvrI might try to make the next one then, it's in 2 weeks, right?17:19
Derath-Srvrthe 15th?17:20
jgouldShould be17:23
thafreakcanthus13: you see it looks like the ubuntu server folks are leaning towards x2go as the standard remote desktop setup?17:28
jgouldthafreak: Eh?17:36
jgouldFor remote setup or remote access?17:36
thafreakremote desktop access17:36
thafreakfor "desktops in the cloud"17:36
thafreakand such17:36
jgouldalrighty then17:37
thafreakthey did a "try out ubuntu in the cloud" type deal this past release...17:37
jgouldi couldnt' get htat to work17:37
thafreakbut they used the nomachine's proprietary nx stuff to enable access from a web browser17:37
thafreakwhat couldn't you get to work? The test drive stuff?17:38
jgouldYeah. IT didn't ever load17:43
Unit193Ubuntu or Debian server... Hmmmm17:44
jgouldI'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS on my server... seems to be working well17:45
* Derath-Srvr goes and hides in the shadows, avoiding eye-contact17:46
jgouldLOL Derath-Srvr.  You're running Fedora, aren't you?17:46
Derath-SrvrFor the server anyways17:46
canthus13thafreak: Nope.17:46
Unit193Derath-Srvr: How is that working out?17:47
Unit193Debian seems nice because of rolling...17:47
Derath-SrvrWell, I can still access screen and irssi lol17:47
thafreakcanthus13: sadly it seems like freenx might get completely abandonded17:47
* canthus13 hasn't messed with anything besides FreeNX.... which prolly has pretty hefty requirements for a terminal server.17:47
Derath-Srvrit's a little dated though, don't think I can get updates on it now...17:47
canthus13thafreak: Ya think? Nomachine is still around...17:47
thafreakyeah, but when version 4 comes out, they're not putting out any more open source...17:48
canthus13ah.  As long as x2go does what I need it to do, I don't really care. :)17:48
thafreakso it looks like 3.5 might be the last version of the libraries they release17:48
* canthus13 is eyeballin' it right now.17:48
thafreakit does, and it's alot easier to setup...just their client is weird...17:49
canthus13A lot more client options, though...17:49
thafreakbut they're working on a python client library...which should make it easy to develop better clients17:49
thafreakwell...I switched to freenx for the time being... :) I'm waiting for development on x2go to settle down a bit17:50
canthus13Shit... Maemo/Meego, windows, gtk, qt, firefox plugin, PXE boot...17:50
canthus13Lots of options... But no android client? :/17:50
thafreakmaybe when 11.10 comes out, and x2go is incorporated, it will be slick17:50
thafreaknope, no android client...17:51
thafreakyeah, but a maemo client...and it worked too...I ran it on my n81017:51
canthus13beh. fsck 11.10.17:51
thafreakand actually ,the gtk client was dropped17:51
thafreakfor now atleast17:51
* canthus13 is switching to Zenix when 10.10 EOLs.17:52
thafreakzenix? that's a new one...17:52
canthus13Just gotta find a way to disable raise on click.17:52
thafreakis it debian based?17:52
canthus13thafreak: Yep.  Awesome or Openbox as WMs.17:52
canthus13It's not bad, actually... I've been playing with it in a VM.17:52
thafreakso basically it's like crunchbang? :)17:52
canthus13A little more polished than crunchbang, but yes.17:53
canthus13Still suffers from a small dev base, but not as bad as crunchbang.17:53
jgouldA patent holding company is sueing Apple over the use of Intel procesors...17:54
jgouldthis shit has gone too far17:54
canthus13So how long before I'm sued for driving a chevy?17:54
thafreakstupid patent trolls17:54
jgouldthe also hit intel and hp17:54
thafreakcanthus13: they won't sue you...you don't have millions of dollars to take away17:54
jgouldLodsys went after iOS developers17:55
thafreakOne good thing about being relatively poor...no one will bother suing you :)17:55
canthus13you'd think...17:55
thafreakwell, except for the RIAA/MPAA17:55
canthus13they consider the court system a revenue stream...17:56
canthus13some have gone so far as to openly declare the court system to be a major revenue stream.17:56
jgouldThe RIAA/MPAA thing is because they need to change thier business models to match the current times... (and quit charging so damn much for shit)17:58
Unit193canthus13: Mind doing support? I'm not the best at Debian atm...18:05
canthus13Unit193: eh?18:05
Unit193Over in #Zenix when the others are not currently there... I would call myself newish to the Debian side of things18:06
canthus13I can try a bit... :)18:07
Unit193bodhi_zazen is there now so it wouldn't be too bad...18:07
Unit193...or you could just laugh when I try ;)18:09
canthus13Hrm... X2Y at least designed the tech that they're suing over, rather than just being a patent holding company...18:11
Unit193canthus13: How hard would it be for a noob to setup a Debian server?18:20
jgouldNot hard, Unit19318:20
jgouldI ran debian before I switched the server to Ubuntu18:20
Unit193Just so long as a noob can do it (Me)...18:21
* canthus13 is running the Zenix live CD right now. Kinda disappointing that wicd didn't find his wireless card without a bit of nudging.18:28
* Unit193 noticed :D18:30
Unit193Poke it a few times to see if it's still there...18:30
canthus13Scrolling doesn't work with the touchpad.... the terminal eats my irssi hotkeys and I can't find any way to fix that....18:38
canthus13And mouse sensitivity is insanely high.18:38
Cheri703canthus13: http://consumerist.com/2011/06/man-blogs-his-400-minutes-in-dell-hell.html18:39
jgouldGee, I know about mouse sensitivity...18:40
Unit193It's depressing to find an automatic revolving door...18:42
jgouldWow Cheri70318:42
canthus13jgould: I'm testing out Zenix on a live CD.. So far it's not bad, but some of the defaults are a bit silly.18:43
Derath-SrvrAny more so than the "automatic sidewalks" that are in use in Las Vegas and in Airports?18:43
canthus13...Worse, there's no way that I can find to adjust the mouse sensitivity.18:43
canthus13Hmm... can't install nfs...18:44
canthus13no repos. :/18:44
Derath-Srvrsounds like released too early?18:45
canthus13Flash is already installed.18:45
canthus13sound works. :)18:45
Derath-Srvrnothing ready or refined?18:45
canthus13Derath-Srvr: It's a live CD, which may be the difference.. I dunno.18:46
Derath-Srvrtrue enough...18:46
Derath-Srvralthough being a live cd without the repos kinda makes it difficult for me to use as a tool18:46
Unit193Looks like someone is curious...18:47
canthus13Derath-Srvr: It's not bad for Openbox. :)18:47
curious_ha killing time...trying to figure out what ubuntu ohio is all about.  ;)18:47
Derath-SrvrWhat we are all about compared to???18:48
jgouldCheri703: this site with the info on dells is kinda scary.  I had my 1150 just up and die on a boot one day, that was when I switched to Apple.  Now I want a System 76...18:48
canthus13Uhm.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYffV7qhvTc&feature=topvideos_entertainment18:48
Cheri703curious_: basically we're about helping people enjoy using ubuntu18:49
Unit193Don't let him scare you off, somone just stole his tater tots...18:49
Cheri703we are not about 84 egg sandwiches ;)18:49
curious_lol  figured that out.   i already use ubuntu saw a link off the ohio linux fest site so i was checking this site out.18:50
* deejoe has trouble remembering the name "zareason" but no trouble remembering the name "system76"18:50
jgouldThere are tater tots?  one of my daughters would be very happy to hear that! XD (I kid,partially)18:51
canthus13Derath-Srvr: Never mind. Stupid me... forgot to apt-get update. :/18:52
curious_the zareason and system76 laptops look nice but they are still a bit pricey18:53
jgouldsudo apt-get install tatertots?18:53
canthus13curious_: ask Cheri703 about zareason. :/18:53
jgouldThe Sys76 machine that is comprabale to the 13" MacBook Pro on my desk is about $500 cheaper18:53
Cheri703curious_: where in ohio are you located?18:53
curious_comparing anything to mac book is high.18:54
curious_columbus area18:54
Cheri703and about zareason...the hardware is decent, *my* experience with customer service was abysmal, when I first got the machine, I was gung-ho and planning to purchase from them in the future, now, I will never deal with them again if I can possibly avoid it...18:54
Derath-SrvrAh, columbus area, and just in time to check out the Ubuntu Hour tonight18:55
curious_not tonight...maybe the next one though18:55
Derath-Srvrand about ZAReason, I tried to get demos from them first, but they blew me off... S76 was much better on that18:55
Unit193jgould: E: Unable to locate package tatertots18:56
Derath-SrvrThat's why we show S76 demos at OLF18:56
jgouldI can play with a S76 Machine at OLF?18:56
canthus13Unit193: package possibly deleted or eaten?18:56
Derath-SrvrSpeaking of... I need to contact them soon...18:56
canthus13jgould: If they're there again... Hopefully we'll have them at our booth again. :)18:56
Derath-SrvrPretty much jgould... I usually get 2 or 3 demos18:56
canthus13I think we had every model they make last time...18:57
jgouldLet me know, as I'm in the market for a machine that will run Ubuntu (or any distro) correctly...18:57
curious_i swap between two laptops - dell precision workstation (dual boot w/ win7) and an asus netbook.   No problems with either.18:58
Derath-SrvrLets see... I think last year, what did I have... well, Carl came down so he didn't send me any...18:59
curious_kids all have dell lattitude lap tops from various years that are running Ubuntu without issues18:59
Derath-SrvrBut I think he brought a Serval, Darter, and I think a Gazelle...18:59
jgouldI'm not too big on Dell any more.18:59
* canthus13 is running on a Dell Inspiron 1545, his wife uses a Studio 14z, and his kid has an Inspiron C840.. all of 'em run perfectly.18:59
jgouldI've been looking at the lemur19:00
curious_well i work for a Dell shop so they fit my IT budget with discounts etc.19:00
Derath-SrvrI have an HP laptop (25xx series, and hardware failure), S76 Pangolin, and a Dell Poweredge server...19:00
Derath-SrvrEverything else I have is home-built19:00
jgouldMy Dell just up and died one day.  I haven't looked at them since19:01
Derath-Srvrjgould: Let me see what he can send me...19:01
curious_mine are all reclaimed from the workplace..  lol19:01
canthus13My hp was a piece of crap. I had a dv6 series that cooked itself, desoldered it's own chipset. :/19:01
Derath-SrvrWill let you know in time.... might even be able to get you a discount ;) can't promise though19:01
jgouldDerath-Srvr: Thank you19:01
jgouldcanthus13: that's a bit of heat19:01
Cheri703canthus13: I have a client whose dv6 killed itself19:01
canthus13jgould: No. it's sub-standard solder...19:02
jgouldthat will do it too19:02
canthus13Cheri703: Not surprising.. and getting hp to fix them under warranty is like pulling teeth. nvidia paid 200 million bucks to fix the faulty chipsets, with hp getting the lion's share of that 200 million.  they probably spent 10% of that to fix the machines that needed it.19:03
Derath-SrvrCheri: HP dv6xxx series?19:04
Derath-SrvrYeah, same with my 25xx19:04
canthus13Mine was a 6227cl.19:04
Derath-Srvror was it 2515? either way...19:04
canthus13It suffered the same issues.. dv2xxx, 6xxx, 9xxx... and a couple of others.19:04
jgouldI wonder if we are harder on our laptops than others are....19:04
canthus13jgould: Nah.19:05
canthus13jgould: we just figure out what went wrong. other people buy a new laptop and never say much.19:05
Derath-SrvrI just had the heat gun put to it and it melted the electric shielding that goes beneath the heat pipe...19:05
canthus13I'm amazed at how many people tell me 'My computer got slow, so I bought a new one.'19:05
Derath-SrvrCurious: how long have you been using ubuntu?19:05
curious_never had much luck with HP consumer lines.   I dont like how they make their business laptops not easy to service.19:05
canthus13I'm back in a few... gonna reboot.19:06
jgouldGetting the hard drive replaced in my mom's HP Mini was a chore19:06
Derath-Srvrcurious: minor correction to that statement... "how they make ALL their laptops..." lol19:06
curious_i jumped on about the time Ibex switched to Jaunty19:06
canthus13jgould: I had to pull the keyboard to get at the drive on my wife's 14z... kind of annoying.19:06
Derath-Srvrtook forever to tear mine apart and put it back together...19:06
Derath-SrvrStill on Jaunty then I take it?19:06
curious_no i jump each time a new one comes out.. have them all running natty now19:07
curious_Dell makes the most user friendly in terms of service ability laptops.   Swap memory or hard drives with a couple of screws.19:07
Derath-SrvrWhat do you think of it? (just getting a "newer" user's perspective)19:08
jgouldI have two machines running Natty, and the server is running lucid19:08
Cheri703curious_: feel free to join the launchpad team and the mailing list19:08
Cheri703curious_: toshibas are not bad (in my experience)19:08
Derath-SrvrI'll admit to being an old-fart and old-fashioned lol19:08
curious_you know i like it.   I was messing with the gnome 3 when it was in development but never really cared for it.  Unity is a nice feel once you get used to it.19:08
Derath-SrvrThat's why I like other views19:09
jgouldToshiba's seem to be pretty good19:09
Derath-SrvrNice to hear! (slaps duct-tape across canthus13's and BiosElemts' mouths)19:09
Derath-SrvrNot one word from you two ;)19:09
curious_i like the useability of it.. i think that canical is doing the right thing becauase you need to get NEW users to come over19:10
jgouldI don't care for unity, it seems slow on both of my machines19:10
curious_Windows and Macs are full of idiots that dont use a CL so why insist that everyone need to learn it as a linux right of passage?19:10
canthus13Derath-Srvr: eh?19:11
jgouldI spend more time in the terminal than the GUI in the mac OS (or so it seems)19:11
curious_I think it will be better on the gnome3 and when they get bugs worked out.19:11
Derath-SrvrVery good point curious, and they still make the CL accessible for those that can use it...19:11
canthus13BiosElement: He's into bondage, apparently.19:11
jgouldSee what you did, Derath-Srvr19:11
Unit193Derath-Srvr: You didn't duct-tape me? I can heckle?19:11
BiosElementApparently canthus1319:11
curious_i love the guake terminal...19:11
Cheri703curious_: I use GUI things, but I don't especially like natty :/ it screws with my (current) workflow...19:12
canthus13meh. guake sounds dirty. :)19:12
Derath-SrvrNo, just keeping the venom in the mouths of the vipers... lol19:12
Cheri703I think it *could* be usable, but at this point I'm not willing to switch19:12
BiosElementMeh *wonders back to a nap*19:12
Unit193Adding QT Unity 2D to Onriric19:12
canthus13I despise unity. I haven't managed to get Gnome3 to work correctly in vbox...19:12
curious_i like changing things up ... i dont spend much time switching so its not a major part of my day.   Use the keyboard shortcuts etc.19:13
Unit193canthus13: Did you figure out how dmcglone did it?19:13
canthus13Unit193: Did what? Gnome 3 in vbox?19:13
Derath-SrvrAnd who removed the tape from him anyways?19:13
curious_gnome3 as is sucks... just a wonky feel.   it wasnt thought out completely19:13
Unit193Or you could install 11.10 (Has it in the repos)19:13
Unit193canthus13: Gnome 3 on live system19:14
BiosElementIronically, speaking of gnome3, Phronix did some benchmarks that showed it about 25-50% slower then unity/gnome2/kde19:14
canthus13Unit193: Meh. I couldn't get it to boot from usb either, even with unetbootin. :(19:14
Derath-Srvrcanthus13, BiosElement: keep in mind you guys have been using Ubuntu for a much longer time...19:15
curious_i find it a tad sluggish on my netbook with 2gb of ram.. on the precision with 4GB ram and a 1GB nvidia card it is pretty quick.19:15
BiosElementDerath-Srvr: Am I supposed to be involved in some kind of debate or something? I just got here. :P19:15
Cheri703Derath-Srvr: curious_ said he(?) started using it back with jaunty, so has been using for a while19:15
curious_yes but i am still pretty much a hack.   :)19:16
Cheri703that's earlier than I started using it19:16
Derath-SrvrTrue, but not as long as they have, Bios, sorry just automatic when trying to keep things from becoming Anti-Unity ;)19:16
* Cheri703 started with the 9's...brother tried to get me to check out gutsy...I wasn't willing to do that at that point, told him he was a nerd :) and now I'm a giant geek...used to try to fight it...19:16
BiosElementI'm not anti-unity, I just don't think it should have been shipped default. >.>19:17
curious_i am an IT director in a windows shop.   learned computers in dark ages on unix systems.  farted around on linux a few times over the years but hated the amount of work it was to make it useable.19:17
BiosElementI'm all for unity, I think new concepts should be tried.19:17
curious_someone told me to try ubuntu becauase it would work off the disc.. much better than slackware, caldera, or RH that i tried before.19:19
curious_i think Unity will be one the things that can help set Ubuntu off from Mac/Win.19:20
Derath-SrvrPossibly... althoguh for my tastes, it does need more refining...19:21
curious_Its very  ironic that something called UNITY has caused so much division19:21
Unit193It was released too early...19:22
jgouldUnit193: I will agree with that19:22
curious_i agree but i think that 11.10 will be better and that 12.04  Pukey Possum will be spot on.  ;)19:22
jgouldPukey Possum? XD19:22
Derath-Srvris that hte name for 12.04???19:22
curious_Peturbed Pigeon?   Paranoid Panda?  your guess is as good as mine.19:23
BiosElementNo, however I recall 11.10 has a name that no one can pronounce. >.>19:24
jgouldAre we goign to have a Zesty Zebra?19:24
jgouldSomething Ocelot19:24
curious_Oneric Ocelot?19:24
Cheri703oh-nee-ric is how they're saying it19:24
BiosElementParanoid Panda is awesome19:24
Unit193I like Pigeon and Panda best...19:24
jgouldI like Panda19:24
Cheri703*technically* it's supposed to be pronounced oh-nye-ric, but....eh19:24
BiosElementThere ya go19:24
jgouldwhy aren't we on the naming committee19:25
curious_i dont know...being a bit of redneck i am partial to Possum but techincally it is Opossum.19:25
BiosElementYeah Cheri703, I vote we ship a pronunciation guide with every disk.19:26
curious_Platypus wouldnt be bad either... its closer to a penguin19:26
jgouldOr have it installed as part of base-system19:26
jgouldPerky Penguin19:26
curious_check the man pages for the phonetic spelling19:26
curious_ok so what do you guys actually do at an Ubuntu Hour?19:28
* Cheri703 is in mansfield, but it's at least similar19:29
Cheri703we just hang out19:29
Cheri703chat about computery things19:29
Cheri703if someone has questions, we'll discuss it19:29
jgouldwhat's a computer?19:29
Cheri703if someone wants to show us a cool thing they figured out, we'll check that out19:29
Cheri703it's pretty casual19:29
curious_so you dont have people walking in off the street asking you to help fix their systems? lol19:30
jgouldCheri703: the new nook is shipping according to Android Central19:30
Unit193Only once... ;)19:30
Cheri703they're heading out to the stores?19:31
Cheri703because official day is 6/1019:31
jgouldit doesn't say19:31
jgouldjust taht it's shipping whith Android 2.119:31
curious_how long untill they are rooted again?  I give it 48 hours.19:31
Cheri703hoping it's pretty quick :)19:31
Derath-Srvrcurious_: usually not, but not to say that we wouldn't19:31
* Cheri703 is getting one19:31
curious_Cheri going to install Ubuntu on it?19:32
Cheri703nah, it's the e-ink one19:32
Cheri703I want a reader19:32
jgouldI love e-ink19:33
jgouldI wish this guy would come back...19:33
curious_wont be long before you can use e-ink in tattoos19:33
jgouldhis hold music is annoying19:33
jgouldAnd the POS locked up again19:34
Derath-Srvrwhat are you on hold for?19:34
jgouldtrying to get my phone replaced... again...19:34
curious_what phone?19:35
jgouldBlackBerry Bold970019:35
jgouldThis thing locks up more than Windows19:36
Unit193canthus13: Was soll dieser Unsinn? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-1359493219:36
curious_bwaaaa  you are old!19:36
jgouldI need a maid...19:36
jgouldor a servant or something19:37
BiosElementAnd I need a pink pony...19:37
thafreakBiosElement: you're a django developer?19:38
curious__wow that was fun... the web chat thing locked up.19:39
BiosElementhah, no, no I am not thafreak. :P19:39
BiosElementthafreak: Yes, yes I know. They have a pony everywhere19:41
curious__new nook is kind of cute19:41
BiosElementBleh, seems someone decided to have the landlord come over today at 6, so I won't be able to make the Ubuntu Hour :|19:42
jgouldNow I'm talking to a supervisor19:43
BiosElementhah wow...19:44
curious__did you see that Oracle is handing over OO to Apache and not The Document Foundation.19:44
BiosElementI never thought I'd have someone 'schoolin' me that being planful is a 'bad' thing.19:44
Derath-SrvrOracle's getting rid of OOo? Wow!19:45
BiosElementWho cares. >.>19:45
BiosElementOOo is a worthless brand and it was always a crappy name.19:46
Derath-SrvrWow, just looked at the news articles on it...19:48
Derath-SrvrBios: in a way I agree, but it's also an interesting move by oracle...19:48
Derath-SrvrAfter the publicity, they are just washing their hands of the whole thing...19:49
Derath-SrvrI think Open Source will eventually tear some bricks off of oracle...19:49
* jgould headdesks19:50
BiosElementMeh, it's too late for that19:50
BiosElementThey already tried the FU card, they won't get a single ounce of cred back for giving it up now.19:50
jgouldNo, these idiots at AT&T19:50
Derath-SrvrDidn't say that they would...19:50
BiosElementI know Derath-Srvr, Just saying. It's too little, too late. >.>19:51
Derath-SrvrBut think of this as a small crack in their armor... and all the other projects they still "own"...19:51
Unit193VirtualBox is what I'm looking at... There is no fork...19:51
Derath-SrvrI'm not looking at their cred, I'm talking about breaking software out of oracle19:51
BiosElementAh, I think it's nice and all but it's not even really broken out is it? I mean, LibreOffice picked up steam right out the gate.19:52
Derath-SrvrBut afterwards, Oracle released it completely...19:52
jgouldI was never fond of OOo19:53
BiosElementI don't really see the gain, I presume they gaveup the trademark as well?19:53
BiosElementI mean, that's the only part that matters, the code was already free.19:53
Derath-SrvrPretty much, they gave up all ownership to it...19:54
Derath-Srvrfrom my understanding...19:54
BiosElementI love how oracle went from one of the most-loved F/OSS backing companies to a scurge right up there with Microsoft >.>19:54
Derath-SrvrYa know, I don't recall ever hearing about them contributing to F/OSS...19:55
BiosElementDerath-Srvr: They were a major funding backer to quite a few projects IIRC19:55
BiosElementI know PyOhio was sponsored by them at least once anyway and I know that was a tiny event compared to their typical.19:56
curious__virtual box would be another loss if they get weird there19:59
Cheri703vmware player is wonderful20:00
Cheri703I don't use vbox anymore20:00
canthus13jgould: What did AT&T do this time?20:02
BiosElementAT&T-Mobile is enough, they don't need to 'do' anything else ;P20:03
jgouldit's their warranty service department20:11
Derath-SrvrLooks like I get to create a Linux cheatsheet for some people at work...20:14
* jgould sighs. I did this three months ago... Probably for the same amount of time too..20:14
jgouldCheatsheet for this phone is going to be in the bottom of the scioto....20:17
* Unit193 still doesn't seem to care for gnome...20:18
jgouldAt least RIM's hold music is better than AT&T's20:18
curious__something ironic about a ubuntu guy on a BB.    ;)20:20
Derath-SrvrThat's why I held out until I could get an android phone :)20:25
jgouldI'm going to get an andrioid powered phone as soon as I can get the money for it20:26
curious__i just got the gingerbread update to my Droid X this morning.20:27
jgouldI'm about to shove this blackberry up someone's behind...20:29
* Derath-Srvr smirks20:29
Derath-SrvrWonder when it'll be pushed to my evo...20:29
curious__it has a few changes in the UI that are going to take a while to get used to... need to re learn...kind of like unity...LOL20:31
jgouldat least on an android powered device, my calendar, contacts, and email will sync reliabliy...20:35
Unit193Wow... just a second ago: Lag: 18.64 now it's down to nothing...20:35
jgouldNow up to 90 minutes20:36
jgouldI could have gone from a non functional computer to a working instal of natty...20:36
jgouldok, Linksys.  you can ship the damn thing20:40
* skrappjaw has blackberry20:41
jgouldYou want my POS blackberry?20:42
jgouldIt's going to be in peices...20:43
jgouldMaybe I should use it for target practice....20:43
* skrappjaw has access to guns.20:44
skrappjawIm going to droid soon20:44
jgouldthere's a glock sitting behind my laptop right now20:44
jgouldI am as soon as I get the money20:44
skrappjawMy cousin brought his Taurus 45 over. *drool* we turned some old particle board bits to swiss cheeze. it was a good day.20:47
skrappjawThat was the day that cook thought the rapture would happen.20:48
jgouldNow all the sudden, my email is showing up in time with gmail20:49
jgouldI hate this phone20:49
jgouldand apparently it hates me20:50
Unit193canthus13: You have the WGR614v5 ? I can't find anything that says it supports bridge mode, do you know? (I'm almost sure it doesn't, with the lack of info. I just need it to :D )20:50
skrappjawmy emails never come in sync with the blackberry.20:53
skrappjawits sketchy and random.20:53
skrappjawI get stuff late all the time.20:53
Cheri703anyone have a hardback book that they don't want? I need one with PAGE dimensions of: 6" x 7.5" and .75-1" thick20:53
* Cheri703 will be scouring thrift stores soon20:54
Derath-SrvrHmmm... why the specifics Cheri?20:54
Cheri703going to make a hollowed out book as a cover/case for my nook :D20:55
Cheri703basically this, but smaller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3I5ZJdtAzY&feature=player_embedded20:55
Derath-SrvrAh... I see20:56
skrappjawim kinda bored and wanna get out of the house for a while. UH is the only thing im doing tonight.20:58
Cheri703:( people who ordered them online at release are getting them already :( :( I might have to wait til the end of next week. I called the store and they're like, "I dunno" since online it is saying that stores might be getting them as early as monday21:00
canthus13Unit193: I've got the v7.21:12
* skrappjaw isnt doing well with angrybirds.21:12
Unit193Thanks anyway... I guess I can't do that...21:13
skrappjawwe will have most of us there again tonight.21:19
skrappjawany one here use a git repo?21:20
Unit193Not me though21:22
Cheri703skrappjaw: if you were feeling especially generous, Unit193 lives just a little off the route if we took park ave from my house....21:23
Cheri703Unit193: do you have your other thing tonight though?21:24
Unit193Every Weds at 6:3021:24
skrappjawtha sounds cool to me21:24
* skrappjaw has no problem makin a detour.21:25
Cheri703Unit193: would you have a ride FROM u-h?21:25
Cheri703and/or do you WANT to have a ride there?21:25
Unit193That actually works well for me (Friend can't go and a few of them are working)21:25
* Cheri703 probably shouldn't assume that ;)21:25
Unit193Now it's just up to if I want to go ;)21:26
skrappjawIm bout to go get some gas in my tank21:30
Cheri703kk, I'll be here and ready :)21:30
Unit193Cheri703: You remember how to get to here? I'll wait at the end of the road...21:31
skrappjawheadin out. l8r.21:32
Cheri703mostly, pm me the exact road name21:32
Unit193PM > Cheri70321:34
Cheri703kk, thanks21:34
Unit193Now... I should wear clothing?21:35
* Cheri703 would appreciate that21:35
Cheri703alright, I'm packing this thing up, see you in a while Unit19321:37
Unit193Cheri703: See ya!21:37
jgould1:04 with RIM after a disconnect at 2 hours...22:13
jgouldAnd a disconnenct22:15
skellatHow long have you had the handset?22:18
jgouldThis handset or since the first one was purchased?22:18
skellatThe current one22:19
jgouldI got this one on Mar 17 of this year22:19
skellatAnd is AT&T giving you grief over Exchange-by-Mail?22:20
jgouldthey are saying the trouble shooting needs to be done, (it was already done...) and are making me talk to RIM again...22:20
skellatHunh.  That shouldn't be the case.  Are you talking to somebody in person or on the phone?22:21
jgouldThis is the second phone for pretty much the same apparent reason.22:21
jgouldAT&T doens't have instore support for this kind of thing.22:21
jgouldcloset device switch center is in Cleveland22:21
skellatWhat's the phone not doing?22:23
jgouldworking...  It locks up, will not get emails for hours, randomly acts stupid22:24
skellatWhen was the last reset done to the device?22:25
jgouldMay 1722:25
jgouldwipe and reinstall, no restore22:25
skellatSame SIM card all along?22:25
skellatAny other chip available for you to swap in?22:27
jgouldNot without completely screwing up our phones for a little bit22:28
skellatAnd two separate handsets exhibited the freaky symptoms?22:29
jgouldpretty much the same symptoms.  and not right away eihter22:30
skellatIt sucks that bugs can't really be filed on Blackberry OS22:32
jgouldoh, you mean filing the bug against the *whole* OS?22:32
skellatThat would work22:34
skellatThe thing is based on QNX and at the core fill only 2 1.44 MB floppies22:34
jgouldNot on the phones22:34
jgouldthey are J2ME (which is part of the problem, I thinks)22:34
skellatJ2ME presents all sorts of bizarre warts22:35
skellatAny older handsets on ebay or the like that you could pick up and slap the SIM into?22:37
jgouldWe have a Samsung Jack (runs WinMo) that I can't stand but I'm about to start using...22:38
skellatThe Blackjack devices are tough little buggers.  I've seen one that's survived washing machine trips22:39
jgouldNot a blackjack, just the jack22:40
skellatApparently it is the follow-on to the Blackjack 222:41
jgouldanyone requested free stickers from System7622:47
skellatI haven't.  I'm using a System76 box right now, though.22:50
* jgould nods22:54
jgouldgreat day for a sundress...22:54
skellatThat'll change tomorrow...supposed to be a cell of cold air coming in22:56
jgouldit may just cool it off a bit22:57
skellatI'm hoping.  Weather lately has just been a bit too manic.22:57
jgouldAnybody in here coming to C-bus UH23:52

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