
rmg51morning JonathanD10:41
JonathanDhowdy rmg5110:41
rmg51back to getting up early again after your camping trip10:41
JonathanDI was still up at 6 yesterday, I just didn't get online :P10:42
JonathanDunpacked the car, instead.10:43
rmg51get your priorities straight10:43
rmg51first you say good morning here10:43
rmg51then you unpack the car ;-)10:44
JonathanDSorry, guess I left you to fend for yourself all morning eh? :10:44
rmg51I had to take over for you10:44
rmg51you started this thing10:45
JonathanDSo I saw.10:45
JonathanDI appreciate it ;)10:45
JonathanDCarry the torch, man!10:45
rmg51either me or Teddy :-D10:45
rmg51ok, back to reading the paper10:46
rmg51the main reason for me awake this early10:46
InHisNameGood Morning World!11:10
SamuraiAlbagood bacon to all!13:44
ssweenymmm bacon13:53
SamuraiAlbahas anyone here used Sardu?13:55
PennBotTitle: SARDU - Multi Boot USB pendrive and CD or DVD Builder (at www.sarducd.it)13:56
IdleOneSamuraiAlba: I just recommended http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/  I haven't tried either but they both look to do the same thing14:30
PennBotTitle: YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive Linux (at www.pendrivelinux.com)14:30
IdleOnethat is a windows app mind you14:30
ChinnoDogI give up on Hyper-V. Its limitations are crimping my style.15:29
ChinnoDogAnd, Ubiquity kept crashing.15:30
ChinnoDogOk, now Ubiquity crashes in vbox. Maybe my ISO is corrupt16:19
* ChinnoDog thinks everyone is sleeping16:35
jedijfChinnoDog: you have no style16:42
teddy-dbearthe bear is awake16:43
teddy-dbearthe bear just doesn't care :-[16:44
* teddy-dbear doesn't use or know anything about that stuff16:45
jedijfntr-user: welcome17:56
ChinnoDogPennBot: ntr-user?17:57
PennBotWish I knew.17:57
ChinnoDogjedijf: Didn't you say 'ntr-user' is a default nick for something?18:29
jedijfChinnoDog: it was the old kejava ntr image default. I know of one person who uses it, but ntr recently announced linux desktops for $35 and i wonder if they were using the old image18:32
ChinnoDogntr-user: How new is your computer?18:46
ChinnoDogntr-user is mute18:58
InHisNamecould be stale19:38
ChinnoDogntr-user is stale?19:39
InHisNameif it has been three years .  .   .    .    .      version 8.04?   Would you consider that one stale now or modern ?19:41
ChinnoDogntr-user: time to upgrade19:42
teddy-dbeartime to upgrade to teddy bear level19:59
teddy-dbearI'm more active ;-)19:59
jthanWho likes Frank Sinatra?20:08
teddy-dbearNancy Sinatra :-D20:11
teddy-dbearand a cousin of that silly human of mine20:11

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