
vychunehey guys01:42
Unit193Howdy, vychune02:02
wrsthowdy vychune, Unit19302:06
Unit193I should now say howdy to wrst...02:11
wrstha ha Unit193 how are you doing?02:13
Unit193wrst: Not too much. Just got back from a meeting and played with my bots so now I'm going to watch reruns of Dr Who :D02:15
Unit193Doing much?02:15
wrstnope just baby sitting and about to get ready to wind down for the night02:15
cyberangerintresting device03:50
chris4585wrst, are you around?04:36
chris4585it feels fantastic to be on gnome-shell / ubuntu05:32
Unit193chris4585: How are you working with that (I know of two ways to do it)05:32
chris4585I upgraded to 11.10 and installed gnome-shell from the repositories, I had to set it up, but it works05:33
chris4585I'm surprised it even worked, the original install was 10.10, upgraded to 11.04 and then again to 11.1005:34
* exodus_ms is reminded of the lyrics "hello hello, is there anybody out there...06:51
wrstchris4585: nice11:36
chris4585wrst, I didn't imagine that awn would work so nicely with GS with the right configuration11:39
wrsthow does everything work on ubuntu?  looks like its going well?11:46
chris4585yes actually.. no hiccups11:46
chris4585at first it was ugly... with no gtk3 themes on my install I went and found a decent one to use11:46
chris4585I removed unity / unity-2d and only really using gnome-shell11:47
chris4585honestly from what I've used so far from it, its worked really well, better than unity in 11.0411:47
chris4585I just can't wait for more updates lol11:48
wrstchris4585: I just really dislike unity :/11:48
chris4585right now with my setup I almost can't tell the difference between gnome2 and gnome3/shell11:49
chris4585on the surface anyway11:49
* wrst heads to work be back in 3011:50
chris4585nvidia-current works with gnome-shell and actually seems to run better than what I usually use with compiz11:50
chris4585alright, I need to get some sleep11:50
wrstchris4585: I've found nvidia to work well with gnome 312:39
chris4585ah thats good12:39
chris4585so far no crashes or anything12:39
wrstno none that's on my desktop12:41
wrston my laptop that I just got with intel it works perfectly also and wasn't bad with my really cheap ati card in my old now deceased laptop12:41
chris4585I'm really liking gnome3, the more I've used it tonight the more it feels just like gnome212:42
wrstwell the more I use it the mroe it feels better chris4585 but I've always used it pretty vanilla12:50
Xpistosmorning all13:58
Unit193Howdy, Xpistos!13:58
wrstXpistos, Unit193 good morning13:58
XpistosHello Unit193 wrst et all13:59
wrstXpistos: how are things going?14:00
Xpistosjust fixing my comic book collection14:00
Xpistosand if you haven't used it team Viewer is great for windows and linux14:01
Unit193Heh, TeamViewer for linux is actually wine14:02
wrstUnit193: ewww14:04
wrstmorning Svpernova0914:05
cyberangerUnit193: a very nice implementation in wine, but it's still giving issues more often than true linux code15:50
Unit193cyberanger: I understand it isn't bad. I just had to comment about it :D15:53
cyberangerUnit193: it's bad enough15:54
cyberangerand same here ;-)15:54
Unit193x11vnc seems to be my friend (And fixes the xfce-terminal bell)15:55
cyberangerI didn't think the bell was broken (ubuntu just tried very very hard to gut it)15:59
Unit193Xubuntu doesn't seem to like the bell, when I tried to enable it, I had no luck. I now figured out that if I vnc in, the bell works! Figure that one out....16:01
wrstgood morning cyberanger16:09
wrsthey exodus_ms!16:47
exodus_mshey wrst16:47
wrsthow are you doing? long time no see, hope all is going well16:48
exodus_msgoing pretty good, stayn busy with my daughters and work mostly. hows everything your way?16:49
wrstdoing very well exodus_ms, by your IP looks like you are online16:50
=== msexodus is now known as exodus_ms
exodus_msa little connection issues there. ghosted 'exodus_ms' and reconnected. but cant seem to ghost exodusMS because its not registered16:55
wrstoh just meant exodus_ms that you have an ISP again thought you went  a period of phone only16:56
exodus_msi just switched backed to my phone, was using a neighbors wifi, they just booted me ;)16:57
exodus_msbut yeah, i use my phone 90% of the time to connect16:57
exodus_msunless there is an open wifi then i connect to it16:58
wrstwell they shouldn't leave their wifi open :)16:58
exodus_msthats how i took it, almost like an invite for sharing internet16:59
exodus_ms :D16:59
Unit193Or just use their WEP connection :D16:59
exodus_msor just use the default password because their ssid is still named "linksys" ;)17:00
wrstha ha exodus_ms yes we have a few of those in my neighborhood... I woudl be no good to you as I have mine well reasonably sedure I guess if WPA 2 is still secure?17:02
exodus_msi thinks is kinda sad that alot of folks in my apt complex just plug up their router and go. leaving everything at factory default17:02
exodus_msidk wrst cyberanger would be the one to ask on that, im sure someone has figured out how to crack it, but i doubt they live in your area :)17:04
Unit193Around here, the DSL modems have port 80 open to the outside (with default pass)17:05
wrstUnit193: that's kinda sad, stupid, etc17:05
exodus_msi agree17:05
wrstbut I have phone most phone companies know absolutely nothing about networking17:05
wrsti'm trying to fix a mess right now that they "helped" me out with17:06
exodus_mswhy does dsl do that with port 80?17:06
exodus_msive seen that with dsl alot17:06
Unit193http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html :D17:07
exodus_msyou dont need port 80 unless your hosting a website ect right?17:07
Unit19380 = http17:10
exodus_mswhat am i thinking of then, there is a port that you have to have open to host your own site, i remember comcast being kinda weird about me using it etc, idk i cant remember.17:12
exodus_msi unplugged for almost a year, didnt mess with a computer at all. ive forgotten so much17:12
Unit193He be gone... That's the correct port...17:13
cyberangerhey exodus_ms long time no see17:14
exodus_mswhats up cyberanger how you been?17:14
wrstexodus_ms: lots of time the router admin can be accessed through that or can on ours here at work17:14
exodus_msthnaks wrst I have to be honest, networking is def not my thing, it confuses me to no end lol17:15
electricusanybody know why my server says on the login screen "bridge-eth0: enabled promiscuous mode" ??23:34
electricusand the machine is hosed23:35
wrstelectricus: that sounds like you have a naughty server23:36
wrstwhat are you running on it?23:36
* wrst reminds electricus of the name of the channel :P23:37
wrstcyberanger: you heard of that ^^^^ issue?23:37
electricusi think i have a hard drive that's failing23:37
wrstwhen you say hosed ....23:37
cyberangerwrst: issue?23:39
wrstcyberanger: electricus' dirty little server going all promiscuous23:40
electricusya. promiscuous is usually in reference to packet sniffing23:40
wrstyou know anyway we can get her to clean her life up, get off the street, and be a productive member of society again?23:40
electricusi think it's in reference to vmware though since it's bridging23:41
electricusand when the drive is failing.. it's throwing that error23:41
wrstahh electricus this is a VM?23:41
electricusthe host machine is giving the error23:42
wrsthmm electricus way out of my league I think cyberanger has done some of that stuff before23:43
wrstI've done a little bridging but using virtual box and never on a server I always have a mouse pointer at my aid23:44
electricusi'm going to try smartctl23:44
electricusi have a suspicion that it's a failing hard drive23:44
wrstbackup quickly :)23:44
electricusoh.. it could be failing nic too23:45
wrstcyberanger: don't you think installing ubuntu server would fix him ? ;)23:46
electricusi may try ubuntu server23:47
wrstelectricus: i really like it for a simpleton like me its really easy, upgrades easy to the next version if you want to etc23:48
wrstI actually like ubuntu server for what I do better than I like ubuntu desktop23:48
wrsti use mine for a file/print server and also for quassel and various other little odds and ins and have pretty much zero issues other than when I used LVM and with only one disk that was silly23:49
electricusthe only reason i use centos.. is because it's free rhel23:49
wrstI looked at it once... pretty old and stale23:49
electricusand commercial linux software usually depends on rhel.. from my experience23:49
wrstbut that's the point I suppose :)23:49
electricusya.. you got that rightt23:49
wrstI imagine its pretty good I looked at the desktop version of it, and really wasn't impressed but it really shouldn't be a good desktop I suppose23:50
cyberangerwrst: might, as long as there isn't a limitation23:54
wrstcyberanger: I think I may get on the 11.10 (I can't remember how to say or spell the code name) bus pretty early as I'm not too happy with unity since it has gnome3 going23:56
electricusya.. i hate centos/rhel23:57
electricusthe software is about 2yrs old it seems like23:57
electricusin every release23:57
electricusand yeah.. you would never want to run a cento/rhel desktop23:58
electricusbut it's super stable23:58

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