
* abogani waves all07:23
aboganiThe new -lowlatency kernel is ready for test.07:23
aboganiScottL: ^07:23
astraljavaabogani: Excellent news! I'll give it a go later today. :)08:12
scott-workastraljava: did you say that you were going to look into the cdrdao build failure?12:41
astraljavascott-work: Yeah, I will be, but might take until tomorrow, though.13:16
scott-workastraljava: no problem :)13:16
astraljavascott-work: Do you have an idea regarding us-meta?13:16
scott-workusually when i see uninstallable binaries i wait a few days and if no one else fixes it then i start to get worried and look into it ;)13:17
scott-workastraljava: the -meta is failing to build to because cdrdao is part of the -meta13:17
scott-workfix cdrdao and the -meta should build13:17
astraljavascott-work: Right. Yeah, on cdrdao changelog, seb128 has this to say: debian/control: build without gcdmaster it's not really maintained and it depends on deprecated gnome libraries13:20
astraljavaBut that was already last Friday, so I can't understand the failing build then.13:20
astraljavaAhh... I get it.13:21
scott-workyou might just email him and tell him that it appears that his change is borking the build and see if he takes care of it13:21
astraljavacdrdao 1:1.2.3-0.1ubuntu1 produces uninstallable binaries, but there is now cdrdao (1:1.2.3-0.1ubuntu2) oneiric; urgency=low, for which the changelog entry is actually.13:21
astraljavaWhy are we building against the older one, then?13:22
persiaJust bad timing probably.  The image builds build against what is available at ftp.internal when they build, which can be a bit behind the latest uploads.13:24
astraljavapersia: Gotcha. So, wait a few more days, then.13:24
persiaThat's not what I'd do :)13:25
persiaI'd recommend attempting an install in a chroot.13:25
persia`apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop^` should pull the current task, and try to install it.13:25
persiaIf that works, the next image build *should* work (unless something else changes).  If that doesn't work, then it's worth investigating why.13:26
persiaIf something can't be installed, check LP to see if there is a more recent upload (usually this would fix it).13:26
astraljavapersia: Okay, I'll do that tomorrow then. Thanks!13:26
persiaOr maybe it's wedged by some other thing which is being fixed.13:26
persiaAnd of course, if there are no pending uploads, then it's worth trying to just fix it (many times this is a rebuild or similar).13:27
persiaSince packages are only rebuilt when they are noticed to have issues, it's not uncommon that we're running something built ages ago (some packages haven't been updated since 5.04, but they work, so nobody cares)13:28
persiascott-work: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/unchanged/unchanged_since_warty13:29
astraljavaHehe. :)13:29
scott-workhi Kokito , good morning :)14:35
scott-workearly for you isn't?14:35
Kokitomorning scott-work 14:40
Kokitoyeah, lt of things in my head lately wake me up too early :)14:40
scott-workthis weekend should be our regularly scheduled contributor meeting14:41
scott-workKokito: will you be available for the meeting...it should be on Sunday morning, not sure of the time since ailo and holstein wanted to change it14:42
ailoscott-work, I think it would be good to change the time, so that everyone has the chance to participate14:43
scott-workailo: i completely agree, just can't remember what time you and holstein decided ;)14:44
ailoI believe it was 17.00 UTC14:44
ailoYeah, it was 17.00. I double checked with astraljava, who is the person that will have the latest time14:45
ailoHe had no problem with it14:45
scott-worki'll see about updating the meeting wiki page today then for that14:45
ailoAnd Kokito should have the earliest time14:45
Kokitoscott-work: & ailo I have not planned my weekend yet, but if I can I will attend the meeting14:47
scott-workKokito: if not, can you send me an update for the website update and i'll report it for the meeting14:47
scott-workKokito: is there anything still holding you up?14:48
Kokitoscott-work: yes, lack of time :)14:48
scott-workKokito: hahaha, i'm not sure i can help with that one :)14:49
KokitoI know :)14:53
scott-worklistening to linux outlaws i heard that Fit and the Conniptions records their music with ubuntu studio15:19
scott-workmaybe we should include something on the new website to showcase artists that use ubuntu studio15:19
scott-workhi falktx 15:20
falktxhey scott-work15:20
* scott-work hasn't actually listened to the Fit and the Conniptions music15:24
scott-worklistening to F&C, it's relatively well produced :)15:29
scott-workhi quadrispro 15:40
scott-worki included you on the mudita24 RFP (or RPF) email15:41
quadrisproyep, I got it15:41
quadrisprohi all15:41
scott-workquadrispro: okay :)15:43
falktxhey quadrispro15:43
scott-workquadrispro: i see you have been busy with the ladish transition15:43
quadrisproI need to allocate some time for it as I'm quit busy with the lash->ladish transition15:44
quadrisproyep :)15:44
quadrisproI've been writing the report to request the removal of lash from Debian's archive15:44
quadrisprojust few packages still need to be fixed15:45
quadrisproehy falktx 15:45
falktxquadrispro: quick question - is debian now fully deprecating lash in favour of ladish+session?15:45
quadrisprofalktx, yep, it is15:46
quadrisprokeeping an obsolete software in the archive is nonsense anyway, plus the alternative is on the way15:46
falktxquadrispro: I want to backport your changes to my PPAs, so many thanks for your hard work15:47
scott-workquadrispro: i was under the impression that ladish depended on lash, it would appear that i was wrong then ;)15:50
scott-workit will be interesting to see how things split between jack-session and ladish15:51
* falktx believes that as soon as he make some ladish tutorial videos, everyone will want to go the ladish way...15:51
scott-worki think i have a good feel for what ladish is offering but i haven't found a good resource to understand what jack-session is intending to offer15:52
scott-workfalktx: that would be a good thing to do...i'll even offer to help with editing the video if you record it15:52
quadrisproyes, scott, you aren't right :) ladish is just the replacement of lash15:52
scott-workfalktx:  don't forget, you make a script for building live images of ubuntu studio and i'll pay a bounty ;)15:53
falktxscott-work: yes, I didn't forgot that15:54
scott-workoh good :)15:54
falktxas soon as I port the old plugins from the old PPA and the debian-multimedia ladish stuff, I'll start to make ISOs15:55
quadrisproi have to go, cya!16:19
holsteinailo: 17:00 utc 16:45
* holstein double checking16:45
holsteinim going to hit the lists with a reminder16:45
ailoholstein, Yep16:45
holsteinsunday right?16:45
ailoSunday as far as I am aware16:46
holsteinthis is that converter that scott-work suggested right?16:46
scott-workthis is the converter that i prefer:  http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedform.html?year=2011&month=6&day=1&hour=0&min=0&sec=0&p1=10416:52
scott-workbecause it shows many major cities (countries) that most can find that is close to their own city16:52
holsteincheck this out...16:53
holstein^ that looks correct?16:54
scott-workoh, sorry, didn't see you had typed, holstein 16:54
scott-workwhy is my link sooooo much longer than yours, hmmmm?16:55
holsteini think its just doubled up16:55
scott-workoh, because mine is WRONG!  LOL16:55
holsteinand the name is longer16:55
scott-workah, right, deleted the last half and it works16:56
scott-workholstein: i would like to mention in all future correspondence that we include "ccontributor" to encourage people to help16:56
holsteinscott-work: i like it16:57
scott-workor hopefully prevent biasing people to say, "well, crap, i can't code, i'm not a developer, i shoudlnt' be in that meeting"16:57
holstein^ thats the link i'll use16:58
holsteinscott-work: is there an itenerary?16:58
scott-worknot yet16:59
holsteini think as things get closer, we need to get more 'buisness' about it16:59
scott-worki will throw together something during lunch today16:59
holsteindid you get a chance to see charlie-tca run that xubuntu-devel meeting?16:59
scott-worki did16:59
holsteinquite effecient :)16:59
scott-worki think if we held it in #ubuntu-meeting then we could use that bot16:59
holsteinDaviey said he'd help us get a bot in here17:00
holsteinscott-work: i could go either way really17:00
Davieyholstein: did i?17:00
holsteinDaviey: right?17:00
scott-workit is already in #ubuntu-meeting, i thought it was be easiest to do that17:00
holsteinmaybe you said you'd point me in the right direction17:00
holsteinDaviey: im not saying you havent done what you said you'd do, i havent followed up17:01
holsteinDaviey: i was asking because in #ubuntu-us-nc, mootbot-uk really made things easier17:02
holsteineitherway, the meeting is in here on sunday, so im going to get that annoucement out17:03
Davieyholstein: I can add mootbot-uk here.17:07
DavieyPersonally, i wonder if having the meeting in #ubuntu-meeting is better for studio...17:08
Davieymore exposure. :)17:08
holsteinDaviey: yeah, i agree with both you and scott-work about that17:09
holsteinscott-work: i havnet fired off this email, do you want to see it #ubuntu-meeting is available?17:10
holstein*i mean, i'll see if its availalbe if you want to try and move it there by this sunday17:10
Davieyposting a reminder /here/ at meeting start time, surely means nobody will be lost.17:12
scott-workholstein: yes, i would try to see if #ubuntu-meeting is available, even log it into the calendar if possible, then email17:13
holsteinscott-work: cool, i'll hold off then, and ping you when i sort it out17:13
holsteinDaviey scott-work , do you have to be registered to have voice in -meeting?17:15
holsteinflags are +Ccz looks like17:15
holsteinWhen +z is set, the effects of +b, +q, and +m are relaxed. For each message, if that message would normally be blocked by one of these modes, it is instead sent to all the users who are currently set +o (channel operator). This is intended for use in moderated debates.17:16
holsteinthat looks open then right?17:17
Davieyit is open, anyone can talk17:17
holsteini plan on linking a freenode webchat link in the email17:17
scott-workholstein: you might not send the email until we have a wiki page to link with an agenda17:17
holsteini'll explain what that channel is for though17:17
holstein*dont just join and start heckling ;)17:17
holsteinscott-work: is there an ongoing wiki page?17:18
holsteini'll start an agenda that looks like this17:18
holsteinopen discussion17:18
holsteindiscussion timeline17:18
holsteindiscuss timeline*17:19
scott-workthat's the landing page for them, i'll make a specific one later today unless you want to crack it out now17:19
holsteinok, that gets me started i think17:20
holsteinscott-work: if i get stuck, i ping for help17:20
scott-worksure :)17:20
holsteinscott-work: heres what i started https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2011June517:40
holsteinw00t, i got it added to the fridge for #ubuntu-meeting17:41
holstein*im pretty sure at least17:41
scott-workholstein: the fridge does show the meeting but it's labeling it at 5:00 pm GMT apparently, is this correct18:06
* scott-work is pretty ignorant about GMT18:06
charlie-tcaStudio installed for alpha1, if nothing is marked in Software Selection18:13
scott-workhi charlie-tca18:14
scott-workwe didn't actually expect an alpha1 image to be published, i thought i had that understanding with skaet18:15
charlie-tcaGot a new guy testing it, just to see if it will install18:15
charlie-tcano problem18:15
charlie-tcagives him good practice18:15
holsteincharlie-tca: w0w, thanks :)18:15
scott-workwe know that the audio-base (or similar, forget the name) seed has uninstallable seeds so it probably craps out :/18:15
charlie-tcaand it helps to be able to say you did publish alpha1, even if it is broken18:16
holsteinscott-work: alright, i think i got everything sorted, im firing off this email18:16
holstein17:00 UTC = 5pm GMT right?18:16
scott-workholstein: is the time on the fridge correct?18:16
holsteinor am i making that up18:16
scott-worki don't know :/18:16
holsteinwell, i'll double check that...18:16
scott-worki thought UTC and GMT were the same, just renaming it18:17
charlie-tcaholstein: right, I believe18:18
holsteinyeah, UTC and GMT are the same18:18
charlie-tcalet me get through this meeting and give you a world time url18:18
holsteinso, 17:00 and 5p are the same18:18
scott-workgood :)18:18
holsteinhttp://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Ubuntu+Studio+Contributor+Meeting&iso=20110605T17&sort=0 should be it18:19
scott-workcharlie-tca: this is the converter we were using:  http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Ubuntu+Studio+Contributor+Meeting&iso=20110605T1718:19
charlie-tcaThat works. 18:19
holsteinOK, im firing it off18:19
scott-worksounds good :)18:19
charlie-tcato calculate real time, just subtract 12 from the numbers bigger than 12:0018:19
charlie-tcaand add a pm, of course18:20
holsteinscott-work: im sending it to both lists18:20
scott-worki'm ex USMC, i'm used to the military time ;)18:20
holsteinthe -dev and -user18:20
scott-workholstein: absolutely :)18:20
charlie-tcascott-work: me too18:21
scott-workoh wow, that's cool, how long ago?18:22
* charlie-tca has all his computer clocks on 24 hour time18:22
scott-worki've been out for almost fifteen years now18:22
charlie-tcaretired in 1992 after 2018:22
scott-workoh wow, i didn't do that18:22
scott-worki got out after two years and two broken bones in my left foot18:22
scott-workwhich kinda pissed me off18:22
charlie-tcaThat would18:23
scott-worki was on track to make sargeant in just over two years18:23
scott-workshit, wrong18:23
scott-worklcpl in 2, i would have made sergeant in four 18:23
charlie-tcaspellings were always a bear18:23
charlie-tcaah, yes18:23
charlie-tcaThose were the days18:24
scott-worki got a promotion out of school for leadership which put me ahead18:24
scott-worki was mid/late twenties and everyone else was 18 :P18:24
scott-workcharlie-tca: what did you do?18:24
charlie-tcabomb loader in the Air Force18:25
scott-worki was an Electrical Equipment Repair Specialist (EERS)18:25
scott-workoh, wow, that's a little interesting ;)18:25
scott-worki was trained to work on the electrical generating part of our generators but i usually ended up in the field with them or back in barracks busting rust, painting, changing filter18:26
charlie-tcaWe got involved in everything when we had to troubleshoot18:27
scott-workya, good times, sometimes i really miss that because i never get to throw grenades or shoot large caliber weapons anymore18:27
charlie-tcaI never got to, unless you count watching the gun fire on an airplane18:29
scott-worki saw the range every year (although they were just starting to change it so if you qualified expert you would skip ever other year) but more inportantly...18:34
scott-worki went out LOADS of times with grunt to give them electricity and they did cool shit18:34
scott-worki got to shoot craps loads with them and throw grenades18:34
scott-worki could have hidden somewhere and avoid all of it by hanging by the generator but that's not me, you know ;)18:35
scott-workthe funnest time i think was when i spent three months in south korea TAD'd with a comm unit18:35
scott-workthey're were TOW guys there too, making plywood targets of Kim Il Jong and other guys, pretty hilarious and fun18:36
charlie-tcaI bet it was18:37
holsteinscott-work: did you get hooked up with skaet ?18:47
holsteinshe seems to me somewhat loose right now after a meeting *18:47
scott-workyes, she said she got chris jones to look at it this week18:48
holsteinscott-work: OK :)18:48
scott-workit looks like it might only be me getting rights though18:48
scott-worki was hoping to have a similar situation like charlie-tca 18:48
holsteinscott-work: thats good enough right?18:48
scott-workwhere i can grant rights as well18:48
astraljavascott-work: Missed it the last time? No worries, here it is again: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_UTC_and_GMT_time19:17
scott-workcharlie-tca: is Guilliem the person you mentioned earlier who was testing the ubuntustudio image?20:16
scott-workhi hans, you're hans of jackpanel fame, are you not?20:20
scott-workoops, hansfbaier ^^^20:22
hansfbaierWell, not much time for jackpanel development recently20:23
hansfbaierStill would need significant work, but my priorities shifted considerably since then20:23
hansfbaiernew baby20:23
scott-workooh, yes indeed!  i have three myself, well, not babies anymore though :)20:31
hansfbaierMy third as well20:57
hansfbaierMost of my spare time is eaten by investing right now20:58
hansfbaierBeing totally immersed in Open Source Development 2009 was fun, but it cost me a years worth of salary, because20:59
hansfbaierI totally neglected my investments20:59

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