
=== darkmatter_ is now known as darkmatter
everlast21Hi. I have a question. I was able to triple-boot my iMac with rEFIt for Mac OS X, Windows 7, and Natty Narwhal. My problem is that Ubuntu Studio has a blank screen when it loads up. I can by rote still login, but cannot see what is on the screen.22:13
everlast21I think that it is a graphics card issue.22:13
everlast21So, it does boot up, but no picture on my monitor.22:14
orngjce223You may want to try #ubuntu for that question?22:14
everlast21So, what can I do about my problem?22:14
everlast21OK. Thanks.22:14
everlast21I will do that.22:15
=== orngjce223 is now known as Guest81745
ParadoxGuitaristHey everyone! Quick question: Do you all have an open source sampler you use to play software instruments?23:36
ParadoxGuitaristI see a lot of modeling synth stuff but no software samplers.23:49
ailoParadoxGuitarist, There's Linux Sampler, but it isn't totally free, which is why you need to compile it yourself23:49
ParadoxGuitaristThanks ailo, that's too bad that it's not free...23:50
ailoIt's free as in you don't need to pay for it, but it's non-free in that you can't include it where ever you want. You can use it for any artistic creation though23:50
ailoThey have an exception making it impossible to use it for hardware samplers, or that's what I imagine at least23:51
ParadoxGuitaristI wonder if I write them a REALLY nice letter they'd let me compile it for a distro23:52
ailoTheir site seems to be down23:53
ailoIt's not hard to compile. All you need to compile is the actual server: linux sampler23:53
ParadoxGuitaristI found it on a german server23:53
ailoThere's gui programs for it available: qsampler and gigedit23:53
ailojsampler too, if I got the name right23:54
ParadoxGuitaristBut also I don't have jack midi drivers installed atm.23:54
ailoIt's a gig based sampler originally. It now also handles another format23:54
ParadoxGuitaristFor what I want to use it for I might be talking to some other people about making a front end.23:54
ailoI suppose that should not be too hard23:55
ailoAs long as you don't include the linux sampler in a commercial distro, I think you're all right. That's the picture I've got anyway23:56
ParadoxGuitaristThanks ailo!23:56
ailoOther things to try is Hydrogen, which is best for drums23:57
ParadoxGuitaristYeah I've seen that in some package lists.23:58
ailoThe front ends for Linux sampler are available, so those you don't need to compile23:58
ParadoxGuitaristI'd like to make a front end that would incorporate multiple programs including plugins23:59
ailoThere's no need to23:59
ailoSince jack makes it possible for you to connect any jack software to any other jack software23:59

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