
ochosicharlie-tca: still around?00:30
micahgcool, just looking over the 4.10 release schedule, we can start upgrading P right after UDS00:43
ochosiwell, that is, if the release schedule holds00:44
micahgochosi: well, they're keeping the scope small this time to make sure it does00:44
* ochosi is keeping his fingers crossed00:45
ochosimicahg: do you have any gtk3 apps to test something for me?00:45
ochosior maybe oneiric in a vbox?00:45
* micahg checks00:45
micahgochosi: anjuta in oneiric00:46
ochosimicahg: i added a basic (hopefully working) gtk3 style to greybird today, would you mind giving it a quick spin?00:47
ochosias always, you can get the theme here: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird00:49
micahgochosi: is there a PPA package00:53
ochosimicahg: not yet, mr_pouit said he'd so some packaging for us later00:54
micahgochosi: k00:54
micahgI'm a little busy at the moment though00:55
ochosik, nvm00:55
ochosii can ask people to test it tomorrow, there's still time till october ;)00:55
ochosii just did a first test and was eager to see whether it worked00:55
micahgochosi: well, thank you for your work01:31
ochosii'll have to install oneiric in a vbox pretty soon anyway i guess. gtk3-demo is just not good enough...01:32
charlie-tcaochosi: back again01:57
charlie-tcaochosi: I would grab alpha1 as soon as we get it to work01:58
charlie-tcaWe do not have a working image yet01:59
charlie-tcaAfter I restart and back up, I will upgrade to Oneiric myself. Then I should have a partly working system to test with02:00
ochosiwell, i got someone to test greybird-gtk3 for me, for now the menus and the scrollbars are done (and obviously most of the other colors)02:00
ochosistill a lot of widgets will look crappy02:00
charlie-tcaof course. 02:00
ochosiand in the end i'm uncertain of whether to stick to the adwaita engine or use unico instead02:00
ochosiubuntu uses unico, gnome3 uses adwaita...02:01
charlie-tcause unico then, keep us compatible with ubuntu. 02:01
charlie-tcaGnome3 will not be the default, will it?02:01
ochosierrm, no that was maybe ambiguous. both gnome3 and ubuntu *can* use either engine. but supposedly gnome3's default theme mainly uses the adwaita engine whereas ubuntu possibly will use unico02:02
ochosii can even use both engines without a problem02:02
ochosibut i'd prefer to just stick to one, it's most likely faster02:02
charlie-tcaAs an Ubuntu derivative, we should always strive for the best compatibility with Ubuntu02:03
ochosianyhow, going to bed now02:04
charlie-tcaHave a good night02:04
ochosity, you too02:04
charlie-tcasyncing again, we have a new image now02:05
charlie-tcaw00t! desktop images built too02:05
charlie-tcaXubuntu 64 alternate image installs in VBox03:05
charlie-tcaimages are out and working, at least alternate images work03:50
charlie-tcatesting desktop now03:50
charlie-tcaGridCube: time to download or zsync the images03:53
GridCubewhere is the .zsync file?03:54
GridCubehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ ¿¿03:54
charlie-tcamicahg: firefox start page has an invalid certificate03:55
charlie-tcaalso http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current    for alternate image zsync03:56
charlie-tcamicahg: don't know if we care this early, but I can file a bug if desired03:57
GridCubeoh i do have the alternate03:57
charlie-tcaThey are working so far03:57
charlie-tcaI will run one install on each image before I call it a night03:58
charlie-tcahm, I can't run the installer from the live desktop in oneiric 64bit desktop image04:00
charlie-tcait doesn't exist04:00
charlie-tcamr_pouit:  ^ ^ ^ 04:01
GridCubeok charlie-tca i move to the folder where the ISO is at and i run zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/oneiric-alternate-i386.iso.zsync04:01
GridCubemy iso is called: xubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso will that work?04:02
GridCubeor i have to remane te iso?04:02
charlie-tcahave to rename. It has to match the image you are syncing with04:03
GridCubeD:is downloading the whole file04:03
GridCubeok renamed 04:04
GridCubethat was silly of me04:04
GridCubestill no relevant04:05
GridCubeis downloading the whole thing04:05
charlie-tcamight be. My sync started at 33%, so it is pretty close to a full download anyway04:06
GridCubeNo relevent local data found - I will be downloading the whole file. If that's not what you want, CTRL-C out. You should specify the local file is the old version of the file to download with -i (you might have to decompress it with gzip -d first). Or perhaps you just have no data that helps download the file04:06
GridCubedownloading from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/oneiric-alternate-i386.iso:04:06
charlie-tcalet it download, if you can04:06
GridCubeoh can't i just torrent it?04:06
charlie-tcano, I don't think there are torrents for development releases04:07
GridCubeeveryday you learn something04:07
charlie-tcajigdo, zsync, rsync, full download04:07
charlie-tcaby the way, all images are oversize and do not fit on a CD04:10
GridCubei will install it on a vbox anyway04:14
charlie-tcaThat works. I will run all the images on hardware tomorrow04:14
charlie-tcaThe goal is 5 tests each, so if we get two or three, that would be fantastic04:15
GridCubei said to you that if you want i could install the x64 images too04:15
charlie-tcaI do run both04:15
charlie-tcayou can too04:15
charlie-tcadon't forget to sign up for the iso tracker...04:15
GridCubehow to?04:15
charlie-tcadesktop installs are working from the cd menu04:18
GridCubeim downloading the alternate04:18
charlie-tcaGot to free some bandwidth to file a bug against the live cd04:19
charlie-tcahitting 15kBps, for a high speed DSL connection04:20
GridCubeXD thats something i usually see sadly04:23
GridCubeoh man!! :( i forgot to call again to my ISP04:23
GridCubehow stupid can one be04:23
GridCubegahg! i'm mad at myself now04:23
charlie-tcadepends on the person?04:23
GridCubewell i forget to do things i should be doing04:24
charlie-tcamicahg: verified the firefox no start page issue on 32bit alternate image installation04:24
GridCubelike calling my ISP and telling them my service is shit and they have to 1) charge me less 2) fix my service04:24
GridCubecharlie-tca, is there a way to rapidly fetch system info?04:24
charlie-tcaI tell qwest that monthly, but it doesn't do any good04:25
charlie-tcawhat kind, like for your computer?04:25
GridCubenever mind, when i installed lubuntu it installed something called system information04:25
GridCubeit can generate a txt file whit all the info04:26
charlie-tcaopen a terminal, sudo lspci > lspci.txt04:26
GridCubewould that list ram and hard disks specs?04:26
charlie-tcacreates a text file in ~/  containing all the hardware info04:26
charlie-tcaif not, run hwinfo 04:27
GridCube:D yes! that one would do it better!  but this other one is far prettier, the gui tool i mean04:28
GridCubebut i wonder if this counts as too much information04:29
micahgcharlie-tca: wait, what's the issue?04:31
charlie-tcastart page fails for the certificate unknown04:32
charlie-tcafirefox in oneiric04:32
micahgI don't understand, there should be no cert on the start page04:33
* micahg only sees alternate images04:33
charlie-tcaabout:startpage fails to load; if I hit reload, I get a Secure Connection Failed04:34
charlie-tcatestpilot.mozillalabs.com:443 uses an invalid security certificate04:34
charlie-tcaMakes no sense to me04:35
charlie-tcathe good news is that the live cd is working for us now04:36
* micahg tries in a clean profile04:36
micahgfun, I get a 40404:37
charlie-tcaOnly missing the install icon in VBox, it is there in hardware04:37
micahgconfirmed, this should probably be fixed04:37
micahgcharlie-tca: can you file the bug and I'll milestone it?04:37
micahgcharlie-tca: thanks04:37
micahgthis probably affects Ubuntu as well04:38
micahgcharlie-tca: it's 79046904:38
charlie-tcano point in me filing it then?04:41
GridCubei do not appear as suscribed to the testing04:41
charlie-tcaGridCube: explain?04:41
micahgcharlie-tca: nope04:41
micahgcharlie-tca: you can add it to the ISO tracker though if you like :)04:42
GridCubeon http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/5779 i clic [subscribe] then i go to <My Subscriptions> and there is nothing there04:42
micahgif that's appropriate that is04:42
charlie-tcaGridCube: no problem, it takes a few minutes/hours for that to happen04:42
charlie-tcait will get there, given time. The servers are kind of weird04:43
GridCubeoh wait, i should check some boxes before subscribing?04:43
GridCubeXD i think i should 04:43
charlie-tcayes, you have to do that, too04:44
GridCubesorry for being such a pain04:44
charlie-tcaThanks, micahg 04:44
charlie-tcano problem04:44
charlie-tcaWe all start somewhere04:44
GridCube:D there now it appears04:45
charlie-tcaI have to file the missing installer bug from VBox, since it is not missing on hardware.04:45
GridCubeinstalling alternate :D14:31
charlie-tcaGridCube: when you look at the iso tracker, the square to the left of a test is a testcase that can be used14:32
charlie-tcaFor alpha1, our main concern is that it does actually install14:33
charlie-tcamr_pouit, micahg : images are installing for both 32bit and 64bit, alternate and desktop15:24
charlie-tcaalso upgrades worked15:25
* charlie-tca knows they are greatly oversized, which should work out before alpha215:25
Unit193I know a person that already switched (Upgraded) to 11.1015:26
charlie-tcaYes, there are always some will do that early. The problem is when it breaks and they do not know to wait for the fixes15:27
charlie-tcabreakage is always going to come, early in the cycle15:27
Unit193The person wanted Gnome3 (Isn't using Xubuntu)15:28
charlie-tcayeah, that isn't working well either yet15:28
Unit193Ubuntu is working on upgrading to GTK3?15:28
charlie-tcaubuntu is highly broken, but it doesn't matter, since people will insist on upgrading anyway15:29
Unit193Sorry, I was thinking for Oneiric release, not Alpha15:32
charlie-tcaoh, yes. 15:32
charlie-tcaUbuntu will be using GTK3, as much as possible for Oneiric15:32
Unit193I take it you will wait 'til next round?15:33
charlie-tcafor gtk3, yes, but for Oneiric, I will be upgrading a machine this weekend15:34
Unit193Thank you for the info!15:35
* charlie-tca enjoys fighting with broken stuff, so will upgrade his main machine first15:35
charlie-tcaIt is especially good when it goes down for 4-5 days15:36
drccharlie-tca: Any use DL'ing images today?15:40
charlie-tcaall images for xubuntu are oversized, but working15:41
charlie-tcaalternate and desktop, 32 and 64bit15:41
drcfun and games :)15:42
charlie-tcaI been at it most of the night, I think15:42
charlie-tcawell, actually, only about 5 hours now15:42
drcSleep is vastly overrated15:43
charlie-tcaheh, I test ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu for the milestone15:43
charlie-tcagot alpha1 due out tomorrow15:43
drcOk, DL'ing all images...because it's the first time, I'll test all 4 today.15:44
* drc wonders what else he has to do..oh yeah, mow the yard, weed, fun things such as that :(15:45
charlie-tcame too. What a deal, huh?15:45
charlie-tcaI just have to run about 16 more tests, too15:46
drcdamn rain and sun makes all the silly green things grow15:46
drcYou testing all the *buntus?15:46
charlie-tcano, just the three15:47
charlie-tcaI can't really get mythbuntu to work, since I have no tv card, and Studio and edubuntu are dvd's15:47
drccharlie-tca: want to to grab studio and edu (my connection is faster)? and test them?15:48
charlie-tcaIf yoiu 15:49
charlie-tcaif you can. You can see here that there are only a couple of tests to do on them, but they are usually last because the dvd is so big to download - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/15:50
drcOK, I'll start with them.15:51
drcIs edubuntu based on xubuntu (I know studio is moving)?15:59
charlie-tcabased on Ubuntu15:59
GridCubecame back16:00
charlie-tcaWork studio first, someone on the edubuntu team has a really fast setup and can test theirs in about 20 minutes per install16:00
* GridCube wants to anounce that he was previously known as Soupermanito16:00
GridCube:D i came back from the bank and oeniric had ended installing, now using the desktop16:01
GridCubei saw an error while first booting it said something like "udev non writable" or something like taht16:01
* GridCube shighs, he should have taken a screenshot16:02
charlie-tcayup, that is know16:02
charlie-tcayup, that is known already. it is a udev/.udev thing16:02
drcGridCube: It falls back to .udev.  Confused me too at first :)16:02
charlie-tcasign it off, it worked16:03
GridCube\o/ yay! got the same error than whit 11.0416:03
GridCubeopening thunar error!16:03
charlie-tcayou added networks to it?16:03
GridCubejust plain install16:04
charlie-tcaadd that bug to the iso tracker then16:04
GridCubeits the very first time i ever open thunar16:04
charlie-tcaI don't get that bug, myself16:04
GridCubei just double clic on the desktop icon :/16:04
drcWell, the DL speed is ok (1.3MB/sec) but the studio files size is so much larger:(16:05
charlie-tcaheh, yeah, I know16:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 775117 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar hangs on first launch of each session" [Low,Triaged]16:06
GridCubethis is the bug16:06
GridCubehow do i add it to the bug report automatically?16:06
drcIf edu is not based on X, why do you/we test them also (no offense intended, just wondering)16:07
charlie-tcayou just add it to the bug numbers on the tracker, and it will automatically tag the report itself16:07
charlie-tcaedubuntu is based on Ubuntu, and needs to be tested, so we test it16:07
drcWorks for me :)16:08
charlie-tcaWe don't do it daily, but for the milestone testing16:08
drcAre we doing studio milestones or daily?16:08
charlie-tcaThat is for alpha116:09
charlie-tcaWe just want to know it installs today16:09
charlie-tcaDid I confuse you yet?16:09
drcnope, followed every word with rapt attention.16:09
charlie-tcaEdubuntu will be rebuilt. no point in testing it yet16:10
drcok, studio then X16:10
GridCubei clicked the update arrow and instead of the standard updating window it launched synaptic16:10
drcYou want both Studios (32 and 64)16:10
charlie-tcaGridCube: really?16:11
charlie-tcait is early, but it should not do that. 11.04 did that too in testing16:11
charlie-tcaI think that is something will be fixed later16:11
GridCubeso its not important?16:11
GridCubeor should i report it?16:12
drcI'm gointo to go fix a pot of tea, it'16:12
charlie-tcanot important yet16:12
charlie-tcaalpha2, yes16:12
drcll take another 20 min to DL studio6416:12
GridCubei got the firefox error you where talking yesterday16:19
GridCubeff5 doesnt find flash on youtube16:25
charlie-tcaGridCube: most of those are expected this early16:25
micahgthat sounds weird though, let me see if anyone else reported that16:26
GridCubeim installing it tru the software center16:26
GridCubei guess its a firefox thing16:26
charlie-tcamicahg is checking. He is "the firefox person"16:27
micahgno, that's chrisccoulson :), I do handle the security updates though and have some familiarity with it :)16:27
charlie-tcamicahg is checking. He is "OUR firefox person"16:28
charlie-tcahm, three installs and syncing images might be too much for internet :-(16:28
micahgGridCube: which flash player do you have installed?16:29
drchmmm...I can see having a separate machine for testing would be a good thing.16:29
micahgdrc: VMs work fine for most things, occassionally you'll find diferent bugs in them16:30
drchttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/5790 says the manual partition test has been done (once only). I'm going to go to the 32 bit, that hasn't been done yet16:31
drcmicahg: Have never worked with VM's (scared really, but don't tell anyone)16:31
micahgdrc: testdrive makes it easy :)16:33
* drc wonders where the studio-types that were here yesterday are?16:33
drcmicahg: testdrive?16:33
GridCubeoh i like the sound thingy, i dont have that on 10.04 :D16:33
micahgdrc: yeah, it's an app that can sync ISOs and run them in a VM for you without you having to do the setup16:34
drcGot a URL?16:34
micahgdrc: it's in software center :)16:34
charlie-tcaworking, drc16:35
drcSomething useful in SC? Really?16:35
GridCube:( why if i double clic an mp3 it say you dont have the complements to play this media, and that i need to install those complements, and i don't have "install complements" [button]?16:35
drccharlie-tca: Work?  Oh yeah, that.16:36
charlie-tcaXubuntu doesn't use that kind of h16:36
charlie-tcathing to make your life as a user easier16:36
GridCubeit used to back in the day16:37
GridCubeD: the software center has freezed16:37
charlie-tcathat's because software center is broken16:37
GridCubenot reporting that then=16:37
charlie-tcamostly want to know you got it to install, reboot, and login, reboot, login16:38
drcmicahg: You really recommend testdrive ?16:39
charlie-tcaalmost everything else can be broken at this time16:39
micahgdrc: for someone who is afraid of VMs, yes, for someone who likes more control, I would suggest taking the time to set stuff up :)16:40
micahgdrc: the new version in natty really does a nice job of syncing the ISOs and setting up the VMs16:40
charlie-tcaYes, test drive is good for beginning VM users.16:40
charlie-tcaFor me, I got too many VBox machines to use it. 16:40
GridCubei killed the virtual machine D:16:41
drcThe "scared" part was really a euphanism for "lazy"16:41
micahgcharlie-tca: you might want to look into kvm/libvirt16:41
charlie-tcaI can't make kvm work. I have tried, but it really confuses things for me16:42
charlie-tcaback in a little bit, gotta take a break16:43
micahgcharlie-tca: there's an app cpu-checker that will tell you if you can run kvm/libvirt well on your machine16:43
micahgcharlie-tca: the security team has tools to make managing the VMs easier16:43
charlie-tcaI can't seem to make it work in my head16:44
drchttp://pastebin.com/EWbss6tQ Good enough to run testing in testdrive? (the 2 gig RAM will probably be 3 or 4 gig in July, depending on how much the youngest daughter loves me:)16:44
charlie-tcabut I got about 60 VBox machines set up16:44
charlie-tcasure, you only need to give the vm about 512 MB ram16:44
micahgdrc: yeah, default is 384 or 512 MB RAM w/5GB disk space I think16:44
drcOk, after today's testing, I'll look into it.16:45
GridCubehttp://imagebin.org/156307 this is because i haven't installed the video drivers correct?16:50
GridCubei don't know if whats happening is just me being ignorant or an error16:55
GridCubeif i go to "hibernate" ont the exit menu, it shows a screensaver for like 30 seconds and then it closes the vm16:55
drc1) I don't know anything about VM's or 2) use hibernate, but iitc, hibernate writes RAM to disk and then shuts down.  Wouldn't that naturally kill a VM session ?16:59
GridCubethats what im kinda asking16:59
charlie-tcaWhy would you hibernate a VM?17:01
charlie-tcayou still have to hibernate the main system17:02
drccharlie-tca: Because it's part of the Long Test and he's using a VM to test?17:03
charlie-tcahibernate and suspend will usually fail in a VBox session, because it doesn't have the ability to use the hardware for it17:04
charlie-tcathen he has to skip that. Most of that test will fail because it is too early in the cycle.17:04
charlie-tcahibernate will almost always fail in a VM17:04
charlie-tcaGridCube: again, for alpha1, installed, restarted, logout/restart, logged in, shutdown17:05
GridCubeseveral times17:05
charlie-tcathe rest does not count for this alpha1, because it just doesn't work yet17:05
GridCubeso thats it?17:06
* drc hopes that charlie-tca will remember that GridCube and he are newbies at *buntu testing :)17:06
GridCubethat was an easy testing test17:06
* GridCube hughs charlie-tca in a manly way17:06
charlie-tcaPlease update the iso tracker with your tests17:07
GridCubethe two bugs counted, the thunar bug and the firefox thing17:07
GridCubeand i check pased?17:07
charlie-tcayup, remembered. That's why I keep repeating the pertitent tests for alpha117:07
charlie-tcafor alpha1, installed, restarted, logout/restart, logged in, shutdown17:07
GridCubedid that17:08
GridCubelots of times :D17:08
charlie-tcadrc: for UbuntuStudio, the square icon to the left of the test gives the test case to use17:08
GridCubedo i add a comment?17:09
GridCubelike the flash on firefox thing?17:09
charlie-tcamicahg: is the no flash valid?17:15
GridCubei asked to add it on a comment because its not that flash didnt worked, it did,but from the installer from softwarecenter17:20
charlie-tcayes, that is a bug17:20
GridCubeok, does it have a number? or i just comment about it?17:27
charlie-tcawon't have a number unless you file it, ubuntu-bug software-center17:28
GridCubeanother thing, because im hardcore like that and i like to brake stuff, you see i choosed to start an xfce session, and then a xubuntu session, and then the color of bars and stuff changed17:29
charlie-tcaexpected too17:31
micahgcharlie-tca: sorry, was afk, checking18:06
charlie-tcano problem18:07
* micahg never got an answer on which flash player18:07
micahgGridCube: ^^18:07
charlie-tcaGridCube: which flash player? micahg needs to know18:07
drcxubuntu-develWell, Studio32 installs *as long as you dont try to use the Software Selection to add anything18:12
GridCubeoh yes18:12
charlie-tcaThat's okay18:12
GridCubeah the adobe one?18:12
charlie-tcamark the tracker for it18:12
drcxubuntu-develIt tried to use GNOME3 (but no drivers)18:13
GridCubei kinda reinstalled everything on the virtual machine to test dualboot18:13
drcxubuntu-develcharlie-tca: Got a URL for me, I'm still in Studio18:13
charlie-tcayup, that will change as soon as we give them a go ahead18:13
charlie-tcaThank you18:14
drcxubuntu-develcharlie-tca: Do I need to create a new QAaccount or will the launchpad one work?18:16
charlie-tcanew, I think18:17
charlie-tcaI created mine about three years ago, before it was tied to launchpad. 18:17
drcI'll post the Studio32Manual results as soon as my new password comes in the mail:(18:36
drccharlie-tca: Which (manual partition) test you want me to do now?18:37
drcOr live session...doesn't matter18:40
GridCube:) doing an auto rezise testing installation, dual boot 11.10t 11.10t XD18:41
GridCubewell if consistency counts as anything i once more got the same thunar error18:41
drcHe's busy...I'll do http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/5787/13218:42
GridCube:D and once more clicking the update arrow brings synaptic up18:43
drcOK, something screwy with my QA login/password (but I'll worry about that later).  Can someone go in to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/5791/224 and report that it installs, reboots, logsin, reboots, logsin (as long as Selected Software is not used, for me (so someone else doesn't waste time testing this once only test)18:48
ochosicharlie-tca: do you have a working instance of xubuntu oneiric in virtualbox already?18:48
ochosior anyone else in here?18:49
GridCubehes gone18:50
GridCubesup ochosi 18:50
GridCubei am installing alternate on vbox18:50
GridCubetried it twice already :D18:50
ochosibut it never worked?18:51
GridCubeit worked alright18:51
ochosioh, ok :)18:51
ochosiwell, would you mind testing greybird-gtk3 for me?18:52
ochosiand maybe take a few screenshots :)18:52
GridCubenothing for greybird on synaptic18:53
ochosithere's no ppa yet18:53
ochosiyou can dl it here: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/archives/master18:53
GridCubei don't know how to git18:53
ochosiit's just a tarball18:54
ochosiyou don't need to use git18:54
ochosithen unpack it, "sudo mv" it to /usr/share/themes and then change the theme in the appearance dialog to greybird18:54
ochosiand then you need to start some gtk3 application18:54
GridCube:O cliking on the pseudo-dock to launch firefox does nothing18:55
GridCubeah no, its just im really slow18:56
ochosianyhow, it's only if you have time18:56
ochosiif not, no worries18:56
ochosimaybe i'll get around to it next week18:56
GridCubeD: oh look at that my keyboard is not correctly setted18:58
GridCubei used the auto detection thing, where you have to press some asked keys, and it said the correct layout while installing, but now its not correct19:03
GridCubein previous installation i choosed manually the layout, and it worked alright19:04
charlie-tcaochosi: no, I overwrote mine with Kubuntu19:07
GridCubeochosi, what gtk3 app?19:10
GridCubecharlie-tca, found this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/62754019:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 627540 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Auto detect keyboard during install fails for Spanish keyboards" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:14
charlie-tcaMark that on the tracker. 19:14
charlie-tcaIt will give it some attention that is needed.19:15
ochosiGridCube: e.g. gedit19:15
GridCubeggg having wrong keymaps sucks setxkbmap every time too19:17
GridCubeochosi > http://paste.ubuntu.com/61602619:21
micahgGridCube: heh, ok, so flash should work in theory, but with 512MB RAM, flash isn't going to perform that well19:28
GridCube:/ thats rather dissapointing19:29
GridCubei know the world has evolved, but 512ram is still a lot19:30
micahgyou can try gnash and see if it's any better19:30
GridCubeanyway it worked pretty well19:30
GridCubei do gave 512mb swap19:31
micahgGridCube: which worked well?19:31
GridCubethe only one i've installed19:31
GridCubeXD flashplugin19:31
micahgah, ok19:31
GridCubethe problem was that firefox didn't find it for me and i had to go to the app center to get it19:32
micahgGridCube: oh, the plugin finder didn't work?19:33
micahgthat makes sense19:33
micahgthe DB probably isn't published yet19:34
GridCubeok 19:35
GridCubejust something silly then :D19:35
GridCubethis is my very first testing day ever :D19:36
micahgcharlie-tca: do I need to test anything for this release?  ( I haven't heard of any arm images)19:37
charlie-tcaThere won't be any arm images19:37
drchmmmm...Additional Drivers for nvidia: verbage has changed, makes it a bit more confusing to pick the correct driver.19:41
charlie-tcagoing cut grass while it is not raining; will test more when I get the grass cut19:48
charlie-tcaFeel free to ask questions in #ubuntu-testing19:48
drccharlie-tca: before you go, which test do you want next?19:48
charlie-tcaWhichever ones you can do.19:48
drcok...didn;t know there was a -testing :)19:49
drchave fun...come over and cut mine while you're out.19:49
charlie-tcafull list of tests needing to be done: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases19:49
* GridCube 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Siiimply haaaving a wonderful christmas time!20:04
drcFeliz Navidad20:05
GridCubethat song is fun20:07
drcFun? Not if you've heard it a thousand times every Christmas.20:08
drcnew test.20:08
GridCube:P its not so usual down here20:08
drcOK, looks like daily testing is done, time to play with testdrive.23:08
charlie-tcaThanks for helping23:09
charlie-tcaA big thanks to both drc and GridCube for helping with testing today! 23:09
drcnp...now it's time to learn how to do it better and quciker23:10
GridCubethanks to you charlie-tca for your pacience :D23:10
drccharlie-tca: Get any sleep after mowing the grass?23:10
GridCubewhen is next test day?23:10
charlie-tcaI learned that a long time ago, but it seems like the faster I go, the more tests I get to do now23:10
drcGridCube: tomorrow :)23:10
GridCubenot for milestones23:11
charlie-tcaLooks like about July 5 or July 323:11
GridCubeif you need me to test something in the middle just ask23:12
charlie-tcaYou both updated the tracker, right?23:12
GridCubei updated all the tasks is did23:12
drcGridCube: Thanks for adding the test for Studio...I figured out my QA accounts problem, now all is good23:12
charlie-tcaI will do that23:12
GridCube>autoresize, >whole disk 23:12
GridCube:) no problem drc23:13
charlie-tcadrc: on daily testing, you only test Xubuntu unless you really want to test others23:45

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