
ilyaZcharlie-tca, worked! thanks! BTW, submitted my first brainstorm suggestion last night (#12): http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/26160/00:00
ilyaZthanks again g2g00:00
charlie-tcaeither run check in update manager or that command before you trying to install stuff00:00
charlie-tcaYou are welcome00:00
charlie-tcatoo late00:00
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key00:01
GridCubewait thats not for here00:05
nicofsVery often the icons in my tray start to "wobble" and then my CPU goes up to 100% (Process "Xorg")... what can i do? what could this be?00:24
sean-desktophey all01:14
sean-desktopone question. i have my laptop acting as a wireless adapter for my 360 via ethernet.. but i cant access the windows media extender from my windows 7 desktop to the xbox.. is there anything i can do?01:15
sean-desktop?join #ubuntu01:17
charlie-tcasean-desktop: might ask that in ##windows, since it sounds like windows/microsoft on both systems?02:20
pylixthere's a major bug with my flash drive softwares compatibility with Xubuntu. the u3 system causes endless windows in thunar05:13
pylixendless popup windows05:13
charlie-tcayou can go into settings, and tell it not to automount the drives05:13
charlie-tcathen it will quit doing that05:13
pylixi like auto mount in some instances but yeah that was insane05:14
charlie-tcasettings -> Removable drives and media05:14
charlie-tcaturn off automounting05:14
pylixso i i mount it myself it won't do the endless popups?05:16
pylixif i*05:16
charlie-tcaAs far as I know, correct05:16
charlie-tcaMine quit doing it when I did05:16
pylixI haven't seen something so crazy since like 6 or so years ago when i used to play around and get viruses from windows05:17
sean-desktophey all05:18
sean-desktopanyone here want to give me a lil help?05:18
charlie-tcaheh, I was so pissed I threw one drive out before I figured out how to stop that05:18
GridCube!ask sean-desktop05:19
charlie-tcaPlease ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.05:19
GridCube!ask | sean-desktop05:19
ubottusean-desktop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:19
GridCubethere i always forget about that | line05:19
sean-desktopGridCube, ok i was trying to get some things set up in 11.04 so i could improve some NAT issues between my laptop and the 360 u have leeching nternet off of it05:19
sean-desktoplong story short, my eth0 in my connection manager says device not authorized05:20
sean-desktopand when i go to the nm system settings conf its blank05:20
sean-desktopso i cant set any values in there05:20
sean-desktopany idea on how i can fix this?05:20
sean-desktopmy wireless is fine btw05:21
sean-desktopsorry for the flood.. just a lil frazzled and its late where i am and i wanna get this fixed b4 bed as i have an early rise05:22
GridCube:) let me do some research05:22
sean-desktopthank u05:22
GridCubesean-desktop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150569705:23
MK``What is Xubuntu's default music player/library manager?05:24
sean-desktopgmusic browser MK``05:24
GridCubeplayer? aint it parole?05:24
sean-desktopGridCube, i would need to reinstall the eth0 and its drivers?05:25
MK``Something I can use with my ipod05:25
GridCubeMK``, i've heard that rythmbox plays fairly well whit ipods05:25
GridCubesean-desktop, i don't really know, but that thread should guide you if its the same problem, if not tell me and i will try to find something more adequate05:26
MK``plays music fine05:27
sean-desktopyeah it says its not there so i guess so05:27
GridCubeMK``, exaile should be able to handle ipods as well05:28
MK``Rythmbox and Banshee have worked to play so far05:29
MK``I just need to test syncking05:29
MK``D: I minimized Rythmbox and it disappeared XD05:31
MK``ooh, it collapsed into the audio thing on my panel, nvm05:33
lostsonMK``: if you dont want it to disappear like that go to edit --> plugins and uncheck status icon05:36
MK``I'm trying to decide which I like best05:37
MK``Rythmbox, Banshee, or Amarok05:37
lostsoni personally use rhythmbox05:37
GridCuberythmbox is more gtk likely :P05:37
lostsonall 3 are good apps though05:37
GridCubei liked it when i used it05:37
MK``Amarok can't seem to read my ipod05:38
GridCubenow i use exaile or Decibel Audio Player05:38
GridCubelast time i used amarok was back in 07 when exaile was just a beta app05:38
lostsonquod libet isnt bad either05:39
GridCubenever heard of it05:42
GridCubealso never used parole05:42
MK``Exaile is just a port to a different framework?05:52
andantinodoes the xubuntu installer run pretty much the same as ubuntu.  does it have an option to install alongside windows?07:28
wiskeySame, yeah.07:28
* kavurt ...14:21
charlie-tcacame and left17:08
Guest10831somebody knows how can I change my USER ICON?17:27
GridCube!hi  | Guest1083117:27
ubottuGuest10831: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:27
Guest10831in the login screen?17:27
GridCubethere is no way that i know of, no17:27
GridCubemaybe some other people can tell you17:27
GridCubebut i have tried to figure out that one for like months17:28
GridCubeif im not mistaken the next generation of session manager will allow to change that, but then again don't really know17:32
Sysiadd file with a right name to your home folder, google for that name17:38
* GridCube would like to point that that doesnt work for him17:39
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-OFF
Sysihum, i think somebody quite recently was succesfull with it17:57
Sysibut it's possible that it's deprecated..17:57
andantinoi was meesing around with my desktop and panels. just wondering if there is a way to restore my default desktop21:49
charlie-tcaandantino: yes, there is22:20
andantinohow do i do that22:20
andantinoim not sure i want to do that but it would be helpful to know22:21
charlie-tcayou have to delete the config files, just  open a terminal and      rm -r ~/.config      and       rm -r ~/.cache22:21
charlie-tcaand reboot22:21
andantinothats it?22:21
andantinothanks charles i will copy that down22:22
charlie-tcanote those are dot files, which are hidden22:22
charlie-tcasure, this is linux. It's easy22:22
sakuragnoi'm using xubuntu10.10 and i've a multifuction  canon mp160 and printer works well  but i've some problem with scanner... xane recognize the scanner but cannot comunicate.. some suggestion?23:30
sakuragnoi'm using xubuntu10.10 and i've a multifuction  canon mp160 and printer works well  but i've some problem with scanner... xane recognize the scanner but cannot comunicate.. some suggestion?23:35

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