
uberdubcan someone explain what the heck is going on with my wifi?00:05
uberdubIm beginning to think its a bug00:08
chachanuberdub, did you try removing and adding the module?00:10
uberdubIve dont that00:11
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chachanuberdub, try a live CD before thinking there's a bug, also you'll know if it could be a hardware problem00:12
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fester77I've just mounted my winpartitions in dolphin .... they show up in /media .... with their labels as names , can i some how change that to i e /media/win/d etc?01:49
fester77i tried to rename with krusader but that wont do it01:50
latinloverwhats up sir taco02:46
gaspertem algum brasileiro ai?02:48
maco!br | gasper02:48
ubottugasper: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:48
latinlovercan any one help on how to  me set up KOPETE SMS02:56
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chrisina1arso, I open the audio config tool and click "Test", sound comes out. Sound does not work anywhere else in my OS... Ideas? 11.04 fresh install as of about an hour ago...02:57
chrisina1arohh, amarok works02:58
chrisina1archrome, firefox, and pidgin all do not02:58
chrisina1ari would assume gtk applications aren't working an kde applications are... I wonder if they're looking for Alsa or something?02:59
latinloverhi cristina how are you?02:59
chrisina1aradd an h, remove a t, and i'm doing well :)02:59
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peteteis there any way to make java output sound correctly?03:00
latinloverwere is sir taco?03:00
chrisinajarI haven't used Kubuntu in a while, been using 8.04 at the office... So far it's really slow and sound doesn't work :/03:01
* chrisinajar misses kde 3 D:03:01
Roeywhat's this with Firefox freezing my system suddenly when I open links from within Pidgin windows???03:03
Roeyhey chris03:03
Roeyyou're in a jar; what happened there?03:03
chrisinajarit's a trap03:03
chrisinajardo you want pidgin to open the links in firefox?03:03
kurtul_chrisinajar: did you try removing pulseaudio?03:04
chrisinajarkurtul_: no, but i tried adding it03:04
Roeychrisinajar:  heh03:04
Roeychrisinajar:  see the whole system just freezes...03:04
chrisinajarkurtul_: i don't think it was installed by default, i could be wrong03:04
RoeyI can SSH into it but... I can only do alt-sysreq-BUSIER.03:05
chrisinajarRoey: go into your settings, one of the tabs shows the command it runs when you click on links, try fixing that03:05
Roeythat's the only thing that it seems to respond to.03:05
Roeychrisinajar:  yeah but what exactly is causing my system to freeze?03:05
chrisinajarRoey: probably xorg breaking03:05
chrisinajarRoey: try sshing in and running top03:05
chrisinajarRoey: also, check .xsession-errors (sp?) in your home directory03:06
Roeyah true03:06
chrisinajarhm... contemplating installing xfce instead of this kde shenanigans... xfce tends to "just work"...03:07
Roeychrisinajar:  I've searched and all I found are links to Firefox 'crashing'03:07
Roeybut nothing about the system up and freezing03:07
chrisinajarRoey: well, if your whole x sessions breaks then it's not just firefox crashing03:07
RoeyI will check the xsession errors, one sec03:07
Roeychrisinajar:  true...03:07
Roeyperhaps it's related to Flash somehow03:07
* chrisinajar needs sound for a skype interview tomorrow03:07
chrisinajarshoulda just left 10.04 installed, it actually worked.03:07
Roeyseems like you've heard of similar issues?03:09
chrisinajarRoey: change pidgin to load links in firefox instead of konqueror03:10
chrisinajarRoey: looks like flash + konq are nuking your system03:10
chrisinajarRoey: it's right there in the settings, easy to find03:11
Roeychrisinajar:  /usr/bin/chromium-browser03:11
Roeythat's what it launches at the moment.03:11
Roeythat crashes03:11
Roeythat freezes my system03:11
chrisinajarRoey: that or use chrome, i've found it works much better under linux anyway...03:11
FloodBotK1Roey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:11
RoeyFloodBotK1:  out, stupid bot03:11
chrisinajarcraaaap! i need sound!03:11
Roeychrisinajar:  and so does Fx when I try to right-click save on an animated gif (that also inexplicably freezes the system; not even the mouse moves).03:11
chrisinajarreally weird03:12
chrisinajarfrom the googling i've done, it seems like 11.04 is a very buggy release :(03:12
Roeychrisinajar:  how so03:12
Roeyis thatsound enough for ya03:12
chrisinajarlots and lots of complaints about bad graphics drivers and souns problems, causing lots of lagginess and sometimes freezes03:13
chrisinajarmy system is definitely laggy03:13
chrisinajari'm downloading xfce as we speak03:13
chrisinajari can't use this03:13
RoeyI mean it worked for me but I understand you completely as it has happened to me on a bunch of releases.03:15
chrisinajarhah, at least HoN runs :303:18
Daskreechchrisinajar: what's your sound chip?03:20
Daskreechbravo: hello03:20
bravosoy nuevo en esto.......03:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:21
chrisinajarDaskreech: it's an on-keyboard sound device, on the G11003:23
chrisinajarDaskreech: the test button in the sound config tool works, but even on the next tab clicking the left and right speaker buttons do not. amarok and other kde applications can make sound, but chrome, pidgin, and skype all cannot03:24
chrisinajarDaskreech: this is off of a fresh installation as of about an hour and a half ago03:24
chrisinajarDaskreech: it seems after logging out and back in, amarok cannot make sound03:26
chrisinajaronly the test button can currently make sound (good test!)03:26
Daskreechchrisinajar: does alsamix work?03:27
chrisinajarcommand not found03:27
chrisinajarit opens03:28
chrisinajaris there a way to make it test?03:28
chrisinajarDaskreech: alsamixer runs and see's my card03:32
chrisinajarDaskreech: there's no way to make it test it, though....03:32
Daskreechthings are not muted?03:33
chrisinajarDaskreech: nope, if i mute them the test button in the kde config tool stops working :)03:34
chrisinajarDaskreech: i can turn up and down the volume, all is well, the test button still works. Every other application on my system, however, still does not.03:35
Daskreechchrisinajar: might want to check if there is something like an internal sound vs a  sound card in the preferences03:36
chrisinajarthere is03:36
RoeyDaskreech:  hey!! :)03:36
DaskreechYou tested both?03:36
Daskreech hi Roey03:36
Roeyhey hey03:36
chrisinajarDaskreech: Only my PnP device works, the internet card referrs to the ports on the back of my computer03:36
chrisinajarDaskreech: i believe what's happening is that every single application except the settings tool is using that03:36
chrisinajarI need to tell my system as a whole to use the device I have configured in my settings to use03:37
chrisinajarwhich I would assume would be done via the settings tool, but it's not working03:37
Daskreechchrisinajar: you swapped the preference?03:39
chrisinajarDaskreech: I manually created a ~/.asoundrc file and told it to use my other device03:41
chrisinajareverything works now03:41
casahow intall FreePascal in Kdevelop03:41
Daskreechchrisinajar: yay!03:42
jordan_i have a question i remove the default WB then konqueror install can i remove konqueror from kubuntu 11.04?03:50
jordan_everything online reguarding "can i remove konqueror?" is a little old03:52
jordan_i did find a administrator on kde forum said yoou could03:53
jordan_but im not going to pull the triger yet until i know03:53
jordan_but that was four years ago03:54
chrisinajarthe plot thickens. I've gotten sound to work in most applications, including Skype, however when I open chrome it breaks sound in Skype until I close chrome again04:06
chrisinajarthe devices actually disappear from the list04:06
chrisinajarany ideas?04:06
chrisinajarDaskreech: --^04:06
Daskreechchrisinajar: not sure I know skype messes with my sound but it's acceptable for me04:07
Daskreechchrome ships with it's own codecs and sounds management as well04:08
Daskreechsomehow I'm not that surprised they somehow end in a battle04:08
Daskreechjordan_: What are you asking?04:08
jordan_i was wonder if i could remove konqueror04:09
jordan_like "sudo apt-get remove konqueror' then input Y then enter04:09
Daskreechjordan_: yes04:09
jordan_why did i install after i removed keq?04:10
Daskreechwhat did what install?04:10
jordan_i didnt have konqueror on my compyter before04:11
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jordan_here on the main page pn kubuntu web site it says konqueror came with 11.0404:13
jordan_but i didnt have a icon in my launcher and kpack download some file with "konqueror"04:14
jordan_soooo i dont know04:15
* chrisinajar is confused as to what he's asking04:15
chrisinajaryay, got kdevelop all configured the way I like... All I need now is skype to work correctly and I can go to bed04:15
jordan_is there a fail safe? if you delete your web browser?04:15
chrisinajarjordan_: install another web browser, would be the failsafe04:16
chrisinajarjordan_: personally i recommend chrome, although a lot of people also like firefox04:16
jordan_i use firefox04:16
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jordan_i dislike chromes bookmarking04:16
chrisinajarok, then you don't need konqueror for anything04:16
chrisinajarfeel free to remove it and rejoice04:17
jordan_if i remove kon will rek install again then?04:17
jordan_ill see04:17
jordan_the browser kubuntu comes with04:19
chrisinajarhuh, i had no idea that existed04:19
chrisinajaronly knew about konq04:19
jordan_well its called a web kit04:20
jordan_based on a web kit04:22
jordan_or whatever04:22
jordan_ty btw04:22
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
alokitoI can't play any movies with kaffeine04:43
alokitoI'm using natty04:43
kilaniGood morning everyone05:12
preecherkilani morning05:12
kilanipreecher hi05:13
kilanipreecher which version of ubuntu u'r usin'??05:15
LINKSWORD2Greetings, all.05:15
kilanipreecher cool05:15
kilaninews today?!05:18
areichmanhello. I just bought a DVD and I'm trying to back it up to my hard drive so I don't have to mess with a disc. I've done most of my collection with dvdbackup -M but this one keeps failing with "libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed". Any thoughts?05:20
LINKSWORD2Which DVD? :P05:22
areichmanEasy A :-)05:22
areichmanI've ripped a bunch of TV Shows and Movies with this method and the only one I've had issues with other than this is Dark Knight05:23
LINKSWORD2All right. Which application are you using to try to play it?05:23
areichmanthat was a different issue, though05:23
areichmanI can't get it ripped at all05:23
areichmanno file to try and play05:23
LINKSWORD2I honestly have no idea, then.05:24
areichmanI get the error message I posted originally, it repeats once, and then libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO05:24
areichmanand then says it failed05:24
areichmanme neither05:24
areichmanit's a newer movie, but I thought the format would have to be the same on all discs, otherwise how would never discs play on older players?05:24
LINKSWORD2If you have another computer, I would recommend ripping it and copying it to a USB key or portable drive to transfer it to your current computer.05:25
LINKSWORD2I also recommend the .mp4 video file extension, as it's the most widely compatible.05:25
areichmanI've been burning to .iso files05:26
areichmanI like menus and subtitles and bonus features05:26
areichmanyou think it would help going to another computer?05:26
areichmanthey all run the same OS, kubuntu 11.0405:26
LINKSWORD2I think another computer is a possibility.05:27
areichmanoddly, k3b can see all the vob files05:27
areichmanokay, I'll give it a shot05:27
LINKSWORD2Then again, I have 2 Windows computers, along with my current PC running Kubuntu 11.04.05:27
areichmanhang on, after k3b lists all the files, I get the same error but then it starts getting keys05:28
LINKSWORD2That's odd.05:29
areichmanand then it gives me new errors about reading VIDEO_TS.VOB at block #### (different locations)05:29
areichmanand then something about padding x blocks05:29
areichmanyeah, very weird05:29
LINKSWORD2Excuse me, I need to leave my computer for a moment.05:30
LINKSWORD2areichman: Did your problem get fixed?05:37
areichmanI don't know yet, the original computer is still trying to copy, getting lots of "Error reading some file at block ##" and "Padding ### blocks"05:39
LINKSWORD2areichman: Do you mind if I open a one-to-one chat for a moment?05:41
areichmannot at all05:41
Spaz_Dynamicskype (per ubuntu repos) exits without a message after about 5 seconds when launched. if I run it from Konsole, I only get the message "Terminated"05:49
LINKSWORD2I refuse to use Skype. I hate it. >.>05:51
Spaz_DynamicThat doesn't help a whole lot ;)05:52
LINKSWORD2Sorry. xD05:52
s_p_or_t_oSpaz_Dynamic, i downloaded skype from their website and it's working fine for me05:52
Spaz_DynamicNo problem. =)05:52
s_p_or_t_o^ in 11.0405:53
Spaz_Dynamics_p_or_t_o: did you get linux skype, or skype static?05:53
s_p_or_t_olinux skype beta: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/05:53
s_p_or_t_oi'm using 32bit05:54
Spaz_Dynamicso ubuntu, not static05:54
Spaz_Dynamichrm, maybe an ubuntu update borked it then, cause thats the one I had, but I think it got updated from the repos. I'll try uninstalling it and reinstalling it from the .deb05:56
Spaz_Dynamicit does the same thing...05:58
Spaz_Dynamicsomething else must be conflicting with it05:58
s_p_or_t_oare you running 32bit or 64bit05:58
Spaz_Dynamicit had been working last I tried (week or two ago)05:59
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Spaz_DynamicActually, more recently than that, I believe05:59
s_p_or_t_odid you install the 32bit lib? (ia32-libs)05:59
Spaz_Dynamicia32-libs is installed, yes.06:00
asobiadding a script to autostart. there's an option for "create as symlink" do i pick yes or no?06:01
s_p_or_t_owhat does "dmesg | tail" tell you, Spaz_Dynamic06:01
Spaz_DynamicIt launches, shows the login window, and exits, and had been working a few days ago.06:02
Spaz_Dynamicand the dmesg has some messages from stuff I was doing a few hours ago06:03
Spaz_Dynamicspecifically some messages about mounting some things06:03
pckodersecho "#TO UNBUNDLE, SH THIS FILE"  for i  do06:04
pckodersecho "echo $i 1>&2"06:04
pckodersecho "cat > $i  << 'End of $i' "06:05
pckoderscat $i06:05
Spaz_Dynamicskype static closes too.06:05
pckodersecho "End of $i"06:05
Spaz_Dynamicsomething is seeking and destroying skype. =(06:05
pckoderswhat  this code does?06:06
Spaz_DynamicI am going to take drastic measures.... I'm going to restart my computer.06:07
s_p_or_t_oSpaz_Dynamic, interesting, what's the version number in software management, mines
TeslaTonyI cannot get visual effects to work on my machine after upgrading to 11.4. I have an HP Mini 110 with Intel Mobile 945GME graphics.  Previously, Compiz worked with zero issues on Gnome, but KDE is choking06:10
LINKSWORD2*Sigh.* I can't stay awake.06:11
Spaz_Dynamicpeculiar, it is still doing it...06:11
pckodersanyone expert in SHELL scripting?06:13
Spaz_DynamicWhat is kernel taint?06:14
Spaz_Dynamicit sounds funny06:14
Spaz_Dynamics_p_or_t_o: http://magvar.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/skype-crashes-on-start-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-32bit-and-64bit/06:22
Spaz_Dynamicrenaming specified file seems to have resolved my problem06:23
s_p_or_t_osweet, i'll keep it in mind on my next restart of skype lol06:25
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Arv3nhey all07:37
Arv3njust a quick question: how can i drag and drop a favorites shortcut in kicker to my desktop folder view widget?07:37
Arv3nmanually creating each shortcut sucks.07:37
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DaskreechArv3n: kicker?07:49
Daskreech kde3?07:49
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kilaniI can't understand why my Kubuntu failed to connect to WLAN if the connection is encrypted (passphrase)08:34
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robbiethe1stHey guys, got a fairly simple question: I have KDE setup to auto login and lock the screen. I need to run a script when I unlock the computer. How can I do it?09:38
robbiethe1st(I mean, when I unlock the system it automatically runs the script)09:39
lengaurobbiethe1st - I'm not sure that's possible with the current version of Kscreensaver. You may want to write a feature request on the KDE bug tracker (bugs.kde.org). Sorry.10:05
ShorTiehow can i get dolphin to copy some files from a ntfs partition over to kubuntu's ext4 partition?10:07
lengauShorTie - You should just be able to click the corresponding disk in the Places bar (on the left), find the file, and copy it like you would files in your home directory.10:09
lengau(ShorTie) Using the Split view is often very convenient for that :-)10:09
lengauHello, cousin_mario10:10
ShorTiei've tried right click copy, but when i get back to /usr/local/src there is no paste10:10
cousin_marioA few days ago somebody gave me the link to the launchpad page about the nvidia bug with xorg >1.9, only now I can't find it anymore.10:11
lengauYour user account doesn't have privileges to write to /usr/local/src. Try opening Dolphin as the administrator by typing "kdesu dolphin" into krunner (alt-F2)10:11
lengau(that was meant for ShorTie)10:12
lengaucousin_mario - Do you mean this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-96/+bug/62697410:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 626974 in X.Org X server "ABI change in xorg 1.9 breaks legacy nvidia-96 drivers in Maverick" [Undecided,New]10:12
cousin_mariolengau: no, it's not legacy and it's on Natty10:14
cousin_mariolengau: in the bug page there was a link to the nvidia forum talking about it and when the patch will be released10:15
lengauThis one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/71140910:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 711409 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Natty) "[MASTER] -nvidia broken after Jan 31st updates, because it does not yet support xserver 1.10" [Critical,Fix released]10:15
ShorTieThankz .... :) lengau10:15
lengauShorTie - You're welcome.10:16
lengaucousin_mario - This seems related to the last one I linked as well: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/70368810:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 703688 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "[Natty] Need X-server 1.10-compatible nvidia driver (xorg-edgers ppa)" [High,Fix released]10:18
cousin_mariolengau: thanks, but I recall the linked forum thread debating the merits of 275.xx10:20
cousin_mariolengau: I probably haven't looked hard enough:)10:21
Samo502I installed kubuntu's desktop in regular ubuntu for the ability to choose it if I like(while keeping the Unity), and the shutdown button doesn't seem to work10:25
Samo502while keeping the Unity desktop*10:26
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lengauSamo502 - I believe this is an issue with KDE talking to GDM (the login manager). A quick workaround is to simply log out and then shut down. Otherwise, you can make KDM your default login manager and install the kdm-gdmcompat package, which I believe will let you use the shutdown, reboot, etc. features in both KDE and Unity.10:31
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deannaGreets, everyone... X is crashing as soon as it starts (i.e., ~1 second after the hour glass shows up). Here's my Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/7F4durig11:44
deannaAny ideas?11:49
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flykillerscan anyone help me?11:59
flykillersi just helped my friend installed kubuntu and his wireless network cannot connect it say it need ip config12:00
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flykillerswhy kubuntu always freeze?12:29
flykillers*why my kubuntu 11.04 always freeze?12:30
toamsbecause its a cool distro?12:30
toamssorry for not being very helpfull...12:31
flykillersi mean why it always hang?12:32
yofeldefine "freeze"12:32
flykillerswhat  really mean is why it always stuck?12:34
toamshow stuck?12:34
wintellectflykillers: where does it get stuck/freeze?12:34
flykillers_my friend just installed kubuntu and his kubuntu cannot connect to the wireless??12:47
flykillers_it say it need ip config address?12:48
flykillers_can anyone help me??12:48
yofelwhich kubuntu release is that? As long as your network has DHCP it should get the address from there12:49
flykillers_kubuntu 11.0412:50
flykillers_it have..12:50
cousin_marioflykillers_: what wifi card is he using?12:51
cablopi want to run a flash screensaver on kde, how to accomplish it? all guides talk about using xscreensaver, instead of kscreensaver, any suggestion?12:51
cousin_marioflykillers_: I take that the wpa negotiation works then.12:51
cousin_marioflykillers_: does the DHCP server normally supply the IP to other clients ?12:54
cousin_marioI suggest you find out then.12:58
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kubu2everytime I run quassel there is this annoying letter-envelop on systray saying I have 1 app running - quassel.  Of course I konw that.13:05
amichairkubu2: you can remove it from the system tray settings13:06
kubu2amichair: the thing is there is no remove. only hide13:06
amichairunder Display -> Extra Items, you can check/uncheck various components13:06
amichairIt sounds like the one that's bugging you is Message Indicator - uncheck it13:07
kubu2ok..but why does quassel only doing that?13:08
amichairI guess it's the only app you're running that uses this notification system13:09
kubu2I think this is redundant..that is why kubuntu is so fat?13:10
kubu2it's like having the toilet telling you 'sir you just poop'13:10
amichairkubu2: to each his own...13:11
amichair(I removed the message indicator as well. But then, I use konversation, not quassel)13:12
amichairkubu2: the plus side is that it's configurable, like much of KDE - there is no 'one and only' way.13:12
kubu2amichair: yeah..did you know there is a project for a low-fat kubuntu?13:12
amichairkubu2: I did not, that would be interesting13:13
amichairI'd get rid of all the akonadi crap, with it's mysql db and handful of useless running processes and strigi taking up gigs of disk space for nothing.13:14
kubu2exactly..but the thing is kubuntu has them all tied up that's it's hard to without re-building deb pkgs to weed out dependencies13:15
amichairand fix all those dang memory leaks and bloats in plasma and X (plus a few 100%cpu bugs too - can't believe they still have those)13:15
amichairJust today (well, yesterday too) I had to reboot my system because I had the audacity to try and resize a window.13:15
kubu2amichair: I haven't seen that one but you may have other issues but then again it's something kde/kubuntu may not handle well13:17
kubu2i'm guessing you may have system isssues for such a basic thing to freeze your system13:18
amichairkubu2: I think it's just a bug, introduced in Natty (didn't have any trouble before the upgrade). Has to do with desktop effects, though I don't know if the bug is in the effects, or plasma, or kwin, or X, or NVidia drivers. They're all pretty buggy.13:19
kubu2amichair: try using NVidia drivers instead13:21
amichairkubu2: already am13:22
cablopcan i run flash as screensaver in kubuntu? i don't find a way to do that13:23
kubu2you can isolate things by disabling desk-effects on go on from there13:23
cablopi'll end replacing kscreensaver with xscreensaver otherwise13:23
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amichairhey BluesKaj13:51
yofelhi BluesKaj13:52
BluesKajhi amichair yofel13:52
BluesKajtoo bad amarok is so buggy , or do I not understand it's quirks ?13:59
DeltaEpsilonBluesKaj: it is sadly buggy14:01
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Zoloradohi there! My wifi is very-very slow on Kubuntu 11.04, somebody has teh same problem?14:09
BluesKajtoo many options for a simple user like me ...I don't care about playlists etc , I just want it to load the music folders so i can scroll down and choose what I want ,,, all the other stuff is superfluous14:09
* BluesKaj switches all default media xtns to vlc14:14
BluesKajgodbye amarok14:14
OerHekson KDE, i like QuodLibet14:16
BluesKajnever looked at it14:17
BluesKajQuodLibet is a gtk app14:18
OerHeksugghh youŕe right :(14:19
DeltaEpsiloncan some one view http://kde-apps.org/ with Rekonq? does it ask you to save a  file named safari.jsp?14:21
BluesKajI have to use nautlius-dropbox so i have a few gtk-libs , it's a necessary evil14:21
Zoloradoplease, I need some help! my wireless speed is very low, I don't know what's wrog, it worked beter on Win XP14:22
BluesKajDeltaEpsilon, yes it goes here too14:22
BluesKajerr does14:22
DeltaEpsilonshame they haven't tested it with kde-apps.org with Rekonq.14:23
DeltaEpsilonand Rekonq is listed in kde-apps.org14:23
BluesKajnot a rekonq fan , it's not very configurable for preferred look and layout14:24
DeltaEpsilonBluesKaj: it integrates well in kde414:25
DeltaEpsilonBluesKaj: I fixed it by adding safari.jsp to the ads block list in Rekonq14:25
BluesKajintegrates yes , but not to my tasten , i don't want bookmarks bar as a sidebar  and there's no across the top option from my experience with it14:26
amichairif it asks you to download a jsp file, it sound like a server configuration bug, not a client bug (without knowing anything else about it)14:26
DeltaEpsilonis Qt cross platform?14:29
aljosahow do i connect to hidden wifi? i can manage connection but can't connect?14:29
amichairDeltaEpsilon: so they say14:29
DeltaEpsilonamichair: I am trying to make a dictionary app with multi language support.14:32
DeltaEpsilonit would be nice if I can also compile it for windows14:32
amichairthen you can try qt, or wxwidgets14:33
amichairbut keep your core code nicely encapsulated, just in case :-)14:33
amichairor, you can try any interpreted/JIT language (java, python, etc.), but there are pluses and minuses to those14:34
DeltaEpsilon:( I thought Realbasic is free for opensource developers14:37
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Ghost_Who_Walksit's raining here guys :)15:18
macoso get some wellies. this is a support channel15:19
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LinkmasterI'm having difficulty with the plasma-desktop. If I have to restart it, I use the 'kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop' command. when I start it up again using 'plasma-desktop', the bar goes across the middle of my screen. I'll take a screenshot to show it, but is there any way to move it back to left? Rebooting does the trick, but I hate having to reboot my system whenever this happens16:00
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paolinuxhi i have installed kubu 11.04 64 bit.... when i resize konsole (and only it) my system crash16:42
Linkmasterpaolinux: You have nvidia16:50
Linkmasterthats most likely why. I don't have nvidia myself, but I've seen a lot of people with this, let me look up the history real fast to try and see what others suggested16:51
LinkmasterWait, DarthFrog, you know the right link to send someone who uses nvidia and the konsole crashing issue?16:51
paolinuxLinkmaster: thanks :)16:53
Linkmasterpaolinux: according to genii-around, its the xorg-edgers16:56
ct529updated to 11.04, and it is hardly a success .... the system freezes when I start the terminal, when I install packages I get Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_assistant_set_page_header_image: assertion `child != NULL' failed at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Gnome.pm line 27.17:03
fake_ку всем17:03
ct529anyone who has been able to solve these two?17:04
genii-aroundpaolinux:  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa      then: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade    should bring in the 275.09 Nvidia drivers in the package nvidia-current17:04
paolinuxgenii-around: i will try to apply it :)17:06
Linkmastergenii-around: thanks for helping me out there, I was trying to scrounge around for the missing information on the webz17:07
paolinuxLinkmaster: thanks to you17:10
LinkmasterI didn't do anything though D:17:10
shadeslayerpaolinux: known issue, its because konsole is a ARGB window whereas everything else is RGB window, theres a bug with the ARGB window painting as i understand right now ( with the nvidia drivers ) .... for some reason upgrading to xorg-edgers didn't do anything for me, my system still shows artefacts17:25
paolinuxshadeslayer: hum.....17:27
shadeslayerpaolinux: i've switched to yakuake for the time being17:28
shadeslayer( and i still have the issue on KDE 4.7 )17:28
paolinuxthis is a good idea17:28
paolinuxto switch to yakuake17:28
Linkmastershadeslayer: how did you get 4.7? they have a ppa for it now?17:29
shadeslayerLinkmaster: i have Project Neon installed, running KDE trunk17:29
shadeslayerand as i understand it, the developers aren't touching 4.7 till beta 217:29
Linkmasterdarn, I was hoping inside it wasn't through Project Neon17:29
johnny_Does Kopete 1.0.80 has some bug or something...because I can't connet to Y!17:29
Linkmasterjohnny_: theres known problems for Kopete's...frustrating response with Y!17:30
shadeslayerLinkmaster: PN is the closest right now to a KDE 4.7 experience you'll get :D17:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 760632 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system" [High,Confirmed]17:30
Linkmastershadeslayer: though the devels not touching it makes sense..4.6->4.7 is a larger jump then 4.6.3->4.6.417:30
johnny_ubottu ubuntu with nvidia is great!!17:31
ubottujohnny_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:31
Linkmastershadeslayer: I've been thinking of project neon off and on the last week...how does it compare?17:31
shadeslayerLinkmaster: and we're merging from debian atm ... so i think it's going to be a while before we have 4.7 in a ppa17:32
shadeslayerLinkmaster: i have a biased opinion, since i'm one of the co maintainers of neon xD17:32
shadeslayeradd the ppa and give it a spin, if something doesn't work out, come poke us at #project-neon17:32
Linkmastershadeslayer: you a maintainer? nice!17:33
johnny_...gwibber gives a double tab in ff17:33
LinkmasterThough biased opinions are always welcome. My only question is, if it causes utter breakage, can I disable it?17:33
shadeslayerLinkmaster: yes, and hopefull we will have project-neon-calligra by 10th-12th :)17:34
johnny_when accessing sites17:34
shadeslayerLinkmaster: yes17:34
shadeslayerLinkmaster: we have something called neon-clean that will remove all traces of neon17:34
Linkmastercool stuff, let me add that ppa then17:34
shadeslayerLinkmaster: w00t :D17:35
* Linkmaster goes off to find it17:35
shadeslayerLinkmaster: ppa:neon/ppa i'd say17:36
slinker1hmm you would think the linkmaster already knew the link :)17:36
LinkmasterI'll try that xD17:36
paolinuxi reboot my pc...... see you later17:49
Linkmastershadeslayer: its https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa17:50
shadeslayerLinkmaster: yes .... and?17:50
shadeslayerLinkmaster: you could have done : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon :P17:50
Linkmasterwell, I need to add it :P I tried yours, and thought konsole was being dumb with me, so then I went hunting around for the right ppa17:50
Linkmasterthats what I usually do17:51
Linkmasterhm, well, maybe I was wrong..17:52
LinkmasterCan you load up your KPK and tell me what the ppa is? -.-17:53
LinkmasterGot it! :D now...to wait forever for the download to complete17:58
Linkmastershadeslayer: I did: sudo apt-get install project-neon-kdeplasma-addons project-neon-session17:59
shadeslayerLinkmaster: you need more17:59
LinkmasterSo its putting almost 700megs of stuff on my computer. This will take somet ime17:59
Linkmaster*time. oh? what else?17:59
shadeslayerLinkmaster: for the slimmest install we have project-neon-base17:59
shadeslayerfor the whole ppa we have project-neon-all17:59
LinkmasterHmm...I can hit 'ctrl-c' without too much issues, right?17:59
LinkmasterI'll just do project-neon-all :D18:00
shadeslayerLinkmaster: its downloading packages right?18:00
shadeslayerLinkmaster: yeah you can Ctrl+C then18:00
LinkmasterIt had to grab 200megs worth of stuff, haha. Time to put the new code18:00
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moesUseable launchers dock for 10.04 lts ???18:01
Linkmastermoes: docky and daisy will definitely work, not sure about cairo-dock, it depends on what you like18:01
Linkmastermoes: daisy is real nice, because its a KDE widget18:02
Linkmastershadeslayer: Need to get 545 MB/546 MB of archives. After this operation, 1,362 MB of additional disk space will be used xDDD18:02
shadeslayerLinkmaster: we use lzma compression for debs, so downloads are smaller, but the actual install contains all header files and such, so thats why the installed size is bigger18:03
Linkmasterthat makes sense18:03
moesLinkmaster, Plasma-widget-daisy ??18:04
Linkmastermoes: I believe so, you can either grab the source and use the widget installer for that, or you can get it through the widget thing I think18:04
LinkmasterI dont think the 'p' is capitalized though18:04
moesthat one found on synaptic18:04
Joshunhi. after installing some gtk apps, gnome icon theme is installed. this makes firefox look ugly with gnome icons, but if I remove the gnome-icon-theme package, it removes other apps as well. Is there any way around this?18:31
Joshunthis is odd since under icons in system settings oxygen is still set as the default theme18:35
mellinWhere do I change my settings for when I close the lid on my lappie?19:26
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Arv3nanyone know how i can drag and drop shortcuts from kickoff to my desktop?19:33
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bibliothequehi guys, i m trying to get kubuntu working19:44
bibliothequesorry i mean Urban Terror working under kubuntu,19:44
bibliothequeand no way19:44
bibliothequeWARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: bind: Address already in use19:46
bibliothequeis executable, and executing it leads to this...19:46
bibliothequeno other19:46
iliasis there any chance to setup my pci winmodem which is on my motehrboard? i am using 10.04.19:57
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:58
iliasi just want to setup it as fax20:00
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ReMatrixBuonasera a tutti!20:53
dalphiI'm having trouble getting unity to properly start when launched from KDM 11.04 installations. I think I have the problem listed in the Bug #772486 , but the fix doesn't work for me. I get the unity background, but nothing else.21:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772486 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "[Natty] Unity will start from GDM, not from KDM" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77248621:27
OerHeksdalphi, is answer 3 do the fix for you ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/772486/comments/321:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 772486 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "[Natty] Unity will start from GDM, not from KDM" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:30
dalphisetting GDMSESSION did not.21:31
dalphiI'd even be satisfied to get rid of unity all together, or setting the default to something else.21:31
OerHeksow oke, maybe you could leave a reply this fix does not work for you ?21:32
dalphimy problem I guess is it's the default for my userbase, and so I need to get all my new users to choose something other than the default.21:32
dalphiIs there a way to configure kdm to choose ubuntu classic as the default?21:33
ehsanhow to downgrade ntrack in kubuntu21:47
ehsanhowto fix this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/ntrack/+bug/755608 in ntrack and kded 421:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 755608 in ntrack (Ubuntu Natty) "Ntrack dead loop in function get_nl_link_by_index " [High,Fix committed]21:48
ehsanhow to fix ntrack21:50
ehsani want downgrade ntrack to old version 009-121:53
genii-around!info ntrack21:53
ubottuPackage ntrack does not exist in natty21:54
shadeslayeri remember something about ntrack21:56
shadeslayersomething about how it was broken, and there was a upload to fix it21:56
Linkmastershadeslayer: its installing :D21:57
shadeslayerLinkmaster: :D21:57
soeeany news about 4.7beta packages ?22:00
luis_Hola a todos22:01
Tm_Tsoee: yes, beta1 skipped, concentrating on beta222:01
Linkmastersoee: the only way is to use project neon I believe22:01
soeeTm_T, Linkmaster ok thank you22:01
luis_Hola alguien sabe como conpartir los escritorios de ubuntu en otro monitor22:01
Tm_T!es | luis_22:01
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:01
Tm_T!kppa | Linkmaster the betas would be available in one of Kubuntu ppas22:02
ubottuLinkmaster the betas would be available in one of Kubuntu ppas: Kubuntu has several different PPA's for those who want to test or upgrade to the latest version. More information on the available Kubuntu PPA's can be found here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs22:02
DeltaEpsilonis  it possible to sync my playlists to my android phone?22:02
Tm_TDeltaEpsilon: from Amarok?22:03
DeltaEpsilonTm_T: if that is possible would be nice.. I donn't mind using another app22:03
Tm_TDeltaEpsilon: depending on several factors, it might be possible in some extent, but I think this is best served in #amarok22:04
Linkmastershadeslayer: it finished installing...now what? o:22:14
shadeslayerLinkmaster: logout > switch sessions via KDM to project neon > login again22:14
Linkmasterokay, will do! lets see what happens..22:14
Linkmastershadeslayer: its working :D22:28
drbobbis it possible to have different plasma panels in different kde activities?22:29
LinkmasterOn my computer, it took forever to get started, and it was hanging every few seconds, but now that the system seems to have caught up[or has written everything to the swap...] its going along smoooth22:29
shadeslayerLinkmaster: w00t22:35
shadeslayerLinkmaster: try to start kontact and PIM stuff22:35
shadeslayerLinkmaster: come hang out in #project-neon ;)22:35
LinkmasterPIM stuff?22:36
MajinSaiyanHi peeps. I have a .fxp file that i can't open because i don't have a program for it. I've googled it and i guess i need Microsoft's Visual FoxPro. Does anyone know of any other program that i can use to open the file? It doesn't matter if it's for Windows or Linux, but of course i prefer Linux.23:00
DdpbfMajinSaiyan: are you sure it is M$ Visual FoxPro23:03
Ddpbfther is 3 another types of .fxp23:03
MajinSaiyanWell I am working with a SQL database, so i'm pretty sure that it is M$23:03
MajinSaiyanThe database that i work with is only compatible with Windows23:04
Ddpbfaparently you could open it only in windows23:09
MajinSaiyanahhh....i see. Bummer......then i guess i have to get it for Microsoft.....only problem is that it's over $600 :(23:18
MajinSaiyanThanks for your help though23:18
Ddpbfyou are wellcome23:19
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sirbeatciao a tutti23:32
sirbeatquesta sera ho installato kubuntu 11.0423:33
sirbeatci siete???23:34
cablophow can i set firefox as the default browser instead of Konqueror?23:36
schraubschluessehey, which packages do i need to install unity on kubuntu? if i install 'unity' from the package sources i didn't see the launcher and the panel when i'm going to login23:39
BajKschraubschluesse: why would you ever want to do that?! :D23:40
BajKanyone else experiencing freezes in Quassel when hovering/clicking/whatveer links?23:41
Ddpbfcablop: go in system settings23:41
schraubschluesseBajK: because i didn't want to install 'ubuntu-desktop' with all the apps :P23:42
BajKschraubschluesse: no, i mean why not just use KDE :P23:43
BajKor install Ubuntu instead ^^23:43
BajKschraubschluesse: well, one look at the package manager listed "Unity" as "Unity is a destop experience that sucks er sings. Designed by Canonical blabla"23:43
BajKso sudo apt-get install unity should do it? :D23:43
cablopDdpbf i did... it is not working23:44
BajKand you need to choose a different session on startp, othewise you will end up in KDE23:44
schraubschluesseBajK: well, i like to switch from kde and unity :)23:44
BajK(Manchmal versteh ich die Leute echt nich *kopfschüttel*)23:45
schraubschluesseBajK: and no, apt-get install unity didnt work right, if i choose 'ubuntu' in the session manager i end up with a blank desktop23:45
schraubschluesseBajK: ja, so kommt mir das auch manchmal vor23:45
cablopschraubschluesse: unity depends on compiz, so you will need to switch from Kwin to Compiz, then config everything again, then enable the unity plugin23:46
cablopschraubschluesse: anyway, i was seeing online many many complains against unity23:46
BajKmaybe try gnome-session but I am not an expert :D try askng in #ubuntu ^^ still dont understand how one can throw the best desktop environment in the world away and use alpha software like Unity, but well, your decision, but dont whine ! :D23:46
cablopschraubschluesse: and also, unity is gtk based, not qt based, if you love options, stay away from unity23:46
BajKschraubschluesse: see. soo much stupid config work for a disfunctional desktop. just use KDE :)23:46
cablopschraubschluesse: and if you like options, stay away from gnome too, try some kde plasma widgets, they'll do the trick23:48
schraubschluessecablop: ok, thanks. i'll try it on my old notebook first before i broke my desktop :D23:48
cablopschraubschluesse: unity seems to demand more graphics than compiz...23:48
cablopschraubschluesse: grab a live ubuntu cd and test it on that machine23:49
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Ddpbfcablop: actually unity-2d is qt based23:56
Ddpbfunity 3d is in Vala i tink, it runs on top of gtk bundlle of apps but it is not gtk23:58

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