
ogra_persia, your dnybook, is that a 16G model ?00:14
NCommanderogra_: this won't give us working sound on ac100, would it?00:16
ogra_NCommander, well00:16
ogra_NCommander, we have a codec driver ... we have working devices in pulse ... we just dont have anyone who has a clue how to wire up the sound devices in the driver internally00:17
NCommanderogra_: i.e., needs kernel hacking on an ALSA level, right?00:17
NCommanderogra_: what's partition 6? (I've already flashed my device several times)00:20
ogra_NCommander, LNX00:20
NCommanderogra_: handy, also, don't I have to reflash the partition map?00:21
ogra_no, just part 600:22
ogra_seems Daviey already ran into the first issue :(00:22
NCommanderogra_: great. Last quesiton, your instructions seem to suggest that I need to use a USB key, or can I just use an SD card?00:23
ogra_what do you want to achieve ? an internal install or one to external media ?00:23
ogra_for internal it doesnt matter where you put the tarball, it will find it on SD as well as USB00:24
ogra_for external you just need to make sure to put the tarball onto the media you dont want to install to :)00:25
ogra_(and boot with both plugged in)00:26
NCommanderDaviey: were you able to get your AC100 to work with the Android flashing tools?00:56
NCommanderogra_: your installer crashed :-/01:18
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persiaogra_: Yeah.  Mine is 16G01:22
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* NCommander has had no luck with ogra_'s installer01:55
NCommanderit appears /var doesn't get mounted01:55
NCommanderor something, as there are a lot of errors to that before it goes belly up01:55
persia /var shouldn't be on a separate partition.02:16
persia(unless this is the overlay hack)02:16
persiaDo you have a promt of any sort?02:17
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ZeZuI can't connect an app to the local xserver from ssh on natty,  anyone know why?03:45
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ogra_persia, i'm looking for a /proc/partitions dump from such a dynabook11:28
damo22What is the most powerful android phone on the market?11:36
ogra_probably something yu should ask in an android channel ?11:36
damo22(that uses an ARM cpu)11:36
damo22okay sorry wrong channel..., does 11.04 run on arm? as far as i can see, rootstock builds karmic or jaunty images? or do i have an old version?11:39
dcordesuse >= maverick11:40
dcordesfor recent htcs11:40
dcordesogra_: the touchscreen rotation problem was solved by cnd11:43
ogra_Daviey, ha ! i found a hack to open a terminal in oem-config11:46
ogra_not really helpful since it runs as oem user though11:46
dcordesogra_: it would be helpful to add on screen keyboard in oem-config11:46
dcordesthe same assistive technology menu that's also in gdm login screen11:47
ogra_i think there is a bug open for that11:47
dcordesyes but it doesn't receive any attention11:47
dcordesall the tablet devices on the market but nobody cares11:47
* ogra_ would first of all like to see florence integrated11:48
dcordeswe have onboard11:50
dcordesI think it would be nicer to keep onboard and implement florence's auto show/hide features11:50
dcordeshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oem-config/+bug/626055 oem-config11:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 626055 in smartphone "oem-config: make on-screen keyboard available" [Critical,Confirmed]11:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 443986 in smartphone "RFE: Add option to automatically show and hide onboard" [Undecided,New]11:52
Davieyogra_: ahha!11:53
Davieyogra_: now all i need is a root exploit.11:54
damo22does the samsung nexus s work with arm based ubuntu?11:55
ogra_i can reproduce the bug here btw11:55
Davieyogra_: Oh?  What do you think it is?11:55
ogra_no idea yet, but i used my brandnew ac100 and for internal install it exposes the same issue11:55
ogra_i will try an external install now so i can check logs11:56
damo22im thinking something like the htc desire z with a keyboard would be nice for an ubuntu install11:56
ogra_i didnt have it on either installs to SD or USB11:56
dcordesDaviey: yes11:56
Davieyogra_: If you want me to test anything, give me a shout.11:56
dcordesdamo22: yes, I don't see a problem11:56
damo22what about the keyboard mapping?11:57
dcordesdamo22: it is google nexus s though. not samsung nexus s11:57
dcordesdamo22: the keyboard drivers present to userspace as normal keyboards so you can remap just like you would remap any other keyboard inlinux11:58
ogra_aha, i think i found the issue with the ac100 installer12:39
dcordesogra_: do you know why http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/kde/kde-config-qt-graphicssystem is missing in natty arm ?12:41
ogra_likely because it depends on some gles stuff that wasnt built12:42
ogra_just a guess though12:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 782326 in unity-2d "unity-2d: flickers with xf86-video-fbdev on some machines" [Undecided,New]12:43
* ogra_ never used unity-2d on x8612:43
ogra_ok, issue verified12:51
* ogra_ doesnt get why the error pops up during kbd config, its totally unrelated12:53
ogra_NCommander, it was just the initramfs getting to big, nothing with /var ... i'll roll a fixed image later today12:54
ogra_this 4MB restriction for the initrd is really hard to handle :(12:55
NCommanderogra_: could I just get a headless tarball?12:55
ogra_i can roll one, sure, but not right now12:55
ogra_oneiric will have both :)12:55
_persiaNCommander: How badly do you want one?  I've an old one (but it has all the bugs ogra fixed in the past while)12:55
ogra_since half the server team has ac100s now12:56
_persia(not headless, but doesn't even try to perform an install)12:56
ogra_so we need to give them server like images for their netbooks :)12:56
_persiaUgh.  No.12:56
* ogra_ wishes he could find a way to use a bigger initrd than 4M somehow12:57
_persiaWe need to integrate LXC and libvirt so that folks can play.12:57
ogra__persia, already happening ;)12:57
* ogra_ already had requests to add all the needed config bits to the ac100 kernel ...12:57
ogra_-2-ac100 should be fully lxc capable12:58
_persiaogra_: There are plenty of non-kernel issues to make it seamless still :)12:59
* lilstevie is looking forward to seeing what oneiric will bring13:00
ogra__persia, sure, but the platform support is there13:00
persiaThat helps.13:01
dcordesogra_: how would I go about further investigating lack of pacakge13:11
dcordesogra_: is there a way to recommend a package being added in the arm ?13:11
dcordesubuntu ARM :)13:12
_persiadcordes: Is the package missing entirely in Ubuntu, or just for armel?13:12
persiaFor the most part we try *not* to do anything architecture-specific (this is not always avoidable)13:13
dcordespersia: it is missing just for armel.13:13
dcordespersia: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/kde/kde-config-qt-graphicssystem13:14
persiadcordes, Take a look at the output of `apt-cache showsrc ${PACKAGE} | grep ^Architecture`13:15
dcordespersia: ok13:15
persiaIn this case, it's "any", which means that LP should attempt to build it for every architecture.13:15
persiaNext, check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/${SRCPACKAGE}/ and dig into the latest upload for your release13:16
dcordeskcm-qt-graphicssystem (The binary 'kde-config-qt-graphicssystem' is part of the kcm-qt-graphicssystem package)13:18
persiaRight.  Now, if you look at the details for 1.2-0ubuntu1, you'll see the list of "Package files".  The ones ending "_armel.deb" indicate that armel binaries were generated.13:19
persiaYou can verify they have been published by checking https://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/universe/k/kcm-qt-graphicssystem/13:20
persiaYou can check to make sure the "universe" component is enabled in /etc/apt.sources.list (if you need to enable it, be sure to update your apt cache (`apt-get update` is one way to do this))13:22
persiaAlternately, if you're using a mirror, check to make sure the package appears on the mirror.13:22
persia(some mirrors only mirror subsets of Ubuntu, which is fine)13:22
dcordespersia: ok13:24
persiaOh, and if you're concerned about the output at packages.ubuntu.com : the system that uses to collect information is completely unaware of anything other than i386 and amd64, so it can never be right.13:25
janimoogra, rsalveti are out initrd images lz compressed now?13:26
ogra_janimo, not that i know of13:27
janimothe uInitrd are marked as gzip but inside it seems is is lz13:27
ogra_just try file13:27
dcordespersia: it would be nice to have a nicer web interface to the armel packages.13:27
janimofile says :data13:27
ogra_(on the initrd.img)13:27
dcordesAfter this operation, 150 MB of additional disk space will be used.13:27
dcordesI am not sure if it's so good to use so much extra space just for https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/78232613:27
ubot2Ubuntu bug 782326 in unity-2d "unity-2d: flickers with xf86-video-fbdev on some machines" [Undecided,New]13:27
persiadcordes, The number of packages that differ between architectures is well less than 1% of the archive.  I agree it would be nice to be able to export unified dists information, but that's pending a stack of other things, and will probably be some time.13:28
dcordespersia: how about simple preliminary search feature ?13:29
persiaHrm?  What do you mean?13:29
dcordessomething more comfortable than https://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool13:29
persiaWhat are you trying to accomplish?13:30
dcordesI want to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/78232613:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 782326 in unity-2d "unity-2d: flickers with xf86-video-fbdev on some machines" [Undecided,New]13:30
dcordesI need to run all QT programs with this paramter: "-graphicssystem native"13:31
persiaNo.  You need Qt to properly select "native" as the graphicssystem to use when presented with that hardware.13:31
persiaAh, there seems to be a blueprint about that, but it appears to be "not started".  jazh appears to have been working on it.13:33
persiaapachelogger reported that Qt supports the QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM environment variable, which might be a lighter-weight workaround in the meantime (see http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/09/05/qt-graphics-system-kcm/ )13:35
persia(note that you'll need to configure the environment variable so that gnome-session sets it, as startkde is unlikely to run in a unity environment)13:37
janimoogra, I am looking at the uInitrd files in the preinstalled 11.04 and oneiric images and they seem to be lzma13:41
janimowhere are they generated?13:41
NCommanderjanimo: as part of livecd-rootfs for preinstalls13:42
janimoI am trying to debug the SD alignment issue so I need to change jasper scripts in initrd13:43
ogra_i dont think they stay lzma after install13:43
NCommanderogra_: with the ac100, the 'install' step completes fine, oem-config explodes into confetti13:43
ogra_NCommander, yeah, thats caused by a to big initrd13:43
* NCommander vaguely wonders how difficult porting u-boot to the ac100 would be. */pipedream*13:44
ogra_i messed around with a diversion of plymouth in initrd, somehow that didnt work, so plymouth ends up in the initrd13:44
* Daviey vaguely wonders if NCommander will ever respond to his mails.13:44
janimoNCommander, ah indeed. INITRD_COMPRESSOR=lzma there13:44
ogra_NCommander, already ported, the prob is that kbd and display dont work13:44
janimoogra_, probably not after install13:44
ogra_janimo, right, but the installed initramfs-tools default to gzip13:44
ogra_so with the first local regeneration they switch13:45
NCommanderogra_: I take it someone found the pads for the serial port13:45
janimoogra_, which reminds me. Why does the VFAT need to be rewritten when resizing on first boot? Isn't only the 2nd partition expanding13:45
ogra_NCommander, yes13:45
NCommanderDaviey: er, what email?13:45
ogra_janimo, to make sure MLO lands in the first sector again ... if that bug is gone (which i heard should be with next x-loader) we can drop that crap13:46
DavieyNCommander: Subject: Ubuntu ARM Server release for 11.10 (server-o-arm-server)13:46
ogra_apparently the whole CHS stuff is fixed13:46
janimoogra_, but does the resize not only entail increasing the number of cylinders? the first partition parameters should stay the same13:47
NCommanderDaviey: ack, sorry, I missed it the first time around13:47
janimoI also read that bug is gone for a while already13:47
* NCommander sees your follow up13:47
* janimo tries to modify existing uInitrd and convince panda to take it without saying 13:48
NCommanderDaviey: davidm is working to schelude a call on a regular basis so we can sync wr.t. to our tasks and progress on said tasks13:48
janimowrong image format for source command13:48
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DavieyNCommander: super!  Thanks.13:51
dcordespersia: ah I remember I tried that and failed automatically setting this (profile.d)14:09
persiaIsn't profile.d sourced by shells, rather than the session managers?14:10
dcordesah :)14:11
persiadcordes, If you're creating a spice package, stuff something in /etc/X11/Xsession.d : If you want to do something for your user, put something in $HOME/.xsessionrc14:16
persiaThere are very likely to be display-manager- and session-manager-specific ways to do this, but I suspect something general is more likely to meet your needs in a flexible manner.14:17
dcordesXsession.d is fine I already have a script there for screen rotation14:17
dcordesand to remove the 'overlay scrollbars'14:18
dcordesexport LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=014:18
dcordesI will use that script as a global Xsession.d env script14:19
Vaatihello all14:20
persiahey Vaati14:20
Vaatiso, is this also for general arm dev ?14:20
ogra_Daviey, NCommander, new installer image is up14:21
ogra_should work now14:21
NCommanderogra_: those are famous last works14:21
ogra_and words too :)14:21
Vaatibut, am I allowed to ask non-specific questions about arm development?14:22
ogra_well, the installer is fine, i'm not yet sure my diversion hackery survives a dist-upgrade though14:22
Vaati'cos ##arm is rather silent...14:22
* ogra_ is just testing that14:22
dcordeshow can I test if Xorg parsed my environment variables ?14:24
persiaVaati, We're mostly focused on integration of stuff and making sure all of Ubuntu is available on ARM (and as many devices as possible are supported by Ubuntu).14:24
persiaIf you have questions related to how things work, we can try, but we may not be the ideal resource.14:24
persiaAnd if you're writing arch-specific code that isn't kernel or driver related, some folk will encourage you to be portable :)14:25
Vaatiok, well I'm trying to set up a gcc toolchain for the STM32 vl discovery board (arm7 cortex m3) under ubuntu14:25
Vaatii.e.; I want to use ubuntu to program it14:25
Vaatiand I've found the stm32flash software, but apparently it requires a usart, so I cant use the on-board jtag...  however, someone created a bootloader called versaloon -- anyone familar with it?14:26
persiaHeh.  That's an area we probably ought to investigate: using ARM as a host for embedded development.14:28
Vaatiaww yeeaaah14:28
persiaWe usually focus on running Ubuntu on the ARM chip (but I don't believe the m3 implements all the instructions used in Ubuntu)14:29
dcordespersia: I put "export QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native" in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/54setupenv14:29
Vaatiwell, has someone ported puppy linux to the m3 yet?14:29
Vaatior some other form of *nix14:29
Davieyogra_: oooo14:30
Davieyogra_: just boot-installer-2.6.37-1-ac100.img, same tgz?14:31
ogra_tgz didnt change14:31
Davieythanks for your attention to this ogra_14:31
persiaTo the m3?  I'm not sure it *can* run Linux.  If it can, the Yocto folk are most likely to have a working environment.14:31
dcordespersia: in fact even if I run "QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native DISPLAY=:0 unity-2d-launcher" from a remote terminal, it still doesn't work14:31
ogra_Daviey, well, i want to have proper oneiric images so the natty ones are my testbed14:32
Vaatiah, found a port14:32
ogra_all the ac100 stuff will go to the archive soon14:32
Vaatiif you were wondering14:32
persiaVaati, You'll probably need ulibc with that: there's no MMU14:33
zulogra_: i know i might be a PITA but we could get like a minimal install without unity so just like a cli and ssh?14:33
ogra_zul, read my conversation with persia above ;)14:34
ogra_on my TODO14:34
zulogra_: cool thanks14:34
dcordespersia: maybe unity-2d was compiled in a way it will not parse the QT_GRAPHICSSYTEM env var ?14:34
persiaThat would be odd, but perhaps.14:35
VaatiI think I stumbled across a solution to a toolchain...14:35
Vaatiwithout even looking for it14:35
ogra_sigh ... updates to gnome-user-guide always make me think my system is dead14:36
Vaatiat any rate -- what are the minimum specs for running ubuntu on an arm?14:36
ogra_i wonder whats its doing all that time14:36
persiaogra_, There's something annoying at the FS layer that needs sorting.  It's the same reason cp is slow to install.14:37
ogra_well, all other packages arent that slow14:37
persiaVaati, support for the ARMv7a ISA14:37
ogra_it must do something special14:37
persiaogra_, They don't have anything *near* the file count.14:37
persia(unless I misremember g-u-g)14:38
ogra_ah, now it moved14:38
ogra_ok, i take everything i said about g-u-g back, ubuntu-docs is worse14:47
NCommanderwe have ubuntu docs?14:53
persiaA single source generates a package to populate yelp *and* the majority of the contents of help.ubuntu.com14:54
dcordesBug 79185214:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 791852 in unity-2d "unity-2d: does not parse QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM env var" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79185214:57
persiaExcept that's not something unity-2d is *supposed* to do: that should happen in Qt.14:59
dcordespersia: I don't understand. could you elaborate ?15:00
persiaQt clients specifically should never care which graphicssystem is in use.  They should just call into Qt abstractions.  Qt then should turn those abstractions into something that actually does something on the system (frequently through additional abstraction layers).15:02
dcordespersia: so at what place must the env var be present for the clients to get the correct graphicssystem ?15:03
persiaAt the process level.  So, `QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native unity-2d-launcher` ought do the right thing.  But this is because Qt notices the environment variable, not because unity-2d does.15:05
dcordesthis is what I do but it does not work. so I can assume something with Qt is fishy ?15:05
persiaI believe so.  I believe that the bug has the wrong task.  I'm not sure precisely *what* is responsible for handling QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM though, but I suspect the bug would get attention from the right folk if retargeted to the right place (mind you, finding this probably requires more investigation)15:10
dcordesok I will leave it as is, affecting unity-2d, and hope for the unity folks to know what is the correct project affected :)15:11
dmartzumbi_, hrw: I think the conclusion was that eglibc is misdetecting the new triplet as being non-eabi15:20
dmartwrong channel15:20
* dmart sighs15:20
=== transitlogger is now known as apachelogger
=== apachelogger is now known as randalogger
Davieyogra_ is man of the match, your latest boot img worked greated17:05
ogra_awesome !17:06
ppisatiGrueMaster: Linux omap 2.6.39-3-omap #10 Thu Jun 2 17:41:26 CEST 2011 armv7l GNU/Linux17:08
ppisatiGrueMaster: i have usb17:08
ppisatiGrueMaster: beagle xm rev a17:08
ppisatiGrueMaster: i just ssh-ed in17:08
GrueMasterIs this the same kernel that is in the current images?17:08
ppisatiGrueMaster: uhm no, latest oneiric17:09
GrueMasterThat's what I mean.17:09
ppisatiGrueMaster: ok, but then the bug will be fixed with the next release17:10
GrueMasterThe kernel I have is
ppisatiflag@omap:~$ cat /proc/version_signature17:10
ppisatiUbuntu 2.6.39-3.10-omap 2.6.3917:10
ppisatiGrueMaster: can you double check with latest oneiric?17:10
ppisatiand wait17:10
ppisatione more check17:11
ppisatiTexas Instruments X-Loader 1.5.0 (Apr 11 2011 - 09:47:05)17:11
ppisatiU-Boot 2011.03 (Apr 20 2011 - 07:19:53)17:11
ppisatido they correspond?17:11
GrueMasterLatest image is 20110601, which I already tested.17:11
* ppisati wonders if correspond is the correct word at all...17:11
GrueMasterx-loader & u-boot should be the same.17:11
ppisatiGrueMaster: please check17:12
ppisatiGrueMaster: i did a lot experimentation17:12
GrueMasterGive me a sec to setup.17:12
ppisatino hurry17:13
GrueMasterx-loader & u-boot are the same on the 20110601 image.17:14
GrueMasterThat should be in the bug report.17:16
ppisatibut is the same as mine...17:16
ppisatiok, i'll install that image then17:17
GrueMasterI recommend the headless image, otherwise you won't get very far.17:19
ppisatiGrueMaster: k17:21
* ppisati -> out for a walk...17:26
GrueMasterogra_: Is there a way to restore factory default Toshiba image after installing your image?18:24
ogra_GrueMaster, yes, you can restore the full backup you took before changing anything, vnflash should always work18:27
GrueMasterGood to know.18:28
ogra_indeed that requires that you actually backed up everything first :)18:28
GrueMasterI haven't even started messing with it beyond plugging into power.18:32
ogra_oh, you got one too now ?18:32
ogra_(not michaels)18:32
GrueMasterGot it yesterday.18:32
ogra_its like an epidemic thing how these things pop up around me :)18:32
Davieyogra_: Is this expected, nvec nvec.0: new transaction during send trying to retransmit! ?18:53
DavieyEvery minute or so in dmesg18:53
ogra_Daviey, yes, thats a workaround in the kernel that makes your input devices not die18:53
ogra_in the former kernel revision the complete input system locked up every time you see this message ... and only a shutdown, making the device 30sec powerless and reboot could make it work again18:54
ogra_we somehow get event storms on the nvidia event controller, nobody knows why yet18:55
ogra_if you see that message in demsg it actually means nvec eas restarted18:55
janimowhat is the easiest way to preseed a few values on the preinstalled headless image? I'd like to skip most installer questions as I run fresh images frequently and that slows the process down19:47
ogra_janimo, well, currently only setting them on kernel cmdline is supported19:47
ogra_but that works well19:48
janimocan I set cmdline from uboot or only from boot.scr?19:48
ogra_you could do it manually from u-boot shell but would have to manually type in the whole boot.scr content indeed19:49
janimook. On the cmdline I pass a preseed file path or even the actual preseeded value list?19:52
ogra_only values19:52
ogra_and keys19:52
ogra_as i said above, files arent supported yet, only setting preseed options directly on cmdline19:52
ogra_for oneiric i plan to add file support though19:53
GrueMasterCan't you set it to pull a preseed from http?20:05
GrueMasterI've not dealt with preseeds before.20:05
ogra_GrueMaster, the prob is that you need code to process it ... where it comes from doesnt matter much20:06
GrueMasterI thought oem-config could handle it.20:06
persiaoem-config *consumes* preseeding20:06
ogra_and the code processing preseed that i added last release simply only reads /proc/cmdline atm20:07
ogra_right, what persia said20:07
ogra_the code *setting* the options from file or cmdline is whats matters20:07
ogra_that should be trivial to add though, will have it in place before A220:08
ogra_preseed files are a requirement for server images20:08
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
MartynHey everyone!23:24
* ogra fights with oeniric23:26

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