
=== mike is now known as Guest36095
sgtwtfanyone use gnacktrack?04:19
yax51 hello!04:42
yax51so, my skype icon is not showing in the panel like it should, everything else appears fine, but skype is just showing a tiny pixel for the icon....any idea on how to fix this?04:43
holsteinyax51: id probably find another icon and try that04:44
yax51holstien: I suppose I could try that, although I did find a "solution" that doesn't work and it's tagged as solved...04:53
yax51hmmm thats interesting, if I close and restart the notification area, all my icons appear normally.....05:02
holsteinyax51: maybe thats what you needed to do to get the fix to work :)05:04
yax51holstein: perhaps, but its something I need to do every time and not just once....05:04
holsteinyax51: its a notification area icon?05:05
holsteinfor unity or gnome?05:05
yax51gnome, didn't like unity05:05
holsteinwell, at least you dont have to worry about it very long05:06
yax51holstein: by the way I want to thank you for your help the other day, ;)05:07
holsteinyax51: sure, anytime :)05:08
yax51holstein: I installed ubuntu on my girl friend and her moms computers and was here under their names05:08
yax51holstein: anime-girl and franny boo :)05:09
holsteinOH, i think i remember anime-girl05:09
yax51yeah she05:09
yax51shes as hot as she sounds ;) ;)05:09
holsteinhehe... hubba, hubba :)05:10
holsteinbedtime for me... GN all05:12
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
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leoquanthello DooitzeCompaq11:47
DooitzeCompaqhello leoquant11:49
bioterrorhi fox15:09
stlsaints-fox: heyo15:13
s-foxHello stlsaint ,  doing good friend ?15:14
stlsaints-fox: yep yep15:16
stlsaintsand storm heading our way so i may not have to work tonight W00T15:16
coalwaterstlsaint, what country?15:28
stlsaintcoalwater: kuwait15:28
coalwaterur from kuwait?15:28
coalwaterstlsaint, or do u just work there15:29
stlsaintcoalwater: work15:29
coalwater48c ? lol15:30
coalwaterthats HOT15:30
stlsaintnevermind the temp, when this sand starts kicking up visibility literally goes out the window!!15:31
stlsaintcoalwater: wait until summer hits here and its 130 outside !!15:37
coalwaterthats 55c lol15:39
stlsainthey smart people what does this mean: Ignoring unknown interface br0=br015:48
stlsaintbodhi_zazen: wb15:49
bodhi_zazenThanks stlsaint16:00
stlsaintbodhi_zazen: hows the family? Still skii??16:11
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
wendyHi! Does anyone happen to have a problem with wireless networking?17:51
wendyMine keeps saying that my wireless network is disabled but it's not, I even bought a usb wireless thinking that maybe my internal wifi hardware was defective.17:52
wendyDoes anyone know how to fix this :D i'd really appreciate it.  I've tried every possible way but none is working17:53
=== kristian_ is now known as kristian-aalborg
coalwaterhi PabloRubianes ,19:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mcafeeI'm having trouble with 11.04 install. I'm installing from a Live cd, but instead of asking me if I want to try it or install, it asks for a Username and Password. Any ideas?22:27
bioterrorand try again22:27
bioterrorif you have not22:27
mcafeeDid, several, several times22:27
mcafeeIt always comes up to a Login dialogue with the selection of "Other..."22:27
bioterrorsomething is not okay then22:28
mcafeecanceling it takes you back to the dialogue box and clicking other offers a text box for username22:28
mcafeeBioterror: Any chance i should just reburn/redl the iso?22:29
bioterroryou can redownload, check md5sum22:30
bioterrorand then burn again ;)22:30
mcafeeWhat's md5sum?22:30
* mcafee is a beginner22:30
ubot2To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:30
Error404NotFoundoi bio22:31
mcafeethanks ubot222:31
mcafeeand bioterror!22:31
Error404NotFoundthe bot says your welcome22:31
mcafeeYeah, yeah, I know it's a bot, I'm still curtous22:32
coalwaterbioterror, if u remember back on lucid and i think maveric, it used to give u a login screen, don't touch it and it should auto login after 5 seconds or something22:34
bioterrornever got into a login screen22:34
bioterrorI've always booted directly to a desktop22:35
coalwateryea but i remember back on lucid or something it used to do that to me22:35
coalwatermcafee, could u try the live cd and don't interrupt the login screen and see if it auto login ?22:35
mcafeeCoalwater, I'll give that a try, this computer is kinda crazy and takes a while to reboot and load up, but Yeah, i won't disturb it and see what happens.22:36
NRWlionhi guys22:41
NRWlionneed s.o with support experience22:41
rpfHi!  I just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a virtual machine for web development.  How can I get a file from my host machine into my ubuntu guest machine?22:50
Error404NotFoundflash drive lol22:50
holsteinrpf: i usually just use something like dropbox22:50
holsteinthats easy22:51
Error404NotFoundhowdy holstein22:51
rpfwould a flash drive work?  how would I mount it?22:51
holsteinthere are ways to set up shared space from host to guest though, but you'd want to check some docs with whatever virtualization software you are using22:51
Error404NotFoundgo to computer and double click it22:51
Error404NotFoundif it dont auto mount22:52
rpf"go to computer" - how is this?  I must have a server version - it only opens a shell.22:52
Error404NotFoundcd to the drive22:53
rpfvery basic stuff, I know.  Thanks for listening!22:53
Error404NotFounddude im a linux noob too22:54
rpfI'll give it a go....22:54
andrew_46rpf: What virtualisation software are you using?23:03
rpfvmware player.  It has a shared folder between host/guest... now I'm trying to get the vmware tools installed to use it!23:04
andrew_46My experience is with virtualbox.......23:05
rpfI looked at that... decided vmware would be easier  lol23:08
mcafeestill no luck with that disk, thinking I'm just going to throw the computer and discs out the window23:12
Error404NotFoundyou trying to install the lts?23:14
bioterrormcafee, can your computer boot from USB?23:15
Error404NotFoundmcafee: does live cd work?23:17
coalwaterrpf, u need to install that guest addon or w/e , it's short cut is right ctrl + D i think23:23
thewrathhey all!23:34
coalwaterhi thewrath23:42
elks294i was wanting to set priotiry higher on a sevice can someone tell me how to do this23:43

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