
micahghi robert_ancell00:51
robert_ancellmicahg, hu00:51
micahgI got my first crash of lightdm today :)00:51
robert_ancelloh nice!00:53
robert_ancellwhat were you doing...00:53
micahgjust using it00:53
micahgidr, it just switched me to a terminal, is there a log somewhere I can look?00:54
robert_ancellmicahg, yes, logs are in /var/log/lightdm00:56
robert_ancellit sounds like an X crash perhaps00:56
micahghmm, logs don't seem to show much, idk, if I get a reproducible crash, I'll file it01:00
robert_ancellmicahg, did the X log not show anything?01:03
robert_ancellmicahg, oh, did you guys see the GDM security issue01:03
micahgrobert_ancell: which one?  jdstrand published a fix for one today01:04
robert_ancellmicahg, something about being able to run a browser from the login screen01:04
robert_ancell*cough cough* bad idea running a full session *cough cough*01:04
micahgrobert_ancell: well, there's one thing in the xorg log that's intel driver related, I should probably file that01:04
RAOFPlease do :)01:05
micahgrobert_ancell: yeah, that's the one that was published today01:05
robert_ancellmicahg, is the security team going to update that?01:06
micahgrobert_ancell: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1142-1/01:06
robert_ancelloh, you guys are organised!01:07
robert_ancellbtw, how is the security review of lightdm going?01:07
micahgrobert_ancell: all done, got a +1, there were some comments in there01:07
micahgbut that's mostly about maybe creating shared infrastructure between the various DMs01:08
bcurtiswxmicahg, lemme know what may have caused it and I can confirm :)01:18
bcurtiswxfor lightDM01:19
=== asac_ is now known as asac
didrocksgood morning07:58
cdbsrobert_ancell: "please be a guinea pig" :D Testers need not be as hardcore as guinea pigs always :D08:00
robert_ancellcdbs, got to warn them!08:00
cdbsI seem to be facing a localised issue probably, can anyone running oneiric confirm if the latest gnome-power-manager works well in Unity?08:12
RAOFWhat do you mean by ‘well’?L08:13
cdbsRAOF: Enough to display an indicator on the panel08:13
RAOFI'm not sure if it's ever displayed for me in Oneiric.08:14
cdbsRAOF: it isn't showing an indicator, right? So its not a fault with my configuration. I've been debugging this thing since morning08:14
and471hi, how do I create at GIR file? I seem to have corrupted my Glib-2.0.gir so I deleted it and now I want ot remake it08:29
alex3fgood morning08:32
didrockshey alex3f, and47108:35
and471hey didrocks08:36
and471oh don't worry I found I had to reinstall libgirepository08:36
and471or something along those lines :)08:36
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
rodrigo_hmm, the gucharmap branch doesn't have the latest changes uploaded to oneiric10:03
rodrigo_hey seb128, aren't you on holidays today?10:05
seb128hey there10:06
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
seb128rodrigo_, today is an holiday but I will probably be off a part of the afternoon tomorrow so do an half day today and an half day tomorrow10:06
seb128rodrigo_, just apt-get source for gucharmap and copy the debian dir in the vcs and commit10:07
seb128or complain to whoever did the previous upload ;-)10:07
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok10:07
seb128that might just be a push missing10:07
rodrigo_that was chrisccoulson :)10:08
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, do you have a missing push in your local gucharmpa?10:08
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, or should I just do what seb128 says?10:08
seb128rodrigo_, btw did you get any reply from the tomboy guys about gconfpeditor?10:12
seb128it's the only thing keeping libgnome, libgnomeui,libbonoboui on the CD10:12
rodrigo_seb128, yes, they're waiting for the mono gsettings bindings to be done10:39
rodrigo_seb128, once that's done, it should be easy to do the change in tomboy10:39
seb128rodrigo_, is that likely to happen this cycle?10:39
rodrigo_trying to find out now what the status of those bindings is, so not sure10:40
rodrigo_but yes, I think it should happen this cycle10:40
seb128we should check still and see if we need to help somewhere to get that happening10:42
seb128do you know where they will land when they land? as a new source to package?10:42
rodrigo_seb128, sorry, missed your answer, not sure yet where it is/will land, trying to find out11:08
rodrigo_seb128, and yes, I offered my help to do the tomboy part11:08
seb128rodrigo_, ok great, thanks11:08
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo_11:19
chrisccoulsondid i forget to push?11:19
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, seems so :)11:19
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, did you do it already?11:19
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, no,w as waiting for you, so if you have the branch there, just push, if not, I'll copy the debian/ dir from the package11:20
chrisccoulsoni just had a strange thing happen when i docked my laptop. somethng decided to draw a blank window over my entire screen with a little sad face in the middle telling me "Oh no..", that something had gone wrong and i had to log out!11:20
chrisccoulsonwhat on earth does that?11:20
chrisccoulsonbecause there was nothing wrong with my session and i couldn't get rid of it without logging out and losing my work11:21
didrockschrisccoulson: are you running gnome-shell?11:21
rodrigo_hmm, no idea11:21
chrisccoulsondidrocks, no, but i did yesterday11:21
didrocksI was thinking it was a gnome-shell dialog11:21
chrisccoulsonit looked very gnome-shell!11:22
chrisccoulsonwhatever it was is not cool ;)11:22
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, pushed. sorry about that ;)11:23
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, no problem, thanks!11:23
chrisccoulsoni did try gnome-shell from our archive last night11:24
chrisccoulsoni like it!11:24
rodrigo_even has smileys in error dialogs :)11:25
rodrigo_I like it also11:25
chrisccoulsonthe top panel is really nice, especially the system indicators11:25
chrisccoulsonwe could learn some things from those ;)11:26
chrisccoulsonare the alpha 1 CD's done now?11:32
seb128not sure and cjwatson and pitti are not around today so maybe wait for skaet to be there and ask her11:36
seb128you can do some desktop updates if you are bored ;-)11:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, i wanted to upload the latest firefox beta ;)11:40
chrisccoulsonand thunderbird!11:40
seb128can you make sure thunderbird use the new libnotify? ;-)11:41
seb128well I guess you will need to if you want it to build ;-)11:41
seb128you can probably upload tb since it's not on the CD11:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, it's building ok here with the old libnotify (I didn't change anything anyway)11:41
chrisccoulsoni wonder if i could just turn off libnotify support, as it doesn't do anything on ubuntu anyway11:42
seb128no notify-osd bubble to tell you that you received emails?11:43
Laneyi've seen popups about broken configurations11:43
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you do with notification-daemon, but it falls back to it's own notifications with notify-osd because it checks for actions11:43
chrisccoulsonwe'll fix that with messaging menu integration though11:44
seb128chrisccoulson, well if tb build it's fine, their code might handle the new libnotify, they just dropped an argument for the new() function11:44
seb128chrisccoulson, do you still want to do desktop work?11:47
chrisccoulsonseb128 - can i do some a bit later this afternoon? i've got some other things i need to do first11:47
seb128chrisccoulson, sure, I was just rather checking if you still have time for desktop stuff in the cycle and when11:50
seb128no hurry11:50
seb128seems like your start of cycle will be busy at least with tb11:50
kinouchouhello didrocks fredp12:41
didrockshey kinouchou12:41
fredphey kinouchou12:41
* rodrigo_ lunch13:19
cyphermoxgood morning!13:51
geseris there a way to move the launcher in unity-2d from one monitor to an other? it's currently displayed on my 2nd (left) monitor13:53
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
kenvandineseb128, empathy is ready to upload, but I am waiting for A1 to be final before uploading14:04
seb128kenvandine, hey, ok, great14:04
kenvandineso i guess sometime today14:04
seb128did you write a mir for the tp-approver yet?14:04
kenvandineand i'll add a recommends after the tp-indicator MIR14:04
kenvandinedoing that now :)14:05
seb128nice work ;-)14:05
seb128did you check with bcurtiswx for the update? he worked on it as well it seems14:05
kenvandineyeah, i am sponsoring his package14:05
kenvandinewe went over it together yesterday14:05
kenvandineand we bumped it to 3.1.1, which is now latest in debian14:06
kenvandineand seems more stable than 3.0.014:06
seb128we said we would go for 3.0 updates first14:06
seb128but seems fine to start updating selected sources if that makes sense14:07
kenvandinewe did at first14:07
kenvandinebut had some problems14:07
seb128well I was speaking about oneiric14:07
kenvandinecan you bump telepathy-indicator out of binNEW?14:08
kenvandineMIR bug 79184314:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 791843 in telepathy-indicator "[MIR] telepathy-indicator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79184314:10
* kenvandine is anxious to get people using it and flush out the bugs :)14:10
fagancyphermox: hey again I got the bug fixed in u1 control panel but I was wondering what was the version the 0.9 API was introduced in since the version in 11.10 is 0.8.99714:12
bcurtiswxgood morning14:12
cyphermoxfagan: I'm sorry, I don't get what you mean14:12
kenvandinefagan, what did you need to change?  I just noticed that it broken gwibber too14:12
fagankenvandine: they changed the states14:13
cyphermoxkenvandine: it broke a whole lot of things, there's a bug open by jibel yesterday14:13
kenvandinecyphermox, bug number?14:13
fagancyphermox: like what network manager version was the 0.9 states change brought in on14:13
cyphermoxfagan: 0.8.99*14:13
cyphermoxkenvandine: just a second14:13
fagancyphermox: ah cool then ill go any version lower than 0.8.99 thats cool14:14
cyphermoxhigher than, you mean?14:14
cyphermoxbest is to set it to 0.8.998 IIRC14:14
fagancyphermox: well its 0.8.997 in 11.1014:15
cyphermoxlook again :)14:15
* fagan wins :D14:16
kenvandinefagan, no you don't :)14:16
kenvandinecount the 9s14:16
faganooh I left out 114:16
fagankenvandine: I can give you the changelog of what I did to fix it in 114:17
cyphermoxah, finally;14:17
cyphermoxkenvandine: it's bug 79154814:17
kenvandinei'll just look in bzr :)14:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 791548 in update-manager "Oneiric: Never sees NetworkManager connection" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79154814:17
kenvandinethx cyphermox14:17
fagankenvandine: cool its not in trunk yet though14:17
kenvandinefagan, you fixed it in the control panel?14:17
faganstill fixing the tests damn TDD14:17
cyphermoxfagan if you point me to the changes you did we could paste that in the bug for reference for others14:18
kenvandinefagan, did you push a branch yet?14:18
fagankenvandine: yep14:18
faganim changing a bit of it but you get the idea from the changes https://code.launchpad.net/~shanepatrickfagan/ubuntu-sso-client/nm-state-bug-fix14:19
faganjust a change of numbers and detecting the version not too much there14:19
fagankenvandine: im changing it to a tuple instead of the string but it works that way14:20
kenvandinepretty annoying that the states changed :/14:21
kenvandineno UNKNOWN anymore?14:21
dobeykenvandine: no kidding14:21
fagankenvandine: there is unknown its still 014:21
dobeykenvandine: also annoying that the stupid Version isn't the version of the API, but of the implementation14:21
seb128bah, I'm having stupid dc access issues it seems14:21
seb128didrocks, ^ can you new telepathy-approver from binNEW? I've issues to access the new queue there, can you check if it works for you?14:21
didrocksseb128: sure, trying14:22
didrocksyou didn't check it, right?14:22
seb128didrocks, I checked the source before source NEWing it yesterday and did a local build but I didn't check the launchpad binaries14:23
seb128didrocks, but I don't expect any difference with my build or any issue14:23
seb128it should have an autostart desktop and a binary14:23
kenvandinevery small package :)14:24
didrocksok, just checking it quickly14:24
seb128brb, stupid internet connection, I'm trying to reconnect14:24
kenvandinedidrocks, while your at it... you could review the MIR :)14:24
* kenvandine wants to add the recommends to empathy14:25
seb128ok, seems better after a reconnect ;-)14:26
didrocksok, all looks good, done14:26
seb128didrocks, thanks14:26
seb128kenvandine, ^14:27
didrocksyw :)14:27
seb128kenvandine, is the empathy work in the vcs?14:30
kenvandineseb128, yup14:31
seb128ok, let me check on it ;-)14:31
kenvandinein ~ubuntu-desktop/empathy/ubuntu14:31
seb128kenvandine, if you get bored some of the merges, updates on versions are for you14:31
kenvandinenot bored now... gotta fix gwibber and latest NM14:32
* kenvandine looks at versions page14:32
seb128kenvandine, gst-plugins-good0.10 farsight folks basically14:32
bcurtiswxisn't folks sync'd?14:32
kenvandinedamn, i should have never touched those packages :)14:32
seb128we should really push the telepathy guys again to get the bits we distro patch in gst moved upstream as well ;-)14:33
kenvandineseb128: i've been leaning on them about it :)14:33
seb128bcurtiswx, it's not and upstream is on 0.5 and debian on the stable serie, not sure which one should go with the new empathy14:33
seb128kenvandine, ok14:33
seb128kenvandine, checking on the empathy vcs ;-)14:33
bcurtiswxseb128, 3.1.1 deps on 0.4.014:35
bcurtiswxempathy 3.1.1 deps on folks 0.4.014:35
bcurtiswxcassidy, are newer empathy from 3.1.1 going to dep 0.5.0 for folks ?14:36
seb128bcurtiswx, kenvandine: 02_notifications_focus.patch -> man dh_installgsettings14:40
kenvandinebcurtiswx, can you look at that?14:41
seb128kenvandine, can we get 10_use_notify_osd_icons.patch dropped and the fix fixes in the theme or notify-osd?14:41
seb128bcurtiswx, kenvandine: "libdconf0 | gsettings-backend" is wrong14:42
seb128the backend has been moved to its how binary dconf-gsettings-backend14:43
seb128so libdconf0 -> dconf-gsettings-backend14:43
kenvandinei guess notify-osd should provide a link for that14:43
kenvandineso it should depend on dconf-gsettings-backend ?14:44
seb128dconf-gsettings-backend | gsettings-backend14:45
seb128rather than libdconf0 | gsettings-backend14:45
kenvandinecool, so we can use an overrides for gsettings like we did for gconf14:48
bcurtiswxsorry, had a quick meeting.  I'm reading backlog14:50
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i am doing it now14:50
bcurtiswxthe 02_ patch?14:51
kenvandinebcurtiswx, yeah14:51
kenvandinedropping the patch and adding an overrides14:51
seb128bcurtiswx, kenvandine:14:53
seb128                libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.28),14:53
seb128+               libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.27.2),14:53
seb128diff debian ubuntu14:53
seb128$ grep libglib2 ubuntu/debian/control14:53
seb128               libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.28),14:53
seb128               libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.27.2),14:53
seb128said differently14:53
kenvandineok, that got missed when i bumped the package to 3.1.114:55
seb128kenvandine, bcurtiswx: you remove debian/empathy.bug-control over debian, is that required?15:03
seb128it's not listed in the diff15:03
seb128you also changed the archs of the libnm libraries in the build-depends15:03
seb128#20_libindicate.patch in the series15:04
seb128does that one and some other need to be added back?15:04
seb128if not can you drop them from the series and vcs?15:04
seb128#21_login_indicators.patch as well15:04
bcurtiswxseb128, libnm was [linux-all] in debian, but it failed build, so i put it to how it was in older releases (I thought it was like that for an ubuntu specific reason)15:04
seb128#31_really_raise_window.patch #34_start_raised_execpt_in_session.patch #40_unity_launcher_count.patch #41_unity_launcher_progress.patch15:05
kenvandinethe arch changes seem to be ubuntu specific15:05
seb128bcurtiswx, when did it fail? wasn't that a soyuz issue fixed previous cycle?15:05
bcurtiswxseb128, i don't know15:05
seb128can you try in a ppa if it works?15:05
seb128bcurtiswx, kenvandine: shouldn't the unity patches be enabled?15:06
seb128or at least the changelog should document why they are not15:06
seb128or they should be dropped from the serie and vcs if they are deprecated15:06
seb128it's a bit confusing ;-)15:06
kenvandinewe are droping 40_unity_launcher_count.patch15:06
bcurtiswxseb128, the unity patches won't work, and kenvandine is going to put one if not both into his tp-indicator15:07
kenvandinei'll add that to tp-indicator15:07
seb128can you drop them from the serie and vcs then?15:07
kenvandineand the other i need to port15:07
seb128and maybe list in the changelog why15:07
kenvandinei'll document that15:07
seb128kenvandine, things that need porting should go on the gnome3 or tp-approver blueprint as workitems15:07
kenvandinewell it isn't really "porting"15:07
kenvandinethe patch needs to be updated to apply without the libindicate patch15:08
kenvandinei should add the counter to the tp-indicator blueprint15:08
seb128well in any case better to have a work item so we track it15:08
dobeytp-approver sounds like the job description of inspectors at charmin15:08
bcurtiswxseb128, i will rebuild nm with the [linux-all] if you want and i'll see where it fails15:08
seb128we add patches that need porting either to the etherpad or the gnome3 spec15:08
seb128otherwise it's easy to loose track15:08
seb128bcurtiswx, thanks15:09
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
bcurtiswxkenvandine, standards is 3.9.2 not 3.9.1 btw15:10
seb128+                             --disable-tests \15:11
seb128in the rules15:11
seb128same for15:12
seb128+                             --enable-nautilus-sendto \15:12
seb128+                             --with-ca-file='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'15:12
seb128the first one is in auto by default so we shouldn't need a diff over debian15:12
seb128the cerficate not sure but it works for debian it should for us?15:12
bcurtiswxnautilus-sendto is in source15:12
bcurtiswxit was fluctuating for a while, but it's in15:12
seb128+DEB_DBG_PACKAGE_empathy = empathy-dbg15:12
seb128why those?15:12
kenvandinenot sure... does debian not build the dbg package?15:13
seb128cdbs does it magically15:13
bcurtiswx--with-ca-file was dropped a while ago, not sure if that has changed15:13
seb128rules should be "don't add diff if you don't know why it's there or if you do document it in the changelog"15:14
seb128all those are diffs not documented15:14
seb128bcurtiswx, can you do a round of cleanup on those I pointed? especially control and rules diff not documented15:14
seb128or debian/empathy.bug-control being dropped15:15
seb128ideally the patches commented should be described in the changelog has well as needing porting with a reason of why they are commented15:15
kinouchouhello seb12815:15
seb128bcurtiswx, but otherwise good work, it's mostly details ;-)15:15
seb128lut kinouchou15:15
bcurtiswxseb128, i appreciate the notes :)15:16
kenvandineseb128, what is the bug-control file for?15:16
seb128kenvandine, dunno but I default to "if you don't have a good reason to drop it keep what debian has"15:16
seb128I guess it's for the bts reportbug15:16
kenvandineyeah, so harmless to add15:16
kenvandinewell, include :)15:16
seb128empathy.bug-control: Include version of15:17
seb128    telepathy-connection-manager in bugreport (Closes: #604441)15:17
seb128debian bug #60444115:17
ubot2Debian bug 604441 in src:empathy "Add reportbug script to include list of all CM installed" [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/60444115:17
seb128kenvandine, so it's sort of apport hook for reportbug15:17
bcurtiswxseb128, so the bug-control was removed, but it should be there since debian needs it, but not us?15:18
kenvandinebcurtiswx, just to make merging easier for us15:18
kenvandineshould be harmless to leave it15:18
kenvandineand reduces the delta15:19
seb128bcurtiswx, <seb128> rules should be "don't add diff if you don't know why it's there or if you do document it in the changelog"15:19
bcurtiswxkenvandine, lemme know when you're done with the ~ubuntu-desktop branch and i'll update and start these changes15:19
bcurtiswxseb128, i agree.  In this whole learning process I've came under the "if you don't know what it does, don't touch it in case your change causes critical meltdown of canonicals archives" :)15:21
seb128bcurtiswx, well in such case you should add a note in the changelog about the diff with a question or a comment stating you are not sure what to do15:21
bcurtiswxi.e., i ask if i'm not quite sure15:21
seb128ideally those questions should be sorted and cleaned before upload15:22
bcurtiswxseb128, i do typically get them sorted out.  kenvandine has been my sounding board :)15:23
seb128well I'm being picky there but early in the cycle when merging is a good time to ensure we lower our diffs15:24
seb128it seems also confusing that some of the patches got commented from the series without indication of why and if that's wanted or if they need porting15:24
bcurtiswxseb128, although overwhelming at times, i really appreciate the pickyness/criticism/whatever while i'm working through the small details of packaging :)15:25
seb128yeah, I think you did a good work on this one so it's mostly being picky on details to fix15:25
seb128should be easy to do a small round to fix those15:26
seb128just for info I spotted them by doing a diff of the debian dirs between the current debian source and the vcs debian dir15:26
bcurtiswxseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/616781/15:28
bcurtiswxlinux all causes lintian to complain15:28
seb128E: empathy source: temporary-debhelper-file nautilus-sendto-empathy.debhelper.log and 3 others15:29
seb128you need to put the autoreconf rule in the rules before the debhelper one15:29
seb128that will fix that one15:29
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i updated 41_unity_launcher_progress.patch15:33
seb128bcurtiswx, not sure about the linux-all lintian warning, it could be that lintian needs an update in what it's checking15:33
bcurtiswxkenvandine, what patches is tp-indicator allowing us to remove?15:37
kenvandinebcurtiswx, the indicator ones15:37
kenvandinebcurtiswx, you can pull the ~ubuntu-desktop branch15:38
kenvandineseb128, appmenu-gtk3 is still in binNEW for i38615:42
bcurtiswxlintian is also complaining about extra license files15:43
seb128didrocks, can you binnew appmenu-gtk as well? my ISP and launchpad are not friends today15:43
seb128kenvandine, thanks for pointing it15:43
seb128bcurtiswx, which ones?15:43
bcurtiswxseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/616792/15:44
didrocksseb128: sure15:45
seb128bcurtiswx, seems like lintian is being picky there15:46
bcurtiswxwhy do we make facebook the default chat client?16:05
bcurtiswxin empathy16:05
bcurtiswxnot client16:05
bcurtiswxchat account16:05
bcurtiswxand the 36 patch that makes the default chat window size larger.  is there a reason upstream didn't want to do that?16:06
bcurtiswxcassidy, would empathy accept a patch to make the default chat window size larger?16:10
seb128bcurtiswx, see the bug reference in the patch16:14
seb128cassidy was concerned it was a bit over what for small displays16:14
bcurtiswxseb128, OK16:14
bcurtiswxseb128, +DEB_DH_INSTALL_SOURCEDIR=debian/tmp16:15
seb128bcurtiswx, what would you default to rather than facebook?16:15
bcurtiswxwhy is/isn't that needed?16:15
bcurtiswxidk myself16:15
seb128we default to what we think is the most used platform for chats16:15
kenvandinethat was a papercut16:16
seb128bcurtiswx, +DEB_DH_INSTALL_SOURCEDIR=debian/tmp seems not required, not sure why we added it or have it16:16
seb128it default to do that when there are several binaries16:16
seb128it's maybe a leftover from a time where there was only one binary16:16
seb128debian cleaned it so we can do it as well16:17
bcurtiswxif we're really concerned about deltas, although it's a small patch, it would seem that it's no less easier for a user to click the dropdown list to go to their favorite account when creating them16:17
seb128no we are not concerned about delta when it's useful16:18
seb128it's just that is no reason to keep delta when it's not doing anything16:18
bcurtiswxIMO, for example i use AIM the most, and google chat second, with facebook chat being probably the least used that i have an account for.  AFAIK there was no study as to which client was used the most, so why assume facebook is the best? With that reasoning why is the facebook default accoutn useful?16:20
seb128bcurtiswx, look on the internet for how many users facebook has and then compare to aim or others16:23
kenvandinebcurtiswx, there was some statistics, facebook had more accounts16:24
kenvandinebcurtiswx, and i think gtalk had more than aim, aim was actually further down the list than i thought it would have been16:25
kenvandinealthough... i haven't signed into my aim account in at least 5 years :)16:25
bcurtiswxkenvandine, seb128, I guess my opinion is that the patch itself it's really useful, it was merely a blemish that we put makeup on to make it appear better16:26
bcurtiswxits not harder to click the dropdown menu to find facebook chat (from what is shown by default in empathy source)16:27
seb128see the numbers there16:28
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i think it was driven by discoverability... make it obvious that the most popular service is available in empathy16:28
seb128but well it's a small detail16:28
kenvandinei already removed that16:30
bcurtiswxkenvandine, i don't see that here..16:31
bcurtiswxi still see --enable-con...16:31
bcurtiswxrevision 191 i have16:31
kenvandinei am pushing now16:31
kenvandinei removed most of the delta in the rules file16:31
bcurtiswxkenvandine, i was working on that.. i guess i'll just leave it to you16:32
kenvandinesorry... i told you to hold off for a few :)16:32
kenvandine --with-ca-file= and --disable-tests don't even exist anymore16:32
bcurtiswxkenvandine, no worries.  and i had mentioned that --with-ca-file didn't exist a while back16:33
kenvandineseb128, i left one commented out patch, it's the one blocked on ido port to gtk316:34
kenvandinewhich i saw that mterry made progress on16:34
kenvandineand i noted that in the changelog16:34
seb128ok great16:35
seb128+               libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.0.2),16:36
seb128                libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.28),16:36
seb128                libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.0.2),16:36
seb128or said differently16:36
seb128$ grep libgtk ubuntu/debian/control16:36
seb128               libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.0.2),16:36
seb128               libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.0.2),16:36
kenvandinealready fixed too16:36
seb128I just pulled16:36
seb128did you forget to push?16:36
kenvandinejust pushed like a minute ago16:37
seb128ok, I just get r193, I blame it on launchpad16:37
kenvandinea little slow sometimes :)16:37
seb128ok, got it16:37
kenvandinethat is the last thing that stands out in my diff from debian16:38
kenvandinebesides the arches16:38
bcurtiswxremember my rebase was for 3.0.0, so this was all caused by bumping that to 3.1.1, sorry for the mess16:38
bcurtiswxlinux-all works, it just causes lintian to warn16:39
seb128bcurtiswx, kenvandine: great work, diff looks fine to me ;-)16:40
kenvandineseb128, should we change it to linux-all?16:40
seb128either way, if it works sure, maybe try in a ppa16:40
bcurtiswxit worked on my local build16:41
seb128but it doesn't really matter either way16:41
bcurtiswxwhy have a delta? right?16:41
kenvandinebcurtiswx, can you upload to your ppa and try it there?16:41
kenvandinebcurtiswx, right :)16:41
kenvandinebcurtiswx, make sure you've merged in the last of my changes16:41
bcurtiswxyes lemme work some magic, hold on16:41
seb128kenvandine, bug #730976 has questions from mdz16:50
seb128just for ino16:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 730976 in libdbusmenu "Missing support for animated menu icons: "Could not handle image type 6"" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73097616:50
bcurtiswxPPA gets rejected because: File empathy_3.1.1.orig.tar.gz already exists in PPA for Brian Curtis, but uploaded version has different contents.16:57
bcurtiswxso i deleted the previous package, now i have to wait for that to take before I can upload16:57
bcurtiswxi forgot last time to put a ~bcurtiswx on the package version, so sorry for the delay16:57
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micahgbcurtiswx: you still can't upload the same .orig again, you have to change the upstream version17:18
bcurtiswxmicahg, to what? wouldn't i have to worry about superceding ?17:19
micahgbcurtiswx: use a pre version if you deleted it (and don't upload that version to the actual archive, just your PPA)17:20
micahglike 3.1.1~bcurtis17:21
bcurtiswxmy original PPA upload was 3.1.1-1ubuntu117:21
bcurtiswxnow i have 3.1.1-1ubuntu1~bcurtiswx17:21
bcurtiswxdoes the .orig need the ~bcurtiswx as well?17:21
micahgbcurtiswx: once you delete it, you can upload something earlier17:21
micahgbcurtiswx: if you uploaded the wrong tarball originally, yes17:22
dpmdidrocks, this 'doc/po/unity-doc.pot' file in the unity uploads is the translation for the man page, right? In that case, I think we'll have to disable it from LP, as we don't support exporting the man pages' translations in langpacks17:26
didrocksdpm: right, I'm not sure what I need to do though. Is it only on launchpad side?17:29
didrocksor should I distro-patch to not build the pot?17:29
dpmdidrocks, I think there's nothing we can do, I just wanted to confirm it's the man page template before I disable it. Nah, I'll just block it manually, no need to distro-patch17:30
didrocksdpm: ok, perfect then, thanks :-)17:31
dobeywhere did the "render the background" optoin in compiz go to?19:13
dobeydidn't there used to be one?19:13
chrisccoulsonstill no alpha 1 release?19:34
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popeycjwatson: when you have a moment, could you please look at bug 789688 which I have marked as a dupe of a very old bug. Someone on -users has their knickers in a right bunch about it.22:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 789688 in ubuntu-docs "UbuntuHashes doesn't contains SHA256 (dup-of: 33438)" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78968822:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 33438 in ubuntu-cdimage "provide SHA1SUMS as well as MD5SUMS on cdimage" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3343822:53
chrisccoulsonnew thunderbird uploading!23:05
TheMusochrisccoulson: Nice, looking foward to trying it when I upgrade to oneiric.23:08
* popey hugs mdeslaur 23:17
mdeslaurpopey: hehe :)23:17
popeyI really appreciate you taking the time to reply, thanks.23:17
mdeslaurpopey: np23:18

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