
RAOFdart: Excellent, thanks.00:00
astraljavaRAOF: Perhaps you were thinking of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFriendly ?00:19
nemoIs it ever appropriate to just file a generic compatibility bug for this laptop model and detail the issues and workarounds?00:20
nemoastraljava: hm. that looks interesting, but doesn't really have a way to submit test data :)00:21
nemolooks like more an evang operation00:21
astraljavanemo: Maybe. I thought this to be interesting, though: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/certify-planning/+spec/cert-o-community-testing00:22
RAOFnemo: No, not really.  In an ideal world, a bug is a single actionable defect in the software.  ‘Some stuff on this laptop isn't working’ should be a single bug iff it's got a single cause (although you obviously can't actually tell until you've fixed it ☺).00:23
nemoRAOF: ah.  Mozilla's process is a bit more flexible. they have tracking bugs for various initiatives and whatnot00:24
nemobig ol' bug hierarchies00:24
nemobut 'k. guess what I'd be looking for is more some sort of Ubuntu on Laptops where I could fill in an entry for my laptop model - much like Wine has a software database where success can be filled out00:24
RAOFYeah.  Launchpad doesn't support bug hierarchies in that way, so we don't use them :)00:25
brodernemo: i think that's what Ubuntu Friendly is supposed to be working towards00:25
broderthough possibly with a little more rigor around what "working" and "not working" mean00:25
nemolaunchpad is annoying in quite a few ways.  one that bugs me most, is no id for each comment, so I can't link to a comment in context00:25
broderthat's not true00:25
RAOFnemo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/774938/comments/400:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 774938 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Erratic cursor movement when using "Coordinate Transformation Matrix"" [Medium,Fix released]00:26
nemoRAOF: right. that's the annoying bit00:26
nemoyou can link to a specific comment00:26
nemobut if you want to see it relative to the comments around it, you have to scroll through the list00:26
nemothere is no <div id="comment54323"> as virtually every other blog and bug db out there has00:26
nemoso even if I look at the HTML I can't make a #comment54323 link00:26
RAOFAh, yeah.  That makes sense.00:27
nemoof course it really should have an anchor for that purpose00:27
nemooh well. has been that way for years, and I think I did complain in a bug once, so isn't likely it'll be fixed any time soon00:27
nemobroder: well. thanks for the link. I'll keep an eye on that page, and if it ever gets to the point where it accepts user submissions, I'll post my laptops :)00:28
nemoaaand, guess I'll stick w/ issue-specific bugs for now00:28
cndRAOF, bryce, slangasek: I can't reproduce the bug in xorg-server, and it's a fairly simple traditional mouse00:45
cndsince there are no other reports, I'm inclined to think something is awry with his particular setup somehow00:46
cndI've asked for some more data in the bug00:46
slangasekmaybe he should try the upgrade again?00:46
cndI asked him to upgrade, then play back his own recording00:46
cndsee if it reproduces00:46
* slangasek nods00:46
cndit could be something simple like dying batteries :)00:46
slangasekcnd: thanks; please keep us posted, but I'm not going to take any precipitous action wrt the published SRU at this point00:47
cndI am off tomorrow :(00:47
cndbut I'll try to monitor it00:47
slangasekis there someone else who can take it over from you?00:47
cndI would say anyone of the top dogs of ubuntu-x would be best equipped00:48
cndtjaalton, bryce, or RAOF00:48
cndit's not multitouch related, so it's not really in the realm of anyone else on the touch team00:48
cndforgot about Sarvatt :)00:49
RAOFOk.  I'll monitor it today and pass off to bryce or tjaalton in the evening.00:52
RAOFcnd: Have a good day off tomorrow!00:52
cndRAOF, thanks!00:52
tjaaltonactually, I'm off for the rest of the week ;)00:53
cndtjaalton, then have fun too!00:53
tjaaltonbut yeah, sounds like a dead battery or such00:53
tjaaltoncnd: thx!00:53
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slangasekhallyn: closing bug #773891 as invalid; you don't appear to be subscribed, so thought I'd let you know02:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 773891 in libaio (Ubuntu) "package libaio-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/libaio.h', which is also in package libaio:i386 0.3.104-1" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77389102:42
hallynslangasek: drat, i thought i'd subscribed by habit.  Thanks much!02:43
hallynlooks like i need to look at a multi-ach converted library so I know what to look for02:44
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brodererr, wrong window03:21
sivanhi all03:32
sivanIs there anybody from the Montreal office?03:32
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lifelesskees: hi04:00
lifelesshmm perhaps too late for you04:00
lifelessmicahg: I seem to recall you're in the security team ?04:00
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micahglifeless: yes04:53
lifelessmicahg: oh cool04:54
lifelessmicahg: bug 791652 may interest or terrify you04:54
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 791652 could not be found04:54
micahglifeless: fun :)04:55
micahglifeless: are you sure that /tmp isn't in $PATH?04:55
lifelessmicahg: its not there in the environment I run from for sure04:56
lifeless set | grep LD04:56
micahglifeless: BTW, I failed to note it was private until after I posted the first reply to you, I guess I'm not used to the bar on top yet :-/05:02
micahgthe benefit on the bar on the side was that you could see it all the way down the page, my eyes went straight to the description05:03
lifelessthats worth noting on the bug I think05:03
lifelessmicahg: found it05:11
micahglifeless: the solution to your problem?05:12
lifelessthe utterly insane code.05:12
micahgah, cool05:12
ubottuError: Launchpad(https://launchpad.net) bug 791652 not found05:12
lifelessI expect at least an OMFG in about 5 seconds05:13
ScottKThis bug not found thing.  I've hit it before, but never when I had a chance to investigate at all.05:14
micahgScottK: it's a private bug05:15
lifelessScottK: security / private bugs05:15
lifelessScottK: also bug numbers we don't allocate05:15
lifelesswhich happens if a file-a-bug transaction rollsback05:15
ScottKI see.05:15
ScottKSo maybe mine was something different.05:15
lifelesshaving found that, I'm off to do something completely different :)05:19
StevenKScottK: 403 and 401 both give the idea that something is there, but you can't see it. 404 doesn't.05:19
ScottKRight.  In the case I had I got bugmail that said I'd been mailed because I was subscribed to a duplicate bug.  Then when I went to the primary bug and clicked on the named dup, I got the 404 reply.05:22
StevenKRight, that is a bug05:23
lifelessits deliberate05:23
ScottKAh.  So I'm trapped in bugmail hell forever?05:23
StevenKWe shouldn't say "Duplicate of private bug" ?05:23
lifelesslet me rephrase05:24
ScottKThe primary bug wasn't private.05:24
lifelessthe 404 is deliberate05:24
lifelessthe behavior of apport duping bugs onto a private bug is a bug05:24
lifelessand launchpad permitting that is also a bug05:24
ScottKThis wasn't that case.05:24
lifelesslet me get some references05:24
lifelesswell, dups across privacy boundaries are problematic05:24
lifelessScottK: we shouldn't be linkifying those dupes now, and arguably we shouldn't even show them to you if you can't see them05:25
lifelesswe kindof have to when bug A that you can see is a dup of bug B that you cannot see.05:25
ScottKRight, but I could see the primary and was subscribed to the dupe.05:25
lifelessScottK: then you should have been able to see the dupe05:26
lifelessScottK: so something else happens05:26
ScottKThat's why I think it was a bug.05:26
lifelessmaybe someone unsubscribed you from the dupe between you looking at the master and clicking on the link05:26
ScottKPossible in theory, but highly unlikely I think.05:26
lifelessanyhow, bugs in this sort of space - bug 764414 bug 434733 bug 136570 bug 26228005:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764414 in apport (Ubuntu) "private master bugs are confusing and lead to more duplicate filings" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76441405:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434733 in Launchpad itself "marking public bug as duplicate of private bug leads to confusing UI" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43473305:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136570 in Launchpad itself "bug mail explaining cause of message has an inaccessible link when the the master is private and the subscription is is via duplicates" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13657005:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262280 in Launchpad itself "forbidden error trying to unduplicate a public bug from a private one" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26228005:27
lifelessI realise these don't match your exact situation05:28
ScottKI may have to just apply my Rosetta mail policy to bug mail.  I'm getting a bit tired of stuff I can't keep out of my inbox.05:28
lifelessScottK: are you in the new bug mail beta ?05:28
ScottKlifeless: I'm not.05:28
lifelesswell it should be live in a few days05:29
ScottKDoes it deal with the case when I'm subscribed to a bug due to a team and I want to make the mail from that bug stop without affecting other team members?05:29
ScottKThat's the one I primarily need.05:29
lifelessyou click on 'mute'05:30
StevenKScottK: Did you see jml's lightning talk at UDS?05:30
ScottKI saw about half of it.05:30
StevenKScottK: I'd suggest re-watching it, it explains the new bug subscription stuff quite well.05:31
ScottKWell I think lifeless answered my immediate question.  If it can do that it's at least an 80% solution for me.05:32
broderhmph. dch changes broke backportpackage. bdrung, i'm blaming you :-P05:34
broderah, he fixed it already, my daily builds are just a few days behind. carry on :)05:37
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keeslifeless: gee, that's delightful. upstream silently fixed it in
syn-ackyou the same lifeless from Undernet?06:54
lifelessmany many many years ago I was06:55
syn-ackOh, my god.06:55
syn-acklifeless, How's it goin' dude?06:55
lifelessits someone else these days06:55
syn-ackYou're the one I thought you were.06:56
SensivaHello, When will Karmic get moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com ? And where should I ask about that?07:28
didrocksgood morning07:58
hrwStevenK: do I assume correctly that you are archive admin today?08:13
StevenKhrw: I can be.08:13
StevenKhrw: What do you need?08:14
hrwStevenK: my package gcc-4.6-armel-cross is in NEW queue. I can answer any questions related to it08:14
hrwStevenK: lack of it makes whole armel cross toolchain not installable (gcc 4.4/4.5 cross, binutils cross are already in archive)08:14
SensivaDoes anyone know when will Karmic get moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com ? And where should I ask about that?08:15
StevenKhrw: Accepted.08:21
hrwthank you StevenK08:22
bdrungbroder: backportpackage was broken, but the newer dch reveals it. it's fixed in u-d-t trunk08:39
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dantti_cjwatson: hi, I'm trying to use debconf to display conffile questions in packagekit, but subst() does not allow newlines (so I can show a diff), is there any other command that I can use to set the extended description?16:07
ScottKdantti_: cjwatson is on holiday this week.16:18
dantti_ScottK: k, thanks :)16:18
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jdstrandhallyn: hi! I haven't forgotten about libvirt-- though am I right in remembering that you wanted to supply a new package? anyway, I have another question: do you have any scripts for testing qemu-kvm?16:39
hallynno i don't.  i (or someone) need to get the kvm autotests going16:40
hallynit always gets stalled on not having dedicated hw for it16:40
jdstrandhallyn: fyi, I came across this: http://wiki.qemu.org/Planning/0.14/Testing16:40
hallynjdstrand: i do need to redo the package, just for -v, but nothing major16:41
jdstrandhallyn: don't bother then, cause I need to add a patch16:41
hallyndid you get my qa-regession_test patch?16:41
jdstrandhallyn: I like your patch to qrt btw (untested). I think I'd like to make it release specific though16:42
jdstrandhallyn: I'll handle that too, as I will be fiddling with the script16:42
hallyncool thx16:42
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nemobased on what RAOF and astraljava said yesterday, I filed bug #791898 and bug #79190016:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791898 in linux (Ubuntu) "Sony VPC-F11 (VPCF11GGX) requires acpi_sleep=nonvs for suspend/hibernate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79189816:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791900 in Ubuntu "Sony VPC-F11 (VPCF11GGX) Totem and other gstreamer apps have a black screen unless No Xv is selected in gstreamer-properties under Video Default Output" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79190016:59
nemooh and bug #79190416:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791904 in Ubuntu "Sony VPC-F11 (VPCF11GGX) Internal microphone does not function" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79190416:59
nemothe mouse problem is probably bug #771716, so I just left a comment there.17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771716 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "middle click emulation not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77171617:00
nemoit'd be nice to be able to link to all 4 in some sort of laptop database though17:00
nemojust so others would know what to expect with this model17:00
nemohopefully ubuntu has one, someday17:00
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dFshadowanyone know their way around the twitter and facebook APIs?17:05
dFshadownvm...found their dev chans on freenode17:06
=== maco changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: Soft Freeze for Alpha 1 in effect | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
macodapper's eol...time to take it out of the support list17:07
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hrwdoko: sent eglibc merge request to fix armhf cross build17:19
hrwhave a nice rest of day people17:19
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micahghi doko__ , I was wondering if you intended the libreadline5-dev rename to be a full transition to either the new package or libreadline6 depending on licensing or if you just wanted the DM/DD to fix it themselves on demand (in which case we should remove the binary libreadline5-dev so that the Provides in the new package works)17:40
barry@pilot in18:06
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Archive: Soft Freeze for Alpha 1 in effect | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry
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mdzcjwatson, slangasek, kees, Keybuk, TB meeting shortly18:53
Keybukmdz: ack18:53
slangasekmdz: am I on the agenda today?18:55
mdzslangasek, no, my mistake, sorry18:55
slangasekok :)18:55
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smoserofflineimap recently broek for me in natty (i think this week sometime). I can "fix" it by invoking it with python2.6.20:51
sorensmoser: In Natty? Really? It works fine for me.20:52
sorensmoser: How does it fail?20:52
smoseri'm guessing somethign recently changed /usr/bin/python -> /usr/bin/python2.7 but it seems like python-defaults is the same in oneiric as in natty20:52
smosers/natty/oneiric/ above, soren, sorry.20:52
sorenYeah, python changed.20:52
sorenI have a couple of other things that broke that I haven't completely untangled yet.20:52
smoserso should i open bugs against python?20:53
sorenI'd probably start by filing it against offlineimap and go from there.20:53
smoserwell definitely something broke this week, surely that was not expected in a minor release bump20:54
sorenIt might be depending on an implementation detail of earlier python versions. That's certainly the case in at least one of the places where I've seen breakage.20:54
sorensmoser: Do you have a traceback?20:54
smoserno.. offlineimap catches them for me :)20:54
smoserand gives error messages. but its easily recreatable. i've just not dug at all until now.20:55
ScottKsmoser: File a bug and ping barry.20:55
barryhi smoser.  we'd definitely like to track those problems down asap.  if they are related to upstream 2.7.2 we have about a week to address them before 2.7.2 final (currently scheduled for 11-june)20:58
smosernice. i just noticed my apport windows says I "Upgraded to oneiric on 2010-11-15 (198 days ago)"20:59
smoserbarry, bug coming.20:59
sorenbarry: I have one for you.20:59
sorenbarry: bug 79122120:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791221 in python-mox (Ubuntu) "Test suite fails with python 2.7.2rc1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79122120:59
barrysmoser, soren cool.  i'm patch piloting today so it's perfect timing :)  let me finish this upload and i'll take a look20:59
micahgsmoser: that's bug 78893621:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788936 in apport (Ubuntu) "UpgradeStatus date is wrong when system is upgraded through sources.list change" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78893621:00
smoser$  dpkg-query --show python-minimal21:00
sorenWhat about python2.7?21:01
smoserbarry, bug 79204321:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 792043 in offlineimap (Ubuntu) "offlineimap crashes with python 2.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79204321:09
barrysmoser: ack21:10
smosersoren, why did you say '2.7.1->2.7.2rc1.' ?21:10
smosermy apt-cache policy shows nothing of that sort.21:11
sorenIt's lying to you or severely out of date.21:11
soren python2.7 | 2.7.2~rc1-2 |       oneiric | source, amd64, i38621:11
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sorenforget about python-minimal.21:16
smoser$ dpkg-query --show python2.7-minimal21:17
smoserwhere that provides /usr/bin/python2.721:17
sorenbarry: Would it help if I set up a test system where you could see the failure?21:18
barrysoren: think that would be easier than setting up a vm to test it in?21:19
sorenbarry: Not if you can do that easily. It's just a few steps to make it happen.21:20
barrysoren: okay cool.  i can do it fairly easily.  i'll ping you if i run into trouble (finishing up something else here first)21:20
sorenbarry: On an oneiric system, do "apt-get build-dep nova; apt-get install bzr ; bzr branch lp:nova ; cd nova ; bash run_test.sh -N" and you should see it happen.21:22
barrysoren: cool.  i have an oneiric vm all set up that should be easy to test on21:23
sorenbarry: Wicked. In the mean time I'll see if I can untangle this and come up with a simple test case just for this.21:23
barrysoren: cool21:23
kirklandis the Oneiric desktop live image working for anyone inside of KVM?21:27
kirklandhallyn: ^ ?21:27
hallynhaven't tried21:28
hallyntrying to figure out why Package.gz doesn't seem to match the contents of pool/main/21:28
hallyn(presumably i'm misreading the kernel package names/versions)21:28
sorenhallyn: What's the (supposed) discrepancy?21:29
hallynlinux-image-2.6.39-3-generic_2.6.39-3.10_i386.deb  vs pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.38-9-generic_2.6.38-9.43_i386.deb21:30
hallyni'm sure i'm looking at the wrong thing, somewhere21:30
sorenlinux-image-2.6.39-3-generic_2.6.39-3.10_i386.deb is oneiric. pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.38-9-generic_2.6.38-9.43_i386.deb is natty21:32
hallyni forgot about oneiric :)  thanks21:32
barrysoren: this entry in 2.7's Misc/NEWS file looks suspicious.  there's no bug number so i need to track this down to find out exactly what changed:21:32
barry- Correct lookup of __dir__ on objects. Among other things, this causes errors21:32
barry  besides AttributeError found on lookup to be propagated.21:32
barry 21:32
sorenbarry: Yep, found that too.21:32
sorenbarry: It looks intentional, so I sort of got the impression it was more of a bugfix than anything else.21:33
barrysoren: then, bad python developer!  you didn't include a issue #!21:33
* barry -> #python-dev21:33
hallynkirkland: firing off testdrive21:33
kirklandhallyn: i tried cirrus, vga, and vmware21:34
kirklandhallyn: cirrus is completely broken21:34
kirklandhallyn: sorry, ubuntu desktop is completely broken on cirrus21:34
kirklandhallyn: gets slightly further with std and vmware21:34
kirklandhallyn: but still not functional21:34
kirklandhallyn: i suspect its unity 2d issues21:34
micahgkirkland: unity2d should work with vga21:34
micahgat least it does in natty21:35
kirklandmicahg: right, i'm talking oneiric21:35
sorenbarry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/617043/ reproduces it21:49
ScottKsoren: Is rpc.CnnsumerSet in line 10 a typo?21:50
ScottKCnn/Con maybe?21:50
sorenScottK: Sorry, yes. But that's not the problem :)21:50
sorenHang on, I have a better test.21:51
ScottKSure.  Just wanted to make sure the test case was good.21:51
sorenScottK: Thanks :)21:51
sorenA completely novaless test case.21:52
sorenpymox makes my head spin.21:53
sorenIf I add a __dir__ method to the MockAnything class (simply returning an empty list), everything is fine.21:57
sorenbarry: ^21:57
sorenbarry: Again, I just don't have the expertise to say if pymox is depending on cpython specifics or if this is a bug introduced in Python
barrysoren: don't worry.  just update the lp bug with what you know and i'll track it down in pythonland21:59
sorenbarry: Updated the bug on Launchpad and on Google Code with the test case.22:02
barrysoren: thanks!22:02
sorenbarry: Oh, thank *you*!22:02
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jdstrandhallyn: fyi, I am working on a test-qemu.py qrt script. I should have something to check in tomorrow23:31
jdstrandhallyn: it isn't complete, but is a good start23:31
TheMusobarry: Are you still piloting?23:37
hallynjdstrand: awesome23:37
barryTheMuso: i'm about to get some dinner, but if there's something easy you need i can help out afterward23:37
TheMusobarry: No thats fine, I was looking to start my shift, just wanted to make sure we didn't clash.23:37
TheMusoon items in the queue.23:38
barryTheMuso: ah, nope, in fact i'll pilot out now23:38
barry@pilot out23:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
macoi have something easy if one of you want to sponsor an sru upload23:38
TheMusoOk thanks.23:38
TheMuso@pilot in23:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: TheMuso
TheMusomaco: I'm on duty now so shute.23:38
TheMusoshoot even23:38
macohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/+bug/790960/+attachment/2149841/+files/lintian_2.4.3ubuntu3.debdiff    debdiff for lintian in maverick so debuild -S on maverick for a package-to-be-uploaded-to-oneiric doesn't bomb out on lintian not knowing what the hell oneiric is23:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 790960 in lintian (Ubuntu) "Maverick's lintian doesn't know about oneiric in changelogs" [Undecided,Triaged]23:39
TheMusomaco: Thanks, will look at it now.23:39
macothank you23:40
TheMusomaco: You haven't filled out the paperwork? i.e updated the bug with rationale, possible regression potential etc in the bug for SRU purposes?23:43
micahgTheMuso: can you ack the packagekit sync?23:43
TheMusoI don't doubt that the change is small and minor, but I'd say the upload will be rejected without that info.23:43
TheMusomicahg: Next in line.23:43
micahgTheMuso: thanks23:43
TheMusomaco: And the version should probably be ubuntu2.1 as well/23:44
macoTheMuso: the lintians in natty & oneiric are a different upstream version, so it cant clash with anything anyway23:45
maco(filled in the SRU points now too)23:45
TheMusomaco: Fair enough re version.23:45
TheMusomaco: Ok looks good to me, will test build and upload if all looks good.23:46
macok thanks23:46
micahgTheMuso: maco; that version is already in the archive, please use 2.123:46
macomicahg: it is? rmadison says 2.4.3 is only in maverick23:47
micahgmaco: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/2.4.3ubuntu323:47
macowell and lucid backports with ~lucid123:47
micahgmaco: it's not just what's in there currently, but everything23:47
TheMusomicahg: Good catch, I was about to check that myself but you beat me.23:48
macodoh. ok.23:48
TheMusomaco: Nvm will change locally.23:48
macoTheMuso: want me to re-gen, or want to just change it?23:48
TheMusoDon't worry about another diff.23:48
macothat was already the second diff. first one didnt have "-proposed"  .... and this is why im not a core-dev23:48
TheMusoWhenever I deal with SRUs, I stic to a hard and fast .1 version rule, usually safest.23:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
macothis either means i need to do more SRUs (for practice) or fewer SRUs (so i mess up less) :P23:50
TheMusomaco: Uploaded, thanks for your work.23:51
macothanks luke23:51
TheMusomicahg: Is the packagekit sync in the sponsors queue? If so, I'll dig it out from there.23:52
TheMusoseems so23:52
TheMusoi.e packagekit sync in queue./23:52
micahgTheMuso: yeah, I did a test build and verified the changes, but am not core-dev23:52
TheMusomicahg: np wilp verify myself to be sure.23:53
micahgTheMuso: of course :)23:53
slangasekTheMuso, maco: the security team has some guidance on SRU versioning, linked from the SRU wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update%20the%20packaging23:54
TheMusomicahg: Just noticed something in the debian changelog for packagekit, something to do with depending on xulrunner or firefox. Is that likely to break anything for us if we take that wholesale?23:55
micahgTheMuso: it should be an alternate depends (which is needed for the browser plugin) (xulrunner-dev | firefox-dev)23:56
TheMusoOk will check that once test built.23:56
micahgit works since only firefox-dev is in main23:56
micahgalthough, now that I think about it, I think that invalidates my test :-/23:57

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