
britta_?spørgsmål. Er der en der har tid og lyst til at hjælpe med et trådløst netværksproblem?14:21
britta_?spørgsmål. Er der en der har tid og lyst til at hjælpe med et trådløst netværksproblem? Jeg installerede updates på en toshiba satellite med et intel PRO/wireless kort, som nu virker helt dødt.14:33
pixiarvaiprøv at se hvilket kort det er med lspci14:37
britta_pixiarvai, Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)14:40
britta_rfkill list all siger 0: phy0: Wireless LAN14:41
britta_Soft blocked: no14:41
britta_Hard blocked: yes14:41
britta_og http://paste.ubuntu.com/616755/ giver resultatet af dmesg | grep iwl14:43
pixiarvaijeg kan ikke lige en hurtig løsning14:45
britta_jeg har forsøgt at toggle networkskortet til og fra, og der lader ikke til at være andre muligheder for at tænde og slukke for det. Jeg har mistanke til de updates jeg installerede i går.14:45
britta_ok. Tak alligevel.14:45
pixiarvaiprøv i forum, og skriv lige hvilken udgave du er på14:47
britta_Jeg prøver.14:47
ChrisBuchholz?spørgsmål jeg har en WD TV HD Live media center. Det er sat til mit tv, og har en ekstern harddisk plugget ind, hvis indhold jeg så kan tilgå via tv'et. Men boksen streamer også den eksterne harddisk over LAN, og i Mac OS X kan jeg se boksen og se dens indhold, men på ubuntu kan jeg ikke. Der var én gang hvor den dukkede op i banshee (muligvis for at streame der fra), men da jeg trykkede sagde den, at den ikke kunne tilgå ...16:34
ChrisBuchholz... den, og jeg har heller ikke set den, hverken i banshee eller nautilus, siden. Hvordan gør jeg lige det her?16:34
nigelbsbc: ping17:01
nigelbsbc: We talked on the loco-directory bug, I'd like to get more details to debug what's going on, do have a few minutes?17:03
=== kristian_ is now known as kristian-aalborg
sbcnigelb: pong19:11
nigelbsbc: Hi, I just looked at the LD code and I'm trying to figure out how to fix the bug you filed19:11
nigelbRight now, what we do is filter all the people inside the LD database and throw out everyone who belongs to the team you're trying to edit19:12
nigelbYou'd replied on the bug thread that there are some of your team members on loco-directory but they don't show up.  Can you confirm that they are members of the ubuntu-dk team on launchpad?19:13
sbcnigelb: Yes. The ubuntu-dk teams has about 49 members, and I only see 5 members in the 'short' list. Below that is a lot of users I don't know.19:13
nigelbYeah, after that we show the remaining people on LP.19:14
nigelbI think what we do need to fix is that we need to pull all the members of your team onto loco-diectory19:14
nigelbright now, I think a profile is created only if a user logins19:14
sbcahh, wait. There is a difference between loco-directory and launchpad.19:14
nigelbso if you have a user x in your launchpad team who has not logged into loco.ubuntu.com, that name probably isn't going to show up on loco-directory19:15
sbcThen I told you wrong. I can't confirm that everyone has logged in there ( i thought it was LP all of it).19:15
nigelbmy suspicions are now confirmed :)19:15
nigelbWe are doing things suboptimally19:15
sbcthat could explain the short list of five users19:15
nigelbonly 5 people probably have logged into loco.ubuntu.com19:15
sbcsounds right.19:16
nigelbAwesome, I'll update the bug with the information from our conversation :)19:16
sbcBut bad when we want to list admins / contacts who haven't necessarily  logged in.19:16
nigelbsbc: Thanks for your time in helping me debug this.  We should pull names from launchpad teams.  That's the only way we can get you right information.19:16
sbcsorry I misunderstood that earlier. I just assumed it was all from LP.19:17
nigelbyeah, I thought as much, that's why I came looking for you :)19:17

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