
JanCYoBoY: hm  ;00:00
jonoYoBoY, thanks!00:00
* cjohnston thinks that Ubuntu France should fly LoCo Directory Developers to the party.00:00
YoBoYwhy not :)00:01
cjohnstonI am waiting for my ticket. ;-)00:02
JanC11-11-11 has a special meaning00:02
YoBoYit's just easy to remember and it's a holiday here00:04
JanCon November 11, 11am (1918), the first world war ended, so it's a holiday of world peace00:05
JanC(at least here in Belgium)00:06
YoBoYhere too ^^"00:06
YoBoYJanC: if you can come, you are welcome :)00:07
JanCwell, it's a friday...00:07
YoBoYthe party is the 11, 12 and 13 november, not just the friday00:08
* JanC not sure he can still survive 3 days of party :P00:09
kinouchouwhy JanC ?00:09
YoBoYand we always provide sleeping arrangments00:09
JanCwell, I might need a little bit of sleep during those 3 days  ;)00:10
kinouchouI have survive me00:10
* JanC rembers surviving Dranouter Festival with 8 hours of sleep in 4 days, but that was long ago :P00:10
kinouchouJanC: I think, I have sleep 10 hours in 3 daays for the party00:12
YoBoYa typical day starts at 9am, buffet lunch for every volunteers on the venue, end at 19pm, evening at a restaurant, and sleep00:13
JanCeh, party ends at 19pm?  ;)00:14
YoBoYfor the public yes ;)00:14
YoBoYthe "work" part ends at 19pm00:15
JanCso, exactly what is going on at your parties?00:15
YoBoYconferences, courses, workshops, demonstrations, installations, help, games, and fun times :)00:16
JanCis it all in French, or can people get around with English too00:17
YoBoYit's all in french but you can come and talk in english most of the volunteers can speak in english :)00:19
YoBoYwe are also not closed to english talks, if you want to make a conference we can provide a translator for the public ;)00:22
JanCit's not (only) about me (I can understand French) but maybe others00:23
JanCI guess I don't use French enough though   :-/00:26
YoBoYJanC: when time comes I'll ping you to submit your participation :) we haven't done the debriefing of our last edition yet00:34
YoBoYbtw I'm trying to have some english lecturers for the next edition, with some luck and tenacity...00:36
cjohnstonill do english00:36
YoBoYgood morning08:39
YoBoYhey LoCos don't forget your team reports :D08:50
YoBoY(if wiki.u.c want to works...)08:50
YoBoYhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrenchTeam/TeamReports done09:24
toroswow, I've just found some interesting data about OS market shares in Hungary: http://www.adstat.hu/index.php?menu=1&sub=Operating-systems&Windows=on&Linux=on&Mac=on&first=201002&last=20110410:01
torosLinux is almost 3 times as popular as Mac10:01
torosthat also means that Ubuntu is much more popular than Mac :)10:02
YoBoYawesome :O10:06
torosan another interesting data is the browser market share: 59% uses Firefox, 20% users Chrome, 16% uses Internet Explorer10:08
torosIf that would continue, Explorer could almost disappear by the end of the year :)10:10
czajkowskitoros: it never will :( too many banks *have* to use it for softwre they've built inhouse to work 10:11
czajkowskiand breaks even if they want to upgrade from IE610:11
torosczajkowski: I know10:11
czajkowskiAloha btw 10:11
torosczajkowski: Aloha :)10:12
torosohh, and it has been announced that the official file format in the Hungarian government will be ODF10:12
czajkowskigreat to hear 10:13
torosso Ubuntu 12.04 has to be awesome, because I think that great migration projects might come in Hungary in the near future10:16
YoBoYhi czajkowski 10:20
czajkowskitoros: great to hear 10:21
czajkowskiYoBoY: hi 10:21
YoBoYhi ehj 11:20
ehjhi YoBoY i got busy on #ubuntu-be :-)11:24
YoBoYgreat :) doing what ? :p11:24
ehjcome over!11:26
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jonoRonnie, daker hey guys19:08
jonoyou are both welcome to join our LoCo strategy calls19:08
Ronniehey jono, thx19:08
jonoI think you are both up to speed on the vision we are working on19:08
jonoRonnie, daker can you make sure I have your Skype ID19:09
jonoRonnie, so which bits of the project are you keen to work on?19:11
jonothe front-end?19:11
Ronniebit of both. i do some designs but i really like to code too19:11
Ronnieatm there is more need for designers tough19:12
mhall119you make better-looking html and css than me19:12
mhall119IIRC, daker did the twitter feed re-write in jquery, I'd like him to work on making that and the feed both live-update19:13
mhall119jono: I'm still not clear about where the rotating images at the top would come from19:14
jonomhall119, if you can specify an image size, I will reach out to the community for great images19:15
mhall119I actually meant how they would be put into the system19:15
mhall119would the LC hand-pick and upload some19:15
mhall119or create a flickr/picasa gallery we pull from19:16
jonomhall119, oh I see, maybe just a series of hosted images on flickr?19:16
jonomaybe in the backend you have a list of image URLs that point to hosted images19:16
jonothen we can put them wherever19:16
Ronniei think a group on flickr is a good idea19:17
=== olive_ is now known as olive
TrickyJq Ronnie 20:42
cjohnstonmhall119: jono, I'm almost thinking split the images up top.. on the left have the rotating pictures, and on the right having an image advertising UGJ, LoCo Week, Release Party, etc thatis coming up.. maybe 2/3 1/3?20:50
jonocjohnston, that is a cool idea!20:50
cjohnstonthe pictures on the left define X # of pictures and change this X weeks or whatever... Maybe have the people names, or irc nicks, or lp names, the team name, event name, date type stuff20:51
cjohnstonand no qr codes to the schedule on the shirts.. *cough*jcastro*cough* hehe20:52
mhall119cjohnston: I'd like to have a map on the main page somewhere20:52
cjohnstonwhat type of map.. similar to whats there now, or something more useful20:52
cjohnstonI wish I had time, I'd love to push the me page out in the next few days20:53
mhall119I'm thinking the google maps with upcoming events20:53
mhall119if we can make the whole map a link to the events page or something20:53
cjohnstonjono: fwiw, we moved discussion of websites (summit, LTP, umm...) to #ubuntu-website for the most part.20:53
jonocjohnston, cool20:54

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