
sqiush102I apologize if this has been asked many times, but what is the best way of going from an 10.04 to 11.04 and it is also on new equipment, but I need to move all my recordings across?00:48
sqiush102should i get a 10.04 on new equipment and configured with the recordings and then install 11.04?00:49
Shadow__Xsqiush102: what are you trying to do. Do you just want to upgrade your be what01:31
Shadow__Xis there a reason going from my mythbuntu box to a nother ubuntu box the speeds would be going around 15MB/sec when the rest of my clients easily do 50MB/sec01:33
Shadow__Xpatdk-lap: for some reason when mounting my samba share the speeds are extremely slow when using mount -t cifs01:38
patdk-lapuse something better than? like nfs?01:39
Shadow__Xwhen using smbclient it works at the full speed though01:39
patdk-lapthere are more than a hundred differences between smbmount and smbclient01:40
Shadow__Xin this case smbclient 65MB/sec and cifs 15MB/sec01:41
patdk-lapsmbclient is a direct interface01:41
patdk-lapsmbmount has all kinds of kernel layer stuff ontop of it01:41
Shadow__Xok so is there anything i could do to make it run faster?01:41
patdk-laphmm, the only computer I have to test on currently is only 100mbit connection01:42
patdk-lapI normally nfs mount all my myth stuff01:42
patdk-lapbut also serve it via samba also, for windows/mediaplayer access01:43
patdk-lapcause samba just has too much going on01:43
Shadow__Xyeah i guess01:45
Shadow__Xthis hasnt always been the case though01:45
Shadow__Xon mac/windows i see full speed01:45
Shadow__Xweird stuff01:45
Shadow__Xhmm after watching zfs on ubuntu tear up my cpu when using compression i think i might need to get a quad core01:55
patdk-laphope the compression is multithreaded02:03
patdk-lapno idea why you would bother using compression at all though02:03
patdk-lapto attempt to compress video is just foolish02:03
Shadow__Xpatdk-lap: other files03:07
Shadow__Xi was using gzip03:07
Shadow__Xbut i will switch to something that is more parallel03:07
Shadow__Xi know pbzip will take too much time03:07
Shadow__Xbut seriously though since i will be using this to backup my main machine i think it might go for a quad core03:08
=== dkeith____ is now known as dkeith
qwebirc25492hi chat12:42
qwebirc25492i have a problem with exchange encrypted channels over the same multiplex. Is a bug?12:43

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