[03:20] IdleOne: am assuming this one will last longer than 12 hours ;P? [03:21] rww: I thought maybe they would get the picture last time [04:48] Flannel: yeah, they're now +b in #ubuntu instead of +q. [04:49] I saw that, I assumed he thought you banned him from -ot when I kicked him [04:53] ubuntu ops yay yay [04:54] so [04:54] whats good [04:54] well? [04:55] LiquidState: So, I found out why you were banned in #ubuntu. [04:55] ok [04:55] ow. I think a bug just bit my neck [04:55] It seems you were being disruptive, and didn't respond well to people asking you to stop. [04:55] In case there was any confusion about that. [04:55] seems that way huh [04:55] looks can be deceiving . [04:55] what is a turtle but a hawk in disguise [04:56] LiquidState: Anyway, I'm going to agree with rww's suggestion that you come back in 24 hours or so, and we can discuss this more then. [04:56] why would I come back seriously [04:56] to talk to you about how you don't help people just enforce rules [04:56] LiquidState: To talk about your ban so it can be resolved and removed. [04:56] I don't need it removed I can remove it my self [04:56] LiquidState: If you feel that the rules weren't being enforced, we can discuss that at that time as well. [04:56] [obviously] [04:57] As I've mentioned, that would violate network policy and is not a good idea. [04:57] the rules are always being enforced [04:57] thats not what I said [04:57] LiquidState: No, ban evasion is not removing your ban, and I'd really prefer you didn't go down that path. [04:57] im not some griefer [04:57] I won't come back again [04:57] LiquidState: You're right, that isn't what you said. But regardless, come back and we can probably resolve it. [04:58] LiquidState: If you feel that way, that's fine. [04:58] Good luck in your future endeavors. [04:58] just know you guys really do suck. [04:58] LiquidState: We'll keep that in mind. Have a nice evening. [04:58] night. [04:58] but you know where I am located by now [04:59] night red pajama pants. [04:59] My pj'sa re blue [04:59] are* [05:00] what pants is [05:00] pants is slacks [05:00] rww: We call trousers pants. [05:00] or yeah trousers [05:01] (and we call pants underwear) [05:01] basically pyjama pants are pyjama bottoms [05:01] IdleOne: You assume rww sleeps clothed! [05:01] not all all [05:01] that was the joke, yes ;P === ldunn_fn is now known as ldunn === gpc is now known as IdleOne [08:36] elky: to point out the anapnea shell terms and conditions that magizian is using [08:36] * No usage of your Anapnea account to harrass a third party is allowed. [08:36] therefor I have logged a complaint [09:06] !ops [09:06] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! [09:06] ikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [09:06] oops [09:06] sorry [09:06] false [10:17] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [10:18] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [10:18] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [11:45] am I unbaned?? [11:45] no [11:45] :*( [11:45] you are not banned [11:45] you are muted in #ubuntu [11:45] you are free to join [11:46] :*( [11:46] posting those faces won't get him anywhere [11:46] I asked him to spend time in #ubuntu muted to watch how people offered/gave support [11:46] he's not been in #ubuntu atll [12:19] hello again vibhav [12:19] vibhav: what can we do for you now ? [12:20] ikonia, (I swear) I am going to USA tomorrow as a tourist , so I will have no IRC for 1 month....So I I can be unmuted now.... [12:20] no [12:20] :*( [12:20] if you are going to be out for a month, there is no need for you to be concerned about the duration of your mute [12:21] talk to us in a month when you come back [12:23] vibhav: the point of your mute is so you can sit in ubuntu and watch how help is given [12:23] vibhav: so when you come back from your months holiday, you can spend a day or two muted in #ubuntu and we'll look at removing the ban [12:23] heh [12:24] was he the one claiming it was his mom? [12:24] few seconds too slow [12:24] His demonstrated capacity for learning makes me suspect no amount of sitting and watching is going to help [12:24] no, he was just offering nonsense advice to people, just wanted him to watch how others help to get an idea [12:24] ie after he was banned, and ban evading [12:24] oh, I didn't see him say it was his mum [15:06] i have to go to work. someone kick goiboi in -ot if they keep on === transitlogger is now known as apachelogger === apachelogger is now known as randalogger [15:24] maco: Thanks, now I'm getting PM abuse ;P [16:36] hey ikonia [16:36] I have a prob [16:36] a BIG PROB [16:36] any op here? [16:36] vibhav: Whats up? [16:37] Pici, I have a big prob , and I am muted on the channel [16:38] bad ikonia [16:38] :( [16:40] Sorry, having some computer issues here myself. [16:41] vibhav: What did ikonia ask you to do before he removes the mute? [16:44] Pici: How many times did you reboot it? === TheUser is now known as theuser [18:19] hello theuser [18:23] theuser: if you need to be in this channel I need you to respond please [18:25] !idle | theuser [18:25] theuser: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [18:26] i don't understand [18:26] theuser: if you don't have any issues in here, please /part as this channel isn't for idling [18:26] slowpoke.jpg [18:26] you don't understand....yet you did [18:27] maybe you scared them off ;P [20:06] ikonia: fyi, your banforward #38616 mask BajK!*@$#ubuntu-ops got turned into BajK!*@ during a netsplit and isn't valid anyway, hence BajK being in #ubuntu. [20:37] I suspect that since it's been applied since March and nobody noticed it was broken that it's not overly important to keep. [20:39] rww: If the guy has managed to not act up since march, that says the ban shouldnt be there imho. [20:42] jussi: Yup. I think we need to do a general ban review, personally. I don't believe that the 200 or so bans we have that are over a month old are all necessary. [20:43] rww: yeah, I agree. I wonder what the easiest way to go about it is? [20:44] jussi: One obvious first phase would be to generate lists of bans for each op and ask them to review them. I could do that rather easily (and it'd work better than BT because BT has stale and missing entries) [20:44] rww: please do generate them. (Myrtti used to do this, but has long disappeared) [20:47] Will do. Any particular format you'd like, or just a list of banmasks per person? [20:53] rww: nice spot, thank you [20:56] $size = scalar @{$ops{$op}}; [20:56] I have a headache. [20:58] I can return to feasting [20:59] Can we have the topic in #ubuntu+1 updated for alpha1? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2011-June/000853.html [21:00] thanks charlie-tca, one sec [21:00] sure. I am learning to make sure I got the announcement right, even. [21:00] f/win 15 [21:08] Is it just me or have there been a lot more people asking for support for *really* EOL releases recently? [21:09] Jordan_U: Well, dapper just went EOL a few days ago [21:10] Pici: Oddly enough I can't remember any Dapper users, that would have been at least half reasonable. gahlberg in #ubuntu just asked about Breezy. [21:11] Jordan_U: Yeesh. [21:11] Jaunty's come up a lot too. [21:12] The folks who manage the web facing archives sometimes don't actually move the repositories to old-releases until a while past the EOL date [21:13] If you want specifics, ping jpd-s [21:13] What was the first release to actually warn you that you are using an EOL release instead of just breaking? [21:15] The first one I recall doing that was 6.06 [23:24] qin called the ops in #ubuntu () [23:34] In ubottu, galaxy_999 said: What is The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything [23:35] galaxy_999: 42 [23:35] ubottu already knows !42. was trying to see if it could answer without the !bang [23:35] galaxy_999: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:36] ubottu: silence you! [23:36] galaxy_999: ubottu only answers to commands [23:36] In ubottu, galaxy_999 said: !What is The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything [23:36] :P [23:36] heh [23:37] if !command doesn't exist it then relays here because it thinks you are requesting !command to be added [23:37] or edited [23:38] neat little "trick" [23:39] so all the ubuntops have ubottu edit powers or only a select few? [23:39] * galaxy_999 maybe this is ot for this channel [23:39] most but not all [23:43] galaxy_999: if there is nothing else please don't idle in this channel. [23:44] IdleOne: fair enough