
wcchandlerhas oneiric alpha 1 hit testdrive yet?01:48
skaetwcchandler,  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/03:38
skaethas the images being tested.03:39
charlie-tcaXubuntu tests are completed except wubi, which I can not do (no windows)03:57
charlie-tcaKubuntu alternate tests are done except OEM, which fails for the same bug as the live install03:57
charlie-tcaKubuntu optional tests are not done for alternate images03:57
jibelbrendand, ping10:28
brendandjibel - hey10:29
jibelhggdh, ping14:18
charlie-tcajibel: how we looking today? Do we need more tests done?14:20
jibelcharlie-tca, Hey charlie-tca , looks good, but we never have enough tests done :-)14:21
jibelcharlie-tca, is there a bug report about the broken screen reader install ?14:21
charlie-tcano, there is a blueprint that accessibility will not be ready for alpha114:23
charlie-tcaWe can't make it work until unity makes 2d work14:23
charlie-tcaThe importance of accessibility is always secondary to making the rest work first14:24
hggdhjibel, pong14:44
jibelhggdh, Good morning Sir!14:55
jibelhggdh, I fail to understand the result matrix for ec2, what's the status of alpha1 testing ?14:56
hggdhjibel, looking15:17
hggdhjibel, ugh! A lot of tests failed15:18
hggdhjibel, we now have to transpose the results, I will start on it15:19
hggdhjibel, but, to answer your question (what is the status of alpha1 testing for ec2): done, barfing right and left15:19
hggdhjibel, James already entered the data15:21
hggdher, _is_ entering15:22
jibelhggdh, oh nice, we need more James :-)15:22
jibeljenkins runs the tests, james enters the results, that's perfect.15:23
hggdhwe are looking at an automation thingie for Oneiric, also15:30
jibelhggdh, if you can export the results from jenkins in a sane format, we can update the tracker automatically quite easily15:34
jibelhggdh, hm, I'm testing lightdm and I guess it killed my netbook :(15:35
hggdhjibel, oh, thank you -- I am *not* going to test lightDM15:42
hggdhjibel, yes, I think exporting the results would not be complex15:42
charlie-tcaaw, lightDM is fun to test :-)15:48
charlie-tcahggdh: I can't seem to crash dasher in natty today15:49
hggdhcharlie-tca, good! (I think)15:51
charlie-tcaThis is dasher testing day, too15:52
jibelpatrickmw, do you have the privileges to change the topic of the channel ?16:55
patrickmwjibel, I do on certain channels, but I don't recall which ones.  I can try changing this channel... send me what you'd like it to be16:57
jibelpatrickmw, "Currently testing Oneiric Alpha 1 candidates | http://qa.ubuntu.com/testing/iso-testing/ | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com"16:57
patrickmwjibel, boo,  I can't change this channel.  I always bug ara :)16:58
patrickmwara ^^^ :)16:58
patrickmwara_ ^16:59
=== ara_ is now known as ara
arapedro_, how did I do to make myself op? :D17:00
ara(same questions over and over again)17:00
pedro_ara, IIRC  /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-testing17:00
arapedro_, cool, that worked17:01
pedro_nice :-)17:01
=== ara changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Currently testing Oneiric Alpha 1 candidates | http://qa.ubuntu.com/testing/iso-testing/ | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
brendandhi jibel19:54
brendandjibel - would extra mago tests be seen as a valuable contribution?19:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
skaetJust wanted to say thank you to everyone here who's helped test Alpha 1.   Very much appreciate your efforts, and wanted to let you know its been released.  :)20:52
charlie-tcaThank you, skaet . We are gaining knowlege every time.20:54
skaetThanks charlie-tca,  indeed we are.  :)20:55
chadadavis Sorry for the lack of macbook tests. I had allocated time on Tue, but the images weren't ready yet. Have the mac tests been dropped?21:24
chadadavisskaet, ^21:25
charlie-tcaThey were for alpha1, yes21:25
chadadavischarlie-tca, I see. But they'll be back for alpha2? Was there a particular problem there?21:26
charlie-tcaThe idea was to have the tests that were done on the tracker for the release21:26
charlie-tcaThey should be back for alpha221:26
chadadavisMakes sense. THanks.21:26
charlie-tcaThank you for dropping by21:26
chadadavisI had to catch a plane on Wed and couldn't wait for the ISOs. I'll test them next week. And I'll be around for alpha2, and beyond.21:27
charlie-tcait happens21:27
cr3cyphermox: echo $(cd "$directory" 2>/dev/null && pwd || echo "$directory")/$filename22:19
cr3cyphermox: where directory is $(dirname $path) and filename is $(basename $path)22:19
cyphermoxyeah. I was thinking of using dirname to work through what I need22:19
cr3cyphermox: that should translate pretty well to C22:19
cr3cyphermox: shell actually works well for inspiration in this particular case because string processing is just as crap as in C :)22:20
cyphermoxI was really hoping to avoid changing directories though :/22:20

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