
andrejzgood morning07:57
trijntjegood morning people08:08
dpmgood morning everyone!08:57
RawChidGood morning12:25
RawChidAnyone know how I can get/install podiff?12:27
RawChidNever mind, I found the script12:34
RawChiddpm, is it an idea to add podiff to the Translations Tools?12:34
dpmRawChid, yeah, it would be an idea, but I've never seen a fully working implementation of a podiff tool, so it might be a bit of work if you want to create it from scratch12:36
RawChidAt the moment I'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~glatzor/podiff/main12:39
RawChidLooks like there isn't done anything about it in 5 years12:41
askhlHello.  TLE and I are working on something related to a 'fully working implementation of a podiff tool'.  What would be the 'requirements' in order for it to be a fully working implementation?13:00
askhlRawChid, dpm ^13:00
askhl(I.e. what are your specific needs?)13:01
RawChidI'm not yet familiar with the podiff tool. Just looking what it does at the moment. FYI, I'm working on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-l10n-tools  and was wondering if we should add podiff to this project (keep all scripts in a central place)13:04
askhlI thought a podiff implementation was already part of that project13:06
askhl(I'll be back later)13:08
dpmRawChid, yeah, I'd be up for keeping podiff in ubuntu-l10n-tools. I was aware of the ubuntu-translator tools project, but I started a new one because I wanted to start from scratch and write all tools in python instead of having shell scripts. At some point though, when ubuntu-l10n-tools is stable and provides a superset of the ubuntu-translator-tools functionality, we should either unify both projects or disable one of them.13:21
dpmbut before moving or forking podiff from ubuntu-translator tools, I'd ask glatzor for permission13:22
dpmhe's the original ubuntu-translator-tools developer13:22
dpmhe maintains aptdaemon these days, and he's usually in #ubuntu-devel13:23
dpmaskhl, I don't have very high requirements on a diff tool for now. Just that I can do 'podiff -u ca.orig.po ca.po' and that it gives me some meaningful output :)13:24
dpmI remember you guys mentioned you were working on this. Can you remind me where the project is, and what its status is?13:24
askhldpm, https://launchpad.net/pyg3t14:02
dpmah yes, thanks askhl14:02
askhlThere's a big difference bewteen the stable version and the development version14:04
askhlshould probably finish the ongoing changes and make a release...14:04
dpmRawChid, so perhaps you should talk to askhl and unify efforts on the podiff tool ^14:06
TLEwho said something about podiff14:08
* TLE looks around14:08
TLEahh, sorry I missed the start of the conversation14:13
TLEyou need a podiff for something?14:13
RawChidOkay, Not really14:14
RawChidIn case you missed something14:14
RawChidI was wondering of we could add it to ubuntu-l10n-tools project.14:14
RawChidBut now I understand you are working on that tool.14:15
askhlTLE, maybe it's time to finally release a new version14:15
andrejzwov. I just got data from provider of slovenian ubuntu mirror15:36
andrejznumber of visitors has icreased by 40% compared to last year :)15:37
TLEdpm, RawChid: Ahh, I just catched up with the conversation. The podiff that is a part of pyg3t works (it is used quite a lot in the danish team) and it has a active maintainer (me). pyg3t as a whole is a pet project that Ask and I work on when we want to do some coding. It is pure python and has been written with maintainability in mind (e.g. with a separate po-parser that all modules use). If you want to include scripts I 15:54
TLEaskhl: Yeah maybe we should, it is just very bad timing as you know, I'd have way more time to do the cleanup after the changes in the parser in september15:55
TLEI mean to do the clean up properly15:55
TLEdpm: RawChid: In stead of including scripts back and forth we could also consider just sharing a PPA15:57
TLEafk 5 min15:57
askhlTLE, the only critical stuff is that the obsoletes should be handled properly.  The parser is compatible with everything I think...16:00
askhlTLE, looks like the first (longest) of your messages may have been clipped16:00
askhlIn any case, I don't think any cleanup is really required.16:01
TLEahh I will paste it in parts:16:10
TLEdpm, RawChid: Ahh, I just catched up with the conversation. The podiff that is a part of pyg3t works (it is used quite a lot in the danish team) and it has a active maintainer (me).16:11
TLEpyg3t as a whole is a pet project that Ask and I work on when we want to do some coding. It is pure python and has been written with maintainability in mind (e.g. with a separate po-parser that all modules use).16:11
TLE If you want to include scripts I humbly think that it is a good place to start. We also have a tool for grepping in pofiles, for xml-checking in po-files and for looking for common errors16:11
TLEaskhl: yeah, it was mainly podiff I would have liked to restructure, but that can wait, lets get together some evening and finish the migration to the new parser up and make a release16:12
RawChidOkay, thanks for the info.16:29
dpmAndre_Gondim, are you around?17:23
dpmI got disconnected a couple of times, so reposting this in case it didn't go through:17:24
dpm<dpm> TLE, yeah, it looks good. It looks to me that's already the best place for a podiff tool, since I understand that the aim is for the project to be generic, whereas right now ubuntu-l10n-tools is still a bit Ubuntu-specific (apart from the search tool). If you are interested in feedback, I do have a comment on the project: I'd suggest calling it something more readable than pyg3t, as it's not really catchy or easy to remember, and most import17:24
dpm  it does not say what the project is about17:24
TLEPYthon GetText Translation Toolkit = pyg3t, and then you read it like py-get, ahh we thought it was so clever17:51
TLEdpm: ^^17:51
TLEwe'll think about it17:52
askhlThere's a choice between googlability and legibility.  It's one or the other17:52
askhlBut I suppose a sufficiently obscure proper name would also do17:53
dpmTLE, yeah, I got it when I went to the LP page :) It's definitely clever, but it sounded a bit cryptic to me. Anyway, just a piece of feedback, I've been looking at the code and it looks nice17:53
TLEyes, the project is meant to be general17:54
TLEbut since a ppa is fairly ubuntu centric I guess there wouldn't b a problem with sharing a PPA17:54
TLEwho knows17:54
TLEin any case, maybe the most important thing is that we are still active, and interested in making it do cool stuff,17:56
TLEso we would be open to suggestions and feature requests as long as they fir within our ideas for the project17:56
TLEerr: fit17:58
TLEhave to reboot, be back in 2 min18:00
TLEahh that felt better, I've been stuck in windows all day18:09
dpmI bet it's like getting out of the matrix ;)18:24

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