
Unit193wrst: You could take a look at K/X/Lubuntu, they are all nice!00:01
wrstUnit193: i'm a gnome guy, kde and me just don't get along at all :)00:14
wrstand I run arch on my laptop with gnome 3 and really loving it00:14
Unit193I'm currently using L and X (May add K later)00:19
cyberangerelectricus: except the lack of bugfixes making it exploitable00:28
cyberangerand cpanel is kinda limiting00:28
electricusi'm sorry.. i've been researching..00:28
electricusregarding what?00:28
cyberangercentos, rehl03:01
cyberangerand small versions03:02
wrstUnit193: i think lubuntu has a lot of upside, x just isn't very light and kde well its good its pretty but just not for me03:09
Unit193wrst: I really like Lubuntu and Xubuntu isn't bad, I'm just no fan of Gnome/Unity...03:11
wrstUnit193: I really like GNOME... now Unity, I'm not such a fan03:11
Unit193wrst: Do you think you will look at/like Unity2D? I still haven't gone masochist and tried Unity03:13
wrstnot really Unit193, I mean Unity may mature into something good but its not there yet03:14
wrstto me gnome shell is so far ahead it isn't funny03:14
chris4585I basically share a portion of wrst's brain05:29
chris4585wrst, do you have any idea how to change the windows buttons placement in GS? I've tried gconf-editor but it only takes effect in gnome3 failback06:03
wrstchris4585: I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised eventually if there is not an extension for that.11:34
chris4585well I seem to remember I didn't have that problem on fedora11:52
chris4585I now prefer them to be on the left11:53
wrstchris4585: good morning12:39
wrstchris4585: looks like you have tried this? http://geekum.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/how-to-move-close-button-in-debian-gnome-shell-to-left-like-ubuntu/12:42
electricusanybody want to try this out:  http://www.voypi.com/17:02
electricuslooks pretty cool17:03
electricusyou could save a lot of your minutes and texts17:03
wrstmorning electricus17:05
electricusi wonder how this got approved by nazi apple?17:05
wrstelectricus: what do you really think about apple? :)17:08
wrsthmm cool17:08
electricusthey make nice and expensive stuff and they are nazis worse than microsoft17:09
electricushaving said that.. i emphasize they make really nice stuff17:09
wrstthey do make nice stuff electricus, but over priced and still made in china17:10
electricusoh really?17:10
electricusi didn't realize that17:10
wrstthe laptop I just purchased has same/better specs than my wife's made in china shiney macbook but my made in china piece cost 475 while heres would be 1500 bucks17:11
wrstelectricus: i think its made in china certainly not made in usa17:11
electricushmm .. i would question that17:11
electricusthe reason it's so expensive leads me to believe it's not17:12
wrstyes they are17:13
wrstjust checked :)17:13
electricusah man17:14
electricusis there any computer equip that's not these days?17:14
wrstdon't think so17:14
wrstelectricus: all sorts fo thse forum links out there: http://forums.macnn.com/69/mac-notebooks/339175/are-all-macbooks-made-in-china/17:14
wrstelectricus: but pretty much everything else is so I'm not going to be critical of apple for doing it17:15
wrstelectricus: did you get your dirty girl network card fixed?17:17
electricusit wasn't the nic.. it's a failing drive i'm pretty sure17:17
electricusi've got to get a replacement at lunch today17:18
electricusit's not crashed totally yet.. but showing signs ..17:18
wrstatleast it is showing signs that is nice17:18
wrstwb Unit19319:24
wrstand wb electricus19:24
Unit193wrst: Thanks! I can't stand it when the wireless card stops working... (Shouldn't be using wireless, but it doesn't have a wired port)19:26
wrstwireless is just too handy Unit19319:26
Unit193It's a desktop :P (And a very old one at that...)19:27
electricusyeah.. i'm now a member of launchpad.net/~tennessee.team19:28
wrstahh and know NIC19:28
electricuswell..i'm probably pending19:28
wrstelectricus: I might just take care of that for you19:29
electricusi'm trying to get pricew in here too19:30
wrstelectricus: haven't seen you yet but launchpad has been a little slow for me the last few days19:31
wrstelectricus: that would be cool if you coudl get him in here we could have a nice cookeville upper cumberland presence19:38
* wrst is tired of all the memphians :D19:38
wrstha ha orias :)19:44
wrstreally we like the memphians ;)19:44
Unit193Remember not to share your Netflix account ;)20:03
wrstUnit193: i heard that on the news today...so I guess when my wife watches something I need to close my eyes?20:05
Unit193wrst: If it's her account, you must close your eyes AND cover your ears!20:06
wrstthat seemed a little well... crazy20:07
wrstand I guess she will not be able to listen to any music i downlaod via amazon20:07
Unit193Eh, I don't know how bad it really is... They might figure it out if you're logged in from two locations :D20:08
wrstyeah you would think they would already have that precaution in place20:09
wrsthello pricew_ I think I've seeen you before ;)20:42
electricushello pricew_ :-)20:47
pricew_hey uys20:48
pricew_hey guys20:48
electricusi find ubuntu people are generally nice20:49
wrstwell electricus I'm a real jerk but everyone else here is cool20:50
electricusah ha.. :-)20:50
Unit193I'm mean too...20:50
electricusya you're a real trouble-maker wrst20:50
pricew_wrst: at least you are honest.  :)20:50
wrstwell I do what I can20:50
pricew_wrst: I keep hitting refresh, but I still only see Welcome to nginx!  You need to work a little faster.  :)20:52
wrstpricew_: yes i tried taht and still getting nothing... may have to take this up when i get home, or I may have done something stupid that is highly likely also20:52
wrstI've been using vnc to try it locally from home also20:53
wrstit currently says its restarting... and it will take a minute... evidently minutes :)20:54
Unit193Or you could SSH tunnel in and make a proxy :)20:54
Unit193Alpha 1 is out! (So the person I can't seem to remember can upgrade ;) )20:58
wrstpricew_: seems to be stuck trying to start21:00
wrstUnit193: I may upgrade to see what gnome 3 is like and unity on top of it21:00
pricew_wrst: hmmm.  The web server seems to be up.21:00
Unit193wrst: It's still going to be broken like crazy! (And gnome 3 is broken)21:00
wrstyeah i see apache and tomcat starting but i get that big blue button is starting21:00
wrstoh yeah Unit193 I generally start with alpha 1 or 221:01
wrstthat's half the fun21:01
wrstpricew_: i'm just going to wait it out for a while and see what happens :)21:01
wrstelectricus: did you try to become a member here? https://launchpad.net/~tennessee.team21:03
electricusi logged in and everything21:04
electricusi guess i'm a member21:04
wrsthmm I haven't seen anything yet21:04
wrstit has to be approved, and you don't show in the list, care to double check?21:04
wrstpricew_: I may have found my problem I am running in virtual box not in vm player, and I need to change some settings... that will be a job for tonight21:05
electricussee wrst. i'm logged in21:08
wrstyeah electricus but did you request to join in the ubuntu-tn team?21:09
wrstelectricus: i added you ;)21:10
electricusah.. i see21:10
wrstelectricus: launchpad is host to many many projects and memberships etc21:13
wrstpricew_: got it working locally21:13
wrsti had it configured under the wrong IP *facepalm*21:13
pricew_I can relate.21:17
chris4585wrst, thank you that worked :D sorry for the delay I was asleep lol21:19
pricew_wrst: http://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/wiki/InstallationUbuntu#Change_the_Server's_IP21:19
wrstgood chris4585, so you have left hand buttons now?21:19
chris4585I forgot that the gconf entry was under shell... not metacity21:20
wrstpricew_: got it all going now, thanks21:21
pricew_You need to feed the hamster powering your server.  It's running slow.  :)21:23
electricuspricew_: been doing anything lately with bbb?21:23
pricew_electricus: yes we had our first Virtual Small group today.  They are wanting another one tomorrow so they can invite friends.21:24
electricusi was thinking about letting the person running the slides at church just connect to a bbb server and use the church camera feed and slides21:24
pricew_I think that would be cool.21:24
wrstpricew_: I need better internet.21:25
electricusya.. people could check out church without actually having to go.. and you could chat with them too while they are in there in real time with the service21:25
electricuswe thought about u-stream and stuff like that.. but i'm not so sure you would want that advertising and stuff associated with your u-stream page21:25
electricusbbb.. would make it totally vanilla or better yet, integrate it into our joomla site21:26
electricusi just haven't had time to mess around with it yet21:26
pricew_electricus: integrate with Joomla is about 3 clicks21:29
electricusso do you have a screen shot of what that looks like in joomla pricew_?21:29
pricew_electricus: see pm21:29
electricusthat's cool21:31
electricusin joomla .. you log into the admin console and go to plugins and just upload the zip file?21:32
wrstpricew_: that is some cool stuff21:32
pricew_a module and a plugin21:33
electricusso you have to have a full lamp box for bbb?21:33
pricew_Right now I'm using their test server.  I can build a ec2 box in about 5 minutes.21:33
electricusi think our web site is a dedicated host on amazon too.. so we could run bbb along side of joomla?21:34
pricew_Yea.  It may be better for a separate host so you don't have to mess with the ports, though.21:35
pricew_You can try it out with their test server.21:35
electricusah i see21:36
vychunehey guiys21:36
pricew_ttyl time to head home21:37
wrstlater pricew_21:47

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