[08:39] hi [13:27] Ronnie: cjohnston: http://locodir.mhall119.com/ [13:28] cool, feeds included [13:28] yup [13:28] * YoBoY hugs mhall119 [13:29] missing a "read more" [13:29] or something to show the feeds are just extracts [13:29] "[...]" ? [13:30] YoBoY: yeah [13:31] perhaps the blog part can take more space than the microblogs, like 2/3 1/3 ? [13:34] but it's a great first implementation of the blog feeds :) [13:34] YoBoY: yeah, I just threw the blog feed in there, Ronnie is going to make it look nice [14:53] mhall119: Nice :) [15:39] mhall119: for the problem we had with %, I'm thinking of adding a wrapper function over django.utils.html.escape that also does a replace('%', '%%') [15:42] nigelb: it was something like that iirc [15:43] yeah, mhall119 and I talked about it at some point before UDS started when we had fixed everything with that issue. [16:09] cjohnston: if you have a few minutes, I have a few MPs that need review. [16:10] for summit that is [16:10] I don't have time till after next week [16:10] okay [16:11] mhall119: if you have a few minutes I have a few MPs that need review :) [16:11] nigelb: on a conf. call atm [16:11] and I won't have time to review MPs until late today [16:11] that's fine [16:11] some time this week is great [16:11] for summit? [16:12] yeah [16:13] if I finish my work for this week, I should have free time Friday [16:13] oh, great! [16:13] cjohnston: ping [16:14] sir [16:15] I tried to use loaddata on locodir.mhall119.com, but it kept killing itself mid-process [16:15] I resorted to import-live-data [16:15] uggh [16:15] that sucks [16:15] not sure what the problem is, it didn't give any useful info [16:16] all I can think of is that maybe it's a memory issue, since my ec2 instance doesn't have swap enabled [16:16] and only 512 MB ram [16:16] I'll try enabling swap later [16:18] mhall119: in which case try running htop to see if memory usage is getting excessive [16:21] mhall119: did you try it on your local machine by chance? [16:22] cjohnston: not yet... [17:07] alejandraobregon: heya, are there any updates to the discussion on ubuntu.com/employment from Canonical end? [17:10] nigelb: hello! so sorry for the silence... we have a meeting scheduled with Canonical HR tomorrow and will discuss this then. Should have a better idea next week and will be able to let you know about next steps [17:54] alejandraobregon: Great! Thank you :) [18:00] mhall119: got a few minutes? django gives me an error if I do a {% if foo == bar %}, but its okay with {% if foo %} [18:00] mhall119: Any thoughts on why that's happening? [18:05] nigelb, use ifequal [18:05] {% ifequal foo bar %} [18:05] daker: but I' [18:05] but I'm wondering why it didn't work [18:05] the docs say it should :\ [18:07] wha't the error ? [18:07] what's* [18:08] nigelb, the === operator doesn't exist on django 1.1.1 https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/ref/templates/builtins/ [18:08] there is only ifequal [18:08] daker: ah, new docs, old django. [18:09] == was introduced on django 1.2 i think [18:09] yeah [18:22] nigelb: what daker said [18:22] daker: Thanks [18:22] mhall119: Yup, fixed and MP already done :) [18:22] * nigelb feels productive tonight. === robrt` is now known as robrt`` [18:28] mhall119: whats the status of getting django, south, and openid-auth upgraded === robrt`` is now known as robrt` [18:40] Daviey, cjohnston, mhall119 -> straight from the man about summit https://twitter.com/#!/keybuk [18:41] lol [19:06] cjohnston, mhall119: I need your thoughts. Remember kirkland gave us a non-working MP for IRC channel [19:06] I put that icon on the top of the schedule isntead [19:06] *instead [19:06] right next to each room and I'm linking it to the IRC channel [19:06] how does that sound? [19:06] sounds right to me [19:07] great! [19:07] I just need to find the license for that icon or get a new icon for IRC.. [19:07] mhall119: the icons in LD are CC licensed? [19:07] nigelb: there's http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/icons/icons_preview.html [19:07] nigelb: they are now, yes [19:08] they were AGPLv3, which means they were summit-compatible anyway [19:08] ah, so I use them and credit it to you in LICENSE? [19:19] me and doctormo [19:20] I'm going to create a series on ubuntu-community-webthemes to host the icons, and it'll have a LICENSE file with all that [19:20] that was you can just link to the project/series for attribution [19:48] mhall119: http://i.imgur.com/u9scA.png [19:51] cjohnston: ^^ [20:44] it's a bit big... [20:47] I agree [20:50] twss [20:51] mhall119: I made it big for ease of clicking. [22:04] hey mhall119, is http://locodir.mhall119.com/ to be considered the location of the dev version of the next site? [22:09] jono: no, I'm going to setup an ec2 instance for testing [22:09] that one is already loaded down with other sites [22:09] mhall119, gotcha, cool [22:16] yo jono [22:24] hey daker [22:25] :-) [22:25] daker are you going to be able to join our calls? [22:25] the LoCo Portal is going to rock in this cycle! [22:25] :-) [22:26] i'll try :) [22:26] the cloud portal too :D [22:27] daker sweet :-) [22:27] well the calls will be focused on the LTP, but I am sure Ahmed would love to talk more about the cloud portal :-) [22:28] mhall119, daker is there a guide for how people can get involved in the LTP? [22:28] jono, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/Development [22:29] thanks daker! [22:30] jono, did ahmed show you the new cloud portal ? [22:31] daker no? [22:32] jono: it's not a great guide, but it's a start [22:33] thanks mhall119 - I am writing up a blog post about projects that could use help, so I figured I would include the LTP [22:33] jono, good :) [22:34] mhall119, where i can find the community web themes ? [23:25] daker_: ubuntu-community-themes/ [23:25] jono: summit could use help too [23:25] and hall of fame === daker__ is now known as daker_ [23:41] cjohnston, there are a lot of sites that could use help, I am just focusing on a few projects [23:41] I can cover others later