
Kilosmorning superfly  and others08:28
superflymorning Kilos08:29
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:39
* Maaz washes some mugs08:39
Kiloslo nlsthzn coffee time08:40
nlsthznKilos: Hey... that's ok... making myself tea here at work now... brought all the ingridients needed :p08:40
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
Kilosman its for the cyberbrain not the soft one08:41
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:43
KilosMaaz, ty buddy08:43
MaazDont get familiar now Kilos08:43
nlsthzn-workKilos: Both my minds need tea... then again both are soft :p08:46
Kilosyay that free sms site is working kiff again09:16
Kilosthey mustas been upgrading as well09:16
Kilosnlsthzn-work, ^^09:28
Kilosnice and fast as well09:28
nlsthzn-workKilos: Good to hear :)09:34
* Kilos gots a problem. will try explain17:02
Kiloslay down for a while this avy and when coming back to pc freecell opened blank17:03
Kilosnot much wanted to work . even shutdown didnt work17:03
Kiloson rebooting i get initramfs prompt17:04
Kiloseven doing a recovery gives the same initramfs prompt17:04
Kilosim on karmic now17:04
Kilosi typed help at the prompt but nothing there can help me17:05
KilosMaaz, google ubuntu maverick boots to initramfs prompt only17:06
MaazKilos: "[ubuntu] 8.04 Boot Problems: initramfs prompt/ BusyBox - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=807345 :: "VirtFeatureVerification - Ubuntu Wiki" https://wiki.edubuntu.org/VirtFeatureVerification :: "Bug #686832 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu): “multipath-tools-boot ..." https://code.launchpad.net/bugs/686832 :: "ubuntu-bugs: [Bug 778520] Re: install on degraded raid1 does not ..." http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-bugs/201117:06
somaunnhello everyone17:15
Kiloshi somaunn 17:17
somaunni need help17:18
somaunni have this message on ubuntu startup, error: sparse file not allowed17:18
Kilosexplain what your problem is then be patient. someone will help when they get a chance17:19
somaunnwhat does it mean? how can i resolve it17:19
Kilosyou on natty?17:19
Kiloslets see what maaz has to say while we wait for a clever guy17:20
somaunni've reinstalled my natty with btrfs and after that i received that msg on startup17:21
KilosMaaz, google ubuntu natty starts with error: sparse file not allowed17:21
MaazKilos: "Bug #736743 in grub2 (Ubuntu): “environment block not implemented ..." https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/736743 :: "Bug #464743 in grub2 (Ubuntu): “error: sparse file not allowed”" https://launchpad.net/bugs/464743 :: "On Ubuntu: btrfs is now available on Natty" http://onubuntu.blogspot.com/2011/01/btrfs-is-now-available-on-natty.html :: "Full BTRFS support in grub [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index17:21
Kiloscheck if there is help at one of those links somaunn 17:22
somaunnokay will check it17:23
somaunnthanks for help17:23
Kilosyou welcome. hope you get it fixed17:25
somaunnanother question, 17:30
somaunnhow to recover the network icon next to sound17:31
Kilostry right click on the panel17:35
Kilosthen add i think17:35
Kilosya add to panel17:36
Kilosthen look for it in your options17:36
Kilossomaunn, ^^17:37
Kiloshiya kbmonkey 17:40
Kiloshow clever are you17:41
somaunnbye bye 17:41
kbmonkeyhiya Kilos 17:42
kbmonkeyIm making some veg soup so I guess Im clever enough. whats up?17:42
Kiloskbmonkey, my maverick boots to initramfs prompt only17:42
Kilosdunno where to go from there17:43
Kilosnormal commands dont work there17:43
Kilosand the help is beyond me17:43
kbmonkeylike a grub prompt?17:43
Kilosyeah but initramfs $17:43
Kilosi booted from live cd and tried installing grub-pc again but no luck17:44
* kbmonkey warms up the search engine17:44
kbmonkeyif you can get a line of error message we can search it might help17:45
Kilosi looked at lotsa google links on it but they all for IT guys\17:45
kbmonkeydoes it look similar to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156173517:46
Kiloswhen i am there i cant get online or anything. am using karmic thats first install on this drive17:46
kbmonkeyso you have karmic and maverick on one drive, separate partitions?17:47
Kiloskartmic then maverick alongside17:47
Kilosthat looks similar17:47
kbmonkeyokay, karmic uses grub 1.9, maverick grub 217:48
kbmonkeyduring maverick install, do you remember where you installed the boot loader?17:48
Kilosin sda i think17:50
Kilosi dunno what happened it was working fine and after a break even my shutdowjnh option didnt work17:51
kbmonkeyoh dear17:51
Kilosyeah. like a bad guy got in while i was away17:52
Kilosbut i got firewall running17:52
kbmonkeydid you use the boot repair graphical tool to reinstall grub?17:52
Kilosthe recovery one17:53
kbmonkeyyes the one found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling GRUB217:53
kbmonkey(that link is broken up )17:53
Kilosi tried recovery onb booting and it also ends at that initramfs prompt17:53
kbmonkeyno there is a recovery Live CD to reinstall grub17:54
Kilosok i go see what they say17:54
kbmonkeynot the recovery boot menu option, that is differnt 17:54
Kilosoh from the live cde?17:54
kbmonkeyyes it is a new live cd to repair the system https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:54
kbmonkeyit must be new, I never noticed that before :)17:55
Kilosok i go look for that. not sure if i seen it before. do you go the install route?17:55
kbmonkeyokay that second link is a modified Ubuntu live CD, so you may not want to DL an entire ISO for that17:57
Kilosoh wait\17:57
Kilosa new live cd repair cd17:57
Kilosnot the maverick live cd17:57
kbmonkeyyour live CD can get online right?17:57
Kilosyes if i go try ubuntu\17:58
kbmonkeyokay thats good. I think what we can do is boot a Ubuntu Maverick live CD17:58
Kilosok i write this down and go try it. ty17:58
kbmonkeyhang 517:59
kbmonkeyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair tells you how as well18:00
kbmonkeywhen in the live environment, follow the 2nd option to install boot-repair18:00
kbmonkeythen follow the rest of the instructions in that same link :)18:01
Kilosthanks kbmonkey 18:01
kbmonkeyI hope that helps!18:02
Kiloslol so do i18:02
kbmonkeyokay gtg for 30 mins I'll be back soon :)18:02
Kiloslater all18:02
superflykbmonkey: grub 1.9 == grub 218:21
Symmetrialol, so like, we always use airport codes in our router names18:28
* Symmetria is thinking that when he puts routers down in grahamstown18:28
Symmetriait may not be politically wise to use their airport code18:28
Symmetria"FAGT" 18:28
Kiloskbmonkey: that is a cd download site18:46
Kilosi cant do that18:46
Kilosi go back to karmic if i dont get it working18:50
Kilossee yas later18:50
kbmonkeyhi Kilos 19:09
kbmonkeyyou do not need to download a CD ISO, you can use your existing ubuntu live CD via the 2nd option19:10
Kiloseish sorry19:10
Kilosmissed that19:10
Kilosok i go try again19:11
Kilosi wonder what happened. everything been working great for months19:11
kbmonkeyperhaps a grub update incompatibility19:13
kbmonkeynot too sure, see if that works :)19:13
Kilosok ty will do19:17
Kiloshehe kbmonkey 19:48
Kilosnow i dont get any options on boot anymore19:49
Kilosgoes straight to karmic19:49
Kilosand modem battling19:49
Kilosneeded to reboot a few times and also move the modem to different usb port19:52
Kilosand when trying to mount the partition with maverick on i getting 19:54
KilosError mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6,19:54
Kilos       missing codepage or helper program, or other error19:54
Kilos       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:54
Kilos       dmesg | tail  or so19:54
kbmonkeyoh wow I hope your partition for maverick isn't corrupt. maybe thats why the boot stopped working :(19:55
kbmonkeywhen you run sudo update-grub, it should detect all Linuxes on your disk. The fact that it did not detect Maverick tells me that partition cannot be read19:56
Kilosit only seems to see the karmic images20:27
Kiloswill check how much data i got left and install maverick again20:28
Kilostomorrow maybe20:28
Kiloshead thumping now20:28
Kilosi go lie down some. maybe come back later. if not sleep tight all20:29
kbmonkeyawe alrightee then, sleep tight20:34

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