Kokito | howdy | 03:42 |
Kokito | ScottL: in case you are there, if I cannot attend the IRC meeting on Sunday, I will send you an email with a status update | 03:43 |
graciasfidel | hi here | 11:11 |
astraljava | o/ | 11:13 |
ScottL | hi graciasfidel | 12:49 |
scott-work | morning everyone :) | 14:47 |
scott-work | holstein: i have topics for the meeting agenda, i'll get it on the wiki today | 14:56 |
scott-work | yesterday was a bit hectic at work and i actually fleshed out the agenda during a meeting | 14:56 |
scott-work | looks like jean-baptiste is proposing someone change the gcdmaster dependency on cdrdao should be bumped to 1:1.2.3-0.1ubuntu2 | 16:01 |
scott-work | anyone interested? | 16:01 |
scott-work | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrdao/+bug/791467 | 16:01 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 791467 in cdrdao (Ubuntu Oneiric) "bump gcdmaster dependency on cdrdao to 1:1.2.3-0.1ubuntu2" [Medium,Triaged] | 16:01 |
* holstein looking | 16:12 | |
holstein | scott-work: personally, i'll be stoked when we have a live installer and no more tasksel | 16:13 |
holstein | thats been broken for me for a long time | 16:13 |
scott-work | holstein: this isn't a tasksel issue though | 16:13 |
holstein | even when it wasnt officially broken* | 16:13 |
scott-work | but i agree it will be nice to have a live installer | 16:13 |
holstein | so, whats the proposal? | 16:14 |
scott-work | this particular item is that a package isn't building properly and therefore can't be installed or included in our -meta package | 16:14 |
holstein | i think its nice to have gcdmaster in the repos* | 16:14 |
holstein | i dont think its something that needs to be default though | 16:14 |
holstein | scott-work: thats something we'll have to work on *if* we go with a live installer | 16:15 |
holstein | a nice software base | 16:15 |
scott-work | holstein: i believe we would need to download the source, look in the /debian/control file, adjust the dependencies for gcdmaster, make a patch for it, then attach the patch to the bug report | 16:15 |
holstein | i REALLY like the workflow idea | 16:15 |
holstein | for metapackages and whatever else | 16:15 |
holstein | scott-work: i mean, is thats something i can handle? | 16:16 |
holstein | scott-work: i would like to set up a teamviewer box or something share-able | 16:16 |
holstein | maybe you or someone could help me get going on some of this more advanced stuff that i just cant quite get my mind around | 16:17 |
scott-work | i'm not sure what you mean by "teamviewer box" | 16:17 |
scott-work | you mean etherpad? | 16:17 |
holstein | scott-work: teamviewer is an easy VNC type thing | 16:17 |
holstein | nah, that wont do for me | 16:17 |
holstein | i need to see it done | 16:17 |
holstein | i cant read a doc | 16:17 |
holstein | i have too many holes in my knowlege base | 16:17 |
scott-work | oh, you need to watch it happen in real-time | 16:18 |
holstein | one doc leads me to another, then i get busy/frustrated | 16:18 |
scott-work | i'm on a windows machine currently so i can't even download a .tar.gz file at this point and see the source :/ | 16:18 |
scott-work | i know i could download something on windows to do it, but this is a work machine and i would rather not | 16:18 |
holstein | i remember getting the source to rakarrack for backporting | 16:18 |
holstein | but, i got stuck a couple times | 16:18 |
holstein | and, tbh, im not even far enough along to know what to ask | 16:19 |
holstein | even reading that very well laid out wiki you made | 16:19 |
holstein | its like giving the VCR manual to my granny ;) | 16:19 |
holstein | anyways, i wont be able to mess with it til later | 16:20 |
holstein | im busy for another 5 hours or so | 16:20 |
holstein | scott-work: should i comment in that bug that somebody is going to do something? | 16:20 |
holstein | i subscribed | 16:21 |
scott-work | i'll look at it tonight and then see what's going on unless maybe astraljava wants a to look at it since he expressed interested previously | 16:21 |
scott-work | holstein: after looking at the gcdmaster/cdrdao issue i think i have a better understanding on it | 17:01 |
scott-work | if you want we could work this together tonight/tomorrow/this weekend, where we work this in parallel and compare at each step | 17:01 |
scott-work | i do believe this is a very simple fix where we will be correcting something very, very simple | 17:02 |
scott-work | but this can provide you with extremely good experience with a few staple tasks for packaging | 17:02 |
scott-work | this is really Open Week material where they show case a simple, topical change which is easy to digest and helps introduce new people to the tools | 17:03 |
scott-work | holstein: if you are interested, i'll explain more about what i believe is the issue and provide a summary explanation of what is required | 17:04 |
scott-work | holstein: i updated the agenda and stole some formatting from the xubuntu-devel group | 18:32 |
scott-work | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2011June5 | 18:32 |
* scott-work is impressed at the organization of the xubuntu team and hopes to model them more | 18:33 | |
charlie-tca | thank you | 18:45 |
scott-work | charlie-tca: you are welcome :) | 18:47 |
holstein | scott-work: yeah, im very interested | 19:05 |
holstein | if i can see you in action of some of this stuff, that might help | 19:06 |
scott-work | holstein: do you want a brief explanation of what needs to be changed and why at this time? or should we wait until later? | 20:48 |
ailo | Aha, alpha is released :P | 21:08 |
scott-work | ailo: it was but it shouldn't have been | 21:41 |
scott-work | i had talked with skaet who works with the -release team and i thought we had an understanding that it wouldn't be published :9 | 21:41 |
scott-work | :( | 21:41 |
scott-work | we knew that gcdmaster/cdrdao were having troubles and also we didn't have the xfce packages ready | 21:42 |
scott-work | 21:42 | |
scott-work | ailo: one thing we will need to do pretty soon regarding the documentation is decide on the format we want and priorities | 21:43 |
scott-work | by format, i meant the outline version of what we wanted | 21:43 |
holstein | scott-work: i say, dont wait on me | 21:51 |
holstein | i dont want to hold anything up | 21:51 |
holstein | anything you feel like sharing though, even if you just want to screen capture and email it to me | 21:52 |
holstein | id just weed through it, and learn something | 21:52 |
scott-work | holstein: here's the poop... | 21:57 |
scott-work | sorry, someone came to my desk for answers | 22:10 |
scott-work | okay, holstein , there is a source package called 'cdrdaco': https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrdao | 22:11 |
scott-work | when you clikc the link you will see in the upper left... | 22:11 |
scott-work | cdrdao: records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode gcdmaster: GNOME GUI for cdrdao | 22:11 |
scott-work | that's actually two lines | 22:11 |
scott-work | these are the biniaries that are built from the source package | 22:12 |
scott-work | so the cdrdao source package builds the cdrdao binary and the gcdmaster binary | 22:12 |
holstein | OK | 22:12 |
holstein | https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrdao | 22:12 |
holstein | ^ source ? | 22:12 |
scott-work | aye | 22:12 |
scott-work | i don't think launchpad stores any binaries, not in the sense that we are discussing | 22:13 |
scott-work | the trouble isn't that one package or the other will not build, they do! | 22:13 |
holstein | right | 22:13 |
scott-work | it's that when you try to install gcdmaster it can't | 22:13 |
holstein | OK | 22:13 |
scott-work | that's why it's called an "uninstallable binary" | 22:13 |
scott-work | and in this case it is a dependency problem | 22:13 |
holstein | becuase of some dep thats changed? | 22:13 |
scott-work | aye | 22:14 |
holstein | seems easy enough | 22:14 |
holstein | *in theory | 22:14 |
scott-work | i'm guessing that the gcdmaster depends on a previous version of cdrdao | 22:14 |
scott-work | and it that version is stated in the dependencies | 22:14 |
* scott-work can't check because he's not on a ubuntu machine :( | 22:14 | |
scott-work | holstein: you got two minutes to check this? | 22:15 |
scott-work | if so i would recommend that you 'apt-get install build-essential quilt cdbs dpatch devscripts' first | 22:16 |
holstein | scott-work: lemme see what i come up with | 22:17 |
scott-work | it might be that only one of those packages would be enough to do what we need but i'm not sure it would be | 22:17 |
scott-work | holstein: oh, that's not doing anything with the cdrdao package yet, that's just getting some tools we need in order to do something with the package | 22:17 |
scott-work | launchpad works in a slightly different way then most people expect, they expect a whole package of source code all in a single directory or bundle, this isn't the case | 22:18 |
scott-work | typically, the upstream code is kept original...also referred to as pristine a lot, | 22:19 |
scott-work | it is typically in the form of a tarball or such | 22:19 |
scott-work | .tar.gz or whatever | 22:19 |
scott-work | all the other stuff, like the /debian directory or any patches we (ubuntu) apply is external to this | 22:20 |
scott-work | look under the Downloads section: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrdao/1:1.2.3-0.1ubuntu2 | 22:20 |
scott-work | there is an origin.tar.bz2 - this is the upstream pristine code | 22:20 |
scott-work | there is a debian.tar.gz - these are the changes (additions/deletions/any changes) that we (debian and/or ubuntu) have applied against the original code | 22:21 |
scott-work | and a .dsc file - this is a description file that primarily used for building the package | 22:21 |
scott-work | the .dsc file will also contain the dependencies for building the package - but these are not the dependencies we are worried about | 22:22 |
scott-work | the package builds fine, it just can not satisfy an install dependency | 22:22 |
scott-work | you with me so far? | 22:23 |
scott-work | are you still installing the tools? | 22:23 |
holstein | OK, thats finished | 22:23 |
scott-work | have you read what i've been typing? any questions on that before we move on? | 22:24 |
holstein | im reading that now | 22:24 |
holstein | but, go on, and im catching up... | 22:24 |
scott-work | just to clarify expicitly, there are two dependencies for a package; one for building it and another for running it | 22:25 |
scott-work | for example; ardour needs a shit load of libraries to build, but not jackd | 22:25 |
scott-work | but ardour needs jackd to run, but not those libraries | 22:25 |
scott-work | that's a rough (and slightly inaccurate) example but it makes the point | 22:26 |
scott-work | the dependencies needed to build are in the *.dsc file and those for running are in the /debian/control file | 22:26 |
scott-work | are you ready to start typing to get the source? | 22:26 |
scott-work | holstein: ^^^ | 22:26 |
holstein | i think so | 22:26 |
scott-work | okay, we need a terminal | 22:27 |
scott-work | and you will need to make a nice directory somewhere where you don't mind numerous files or folder populating | 22:27 |
scott-work | i tend to mkdir /build under my home directory and then add another directory for whatever package i'm working on | 22:28 |
scott-work | so in this case i would mkdir build | 22:28 |
scott-work | cd build | 22:28 |
scott-work | mkdir cdrdao | 22:28 |
scott-work | cd mkdir cdrdao | 22:28 |
holstein | OK | 22:28 |
scott-work | now, you should be at somethinglike mike@ubuntu:~/build/cdrdao$ | 22:29 |
scott-work | okay, so type 'apt-get source cdrdao' | 22:29 |
scott-work | you don't need sudo because you are only getting the source | 22:29 |
scott-work | and by the way, we are getting the source for whatever version you are currently running | 22:29 |
* scott-work thinks this will be okay | 22:30 | |
holstein | scott-work: OH, im on lucid too | 22:30 |
scott-work | the reason we got all the tools is so we can actually see what the hell is going on with the package | 22:30 |
scott-work | holstein: it's probably okay, i don't think these packages have been udpated in a while, but i'll check it later at home | 22:30 |
holstein | cool | 22:31 |
scott-work | there is probably a nfity and succinct way to pull a specific version's source, but i don't know it off the top of my head | 22:31 |
holstein | Can't check signature: public key not found | 22:31 |
scott-work | that's fine | 22:31 |
holstein | other than that, looks good | 22:31 |
scott-work | okay, the tools took the two tarballs and make a nice looking directory with it | 22:31 |
scott-work | and even applied whatever patches were included as well | 22:32 |
scott-work | so, now we will look for the /debian/control file and see what it says | 22:32 |
scott-work | i use nautilus for this part usually | 22:32 |
scott-work | navigate under cdrdao then cdrdao_1.2.3 (or whatever) | 22:32 |
scott-work | then look for /debian | 22:33 |
scott-work | then look for the 'control' file under the /debian directory | 22:33 |
holstein | http://paste.ubuntu.com/617082/ | 22:33 |
holstein | that look right? | 22:33 |
scott-work | aye, that's it | 22:33 |
scott-work | the first part is like a header that talks a bit about the over all package | 22:34 |
scott-work | then there are different sectiosn for each of the binaries that will be built | 22:34 |
scott-work | gcdmaster is on the bottom, look for Dependencies: | 22:34 |
holstein | yup | 22:34 |
holstein | Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, cdrdao (= ${binary:Version} | 22:34 |
scott-work | er. Depends | 22:34 |
scott-work | okay it's using some magic to check for the version | 22:34 |
scott-work | i'm not sure i can adequately put this in layman's terms, which shows my ignorance or such a base understanding of it | 22:36 |
scott-work | but i think the mechanism is to ensure that gcdmaster always tries to use cdrdao of the same versioning | 22:36 |
scott-work | you wouldn't want to try to use gcdmaster that is using an earlier version of cdrdao | 22:37 |
scott-work | in this case, i think persia is correct in that there is nothing to fix and something needs to drop into the repos | 22:38 |
holstein | i was meaning to get proactive with GCDmaster | 22:38 |
holstein | its been borked for a while | 22:38 |
scott-work | you did :) | 22:38 |
holstein | i was trying to use it recently,k and had to use it as root | 22:38 |
scott-work | you were proactive, you have determined that there is not a problem with the package | 22:38 |
holstein | scott-work: cool :) | 22:38 |
holstein | thats a start | 22:39 |
scott-work | however, it appears that there may still be a problem elsewhere | 22:39 |
scott-work | i'll see about asking persia or TheMuso about what steps we should take next | 22:39 |
scott-work | it might be as simple as waiting a few more days for things to move out of the queue and into the repos | 22:39 |
scott-work | holstein: running gcdmaster as root is a problem that probably should have a bug filed against it (if there isn't one already) | 22:40 |
holstein | scott-work: there is one, and i think i joined it? | 22:40 |
holstein | i felt like i needed to test more | 22:40 |
holstein | AND< make sure i wasnt using something from falktx | 22:40 |
scott-work | holstein: it is entirely possible that there is a problem with the upstream code and nothing that ubuntu/debian did | 22:41 |
scott-work | this might be why there is a new version ;) | 22:41 |
scott-work | oh, the changelog says it's because it relied on a deprecated gnome library :/ | 22:42 |
holstein | scott-work: i thought it was likely that its old code | 22:42 |
holstein | being passed along | 22:42 |
holstein | and passed by :/ | 22:42 |
holstein | like i said, thats some of the fat that could get trimmed | 22:42 |
holstein | its really specifec | 22:42 |
holstein | specific* | 22:42 |
holstein | h... | 22:42 |
holstein | i mean, most pro's probably just use brasero | 22:42 |
holstein | i had some fancy fading i wanted to do, blend a few tracks or something,and i wanted GCDmaser | 22:43 |
holstein | and it didnt work | 22:43 |
scott-work | i did notice that 1.2.2 was in lucid but 1.2.3 was in maverick | 22:43 |
scott-work | if you haven't used it in something other than lucid the problem might already be fixed | 22:43 |
holstein | scott-work: i havetn | 22:45 |
holstein | havent* | 22:45 |
holstein | and i wanted to talk to falk about it, see if he had a fix | 22:45 |
scott-work | brasero is okay, but it will not make a blue book master or whatever it's called | 22:45 |
scott-work | red book master | 22:45 |
holstein | yeah, i rarely want to burn a CD anyways | 22:46 |
* scott-work has had a long day and i'm slightly brain dead at the momment | 22:46 | |
holstein | hehe | 22:46 |
holstein | i think its orange? | 22:46 |
holstein | some color... i know what you mean :) | 22:46 |
scott-work | our parent company purchased our biggest competitor and now we are working on integrating the two companies | 22:46 |
scott-work | while we are doing production work as well | 22:46 |
scott-work | it's all very heady at the moment | 22:46 |
holstein | good times | 22:47 |
holstein | double the work, half the pay :/ | 22:47 |
scott-work | ah, i like being involved in all the stuff, it's good stuff | 22:47 |
scott-work | just gets a little overwhelming sometimes | 22:47 |
* scott-work is going home however | 22:47 | |
astraljava | ScottL: I was out almost all day, so didn't have time for cdrdao issue. Will look at it tomorrow, I shouldn't have any important matters then. | 23:04 |
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