
ailoAlready, many programs support most plugins00:00
ParadoxGuitaristHave you used MainStage at all?00:00
ailoAnd on top of that, as long as the programs support jack, you can connect them any way you like00:00
ailoIs it a part of Logic?00:01
ailoI never heard of it before00:02
ailoI can guarantee you that you can do all of that with free software using jack00:02
ailoAnd a lot more00:03
ParadoxGuitaristyeah I did00:03
=== orngjce223_ is now known as Guest51170
ParadoxGuitaristIt is a part of logic suite00:03
ParadoxGuitaristI would like to create something -like- like for the linux community00:04
ailoAre you a audio soft developer, like, do you do stuff in C?00:04
ailoOtherwise, there may be some easy way to achieve some things00:05
ParadoxGuitaristI have friends that do, but I'm just starting to get into  it.00:05
ailoLike, sessions managers00:05
ParadoxGuitaristUsing Jack is a great idea00:05
ailoI've never used this myself, but I suspect it is the future http://ladish.org/00:06
ParadoxGuitaristI've messed with Jack only a little bit when I was trying to get a Firewire I/O card to work.00:06
holsteinheres a nice tutorial a friend made00:07
holsteindeals with using specimen as a sampler*00:07
holsteinits good for sampling something real quick and playing it back without much of a change in pitch00:07
holsteinnot really good for making a virtual instrument00:07
ParadoxGuitaristI'm planning on recording some high quality piano samples and release it on cc00:08
holsteinthe guy that made that tute said linux sampler is the way to go00:09
holsteini wanted to do the same with my bass00:09
holsteinupright bass*00:09
ParadoxGuitaristyeah and I read more into the linux sampler and it's free to redistribute in whole.00:09
ParadoxGuitaristYeah. I also work at a University and I'm pretty sure I could get some music students to donate time for the project00:10
ParadoxGuitaristThat's a great thing to put on your resume: I was a featured sampled artist in a music creation software distribution.00:12
holsteinParadoxGuitarist: if you have anyone interested in that00:12
holsteini will gladly record my bass00:12
holsteinand make the files available00:12
holsteinits the virtual instrument that i dont understand00:12
ParadoxGuitaristThanks man! Once I get something running I'll be sure to stop back and let you know00:13
ParadoxGuitaristI understand the nerdy-ness of the playback part.00:13
ParadoxGuitaristAnd I know a professor at my University who has recorded his own samples.00:14
astraljavaailo: Your suspicions would be correct. quadrispro is already working on the transition from LASH to ladish. Several apps are already done.00:15
=== Guest51170 is now known as orngjce223
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=== penguinsuitonsub is now known as Ricardus
=== Ricardus is now known as orngjce223
=== earth is now known as Guest66378
Guest66378i have abord a install all is block i have type sudo dpkg --configure -a13:39
Guest66378what doing after to clean a bad pasket ?13:40
Guest66378a message E:I wasn't able to locate a file for the oxygen-icon-theme package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch):13:41
Guest66378i wash install Kmouth and the install was stop13:44
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Guest69835i search a new version to test19:19
Guest69835i like install and uninstall19:19
Guest69835what 's new in the ubuntustudio now ?19:20
Guest69835is there another after 11.0419:20
orngjce223not yet, 11.04 was just released - 11.10 of ubuntu vanilla won't be released until October19:20
Guest69835is like testing news19:20
orngjce223and ubuntu studio is usually released around the same time19:20
orngjce223I think 11.10 is in alpha or early beta right now19:21
orngjce223If you want more information I'm going to punt you towards #ubuntu the people in there know more about this19:21
Guest69835where can have a source for beta testing ?19:21
Guest69835its to nice to test19:22
Guest69835please contact me if you have a information19:22
orngjce223try #ubuntu19:24
orngjce223they know more19:24
=== Guest69835 is now known as Soir
=== Soir is now known as Alpha
=== Alpha is now known as Aalpha
holsteinAalpha: we will not have a testing version for quite some time19:34
holsteinwe will skip the first alpha19:34
holsteinwe are doing a lot of changes this cycle and are going to be running a little behind on the very first release19:35
holsteinAalpha: for ubuntustudio, it would be helpful if you wanted to test xubuntu19:35
holsteinAalpha: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker19:36
* orngjce223 is on an UbuntuStudio-stuff-layered-over-Xubuntu now19:36
holsteinfor more official information... *but, the ubuntustudio alpha1 image there was actually *not* supposed to happen, so you can wait to test19:37
holsteinorngjce223: what do you think so far?19:37
holsteintheres a bug on the machine i want to be running it on19:37
holsteinmy daily use EEEpc19:37
holsteinthe wifi has a nasty bug in 11.04... if its not there in 11.10, im going to switch over ASAP19:37
holsteini have other test boxes i can use if not though19:38
orngjce223's not bad really19:38
* orngjce223 still uses the LTS though, out of habit19:38
holsteinim excited about it19:38
holsteinorngjce223: yeah, i got the LTS on everything except a testing laptop right now19:38
holsteinbut, i really want to live in XFCE for a while19:39
holsteinand i might as well test the new version and everything all at once19:39
eexxeei search a terminal line to update to ubuntustudio22:20
eexxeeex : sudo update  ...22:20
holsteineexxee: sudo apt-cache search ubuntustudio22:20
holsteinor read22:20
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation22:20
orngjce223Haha helpsniped22:21
holsteineexxee: you dont need to use any of those packages though22:21
holsteinyou can just install what you want22:21
holsteinardour2 and JACK for example22:21
holsteinorngjce223: sorry :)22:21
holsteinyou do a great job, i just happened to be around22:21
orngjce223Fair enough22:21
eexxeei want install all22:22
eexxeeapparence + menu22:22
eexxeei have an alpha install22:23
eexxeeand i can do nothing22:23
orngjce223You mean the theme?22:23
orngjce223Hmm, I dunno22:23
orngjce223When you log in there's a pull-down box at the bottom that says something about "desktop session"22:24
orngjce223Dig in there, there might be an option there I'm not certain but maybe22:24
eexxeei have nothing to charge package22:24
holsteineexxee: nah, it wont work with gnome3*22:25
holsteineexxee: you *dont* need the look and feel stuff though22:25
eexxeei dont now open package manager with terminal line22:25
eexxeei can just do ctrl alt t22:25
holsteinwe dont have packages for the look and feel on gnome322:25
orngjce223Which is why the ubuntustudio is migrating towards xfce?22:26
eexxeethat why i will change to make an hybrid22:26
orngjce223gnome3 is weird22:26
eexxeeits not the good forum22:27
eexxeebut after i want try to load a package studio22:27
eexxeea mix of ocelotstudio22:27
holsteineexxee: the ubuntustudio-desktop pacakges *will* *not* work with gnome322:27
holsteineexxee: make a mix of whatever you want22:27
holsteinbut, you wont get the desktop22:27
eexxeei will replace22:27
holsteinunless you make it yourself22:28
eexxeewhere can i find all link of command : manager load, package load ?22:29
eexxeeknow you a link ?22:29
holsteineexxee: ?22:29
holsteinsudo apt-get install22:29
orngjce223Not entirely sure what you mean22:29
holsteinsudo apt-cache search ubuntustudio22:29
holsteinBUT, like i sadi22:29
holsteinyou DONT need to install those22:30
holsteinubuntu = ubuntustudio22:30
holsteinjust install the software you want22:30
eexxeei search a book pdf to learn terminal  languauge22:31
eexxeeand not be bad with my questions here22:32
eexxeesorry sss22:32
orngjce223it's fine22:32
eexxeei want learnin all i can22:33
orngjce223That's good22:33
eexxeebut its a long way22:33
orngjce223Also the Ubuntus now use Unity not Gnome322:33
orngjce223Unless you install gnome3 separately22:33
eexxeethe last will22:33
orngjce223Not what I heard22:33
orngjce223what's your native language?22:34
eexxeeso if i want conserve the system, but change just the menu , what can i do22:34
holsteineexxee: ?22:35
holsteinchange is as you please22:35
holsteinbut, we dont have an ubuntustudio menu for gnome322:35
holsteinwe dont have any gnome3 customizations22:35
eexxeeor else22:35
holsteineexxee: theres not a lot of gnome3 customisations available yet22:36
eexxeejust load the interface graphic of ubuntu 10.04 and coserve the system ..is it possible ?22:36
holsteinso far, no ubuntu is shipping with gnome322:36
holsteineexxee: interface graphic?22:36
holsteinthe desktop?22:36
holsteinim not sure what you are looking for22:36
holsteineexxee: there are metapackages22:37
holsteinubuntustudio-destkop for example22:37
holsteinbut *NOT* for gnome322:37
eexxeei can try22:37
holsteinare you running 10.04?22:37
holsteinwith gnome2?22:37
holsteineexxee: its not an issue of trying, we didnt make one22:37
holsteintheres not one22:37
holsteinit doesnt exist22:37
holsteinfor gnome322:38
holsteintheres nothing to try22:38
eexxeehow load unity22:38
orngjce223eexxee, you can keep your files and change to ubuntustudio menu, that's what holstein is telling you22:38
eexxeeor desktop of 10.0422:38
orngjce22310.04 desktop is gnome222:38
eexxeehow ?22:38
eexxeei m ready ?22:39
orngjce223If you want to keep your files install the ubuntustudio-desktop package22:39
eexxeesudo ?22:39
orngjce223sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop22:39
orngjce223that will take a while22:39
holsteineexxee: you cant sudo do things that arent availalbe22:39
orngjce223it downloads things22:39
holsteineexxee: what version of ubuntu are you running?22:39
orngjce223I think he said 10.04? I'm not sure though22:39
holsteineexxee: OK, SO, thats gnome322:39
holsteingnome2 is gone22:39
holsteinor, if its not, it will be soon*22:40
orngjce223I thought it was Unity22:40
holsteineexxee: unity *should* just be there22:40
holsteinthats the default desktop environment now22:40
orngjce223If unity doesn't run it will drop down to a gnome2 desktop like in the earlier ones22:40
orngjce223If it does, then it's right there22:40
orngjce223and you are already running it22:40
orngjce223ubuntu people are not going to use gnome322:40
eexxeeok what can i do to have another interface graphique22:41
holsteineexxee: ubuntustudio ALSO, *does* *not* have a theme for unity22:41
holsteineexxee: not much right now22:41
holsteinits still new22:41
holsteintheres not much to tweak22:41
holsteinand theres not many variants using it yet*22:41
orngjce223there's not much they can do right now, they say they're actually going to see about the xubuntu desktop22:41
orngjce223Which is a thing too22:41
eexxeeall line in terminal can be use22:42
eexxeeso i can change in gnome 222:42
eexxeeno ,22:42
orngjce223if you want to use gnome222:42
orngjce223there is a drop-down box when you log in at the bottom, you need to select "gnome desktop"22:42
orngjce223it will keep that setting22:43
eexxeenomore on this version22:43
orngjce223it doesn't exist anymore? huh22:43
holsteineexxee: gnome2 is gone*22:43
orngjce223I did ask earlier but what is your native language?22:43
holsteinif its not, its leaving soon22:43
orngjce223I'm having trouble figuring out what you want22:43
holsteineexxee: you might be able to sneak and use gnome2 in 11.10 for a bit22:44
holsteinbut, its going to be pulled out22:44
holsteinits going to be *removed*22:44
orngjce223I think gnome2 will be replaced with a version of unity in 12.04 too22:44
orngjce223so yeah22:44
holsteinleaving only gnome322:44
holsteinorngjce223: gnome3 is replacing gnome222:44
holsteinthe default desktop is moving from gnome to unity*22:44
orngjce223eexxee you may want to ask in #ubuntu+1 for 11.10 help22:46
* orngjce223 looked that up. What?22:46
holsteinorngjce223: :)22:47
holsteinthanks for being active in here... its quite helpful22:47
orngjce223I get pinged when someone says something in a fairly /large/ list of channels I lurk in that don't get very much conversation22:48
orngjce223and frankly if I know something I try to help because that's about as good as anything else I could do22:49
orngjce223Considering that I don't have that much of a programmer bent22:49
holsteinyeah, me either22:49
holsteinhelping in here is pretty easy though22:50
holsteinjust hanging here, and making the channel not seem dead is a +22:50

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