
drcUsing testdrive, there are 3 options: KVM/VirtualBox/Parelles...What are the differences, and do I have to have any other software not included as part of testdrive?00:08
charlie-tcaI can't really answer that00:08
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications00:08
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM00:09
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:09
charlie-tcawell, I don't know how to get that to come up00:09
drcOK, let's say I choose VirtualBox, do I need to install anything else (besides testdrive)?00:11
charlie-tcaI don't know if test drive installs VirtualBox for you00:11
charlie-tcaI don't use it00:12
charlie-tcamicahg: ^ ^ ^ test drive?00:12
charlie-tcaWhen you reinstall every 6 months or more often, test drive doesn't scale so well00:13
DarkEracharlie-tca, you meant parallels00:14
charlie-tcadon work either00:14
charlie-tcaDo you know what it is?00:14
DarkErai don't actually00:15
charlie-tcadrc: we don't suggest parallels. Pick something else00:15
charlie-tcaI prefer Vio00:16
charlie-tcaI prefer VirtualBox, but others seem to think KVM is the best solution out there00:17
charlie-tcadrc: try testdrive and see if it installs VBox for you?00:17
charlie-tcaThe worst that will happen is an error00:17
drcChanServ: I did, it appears it didn't, and I just finished installing VirtualBox...not to see what happens00:19
charlie-tcaThat is the easiest VM for me to use. KVM, VMWare, Qemu, all were a lot more work to set up and use00:20
drcIt appears that one must install the KVM/VB/Whatever seperately.00:20
charlie-tcaI see00:21
drcDoesn't like my 64bit hardware....00:22
drcoh well00:22
charlie-tcaIt works on mine. 00:23
charlie-tca!info paralles00:29
ubottuPackage paralles does not exist in natty00:29
charlie-tca!info parallels00:29
ubottuPackage parallels does not exist in natty00:29
GridCube!info parelles00:30
ubottuPackage parelles does not exist in natty00:30
charlie-tca!info parallel00:30
ubottuPackage parallel does not exist in natty00:30
GridCube!info parellel00:31
ubottuPackage parellel does not exist in natty00:31
charlie-tca!info python-parallel00:31
ubottupython-parallel (source: pyparallel): pyparallel - module encapsulating access for the parallel port. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-6 (natty), package size 13 kB, installed size 108 kB00:31
GridCubeyou googled it00:31
micahgdrc: tesrdrive should pull in virtualbox-ose00:31
charlie-tcanope, I apt-cache policy parall*   'd it00:31
micahgparallels is a mac program00:32
charlie-tcatimely! It is driving us nuts00:32
drcmicahg: It appears that what I installed did not pull in VB-OSE, I had to install it separately00:34
micahgoh, ok, I guess that changed recently :)00:35
* drc used to really love this stuff...all the problems and trying this and that...nowadays he just wants his pipe and slippers.00:36
* charlie-tca wants the slippers, but still breaks his machine every six months00:38
charlie-tcaI do dual boot though, and this natty install will stay here for six months00:38
charlie-tcathe only time that failed was when grub broke for several days ;-)00:39
drcThere was a reason I went with Ubuntu 3 years ago...not to have to do this anymore :)00:57
* micahg has a dev laptop which gets uploaded once the major infrastructure changes hit, and a play laptop which is running xubuntu oneiric already :)01:01
drcAns I can't get VB to let me use the 64bit iso's :(01:14
micahgdrc: you need a VM capable chip, install cpu-checker on the host and run kvm-ok to see if you qualify 01:15
drcThis just keeps getting better and better :)01:16
* micahg only has one machine that can handle 64 bit VMs01:16
* drc starts looking for his CP/M disks...they're in the colset somewhere01:17
=== tgall_foo is now known as Dr_Who
drc'Bout damn time...had to go into the bios...haven't been there in years :)01:22
drcand it's still not working01:23
drcInteresting...testdrive won't work, but the VM (?) created in VB by testdrive will01:29
drcGo Figure01:29
micahgwow, we're really oversized :)02:04
drcSpeak for yourself, I'm on a diet.02:06
* micahg was referring to the 784 and 796MB iSOs02:07
drcMust be the LiveCD stuff....the Alt are much smaller.02:07
micahgyeah, the liveCD02:07
* micahg will have to go on a slash and burn hunt if s/gdm/lightdm/ in the seed doesn't fix it02:08
drcBTW, I *think* I have VB working with 32 and 64 bit images now.02:08
charlie-tcamicahg: yes, we are much bigger than Ubuntu, but I think it is because of the gnome and Unity stuff we are pulling in 02:16
* Unit193 wants to checkout LightDM02:18
micahgcharlie-tca: yeah, that's why I figured on waiting until the s/gdm/lightdm in the seed02:18
micahgwe're also affected by the openssl transition, but that's only eating 1MB02:18
charlie-tcaWe are always oversize by a bunch more than Ubuntu to start02:18
charlie-tcaby alpha2 or 3 we should be right02:19
micahgoh, does xubuntu not strive to fit on the CD?02:19
micahgah, ok02:19
charlie-tcaWe can't with Ubuntu doing things to us02:19
charlie-tcaWe are not oversize by anything Xubuntu did02:19
micahgheh, well, we'll still have less stacks than Ubuntu this time around I think02:19
micahgerr, well, maybe not less, but for Xubuntu, it's s/QT/GTK202:20
charlie-tcaWhy do we have to have QT too?02:21
charlie-tcashouldn't ours be GTK2/GTK3 ?02:21
micahgcharlie-tca: we don't, I was saying we'll have GTK2 instead of QT02:21
micahgas our second stack02:21
charlie-tcaoh, sorry02:21
micahgthey have GTK3+QT02:21
charlie-tcaI suspect if we cut out QT, we will be in good shape02:21
charlie-tcathey have to keep GTK2, too, don't they?02:21
charlie-tcaThey will be doing away with GTK2 completely for lts02:22
micahgcharlie-tca: they're trying not to, there was a discussion about that today, we don't have QT ATM02:22
charlie-tcaI am never gonna learn this kUbuntu thing02:22
micahgwe do have a lot of GNOME3 stuff we don't need though02:23
charlie-tcaoh, yeah, I guess that would be true02:23
micahgwell, GTK2 can drop to universe for LTS, but it has to stay in the archive or there will be no xubuntu :)02:23
charlie-tcaWon't we be going to GTK3 for 4.10?02:23
charlie-tcano? We stay at gtk2 for three years?02:24
micahgthe focus is polish, http://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.10/roadmap02:24
micahgfor the 13.04 release, we'll probably have a GTK3 version of xubuntu02:25
micahgbut even then, it might not be complete until the following release02:25
charlie-tcaOh, goody. That makes gtk2 stay around until 201502:25
micahgwell, at least that long :)02:26
micahgin 4 years I think it'll be gone at least from our dev archive :)02:26
charlie-tcaThat will make everybody love us more :-)02:26
micahgold reliable technology!02:26
* drc might not live long enough to see gtk2 gone from xubuntu :(02:27
* charlie-tca thinks drc is still young!02:27
charlie-tcabut at least he makes me feel young sometimes 02:28
* drc knows he acts like a two year old sometimes, but doesn't care02:29
* charlie-tca got 11 year old grandkids02:29
charlie-tcaor maybe 12 now02:30
* drc has one in college02:30
* charlie-tca thinks drc is old!02:30
* micahg is apparently the youngin here...02:30
drcTurns 60 next month :(02:30
charlie-tcamakes me a young guy afterall... just 58 in October02:30
charlie-tcamicahg is really young02:31
* micahg thinks we should have a party for charlie-tca in Orlando02:31
* charlie-tca might not go02:31
micahgcharlie-tca: not really young, I think mr_pouit has me beat02:31
micahgcharlie-tca: ok, no party, please come :)02:31
charlie-tcaokay, I can try02:32
charlie-tcayes, mr_pouit does look young02:32
charlie-tcaand then there is cody-somerville too, for looking really young02:32
micahgoh yeah, I met him finally in Budapest02:32
charlie-tcaYou did?02:32
charlie-tcaI missed him again. We got to say hi in Orlando, barely02:33
pleia2he does tend to move pretty quickly :)02:33
micahgwe talked outside for a bit02:33
charlie-tcaI did get to meet janni, though02:33
micahgyeah, I met him at the last rally02:33
charlie-tcafor the new guys, he founded Xubuntu02:34
* charlie-tca is still plugging away at tests02:35
drccharlie-tca: What tests? Can I help?02:36
charlie-tcaYou get VBox working?02:36
drcyup :)02:36
charlie-tcaI got to get two done on Xubuntu 64 alternate yet02:36
charlie-tcalvm encrypted and auto-resize02:36
charlie-tcaand then I agreed to help Kubuntu out, and got 8 to run there yet02:37
drcI'm (re)grabbing the X64ALT's now, I'll do the 64ALT-resize when its done02:38
charlie-tcaOkay, it's a deal02:38
drcAfter that I'll help with the Kubuntu02:38
charlie-tcaI will run the encrypted install02:38
* drc is not sure what a LVM is02:39
charlie-tcait's a complicated way to say use all the drives as one drive02:39
drc20 min until the DL is done, then I'll start.02:39
charlie-tcaand you can add/delete space from it easier than normal partitions02:40
drcoh, I just thought is was an improved KVM :)02:40
charlie-tcaI don't use it, myself02:40
pleia2it also allows you to resize non-contiguous partitions and has lots of other features like snapshots02:40
* pleia2 uses it everywhere02:40
charlie-tcayeah, it has all the confusing things to go with it02:40
drcBut pleia2 is a geekette02:41
pleia2well, being a sysadmin is my job :)02:41
charlie-tcaMaybe if I was younger02:41
charlie-tcaI hate playing with all the options now02:41
* drc womders how sysadmins (noun) nowadays have time to actually sysadmin (verb) with all the new stuff they have to learn on a continual basis. Back in the day it was easy, change came much slower and in smaller doses.02:44
pleia2I'm sure it depends on the place, but for us we rotate research and sysadmin (verb) duty02:45
pleia2right now I'm in research mode for a failover cluster with heartbeat, kvm and drbd02:46
pleia2it's not as fast as it could be though, one reason we don't use ubuntu is the pace on server stuff is too fast (virtualization-wise they went from kvm, to eucalyptus to openstack in less than 3 years, impossible in real production)02:46
* pleia2 hopes they will settle down eventually :)02:47
drc<sing>workin' on a chain gang, goin' down down down...</sing>02:48
pleia2err s/heartbeat/pacemaker - heartbeat is what we used to use, see? my poor brain02:49
charlie-tcamicahg: we are causing problems with kde too now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/72838802:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 728388 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "libknotifyconfig4 or something around kde4 in conflict with xfce4-notifyd" [Undecided,New]02:55
drcStarting ALT64-resize.02:58
charlie-tcaIt's really xfce4-notifyd conflicts with notification-daemon ... 02:59
charlie-tcaI won't say I got three running02:59
charlie-tcaKubuntu 386 resize, Kubuntu 64 oem, Xubuntu 64 encrypted03:00
charlie-tcaIt's confusing03:00
charlie-tcaI might have encrypted the wrong one now03:01
charlie-tcaThanks for getting the resize, drc03:08
charlie-tcaI got three machines I use, plus the VirtualBox machines03:08
* charlie-tca is very thankful to Xfce for getting sticky keys to work. 03:25
GridCubelol launchpad is crazy03:38
GridCubeits just my impression or does xubuntu testing didn't bring any red color bugs?03:43
charlie-tcaWe left the red off, it looks prettier that way03:44
GridCubehehehe XD03:44
GridCubewe are the cool people, like look at them! they all red and we here whit cool green03:45
charlie-tcaDon't laugh too hard, sometimes it is us that is all red, and they pass everything03:48
charlie-tcaXubuntu tests are done, as soon as drc signs off03:58
drcIt may be a while:(03:58
drcI'm confused03:58
* charlie-tca thinks that is wrongly worded. Should be as soon as drc completes his03:58
drchttp://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateResize going from step 8 to 903:59
drcI swear that's not what shows up on my screen04:00
charlie-tcaselected timezone04:00
drcreally step 904:00
charlie-tcathen you got a list of things you can do with the drive04:00
charlie-tcaguided resizing existing partition on sd?04:00
charlie-tcaIf you don't have an existing partition, it will be wrong04:01
drcOK, lets get this done...It might be best if you do the resize test, while I firgure out what I'm doing wrong04:01
charlie-tcaIf that is a new VBox drive, you do a guided whole drive first, then you do a second install using the guided resize04:01
charlie-tcaOkay, I will give you the right line when I get there04:02
drcSorry about this04:02
charlie-tcano problem04:03
charlie-tcait took me a while to learn all this stuff04:03
drcAny chance you can do a print screen when you get to the appropriate screen?04:03
charlie-tcaalthough the current drive is encrypted, so we will see what it does04:04
drcBTW, I was doing it on a hardware partition (that's why I left), I couldn't figure out how in VB.04:04
charlie-tcaSo, you want to see it in hardware?04:04
drcIt shouldn't matter should it? 04:05
drcThe screen showing step 9 should be the same04:05
charlie-tcanope, other than my two drive setup is really confusing to figure out04:05
drcI just want to see what it should look like, then I'll drop out and try it again04:06
charlie-tcagive me a minute and I will screenshot it04:06
* drc hates it when his enthusiasm exceeds his knowledge04:07
charlie-tcaI will have to run two installs to get there04:07
charlie-tcaI only got a choice of encrypted, whole disk, or manual04:08
charlie-tcaLet me boot the hardware machine and see if I can get something there04:08
drcI'll be here04:08
charlie-tcacan't screenshot it04:08
charlie-tcaLooking at another machine04:10
drcDon't go to any great bother, I'm going to drop out and try something.  back in a bit04:11
charlie-tcadrc: http://imagebin.org/15641304:20
drcOK, testing resizing is right out until I can figure out where I am going wrong.04:20
charlie-tcaIf there is not enough room or the disk is empty, you will not have the top line04:20
drcThat's it04:21
drcI see "reuse" not resize04:21
drcI need to figure out how to do this in VB04:21
charlie-tcaI did not get the first line because my drive was encrypted, so I am doing a Guided-use entire disk 04:21
charlie-tcafirst, then will do the resize04:21
drcbut that's a job for tomorrow, I'm tired.04:21
charlie-tcareuse is to write over the existing partition. 04:22
drcBTW, have you got any sleep charlie-tca ?04:22
charlie-tcaIs that the alternate cd?04:22
charlie-tcaIt sounds like the desktop image04:22
charlie-tcaI slept last night, I woke up about 17 hours ago04:22
charlie-tcaI will get this test done, then call it a night04:23
drcok...anything I can help with kubuntu?04:23
charlie-tcacouple of manual installs if you are up to it. Otherwise, we let it go04:23
drcJust as long as it's as straing forward as the Xubuntu manual :)04:24
charlie-tcait's kubuntu, nothing is straight about it04:24
charlie-tcatook me 5 minutes to find the terminal04:25
drcok, got 'em...go to bed.04:27
charlie-tcaheh, good luck with that one04:27
charlie-tcamenu is the bottom left button, shutdown is a red square in that button, then click shutdown or restart04:28
drcI've played with kubuntu a bit in the past month.04:29
charlie-tcaYou are ahead of me then04:29
charlie-tcaI hadn't touched it in about two years04:29
drctoo much bling04:29
charlie-tcaOnly thing I remembered is the editor was named kate04:30
charlie-tcaand I had to use kate, too04:30
charlie-tcaI had to put a patch in on the live cd to try and install it04:31
drcI used kde for about 4 years...as part of the KDE on FeeeBSD porting team.04:31
drcBut that was way back in the day04:31
drcCouldn't stand gnome in those days04:31
charlie-tcashould have had you running those kubuntu tests04:31
charlie-tcaYou would have had an easier time than me04:32
drcTell you what, next time we have to do that, I'll do the kde and you can have all the re-sizing tests :)04:32
charlie-tcaheh, deal!04:33
charlie-tcaI do the tests in sequence... encrypted, whole disk, resize, manual04:33
drc20 min for both DL's and I'll jump on, so any time you want to leave, don't wait on me.04:33
charlie-tcaokay, but I got to get this test done04:34
charlie-tcaI've done this before, this time is my own fault for trying to help out the other teams04:34
drcdarn it, they name their files the same as we do :(04:35
charlie-tcaI ran about 8 Ubuntu tests, 6 Kubuntu tests, today04:35
charlie-tcaoh, yeah04:35
charlie-tcaWe all use the same name for development releases04:35
drcconfazzled me for a moment04:35
charlie-tcaWe change names for the final release, to keep the users from overwriting each distribution04:36
charlie-tcaTomorrow I use Dasher all day, to write with.04:38
charlie-tcaOh, by the way, barring a respin for any reason, there will not be new images until Friday04:38
drcwhat happened to Dancer and Prancer?  As in, what's Dasher?04:38
charlie-tcaDancer and Prancer got good legs. 04:39
charlie-tcaDasher is assistive writing technology. It is an application that lets you write using the mouse only04:39
drcGood. Gives me a chance to play with VB04:39
charlie-tcaGot a really high learning curve, but can do almost anything the hardware keyboard can, and you can write at about 30 words per minute with it04:40
charlie-tcawords per minute or characters per minute?04:40
charlie-tcaI think I type at 40 characters per minute, so dasher is about 30 characters per minute04:41
charlie-tcaConsidering it is mouse only, that is a pretty fast rate04:42
charlie-tcaI got a couple of bugs in dasher I have to test04:42
charlie-tcaI work with the upstream developers to get the bugs in it fixed for Ubuntu04:42
drcYou are, indeed, a glutton for punishment.04:43
drchm....the youngest daughter must be WoWing now, the DL rate just dropped :)04:46
drcMaybe her fairy-bunny-healer will take a whack from the lag04:48
GridCubetalking about games04:48
GridCubei feel like playing quake04:48
GridCubeoh... i had it on the drive that got formated :(04:50
micahgcharlie-tca: yes, anything that provides a notification-daemon needs to conflict with notification-daemon04:54
drcOK, KDE done...time for a beer, bath and bed :)05:37
drcTomorrow all.05:38
drccharlie-tca: Still Around?06:22
charlie-tcaAnything new/better to add to release notes for Oneiric Alpha1?13:33
charlie-tcaWe should have a news item for alpha1 release today14:27
plantoschkais alpha 1 online already?14:32
charlie-tcaalpha1 will be release sometime today, UTC time14:32
plantoschkaok :)14:33
cody-somervilleI've finally upgraded to natty (shame on me).15:55
cody-somervilleBluebird is the new theme, right? Whats the default icon set?15:56
charlie-tcagreybird with elementary xubuntu dark icons15:56
charlie-tcatying to crash dasher today 15:58
cody-somervilleah. I think I'll use bluebird. I like the blue. helps lower my blood pressure, lol15:59
charlie-tcait not as easy as typing yet 15:59
charlie-tcaYeah, It would have that effect. I like the greys, myself16:00
charlie-tcaThen again, I can read better on lighter backgrounds16:00
GridCubedasher is the onscreen writing thing?16:00
GridCubeain't that for touchscreen devices?16:00
cody-somervilleah, selecting the greybird xfwm4 theme with greybird gtk theme looks nicer16:01
cody-somerville(then just the gtk theme)16:01
charlie-tcawell, yeah... :-)16:01
cody-somervilleBluebird gtk theme w/ greybird xfwm4 theme is kinda hot16:02
charlie-tcadasher is anyone that can not use the hardware keyboard 16:03
charlie-tcabut i seem to be only at about 2words per minute16:06
charlie-tcae Ican type about 40 16:08
cody-somervillenot having a bottom panel is so weird16:10
charlie-tcaIt is there, but hidden16:10
cody-somervilleI know,16:11
charlie-tcaoh, yeah, and it is a launcher panel now16:11
charlie-tcaI put my own in, two of them side by side, one is launchers and one is workspaces16:11
cody-somervillethe weird part is how I have to look at the lower part of my screen now16:11
charlie-tcayeah, I gave up on that part16:11
cody-somervillewow, gmusicbrowser is kinda confusing16:12
GridCubeI know i might be the only one here, but who else really dislikes having the exit icon on the upper panel? really close to the [x] close button? one of the very first things i do whit every install is moving the panel down XD16:15
charlie-tcaI like it on the upper panel in the left corner16:16
charlie-tcano, right corner16:16
cody-somervilleGridCube, Not sure what you mean. In natty, there is no exit icon... just the session menu in the upper right16:24
charlie-tcaI couldn't keep that, either. I switched it out for the logout menu16:26
* charlie-tca thinks it is really called Action Menu instead16:26
GridCubeyeah that too16:27
cody-somervillehmm... my multimedia keys no longer work (except for volume). :(16:29
charlie-tcaThat's the kernel's fault16:29
charlie-tcaunless they are missing from shortcuts again?16:30
cody-somervillehmm... they work in Exaile16:31
charlie-tcasounds like the kernel to me 16:33
GridCubewhen gtk3 comes out, how will it be handled? both gtk engines will run simultanously or only one at each time?16:33
GridCubei mean, will xfce use gtk3 or just some apps?16:34
charlie-tcathere are a few bug reports on that 16:34
charlie-tcaXubuntu will be using some Gtk3 apps, but Xfce will not16:35
GridCubeoh ok16:35
charlie-tcaSo, we will have both gtk2 and gtk3 in Xubuntu16:35
charlie-tcafor a very long time, too, apparently16:35
GridCubeok but will that compromise the system? in terms of speed or stability?16:36
charlie-tcaunknown yet16:36
charlie-tcahm, shortcut keys don't all work16:43
charlie-tcaapparently, Alt+F11 is not working at all16:44
charlie-tcaIf you full screen an app, it is stuck there16:44
micahgGridCube: not any more that any other library dependency, the only rule is one app cannot use both GTK2 and GTK3 at the same time16:47
GridCubei see16:47
GridCubeyesterday i tried a gtk3 app on oneiric, and it failed :(16:47
micahgheh, which one?16:48
charlie-tcabecause we aren't quite there yet, maybe?16:49
charlie-tcanot everything has been ported over to gtk3 yet16:50
micahgooh, that's a bug :), but yeah, kinda expected at alpha116:50
GridCubethats why i didn't say anything about it16:51
micahgGridCube: gedit seems to work for me even with the errors17:19
GridCubeit works17:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 94002 in Ubuntu "Fiesty logs-out when shutdown seleceted" [Undecided,Invalid]17:22
GridCubethis happens too17:22
GridCubewell not for me17:22
GridCubefor a friend on 11.0417:22
charlie-tcait is a new bug17:22
GridCubeis there a way to fix it17:22
charlie-tcaThis one, I think - bug 71157117:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711571 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu Natty) "xfdesktop4 crashes on exit with xorg-server 1.10" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71157117:23
GridCubeyes i found that17:23
GridCubebut i don't understand it17:24
charlie-tcathe workaround is to log out first, then shutdown from gdm using that little red symbol at the bottom17:24
charlie-tcathat is the bug that causes the logout instead of shutdown. It is not a simple thing to fix17:24
plantoschkamaybe lightdm will fix it?18:03
charlie-tcano, lightdm will not affect issues with Xorg18:04
charlie-tcait is not caused by gdm, which lightDM will replace18:04
* GridCube know he might have already asked this18:07
GridCubewill lightDM allow for user avatars?18:07
charlie-tcaI don't know yet18:26
micahglightdm is just a backend, you can have a custom front-end greeter on top of it18:32
drcOK, need a little VB help...created VM on the Oneiric32 ISO, installed and upgraded in VB.  What I can't figure out (although I *know* it will be a facepalm momnent) is how to save it so the next time I boot that VM it does not revert to the ISO.19:33
drcA URL will be fine.19:34
charlie-tcaum, you shutdown, then remove the iso from the storage preferences19:35
TheSheepdrc: Visual Basic?19:35
charlie-tcaTheSheep - one, drc - zero    lol19:36
charlie-tcaYou don't delete the iso, just remove it from the controller19:38
charlie-tcaI usually switch the controller to the hardware device19:38
drcStorage>IDE Controller?19:39
GridCubedrc you are using vbox?19:39
* drc gives everyone 5 minutes to gather around before he performs the Daily FacePalm Ritual :)19:41
davmor2drc: under virtual box storage just click on the cd drive and then the picture of the cd to the right of the big drop down and then select unmount iso or what ever it says19:41
drcThanks everyone19:41
GridCubedrc_, http://imagebin.org/15650319:50
GridCubeso late19:50
charlie-tcadid he get it?19:50
drc_I got it19:51
drc_Like I said, facepalm19:51
charlie-tcaThat's we are here, just to help out once in a while :-)19:52
drc_One facepalm == 6 hours of fruitless searching, I think it's a good tradeoff19:52
charlie-tcaWould be faster to ask sooner, wouldn't it?19:52
drc_hmmm, connection must have dropped...oh well19:53
charlie-tcaI usually give things a day or two, but I think I am unusual in that.19:53
GridCubecharlie-tca, being a person that study how and when people come asking for questions, let me tell you, they will brake things before asking19:53
drc_charlie-tca: I didn't waste 6 hours *this time*, I took the facepalm route :)19:54
charlie-tcaThat is sometimes a good thing. At least they try to find an answer19:54
charlie-tcaMe, I usually wait a day or two, just to make sure I really, really broke things19:54
GridCubeyeah, but im a librarian charlie-tca XD my job is providing them whit ennough information to find the answer faster19:54
davmor2drc_: You need to add the D'oh catch phrase to round things off :)19:54
charlie-tcaheh, I suppose that is right19:55
charlie-tcamaybe a slap in the head, too19:55
* drc_ decides that the Xubuntu IRC has been taking nasty lessons from Debian IRC :)19:56
charlie-tcalow blow!19:56
* GridCube has never gone to debian irc19:56
GridCubeoh yes once19:56
GridCubenot nice people19:57
GridCubei had a silly problem and they where all like "go google it" and it was just "uncomment this line" kind of answer!19:57
GridCubebut i didn't knew how to search :(19:58
Unit193I've heard Arch IRC isn't so bad... (I would have thought otherwise)19:58
GridCubeok, gotta take a bath and then i have to go to classes :D today we are studying biografical databases :P19:58
drc_Unit193: The reasonnis that the Arch people are so confident of their geekiness that they don;t need to prove it by being rude19:58
GridCubewhats next? gentoo people being nice?19:59
charlie-tcaI haven't found debian irc channel yet19:59
* Unit193 wouldn't use gentoo19:59
charlie-tcafedora is pretty nice to deal with20:00
drc_The LMDE irc channel folk are nice...can't speak to the main LM channel20:04
drc_study hard20:06
charlie-tcanice but can't speak to them?20:06
drc_charlie-tca: No, I can't say anthing about the main channel because I never used it20:07
* charlie-tca slaps head. 20:09
charlie-tcashould have read all the letters/words, I guess20:09
* drc_ ducks20:09
drc_I should have been more precise.20:09
* Unit193 quacks incessantly! *QUACK* *QUACK* *QUACK*20:10
* drc_ looks for his shotgun and Golden Retriever puppy20:11
Unit193You're going with puppy?? ;)20:11
drc_Gotta train her sometime20:12
drc_Beside, I figure it'll be like Peter and the Wolf, Unit193 will be so busy quacking, he can sneak up on him quietly20:13
* charlie-tca thinks that is correct20:13
* charlie-tca throws a big hammer at the *QUACK*20:14
Unit193There is a bot in another channel that says that ^^^ if you say /me ducks20:15
* DarkEra almost thought he was in the Offtopic channel 20:16
Unit193drc_ isn't in there... (And thanks, now I had to watch it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILI3s7Wonvg )20:20
charlie-tcawe think we are above mindless chatter here ;-)20:21
charlie-tcaAlpha1 is released!20:54
charlie-tcaThanks to everybody that helped get this alpha1 out. 20:56
charlie-tcaIt was a real combined effort20:56
drc_And it's only slightly bØrken :)21:00
charlie-tcaIt's a lot further than it might have been. It is really great to have some help with it.21:01
Unit193Do you have the link to the page that lists what builds worked? (I forgot to bookmark it...)21:01
charlie-tcaor the iso tracker?21:05
Unit193Hmmm.... I thought there was a page to check what ISOs got built correctly...21:09
charlie-tcaoh, maybe the logs?21:09
charlie-tcabut the logs are distro specific, you have to have a different url for each one21:10
charlie-tcaor http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/21:11
charlie-tcawhich is where I look to see if the images updated21:11
charlie-tcaall those pages, did I get it right yet?21:11
charlie-tcawant more urls to look at?21:12
Unit193I'm not doing a good job of telling you want I was looking for (The cdimage one could work...)21:12
charlie-tcaI am running out of pages now...21:13
Unit193Thanks a bunch, charlie-tca!21:14
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:15
charlie-tcaA review of Xubuntu 11.04 by Jim Lynch - http://desktoplinuxreviews.com/2011/06/01/xubuntu-11-04/21:18
drc_charlie-tca: Just took a look at the test for Xubuntu done yesterday.  If thats representirive of what's done daily, I'll do the live, manual and entire tests and leave you to do the re-size, wubi encrypted.  Sound like a plan?21:18
charlie-tcaWhat test?21:18
charlie-tcathe short test? or the case test for qa?21:18
charlie-tcaUsually daily testijntg21:19
charlie-tcaUsually daiu21:19
drc_http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/xubuntu/all was the start page, so I guess it's QA21:19
charlie-tcaUsually daily testing, you pick a different partitioning to use each day, instead of trying to test all the stuff everyday21:19
drc_Or is that only for milestones?21:20
charlie-tcaThat qa tracker is for milestones21:20
drc_ok then, back to the drawing board....21:20
charlie-tcadaily you don't run everything each day, just run one or two installs a day, and change the partitioning method each day.21:20
charlie-tcaBy the end of the week, you did all those, without working all day at it21:21
drc_Sounds like a plan.21:21
charlie-tcaI almost never did encrypted unless it was milestone testing21:21
charlie-tcait's a pain to do and a pain to write over it21:22
drc_One partitioning scheme per day it is, you want long or short test?21:22
charlie-tcamake it easy for yourself. 21:22
* drc_ wonders if he's mentioned he's lazy?21:22
charlie-tcaI would do one image, too, like alternate cd today. If it fails, try the live cd21:23
charlie-tcaand change that everyday too21:23
charlie-tcaIt helps make sure everything is working21:23
* charlie-tca should probably say sometimes only one image works for days at a time, too21:24
drc_OK, back to the old plan.21:24
charlie-tcaI have also had weeks where the images worked one day out of seven21:25
drc_I was wondering how you managed the testing (like yesterday's) on a daily basis.21:26
charlie-tcaIf I ran one alternate and one live each day, that takes up to an hour and half, for one partitioning method21:27
* micahg wonders if Firefox 5 was worth a mention in the release notes...(I guess that's not xubuntu specific)21:27
charlie-tcaI would have if some let me know to mention it21:28
charlie-tcaI would have if someone let me know to mention it21:28
charlie-tcasorry, micahg 21:28
charlie-tcaI missed that21:28
charlie-tcaI did not realize it was firefox 5 already21:28
micahgwell, it's also for the Desktop image..21:29
charlie-tcaWe don't mind scooping them sometimes21:29
charlie-tcaI will make a note to check those versions. We can at least let everyone know what version we are using21:30
micahgalpha 2 will have 5 as well21:31
micahgmost likely21:31
charlie-tcaThen I will get it into those notes.21:31
charlie-tcaAlpha1 for us is usually a "we did get it in, right?" thing21:32
micahgerr, maybe not, if they release 5 on schedule, 6 will probably be in alpha221:32
micahgat least the beta21:32
micahgcharlie-tca: please make sure you include if it's a beta or not 21:32
charlie-tcaWe only got alpha1 images starting with maverick or natty21:32
charlie-tcaoh, sure, now he wants even more from me :-)21:32
micahgcool, that means we're getting more legitimate21:34
drc_Too legit to quit21:35
charlie-tcawe used to start at alpha2 21:38
Unit193I need to start testing the daily builds...21:39
charlie-tcaif we get an update21:40
charlie-tcaMeeting minutes are on the Mailing lists,21:40
charlie-tcaand at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings21:40
Unit193I read them... Are you still trying to get a meet bot in here on those days?21:41
drc_charlie-tca, Unit193: we need to coordinate the daily's so we don't duplicate each other and then miss something.21:41
charlie-tcagood idea21:41
charlie-tcaHow would you like to do it? wiki page, email, put drc_ in charge of testing?21:42
charlie-tcarotate so we get different equipment testing them, too. 21:43
Unit193So I can't do this in VBox... OK!21:44
drc_I think the best way would be to drop in here before starting, that way charlie-tca could let us know if anything important/urgent come up.21:44
charlie-tcayes you can21:44
charlie-tcaThat means I have to come in too?21:45
charlie-tcaUnit193: I test in VBox for Xubuntu21:45
drc_hmmm...right :(21:45
charlie-tcaI can do that. I might a day here and there, but you guys will figure it out21:45
charlie-tcaI will at least be here until you know what you are doing 21:46
charlie-tcaum, I might miss a day ...21:46
Unit193I'll never know what I'm doing...21:51
drc_This bears some more thinking on how it's divided up.  What say we drop in here for the next week to see how it goes, and then we can maybe make a more shceduled plan?  21:52
Unit193I'll be in here anyway, so sounds good...21:52
Unit193I just don't want to be the one that finds bugs :P21:53
* drc_ thinks the best way would be page like http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/xubuntu/all for daily testing, but that would probably be too much work.21:53
* drc_ takes off his thinking cap...it's causing brainfarts :(21:54
drc_Unit193: Well, being relatively newbies at this, we'd have to run them by charlie-tca, and *he* could file them?21:55
drc_It'd up his karma too.21:56
charlie-tcaSounds good to me, I will be around21:56
charlie-tcamy karma?21:56
charlie-tcaI have some again?21:56
charlie-tcaWe used to have a chart for qa smoke testing, where we record about a weeks worth of daily tests21:58
charlie-tcaWe could build our own daily testing chart21:59
charlie-tcaWe just make it a sub-page of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing21:59
charlie-tcaand put enough spaces in a table to show a day or two at a time. You overwrite fails when they pass, and track which tests got done each day for three or four days at a time22:00
charlie-tcaSo let's try this for a week and see what we decide we do want22:02
* drc_ wishes he said that....22:02
* charlie-tca thought drc_ did say that22:03
drc_I'll probably be dropping in about 09:00 CDT (UTC-5, iirc) daily.22:03
charlie-tcaI can drop in around 8:00 CDT then and check things out22:04
charlie-tcaWell, at least I will be up and about and checking things out. I may not get in that early22:05
charlie-tcaSome days I don't even get up before 6 your time22:05
drc_charlie-tca: You need may email address...as a fallback?22:06
Unit193I may be around at 1PM EST22:06
* micahg finds some worms for the early birds...22:06
charlie-tcaWhich early birds?22:06
micahgyou and drc_ :)22:06
charlie-tcadrc_: not yet22:07
* charlie-tca doesn't get on line *that* early22:07
charlie-tcaat least on IRC 22:08
* charlie-tca thinks drc_ and Unit193 will file the bugs. his karma is down to 5900 again22:10
drc_And mine up all the way up to....18!22:11
charlie-tcabut that goes up when I triage bugs. hm, I think I lost almost 10,000 points in six months22:11
charlie-tcaI started natty around 4000, so there is hope22:12
charlie-tcawell, I am going relax for an hour or so22:13
micahgmy karma is mostly uploads at this point22:13
Unit193My karma is NOTHING! :D22:14
charlie-tcaThey count better than bugs, though22:14
charlie-tcaUnit193: we will fix that this cycle22:14
micahgcharlie-tca: I still have a lot of bug karma though (I think I'm #13 for ubuntu bugs)22:14
Unit193I guess it's actually 14...22:14
charlie-tcaI don't know where I am now, but it must be low22:15
charlie-tcaI haven't done much since about natty alpha222:15
micahgUnit193: yes, umm, 14th22:15
drc_5982 karma22:15
charlie-tcaYou are doing good then, Dr_Who 22:16
charlie-tcadrc_, rather22:16
* micahg also gets bug karma for filing sync requests...22:16
drc_No charlie-tca That's yours. mine is 1822:16
charlie-tcayeah, every bug report filed gets you karma22:16
charlie-tcaThat seems low now. I will have to triage some bugs and raise it22:17
drc_As long as my karma does not exceed my age, I'm happy.22:17
charlie-tcaIt just sort of happens22:18
charlie-tcaI went about two years before I even knew there was such a thing22:18
Dr_Whocharlie-tca, heh ...  but yeah I'm doing good too ;-)22:18
charlie-tcaSorry, Dr_Who . Didn't mean to disturb you that way.22:19
charlie-tcabut I am glad you are doing good!22:19
Unit193micahg: I was talking about my karma, not your place...22:22
micahgoh, heh22:23
Unit193Seems as I have the lowest karma...22:25
drc_Unit193: You'll come back as a bug, and charlie-tca will have to file and squash you.22:27
micahgUnit193: the answer to that is simple, just start doing :)22:27
Unit193drc_: That could be!22:27
Unit193micahg: I installed Xubuntu 11.04 before release. I'm not saying I was a tester, just testing it....22:28
micahgkarma might die anyways22:28
* drc_ has decided that if he was King of the World, distro reviewers would have to spena at least 8 work hours (after install) before writing a review, he's tired of reviews that focus on how pretty the install is :(22:38
cody-somervilleHow do I disable session saving? It seems to have gotten re-enabled on upgrade.22:47
drc_Settings>Session and Startup22:49
cody-somervilleyea, thats unchecked22:50
cody-somervillebut its definitely loading a session at login22:51
drc_Look and see what's "if running" in Sessions, then?22:51
drc_I know if I leave pidgin and such running when I quit, it autostarts in the next session22:52
drc_Other than that, I'm out of ideas.22:53
Unit193You can delete the file (or dir...)22:54
drc_Unit193: ~/.cache/sessions?22:54
Unit193drc_: Might do22:55
Unit193Did we just kill him?23:02
cody-somervilleIt appears that option is no longer respected.23:09
cody-somervilleas it saves a new session regardless23:09
charlie-tcatry right click panel, panel -> Logout, uncheck save session?23:15

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