
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
* Nafai installs LightDM00:22
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MacSlowgood morning folks08:01
oSoMoNgood morning08:07
andyrockoSoMoN, good morning08:07
oSoMoNhey andyrock08:08
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Andy80hi :)09:00
Andy80nerochiaro: good morning! :) I sent you the patch yesterday :P10:18
nerochiaroAndy80: great ! i'm not sure if i will review it myself or someone else, but thanks10:20
nerochiaroAndy80: i will have a look later or monday10:20
Andy80nerochiaro: thanks :) I also created the "schema" file for the other bug you assigned me, but it's not in patch form... it's just the .schemas file attached to the bug... I neither know if it's ok or not.10:23
nerochiaroAndy80: Well, it needs to be put somewhere in the package i assume, so do a bzr add of the file in the right place and then push the branch somewhere and ask for a merge review of that branch10:25
Andy80nerochiaro: I wanted to do it but I really don't know where to put the file... for that reason I simply attached it to the bug ;) p.s: how does it work with bazaar branches exactly? Do I have to always work on the same branch or is it better if I create a new branch for every bug/feature I work on until they're not merged in the main one?10:28
nerochiaroAndy80: one for every bug. the way it works is that you do a "bzr branch lp:unity-2d workbugxxxx" then you go into the branch and do your work, and commit as often as you like, always with clear commit messages. Push your branch somewhere in lp under your account like lp:~andreagrandi/unity-2d/meaningful_name_for_branch . push often so your work is safe. and once in a while do a "bzr pull" or a "bzr merge lp:unity-2d" to pull in the10:34
nerochiarolatest changes (and resolve any conflicts). finally when you're done, submit a merge request for the branch. do this for each different bug you work on.10:34
nerochiarothat's what I do at least :)10:34
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dakergood morning11:04
dakeron Unity i have an area where  i can't scroll/click on it is, anyone experiencing the same issue ?11:04
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andyrockdaker, the window invisible issue...11:08
andyrockdaker, i think...11:08
dakerbug # ?11:09
andyrockdaker, just a moment11:09
andyrockdaker, look here https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/75545911:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 755459 in unity "invisible window again" [High,In progress]11:10
andyrockdaker, i don't know if it is your same bug11:10
dakerok lemme read the comments11:10
dakerandyrock, yes the same bug ツ11:11
andyrockdaker, quoting Jason: «It's a feature!» :)11:12
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dakerthanks andyrock11:16
andyrockdaker, yw ;)11:16
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Andy80nerochiaro: thanks! Sorry for the delay I was away from keyboard :)11:30
nerochiaroAndy80: no problem11:30
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andyrockhi all15:04
andyrocki've some `design` problem with this bug15:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 735031 in unity (Ubuntu) "If you pull down the application panel, the context menu pop up" [Low,Triaged]15:04
andyrockif someone can help me, i will be really happy15:05
andyrockthe problem is: if we drag the launcher with the right click, the quicklist is shown and the drag start15:09
andyrockwhy? because the quicklist is shown not only at the down event15:10
andyrockand not to the click event15:10
andyrockthere are different solutions15:11
andyrockfor example show the quicklist at the click event (not down event)15:11
andyrockclose the quicklist when drag start15:12
andyrockBUT we have to show the quicklist after a timeout in this case15:12
njpatelandyrock, quicklist _should_ be shown on button down (most context menus are)15:59
njpatelandyrock, maybe when we detect a drag, we just close the active quicklits?15:59
andyrocknjpatel, yes... but we have to add a short timeout16:00
andyrocknjpatel, otherwise we have a flash effect!16:00
njpatelandyrock, why?16:00
andyrocknjpatel, quicklist open and close create a flash effect16:01
njpatelandyrock, I think short timeout is fine, just put a comment in why your doing it like that instead of just closing it straight away16:01
saammis it possible that invisible window problem is related to this bug -- Bug #76125216:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 761252 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash does not go away when you click on empty desktop after searching from search bar" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76125216:01
njpatelsaamm, the dash, in natty, is not using an xwindow at all anymore, so it shouldn't be the issue16:01
saammoh ok16:02
andyrocknjpatel, ok thx16:03
artfwonjpatel, about that merge request for bug 72859816:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 728598 in unity-2d "Dragging a file to the bottom left corner should send it to the trash" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72859816:35
artfwothat was indeed fixed long ago16:36
njpatelartfwo, awesome, thanks16:42
njpatelartfwo, could you mark it as super-seeded?16:42
njpatelor un merge-request16:42
njpatel(please :)16:43
artfwonjpatel, how to do this?16:43
sbtehey, anyone here knows a better place to report this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/78523316:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 785233 in unity (Ubuntu) "Redrawing a gtk window moves it 5 pixels to the right" [Undecided,New]16:43
sbteit has a testcase and it's a regression, so it should be easy to fix16:43
artfwonjpatel, done, deleted the branch entirely, looks like the merge proposal is gone16:45
njpatelartfwo, I think if you go to the merge page (https://code.launchpad.net/~artfwo/unity/fix-for-728598/+merge/52523) it should have a yellow button that yo ucan click to change the details16:45
njpatelartfwo, ah, thanks :)16:45
njpatelcdbs, ping16:45
jcastronjpatel: might be good to do a call for "hey everyone, unpropose your old crap"16:46
njpateljcastro, heh, I'm not sure how much is actually there now. I've been rejecting things if they are very old16:46
jcastrooh ok16:46
njpatel(with a comment explaining why)16:46
jcastrolooks way better than before16:46
cdbsnjpatel: pong17:09
cdbsnjpatel: Is it about the GTK3 port? Yes, I'll be fixing that thing over the weekend17:09
cdbsjcastro: Hi there! Welcome back! How was Florida?17:10
njpatelnope, asking about this merge proposal lp:~bilalakhtar/unity/make-compilation-strict17:10
njpatelcdbs, ^17:11
cdbsnjpatel: what about it?17:11
cdbsnjpatel: didrocks wanted it in, there's a really good reason for that merge17:11
jcastronjpatel: hey did gord's doxygen thing merge in? there's an open work item for it17:11
njpatelcdbs, I'm not sure what you last comment means, do we still need it in trunk or not?17:11
cdbsnjpatel: we need it17:11
cdbsnjpatel: in its current state, yes17:11
njpateljcastro, it's approved since yesterday, not sure if he's merged it or not (it's fricking awesome)17:11
njpatelcdbs, but only for 4.6 and above, right?17:12
njpatelit fails with lower than that?17:12
cdbsnjpatel: no, it works with 4.4+17:12
cdbsnjpatel: my comment was concerning the backwards-compatibility which was fixed in the second commit17:12
njpatelcdbs, oh, so it's fine to go in?17:12
cdbsnjpatel: yup17:12
cdbsO' hey, I forgot17:13
cdbsToday's a Review Friday!17:13
cdbsThat's why njpatel is busy winding across the MPs :D17:13
njpatelcdbs, Review Friday?!17:20
njpateljcastro has basically made every day Review day! :)17:20
cdbsnjpatel: Didn't we plan these at the UDS sesson?17:20
jcastrothe day is monday though, just needed to clear the backlog17:20
njpatelcdbs, Review Monday was what we did in the session17:20
njpatelcdbs, but we did Review Tuesday this week as Monday was holiday in US and UK17:21
njpatelcdbs, okay, so I'll make sure your branch lands. that's one more ticked off the list! :)17:21
cdbsnjpatel: No big hurry, any case, how many SRUs more before work starts to get Unity running well on Oneiric?17:22
njpatelcdbs, things are still flying in so I think we should do another SRU round next week, and then slow down a bit and concentrate on O17:22
njpatelWill speak to didrocks about it17:22
njpatelwho seems to be striking again17:22
jcastro[bilalakhtar] Decide on the milestones of the Papercuts project for the Oneiric cycle: TODO17:23
jcastro[njpatel] milestone bitesize bugs: TODO17:23
jcastroFYI guys17:23
cdbshmm yeah17:23
njpatelisn't that an on-going thing jcastro ?17:23
cdbsweekend task17:23
jcastronjpatel: I dunno, I don't recall if you wanted to just check them all at the beginning of the cycle or what17:24
jcastroit's filed for A1, so maybe that's what you meant?17:24
njpatelthat sounds like something I'd do17:24
njpatelyeah, okay, will try and get it done17:25
njpatelI can't believe A1 has happened already17:25
njpatelthere's too much to do17:25
jcastronjpatel: want me to move it to A2?17:25
njpatelhave a good weekend all17:26
jcastroNafai: your post on the quicklists should be on ayatana-dev, not ayatana.19:01
jcastroayatana is like design discussion, ayatana-dev is where the DX team answers tech questions.19:01
Nafaithanks.  should I re-send it to -dev?19:04
jcastroyeah if you want DX to look at it19:04
Nafaiok, thanks for the pointer.19:04
Nafaisorry for the mis-post19:04
jcastromy rule of thumb: "discussion on ayatana, real work on ayatana-dev." :)19:04
jcastrono worries19:04
jcastroit's dumb that we don't  have "unity" and "unity-dev" imo19:05
Prettojcastro: take a look at your pvt please ;)19:09
Andy80jcastro: yeah! we should have them.... a new developer that aims to contribute to Unity would come to #unity first... he would not imagine #ayatana :)19:10
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Nafaijcastro: thanks again, I think I'm going to take a look at the Opportunities wiki page this weekend and see where I can help19:12
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PalinBachman2012is Windows with Fixed Viewport in Place Windows messed up19:33
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rickspencer3kenvandine, hi19:44
kenvandinehey rickspencer319:44
rickspencer3kenvandine, anyone ...19:45
rickspencer3I just started to try to build unity/nux locally19:45
rickspencer3following directions here:19:45
rickspencer3when I tried autogen on nux, I got a package error:19:45
rickspencer3configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.25.1419:46
rickspencer3                  gdk-pixbuf-2.019:46
rickspencer3                  gl19:46
rickspencer3                  glew19:46
rickspencer3                  glewmx19:46
rickspencer3                  xxf86vm19:46
rickspencer3                  sigc++-2.019:46
rickspencer3                  ) were not met:19:46
rickspencer3No package 'xxf86vm' found19:46
rickspencer3jcastro, hey ^19:46
rickspencer3are these instructions out of date?19:46
kenvandinesudo apt-get build-dep nux19:46
kenvandinemight find what you need19:46
rickspencer3I thought I did that19:46
* rickspencer3 tries19:46
jcastrothey were up to date as of a week or so ago, did something change?19:46
rickspencer3holy crap, I did not19:46
rickspencer3491 megs of dependencies!19:46
* jcastro adds some build dep action19:47
rickspencer3wtf, why do I need to install all this latex goo for nux?19:47
jcastroI know, I had to do that yesterday19:47
kenvandineone of the build deps must depend on it19:47
jcastroit pulled in this like 191mb latex doc package too19:47
kenvandineactually that would be doxygen19:47
rickspencer3so, er19:47
kenvandinewhich generates the docs19:47
rickspencer3491megs of deps to build documenation?19:47
* kenvandine shrugs19:48
rickspencer3oh well19:49
* rickspencer3 drums fingers19:49
jcastroshould I just replace the build deps in the instructions with just sudo apt-get build-dep nux unity compiz, etc?19:49
rickspencer3jcastro, that seems a bit easier19:50
jcastrobecause that wants to bring in like, a bunch of KDE stuff19:50
rickspencer3with a wornign that if you don't have doxygen installed, it'll need 500 megs to download :/19:50
rickspencer3jcastro, I dunno, whatever you think will get people hacking hte fastest19:51
rickspencer3I'll take a break while I am downloaded all this extra goo19:51
jcastrodisk is cheap!19:51
* bcurtiswx would grab a cherry coke if he was rickspencer319:52
macojcastro: now that i have acquired a 500GB disk for my laptop, i agree!19:52
maconow i can let my pbuilder cache go crazy19:53
bcurtiswxpbuilder would be nice if i didn't have to DL all deps :P19:53
bcurtiswxevery time19:53
jcastrosquid-deb-proxy bro!19:53
kenvandinebcurtiswx, what jcastro said :)19:54
NafaiHey rickspencer3, kenvandine!19:54
kenvandineit rocks19:54
kenvandinehey Nafai19:54
rickspencer3hi Nafai!19:54
Nafaikenvandine: over the ubupneunomia?19:54
Nafaihow's it going guys?19:54
kenvandineNafai, mostly19:54
hichamhi kenvandine19:55
macobcurtiswx: in theory the default is to cache19:55
bcurtiswxjcastro, sicne i dont' know about squid-deb-proxy got a how-to/wiki for it?19:55
jcastrorickspencer3: you can always submit an edit to the answer if it's wrong and someone will check it and approve it. Regardless I've asked htorque to take a look at the dependencies again.19:56
rickspencer3hey jcastro19:56
rickspencer3no thanks, I don't have the confidence19:56
jcastrobcurtiswx: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3503/best-way-to-cache-apt-downloads-on-a-lan19:56
macobcurtiswx: /var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache/19:56
* rickspencer3 steps away19:56
macobcurtiswx: in theory the stuff you download stays there19:56
bcurtiswxjcastro, thx19:56
Nafaiit seems like when I built unity/nux last week there was something missing from that list, but I forget :(19:57
macoi havent tested the manpage's claim yet19:57
hichamDBO: when bamf will start being ported to the glib matching api ?20:02
hichamDBO: ?20:05
hichamDBO: sorry, I didn't understand what you just said20:05
DBOi started working on a simple port yesterday20:05
hichamgreat news20:05
hichamDBO: can I find it somewhere ?20:05
hichamDBO: so that I can see if mozilla apps will be correctly matched20:06
jcastrorickspencer3: I've sent a mail to the DX team asking them to give the document a run through.20:10
jcastroAlso CCed didrocks, maybe there's a way to tighten up the build deps to be not so massive20:10
DBOhicham, not yet, it doesn't work yet20:13
hichamDBO: thanks20:14
evaluateAny idea why I get these strange errors when trying to build libappindicator on Debian: http://rspwn.com/debian/libappindicator_0.3.0-1_amd64.build ?20:53
evaluateThis is the first time I try this, so if I am doing something awfully wrong I am sorry, I was just curios as to why libappindicator isn't included in Debian yet and thought about helping out...20:55
rickspencer3hi evaluate20:56
rickspencer3nice nick btw20:57
evaluateThanks! :-)20:57
rickspencer3I can't answer your question, but wanted to give you a heads up that it's late(ish) on Friday evening20:57
rickspencer3so, don't feel blown off if you don20:57
rickspencer3't get an anwer right away20:57
evaluateIt's late on Friday evening here too...20:57
rickspencer3jcastro, anyone around who would be able to look at this for evaluate20:58
jcastroyep one sec21:04
jcastrotedg: kenvandine?21:04
tedgjcastro, He rocks.21:04
jcastrotedg: can you give evaluate a hand?21:05
jcastrothough this sounds more of a kenish problem21:05
tedgYeah, probably, but I can look.21:05
tedgThese are build-deps problems:21:06
tedgNo package 'indicator3' found21:06
tedgNo package 'dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4' found21:06
tedgThe updated versions of those packages should have those pkgconfig files.21:07
evaluateJust out of curiosity, does the libindicator require some GTK patches or anyting like that, or *should* it normally work?21:07
tedgOtherwise it looks like vapigen and gobject-introspection are fighting.  And that is a kenvandine question.21:08
tedgevaluate, libindicator should be fine, appmenu-gtk does need some GTK patches.21:08
evaluateI see.21:08
jcastroevaluate: if he's not around in a bit here's the right mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ayatana-dev21:09
evaluateHmm, I can find libindicator3 in Debian, but dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4 doesn't seem to be available. I wonder why.21:09
kenvandineevaluate, do you have libindicator3-dev installed?21:09
kenvandineand libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev21:10
tedgevaluate, They might not be updated to the latest versions that dual build for GTK2/3?21:10
evaluatekenvandine, those two packages don't seem to be available either (at least not in the normal repositories)21:11
* evaluate does some googling21:11
evaluateThanks for the help for now, I'll try getting those 2 packages installed and come back if I still have questions. :-)21:18
evaluatekenvandine, hmm, these packages seem to have other names in Debian, but I had them installed already.21:29
kenvandinewhat names?21:30
evaluateFor example libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev seems to be libdbusmenu-gtk3 in Debian.21:31
kenvandineno, that would be the library21:32
kenvandinebut not the dev package21:32
Viper550so I noticed you're using GTK3 stuff now?21:33
evaluatekenvandine, I'd guess the dev package would be libdbusmenu-gtk-dev21:34
kenvandineshould be  libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev21:34
Viper550but what I want to know is, who is in charge with porting the theme?21:34
evaluatekenvandine, are these ubuntu packages packaged directly from upstream or synched/merged from Debian?21:36
rickspencer3kenvandine, should I be hacking on unity trunk or on "https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/branch-3.0" ?21:36
kenvandineevaluate, ubuntu is upstream, but the debian pkg-ayatana team has been working on them in debian21:37
kenvandinelooks like the gtk3 builds in debian are commented out of their package21:37
kenvandinelibdbusmenu-gtk3 is the gtk2 build, libdbusmenu-gtk3-3 is the gtk3 build21:37
kenvandineand libdbusmenu-gtk-3-dev is the gtk3 dev package21:38
kenvandinebut those aren't built in debian21:38
kenvandinenot sure why21:38
kenvandinerickspencer3, humm21:38
rickspencer3I ask because trunk doesn;t build and was just updated 4 hours ago :(21:38
evaluatekenvandine, I see. I guess I'll best talk to the debian-ayatana guys then. Thanks again for your help!21:38
kenvandinesorry... let us know if we can help more21:39
kenvandinerickspencer3, i suspect the 3.0 branch is what is in natty21:39
rickspencer3I'm starting with that, it seems to be building21:40
kenvandinetrunk should still be buildable though...21:40
rickspencer3"should be"21:40
rickspencer3Friday afternoon, though :)21:40
kenvandineyeah :)21:40
rickspencer3oh fudge21:41
rickspencer3I never did make install with the new nux21:41
rickspencer3maybe that was the problem21:41
rickspencer3I have a sketchy feeling about this :)21:47
* rickspencer3 tries out newly built unity21:47
htorquerickspencer3: hi, could you build nux? this failed for me yesterday.21:50
rickspencer3kenvandine, well, I can't tell yet ;)21:50
rickspencer3htorque, nux did build for me21:50
rickspencer3I built nux from trunk, and I built unity/compiz from the 3.0 branch21:51
htorquerickspencer3: maybe another gcc 4.6 problem (i'm on oneiric)21:51
rickspencer3htorque, I see, I'm still on Natty21:51
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evaluatekenvandine, this is with the gtk3 libs enables in control and rules: http://rspwn.com/debian/libdbusmenu_0.4.3-1_amd64.build22:12
rickspencer3I can now break the launcher and run my private broken launcher!22:13
evaluateAm I right in the assumption that I'm missing the gtk-3.0 headers?22:13
evaluaterickspencer3, lol22:13
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rickspencer3jcastro, kenvandine hey, do either of you know if there is some kind of overview of the unity codebase to help a sucker like me get oriented?22:27
htorquehow would i build unity w/o documentation? configuration fails without doxygen installed (which shouldn't happen according to https://code.launchpad.net/~gordallott/unity/unity.optional-doxygen/+merge/62712)22:29
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marekw2143I'd like to write application that would do things similar to those which happen after pressing super + w22:49
marekw2143where can I find some api of unity and (the best) source code of function that is launched after pressing super + w ?22:49
jcastrorickspencer3: there is no overview, njpatel has a work item this cycle to make one (with a diagram, etc.)23:25
rickspencer3jcastro, thanks23:25
rickspencer3tbh, even a comment here and there would be nice23:25
* jcastro nods23:25
jcastroI would even settle for a diagram23:25
hichamhi jcastro23:26
hichamjcastro: what part do you take care of in unity ?23:26
jcastrohicham: I connect people mostly23:27
jcastrohicham: and odd jobs. :)23:27
hichamjcastro: what is the nick of nux developer ?23:28
jcastroyou're looking for jaytaoko23:29
jcastrobut I think he's on weekend duty already23:29
jcastroHome of Unity and Ayatana || http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana || Bitesize Bugs you can help with: http://goo.gl/i1WA1 and http://goo.gl/tiheb || Not getting an answer? Post on the https://launchpad.net/~ayatana-dev mailing list23:32
czajkowskijcastro: what do you need doing23:37
hichamthanks jcastro23:37
jcastroczajkowski: I need "Not getting an answer? Post on the https://launchpad.net/~ayatana-dev mailing list" this tacked onto the topic23:38
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #ayatana to: Home of Unity and Ayatana || http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana || Bitesize Bugs you can help with: http://goo.gl/i1WA1 and http://goo.gl/tiheb || Not getting an answer? Post on the https://launchpad.net/~ayatana-dev mailing list
czajkowskita da23:38
jcastrodid you /topic? that didn't work for me23:39
jcastrohmm, maybe I'm not in the cool club or something23:39
czajkowskinow back to my day of being off line23:39
czajkowskijcastro: no bother :)23:39

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