
mgariepygood morning everyone13:03
highvoltagegood morning14:26
martsbradleyHi folks,20:51
martsbradleyI've a bit of software I wrote for the mathematical order of operations, for example to illustrate that 1+2*3=7 rather than 9.20:52
martsbradleyA video of its available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc9cu-ekFrg20:53
martsbradleyIs it worth packaging it and putting it into ubuntu?  I've got all the source code, its written in wx widgets and is all my own code.20:53
highvoltagehi martsbradley20:54
martsbradleyHi Highvoltage20:54
highvoltageit looks like it could be useful to someone, so why not :)20:54
alkisgmartsbradley: just an idea, if you could make it show infix/postfix etc notations with that tree, I'm sure it would be useful to some CS students20:55
highvoltagemartsbradley: what does it do with http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/48293/ ? :)20:55
martsbradleyI'll boot up my other computer and try it out.20:57
highvoltagemartsbradley: but yes, I think it would be nice, and if it's stable and not otherwise troublesome we'd probably include it in edubuntu too.20:58
martsbradley288 it gives21:02
martsbradleyIt had a little problem with the 2(9, it did not recognise it as a multiply so had to insert the * between the 2 and the opening bracket21:02
martsbradleyIs 288 the expected answer, I'm sure it is but I'm no math teacher.21:04
highvoltageah see the way I was taught in school "48 / 2(9+3)" and "48 / 2 * (9+3)" would give different answers. but I guess that's one of the sucky things about differences in math across different regions that that post highlights21:04
martsbradleyI was taught that the 2(9+3) means add 9 & 3 then multiply by 2, even though the multiply operator was omitted.21:04
highvoltagemartsbradley: yep, same here.21:05
highvoltageand if you do that then you get to the answer "2"21:05
martsbradleyI was taught by the BODMAS expression, brackets order division multiply add subtract it stands for, therefore the brackets come first, so 9+3 =1221:06
martsbradleyThen 48 /221:07
martsbradley24 * 12 must be 28821:07
highvoltageoopes, I meant 24 instead of 221:07
highvoltage(man that chapaign we had at work went straight to my head)21:07
martsbradleyLucky u.21:07
martsbradleySo we agree 288 is correct answer.21:08
highvoltagethat's debatable depending on how you were taught21:08
highvoltagebut I think it's the right answer for your software to give21:08
martsbradleyI think that Ireland and America is taught in same way, not sure about Europe + rest of world.21:09
highvoltageoh no, I was right first time, I would end up with 2 as the answer21:09
highvoltage(Implied multiplication)21:09
highvoltage48 ÷ 2(9+3)=21:09
highvoltage48 ÷ 2(12)=21:09
highvoltage48 ÷ 24=21:09
martsbradleyI'll look at that page to see what they came up with21:10
highvoltageyeah I'm no mathemetician either. but I just think it would be nice if your software could be aware of these kind of things. just as a wish list :)21:10
martsbradleyYea they have two different answers also, not good.  I thought mathematics was the 'universal language'21:11
highvoltageheh, yeah it has some similar problems as natural languages though. in some areas other conventions were formed so some expressions mean different things21:12
highvoltagethat's why different calculators also give different answers for the same equation21:13
martsbradleyok thanks for the help, bye.21:14
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