
micahghey, the global menu in akregator started working randomly...00:42
randaloggerScottK: phonon now officially commits to the kde minor point release policy00:48
* debfx watches the dots while running pull-debian-source kdeartwork01:09
randaloggeroh, I should go to bed01:11
randaloggerScottK: is it leate yet?01:12
debfxJontheEchidna: you haven't converted some cdbs cruft to dhmk in kdeartwork01:17
debfxJontheEchidna: I'll fix that and upload01:17
JontheEchidnaarmel opengl stuff?01:18
JontheEchidnayeah, I wasn't sure how to exactly do that01:18
randaloggerkubuntu on arrrrrm01:19
* micahg is trying to make xubuntu on arm01:19
randaloggermicahg: that is just wrong, you should make kubuntu on arrrrm :P01:24
randaloggeralso I should really go to bed01:24
randaloggerlike desperately01:24
debfxJontheEchidna: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kdeartwork/ubuntu/revision/112#debian/rules01:25
JontheEchidnaoh, cool01:26
debfxyeah it is01:38
debfxuploading kdeartworks however is not that easy01:38
debfxcould one of you core-devs please merge https://code.launchpad.net/~debfx/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.oneiric/+merge/6332001:57
debfxshould help us a bit to return to a sane image size01:58
JontheEchidnadebfx: sure02:53
JontheEchidnadebfx: done, thanks02:55
ScottKrandalogger: No.  It's not late yet.04:55
ScottKIt's still before midnight here.04:55
ScottKrandalogger: The arm boxen are back up, but the 100 box doesn't have it's bigger /var/cache mounted.  I missed one step in the instructions when directing what needed doing to bring them back to life.04:56
ScottKIt should be fine for building stuff smaller than Qt.04:57
ScottKI'll be home tomorrow evening and can fix it properly then.04:57
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debfxyofel: I think we can drop the dolphin-plugins transitional package as it isn't in lucid09:03
yofeldebfx: yes, as long as the new 4.6.3 package never makes it back into natty, anything that gets put into natty in some way needs it10:44
yofelso I would say keep it and drop it for 4.710:45
debfxyofel: I hope no one puts 4.6 into natty10:50
debfxah, wait10:51
yofeldepends if we want to resync the natty PPA with the new packaging10:51
debfxyofel: when you upgrade to natty the transitional package gets pulled in10:51
debfxyofel: nevermind, I confused natty with lucid10:52
yofelyes, I'm just thinking whether we want to put 4.6.5 with new or old packaging into natty-updates. If we use new ones it might not work10:52
debfxwe don't want the new ones, such drastic packaging changes don't qualify for a SRU10:54
yofelk, then drop it10:54
debfxhas anyone found a way to make authentication in launchpadlib work?10:58
yofelas in login_with() ?10:59
debfxnot sure, whatever ubuntu-dev-tools uses in natty11:00
yofeluh, no idea, they had some manager-credentials command or so IIRC11:01
debfxthat was the old system afaik11:01
* debfx tries the unencrypted storage backend11:02
yofelthen they probably use the keyring now11:02
debfxyeah, the kwallet backend seems to be broken beyond repair11:07
debfxrandalogger: do you know anyone we could poke for https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/100157/ ?11:23
randaloggerScottK: I only get connected to 2 arms, what gives?11:47
jussirandalogger: I got my mx53 today :D11:50
jussiQuintasan: ScottK  ^^^:D11:50
randaloggerdebfx: sho11:53
randaloggerin #konversation11:53
randaloggerthat is eike hein11:53
randaloggercant type while people talk all the time11:54
randaloggerjussi: congrats11:56
jussirandalogger: I cant wait to  get home and play :)11:57
* Quintasan 's PC is working12:17
Quintasanjussi: \o/12:17
Quintasanjussi: I almost got it sorted out, now they whine about that the package says price is $149 whereas I have paid $9912:18
jussioh lol12:18
jussiQuintasan: want a scan of one of the vouchers? 12:18
QuintasanI asked Freescale to send FedEx a statement that it is $99 indeed and I still got no response12:19
Quintasanjussi: Sure, I wonder if they will accept one but it is worth a try12:19
yofelYay :)12:19
jussiQuintasan: pm me your email addy12:19
ScottKrandalogger: I didn't check all 4, so I'm not sure.  I'll check it in detail tonight when I've got physical access to the boxen again.13:14
randaloggerScottK: okok13:18
randaloggerScottK: not doing anything right now anyway13:19
randalogger!find autoreconf.mk13:20
ubottuFile autoreconf.mk found in dh-autoreconf13:20
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sithlord48can any one help me pack a deb file here ? i think my problem is it has two executibles being build. after running debuild i do get a deb file but its list of installed files do not list anything for /usr/bin15:41
ScottKsithlord48: Is this a package you intend to try to get into the official repository?15:43
sithlord48ScottK:  no my ppa, 15:43
ScottKsithlord48: #ubuntu-packaging is the best place to ask about that then.15:44
sithlord48yea no answer there. 15:44
ScottKIt's OT here since this channel is about Kubuntu development.15:44
randaloggerwe refactor  all KDE MM userbase pages to be one sentence related to .prn15:44
randaloggerhighly efficient \o/15:45
sithlord48ScottK:  is packaging not part of development 15:51
ScottKsithlord48: Packaging for random PPAs is not part of Kubuntu development.15:51
shadeslayerfor some reason my extra cmake flags are not picked up during kdeedu compilation, http://paste.kde.org/77881/16:43
shadeslayernot even -DMARBLE_PLUGIN_PATH16:44
shadeslayerand just noticed something else16:44
ScottKshadeslayer: You did notice we're not using CDBS anymore, right?16:45
shadeslayerScottK: i haven't modded any part of the rules except line 10 to 1316:45
shadeslayerand line 19 ofcourse16:45
ScottKIsn't debian-qt-kde.mk for CDBS?16:48
* ScottK thought there was something different for DH.16:48
ScottKdhmk or some such.16:48
yofelScottK: depends if it's 2/ or 1/16:48
yofel1/ is cdbs, 2/ dhmk16:48
ScottKIt's 216:48
ScottKGood then.16:48
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/77887 << fixed it a bit 16:49
* ScottK is leaving for the airport, so good luck.16:49
shadeslayerhere's the build log where you can see it doesn't pick up any of the options : http://paste.kde.org/7789316:50
shadeslayerlin 195316:50
shadeslayerokay figured it all out17:20
bambeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/617719/ <--- wtf ?19:04
bambee(line 6)19:04
LaserJockdo you need oneiric's pkg-kde-tools to build the Debian 4.6.3 packages?19:05
debfxLaserJock: yes, but it's also in natty-backports19:06
yofelbambee: that looks about right if you're on oneiric19:07
yofeldon't dist-upgrade ;)19:07
bambeehow do you upgrade your oneiric ?19:08
cndI've got a fix for bug 785433 in Qt pushed as a merge proposal at https://code.launchpad.net/~utouch-team/qt/touch-end-fix/+merge/6341719:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785433 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Touch end events not handled" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78543319:08
cndwould someone be able to review it?19:08
yofelbambee: aptitude safe-upgrade? I have like 100 packages held back here, not upgradable19:12
yofelor I'll remove KDE19:12
* bambee tests safe-upgrade19:12
yofeldoes /almost/ the same thing as apt-get upgrade19:13
bambeeyofel: it does the trick, thanks ;)19:15
randaloggerjussi:  Re-Scheduled  04-JUN-201119:36
_Groo_hi/2 all19:59
_Groo_could anyone explain to me why kamoso alpha is being installed when we have 2.0 final in backports?19:59
_Groo_for natty19:59
_Groo_see http://paste.ubuntu.com/617752/20:00
_Groo_its not respecting the version number, or the number is wrong20:01
_Groo_and installing the alpha instead of the backports 2.0 final20:02
_Groo_i had to force it with apt-get install kamoso=2.0-0ubuntu1~natty120:03
yofel_Groo_: afaik we have an apt-pin in natty so backports aren't installed by default20:21
yofel_Groo_: can you show me the apt-cache policy output?20:22
_Groo_hi/2 all20:27
yofel_Groo_: afaik we have an apt-pin in natty so backports aren't installed by default20:28
yofel_Groo_: can you show me the apt-cache policy output?20:28
_Groo_yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/617768/20:31
_Groo_also kamoso 2.0 and 2.0 alpha are broken, cant acess the /dev/video, 2.0.2 backported works just fine with phonon20:32
_Groo_same hardware works with cheese for ex20:32
_Groo_and kopete20:32
_Groo_yofel_: anything that pops out?20:35
yofel_sorry, had some connection issues20:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
yofel_Groo_: see that -backports has a priority of 100? So if you install a package it will be taken from there, but it won't be upgraded automatically if there's a new version in -backports20:51
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
_Groo_yofel: how do i change that? and from all i knew, this is new in natty, maverick didnt had that pin21:00
yofelit is new, usually that would be in /etc/apt/preferences[.d/]21:01
_Groo_nothing backports related in preferences.d21:02
yofelnot sure how they set that then21:02
_Groo_found it21:03
_Groo_its in apt.conf.d21:03
_Groo_updated, proposed and backports are commented out :P21:03
_Groo_which kinda defeats the purpose of having them :P21:03
yofelhm, I think that does something else21:04
_Groo_well then i dont know :P21:04
_Groo_grep doesnt show any entires for backports besides the source.list ones21:05
_Groo_and that21:05
debfxsince natty backports aren't installed automatically but once you install a package from backports it gets upgrades from there21:05
debfxkamoso 2.0.2 simply hasn't been backported to natty21:05
_Groo_debfx: just backported it.. its the only one working btw21:06
_Groo_2.0 and alpha are both broken21:06
_Groo_no video pops out21:06
_Groo_only 2.0.2 fixes it for me21:06
_Groo_kopete and cheese work just fine21:06
yofelfile a backport request21:06
_Groo_how do i change the pin then?? im clueless21:07
yofel_Groo_: add something like this to /etc/apt/preferences, should override it:21:07
yofelPackage: *21:07
yofelPin: release a=natty-backports21:07
yofelPin-Priority: 50021:07
_Groo_yofel: cant... someone forgot to add libqtgstreamer-dev to natty21:08
_Groo_which is strange since it backports just fine with the same code from oniric21:08
debfxyou probably don't want to pin backports like that21:08
debfx_Groo_: the package is called qtgstreamer-dev in natty21:09
_Groo_debfx: oh21:10
_Groo_this is apachelogger fault, im sure of it!!!!21:10
yofelwell, that's what the configuration was before natty, but yeah, usually 100 sounds right for backports21:10
_Groo_debfx: so, what am i suposed to do, to make sure backports are used always? same for proposed21:11
debfx_Groo_: if you are sure that you want everything from backports do what yofel posted21:12
yofelerm, -proposed should really not be at 50021:13
yofelyou might as well run oneiric then (ok, not as bad, but possibly so)21:13
_Groo_yofel: if i had proposed its because i WANT to use proposed21:14
_Groo_if now, whats the point?21:14
_Groo_how do i keep track of whats going in proposed then?21:14
yofelyou check natty-changes ML for what what uploaded to -proposed and help with the SRU testing?21:15
yofels/what what/what was/21:15
kubotuyofel meant: "you check natty-changes ML for what was uploaded to -proposed and help with the SRU testing?"21:15
_Groo_Package: * Pin: release a=natty-backports Pin-Priority: 500  Package: * Pin: release a=natty-proposed Pin-Priority: 50021:15
LaserJockpeople had lots of problem when -proposed had normal pinning21:16
_Groo_something like this to have both?21:16
_Groo_i like to live on the edge21:16
LaserJockit was difficult to test the packages in isolation, that's why it was changed I believe21:16
yofelwell, -proposed  wasn't enabled by default for a reason21:16
_Groo_exactly, but if i enable it i want to use it21:16
LaserJock_Groo_: but the point of using it was for testing individual packages, not the whole repo21:17
yofelyes, for SRU testing, it's not meant to be used in general21:17
yofeland for SRU testing you need to be able to update only one specific package21:17
_Groo_i prefer to update and see what breaks21:17
_Groo_and come here shouting21:17
_Groo_like kamoso21:17
yofelhaving the pin is easier than constantly: enable -p -> update and test -> disable -p21:17
_Groo_ho btw21:17
_Groo_if anyone is using fancy tasks21:18
_Groo_a very very bad news21:18
_Groo_its broken in 4.6.3 UNTIL you recompile it21:18
_Groo_you have 2 scenarios21:18
yofelthat's SRU material :P21:18
_Groo_one: it will crash plasma-desktop imediatly as soon as you update21:18
_Groo_two: it will crash plasma-desktop when you click on configure21:18
_Groo_solution:? recompile it with 4.6.3.. i know.. it should be ABI compatible... but plasma is .. well... plasma... :P21:19
debfx_Groo_: proposed has priority 500 by default, you only need to change it for backports21:19
_Groo_just try it :D21:19
_Groo_debfx: k, done :)21:19
yofelwell, blame aseigo probably :P, but file a bug about it and we can get it rebuilt21:20
_Groo_debfx: so let me guess this straight... backports which are packages already tested as 100.. proposed whihc is the :"denagerous" stuff as 100?21:20
_Groo_very logical :P21:20
_Groo_yofel: test it!21:20
_Groo_yofel: i always like to test if im not crazy21:20
_Groo_yofel: about the package i mean.. im crazy as it gets21:21
yofelwhich was that, smooth-tasks?21:21
_Groo_oh btw21:21
debfx_Groo_: the barrier to get something into proposed is much higher than backports21:21
_Groo_acroread is broken in 64bits21:21
yofelah right, proposed is at 50021:22
yofelI just pin that to 100 here ^^21:22
_Groo_it tries to force to install nspluginwrapper, which breaks in 64, should have be changed for flash64 or nothing at all21:22
_Groo_i remade the partners package and its working like a charm now21:22
_Groo_so, 3 bugs... 21:23
_Groo_1 - kamoso is broken21:23
yofelfile a bug, flash64 isn't released, so rather remove the dep21:23
_Groo_2 - acroread is broken in 6421:23
yofelif it doesn't require it this should be a recommends anyway21:23
_Groo_yofel: yeah, for 64 bits you need, it wont install21:23
_Groo_yofel: it was in previous version, dont know who was the genius who decided to force it21:24
_Groo_brian thomason21:24
_Groo_where are my laser glasses21:24
_Groo_3 - plasma-widget-fancy is broken if you use 4.6.3 from backports, need to be added to backports too and recompiled with that code21:25
_Groo_you welcome :P21:25
yofelah, that's the PPA, right, need to go home, then I can upload a rebuild21:25
yofelwait, you can do that yourself!21:25
_Groo_yofel: yeah21:26
_Groo_yofel: im at work... no way to upload it from here21:26
_Groo_and im an unoficial minion21:26
yofelheh, then I'll do it later21:26
_Groo_im not gonna put my dirty paws in the ppa without being told so21:26
_Groo_apachelogger or other officer would hunt me down like a dog21:26
yofelheh, well, I'm gone, bbl21:27
_Groo_yofel: did you test fancy?21:27
yofelnot yet, my battery's empty :P21:27
_Groo_yofel: ah ok :D21:27
_Groo_btw after it crashes, it crashes plasma always21:27
_Groo_so be ready to compile it locally and replace it21:27
_Groo_cause your precious desktop wont go up again21:28
_Groo_or edit plasma-appletsrc and remove it21:28
_Groo_if you are lucky and it doesnt crash plasma right away21:28
_Groo_it will as soon as you hit configure21:28
* yofel just noticed he can't install fancytasks as it depends on libkonq5a22:29
yofelcan someone rebuild that in oneiric?22:30
* Quintasan can't request rebuilds :<22:35
debfxQuintasan: why not?22:44
Quintasanno idea why22:44
QuintasanOr I am looking in the wrong place22:44
debfxwhere are you looking? ^^22:45
Quintasandebfx: launchpad site for <package name>22:46
debfxyou just download the package, call dch -R, build it and upload22:46
debfxmaybe even needs a SRU in natty: bug #75092522:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 750925 in plasma-widget-fancytasks (Ubuntu) "Fancy Tasks widget crashes plasma" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75092522:48
Quintasanyofel: it depends on libkonq5-dev 4:4.5.2 :S22:48
yofel>=, doesn't change the fact that it depends on the wrong binary package22:49
Quintasanoh wait22:50
Quintasanso it just a rebuild in oneric22:51
debfxand probably in natty22:52
Quintasandebfx: do we need to do SRU's for rebuilds?22:53
debfxQuintasan: yes22:53
* Quintasan tests in oneiric first22:54
ScottKIt's not pinning.  Backports is set to be a 'not-automatic' repository.  The results are similar.23:00
debfxScottK: yes, but pinning can override the not-automatic flag23:09
Quintasanyofel: lol, on oneiric23:11
Quintasanafter a rebuild23:12
Quintasanit depends on libkonq5abi123:12
Quintasanno idea23:12
ScottKThat's the new packagename.  That's what I'd expect.23:12
Quintasanso it is the desired behavior in oneiric?23:12
* Quintasan goes to build natty23:13
debfxScottK: has the not-automic and but-upgrades been introduced for automatic backports->backports updates?23:14
ScottKdebfx: Yes, if I understand the question correctly.23:15
=== randalogger is now known as info
=== info is now known as infologger
LaserJockScottK: are you familiar with kdemultimedia at all?23:18
ScottKLaserJock: If the criteria is 'at all', yes.23:19
ScottKWhat's the question?23:19
LaserJockwell, I got what i thought would be a good stab at a merge23:19
LaserJockbut it doesn't build23:19
ScottKWhat's the error?23:20
LaserJockit fails in ffmpegthumbs with a : error: 'CODEC _TYPE_VIDEO' was not declared in this scope23:20
LaserJockI wondered if it might have something to do with disabling xine23:20
ScottKIt might also have something to do with our switch from ffmpeg to libal source.23:21
ScottKIt could also be GCC 4.6 related.23:21
* Quintasan will file SRU tomorrow23:22
Quintasanyofel: uploading rebuild to oneiric23:22
ScottKLaserJock: You're not the only one: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27466623:23
ubottuKDE bug 274666 in general "ffmpegthumbs-4 6 3 fails to build with libav-0 7_beta2 (Gentoo bug #369515)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:23
ScottKNot GCC 4.6 then.23:23
ScottKLaserJock: I'd see if you can build it against Natty.  That would give us an idea if it was related to Oneiric toolchain or not.23:24
LaserJockScottK: oh, ok, good idea23:25
LaserJockScottK: I tried the vanilla debian package on oneiric and it died at the same place23:26
Quintasanyofel: should work in oneiric soon23:26
ScottKLaserJock: I'm pretty sure it's an upstream issue.  The question is where.23:27
ScottKThe bug I pointed you at is from Gentoo, so probably not our fault.23:27
QuintasanGood night.23:28
debfxlibav broke API compatibility in 0.723:28
ScottKLaserJock: ^^^ There you go.  Please whine to siretart.23:29
debfxmight be worth checking the svn repository, maybe it already got fixed23:30
ScottKGood point.23:30
ScottKParticularly with 4.6.4 being close to release.23:30
micahgthere's a tracker for the libav transition: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/libav.html23:34
debfxmicahg: does it also track the required patches? ;)23:35
micahgdebfx: I'm sure patches are welcome :)23:35
ScottKYeah, they're welcome here too.23:36

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