
phillwhead_victim: what happens when you just cd to the directory from lxterminal?00:09
head_victimNothing, that's what it opens to by default ;)00:12
phillwhead_victim: I'd flag it as a bug via bug reporting so that pcman can have a look at it.00:14
Unit193ls -l ?00:14
Unit193Take a look at who owns it00:14
head_victimThe logged in user does00:14
head_victimWOW, I just tried to open chromium and it threw an error "cannot be opened as root"00:27
head_victimNo idea what's going on but I think everything thinks I'm root00:27
head_victimEverything opens fine from the terminal but tries to open as root when I use the icons in the menu00:30
phillwhead_victim: you haven't run gksu from terminal at some point instead of gksudo?00:41
head_victimNope, I don't use gksudo00:42
head_victimNope, I don't use gksudo00:42
phillwgksudo is the correct one, gksu can really screw things up.00:43
phillwI'm not too sure, permissions can be a real PITA when they get messed up.00:44
head_victimI don't do either really, anything root I need I do cli00:44
phillware the ownership on ~home/user set as you would expect?00:45
head_victimAnd they all open fine from cli. Weird stuff :)00:48
phillwI'd be tempted to run a recursive chown & chgrp on the directory. (you can combine them)00:49
head_victimYeah it's not just a directory though, I've already tried it :)00:49
head_victimI clicked chromium as well from the menu and it tried to open as root as well00:49
phillwif that does not work, file a bug. I've not come across it before - possibly one of the others has.00:49
head_victimSo it's somethink gui related00:49
phillwhead_victim: , jmarsden or bioterror are the two I would ask. I've not come across it before, so do not know what to advise.00:50
head_victimThat's ok, any idea what package to file against?00:51
head_victimLubuntu-meta is what I'm going for00:52
phillwhead_victim: I'd just put it onto the mailing list - they both read them.00:52
head_victimRoger that00:54
phillwand with that, this little drone is going to his alcove for regeneration. My 5 year old niece and 1 year old nephew are due here this morning - I need all the regeneration I can get :P00:55
head_victimNight mate00:56
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Fudgehi phillw , are you the one working on accessibility?02:58
head_victimFudge: he just went to bed 2 hours ago, but yeah he's the one coordinating the efforts with Lubuntu03:03
Fudgethanks head_victim  ill hang and try to catch him another time03:03
head_victimFudge: no worries, he's in the UK so timing is fun :) If all else fails there is the mailing list03:03
Fudgeive seen some posts so guess im on it loL, yeah those 10 or 11 hours suck03:04
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jmarsdenhead_victim: Did you solve your permissions issue?04:25
sumrandomusing the livecd08:50
sumrandomand it locks up whenever i click on anything08:50
sumrandommenu, launchers etc08:51
sumrandomeven the install icon08:51
zeroedoutcan you drop to a terminal?08:51
sumrandomwhich is a pain as i am trying to install08:51
sumrandomnah frozen08:51
zeroedoutit only freezes after you click something?08:52
zeroedouthow much RAM does your machine have?08:53
sumrandomyeah. moving the mouse etc is fine, until you click08:53
sumrandomold laptop08:53
zeroedouthrmm, it could be running out of memory. You may need to use the non-graphical method08:54
zeroedoutit's not as pretty but i've done it a couple times and the steps are very easy to follow08:54
zeroedoutbefore you do that though, you can try to bootup again, go to a tty and hit dmesg and see if anything is weird08:54
zeroedoutyou may also have bad RAM so you could try memtest and see if it detects any errors08:55
sumrandomcool, the minimal install, i need a different iso?08:56
sumrandommight try that aye, the memtest on the disc said memory is good08:56
head_victimjmarsden: nope, id states I'm just the normal user ("jared"), so does finger, whoami, etc. If I run a program from cli they run as user jared (unless I specifically run it as root obviously) and when I run a program from pressing a gui icon it runs as root all the time, never the user. pcmanfm & opens it as the nomal user and works fine as expected. Clicking the icon for pcmanfm tries to open up /home/jared and then whinges about09:25
head_victim permissions. It's a little odd09:25
Luffyhow to unrar?09:37
Luffyplease help?09:38
mati75I saw lubuntu 11.10 alpha1 is released12:41
phillwmati75: it is just a house keeping excercise. Nothing major on it and built using the 'old' withos of iso building. The fun starts with A2 :)13:23
head_victimphillw: I can't wait for it to be official, because then I'll be able to mirror it all locally with my rsync I already run for my local mirror13:26
silverarrowdoes anyone know the network manager well?13:27
silverarrowI miss a function in the network signal indicator13:28
silverarrowit was better in the last lubuntu version13:28
silverarrowis there any way to retrieve this fuction?13:30
silverarrowwhere it shows signal strength, and signal quality of wireless network?13:31
silverarrowdo channell is pretty dead ?13:32
head_victimsilverarrow: sorry I've never used wireless with Lubuntu so can't really say13:32
silverarrowI see13:32
head_victimIf you get no luck in here maybe try the mailing list13:32
silverarrowwireless is a must here13:33
head_victimDetails at https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop13:33
silverarrow:- )13:33
head_victimAh yeah, I don't even own a laptop :/13:33
silverarrowstationaries are good13:33
silverarrowbut if I had one, I would have to resort ot wireless at the moment, even there lol13:34
silverarrowlubuntu handles laptops rather well13:34
beef-supremei need help configuring lxdm13:54
beef-supremeanyone on? i want to configure lxdm13:59
ubuntucu_ahmetHello! I use Ubuntu(with gnome). After format the system, I always remove from startup the gnome-panel. Instead of it I use AWN as panel. If i will use LXDE, I will do the same thing for LXDE. Canonical will support Lubuntu soon. LXDE is faster than gnome. For me it is better to use Lubuntu? Thank you!16:41
stlsaintubuntucu_ahmet: are you asking if Lubuntu will work with AWN?16:42
ubuntucu_ahmetstlsaint: I don't know. But I know that AWN is independed from desktop manager. :-X16:43
ubuntucu_ahmet stlsaint: http://www.myvideo.de/watch/6867694/LXDE_Compiz_Emerald_AWN I think it works. I read it now from some other sites too.16:47
ubuntucu_ahmet stlsaint: sorry i hadnt understand the quesiton true... i don't ask this.16:47
ubuntucu_ahmetI am asking if is better for me to use Lubuntu (ubuntu with lxde) ?16:48
stlsaintubuntucu_ahmet: if you want to stick to lxde than i suggest lubuntu16:53
stlsaintubuntucu_ahmet: if you just want to test lxde with ubuntu than install the lubuntu-desktop package16:53
ubuntucu_ahmetstlsaint: i jt need to know what will i lose if i start Lubuntu ?16:53
ubuntucu_ahmetstlsaint: you told me to test it....16:54
stlsaintubuntucu_ahmet: programming and filemanager for one16:54
ubuntucu_ahmetprogramming ?16:54
stlsaintubuntucu_ahmet: download the iso and give it a test in a vbox16:54
stlsaintubuntucu_ahmet: sorry, i mean programs16:54
ubuntucu_ahmetok i will test it.16:54
stlsaintapplications are different from ubuntu and lubuntu16:54
ubuntucu_ahmeti can use all programs with lxde right ?16:54
ubuntucu_ahmeti understand... ok.16:55
ubuntucu_ahmetthank you!16:55
stlsaintno prob16:55
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elrosI'm happy that ubuntu has many functional desktops, including lxde18:21
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Tandyman100Well, lubuntu is the best debian-based distro for old computers. Period. I just installed 11.04 on my eMachines 633mhz, and it flies.23:14
phillwTandyman100: thank you for taking the time to say so :)23:51
Tandyman100Just discovered the netbook interface, so I'm almost definitely putting this on my EEE PC 90023:56

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