
litropyHi, peeps. I just upgraded to Oneiric. My desktop wouldn't redraw, so per a bug report, I installed gnome-themes-standard, and it worked. My only problem, which existed even before I installed gnome-themes-standard, is my window decoration is looking KDE-like. Keep in mind, I have not installed KDE. Here is a screengrab: http://imgur.com/tprm700:15
IdleOnelitropy: that appears to be what the theme is supposed to look like at this time00:18
IdleOnemy xchat looks the same00:18
coz_litropy,  that's an odd looking theme :)00:20
litropyIdleOne: so what has the theme defaulted to? I remember seeing something like this during the early days of Natty. It seems to be some kind of safety theme?00:22
IdleOneappears to be. I usually just use the default anyway.00:23
IdleOneI can't be bothered00:23
BUGabundoThere is no theme yet00:23
trismlitropy: it is Adwaita (the one in gnome-themes-standard, and the only gtk 3 theme in the repo at the moment), there are more online if you would prefer a different one00:23
BUGabundotrism: link?00:24
BUGabundoCause I sure do00:24
trismBUGabundo: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/more-gnome-3-themes-hope-adwance-gtk3.html00:25
trismBUGabundo: you can change them in dconf-editor after extracting them to ~/.themes, org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme00:26
coz_that doesnt look like adwaita,,, googling00:26
trismcoz_: it is00:26
trismcoz_: it looks a bit different if you are using gnome-fallback though (the panels take a different theme)00:27
BUGabundoThat's a life saver00:27
BUGabundoBut for next few days ill be on my tablet00:28
BUGabundoTo finish the review00:28
coz_trism,  must be different adwaita themes  I found one used on fedora for gtk2  advaicium adwaita and another aldabra adwaita00:28
trismcoz_: well, adwaita is a theme but it is although an engine00:29
coz_trism,  ah ok that certainly explains the different themes00:29
coz_I like the advacium from gnome300:29
trismcoz_: do you have a link? I couldn't find it (and 'although' = 'also' in previous message)00:40
coz_yeah hold on00:40
coz_trism,   http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/advaicium-adwaita-theme-ported-to-gtk2.html   this is the default theme in gnome3  on fedora ,, i though it was quite nicely done,, very minimalistic00:42
coz_trism,   advacium adwaita theme00:43
coz_trism,  this is the aldabra adwaita  ported    http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/aldabra-gtk2-port-of-gnome-3s-default-theme/00:44
coz_anyway ,, those are the themes I usually associate with adwaita00:46
trismcoz_: thanks, checking them out00:47
litropyis samba4 going to be integral to Oneiric? My samba3 install works, and since I'm getting "ImportError: No module named ldb" when I attempt samba4, instead of going through the trouble to fix it, I'm considering just removing samba401:34
litropyFurthermore, if I end up fixing samba4, should I then remove samba3?01:40
litropydoes gnome-shell replace gtk3?04:18
litropyWow! I am really liking gnom-shell! Is Oneiric eventually going to use this by default?04:38
litropyAnd how do I get ubuntu to load this by default?04:39
rwwno, it isn't04:39
rwwI imagine the login manager saves your session preference, doesn't it?04:39
litropyyeah. I'm using gdm. What was I running before? GTK3?04:40
rwwI don't know what you think GTK3 is, but it's actually a graphics toolkit :|04:40
litropyMmm. Well, I installed gnome shell. Then, I ran gnome-shell after pressing my Super key and seeing nothing different. Then, my term said, "try gnome-shell replace." Did I just replace Wayland or something?04:42
litropygnome-shell --replace*04:42
rwwAre you using random words instead of 'Unity' or something :|04:43
litropySo, wait. Unity was my window manager before I replaced it with gnome-shell. Right?04:44
litropyThat's right - wayland replaced X04:45
litropyit's all coming back to me now.04:45
rwwgnome-shell and Unity are shell interfaces04:45
rwwWayland hasn't replaced X yet.04:45
litropyreally? not even in Oneiric Alpha?04:45
rwwunless I missed a UDS session, it's going to be on the order of years from now04:45
rwwsabdfl's blog entry back in November said "eventually" ;P04:46
litropyGosh, this is really nicely done. Perfect for my netbook.04:47
litropyEverything is nice and snappy as well. Smooth fade-ins and fade-outs, even for my on-chip GPU.04:48
litropygdm doesn't list my window manager options. The icon for the menu has a red X, and when I click it, a tiny rectangle that looks like it would be the border of the list, if the list had vales withinit, pops up. Any ideas?05:11
litropyweird ... dpkg-reconfigure gdm hangs for a split second, then exits cleanly ... without spawning a dpkg-reconfigure window.05:22
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astraljavaHey all, does anyone have an idea why apt-get cannot install ubuntustudio-desktop^, even though after install tasksel, it can be found from /usr/share/tasksel/ubuntu-tasks.desc, and ubuntu-desktop^ works? Here's log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/617493/13:38
bazhangastraljava, in 11.10?13:40
astraljavabazhang: Yes, that's why I'm asking in this channel.13:40
astraljavabazhang: But I only now realized that it doesn't work in natty either, so I will have to do some deeper research here.13:41
bazhang!info ubuntustudio-desktop13:41
ubottuubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 40 kB13:41
bazhangwhy would you use tasksel for that13:41
astraljavabazhang: I'm looking into installing a task, not a package.13:42
geserwhat error do you get when you try to install it?13:52
astraljavageser: It's all in that link I referred to in my question. http://paste.ubuntu.com/617493/13:54
astraljavasorry, alternatively could someone point to a correct debug:: for apt.conf, so I would see how it tries to look for said task?13:57
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RoastedIs Gnome Classic still going to be removed from 11.10?15:58
arandRoasted: That's the plan.16:00
charlie-tcabut 2d fallback is real nice16:01
Roastedthat's extremely disappointing16:01
charlie-tcawell, maybe that should be "looks nice"16:01
RoastedWhen will the dual screen/unity issue be fixed? is that 11.10 or will it be pushed upward to 11.04?16:03
arandWell, I guess the place to follow that woul be on the bug report..16:05
arand(There is one, right?)16:05
PiciI think I saw a fix land in natty -proposed for the dual screen issue for unity.16:06
Roastedwell I heard there was a bug for it already16:09
RoastedI was in the classroom chat with shuttleworth and that's one of the questions I asked16:09
Roastedhe said it was being worked on currently but I forgot to ask if it was meant for this release or 11.1016:09
arandSearching launchpad would be the way to find out, I presume16:09
Roastedit was about being able to put the unity bar on the right monitor instead of it defaulting to the left one all the time... cause my 2nd monitor is my left monitor. real pita... so much of a pita I don't use unity on that desktop :(16:10
Roastedwell sorry, I just figured I'd ask here to see if anybody knew off the top of their head16:10
Picibug 74314916:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 743149 in unity (Ubuntu) "with second monitor, first monitor does not show nautilus application/global menu when displaying desktop" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74314916:10
Roastedfix released?16:10
PiciIf thats the bug, the fix has already hit natty.16:10
Roastedthen.. where was I16:11
RoastedI'm not seeing in this how I can push it to the right monitor, tho16:14
coz_Roasted,   the launcher or the upper panel?16:14
Roastedthe unity launcher16:14
coz_Roasted, oh   no that one I dont see in  11.0416:15
Roastedit defaults to the left, but for me that's my 2nd monitor. I want it on my right monitor.16:15
coz_Roasted,  nvidia?16:18
Roastedand intel16:19
coz_Roasted,  oh16:19
lucidfoxSo, I've just did a clean install of Oneiric with Unity, and I have some problems16:22
lucidfox1. The desktop background is black16:22
lucidfox2. Window buttons (close, minimize, maximize) are missing16:23
lucidfox3. The "install" button in Software Center is greyed out16:23
IdleOnelucidfox: the control buttons should be on the top panel for all your open windows16:25
IdleOneneed to mouse over to see them16:25
charlie-tcaum, 2d is missing the buttons16:25
IdleOnedid not know that16:25
lucidfoxNope, nothing there either - except for Chromium16:27
lucidfoxthe buttons are only missing in Unity 3D, not 2D16:27
charlie-tcabug791081 is for 2d16:28
IdleOnelucidfox: you installed all updates?16:28
charlie-tcabug 791081 is for 2d16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791081 in compiz (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Missing windows buttons" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79108116:28
IdleOnewell it is alpha...16:29
IdleOnereport bugs :)16:29
charlie-tcasorry, yeah, I can't find a 3d bug for missing buttons16:29
IdleOnecharlie-tca: 2d uses compiz?16:30
lucidfoxHonestly, I don't count on the developers actually paying attention to my bugs16:30
charlie-tcaI don't think so, IdleOne16:30
charlie-tcabut apport tagged it 2d, the reporter may not know what it is using16:31
lucidfoxfor example, the one about the + magnifying lens being unintuitive has been hanging there with no response whatsoever16:31
lucidfox* icon16:31
IdleOnecharlie-tca: ah, ok.16:31
charlie-tcaDevelopers are looking at all the bugs, but will pick the ones they consider most important to work first16:32
IdleOnesomething tells me Unity bugs are high priority16:32
lucidfoxAlso, even when the buttons *were* displayed, the top panel didn't respect the Metacity button positioning settings16:34
lucidfox(so, for example, moving the buttons to the right only worked on unmaximized windows)16:35
IdleOnelucidfox: that was intentional I believe as the buttons being on the right in the panel would mess with the indicators16:43
lucidfoxHow? Just move the buttons to just before the indicators.16:43
lucidfoxHonoring the setting in one place and ignoring it in another results in inconsistent user experience16:43
IdleOnelucidfox: I am just saying what i believe the reasoning is.16:45
IdleOnenot saying I like it :/16:45
lucidfoxThere is no global menu in GTK3 applications, is that normal?16:55
lucidfoxah right, appmenu-gtk316:58
lucidfoxstrange it's not installed by default16:58
CarlFKhow do I disable the screen saver from locking the term (requires entering a password to unlock)16:59
IdleOneCarlFK: Super, search for Screen and move the little slide button over top of ON17:00
IdleOneSuper key*17:01
IdleOnethat annoyed me also when it was enabled out of nowhere17:01
CarlFKIdleOne: thanks.  found the on.off.17:04
IdleOnesure thing17:04
IdleOneI guess slidding a button is easier on touch screens?17:05
IdleOnewho knows...wish I had the money to have such problems17:05
CarlFKany idea where that is saved?  in natty I disabled it with:17:09
CarlFKchroot $TARGET gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type bool --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled false17:09
CarlFKwhich isn't the lock on/off thing, but either way, cuz that no longer diables the screen saver, thus the locked, thus me grumpy17:10
IdleOneah, no that isn't it17:19
Volkodavi can't login to gnome for some reason17:27
Volkodavfailed to load session "gnome" is the error17:28
Volkodavis it a bug or just me ?17:29
CarlFKIdleOne: gconftool-2 --dump / > gc.xml   change off to on, no change in --dump17:29
CarlFKsame with the "dim to save power" checkbox17:30
CarlFKgah!!  how do I change what happens when I close the lid?  (currwently sleeps, I want "blank screen"17:32
CarlFKthe power dialog doesn't have an option for "lid closed"  I am guessing this is a bug17:34
CarlFKwho picked a code name I cant remember how to spell?17:45
IdleOneMark did17:45
CarlFKwhat;s his number, I need to call him up and explain my dissatisfaction in his name choice.17:46
IdleOneyou can email him. I don't think he takes personal calls at work17:46
CarlFKsmart man17:47
astraljavaNevermind about that, but as people in the past always referred to by the name, not the species, I was completely stumped when someone pointed to ocelot. I thought [s]he was out of his/her mind.17:47
IdleOneCarlFK: I remember by thinking of it as One Eye Ric17:47
IdleOnemakes sense in my head..ymmv17:48
CarlFKI thought that too.  and then was lost the next day.17:48
charlie-tcaWe changed the pronunciation at UDS, too17:48
macooh really? i was saying oh-nair-ick17:49
charlie-tcajust to make it more confusing, I think...17:49
macolike the stuff to get rid of hair on your legs17:49
charlie-tcaworks for me17:49
charlie-tcaIt was kind of confusing for me.17:49
macoi hear feisty was troublesome on this front17:50
charlie-tcaI could believe that, too17:50
macothe americans say "fai stee" and the europeans said "fee stee"17:50
macoi dont know what the brits did17:50
IdleOneI pronounced it Fys Tea17:51
macoIdleOne: is that like fisty?17:53
rwwoneiric = one + irc + s/c/ic/17:53
IdleOnemaco: no, Fys as in the y sound in psy17:54
macooh, so same as fai17:54
IdleOnehehe yeah I guess so17:54
zonkersis anyone maintaining a repo that will install the ubuntu classic interface?20:14
micahgzonkers: the GNOME apps that make up Ubuntu classic will be EOL upstream when 3.2 is release20:19
zonkersdo you think some third party will have it?20:21
zonkersassuming EOL means end of life.20:21
yofelI heard that gnome3 will have a panel version too, doesn't it?20:22
trismzonkers: we have gnome-session-fallback, it is classic-ish (once you figure out you need to alt+right click to edit the panels now)20:23
zonkersi have tried unity and gnome 3 and dont' know why i'm forced to change. It's not neccessarily for me but brother and mom20:24
trismzonkers: it looks pretty much like the old interface, just with a bit of a different theme now that the ubuntu patches are dropped20:25
yofellucid will still be supported for 2 years and you could try xfce or lxde if you want an old-style interface20:25
zonkersi bet personally, i go with xfce but that's me.  non of the developers have to support brother and mom who are computer illiterates20:27
yofeldunno, I find unity pretty simple to use once you get used to it. I personally use KDE20:29
zonkerswell my first 20 minutes with unity, i had to turn it off.  I may have to give it another shot.20:31
zonkersmy first 15 minutes with G3 were like... omg.  i have to bolt20:31
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yofelI did try g3 for a while from the PPA, but having to open that apps menu every time I wanted to switch between apps became annoying fast20:54
yofelno, alt+tab is not a replacement for the panel20:54
zonkersmaybe they'll fix g3 for those who like it old time20:55
yofelwell, there is a panel fallback if your graphics driver doesn't support opengl, haven't tried that much yet20:56
zonkerswhat kernel will 11.10 be on?21:07
bazhang!info linux21:09
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)21:09
bazhangstill too early to tell yet I guess or the bot has not been updated21:10
cwillu_at_work3.0 or better I'd wager21:10
charlie-tcaWas going to be -4021:11
cwillu_at_workwhich is 3.021:11
yofel!info linux oneiric21:11
astraljavaFrom kernel team meeting minutes: "This also means we'll target One21:11
astraljavairic to release with a v3.0 kernel rather than v2.6.40.21:11
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)21:11
yofeljussi: fix the default21:11
yofelplease ;)21:11
jussi!info linux21:12
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)21:12
jussiyofel: happy?21:13
saammis there any command to measure current mouse sensitivity?21:17
Volkodavhmm still can't login to gnome ... anybody?21:29
vladanianHey, peeps, any of you know how to change the theme in oneiric?21:39
trismvladanian: you can set the gtk theme with: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme ThemeName; (or in dconf-editor), the metacity theme is still in gconf-editor: apps/metacity/general/theme although I imagine that will change soon once gconf is purged from the cd21:48
trismvladanian: I don't know if we have a nice appearances gui anywhere yet21:49
vladaniantrism, ah, ok, thanks21:49
vladaniantrism, I've got that gconfd is broken look going on21:49
trismvladanian: you may need to install gnome-themes-standard21:50
vladaniantrism, thanks, I'll check it out21:50
elroshi, just upgraded to oneiric22:56
elrostransition went quite smoothly, had xfce & lxde installed and removed major portions of gnome before upgrade, no big issues so far22:57
elrosbut now I have three instances of NetworkManager in my lxde systray, is this common?22:58
pfifowhats the recommended method to install?23:04
astraljavapfifo: Well there are new alpha1 install isos out there: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/alpha-1/23:08
pfifodoes this channel cover xubuntu+1 as well?23:10
astraljavaSo they say on the xubuntu channel.23:13
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