
coalwaterelks294, u can on the system monitor, but i dont know hot to st it permenantly00:09
rpfError404NotFound: thanks for your help.  I finally got the VMware tools installed, and can open a shared folder.  I'm on my way!00:38
Error404NotFoundim having problems now...00:38
rpfwith what?00:39
Error404NotFoundwireless driver00:40
Error404NotFoundkeeps dc'in00:40
rpfhmmm... i'm no help there.  good luck!00:40
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Error404NotFoundholstein:  where can i get a better driver for wireless nic00:45
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Drucyliahey folks.08:18
DrucyliaI'm probably gonna sounds real dumb, but I have a boot issue with the live boot disc, 11.04, burned at 1X. the MD5 verifies fine08:19
BactaHi all, is there anything I need to know about upgrading from 10.04 to 11.04?12:05
coalwaterBacta, it should be alright but i (just a personal opinion) think it's better to do a fresh installation, on a different drive, then migrate my data after the installation, some people have had some problems with the upgrade process, i'm not sure if it's more stable now or not12:34
BactaAre the hardware requirements any different?12:35
coalwaternot really, just the unity interface needs some hardware acceleration12:37
coalwaterif not found it falls back to the classic gnome-panel12:37
BactaHave they got the window icons back on the right in this one? ;)12:38
coalwaterwhat do u mean?12:38
Bactaa few releases ago they moved the window icons (minimise, maximise and close) from the right to the left12:39
coalwaterit depends on the theme actually12:39
coalwaterand yea it's by default on the left12:39
coalwateri got used to it12:39
head_victimIf anyone has any time to help a friend, I am not sure where to go from here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177348313:25
r4yAre the log files under "/home/username/.local/share/gvfs-metadata" meant to be read ever?, and if so how?14:29
r4yNever mind, I was just curious. Bye14:35
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stlsaintheyo anyone around?15:12
holsteinstlsaint: o/15:13
stlsaintholstein: hey you know much on briding nics15:14
holsteinstlsaint: sorry...15:15
stlsaintholstein: shucks15:16
stlsaintback to google it is15:16
bodhi_zazenpleia2: poke20:22
pleia2bodhi_zazen: hey20:28
bodhi_zazenpleia2: do you have time for a PM ?20:30
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Error404NotFoundcan anyone tell me how to change resolution in natty?22:12
Error404NotFoundholstein:  bioterror22:15
Error404NotFoundhelp plox22:15
holsteinError404NotFound: o/22:40
holsteini just use the GUI for the most part22:41
holsteinive made a few custom xorg.conf files in the past22:41
holsteinactually, ive cheated, and stolen the xorg.conf's from knoppix22:41
bioterrorwhy the stealing?22:46
bioterrorXorg -configure22:47
bioterrorand you got one :D22:47
bioterrorwith ATI some tweaks22:47
holsteinbioterror: im not sure, with a few tricky nvidia devices, that seemed to be the easiest way to get a good config22:47
holstein*it worked at least after a little tweaking22:48
bioterrorI can remember how things got easier when Xorg replaced XF8622:48
holsteinthe -realtime kernel was patched for use with the nvidia proprietary driver though, so im using that driver now, and the nvidia GUI22:49
holsteinbioterror: i hope the trend continues with wayland :)22:49
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bioterrortime will show22:49
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alessio_alexHello, what's the easiest way to make an image of my current Ubuntu (I want to install the same config on a server somewhere, such as Amazon AWS). Thanks23:39
holsteinalessio_alex: dd ?23:39
alessio_alexso basically I just need to compress the Ubuntu filesystem23:42
alessio_alexand copy to server after installing Ubuntu there?23:42
holsteinif you want to compress it, sure23:43
holsteindd will just copy whatever to where ever23:43
alessio_alexdoesn't dd compress?23:43
holsteintypically, you just backup the /home directory23:43
alessio_alexwell... I want all my programs to be there23:43
alessio_alexRuby, PHP etc23:43
holsteintheres all kinds of tools for imaging... filezilla or whatever23:43
holsteinalessio_alex: yeah, do it however you want, you can save that list of installed apps too AFAIK23:44
alessio_alexok, thank you :)23:45
ysisallessio_alex: clonezilla23:51
ysisoh, already gone23:52
holsteinlol, i said filezilla ;)23:53
holsteini was off getting the link anyways, and they took off23:53

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