
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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koolhead11hi all10:20
TeTeThi koolhead1110:36
koolhead11hello TeTeT10:39
koolhead11hi Kiall10:39
kim0koolhead11: hey man :)10:53
koolhead11kim0, how are things :D10:53
kim0all good :)10:54
kim0writing Ensemble formula (for writing a writer's tutorial)10:54
kim0uncovered many bugs which Gustavo is resolving10:54
koolhead11i saw this 25$ device running ubuntu10:55
kim0yeah it's a lot of fun10:55
kim0yeha seen that10:55
koolhead11on prakas`s blog10:55
kim0yeah that's awesome10:56
koolhead11UK Ngo working on it. looks awesome :D10:56
* koolhead11 needs this device :)10:57
koolhead11kim0, ping11:48
muppisPlanning to set up two Storage Controllers to tave one for backup. Any hint to keep them in sync?13:12
TeTeTmuppis: two walrus or two sc?13:15
muppisTeTeT, sc13:16
muppisOr no matter, which one is easier.13:16
TeTeTmuppis: I'd try to make the dir where the vgs reside on the vg redundant, probably with drbd13:17
TeTeTmuppis: it's one of the things I'd love to try if I had enough h/w for it13:17
muppisWell, I'm making a plan to our customer about two HP DL380 (with 16 x 600 GB SAS disks) sc's coonected to each other with 10 Gbps fiber.13:20
muppisTeTeT, thank you. That could be the thing I've been looking for. :)13:28
TeTeTmuppis: even when using drbd, you need to be aware that hot fail-over is probably not possible, as the SC's ip is hardcoded in UEC13:30
muppisMaybe I invest some workaround for it.13:35
hallynSpamapS: in a formula 'provides/requires' in the metadata, is the interface for a 'requires' valid so long as it matches a 'provides' from another formula?15:19
hallynSpamapS: is the whole syntax documented somewhere?15:20
hallynoh i think i get it15:23
* hallyn finally found the relation.rst file15:32
kim0hallyn: would https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs/ be easier to read :)15:42
hallynactually the textfiles are really nice15:42
hallynkim0: you'd *think* that url would be easier, but there are too many fonts and it kinda makes the eye tired15:43
kim0hallyn: nothing better than a terminal trained eye ;)15:43
hallynnow i'm just trying to figure out which slave hook gets called after master-relation-joined (to pull a variable that the master just set)15:44
hallyni haven't found a definitive timeline15:44
kim0hallyn: afaik, after a joined fires, a "changed" fires as well15:48
hallynkim0: right, but which goes first, master or slave?15:53
kim0hallyn: which one fires first ?15:54
kim0afaik, the order is non deterministic15:54
kim0hallyn: you'd better jump in #ubuntu-ensemble15:54
hallynoh, ithought that had gotten consolidated into this one15:55
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
SpamapShallyn: joined always fires before changed the first time16:36
hallynSpamapS: i was asking about master vs slave for either joined or changed,16:37
hallynSpamapS: but #ubuntu-ensemble gave me waht i needed.  thanks!16:37
hallynSpamapS: this is great fun, btw16:37
SpamapSoh I'm an hour behind. ;)16:40
SpamapShallyn: isn't it?16:40
SpamapSI'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so16:40
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=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
nRyCan someone please tell me what happened to AMI: ubuntu-natty-daily-amd64-server-20110323  ???20:55
nRyI am trying to find am Ubuntu GPU AMI on EC220:55
nRyand I was told during the Ubuntu Cloud Days that ubuntu-natty-daily-amd64-server-20110323 was the AMI I should test with20:55
nRybut can't find it now20:55
kim0nRy: as new versions are released .. old one are removed21:03
kim0nRy: check out natty ami-1cad527521:04
kim0nRy: search for "cluster" on http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/21:04
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
nRythank you KimO23:05
nRyor kim023:05
nRycould not find any images for: natty ami-1cad527523:06
nRyfound these two AMI's when I searched for "cluster" http://screencast.com/t/jSp4A9CwW23:07
nRyare either of these GPU instances?23:07
nRyok, I figured it out23:10
nRyami-1cad5275 is a GPU instance23:11
nRythanks for the help23:11
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler

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