
jcastrorobert_ancell: well, lightdm is delightfully boring00:29
hallynunity-2d fails to start inside KVM.  bug 792075 has the xsession-errors file.  Does anything in there look like a plausible first cause?00:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 792075 in qemu-kvm "oneiric live-cd does not work" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79207500:29
robert_ancelljcastro, wait for the quake greeter :)00:29
jcastroquake greeter?00:29
jcastrodo I have to shoot something to log in or something?00:30
robert_ancelljcastro, where you shoot your character to login!00:30
chrisccoulsoni should try out lighdm01:01
chrisccoulsoncan i run a browser in the greeter session though?01:02
alex3fgood morning07:48
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:51
RAOFHey there chrisccoulson08:06
chrisccoulsonhey RAOF, how are you?08:06
chrisccoulsonno pitti this morning?08:07
RAOFAlso, marvelling at the 9.4MiB openjdk buildlog.08:07
RAOFIt's a pitti-holiday is it not?08:08
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm glad i don't maintain openjdk ;)08:08
chrisccoulsonpitti was on vacation yesterday, but i'm not sure about today08:08
chrisccoulsonoh, he has a swap day today08:09
chrisccoulsondoes anyone here still run natty?08:11
RAOFI think TheMuso's still on Natty?08:11
broderi still use natty08:11
brodersometimes i even use maverick08:11
broderwhat do you need? :)08:12
chrisccoulsonbroder, would you mind installing thunderbird from the archive, then adding https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/mozilla-test/+packages and upgrading to the latest beta? i want to make sure these builds work before i copy them in to the thunderbird-next PPA :)08:12
broderchrisccoulson: sure, please hold...08:13
chrisccoulsoni can test the lucid build here (i still have a desktop running lucid), but i don't have any machines running maverick or natty08:14
broderchrisccoulson: seems to startup fine. anything in particular you want me to try?08:19
broder(i don't have a profile or anything configured in tb at the moment)08:19
broderchrisccoulson: i need to hit the sack at this point, but on a surface level, things look fine for natty. cheers08:26
chrisccoulsonbroder, excellent, thanks :)08:32
chrisccoulsoni'll copy that to the thunderbird-next PPA shortly08:33
chrisccoulsonso, this silly window that takes up my entire screen when i dock my laptop,and shows a sad face telling me i need to log out is actually from gnome-session08:37
chrisccoulsoncan we please get rid of that, it's awful?08:37
chrisccoulsoni've got no idea what causes it to show, but my session is working fine underneath (i think maybe compiz crashed and restarted when i docked, but that's all)08:38
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?08:49
seb128hey chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks, how are you?08:52
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chr1sccoulson
chr1sccoulsonseb128, i'm good thanks08:53
chr1sccoulsonjust testing firefox updates on my lucid machine ;)08:53
chr1sccoulsoni really should upgrade this at some point08:53
chr1sccoulsonjo is incredible, she hasn't applied a single security update since i last used it08:54
chr1sccoulsonshe just closes update-manager when it appears!08:54
chr1sccoulsonwe should do auto updates for security ;)08:54
seb128who care about security, it's easier to just close the annoying dialog :p08:56
chr1sccoulsonindeed :)08:57
seb128chrisccoulson, by reading gnome-session code that screen is displayed when the session fails to respawn something that quited09:00
chr1sccoulsonseb128, yeah, i just took a look at that too09:00
seb128chr1sccoulson, if that's a required application09:00
seb128so could be compiz segfaulting out of the fact that it should respawn09:01
chr1sccoulsonseb128, i think compiz did crash, but it also restarted again09:01
seb128hey rodrigo_, how are you?09:01
chr1sccoulsoni'm not entirely sure, i'd need to check again09:01
chr1sccoulsonbut compiz was definitely running09:01
seb128        if (!gsm_app_restart (app, &error)) {09:02
seb128                if (is_app_required (manager, app)) {09:02
seb128                        on_required_app_failure (manager, app);09:02
seb128basically is what it does09:02
seb128run gnome-session --debug maybe and dock your laptop and look at the session log09:03
rodrigo_hi seb128, I'm  a bit sleepy, still some (small) toothache :(09:06
rodrigo_seb128, how are you?09:06
seb128I'm fine thanks09:07
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, not off today?09:08
seb128no, yesterday was an holiday today is not, I decided to do an half day each day basically so I've one day off on 2 days ;-)09:09
seb128i.e I will be mostly off the afternoon09:09
rodrigo_yeah, but yesterday you were not off, I saw you working most of the day :)09:10
rodrigo_or at least around irc :)09:10
seb128right, as I said I did half a day :p09:10
seb128yeah, I had IRC running but I watch tennis most of the afternoon :p09:10
seb128will do the same today09:10
rodrigo_ah, ok :)09:10
rodrigo_roland garros?09:11
seb128it's the end of the second weeks so great games from now on ;-)09:11
rodrigo_I don't follow much tennis, I used to always fall asleep when watching games after lunch :)09:12
rodrigo_but yes, I guess I should watch Nadal some day :)09:12
seb128he's playing this afternoon ;-)09:12
rodrigo_ah, ok09:12
seb128he's playing against murray so you can argue with chrisccoulson who between Spain and the UK is better ;-)09:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, are you able to approve https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/5.0~b1+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu1/+build/2543042 ?09:23
seb128chrisccoulson, what desktop work will you do in exchange? ;-)09:24
chrisccoulsonseb128, anything you want ;)09:24
chrisccoulsonor i can get you a beer in dublin?09:24
seb128that works as well09:24
seb128ok, accepted09:24
seb128beer waouh \o/09:25
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks :)09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, you want the firefox one as well I guess?09:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, is that in the new queue as well?09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/72887307/firefox_5.0~b3%2Bbuild1%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1_i386.changes09:25
chrisccoulsonyes, i added some transitional language packs09:25
chrisccoulsoni remember now ;)09:25
seb128double beer? ;-)09:26
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:26
seb128why is evo such a piece of crap sometimes?09:26
chrisccoulsonwe'll get another firefox beta next week!09:26
seb128the "show" combo is on all messages and it shows only the unread ones09:27
chrisccoulsoni'm starting to wonder whether i'm creating more work by tracking the beta channel in oneiric ;)09:27
chrisccoulsonseb128, use thunderbird!09:27
* chrisccoulson hides09:27
seb128I might do that to try once you get the e-d-s and unity integration done09:27
seb128you being tb team, not you only don't worry09:27
alex3f!seen mvo09:27
ubot2I have no seen command09:27
seb128alex3f, yesterday was an holiday in germany he might have taken today off to have a long w.e09:28
alex3fthank you seb128!09:28
chrisccoulsoni'm going to upload mike's current work for thunderbird in the next day or so09:28
chrisccoulsonit's looking good :)09:28
seb128alex3f, yw09:29
seb128chrisccoulson, great!09:29
seb128chrisccoulson, you still use both? evo for your work machine and tb otherwise?09:29
seb128do you use it for emails as well on your work box or just calendar?09:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. and it will probably stay that way :)09:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i use evo for everything on my work machine09:29
seb128do you see a speed difference on imap, etc nowadays? (just curious)09:30
chrisccoulsonnot too much, but then i only have my gmail account set up in thunderbird, and that's quite low traffic09:30
chrisccoulsonalthough evo is pretty slow for me because i have lots of filters set up which is probably not representative of most people ;)09:31
seb128right, I do filtering on the server side09:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, i wonder whether i should do that09:33
chrisccoulsonevo tends to decide to do the filtering when i want to read a mail, and then it makes me wait for 2 or 3 minutes until it has finished ;)09:34
seb128shouldn't it do that when do send&receive?09:34
seb128though I'm not even sure what that means for imap and idle :p09:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it does, but i have that run every 5 minutes09:35
chrisccoulsonso, there's a high probability of me catching it when it is running the filters09:35
seb128no need to send&receive nowadays on imap09:35
chrisccoulsoni wonder if gmail has an API for filters? having a local UI to set up server-side filtering would be cool :)09:35
seb128it would indeed, I'm not using gmail though, I'm using the canonical imap with a procmailrc09:36
RAOFLast time I tried gmail's filters weren't expressive enough to do what I wanted (like match on the Launchpad-* headers exclusively).09:40
cjwatsonpopey: I've added commentary there09:41
seb128chrisccoulson, do we still need python-gtkmozembed? debian dropped it from their python-gnome-extras build09:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, there's still quite a few packages depending on it09:42
RAOFBah.  What's the incantation for getting all the build-rdepends of a package again?09:42
chrisccoulsoni'm going to get rid of it at some point though09:42
cjwatsonpopey: it's not really a duplicate of the bug you marked, though, but whatever09:42
seb128chrisccoulson, the list of sources is09:43
seb128so 5 sources out of g-p-e itself09:44
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, those are all on here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance09:44
seb128those will be ported this cycle right?09:44
geserRAOF: ubuntu-dev-tools has a script for it (reverse-build-depends)09:44
seb128we would like stop building it and relying on the NBS binary until they are fixed? ;-)09:44
cdbsRAOF: Hey, any chances of a backport of upstream optimizations of intel sandy bridge GPUs to the ubuntu package xserver-xorg-video-intel? It seems those got dropped on the recent upload09:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. either that or they will be dropped ;)09:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, i sent out an e-mail asking for help with some of those, but nobody replied so far (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-May/033229.html)09:45
RAOFcdbs: To oneiric?  All the dropped patches should be in
seb128RAOF, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.oneiric/rdepends...?09:46
cdbsRAOF: Yeah, you're right. Correct09:46
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i like green: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/FirefoxUpgradeChecklist/5.009:52
chrisccoulsoni want more of it :)09:52
* RAOF wonders why we have *two* openjdk-6 source packages in main.10:03
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, so your call, drop python-mozembed yet or keep it still for a bit?10:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, i don't mind too much. we're going to drop it anyway, but should probably keep it for a little bit longer10:04
seb128well, it will stay available but listed in NBS if we stop building it10:05
seb128we can rely for NBS binaries for stable though so if it has to stay until next cycle we will need to build it again10:05
seb128ok, let me drop it from the build following debian's lead, if there is any issue we can revert that part of the diff10:06
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ works for you?10:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that's fine :)10:06
ogra_where does that horrid fullscreen crash message come from i see in oneiric, and is there a way to turn that off ?10:07
chrisccoulsonogra_, gnome-session. see the scrollback ;)10:08
ogra_oh, i should read first, sorry :)10:08
* ogra_ just got in again :)10:08
ogra_i can reliably make it crash by starting xchat under unity-2d10:11
popeycjwatson: thanks10:11
ogra_btw, beyond that (and teh missing themes) oneiric runs awesome on arm :)10:12
chrisccoulsoni wish people would stop reporting bugs against firefox about the moonlight plugin not working10:19
RAOFAh.  *That's* why there are two openjdk-6 sources in main.  One's for armel.  This build is going to be fun!10:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, you won a WI on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance \o/10:46
chrisccoulson(although, it's done already) ;)10:46
seb128chrisccoulson, ;-)10:46
seb128that's the best kind :p10:46
chrisccoulsonheh :)10:46
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seb128rodrigo_, btw you can probably drop the g-c-c 00_disable-nm.patch if you want with the new nm in oneiric11:24
rodrigo_oh, it's already in?11:25
seb128rodrigo_, 0.8.9997 has been uploaded on tuesday11:25
seb128not sure if that's enough or not11:25
seb128on monday rather11:26
rodrigo_ok, I'll try building it11:26
ogra_hmm, is lightdm supposed to give me a working session after login yet ?11:32
ogra_in oeniric that is11:32
* ogra_ only gets the Xorg cross cursor11:32
ogra_and it seems it only starts the xserver11:33
ogra_nothing in the processlist11:33
ogra_(ubuntu 2d is preselected and works fine in gdm)11:33
seb128check your .xsession-errors?11:34
ogra_hmm, will do11:34
ogra_but it doesnt look like it even gets that far11:34
jagdeephi everybody,I want some help i get installed google chromium on ubuntu 11.04 but it does not run .11:34
geserI got only a X when I tested lightdm too11:36
Tommehjagdeep: try running 'chromium-browser' from a terminal11:36
TommehIt might give you an error that helps.11:36
ogra_geser, ah, cool, so its not arch specific11:36
ogra_(/me is running on arm here)11:37
* geser on amd6411:37
ogra_and as i suspected, .xsession-errors is empty11:37
geserI've setup lightdm with auto-login and get logged in on boot but I something "crashes" and I've to log out but only get a X afterwards (trying to restart lightdm doesn't show a login window either)11:38
jagdeeptommeh:I tried it and got this message "Segmentation fault"11:40
Tommehsudo apt-get install --reinstall chromium-browser11:41
geserogra_: does your monitor freeze when you try to stop lightdm? (I get the X displayed but can't either move it nor switch the virtual console)11:41
ogra_geser, it starts X on tty1 ;)11:42
ogra_try ctrl-alt-f211:42
ogra_nothing freezes here, but no session is executed11:43
ogra_even creating .xsession and selecting user defined session does nothing11:43
seb128open a bug or email robert_ancell11:43
ogra_WARNING: Failed to fork: Cannot allocate memory11:45
ogra_last famous line in lightdm.log :)11:46
jagdeepTommeh:same msg again after reinstallation11:48
TommehBad times11:48
TommehTry cleaning your package cache11:49
TommehThen running the reinstall again11:49
Tommehsudo apt-get clean-all (I think)11:49
seb128ogra_, what greater do you use?11:49
seb128the gtk one?11:49
ogra_the default one if i install the lightdm package11:50
ogra_i think its gtk, yep11:50
jagdeepclean-all is not an operation11:50
chrisccoulsonhmmm, jo really shouldn't have left half a cheesecake in the fridge12:06
ogra_hmm. the vala-gtk greeter doesnt show up at all12:13
ogra_k, the vala greeter works better12:19
ogra_oh my, gnome3 fallback is ugly12:20
* ogra_ feels visually reminded on hildon12:20
chrisccoulsononeiric is ugly in general atm without having a gtk3 version of ambiance ;)12:21
ogra_i meant more the visual clunkyness and the centered clock ...12:22
ogra_the panels are huge at 1024x60012:22
jagdeephi everyone ,I need little help when i run google-chromium through terminal i get message :"Segmentation fault",what it means and why it does not run.12:46
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hallynwhich package does unity2d ship in?14:08
cyphermoxgood morning!14:18
cyphermoxhallyn: unity-2d?14:19
bcurtiswxgood morn all14:22
cyphermoxhey bcurtiswx14:23
bcurtiswxhey :)14:23
hallyncyphermox: i don't seem to have such a package14:25
hallynwell i swear it was offering it to me at login as an option, but apparently not on this laptop...14:26
hallyncyphermox: thanks14:26
geserhallyn: oneiric? select "Ubuntu 2D" to get unity-2d14:51
hallynthanks - my laptop is natty, i just needed to know what to file a bug against.14:53
hallynand thought i *had* 2d, but obviously don't14:53
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i added the empathy count for the launcher to telepathy-indicator, uploading in a few15:42
bcurtiswxkenvandine, great! i am reading through the docbook for tp15:43
bcurtiswxtrying to understand your code15:43
* bcurtiswx thinks kenvandine needs a -doc build ;)15:43
kenvandinehehe... not a library :)15:44
bcurtiswxits libken ;)15:48
bcurtiswxkenvandine, are you have it build, or wait for us to test?15:50
bcurtiswxgoing to...*15:50
kenvandineyou can grab the package branch, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/telepathy-indicator/ubuntu and build it locally15:50
kenvandinenot sure how busy the builders are15:50
bcurtiswxOK so it's going to be maintained by desktop team, cool15:51
bcurtiswxkenvandine, i thought the ~ubuntu-desktop was only supposed to contain the debian directory? it pulled it all here15:55
kenvandinethis is a source package branch15:56
bcurtiswxkenvandine, what revision has launcher numbers?15:59
bcurtiswxin vcs16:00
kenvandinerev 3016:02
bcurtiswxkenvandine, so upon clicking the launcher on a new IM, in natty didn't that open a window? or was that strictly the me-menu?16:11
kenvandineshould just open the contact list16:12
bcurtiswxworks fine here16:16
seb128cdbs, the vino discussion is not really specific to desktop especially that the concern are security ones that's why I didn't point the submitter the desktop list on the bug...16:39
bcurtiswxseb seems to be fighting the internet and the internet keeps winning18:13
bcurtiswxfor those that don't have join/part he's going of lot of that ;)18:13
kenvandinequiet day :)19:26
bcurtiswxhow long is ssh timeout and can you change that?21:50
bcurtiswxif anyone is interested, i have empathy 3.1.1 with location and map enabled in my PPA22:30

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