
sqiush102I apologize if this has been asked many times, but what is the best way of going from an 10.04 to 11.04 and it is also on new equipment, but I need to move all my recordings across?00:50
sqiush102should i get a 10.04 on new equipment and configured with the recordings and then install 11.04?00:50
sqiush102and Shadow__X, what i have is a combined FE/BE on very old hardware, so I am going to new quad and thought I would do the mythbuntu upgrade at same time00:51
=== sqiush102 is now known as squish103
Shadow__Xsquish103: oh ok a good thing to do is look at the mythtv docs for backups02:11
Shadow__Xyou want to backup your db and backup your recordings at the very least. Within those docs there are a lot of information02:11
Shadow__Xalso you want to make sure you update your hostname if you will be changing it02:11
squish103thanks Shadow__X, I will look for it03:02
Shadow__Xsquish103: yup03:57
=== Gibby_ is now known as Gibby
PerdignusHello - I'm trying to trouble shoot the MythWeb error "200, stream not found, NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound, clip" when I play a recording, but I don't see anything in the backend or apache log files to help, can someone offer me some direction please?16:59
PerdignusI have ffmpeg installed, so I don't think that is the issue, unless there is someplace to tell MythWeb where to find ffmpeg, which is a setting I can't seem to find17:00
PerdignusRemoving "/tv/detail" from the url results in "An unknown module was specified" so perhaps I'm missing a required Apache module?17:05
digitalstimulusHello, I am having a strange problem where mythbuntu repositories work on one computer and 20 feet away on another computer apt receives a "403 Forbidden" error.  I tried searching online but haven't been able to resolve it.  Both DNS are the same, networking equipment has been rebooted, etc.  Working is 11.04, non-working is 10.0418:45
digitalstimulusI guess the question is any ideas on how to resolve this problem?18:51
Perdignusdigitalstimulus: you're sure that "nslookup somehost.com" results in the same IP address on both computers?18:58
tgm4883digitalstimulus, can you pastebin the full error from the non-working machien18:59
digitalstimulusI will try nslookup19:00
tgm4883digitalstimulus, or possibly better question. What mythtv version are you trying to use on the 10.04 machine?19:00
tgm4883although most should work on 10.0419:00
digitalstimulusit was working until about a couple of weeks ago.  0.2419:01
digitalstimuluson both machines19:01
tgm4883digitalstimulus, what repo?19:01
digitalstimulusmythbuntu, i'll pastebin the repos when it times out19:01
tgm4883digitalstimulus, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-repos.list file19:01
tgm4883from the non-working machine19:01
digitalstimulusstill waiting for apt to timeout, it always takes a while19:07
digitalstimulusor whatever it does, heh19:07
tgm4883digitalstimulus, you don't need to wait for it to timeout to grab mythbuntu-repos.list19:09
digitalstimulusi'm pastebinning it all together19:10
tgm4883digitalstimulus, ok19:10
tgm4883digitalstimulus, out of curiosity, in mythbuntu-repos.list, does it say 0.24 or 0.24.x19:10
digitalstimuluseb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu lucid main19:11
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu19:11
digitalstimulusapt-get upgrade is actually downloading mythbuntu updates now, but apt-get update shows Ign next to mythbuntu repositories19:13
digitalstimulusmaybe not.  my brain is slow this morning, I just woke up19:16
Zinn[pastebin.com] [Bash] mediabox@mediabox:~$> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-repos.list deb ht - Pastebin.com19:17
digitalstimulusbah, I need to get going for a few hours, but I will be back to investigate it further.19:20
digitalstimulusthanks all for the help19:20
tgm4883I see a single error19:24
tgm4883which isn't us19:24
Shadow__Xthe testing repo?19:25
* tgm4883 waves hand19:30
tgm4883Shadow__X, these aren't the repos you're looking for19:30
tgm4883Shadow__X, to be serious though, yea it's on now19:31
Shadow__Xso what was the single error19:31
tgm4883W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-updates/universe/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2  Error reading from server - read (104: Connection reset by peer) [IP: 80]19:31
tgm4883that isn't a mythbuntu thing19:32
tgm4883based on his logs, looks like he might be using a proxy19:32
Shadow__Xah ok igotcha so then why was he having issues, oh19:32
tgm4883IDK, everything seems to have upgraded correctly19:32
tgm4883I can only theorize that19:32
Shadow__Xhmm yeah19:33
tgm48831) he had 0.24.x in there (known issue) and that is why he was getting the errors19:33
Shadow__Xspeaking of which i did not realize we had .24.1 being built already, i need to switch to that19:33
tgm48832) he did upgrades despite the error message, causing a new mythbuntu-repos package to come down and get upgraded19:33
tgm48833) that new -repos package fixes the 0.24.x issue discussed in #119:33
tgm4883thats my best guess19:34
tgm4883alternatively, his proxy was causing the problems19:34
zuixroDoes anyone have experience with OTA DTV on the Hauppauge HVR-1600? I got a UHF antenna today, but I can't seem to get any channels. I'm wondering if I might have misconfigured it.23:48
digitalstimulusi'm back from earlier, was trying to figure out what happened with my mythbuntu repository rejecting updates and upgrades.  is it possible that squid-deb-proxy (supposed to be transparent) was causing the 403 errors?23:57

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