
pleia2akgraner: I sent an email a couple weeks ago (May 22nd), re: Created SuggestedHowToEdit, can you take a look and give some feedback?00:00
pleia2also, since we're postponing the meeting (which was supposed to be now?) are we still going for this weekend as relaunch?00:00
NRWlionnobody awake ?04:30
nhandlerakgraner, pleia2: Sorry for not being able to attend the meeting. I had graduation05:11
nhandlerakgraner: Are you still planning on sending out that second email or blog post about the leadership team?05:12
pleia2nhandler: congrats :)05:15
pleia2I think the meeting was canceled anyway05:15
nhandlerThanks pleia205:16
pleia2working on jono's post from the mailing list for fridge05:17
* nhandler hugs pleia2 05:19
* pleia2 hugs :)05:20
akgranernhandler, I'll use most of the information you added to the wiki and see what else from this week can be added to GCN and write an intro/explanation about the re-launch and move it over to the new template14:37
akgranerand see what still needs to be done before tomorrow and we alert the translation teams14:38
akgranernhandler, thanks for all your awesome work btw...14:38
nhandlerakgraner: Cool14:53
NRWlionhi every1, its weekend time!16:10
* NRWlion dances happily through the chan16:10
NRWlionakgraner: ping16:14
akgranerNRWlion, yes - and btw where did you sent the email to16:14
akgranerI'm not seeing it16:15
* akgraner looks again16:15
NRWlionwell i have it16:16
NRWlionin my daily mail from the list it was in16:16
NRWlioni can send you the original version if needed16:16
akgranernah let me fix things on this end16:16
akgranerNRWlion, don't get in too big of a rush....I love you excitement, but we have a lot to work out...:-)  I guess I am just asking for you to be patient with me as I work through a couple of things16:17
NRWlionakgraner: :D hey i was just answering your question16:18
NRWlioni am sorry that it went such a long mail16:18
akgranerno worries16:18
NRWlionbtw hi Jono!16:18
NRWlionakgraner: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2011-June/001312.html16:18
NRWlionthere you find my mail16:18
akgranerThanks you!16:20
akgranerI'll get to it as soon as I can16:20
jonohey NRWlion :-)16:21
NRWlionakgraner: i have other stuff to do and will be offline for a while so16:21
akgranerk thanks!16:22
NRWlionjono: akgraner and i had a loooong talk yesterday and ... yeah some pages where writen (see my link earlier ;))16:22
akgranerNRWlion, you don't need to inform jono of everything really....16:23
NRWlionakgraner: i dont inform him i am just having small talk16:23
jonoNRWlion, glad all is going well :-)16:24
akgranerI think I'm not sounding like I mean....sorry about that16:24
* NRWlion nods and thanks jono again ... 16:24
NRWlionakgraner: understood your point ;)16:25
NRWlionakgraner: just a short question regarding the meeting you mentioned yesterday: is there one or is it canceled?16:32
akgranerNRWlion, at some point today - I'll see who is around and we will have an informal meeting16:32
akgranerthat's about all I can do for ow16:32
NRWlionakgraner: dont feel pushed from me ;)16:33
NRWlioni was just asking because i planned to go out tonight and visiting a concert16:33
akgranerNRWlion, do your thing there will be a log of anything discussed16:34
akgranerand I'll send it out16:34
NRWlionakgraner: willco16:34
zkriesse_Well hello Mrs. Graner!16:40
NRWlioncu folks. paperwork's waiting ...16:40
zkriesse_And how are you?16:40
NRWlionleaving now wishing you all a great evening18:02
akgraneremail that I sent to the list has now been added to my blog and posted to the planet18:52
akgranerI'll outline the leadership team roles and team organization suggestion next per nhandler's request18:53
pleia2akgraner: and my email from a couple weeks ago?18:53
akgranerpleia2, ummmm.....18:54
akgranerI may have  missed that18:54
pleia216:00:13 < pleia2> akgraner: I sent an email a couple weeks ago (May 22nd), re: Created SuggestedHowToEdit, can you take a look and give some feedback?18:54
akgraneroh that18:54
akgranersorry - I remember that now...I liked it - will give you feedback asap18:55
pleia2thanks :)18:55
akgranerthat wasn't the org I was going to describe in this next post though18:55
pleia2well this is pretty important, and I spent a lot of time on it, so I'd rather not see it be ignored18:56
akgranerpleia2, not ignoring it  - promise..just had an emergency come up19:02
pleia2sure, I mean moving forward, we should review it soon19:03
akgranernods...will do that before the weekend is over (promise :-D)19:03
akgranerso I was thinking nhandler and pleia2 for the fridge....19:14
akgranerholstein, NRWlion, nigelb, and highvoltage to handle UWN19:15
akgraneruntil the team can vote on a team19:16
akgranerI've reached out to jcastro and jono in a pm to ask that I temp assign ownership of the related news teams to the community team until the re'org and leadership team is decided upon19:23
akgranerI'll give my ideas and suggestions, turn over ownership, then back away and let you all work your magic as a team19:24
nhandlerakgraner: It might be easier (at least if you are still going to be online) if you keep ownership until the leadership team19:25
nhandlerakgraner: I also have no issue helping out with getting UWN out the door (especially if we are no longer aiming for weekly releases) now that school is done19:26
akgranernhandler, not sure I will be on IRC much19:26
akgranerwe want to aim for weekly again19:26
* nhandler thinks wehavegone full circle now19:28
nhandler* we have gone19:28
akgranerI just want to make sure UWN is not tied to a person but a whole team19:38
akgranerand that's more open etc19:38
akgranerso I'll finish blogging today about the vision I had and see who all can run with things19:39
akgranerand I think jono and his team will be willing to help as well19:39
NRWlionhey there19:40
holsteinholstein: o/19:48
akgranerI'm working on the email and blog now ...19:49
akgranerand I'll have a call with jono shortly19:49
* NRWlion will be in the background working on his other machine19:50
NRWlionbut if needed, just ping me after i return19:50
akgranerwill do19:52
NRWlionfor now i am taking some "me" time and get dressed for the evening @ home19:53
NRWlioncu laters!19:54
akgranerspoke to highvoltage hopefully he'll be helping again soon as well :-)20:03
akgranerand for the record as I told him - I was completely wrong in how I handled many parts of the UWN session at UDS and  how I responded to highvoltage for that I apologize to everyone for my actions hurt, discouraged, or frustrated....20:05
akgranerfor my actions that hurt....20:06
akgranernow on to get all this worked out :-)20:06
NRWlionlets see: coke, ice-cream, my machine... yep, i am ready ;)20:16
akgranerso jake edge from LWN sent me a great email with some wonderful suggestions I'll pass along to the team as well22:03
NRWlionakgraner: sounds good22:08
akgranerso the UWN, Fridge Editors, and Newsletter Translations teams will be owned by the news team and the ownership of the news team will be temp owned by the community team23:56
akgraner(these refer to the LP teams)23:56
akgranerin order for the news team to no longer be associated to an individual but as and to a team I'm making these ownership changes23:57
akgraneronce the team elects/selects it's leaders the news team in LP will be owned by the news team leadership team23:58
akgranerthe community team will be available if there are any pressing issues that come up once I have stepped away from the team23:59

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