
dpmgood morning all08:20
serfusi have encountered in a error which i don't know how to deal with13:29
serfus'msgstr' is not a valid Python format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: The character that terminates the directive number 1 is not a valid conversion specifier."13:30
serfuson https://translations.launchpad.net/lernid/trunk/+pots/lernid/he/13/+translate13:30
dpmserfus, oh, it's because gettext does not yet support the new style of python string formatters :( The developers should use old style replacements...13:49
serfusdpm, so it's a bug?13:50
dpmserfus, it should be reported as a bug, since it makes the string untranslatable13:51
* serfus is going to report13:51
dpmserfus, feel free to subscribe me to the bug13:55
serfusi will add the ubuntu translation project as affected so it will subscribe the translation coordinators13:56
dpmserfus, please don't add the ubuntu-translations project, as Lernid is not part of the main repository13:57
serfusoh right13:58
dpmit's in universe, so it cannot be translated as part of the Ubuntu project in Launchpad13:58
dpmit can just be translated as a standalone project13:58
serfusokay so i will subscribe only you13:59
dpmthanks serfus :)14:15
serfusdpm, i would appreciate it if you will have a look to see if i got it right14:22
dpmserfus, which bug number was it?14:24
serfusdpm, Bug #79236414:25
ubot4`Launchpad bug 792364 in lernid "string 13 is not translatable (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79236414:25
yurchorCan the Bug #792364 be caused by the mistakingly parsed percent sign in "% of"? When I've translated Lernid I just left it as is and it works.16:07
ubot4`Launchpad bug 792364 in lernid "string 13 is not translatable (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79236416:07
kelemengaborhi dpm, should I open Oneiric translations now? Is it my job to announce it too?17:29
dpmhi kelemengabor, I was going to send an e-mail to the u-t-c list, but since you're here, it's even better :) So here's the situation: the import queue looks good, I've got an announcement blog post draft and I've requested the oneiric langpack exports to be enabled. I'm still waiting for this request to be processed, so I'm not sure whether we should announce it today or wait until Monday. I think we could do it today, though, what do you think?17:33
kelemengaborwell, it would be great if we could have the first langpacks out at the same time17:35
kelemengaboralso, I'm not in a hurry17:35
dpmok, then we leave it until Monday. pitti was away today and he's back on Monday, so it might also be best that he's around to double check the langpacks are ok17:39
dpmcool, let's sync up on Monday then17:39
kelemengaborthen I'll generate some bugspam during the weekend :)17:39
kelemengaborone question about that: we have lots of old l10n bugs with the status Fix Committed. Do you think it is safe to mark them as Fix Released without asking teams to double check?17:41
dpmkelemengabor, I think if they are not a lot, it might be better to ask the teams in a bug comment and mark the bugs as incomplete. If the teams are then unresponsive, the bugs will auto-expire after a while. Another alternative would be to send an e-mail to the mailing list and ask teams to mark their bugs as released (if it applies). It's easy to see the bugs assigned to each team, e.g.:17:57
kelemengaborthere is about 80 of these17:58
dpmthen I'll leave the decision to you as bugmaster :) In any case, I think even if you decide marking them as fix committed, it might be worth sending the e-mail to the translators list. If teams then go and mark the bugs as fix released themselves, it will save you some clicking :)18:01
kelemengaborhm, good idea :)18:02
dpmkelemengabor, btw, do you know about https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface ? It's quite handy when triaging bugs, I tend to use it more and more. For example, to assign a bug to a team, I just reply to the bug e-mail adding:18:04
dpm status triaged18:04
dpm importance low18:04
dpm assignee ubuntu-l10n-hu18:04
dpm(note the required space at the start of each sentence)18:04
kelemengabornot really18:04
serfuslooks like Bug #451673 is still valid in natty18:34
ubot4`Launchpad bug 451673 in yelp (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Untranslated Yelp main page (Ubuntu Help Center) (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 52)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45167318:34
kelemengaborserfus: that's impossible, yelp's main page was completely replaced in Natty with a more easily translatable one19:37
serfusi can't check now but i will check again tomorrow19:42

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